Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles (431) | Information |
An Abundance of Flowers: More Great Flower Breeders of the Past |
Author/Editor: Judith M. Taylor
Access with Attitude |
Author/Editor: Marburger, David; Idsvoog, Karl
Africa Every Day: Fun, Leisure, and Expressive Culture on the Continent, Vol. 94 |
Author/Editor: Oluwakemi M. Balogun ,Lisa Gilman ,Melissa Graboyes ,Habib Iddrisu
African Asylum at a Crossroads |
Author/Editor: Berger, Iris; Redeker Hepner, Tricia; Lawrance, Benjamin N
African Intellectuals and Decolonization |
Author/Editor: Creary, Nicholas M
African Miracle, African Mirage: Transnational Politics and the Paradox of Modernization in Ivory Coast |
Author/Editor: Abou B. Bamba
African Video Movies and Global Desires |
Author/Editor: Garritano, Carmela
After Tears |
Author/Editor: Mhlongo, Niq
Age of Concrete: Housing and the Shape of Aspiration in the Capital of Mozambique |
Author/Editor: DAVID MORTON
Ailing in Place: Environmental Inequities and Health Disparities in Appalachia |
Author/Editor: Michele Morrone
Albert Luthuli |
Author/Editor: Robert Trent Vinson
Alexander Robey Shepherd: The Man Who Built the Nation’s Capital |
Author/Editor: John P. Richardson ,Tony Williams
All about Flowers: James Vick's Nineteenth-Century Seed Company |
Alternative Models of Sports Development in America: Solutions to a Crisis in Education and Public Health |
Author/Editor: B. David Ridpath ,Tom Farrey
Ambivalent: Photography and Visibility in African History |
Amy Biehl’s Last Home: A Bright Life, a Tragic Death, and a Journey of Reconciliation in South Africa |
Author/Editor: Steven D. Gish
Amy Levy |
Author/Editor: Hetherington, Naomi; Valman, Nadia
The Anatomy of a South African Genocide |
Author/Editor: Adhikari, Mohamed
Ancient Creek: A Folktale |
Author/Editor: GURNEY NORMAN
The ANC Youth League |
Author/Editor: Glaser, Clive
Anglophone Poetry in Colonial India, 1780–1913 |
Author/Editor: Gibson, Mary Ellis
Animal Purpose: Poems |
Author/Editor: Michelle Y. Burke
Anxiety in and about Africa: Multidisciplinary Perspectives and Approaches |
Author/Editor: Andrea Mariko Grant ,Yolana Pringle
Apartheid’s Leviathan: Electricity and the Power of Technological Ambivalence |
Author/Editor: Faeeza Ballim
Appalachia in the Classroom |
Author/Editor: Burriss, Theresa L.; Gantt, Patricia M
Appalachian Mushrooms: A Field Guide |
Author/Editor: Walter E. Sturgeon
ArtBreak: A Creative Guide to Joyful and Productive Classrooms |
Author/Editor: Katherine Ziff
The Art of Life in South Africa |
The Art of Occupation: Crime and Governance in American-Controlled Germany, 1944–1949 |
Author/Editor: Thomas J. Kehoe
Asylum on the Hill: History of a Healing Landscape |
Author/Editor: KATHERINE ZIFF ,Samuel T. Gladding ,Shawna Bolin ,Joseph C. Shields
Athens and Jerusalem, Ed. NED - New edition, 2 |
Author/Editor: LEV SHESTOV ,Bernard Martin ,Ramona Fotiade
The Audible and the Evident: Poems |
Author/Editor: Julie Hanson
The Autobiography of Daniel Parker, Frontier Universalist |
Author/Editor: DANIEL PARKER ,David Torbett
Available Light: Omar Badsha and the Struggle for Change in South Africa |
Bad Boys, Bad Times: The Cleveland Indians and Baseball in the Prewar Years, 1937–1941 |
Author/Editor: Scott H. Longert
Barns of the Midwest, Ed. NED - New edition, 1 |
Author/Editor: Allen G. Noble ,Hubert G. H. Wilhelm ,Timothy C. Anderson
The Bassett Women |
Author/Editor: Grace McClure
Beep: Inside the Unseen World of Baseball for the Blind |
Author/Editor: David Wanczyk
The Bellwether: Why Ohio Picks the President |
Author/Editor: KYLE KONDIK
Belonging |
Author/Editor: Davis, Dick
Between Frontiers |
Author/Editor: Ishikawa, Noboru
Between the Brown and the Red |
Author/Editor: Kunicki, Mikołaj Stanisław
Between You and I |
Author/Editor: Stawarska, Beata
The Birth of Sense: Generative Passivity in Merleau-Ponty’s Philosophy, Vol. 52 |
Author/Editor: Don Beith
Black Box: Poems |
Author/Editor: FRANK X WALKER
Bleak Houses |
Author/Editor: Surridge, Lisa
