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Titles start with S ( displaying 500 of 2,438 ) | Information |
Saamentutkimus tänään |
Saamentutkimus tänään |
Saša Stanišić: Poetologie und Werkpolitik |
Author/Editor: Amelie Meister,Katja Holweck
Saberes en movimiento: Contribuciones desde la academia y la sociedad civil a los estudios sobre migraciones en Chile |
Author/Editor: Carolina Pinto Baleisan
The Saburo Hasegawa Reader |
Author/Editor: Mark Dean Johnson,Dakin Hart
Sachunterricht in der Informationsgesellschaft |
Author/Editor: Andrea Becher,Eva Blumberg,Thomas Goll,Kerstin Michalik,Claudia Tenberge
Sachunterricht in Praxis und Forschung: Erwartungen an die Didaktik des Sachunterrichts |
Author/Editor: Diethard Cech,Hartmut Giest
Sachunterricht — zwischen Fachbezug und Integration |
Author/Editor: Gerhard Löffler,Volker Möhle,Dietmar von Reeken,Volker Schwier
The Sacramentality of the World and the Mystery of Freedom: Hans Urs von Balthasar, Reader of Origen |
Author/Editor: Elisa Zocchi
Sacred Civics: Building Seven Generation Cities |
Author/Editor: Jayne Engle,Julian Agyeman,Tanya Chung-Tiam-Fook
The Sacred Heart of Jesus |
Author/Editor: Morgan ,David
Sacred Landscapes of Hittites and Luwians: Proceedings of the International Conference Florence, February 6th-8th 2014 in Honour of Franca Pecchioli Daddi |
Author/Editor: Anacleto D'AGOSTINO,Valentina Orsi,GIULIA TORRI
Sacred Men: Law, Torture, and Retribution in Guam |
Author/Editor: Keith L. Camacho
Sacred Mound, Holy Rings: Silbury Hill and the West Kennet Palisade |
Author/Editor: Alasdair Whittle
Sacred Rivals: Catholic Missions and the Making of Islam in Nineteenth-Century France and Algeria |
Author/Editor: Joseph W. Peterson
Sacred Scripture / Sacred Space: The Interlacing of Real Places and Conceptual Spaces in Medieval Art and Architecture |
Author/Editor: Tobias Frese
Sacred Views of Saint Francis: The Sacro Monte di Orta |
Author/Editor: Cynthia O. Ho,J. Ross Peters,Kathleen W. Peters,John McClain
Sacrifice in Modernity: Community, Ritual, Identity : From Nationalism and Nonviolence to Health Care and Harry Potter |
Author/Editor: Joachim Duyndam,Anne-Marie Korte
Sacro Egoismo! - Heinrich Walther und das nationalsozialistische Deutschland |
Author/Editor: Patrick Pfenniger
The Sa'dan Toradja Chant for the Deceased |
Author/Editor: Veen van der ,H.
The Sa'dan Toradja Chant for the Deceased |
The Sa'dan-Toraja |
Author/Editor: Nooy-Palm ,H.
The Sa'dan-Toraja |
S’adapter au changement climatique. Analyse critique des nouvelles politiques de gestion de l’environnement. Cas spécifiques de l’agriculture en Inde et du tourisme hivernal en Suisse |
S’adapter au changement climatique. Analyse critique des nouvelles politiques de gestion de l’environnement. Cas spécifiques de l’agriculture en Inde et du tourisme hivernal en Suisse |
Author/Editor: Dupuis ,Johann
Safeguarding the Quality of Forensic Assessment in Sentencing: A Review Across Western Nations |
Author/Editor: Michiel Van der Wolf
Safeguarding Young People Beyond the Family Home: Responding to Extra- Familial Risks and Harms |
Author/Editor: Carlene Firmin,Michelle Lefevre,Nathalie Huegler,Delphine Peace
Safe Migration and the Politics of Brokered Safety in Southeast Asia |
Author/Editor: Sverre Molland
Safe Performance in a World of Global Networks: Case Studies, Collaborative Practices and Governance Principles |
Author/Editor: Jean-Christophe Le Coze,Benoît Journé
Safer Healthcare: Strategies for the Real World |
Author/Editor: Charles Vincent,René Amalberti
Safe to be open - study on the protection of research data and recommendations for access and usage |
Author/Editor: Guibault, Lucie,Wiebe, Andreas
Safety and Reliability - Safe Societies in a Changing World: Proceedings of ESREL 2018, June 17-21, 2018, Trondheim, Norway |
Author/Editor: Anne Barros,Coen van Gulijk,Stein Haugen,Jan Erik Vinnem,Trond Kongsvik
Safety Cultures, Safety Models: Taking Stock and Moving Forward |
Author/Editor: Claude Gilbert,Benoît Journé,Hervé Laroche,Corinne Bieder
Safety for Particle Accelerators |
Author/Editor: Thomas Otto
Safety in the Digital Age: Sociotechnical Perspectives on Algorithms and Machine Learning |
Author/Editor: Jean-Christophe Le Coze,Stian Antonsen
The Saga of Þórður kakali: The Icelandic Text, with and English Translation by D.M. White |
Author/Editor: D.M. White
Saggi di anglistica e americanistica |
Author/Editor: De Zordo, Ornella
Saggi di Teoria della letteratura: Percorsi tematici |
Author/Editor: Vincenzina Sabelli
Saggi su Plutarco e la sua fortuna |
Author/Editor: Paolo DESIDERI,Angelo Alfredo Casanova
Sag mir, wo du wohnst, und ich sage dir, wen du wählst?: Potenziale und Grenzen des datengestützten Tür-zu-Tür-Wahlkampfs in Deutschland |
Author/Editor: Oliver Koprivnjak
Sago Palm: Multiple Contributions to Food Security and Sustainable Livelihoods |
Author/Editor: Hiroshi Ehara,Yukio Toyoda,Dennis V. Johnson
Sailing from Polis to Empire: Ships in the Eastern Mediterranean during the Hellenistic Period |
Author/Editor: Emmanuel Nantet
Sailors and Traders: A Maritime History of the Pacific Peoples |
Author/Editor: Alastair Couper
A Saint of Our Own: How the Quest for a Holy Hero Helped Catholics Become American |
Author/Editor: Kathleen Sprows Cummings
Sairaanhoitajia Filippiineiltä |
Author/Editor: Vartiainen ,Päivi,Koskela ,Marja,Pitkänen ,Pirkko
Saki (H.H. Munro): Original and Uncollected Stories |
Author/Editor: Bruce Gaston
Sakrale Geographie |
Sakrale Geographie : Essay über den modernen Dschihad und seine Räume |
Author/Editor: Heidenreich ,Elisabeth
Sakrale Schriftbilder: Zur ikonischen Präsenz des Geschriebenen im mittelalterlichen Kirchenraum |
Author/Editor: Tobias Frese,Lisa Horstmann,Franziska Wenig
Sakralität im Wandel: Religiöse Bauten im Stadtraum des 21. Jahrhunderts in Deutschland |
Author/Editor: Beate Löffler,Dunja Sharbat Dar
Sakralmöbel aus Österreich: Von Tischlern und ihren Arbeiten im Zeitalter des Absolutismus. I: Östliche Landesteile |
Author/Editor: Bohr ,Michael
Sakralmöbel aus Österreich. Von Tischlern und ihren Arbeiten im Zeitalter des Absolutismus: II: Kunstlandschaften im Norden, Süden und Westen (Volume 11, Edition 1) |
Author/Editor: Michael Bohr
Sakrament des gegenwärtigen Augenblicks - Ein Klassiker und seine Alltagsmystik in theologischer Relecture |
Author/Editor: Michael Höffner
Salish Archipelago: Environment and Society in the Islands Within and Adjacent to the Salish Sea |
Author/Editor: Moshe Rapaport
Salt and State: An Annotated Translation of the Songshi Salt Monopoly Treatise |
Author/Editor: Cecilia Lee-fang Chien
Salute e disuguaglianze in Europa: Processi sociali e meccanismi individuali in azione |
Author/Editor: Giulia Mascagni
Salvaging Buildings: Reclaiming a Livelihood from the Excesses of Istanbul's Mass Urbanization |
Author/Editor: Erdogan Onur Ceritoglu
Samarbeid om selvhjelp: En antologi om den nye selvhjelpsbevegelsen i Norge |
Author/Editor: Nora Gotaas,Ånund Brottveit,Hilde Hatleskog Zeiner,Marte Feiring
A Samaritan State Revisited: Historical Perspectives on Canadian Foreign Aid |
Author/Editor: Greg Donaghy,David Webster
Sameness and Repetition in Contemporary Media Culture |
Author/Editor: Susana Tosca
Samenhangend mediabeleid |
Author/Editor: WRR
Samenhang in doen en laten. De ontwikkeling van wetenschaps- en technologiebeleid |
Author/Editor: Jonkers ,H.L.,Roschar ,F.M.
Same-Sex Families and Legal Recognition in Europe |
Author/Editor: Marie Digoix
Sametingsvalg: Tilhørighet, deltakelse, partipolitikk |
Author/Editor: Jo Saglie,Mikkel Berg-Nordlie,Torunn Pettersen
samGlobal Environmental Resources: The Ozone Problem |
Samisk kunst og norsk kunsthistorie: Delvise forbindelser |
Author/Editor: Monica Grini
Sammeln nach 1998: Wie Provenienzforschung die Bibliotheken verändert |
Author/Editor: Jürgen Weber
samOeffentliche Planungsziele und staatliche Budgets: Zur Erfuellung oeffentlicher Aufgaben durch nicht-staatliche Entscheidungseinheiten |
Author/Editor: Ulrich Ring
Sampling and statistics in assessment of fresh produce |
Author/Editor: Kerry Walsh,V. A. McGlone,M. Wohlers
Sampling in der Musikproduktion: Das Spannungsfeld zwischen Urheberrecht und Kreativität |
Author/Editor: Georg Fischer
Samsang gjennom livsløpet |
Author/Editor: Regine Vesterlid Strøm,Øyvind Johan Eiksund,Anne Haugland Balsnes
Samtaler mellom profesjonelle og barn som har psykisk syke eller rusavhengige foreldre: Et etisk og narrativt perspektiv |
Author/Editor: Cathrine Grimsgaard
Samuel Beckett and the primacy of love |
Author/Editor: Keller ,John
Samuel Beckett dans les marges du surréalisme: Ou l’écriture du rocking chair |
Author/Editor: Bernard-Olivier Posse
Samvete i Sverige: Om frihet och lydnad från medeltiden till idag |
Author/Editor: Linde Lindkvist,Johannes Ljungberg
Sanctorius Sanctorius and the Origins of Health Measurement |
Author/Editor: Teresa Hollerbach
The Sanctuary City: Immigrant, Refugee, and Receiving Communities in Postindustrial Philadelphia |
Author/Editor: Domenic Vitiello
A Sanctuary of Sounds |
Author/Editor: Andreas Burckhardt
Sandwich - The 'Completest Medieval Town in England': A Study of the Town and Port from its Origins to 1600 |
Author/Editor: Helen Clarke,Mavis E. Mate,Sarah Pearson,Keith Parfitt
Sanitation and Hygiene in Africa: Where do we Stand? |
Author/Editor: Cross ,Piers,Coombes ,Yolande
The Sanitation Triangle: Socio-Culture, Health and Materials |
Author/Editor: Taro Yamauchi,Seiji Nakao,Hidenori Harada
Sanità e assistenza pubblica alla prova della pandemia: L’esperienza italiana |
Author/Editor: Matteo Gnes
Sankofa: Liberation Theologies of West African Women (Circle Jubilee Volume 1) |
Author/Editor: Seyram B. Amenyedzi,Yosi Apollos Maton,Marceline L. Yele
Sanktionierung und Rückfälligkeit von Heranwachsenden |
Author/Editor: Nina Palmowski
Sanojen luonto: Kirjoituksia omaehtoisen ilmaisun poetiikasta ja ympäristöistä |
Author/Editor: Venla Sykäri,Heidi H Mäkelä,Kati Kallio
Sans Papiers: The Social and Economic Lives of Young Undocumented Migrants |
Author/Editor: Alice Block,Nando Sigona,Roger Zetter
Sans sépulture: Modalités et enjeux de la privation de funérailles de la Préhistoire à nos jours |
Author/Editor: Aurore Schmitt,Elisabeth Anstett
Santa Maria degli Angeli: un monastero camaldolese “dimenticato” nel centro di Firenze: Analisi del percorso storico-architettonico in età moderna e contemporanea |
Author/Editor: CHIARA RICCI
Santità e agiografia al femminile: Forme letterarie, tipologie e modelli nel mondo slavo orientale (X-XVII sec.) |
Sapientia Salomonis (Weisheit Salomos) |
Author/Editor: Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr,Walter Ameling,Folker Blischke,Mareike V. Blischke,Alfons Fürst,Rainer Hirsch-Luipold,Heinz-Günther Nesselrath
Sappho: Fragments |
Author/Editor: Jonathan Goldberg,L.O. Aranye Fradenburg Joy
The Saqqara Necropolis through the New Kingdom: Biography of an Ancient Egyptian Cultural Landscape |
Author/Editor: Nico Staring
Sarah Kofman |
Author/Editor: Feyertag ,Karoline
Sars |
Author/Editor: Deborah Davis,Helen F. Siu
Sartorial Fandom: Fashion, Beauty Culture, and Identity |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Affuso,Suzanne Scott
Sata vuotta vesihuoltoa Suomessa 1917-2017 |
Author/Editor: Juuti S. ,Petri,Katko S. ,Tapio,Rajala P. ,Riikka
Satellite Earth Observations and Their Impact on Society and Policy |
Author/Editor: Masami Onoda,Oran R Young
Å satse på dosenter: Et utviklingsarbeid |
Author/Editor: Carl Christian Bachke,Mads Hermansen
›satura‹ – Monströses Schreiben in Antike und Aufklärung: Lucilius, Varro, Horaz, Petron, Martianus Capella, Hamann, Jean Paul |
Author/Editor: Sina Dell'Anno
Sava Mrkalj als Reformator der serbischen Kyrilliza: Mit e. Nachdruck des Salo debeloga jera libo Azbukoprotres. Aus d. Serbokroatischen von Eva Nitsch |
Author/Editor: Miloš Okuka
Save the Womanhood!: Vice, urban immorality and social control in Liverpool, c. 1900-1976 |
Author/Editor: Samantha Caslin
Saving and Investment in the Twenty-First Century: The Great Divergence |
Author/Editor: Carl Christian von Weizsäcker,Hagen M. Krämer
Saving a World Treasure: Protecting Florence from Flooding |
Author/Editor: Gerald Edward Galloway Jr,Günter Blöschl,Marcelo Horacio Garcia,GIOVANNI SEMINARA,Alberto Montanari,Luca Solari
Saving for Development: How Latin America and the Caribbean Can Save More and Better |
Author/Editor: undefined Inter-American Development Bank,Eduardo Cavallo,Tomás Serebrisky
Saving Globalization from its Cheerleaders |
Author/Editor: Birdsall ,N.,Chang ,H.J.,Donk van de ,W.B.J.,Wijffels ,H.
Saving Liberalism from Itself: The Spirit of Political Participation |
Author/Editor: Timothy Stacey
Saving New Sounds: Podcast Preservation and Historiography |
Author/Editor: Jeremy Wade,Eric Hoyt
Sawt, Bodies, Species: Sonic Pluralism in Morocco |
Author/Editor: Gilles Aubry,Anna Richter
sbe22 berlin – Built environment within planetary boundaries |
Author/Editor: Eike Roswag-Klinge,Thomas Lützkendorf,Alexander Passer,Guillaume Habert,Kristin Wellner
Sbornik spravočnych i teoretičeskich materialov. Zabytyj avangard. Rossija - pervaja tret' XX stoletija. Band I |
Author/Editor: K. Kuz'minskij,G. Janecek,A. Oceretjanskij
S-BPM Illustrated: A Storybook about Business Process Modeling and Execution |
Author/Editor: Albert Fleischmann,Stefan Raß,Robert Singer
S-BPM in the Production Industry: A Stakeholder Approach |
Author/Editor: Matthias Neubauer,Christian Stary
S-BPM in the Wild: Practical Value Creation |
Author/Editor: Albert Fleischmann,Werner Schmidt,Christian Stary
Scalar Verb Classes: Scalarity, Thematic Roles, and Arguments in the Estonian Aspectual Lexicon |
Author/Editor: Anne Tamm
Scale: Discourse and Dimensions of Social Life |
Scale: Discourse and Dimensions of Social Life |
Author/Editor: E. Summerson Carr
Scale Matters: The Quality of Quantity in Human Culture and Sociality |
Author/Editor: Thomas Widlok,M. Dores Cruz
Scales of Captivity |
Author/Editor: Mary Pat Brady
Scales of Resistance: Indigenous Women’s Transborder Activism |
Author/Editor: Maylei Blackwell
Scale-ups and High-Growth Firms: Theory, Definitions, and Measurement |
Author/Editor: Alex Coad,Anders Bornhäll,Sven-Olov Daunfeldt,Alexander McKelvie
Scaling a Software Business: The Digitalization Journey |
Author/Editor: Brian Fitzgerald,Klaas-Jan Stol,Sten Minör,Henrik Cosmo
Scaling Migrant Worker Rights: How Advocates Collaborate and Contest State Power |
Author/Editor: Xóchitl Bada,Shannon Gleeson
Scaling of Differential Equations |
Author/Editor: Hans Petter Langtangen,Geir K. Pedersen
Scaling Propensity of Water |
Author/Editor: van Raalte-Drewes ,M. J. C.,Brink ,H.,Feij ,LAC,Slaats ,PGG,van Soest ,E. A. M,Vaal ,P. P. R.,Veenendaal ,G
Scaling-up Higher Order Thinking: Demonstrating a Paradigm for Deep Educational Change |
Author/Editor: Anat Zohar
Scandal and Democracy: Media Politics in Indonesia |
Author/Editor: McCoy Mary