Blood and Capital |
Author/Editor: Hristov, Jasmin
Blood of the Prodigal: An Amish Country Mystery |
Author/Editor: P. L. Gaus
Boko Haram |
Author/Editor: Brandon Kendhammer ,Carmen McCain
The Book Keeper: A Memoir of Race, Love, and Legacy |
Author/Editor: Julia McKenzie Munemo
The Borders of Integration |
Author/Editor: McCook, Brian
Brides in the Sky: Stories and a Novella |
Author/Editor: CARY HOLLADAY
The Brontës and the Fairy Tale |
Burma’s Mass Lay Meditation Movement |
Author/Editor: Jordt, Ingrid
Burma’s Mass Lay Meditation Movement, 1 |
Author/Editor: Ingrid Jordt
Buying Time: Debt and Mobility in the Western Indian Ocean |
Author/Editor: Thomas F. McDow
Camp Life Is Paradise for Freddy: A Childhood in the Dutch East Indies, 1933–1946 |
Author/Editor: Fred Lanzing ,Marjolijn de Jager ,William H. Frederick
Capitol Punishment: An Andy Hayes Mystery |
Cartography and the Political Imagination: Mapping Community in Colonial Kenya |
Author/Editor: Julie MacArthur
Cases of Circumstantial Evidence |
Author/Editor: Lewis, Janet
Cast Out |
Author/Editor: Beier, A. L.; Ocobock, Paul
Charity and Condescension |
Author/Editor: Siegel, Daniel
Children in Slavery through the Ages |
Author/Editor: Campbell, Gwyn; Miers, Suzanne; Miller, Joseph C
The Children of Africa Confront AIDS |
Author/Editor: Singhal, Arvind; Howard, Steve
Children of Hope: The Odyssey of the Oromo Slaves from Ethiopia to South Africa |
Children’s Literature in Hitler’s Germany: The Cultural Policy of National Socialism |
Child Slaves in the Modern World |
Author/Editor: Campbell, Gwyn; Miers, Suzanne; Miller, Joseph C
Christianity and Public Culture in Africa |
Author/Editor: Englund, Harri
The Cincinnati Human Relations Commission: A History, 1943–2013 |
Author/Editor: Phillip J. Obermiller ,Thomas E. Wagner ,Michael E. Maloney
Cinematic Hamlet |
Author/Editor: Cook, Patrick J
Citizen-General |
Author/Editor: Schmiel, Eugene D
Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen, Cleveland’s Free Stamp |
Author/Editor: Edward J. Olszewski
The Clash of Moral Nations |
Author/Editor: Plach, Eva
Coffee Is Not Forever: A Global History of the Coffee Leaf Rust |
Author/Editor: Stuart McCook
Collaborative Dickens: Authorship and Victorian Christmas Periodicals |
Author/Editor: Melisa klimaszewski
The Collected Letters of Henry Northrup Castle |
Author/Editor: Castle, Henry Northrup; Mead, George Herbert; Mead, Helen Castle
Colonial Fantasies, Imperial Realities: Race Science and the Making of Polishness on the Fringes of the German Empire, 1840–1920 |
Author/Editor: Lenny A. Ureña Valerio
Colonial Rosary |
Author/Editor: Lake, Alison
Come Buy, Come Buy |
Author/Editor: Lysack, Krista
Comic Shop: The Retail Mavericks Who Gave Us a New Geek Culture |
Author/Editor: Dan Gearino ,Tom Spurgeon
The Common Lot and Other Stories: The Published Short Fiction, 1908–1921 |
The Community Table: Effective Fundraising through Events |
Compass and Clock: Poems |
Author/Editor: David Sanders
Conflict Zone, Comfort Zone: Ethics, Pedagogy, and Effecting Change in Field-Based Courses |
Congress and the Crisis of the 1850s |
Author/Editor: Finkelman, Paul; Kennon, Donald R
Congress and the People’s Contest: The Conduct of the Civil War |
Author/Editor: Paul Finkelman ,Donald R. Kennon
Connecting Continents: Archaeology and History in the Indian Ocean World |
Author/Editor: Krish Seetah
The Constant Listener: Henry James and Theodora Bosanquet—An Imagined Memoir |
Author/Editor: Susan Herron Sibbet ,Lady Borton
Constructing Black Education at Oberlin College |
Author/Editor: Baumann, Roland M
Contours of White Ethnicity |
Author/Editor: Anagnostou, Yiorgos
Converging on Cannibals: Terrors of Slaving in Atlantic Africa, 1509–1670 |
Author/Editor: Jared Staller
A Conversation about Ohio University and the Presidency, 1975–1994 |
Author/Editor: Ping, Charles J
Corruption, Class, and Politics in Ghana |
Author/Editor: Ernest Harsch
Counting Down: A Memoir of Foster Parenting and Beyond |
Author/Editor: Deborah Gold ,Michael M.