Scarcity in the Modern World: History, Politics, Society and Sustainability, 1800–2075 |
Author/Editor: Fredrik Albritton Jonsson,John Brewer,Neil Fromer,Frank Trentmann
The Scarcity Slot: Excavating Histories of Food Security in Ghana |
Author/Editor: Amanda L. Logan
Scarlet and Black |
Scarlet and Black : Slavery and Dispossession in Rutgers History |
The Scar That Binds: American Culture and the Vietnam War |
Author/Editor: Keith Beattie
Scarti, tracce e frammenti: controarchivio e memoria dell’umano |
Scattered Finds: Archaeology, Egyptology and Museums |
Author/Editor: Alice Stevenson
Scattering Amplitudes in Quantum Field Theory |
Author/Editor: Simon Badger,Johannes Henn,Jan Christoph Plefka,Simone Zoia
Scattering Chaff: Canadian Air Power and Censorship During the Kosovo War |
Scegliere di partecipare: L'impegno dei giovani della provincia di Firenze nelle arene deliberative e nei partiti |
Author/Editor: Lorenzo Grifone Baglioni
Scenes of Sympathy: Identity and Representation in Victorian Fiction |
Author/Editor: Audrey Jaffe
Sceptical Paths Enquiry and Doubt from Antiquity to the Present |
Author/Editor: Racheli Haliva,Stephan Schmid,Emidio Spinelli,Giuseppe Veltri
Scepticism and belief in English witchcraft drama, 1538–1681 |
Author/Editor: Eric Pudney
Schamdynamiken in der stationären Betreuung Jugendlicher: Eine Ethnographie der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe sowie der Behindertenhilfe |
Author/Editor: Sara Blumenthal
Scham und Würde |
Author/Editor: Florian Häubi
Schatten des Unbestimmten: Der Mensch und die Determination technischer Abläufe |
Author/Editor: Albrecht Fritzsche
Schattenwirtschaft: eine Moeglichkeit zur Einschraenkung der oeffentlichen Verwaltung?: Eine oekonomische Analyse |
Author/Editor: Hannelore Weck-Hannemann
Schaufenster der Nation: Symbolische Machtgesten im öffentlichen Raum von London, Paris und Rom im 19. Jahrhundert |
Author/Editor: Jürgen Kramer,Uwe Horst,Werner Hennings
Schauplatz Archiv Objekt – Narrativ – Performanz |
Author/Editor: Klaus Kastberger,Stefan Maurer,Christian Neuhuber
Schauplätze des Reparierens und Selbermachens: Über neue urbane Infrastrukturen der Sorge und der Suffizienz in Wien |
Author/Editor: Michael Jonas,Astrid Segert,Simeon Hassemer
Schauplätze und Themen der Umweltgeschichte - Umwelthistorische Miszellen aus dem Graduiertenkolleg ; Werkstattbericht |
Author/Editor: Herrmann, Bernd,Stobbe, Urte
Schauspiel und Roman im Zeichen des modernen politischen Zionismus: Wolfgang von Weisl: Erlöser, Der Anfang der Wandlung Israels |
Author/Editor: Dietmar Goltschnigg
Scheidung als soziales Risiko: Analysen zu den institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen und den geschlechterspezifischen Folgen von Ehetrennungen in der Schweiz |
Author/Editor: Robert Fluder,Dorian Kessler,Claudia Schuwey
Schein und Anschein: Dynamiken ästhetischer Praxis in der Vormoderne |
Author/Editor: Annette Gerok-Reiter,Martin Kovacs,Volker Leppin,Irmgard Männlein-Robert
Scheitern als Performance: Vom Versagen und seiner politischen Relevanz in der Videokunst |
Author/Editor: Nicole Alber
Scheiternde Subjektivität: Das unglückliche Bewusstsein bei Hegel und Kierkegaard |
Author/Editor: Sebastian Soppa
Scheitern in Praxis und Wissenschaft der Sozialen Arbeit: Reflexions- und Bewältigungspraktiken von Fehlern und Krisen |
Author/Editor: Stefanie Kessler,Karsten König
Schelmuffsky |
Author/Editor: Christian Reuter,Wayne Wonderley
Schets van een beschavingsoffensief |
Author/Editor: Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid;,Brink van den ,Gabriël
Schiller and Music |
Author/Editor: R.M. Longyear
Schillers »Ästhetische Briefe« als Literatur: Der Vollzug von literarischen Praktiken in der ›ästhetischen Kunst‹ |
Author/Editor: Alexa Lucke
Schiller und die Slaven |
Author/Editor: Peter Drews
Schizophrenie des Kindes- und Jugendalters |
Author/Editor: Christian Eggers
Schlachtfelder |
Author/Editor: Langthaler ,Ernst
Schlafend unter Wölfen: Ein Bericht über die im Zoo verkörperten Vorstellungen des Mensch-Tier-Verhältnisses |
Author/Editor: Luzia Hürzeler
Schlaganfallrehabilitation: Vom Wissen zum Handeln |
Author/Editor: Jacob Tiebel
Schlaglichter historischer Forschung. Studien zur deutschen Geschichte im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert |
Author/Editor: Peter Borowsky,Rainer Hering,Rainer Nicolaysen
Schülerauslese, schulische Beurteilung und Schülertests 1880–1980 |
Author/Editor: Sabine Reh,Patrick Bühler,Michèle Hofmann,Vera Moser
Schüler*innen – Studierende – Inklusion: Orientierungen auf dem Weg zu differenzsensibler Lehrer*innenbildung? |
Author/Editor: Maren Oldenburg
Schülerperspektiven auf die zeitliche Entwicklung der Naturwissenschaften |
Author/Editor: Janne Krüger
Schlüsselqualifikationen für Studium, Beruf und Gesellschaft |
Author/Editor: Robertson-von Trotha ,Caroline Y.
Schlüsselwerke der sozialwissenschaftlichen Klimaforschung |
Author/Editor: Youssef Ibrahim,Simone Rödder
Schluesselzuweisungen und fiskalische Ungleichheit: Eine theoretische Analyse der Verteilung von Schluesselzuweisungen an Kommunen |
Author/Editor: Thomas Kuhn
Schluesselzuweisungen und Kreisumlage: Die Problematik der Finanzierung der Landkreise am Beispiel des kommunalen Finanzausgleichs von Rheinland-Pfalz |
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Scherf
Schlussfolgern |
Author/Editor: Jonas Held
Schluss mit dem Klischee vom draufgängerischen Kriegsreporter: Arbeitsbedingungen deutschsprachiger Journalisten während der Kriege im ehemaligen Jugoslawien |
Author/Editor: Marie-Kristin Kalich
Schmerzengeld für Schock- und Trauerschäden |
Author/Editor: Stiegler ,Anita Maria
Schmerz, Gender und Avantgarde: Violette Leduc und Nicole Caligaris im Kanon der französischen Literatur des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts |
Author/Editor: Franziska Kutzick
Schneller, weiter, billiger, mehr? Mobilität und Verkehr in der Schweiz seit 1918 |
Author/Editor: Markus Sieber
Schöne Momente pflegender Angehöriger in der Pflege und Begleitung von Menschen mit Demenz: Eine Tagebuchstudie |
Author/Editor: Anna Kiefer
Schönes alltäglich erleben: Über die Ästhetisierung der Kultur |
Author/Editor: Kaspar Maase
Schöne Wissenschaften: Sammeln, Ordnen und Präsentieren im josephinischen Wien |
"Schönheit gibt es nur noch im Kampf" - Zum Verhältnis von Gewalt und Ästhetik im italienischen Futurismus |
Author/Editor: Hans, Henrike
Schönheit gibt es nur noch im Kampf - Zum Verhältnis von Gewalt und Ästhetik im italienischen Futurismus |
Schönheitsdiskurse in der Literatur des Mittelalters: Die Propädeutik des Fleisches zwischen ‚aisthesis‘ und Ästhetik |
Author/Editor: Fabian David Scheidel
Schnittstelle Kunst - Vermittlung |
Author/Editor: Carmen Mörsch
SCHNITZLER:REIGEN (2BD.E) E-BOOK OA Historisch-kritische Ausgabe |
Author/Editor: Marina Rauchenbacher,Konstanze Fliedl
The Scholar and the State: Fiction as Political Discourse in Late Imperial China |
Author/Editor: Liangyan Ge
The Scholar as Human: Research and Teaching for Public Impact |
Author/Editor: Anna Sims Bartel,Debra A. Castillo
Scholarly Communication and Academic Presses |
Author/Editor: Tammaro, Anna Maria
A scholarly contribution to educational praxis |
A scholarly inquiry into disciplinary practices in educational institutions |
Author/Editor: Corene de Wet,Izak J. Oosthuizen,Marius H. Smit,Amos T. Thebenyane,Andre van der Bijl,Johann van der Walt,Rika Joubert,Charl C. Wolhuter,Ansie E. Kitching,Connie B. Zulu,Michael L. Marumo,Zahraa McDonald,Nicholus T. Mollo,Louis J. Oosthuizen,Ferdinand J.
Scholars at War |
Author/Editor: Gray ,Geoffrey,Munro ,Doug,Winter ,Christine
Scholarship in Action: Essays on the Life and Work of Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936) |
Author/Editor: Léon Buskens,Jan Just Witkam,Annemarie van Sandwijk
Scholarship of education and human rights in diversity: Engaging discourses from the South |
Author/Editor: Charl C. Wolhuter,Erika Serfontein,Louise Postma,Ferdinand J. Potgieter,Louw De Beer,Anja Visser,Shantha Naidoo,Corlia Twine,Mallery Mitchell,Johan Botha,Oliver Gore,Nicholus T. Mollo,Deon Vos,Charl C. Wolhuter,Izak Oosthuizen,Celestin Mayombe,Erika M. Se
Scholars in Action (2 vols): The Practice of Knowledge and the Figure of the Savant in the 18th Century |
Author/Editor: André Holenstein,Philippe Rogger,Hubert Steinke,Martin Stuber
Scholars in Exile: The Ukranian Intellectual World in Interwar Czechoslovakia |
Author/Editor: Nadia Zavorotna
Scholars, Travellers and Trade |
Author/Editor: R. B. Halbertsma
The Scholia on Cicero’s Speeches: Contexts and Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Christoph Pieper,Dennis Pausch
School Food, Equity and Social Justice: Critical Reflections and Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Dorte Ruge,Irene Torres,Darren Powell
Schooling for Refugee Children: A social justice perspective informed by children from Syria |
Author/Editor: Eleanore Hargreaves,Brian Lally,Bassel Akar,Jumana Al-Waeli,Jasmine Costello
Schooling for Social Justice, Equity and Inclusion: Problematizing Theory, Policy and Practice |
Author/Editor: Denise Mifsud
The School of Salamanca: A Case of Global Knowledge Production |
Author/Editor: Thomas Duve,José Luis Egío,Christiane Birr
Schools and Society During the COVID-19 Pandemic: How Education Systems Changed and the Road Ahead |
Author/Editor: Fernando M. Reimers
Schools as Community Hubs: Building ‘More than a School’ for Community Benefit |
Author/Editor: Benjamin Cleveland,Sarah Backhouse,Philippa Chandler,Ian McShane,Janet M. Clinton,Clare Newton
Schoolteachers and the Nordic Model: Comparative and Historical Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Jesper Eckhardt Larsen,Barbara Schulte,Fredrik W. Thue
Schopenhauer educatore?: Storia e crisi di un'idea tra filosofia morale, estetica e antropologia |
Schöpferische Erfahrungen von Grundschulkindern und Studierenden beim Schreiben: Eine phänomenologische Studie |
Author/Editor: Franziska Herrmann
Schreibend werden: Subjektivierungsprozesse in der Migrationsgesellschaft |
Author/Editor: Magdalena Knappik
Schreiben im Widerspruch: Nicht-/Zugehörigkeit bei Herta Müller und Ilma Rakusa |
Author/Editor: Marion Acker
Schreiben im Zwiegespräch / Writing as Dialogue: Praktiken des Mentorats und Lektorats in der zeitgenössischen Literatur / Practices of editors and mentors in contemporary literature |
Author/Editor: Johanne Mohs,Katrin Zimmermann,Marie Caffari
Schreiben mit der Hand: Begriffe – Diskurs – Praktiken |
Author/Editor: Andi Gredig
Schreiben, Reflektieren, Kommunizieren: Studie zur subjektiven Wahrnehmung von Schreibprozessen bei Studierenden |
Author/Editor: Nadja Sennewald
Schreiben und Lesen im Altisländischen: Die Lexeme, syntagmatischen Relationen und Konzepte in der "Jóns saga helga", "Sturlunga saga" und "Laurentius saga biskups" |
Author/Editor: Kevin Müller
Schreibweisen des Exotismus: Sinnesfülle und Fremdheit in der westeuropäischen Literatur vom 18. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert |
Author/Editor: Franziska Bergmann
Schriftentausch zwischen Bibliotheken der DDR und der BRD mit einer Nutzenanalyse am Beispiel der SLB Dresden |
Author/Editor: Ines Pampel
Schriften zu Kunst und Film |
Author/Editor: Günther Anders
Schriften zur Universitätsidee |
Author/Editor: Oliver Immel
»Schrift [...] fällt beim Lesen nicht ab wie Schlacke«: Die buchmediale Visualität von Walter Benjamins Ursprung des deutschen Trauerspiels |
Author/Editor: Sven Schöpf
Schriftlichkeit: Aktivität, Agentialität und Aktanten der Schrift |
Author/Editor: Martin Bartelmus,Alexander Nebrig
Schriftordnungen im Wandel: Produktions-, Gebrauchs- und Aufbewahrungspraktiken von klösterlichem Schriftgut in Königsfelden (1300–1600) |
Author/Editor: Tobias Hodel
Schrift und Herrschaft: Facetten einer komplizierten Beziehung |
Author/Editor: Ines Soldwisch,Rüdiger Haude,Klaus Freitag
Schrijverschap in de Belgische belle époque. Een sociaal-culturele geschiedenis |
Author/Editor: Verbruggen ,Christophe
The Schüssel Era in Austria |
Author/Editor: Bischof ,Günter,Plasser ,Fritz
The Schüssel Era in Austria |
Schützende Bewältigung: Eine Grounded Theory zu Diskriminierungserfahrungen von Fachkräften in der Sozialen Arbeit |
Author/Editor: Araththy Logeswaran
Schulbücher als Vermittler der Europäischen Integration?: Eine produkt- und wirkungsorientierte Studie zum politischen Fachunterricht (Volume 10, Edition 1) |
Author/Editor: Marret Bischewski,Monika Oberle,Christian Tatje
Schulbezogene Motivierungspraktiken von Eltern: Verbale Wert- und Kontrollzuschreibungen gegenüber Kindern beim Übertritt in die Sekundarstufe I |
Author/Editor: Erich Steiner
Schulbuch und religiöse Vielfalt: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven |
Author/Editor: Zrinka Štimac,Riem Spielhaus
Schule am Ende der Buchkultur: Medientheoretische Begründungen schulischer Bildungsarchitekturen |
Author/Editor: Jeanette Böhme
Schule der Gesellschaft: Wissensordnungen von Zürcher Unterrichtspraktiken zwischen 1771 und 1834 |
Author/Editor: De Vincenti ,Andrea
Schule entwickeln: Jahrgangsmischung in der Grundschule: Eine empirische Studie zur pragmatisch bedingten Initiierung und Implementierung aus Sicht von Schulleitungen und Lehrkräften |
Author/Editor: Magdalena Sonnleitner
Schule im deutschen Spielfilm: Filmische Dimensionen von Bildung, Erziehung und sozialer Selektion |
Author/Editor: Christian Rüdiger
Schule nach Parsons: Auf dem Weg zu einer normativfunktionalistischen Schultheorie |
Author/Editor: Richard Lischka-Schmidt
Schulen in herausfordernden Lagen – Forschungsbefunde und Schulentwicklung in der Region Ruhr: Das Projekt »Potenziale entwickeln – Schulen stärken« |
Author/Editor: Isabell van Ackeren,Heinz Günter Holtappels,Nina Bremm,Annika Hillebrand-Petri
Schulentwicklung |
Author/Editor: Fischer ,Silke
Schulentwicklung: Bildungspolitische Wunschvorstellung oder paedagogische Realitaet? |
Author/Editor: Silke Fischer
Schulentwicklung Inklusion: Empirische Einzelfallstudie eines Schulentwicklungsprozesses |
Author/Editor: Angelika Bengel
Schulentwicklungsprozesse für Bildung in der digitalen Welt |
Author/Editor: Lisa Gageik,Monika Aufleger,Denise Demski,Denise Detlof,Daniel Diekmann,Kerstin Drossel,Tobias Düttmann,Johanna Egli,Birgit Eickelmann,Manuela Endberg,Lara-Idil Engec,Britta Ervens,Marco Hasselkuß,Maria Bannert,Karim Fereidooni,Frank Fischer,Christian För
Schule und Pathologisierung |
Author/Editor: Ralf Mayer,Julia Golle,Ralf Parade,Steffen Wittig
Schule und Unterricht im digitalen Wandel: Ansätze und Erträge rekonstruktiver Forschung |
Author/Editor: Matthias Proske,Nadine Wagener-Böck,Eike Wolf,Kerstin Rabenstein,Anna Moldenhauer,Sven Thiersch,Annekathrin Bock,Matthias Herrle,Markus Hoffmann,Anja Langer,Felicitas Macgilchrist
Schule und Zivilreligion: Die Diskussion über den schulischen Religionsunterricht im Kanton Zürich 1872 und 2004. |
Author/Editor: Rahel Katzenstein
Schulisch-berufliche Übergänge im Kontext von Inkl usion: Studie zu Unterstützungsstrategien für förderbedür ftige junge Menschen (Volume 66) |
Author/Editor: Yuliya Nepomyashcha
Schulische Inklusion als widersprüchliche Herausforderung: Empirische Rekonstruktionen zur Bearbeitung durch Lehrkräfte |
Author/Editor: Bettina Reiss-Semmler
Schulische Medienbildung und Digitalisierung im Kontext von Behinderung und Benachteiligung |
Author/Editor: Jan-René Schluchter,Joachim Betz
Schulkulturen in der gymnasialen Oberstufe: Eine explorative Studie zu kulturellen Passungsverhältnissen und Schule-Milieu-Komplexen in der Sekundarstufe II |
Author/Editor: Johanna Lojewski
Schulmusik für alle?: Zur Legitimation des Unterrichtsfachs Musik |
Author/Editor: Markus Cslovjecsek
Schulsysteme beschreiben und gestalten: Bildungsmonitoring in der Schweiz |
Author/Editor: Flavian Imlig
Schutz und Andacht im Islam: Dokumente in Rollenform aus dem 14.–19. Jh. |
Author/Editor: Tobias Nünlist
Schwanksammlungen im frühneuzeitlichen Medienumbruch: Transformationen eines sequentiellen Erzählparadigmas |
Author/Editor: Seraina Plotke,Stefan Seeber
Schwarze deutsche Kolonialsoldaten: Mehrdeutige Repräsentationsräume und früher Kosmopolitismus in Afrika |
Author/Editor: Stefanie Michels
Schweizerdeutsch und Sprachbewusstsein: Zur Konsolidierung der Deutschschweizer Diglossie im 19. Jahrhundert |
Author/Editor: Emanuel Ruoss
Schweizer Jahrbuch fuer Musikwissenschaft- Annales Suisses de Musicologie- Annuario Svizzero di Musicologia: Schweizer Jahrbuch fuer Musikwissenschaft- Annales Suisses de Musicologie- Annuario Svizzero di Musicologia Neue Folge / Nouvelle Série / Nuova Se |
Author/Editor: Luca Zoppelli
Schweizer Jahrbuch fuer Musikwissenschaft- Annales Suisses de Musicologie-Annuario Svizzero di Musicologia: Schweizer Jahrbuch fuer Musikwissenschaft- Annales Suisses de Musicologie- Annuario Svizzero di Musicologia Neue Folge / Nouvelle Série / Nuova Ser |
Author/Editor: Luca Zoppelli
Schwellenzeiten |
Author/Editor: David Atwood
Schwertträger und Gotteskrieger: Untersuchungen zur frühmittelalterlichen Kriegergesellschaft Alemanniens |
Author/Editor: Rafael Wagner
Schwerwiegende Fehlentscheidungen im Lebensrückblick |
Author/Editor: Lengert ,Andrea,Tegge ,Jill
Schwierigkeiten mit der kritischen Geographie: Studien zu einer reflexiven Theorie der Gesellschaft |
Author/Editor: Benedikt Korf
Schwärme im Recht |
Author/Editor: Ben Köhler,Stefan Korch
Science |
Author/Editor: Vanessa Kind,Keith Taber
Science and Culture for Members Only |
Author/Editor: Mehos ,Donna C.