Count the Wings: The Life and Art of Charley Harper |
Author/Editor: Michelle Houts
Cracks in the Invisible |
Author/Editor: Kampa, Stephen
Crazy Quilts: A Beginner’s Guide |
The Crisis of Meaning and the Life-World: Husserl, Heidegger, Arendt, Patočka, Vol. 49 |
Author/Editor: L’UBICA UČNÍK
Cultivating the Colonies |
Author/Editor: Ax, Christina Folke; Brimnes, Niels; Jensen, Niklas Thode
The Cultural Production of Matthew Arnold |
Author/Editor: Harrison, Antony H
The Cut of His Coat |
Author/Editor: Shannon, Brent
Cy Young: An American Baseball Hero |
Author/Editor: Scott H. Longert
Dams, Displacement and the Delusion of Development |
Author/Editor: Isaacman, Allen F.; Isaacman, Barbara S
Dance of Life |
Author/Editor: Fincham, Gail
Dancing out of Line |
Author/Editor: Engelhardt, Molly
Dead Letters to Nietzsche, or the Necromantic Art of Reading Philosophy |
Author/Editor: Faulkner, Joanne
Dear Regime |
Author/Editor: Sedarat, Roger
A Death in Bali: A Jenna Murphy Mystery |
Author/Editor: Nancy Tingley
Dedan Kimathi on Trial: Colonial Justice and Popular Memory in Kenya’s Mau Mau Rebellion |
Author/Editor: Julie Macarthur ,Willy Mutunga ,Mĩcere Gĩthae Mũgo ,Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o
Degrees of Allegiance |
Author/Editor: DeWitt, Petra
The Demographics of Empire |
Author/Editor: Ittmann, Karl; Cordell, Dennis D.; Maddox, Gregory H
Devils & Islands |
Author/Editor: Cassity, Turner
Doctoring the Novel |
Author/Editor: Pamboukian, Sylvia A
Dolores Huerta Stands Strong: The Woman Who Demanded Justice |
Author/Editor: Marlene Targ Brill
Doubtful Harbor: Poems |
Author/Editor: Idris Anderson
Dragging Wyatt Earp |
Author/Editor: Rebein, Robert
The Dred Scott Case |
Author/Editor: Konig, David Thomas; Finkelman, Paul; Bracey, Christopher Alan
Driven toward Madness: The Fugitive Slave Margaret Garner and Tragedy on the Ohio |
Author/Editor: Nikki M. Taylor
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf |
Author/Editor: Pamela Scully
Emergent Masculinities: Gendered Power and Social Change in the Biafran Atlantic Age |
Author/Editor: Ndubueze L. Mbah
Empire in Africa |
Author/Editor: Birmingham, David
Empowering the Public-Private Partnership: The Future of America’s Local Government |
Author/Editor: George V. Voinovich ,R. Gregory Browning ,Hunter Morrison ,Hunter Morrison
Enchanted Ground: The Spirit Room of Jonathan Koons |
Author/Editor: Sharon Hatfield
Ending the Civil War and Consequences for Congress |
Author/Editor: Paul Finkelman ,Donald R. Kennon
Environmental Imaginaries of the Middle East and North Africa |
Author/Editor: Davis, Diana K.; Burke III, Edmund
Environment at the Margins |
Author/Editor: Caminero-Santangelo, Byron; Myers, Garth
Epidemics |
Author/Editor: Phillips, Howard
Ethnicity, Identity, and Conceptualizing Community in Indian Ocean East Africa |
Author/Editor: Daren E. Ray
The Exile Mission |
Author/Editor: Jaroszyńska-Kirchmann, Anna D
Exiting the Fragility Trap: Rethinking Our Approach to the World’s Most Fragile States |
Author/Editor: David Carment ,Yiagadeesen Samy
Eye to Eye: Sports Journalist Christine Brennan |
Author/Editor: Julie K. Rubini
Failed States and Fragile Societies |
Author/Editor: Trauschweizer, Ingo; Miner, Steven M
Fall or Fly: The Strangely Hopeful Story of Foster Care and Adoption in Appalachia |
Author/Editor: WENDY WELCH
Fatal Judgment: An Andy Hayes Mystery |
Feeding Globalization: Madagascar and the Provisioning Trade, 1600–1800 |
Author/Editor: JANE HOOPER
Feminism and the Legacy of Revolution |
Author/Editor: Kampwirth, Karen
A Field Guide to the Poetry of Theodore Roethke |