Science and Faith in Dialogue |
Author/Editor: Marcos Eberlin,Frederik van Niekerk,Frederick van Niekerk,Guillermo Gonzalez,Nico Vorster,Michael N. Keas,Fazale R. Rana,Hugh Ross,James M. Tour,Casey Luskin,Stephen C. Meyer,Brian Miller
Science and Innovations for Food Systems Transformation |
Author/Editor: Joachim von Braun,Kaosar Afsana,Louise O. Fresco,Mohamed Hag Ali Hassan
Science and Technology Governance and Ethics: A Global Perspective from Europe, India and China |
Author/Editor: Miltos Ladikas,Sachin Chaturvedi,Yandong Zhao,Dirk Stemerding
The Science and Technology of Particle Accelerators |
Author/Editor: Rob Appleby,Graeme Burt,James Clarke,Hywel Owen
Science and the politics of openness : Here be monsters |
Science, (Anti-)Communism and Diplomacy: The Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs in the Early Cold War |
Author/Editor: Alison Kraft,Carola Sachse
Science as Social Existence |
Author/Editor: Kochan ,Jeff
Science at the end of empire: Experts and the development of the British Caribbean, 1940-62 |
Author/Editor: Sabine Clarke
Science between Norms and Nature: Tenets, Variations, Transformations in Scientific Research |
Author/Editor: Elena Wiederhold,Matthias Lutz-Bachmann,Enrico Schleiff
The Science Communication Challenge: Truth and Disagreement in Democratic Knowledge Societies |
Author/Editor: Gitte Meyer
Science Communication in South Africa: Reflections on Current Issues |
Author/Editor: Peter Weingart,Marina Joubert,Bankole Falade
Science Communication Online: Engaging Experts and Publics on the Internet |
Author/Editor: Ashley Mehlenbacher
Science Education |
Author/Editor: Markus Bohlmann
Science et émotion: Le rôle de l'émotion dans la pratique de la recherche |
Author/Editor: Emmanuel Petit
Science Fiction and Climate Change: A Sociological Approach |
Author/Editor: Andrew Milner,J.R. Burgmann
Science Fiction Cinema and 1950s Britain: Recontextualising the Golden Age |
Author/Editor: Matthew Jones
Science Fiction im Radio: Programm und Sound utopischer Hörspiele in der Deutschschweiz von 1935 bis 1985 |
Author/Editor: Felix Wirth
Science Fiction in Argentina: Technologies of the Text in a Material Multiverse |
Author/Editor: Joanna Page
Science Fiction Literature in East Germany |
Author/Editor: Sonja Fritzsche
Science, Information, and Policy Interface for Effective Coastal and Ocean Management |
Author/Editor: Julia Jansson,Bertrum H. MacDonald,Suzette S. Soomai,Elizabeth M. De Santo,Peter G. Wells
Science in Movements: Knowledge Control and Social Contestation in China’s Hydropower, GMO and Nuclear Controversies |
Author/Editor: Hepeng Jia
Science in the Forest, Science in the Past |
Author/Editor: Geoffrey E. R. Lloyd,Aparecida Vilaça
The Science-Media Interface: On the Relation Between Internal and External Science Communication |
Author/Editor: Irene Broer,Steffen Lemke,Athanasios Mazarakis,Isabella Peters,Christian Zinke-Wehlmann
The Science of Citizen Science |
Author/Editor: Katrin Vohland,Anne Land-zandstra,Luigi Ceccaroni,Rob Lemmens,Josep Perelló,Marisa Ponti,Roeland Samson,Katherin Wagenknecht
The Science of Naples: Making knowledge in Italy’s pre-eminent city, 1500-1800 |
Author/Editor: Lorenza Gianfrancesco,Neil Tarrant
The science of population and birth control in post-war Japan |
Author/Editor: Homei ,Aya
Science of Societal Safety: Living at Times of Risks and Disasters |
Author/Editor: Seiji Abe,Mamoru Ozawa,Yoshiaki Kawata
Science Policy under Thatcher |
Author/Editor: Jon Agar
Science's First Mistake: Delusions in Pursuit of Theory |
Author/Editor: Ian O. Angell,Dionysios Demetis
Science Studies: Probing the Dynamics of Scientific Knowledge |
Author/Editor: Sabine Maasen,Matthias Winterhager
Science, Technology, and Medicine in the Modern Japanese Empire |
Science & Technology Studies Elsewhere: A Postcolonial Programme |
Author/Editor: Alexandra Hofmänner
Science TQM, New Quality Management Principle: The Quality Management Strategy of Toyota |
Author/Editor: Kakuro Amasaka
Scientific Communication: Practices, Theories, and Pedagogies |
Author/Editor: Han Yu,Kathryn M. Northcut
Scientific Competition |
Author/Editor: Max Albert,Stefan Voigt,Dieter Schmidtchen
Scientific Freedom |
Author/Editor: Simona Giordano,John Coggon,Marco Cappato
The Scientific Imaginary in Visual Culture |
Author/Editor: Anneke Smelik
Scientific Integrity: The Rules of Academic Research |
Author/Editor: Kees Schuyt,Kristen Gehrman
Scientific Programming and Computer Architecture |
Author/Editor: Divakar Viswanath
The Scientific Revolution Revisited |
Author/Editor: Teich ,Mikuláš
Scientific Understanding: What It Is and How It Is Achieved |
Author/Editor: Anna Elisabeth Höhl
Scientific writing and publishing in medicine and health sciences: A quick guide in English and German |
Author/Editor: Jochen Cals,Daniel Kotz
Scientology: Kulturbeobachtungen jenseits der Devianz |
Author/Editor: Gerald Willms
Scienza e arte: chimica, arti figurative e letteratura |
Author/Editor: Vincenzo Schettino
Scienza e opinione pubblica: Una relazione da ridefinire |
Author/Editor: Fulvio Guatelli
S/confinare: I rapporti culturali italo-svizzeri tra associazionismo, editoria e propaganda (1935-1965) |
Author/Editor: Alessandro Bosco,Stefano Bragato,Felicity Brunner,Tatiana Crivelli,Raffaella Castagnola Rossini
Score Reporting Research and Applications |
Author/Editor: Diego Zapata-Rivera
Scorsese and Religion |
Author/Editor: Christopher B. Barnett,Clark J. Elliston
Scottish Education and Society since 1945: Democracy and Intellect |
Author/Editor: Lindsay Paterson
Scraps of Hope in Banda Aceh: Gendered Urban Politics in the Aceh Peace Process |
Author/Editor: Marjaana Jauhola
Screen Genealogies: From Optical Device to Environmental Medium |
Author/Editor: Craig Buckley,Rüdiger Campe,Francesco Casetti
Screen Industries in East-Central Europe |
Author/Editor: Petr Szczepanik
Screening Auschwitz: Wanda Jakubowska's The Last Stage and the Politics of Commemoration |
Author/Editor: Marek Haltof
Screening Europe in Australasia: Transnational silent film before and after the rise of Hollywood |
Author/Editor: Julie K. Allen
Screening Nature: Cinema Beyond the Human |
Author/Editor: Anat Pick,Guinevere Narraway
Screening Race in American Nontheatrical Film |
Author/Editor: Marsha Gordon,Allyson Nadia Field