Fifty Must-Try Craft Beers of Ohio |
Author/Editor: Rick Armon
Finding Dr. Livingstone: A History in Documents from the Henry Morton Stanley Archives |
Author/Editor: Mathil de Leduc-Grimaldi ,James L. Newman
Fire in the Big House: America’s Deadliest Prison Disaster |
Author/Editor: Mitchel P. Roth
Fire Is Your Water: A Novel |
Author/Editor: Jim Minick
Following the Ball: The Migration of African Soccer Players across the Portuguese Colonial Empire, 1949–1975, Vol. 16 |
Author/Editor: Todd Cleveland
Following the Barn Quilt Trail |
Author/Editor: Suzi Parron ,Donna Sue Groves
The Food We Eat, the Stories We Tell: Contemporary Appalachian Tables |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth S. D. Engelhardt ,Lora E. Smith ,Ronni Lundy
Football and Colonialism: Body and Popular Culture in Urban Mozambique |
Author/Editor: Nuno Domingos ,Harry G. West
The Forger’s Tale |
Author/Editor: Newell, Stephanie
The Forger’s Tale, 1 |
Author/Editor: Stephanie Newell
Forget Me Not |
Author/Editor: Harris, Katherine D
Framing the Polish Home |
Author/Editor: Shallcross, Bożena
From Disarmament to Rearmament: The Reversal of US Policy toward West Germany, 1946–1955 |
Author/Editor: Sheldon A. Goldberg ,Ingo Trauschweizer
From Mastery to Mystery |
Author/Editor: Bannon, Bryan E
From Sleep Unbound |
Author/Editor: Chedid, Andre
The Game of Conservation |
Author/Editor: Cioc, Mark
The Gender of Piety |
Author/Editor: Urban-Mead, Wendy
Generations Past |
Author/Editor: Burton, Andrew; Charton-Bigot, Hélène
Ghazal Games |
Author/Editor: Sedarat, Roger
The Ghost of Monsieur Scarron |
Author/Editor: Lewis, Janet
Gibbons v. Ogden, Law, and Society in the Early Republic |
Author/Editor: Cox, Thomas H
The Golden Age of Phenomenology at the New School for Social Research, 1954–1973, Vol. 50 |
Gone Dollywood: Dolly Parton’s Mountain Dream |
Author/Editor: Graham Hoppe
Good-bye, Son and Other Stories |
Author/Editor: JANET LEWIS
Goshen Road: A Novel |
Author/Editor: Bonnie Proudfoot
The Gospel According to James and Other Plays |
Author/Editor: Smith, Charles R
Govan Mbeki |
Author/Editor: Bundy, Colin
Gravel and Hawk |
Author/Editor: Norwood, Nick
Guerrillas and Terrorists |
Author/Editor: Clutterbuck, Richard L
Guerrillas & Terrorists |
Author/Editor: Clutterbuck, Richard
The Gun in Central Africa: A History of Technology and Politics |
Author/Editor: Giacomo Macola
Hanging by a Thread |
Author/Editor: Moseley, William G.; Gray, Leslie C
Hatred at Home |
Author/Editor: Welsh-Huggins, Andrew
A Head in Cambodia: A Jenna Murphy Mystery |
Author/Editor: Nancy Tingley
Healing the Herds |
Author/Editor: Brown, Karen; Gilfoyle, Daniel
Healing Traditions |
Author/Editor: Flint, Karen E
Hero of the Angry Sky |
Author/Editor: Rossano, Geoffrey L
Hip-Hop in Africa: Prophets of the City and Dustyfoot Philosophers, Vol. 18 |
Author/Editor: Msia Kibona Clark ,Quentin Williams ,Akosua Adomako Ampofo
The History of Blood Transfusion in Sub-Saharan Africa |
Author/Editor: Schneider, William H
The History of Indiana Law |
Author/Editor: Bodenhamer, David J.; Shepard, Randall T
A History of Tourism in Africa: Exoticization, Exploitation, and Enrichment |
Author/Editor: Todd Cleveland
Home Front to Battlefront: An Ohio Teenager in World War II |
Author/Editor: Frank Lavin ,Henry A. Kissinger
Hometown for an Hour |
Author/Editor: Rose, Jennifer
How Fire Runs: A Novel |
The Hunt: An Andy Hayes Mystery |
The Illustrated Letters of Richard Doyle to His Father, 1842–1843 |
Author/Editor: Doyle, Richard; Scott, Grant F
Indian Angles |
Author/Editor: Gibson, Mary Ellis
Indigenous Knowledge and the Environment in Africa and North America |
Author/Editor: Gordon, David M.; Krech III, Shepard
In Essentials, Unity: An Economic History of the Grange Movement |
Author/Editor: JENNY BOURNE
Ingrid Jonker |
Author/Editor: Viljoen, Louise
The Intentional Spectrum and Intersubjectivity |
Author/Editor: Barber, Michael D
Internal Frontiers: African Nationalism and the Indian Diaspora in Twentieth-Century South Africa |
Author/Editor: Jon Soske
In the Balance of Power |
Author/Editor: Ali, Omar H
In the Balance of Power: Independent Black Politics and Third-Party Movements in the United States, Ed. REV - Revised, 1 |
Author/Editor: OMAR H. ALI ,Eric Foner ,Jacqueline Salit
In the House of Wilderness: A Novel |
In the Shade of the Shady Tree |
Author/Editor: Kinsella, John
In the Shadow of Freedom |
Author/Editor: Finkelman, Paul; Kennon, Donald R
Intrusive Beauty: Poems |
Author/Editor: Joseph J. Capista
Inventing Pollution |
Author/Editor: Thorsheim, Peter
Inventing Pollution: Coal, Smoke, and Culture in Britain since 1800 |
Author/Editor: Peter Thorsheim
Invisible Agents |
Author/Editor: Gordon, David M
Isaac Murphy: I Dedicate This Ride, Ed. NED - New edition, 1 |
Author/Editor: FRANK X WALKER
The Jacksonian Conservatism of Rufus P. Ranney: The Politics and Jurisprudence of a Northern Democrat from the Age of Jackson to the Gilded Age |
Author/Editor: DAVID M. GOLD ,Rufus P. Ranney
Jail Speak |
Author/Editor: Ben Langston
The Jerrie Mock Story: The First Woman to Fly Solo around the World |
Author/Editor: Nancy Roe Pimm
Jihād in West Africa during the Age of Revolutions |
Author/Editor: Paul E. Lovejoy
Josie Mpama/Palmer: Get Up and Get Moving |
Author/Editor: Robert R. Edgar
Julius Nyerere |
Author/Editor: Paul Bjerk
The Jury in Lincoln’s America |
Author/Editor: McDermott, Stacy Pratt
The Jury in Lincoln’s America, 1 |
Justice and Legal Change on the Shores of Lake Erie |
Author/Editor: Finkelman, Paul; Alexander, Roberta Sue
Keeping Heart |
Author/Editor: Trotter, Otis
Keep On Fighting |
Author/Editor: Christenson, Dorothy H
Ken Saro-Wiwa |
Author/Editor: Roy Doron ,Toyin Falola
The Krio of West Africa |
Author/Editor: Cole, Gibril R
The Land beyond the Mists |
Author/Editor: Newbury, David
Land for the People |
Author/Editor: Lucas, Anton; Warren, Carol
Land, Memory, Reconstruction, and Justice |
Author/Editor: Walker, Cherryl; Bohlin, Anna; Hall, Ruth
The Law of the Looking Glass |
Author/Editor: Skaff, Sheila
Legacy: A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Personal History |
Author/Editor: Linda Spence
Lincoln, Congress, and Emancipation |
Author/Editor: Paul Finkelman ,Donald R. Kennon
Literary Cincinnati |
Author/Editor: Brown, Dale Patrick
Lit from Within |
Author/Editor: Haworth, Kevin; Moore, Dinty W
Little Otter Learns to Swim |
Living with Nkrumahism: Nation, State, and Pan-Africanism in Ghana |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey S. Ahlman
The Locavore’s Kitchen |
Author/Editor: Suszko, Marilou K
The Locavore’s Kitchen, 1 |
Author/Editor: MARILOU K. SUSZKO
Love among the Poets: The Victorian Poetics of Intimacy |
Author/Editor: Pearl Chaozon Bauer ,Erik Gray
Lyrical Liberators: The American Antislavery Movement in Verse, 1831–1865 |
Author/Editor: Monica Pelaez
Mad Dogs and Meerkats |
Author/Editor: Brown, Karen
The Madness of Vision |
Author/Editor: Buci-Glucksmann, Christine
Maggie Boylan |
Author/Editor: Michael Henson
Making a World after Empire: The Bandung Moment and Its Political Afterlives, Ed. ENL - Enlarged, 2 |
Author/Editor: Christopher J. Lee ,Vijay Prashad
Making Money: Life, Death, and Early Modern Trade on Africa’s Guinea Coast |
Author/Editor: Colleen E. Kriger