Screens |
Author/Editor: Chateau ,Dominique,Moure ,José
Screen Space Reconfigured |
Author/Editor: Susanne Saether,Synne Tollerud Bull
Screenwriting: Creative Labor and Professional Practice |
Author/Editor: Bridget Conor
Scripta manent". Historia del español, documentación archivística y humanidades digitales: Diacronía del español y documentación histórica |
Author/Editor: Miguel Calderón Campos,Inmaculada González Sopeña
Script and Society: The Social Context of Writing Practices in Late Bronze Age Ugarit |
Author/Editor: Philip J. Boyes
Script Effects as the Hidden Drive of the Mind, Cognition, and Culture |
Author/Editor: Hye K. Pae
Scripting Farming Simulator with Lua: Unlocking the Virtual Fields |
Author/Editor: Zander Brumbaugh,Manuel Leithner
Scripts and Texts |
Author/Editor: Alexandra Mullen,Alan Bowman
Scriptures, Shrines, Scapegoats, and World Politics: Religious Sources of Conflict and Cooperation in the Modern Era |
Author/Editor: Zeev Maoz,Errol A. Henderson
Scritti giovanili: Volume I |
Author/Editor: Piero Antonio Carnemolla
Scrittori alla radio: Interventi, riviste e radiodrammi per un'arte invisibile |
Author/Editor: Rodolfo Sacchettini
Scriver dei figli: Lettere ‘eccellenti’ tra Medioevo ed età moderna (XIV-XVIII secolo) |
Author/Editor: Monica Ferrari,Matteo Morandi,Federico Piseri,Patricia Rochwert-Zuili,Hélène Thieulin-Pardo
Scrutinising Polarisation: Patterns and Consequences of Occupational Transformation in the Swedish Labour Market |
Author/Editor: Tomas Berglund,Ylva Ulfsdotter Eriksson
Scuole in movimento: Progettare insieme tra pedagogia, architettura e design |
Author/Editor: Beate Weyland,Ulrike Stadler-Altmann,Alessandra Galletti,Kuno Prey
Süddeutsche Hofkapellen im 18. Jahrhundert: Eine Bestandsaufnahme |
Author/Editor: Silke Leopold,Pelker Bärbel
SDGs, Transformation, and Quality Growth: Insights from International Cooperation |
Author/Editor: Akio Hosono
Sea-changes - Melville - Forster - Britten |
Author/Editor: Rochlitz, Hanna
Seafood from Catch and Aquaculture for a Sustainable Supply |
Author/Editor: Bianca Maria Poli,Giuliana Parisi
Señales mutuas: Estudios transatlánticos de literatura española y mexicana hoy |
Author/Editor: Erika Martínez
Seamless Learning: Grenz- und kontextübergreifendes Lehren und Lernen in der Bodenseeregion |
Author/Editor: Bernadette Dilger,Jennifer Erlemann,Claude Müller,Christian Rapp
Sea Monsters: Things from the Sea, Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: Thea Tomaini,Asa Simon Mittman
Sea of Literatures: Towards a Theory of Mediterranean Literature |
Author/Editor: Angela Fabris,Albert Göschl,Steffen Schneider
The Search for the First Americans: Science, Power, Politics |
Author/Editor: Robert Davis
The Search for Ultralight Bosonic Dark Matter |
Author/Editor: Derek F. Jackson Kimball,Karl van Bibber
The search for wellbeing and health between the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period |
Author/Editor: Javier López Rider
Searching for Order in Body Clocks: Circadian Rhythms and Redox Balance |
Author/Editor: Marta del Olmo
Searching for Sharing |
Searching for the 17th Century on Nevis: The Survey and Excavation of Two Early Plantation Sites |
Author/Editor: Robert Philpott,Roger Leech,Elaine L. Morris
Sea Spots: Perzeption und Repräsentation maritimer Räume im Kontext englischer und niederländischer Explorationen um 1600 |
Author/Editor: Franziska Hilfiker
Seawater Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) Desalination: Energy consumption in plants, advanced low-energy technologies, and future developments for improving energy efficiency |
Author/Editor: Seungkwan Hong,Kiho Park,Jungbin Kim,Abayomi Babatunde Alayande,Youngjin Kim
Sebastian Brant (1457–1521): Europäisches Wissen in der Hand eines Intellektuellen der Frühen Neuzeit |
Author/Editor: Peter Andersen,Nikolaus Henkel
Sebastiano Ricci impresario d’opera a Venezia nel primo Settecento |
Author/Editor: Gianluca Stefani
Secession and Referendum: A new Dimension of International Law on Territorial Changes? |
Author/Editor: Giulia Landi
Secession and Security |
Secession and Security : Explaining State Strategy against Separatists |
Author/Editor: Butt ,Ahsan I.
Secession and Separatist Conflicts in Postcolonial Africa |
Author/Editor: Toyin Falola,Charles G. Thomas
Secondary Analysis of Electronic Health Records |
Author/Editor: MIT Critical Data
Second Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea Basin |
Author/Editor: The BACC II Author Team
Second Chance: My Life in Things |
Author/Editor: Ruth Rosengarten
A Second Life |
Secondo Convegno Nazionale della Società Italiana di Scienze Sensoriali |
Author/Editor: Monteleone, Erminio,Bertuccioli, Mario
Secondo Convegno Nazionale della Società Italiana di Scienze Sensoriali |
Second Report on the Excavations of the Roman Fort at Richborough, Kent |
Author/Editor: J. P. Bushe-Fox
Second report on the excavations on the site of the Roman town at Wroxeter, Shropshire, 1913 |
Author/Editor: Joscelyn Plunkett Bushe-Fox
The Second World War in the Twenty-First-Century Museum |
Author/Editor: Stephan Jaeger
The Second World War, Vol. 3 |
Author/Editor: Philip D. Grove,Mark J. Grove,Alastair Finlan
The Secret of Time: Reconfiguring Wisdom in the Dead Sea Scrolls |
Author/Editor: Arjen F. Bakker
Sectarianism and Renewal in 1920s Romania: The Limits of Orthodoxy and Nation-Building |
Author/Editor: Roland Clark
« Sectes » et « hérésies », de l'Antiquité à nos jours |
Author/Editor: Anne Morelli,Olivier Damme,Guy Janssen,Régis Dericquebourg,Jean Baubérot,Fr Lauwaert,Anne Morelli,Pierre Frédéric Daled,Baudouin Decharneux,Yannis Thanassekos,Nicolas Bogaerts,Benoît Beyer de Ryke,Jeannine Vereecken,Jan Roegiers
Sector-Based Action Against Corruption: A Guide for Organisations and Professionals |
Author/Editor: Mark Pyman,Paul M. Heywood
Sectorstructuurbeleid: mogelijkheden en beperkingen : Preadviezen bij het rapport Plaats en toekomst van de Nederlandse industrie |
Author/Editor: Duijn van ,J.J.
Sectorstructuur en economische groei: een eenvoedig groeimodel met zes sectoren van de Nederlandse economie in de periode na de Tweede Wereldoorlog |
Author/Editor: Kuipers ,S.K.,Muysken ,J.,Berg van den ,D.J.,Zon van ,A.H.
Sectorstudie toezicht hoger onderwijs - 64 |
Author/Editor: Huisman ,P.,Vijlder de ,F.
Secular Bodies, Affects and Emotions: European Configurations |
Author/Editor: Monique Scheer,Nadia Fadil,Birgitte Schepelern Johansen
Secularism, Assimilation and the Crisis of Multiculturalism |
Author/Editor: Jansen ,Yolande
Secularism or Democracy? |
Author/Editor: Bader ,Veit
Securing Peace: State-building and Economic Development in Post-conflict Countries |
Author/Editor: Richard Kozul-Wright,Piergiuseppe Fortunato
Securing Village Life: Development in Late Colonial Papua New Guinea |
Author/Editor: MacWilliam ,Scott
Securitising Decolonisation: The Silencing of Ewe and Togoland Unification under United Nations Trusteeship, 1945-1960 |
Author/Editor: Julius Heise
Securitization and Democracy in Eurasia: Transformation and Development in the OSCE Region |
Author/Editor: Anja Mihr,Paolo Sorbello,Brigitte Weiffen
Securitization of Islam: A Vicious Circle |
Author/Editor: Kathrin Lenz-Raymann
Securitization of Islam: A Vicious Circle : Counter-Terrorism and Freedom of Religion in Central Asia |
Author/Editor: Lenz-Raymann ,Kathrin
Securitization Outside the West: West African Security Reconceptualised |
Author/Editor: Christian Kaunert,Edwin Ezeokafor
Security and Privacy |
Author/Editor: Miller ,Seumas,Mameli ,Peter,Kleinig ,John,Salane ,Douglas,Schwartz ,Adina
Security and Sustainable Development in Myanmar |
Author/Editor: Helen James
Security. Cooperation. Governance.: The Canada-United States Open Border Paradox |
Author/Editor: Christian Leuprecht,Todd Hataley
The Security Council's Contribution to a Global Concept of the Rule of Law |
Author/Editor: Nuscha Wieczorek
Security, Disinformation and Harmful Narratives: RT and Sputnik News Coverage about Sweden |
Author/Editor: Maria Hellman
Security in an Interconnected World: A Strategic Vision for Defence Policy |
Author/Editor: Ernst Hirsch Ballin,Huub Dijstelbloem,Peter de Goede
Security in a Small Nation |
Security in Computer and Information Sciences: First International ISCIS Security Workshop 2018, Euro-CYBERSEC 2018, London, UK, February 26-27, 2018, Revised Selected Papers |
Author/Editor: Erol Gelenbe,Paolo Campegiani,Tadeusz Czachórski,Sokratis K. Katsikas,Ioannis Komnios,Luigi Romano,Dimitrios Tzovaras
Security in Computer and Information Sciences: Second International Symposium, EuroCybersec 2021, Nice, France, October 25–26, 2021, Revised Selected Papers |
Author/Editor: Erol Gelenbe,Marija Jankovic,Dionysios Kehagias,Anna Marton,Andras Vilmos
Security in Distributed, Grid, Mobile, and Pervasive Computing |
Author/Editor: Yang Xiao
Security Infrastructure Technology for Integrated Utilization of Big Data: Applied to the Living Safety and Medical Fields |
Author/Editor: Atsuko Miyaji,Tomoaki Mimoto
Security, Loyalty, and Science |
Author/Editor: Walter Gellhorn
Security/Mobility |
Security/Mobility : Politics of Movement |
Security of Networks and Services in an All-Connected World: 11th IFIP WG 6.6 International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management, and Security, AIMS 2017, Zurich, Switzerland, July 10-13, 2017, Proceedings |
Author/Editor: Daphne Tuncer,Robert Koch,Rémi Badonnel,Burkhard Stiller
Security of Ubiquitous Computing Systems: Selected Topics |
Author/Editor: Gildas Avoine,Julio Hernandez-Castro
Security Risk Management for the Internet of Things: Technologies and Techniques for IoT Security, Privacy and Data Protection |
Author/Editor: John Soldatos
The Security Sector Governance–Migration Nexus: Rethinking how Security Sector Governance matters for migrants’ rights |
Author/Editor: Sarah Wolff
Security Sector Reform and Citizen Security: Experiences from Urban Latin America in Global Perspective |
Author/Editor: Robert Muggah,John de Boer
Security Sector Reform: Narrowing the Gap between Theory and Practice |
Author/Editor: Albrecht Schnabel,Hans Born
Security Technologies and Methods for Advanced Cyber Threat Intelligence, Detection and Mitigation |
Author/Editor: Gohar Sargsyan,Dimitrios Kavallieros,Nicholas Kolokotronis
Securization in The Netherlands shaped by and shaping regulation - 55 |
Author/Editor: Aalbers ,M.
Sedad Hakki Eldem. An aristocratic architect and more |
Author/Editor: Serena ACCIAI
Seductions of Place |
Author/Editor: Alan A Lew
Seductive Reasoning: Pluralism as the Problematic of Contemporary Literary Theory |
Author/Editor: Ellen Rooney
Author/Editor: Danilo Mandic,Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos,Andrea Pavoni,Caterina Nirta
Seed Science and Technology: Biology, Production, Quality |
Author/Editor: Malavika Dadlani,Devendra K. Yadava
Seeds for Diversity and Inclusion: Agroecology and Endogenous Development |
Author/Editor: Yoshiaki Nishikawa,Michel Pimbert
Seeds of Mobilization: The Authoritarian Roots of South Korea's Democracy |
Author/Editor: Joan E. Cho
Seeing Ourselves Through Technology: How We Use Selfies, Blogs and Wearable Devices to See and Shape Ourselves |
Author/Editor: Jill Walker Rettberg
Seeing Renaissance Glass: Art Optics and Glass of Early Modern Italy 1250–1425 |
Author/Editor: Sarah Dillon
Seeing the City Digitally: Processing Urban Space and Time |
Author/Editor: Gillian Rose
Seeing the Past with Computers: Experiments with Augmented Reality and Computer Vision for History |
Author/Editor: Kevin Kee,Timothy Compeau
See It Feelingly: Classic Novels, Autistic Readers, and the Schooling of a No-Good English Professor |
Author/Editor: Ralph James Savarese
Seeking a Future for the Past: Space, Power, and Heritage in a Chinese City |
Author/Editor: Philipp Demgenski
Seeking Capture, Resisting Seizure: An International Legal History of the Anglo-Brazilian Treaty for the Suppression of the Slave Trade (1826–1845) |
Author/Editor: Adriane Sanctis de Brito
Seeking Convergence?: A Comparative Analysis of the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union on Seeking Asylum |
Author/Editor: Maja Łysienia
Seeking Impact and Visibility: Scholarly Communication in Southern Africa |
Author/Editor: Henry Trotter,Catherine Kell,Michelle Willmers,Eve Gray,Thomas King
Seeking Justice at the Court of the Khans of Khiva: (19th - early 20th Centuries) |
Author/Editor: Paolo Sartori,Ulfat Abdurasulov
Seeking Peace in the Wake of War. Europe, 1943-1947 |
Seeking the Best Master: State Ownership in the Varieties of Capitalism |
Author/Editor: Miklós Szanyi
„Seelenbeschreibungen“: Eine frühneuzeitliche Quellengattung und ihr konfessions- und bildungsgeschichtlicher Kontext |
Author/Editor: Heinrich Richard Schmidt,Veronika Albrecht-Birkner,Michael Egger,Stefan Ehrenpreis,Janine Scheurer
Sefer ha-Pardes by Jedaiah ha-Penini: A Critical Edition with English Translation |
Author/Editor: David Torollo
Segedunum: Excavations By Charles Daniels In The Roman Fort At Wallsend (1975-1984) |
Author/Editor: Alexandra Croom,Alan Rushworth
Segmentierte Ausbildungsmärkte: Berufliche Chancen von Hauptschülerinnen und Hauptschülern im Wandel |
Author/Editor: Paula Protsch
Segmentierung von Kundendienstleistungen auf investiven Maerkten: Dargestellt am Beispiel von Personal Computern |
Author/Editor: Kai Bauche
Segni, sogni, materie e scrittura dall’Egitto tardoantico all’Europa carolingia |
Segregation, Inequality, and Urban Development: Forced Evictions and Criminalisation Practices in Present-Day South Africa (Edition 1) |
Author/Editor: Sara Dehkordi
Segregierte Quartiere – segregierte Freizeiträume: Eine Studie zu Freizeitverhalten und Aktivitätsräumen Berliner Jugendlicher |
Author/Editor: Moritz Merten
Sehbehinderung und Arbeit: Rekonfigurationen im digitalen Kapitalismus |
Author/Editor: Andrea Fischer-Tahir
Sehenlernen im Museum: Ein Konzept zur Wahrnehmung und Präsentation von Exponaten |
Author/Editor: Uwe Christian Dech
Se hennes öde: Undersökning av en ordlös roman från 1920-talets Tyskland |
Author/Editor: Elisa Rossholm
Sehen und Erkennen: Exemplarische Spiegel in höfischen Romanen des 12. bis 14. Jahrhunderts |
Author/Editor: Katharina P. Gedigk
Seigniorage in der EWU: Eine Analyse der Notenbankgewinnentstehung und -verwendung des Eurosystems |
Author/Editor: Gerhard Rösl
The Seine River Basin |
Author/Editor: Nicolas Flipo,Pierre Labadie,Laurence Lestel
Seismic Wave Propagation in Stratified Media |
Author/Editor: Kennett ,Brian
Seismic Waves - Research and Analysis |
Seismographen der Krise: Vertrauen und Misstrauen in frühneuzeitlichen Flugblättern |
Author/Editor: Pia Fuschlberger,Romana Kaske,Susanne Reichlin
Sekundaere Praedikation und Informationsstruktur: Fokus und Informationsstatus bei spanischen Depiktiven |
Author/Editor: Steffen Heidinger