Making the Mark: Gender, Identity, and Genital Cutting |
Author/Editor: Miroslava Prazak
Making Words Matter |
Author/Editor: Hai, Ambreen
The Man Who Created Paradise: A Fable |
Author/Editor: GENE LOGSDON ,Gregory Spaid ,Wendell berry
The Many Lives of Eddie Rickenbacker |
Author/Editor: Andrew Speno
Marikana |
Author/Editor: Alexander, Peter; Lekgowa, Thapelo; Mmope, Botsang
Market Encounters: Consumer Cultures in Twentieth-Century Ghana |
Author/Editor: Bianca Murillo
Marriage by Force?: Contestation over Consent and Coercion in Africa |
Marta: A Novel |
Author/Editor: Eliza Orzeszkowa ,Anna Gąsienica Byrcyn ,Stephanie Kraft ,Grażyna J. Kozaczka
Melodramatic Imperial Writing |
Author/Editor: Hultgren, Neil
The Message of the City: Dawn Powell’s New York Novels, 1925–1962 |
Author/Editor: Patricia E. Palermo
Metaphor and the Slave Trade in West African Literature |
Author/Editor: Murphy, Laura T
Meter Matters |
Author/Editor: Hall, Jason David
Michael Field: Decadent Moderns |
Author/Editor: MICHAEL FIELD ,Sarah Parker ,Ana Parejo Vadillo
Michigan’s War: The Civil War in Documents |
Author/Editor: JOHN W. QUIST
Midland |
Author/Editor: Dawes, Kwame
The Midwestern Pastoral |
Author/Editor: Barillas, William
Militarizing Marriage: West African Soldiers’ Conjugal Traditions in Modern French Empire |
Author/Editor: Sarah J. Zimmerman
Ministers of Fire |
Author/Editor: Saunders, Mark Harril
Modernism and the Women’s Popular Romance in Britain, 1885–1925 |
Author/Editor: Hipsky, Martin
Modernism and the Women’s Popular Romance in Britain, 1885–1925 |
Author/Editor: Hipsky, Martin
Modernist Art in Ethiopia |
Modern Muslims: A Sudan Memoir |
Author/Editor: Steve Howard
Monsoon Postcards: Indian Ocean Journeys |
Author/Editor: David H. Mould
Motivation and the Primacy of Perception: Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Knowledge, Vol. 54 |
Author/Editor: Peter Antich
Mountains of Injustice |
Author/Editor: Morrone, Michele; Buckley, Geoffrey L
The Moxon Tennyson: A Landmark in Victorian Illustration |
Author/Editor: Simon Cooke
Mozambique’s Samora Machel: A Life Cut Short |
Author/Editor: Allen F. Isaacman ,Barbara S. Isaacman ,Albie Sachs
Mrs. Shaw |
Author/Editor: Wa Ngugi, Mukoma
Music Hall and Modernity |
Author/Editor: Faulk, Barry J
Nation on Board: Becoming Nigerian at Sea |
Author/Editor: Lynn Schler
Nature and History in Modern Italy |
Author/Editor: Armiero, Marco; Hall, Marcus
The Nature of Politics: State Building and the Conservation Estate in Postcolonial Botswana, Vol. 98 |
Author/Editor: Annette A. LaRocco
Natures of Colonial Change |
Author/Editor: Tropp, Jacob A
Nature’s Suit |
Author/Editor: Hardy, Lee
Nature’s Suit |
Author/Editor: Hardy, Lee
A Necessary Luxury |
Author/Editor: Fromer, Julie E
Negotiating a Perilous Empowerment |
Author/Editor: Locklear, Erica Abrams
New Stories from the Midwest |
Author/Editor: Brown, Jason Lee; Prefontaine, Jay
Night Garden: A Novel |
No Money, No Beer, No Pennants: The Cleveland Indians and Baseball in the Great Depression |
Author/Editor: Scott H. Longert
No Second Eden |
Author/Editor: Cassity, Turner
Not Out of Hate: A Novel of Burma |
Author/Editor: Margaret Aung-Thwin ,Anna Allott ,Robert E. Vore ,William H. Frederick
Not White Enough, Not Black Enough |
Author/Editor: Adhikari, Mohamed
Obama and Kenya: Contested Histories and the Politics of Belonging |
Author/Editor: Matthew Carotenuto ,Katherine Luongo
Ohio Canal Era |
Author/Editor: Scheiber, Harry N
Ohio’s Kingmaker |
Author/Editor: Horner, William T
Ohio’s Kingmaker |
Author/Editor: Horner, William T
Once I Too Had Wings |