Sekundäre Märkte? |
Author/Editor: Stöger ,Georg
Sekundärnutzung klinischer Daten – Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen: mit einem Beitrag von Alexander Roßnagel und Gerrit Hornung |
Author/Editor: Uwe K. Schneider
Sekundärnutzung von Sozial- und Gesundheitsdaten – Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen |
Author/Editor: Christian Dierks,Alexander Roßnagel
Sekundärnutzung von Sozial- und Gesundheitsdaten: Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen |
Author/Editor: Christian Dierks,Alexander Roßnagel
Selbstbestimmung, Privatheit und Datenschutz: Gestaltungsoptionen für einen europäischen Weg |
Author/Editor: Michael Friedewald,Michael Kreutzer,Marit Hansen
Selbstbeteiligung bei Arzneimitteln aus ordnungspolitischer Sicht: Das Beispiel der Bundesrepublik Deutschland |
Selbstdarstellung in der Wissenschaft: Eine linguistische Untersuchung zum Diskussionsverhalten von Wissenschaftlern in interdisziplinaeren Kontexten |
Author/Editor: Lisa Rhein
Selbsterkenntnis und Lebensform: Kritische Subjektivität nach Wittgenstein und Foucault |
Author/Editor: Jörg Volbers
Selbstermächtigung am Lebensende: Eine religionswissenschaftliche Untersuchung alternativer Sterbebegleitung in der Schweiz (Volume 82, Edition 1) |
Author/Editor: Barbara Zeugin,Michael Stausberg,Oliver Freiberger,Bettina Schmidt
Selbstgesteuertes Lernen neu denken: Mit neuen Konzepten von der Lehrersteuerung zum Schülerhandeln |
Author/Editor: Klaus Konrad
Selbstherstellen als neue Politik: Zur Subjektivierung von Arbeit und des Politischen in der Designproduktion |
Author/Editor: Jens Thomas
Selbstoptimierung bis in den Tod: Aktive Lebensendplanung in Japan |
Author/Editor: Dorothea Mladenova
Selbstoptimierung: Eine kritische Diskursgeschichte des Tagebuchs |
Author/Editor: Ralph Köhnen
Selbstorganisation im Sozialismus: Das Rote Kreuz in Polen und der Tschechoslowakei 1945–1989 (Volume 14) |
Author/Editor: Maren Hachmeister,Martin Schulze Wessel,Ulf Brunnbauer
Selbst organisiertes Lernen am Gymnasium: Eine Untersuchung interindividueller Unterschiede bei Schülerinnen und Schülern im Umgang mit der Lernerautonomie |
Author/Editor: Robert Hilbe
Selbstorganisiertes Lernen an Hochschulen: Strategien, Formate und Methoden |
Author/Editor: Tobias Schmohl,Dennis Schäffer,Kieu-Anh To,Bettina Eller-Studzinsky
Selbstreparaturen in der schriftlichen Interaktion: Eine kontrastive Analyse deutscher und russischer Kurznachrichtenkommunikation |
Author/Editor: Irina Mostovaia
Selbstsorge im Leben mit Demenz: Potenziale einer relationalen Praxis |
Author/Editor: Valerie Keller
Selbstsorge im Leben mit Demenz: Potenziale einer relationalen Praxis |
Author/Editor: Valerie Keller
Selbststudium im digitalen Wandel: Digitales, begleitetes Selbststudium in der Mathematik – MINT meistern mit optes |
Author/Editor: Roland Küstermann,Matthias Kunkel,André Mersch,Anne Schreiber
Selbstverständlich – und doch umstritten: Wie sich Organisationen bezüglich Gleichstellung legitimieren |
Author/Editor: Melanie Nussbaumer
Selected Essays and Dialogues by Gianni Celati: Adventures into the errant familiar |
Author/Editor: Patrick Barron
Selected Poems of Gregory of Nazianzus |
Selected Poems of Gregory of Nazianzus : I.2.17; II.1.10, 19, 32: A Critical Edition with Introduction and Commentary |
Author/Editor: Simelidis ,Christos
The Self and Its Pleasures: Bataille, Lacan, and the History of the Decentered Subject |
Author/Editor: Carolyn J. Dean
Self and Other in Dialogue: Romance Studies on Discourse and Interaction |
Author/Editor: Johan Gille,Coco Norén
Self and Other: Object Relations in Psychoanalysis and Literature |
Author/Editor: Robert Rogers
Self as Method: Thinking Through China and the World |
Author/Editor: Biao Xiang,Qi Wu
Self-Assembled Molecules – New Kind of Protein Ligands: Supramolecular Ligands |
Author/Editor: Irena Roterman,Leszek Konieczny
Self-Build Homes |
The Self, Civic Virtue, and Public Life: Interdisciplinary Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Nancy E. Snow
Self-Controlled Case Series Studies: A Modelling Guide with R |
Author/Editor: Paddy Farrington,Heather Whitaker,Yonas Ghebremichael-Weldeselassie
Self-Determination in the International Legal System: Whose Claim, to What Right? |
Author/Editor: Tom Sparks
Self-Directed Learner: The Three Pillar Model for developing self- directedness |
Author/Editor: Jennifer Gavriel
Self-Directed Learner - the Three Pillar Model of Self-Directedness: The Three Pillar Model for Developing Self-Directedness |
Author/Editor: Jennifer Gavriel
Self-Directed Learning: An imperative for education in a complex society |
Author/Editor: Charlene du Toit-Brits,Elsa Mentz,Henry Blignaut,Dorothy Laubscher,Maureen K. Mzuza,Jako Olivier,Jako Olivier,Amit Dhakulkar,Divan Jagals
Self-Directed Learning for the 21st Century: Implications for Higher Education |
Author/Editor: Per B. Bergamin,Roxanne Bailey,Anitia Lubbe,Jako Olivier,Christo van der Westhuizen,Sukie van Zyl,Chantelle Bosch,Josef de Beer,Adri du Toit,Elsa Mentz,Roelien Goede,Aubrey Golightly,David W. Johnson,Roger T. Johnson,Corné Kruger,Dorothy Laubscher
Self-Directed Learning in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic: Research on the affordances of online virtual excursions |
Author/Editor: Yolani Geldenhuys,Josef De Beer,Elize Küng,Neal Petersen,Lloyd Conley,Elsa Mentz,Lounell White,Robert J Balfour,Jako Olivier,Nothile Abrijard Tivelele Kunene,Ma Havenga
Self-directed learning research and its impact on educational practice |
Author/Editor: Elsa Mentz,Elsa Mentz,Roxanne Bailey,Roxanne Bailey,Chantelle Bosch,Betty Breed,Byron J. Bunt,Wallace Chigona
Self-directed learning research: An imperative for transforming the educational landscape |
Author/Editor: Mentz ,Elsa,Oosthuizen ,Izak
Self-directed multimodal learning in higher education |
Author/Editor: Elsa Mentz,Elsa Mentz,Jako Olivier,Jako Olivier,Roxanne Bailey,Chantelle Bosch,Cornè Kruger,Donnavan Kruger
Self-Governance and Sami Communities: Transitions in Early Modern Natural Resource Management |
Author/Editor: Jesper Larsson,Eva-Lotta Päiviö Sjaunja
“Self” in Language, Culture, and Cognition |
Author/Editor: Yanying Lu
Self-learning Anomaly Detection in Industrial Production |
Author/Editor: Ankush Meshram
Self-Learning Longitudinal Control for On-Road Vehicles |
Author/Editor: Luca Puccetti
Self-Made Woman: A Memoir |
Author/Editor: Denise Chanterelle DuBois
Self-Organised Schools: Educational Leadership and Innovative Learning Environments |
Author/Editor: Alberto F. De Toni,Stefano De Marchi
Self-Publishing and Collection Development |
Self-Publishing and Collection Development : Opportunities and Challenges for Libraries |
Author/Editor: Holley ,Robert P.
Self-Reported Population Health: An International Perspective based on EQ-5D |
Author/Editor: Agota Szende,Bas Janssen,Juan Cabases
Self-Representation in an Expanded Field: From Self-Portraiture to Selfie, Contemporary Art in the Social Media Age |
Author/Editor: Ace Lehner
Selling & Collecting: Printed Book Sale Catalogues and Private Libraries in Early Modern Europe |
Author/Editor: Giovanna Granata,Angela Nuovo
Selling Sex in the City: A Global History of Prostitution, 1600s-2000s (Volume 31) |
Author/Editor: Lex Heerma van Voss,Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk,Magaly Rodríguez García
Selling the Economic Miracle: Economic Reconstruction and Politics in West Germany, 1949-1957 |
Author/Editor: Mark E. Spicka
Selling the Sea: A study of conflict over marine tenure in Kei Islands, Eastern Indonesia |
Author/Editor: Adhuri Supriadi ,Dedi
Selling Transracial Adoption |
Selling Transracial Adoption : Families, Markets, and the Color Line |
Author/Editor: Raleigh ,Elizabeth
Selling Weimar: German Public Diplomacy and the United States, 1918–1933 (Volume 60) |
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Piller
A Semantic Analysis of the Russian Verbal Prefixes za-, pere-, do-, and ot- |
Author/Editor: Laura A. Janda
Semantic differences in translation: Exploring the field of inchoativity |
Author/Editor: Lore Vandevoorde
The Semantic Organization of the Serbo-Croatian Verb |
Author/Editor: Radmila J. Gorup
Semantics and Morphosyntactic Variation: Qualities and the Grammar of Property Concepts |
Author/Editor: Francez ,Itamar,Koontz-Garboden ,Andrew
Semantics and Pragmatics of the "Reflexive" Verbs |
Author/Editor: Alina Israeli
The Semantics of Chaos in Tjutčev: Teilausgabe von Pratt, Sarah: Alternatives in Russian Romanticism |
Author/Editor: Sarah Pratt