Author/Editor: Miles, Emma Bell; Cox, Steven
On the Desire to Levitate |
Author/Editor: Powell, Alison
On the Plains in ’65: The 6th West Virginia Volunteer Cavalry in the West |
Author/Editor: George H. Holliday ,Glenn V. Longacre
The Ontology of Becoming and the Ethics of Particularity |
Author/Editor: Dillon, M. C.; Hass, Lawrence
The Origins of Modern Polish Democracy |
Author/Editor: Biskupski, M. B. B.; Pula, James S.; Wróbel, Piotr J
Oscar Wilde and Modern Culture |
Author/Editor: Bristow, Joseph
Out of Nowhere: New and Selected Poems |
Author/Editor: Mary Ann Taylor-Hall
Out of the Mountains |
Author/Editor: Willis, Meredith Sue
Pachakutik and the Rise and Decline of the Ecuadorian Indigenous Movement |
Author/Editor: Mijeski, Kenneth J.; Beck, Scott H
Paper Sons and Daughters |
Author/Editor: Ho, Ufrieda
Paris on the Potomac |
Author/Editor: Field, Cynthia R.; Gournay, Isabelle; Somma, Thomas P
Passionate Revolutions: The Media and the Rise and Fall of the Marcos Regime |
Author/Editor: Talitha Espiritu
Paths toward the Nation |
Author/Editor: Venosa, Joseph L
Paying Calls in Shangri-La: Scenes from a Woman’s Life in American Diplomacy |
Author/Editor: JUDITH M. HEIMANN
Pearls, People, and Power: Pearling and Indian Ocean Worlds |
Author/Editor: Pedro Machado ,Steve Mullins ,Joseph Christensen
Peasants in Arms |
Author/Editor: Horton, Lynn
Penumbra: Poems |
Author/Editor: Michael Shewmaker
Peoples of the Inland Sea: Native Americans and Newcomers in the Great Lakes Region, 1600–1870 |
The Phenomenology of Pain, Vol. 53 |
Author/Editor: Saulius Geniusas
Photographing Eden |
Author/Editor: Gray, Jason
Placing Aesthetics |
Author/Editor: Wood, Robert E
Planted by the Signs: Poems |
Author/Editor: Misty Skaggs
Players, Teams, and Stadium Ghosts: Bob Hunter on Sports |
Author/Editor: Bob Hunter
The Plot Thickens: Illustrated Victorian Serial Fiction from Dickens to Du Maurier |
The Politics of Disease Control: Sleeping Sickness in Eastern Africa, 1890–1920 |
Author/Editor: Mari K. Webel
Populist Seduction in Latin America |
Author/Editor: Torre, Carlos de la
Power, Change, and Gender Relations in Rural Java |
Author/Editor: Tickamyer, Ann R.; Kusujiarti, Siti
Powerful Frequencies: Radio, State Power, and the Cold War in Angola, 1931–2002 |
Author/Editor: Marissa J. Moorman
Power in the Blood |
Author/Editor: Tate, Linda
The Power to Name |
Author/Editor: Newell, Stephanie
Preaching Prevention |
Author/Editor: Boyd, Lydia
Prophetic Politics |
Author/Editor: Harold, Philip J
Prosperity Far Distant |
Author/Editor: Wiltse, Charles M.; Birkner, Michael J
Protecting the Empire’s Frontier |
Author/Editor: Baule, Steven M
Protecting the Empire’s Frontier |
Author/Editor: Baule, Steven M
The Quarry |
Author/Editor: Lechay, Dan
The Quick-Change Artist |
Author/Editor: Holladay, Cary
Race, Resistance, and the Boy Scout Movement in British Colonial Africa |
Author/Editor: Parsons, Timothy H
Radical Utu: Critical Ideas and Ideals of Wangari Muta Maathai, Vol. 95 |
Author/Editor: Besi Brillian Muhonja
Reading for Health |
Author/Editor: Wright, Erika
Reading Victorian Deafness |
Author/Editor: Esmail, Jennifer
Recasting the Past |
Author/Editor: Peterson, Derek R.; Macola, Giacomo
Reel Pleasures: Cinema Audiences and Entrepreneurs in Twentieth-Century Urban Tanzania |
Author/Editor: LAURA FAIR
Religion, Media, and Marginality in Modern Africa |
Author/Editor: Felicitas Becker ,Joel Cabrita ,Marie Rodet
Religious Imaginaries |
Author/Editor: Dieleman, Karen
The Rescue of Joshua Glover |
Author/Editor: Baker, H. Robert
Research as More Than Extraction: Knowledge Production and Gender-Based Violence in African Societies |
Resistance on the National Stage |
Author/Editor: Bodden, Michael H
The Return of the Galon King |
Author/Editor: Aung–Thwin, Maitrii
The Riddle of Malnutrition: The Long Arc of Biomedical and Public Health Interventions in Uganda |
Author/Editor: Jennifer Tappan
Robert Mugabe |
Author/Editor: Sue Onslow ,Martin Plaut
Rome’s Most Faithful Daughter |
Author/Editor: Pease, Neal
Rome’s Most Faithful Daughter, 1 |
Author/Editor: Neal Pease
A Room of His Own |
Author/Editor: Black, Barbara
The Room Within |
Author/Editor: Moran, Moore
Rust Belt Burlesque: The Softer Side of a Heavy Metal Town |
The Sacred Door and Other Stories |
Author/Editor: Makuchi
Safari Nation: A Social History of the Kruger National Park |
Author/Editor: Jacob S. T. Dlamini
The Sage in the Cathedral of Books |
Author/Editor: Yang, Yang
San Rock Art |
Author/Editor: Lewis-Williams, J.D
A Saturnalia of Bunk: Selections from The Free Lance, 1911–1915 |
Author/Editor: H. L. Mencken ,S. T. Joshi
Saving Seeds, Preserving Taste |
Author/Editor: Best, Bill
Screening Morocco |
Author/Editor: Orlando, Valérie K
Searching for Soul |
Author/Editor: Tyler, Bobbe
Seeing Like a Citizen: Decolonization, Development, and the Making of Kenya, 1945–1980 |
Author/Editor: Kara Moskowitz
Selected Poems |
Author/Editor: Gerlach, Lee
Shakespeare the Illusionist: Magic, Dreams, and the Supernatural on Film |
Author/Editor: NEIL FORSYTH
Sharp and Dangerous Virtues |
Author/Editor: Moody, Martha
A Short History of Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart |
Author/Editor: Terri Ochiagha
Sino–Malay Trade and Diplomacy from the Tenth through the Fourteenth Century |
Author/Editor: Heng, Derek
Slavery, Agriculture, and Malaria in the Arabian Peninsula |
Author/Editor: Reilly, Benjamin
Slavery and Reform in West Africa |
Author/Editor: Getz, Trevor R
Slow Burn: An Andy Hayes Mystery |
Smoky, the Dog That Saved My Life: The Bill Wynne Story |
Author/Editor: Nancy Roe Pimm
Solving for X |
Author/Editor: Shaw, Robert B
Soulful Bobcats |
Author/Editor: Walker, Carl H.; Hollow, Betty
South Africa’s Struggle for Human Rights |
Author/Editor: Dubow, Saul
South Africa’s Struggle for Human Rights |
Author/Editor: Dubow, Saul
South Africa’s Suspended Revolution |
Author/Editor: Habib, Adam
South Africa’s Suspended Revolution |
Author/Editor: Habib, Adam
South × South |
Author/Editor: Hood, Charles
South × South |
Author/Editor: Hood, Charles
South x South |
Author/Editor: Hood, Charles
Speculation and the Darwinian Method in British Romance Fiction, 1859-1914 |
Spirituality and the Writer: A Personal Inquiry |
Author/Editor: THOMAS LARSON
Sports in Africa, Past and Present |
Squatters and the Roots of Mau Mau, 1905–1963 |
Author/Editor: Kanogo, Tabitha
Staging the Amistad: Three Sierra Leonean Plays |
Author/Editor: Charlie Haffner ,Yulisa Amadu Maddy ,Raymond E. D. de’Souza George ,MATTHEW J. CHRISTENSEN
Steve Biko |
Author/Editor: Wilson, Lindy
Subversive Lives: A Family Memoir of the Marcos Years |
Author/Editor: Susan F. Quimpo ,Nathan Gilbert Quimpo ,David Ryan F. Quimpo ,Norman F. Quimpo ,Emilie Mae Q. Wickett ,Lillian F. Quimpo ,Elizabeth Q. Bulatao ,Caren Q. Castañeda
The Surface of the Lit World |
Author/Editor: Seely, Shane
Taken In Faith |
Author/Editor: Pinkerton, Helen
Taking Liberties |
Author/Editor: Filipowicz, Halina
Taking Root |
Author/Editor: Agosín, Marjorie
Tales of the Metric System: A Novel |
Talkative Polity: Radio, Domination, and Citizenship in Uganda |
Author/Editor: Florence Brisset-Foucault
A Taste of the Hocking Hills |
Author/Editor: Matt Rapposelli
Technologies of Suspicion and the Ethics of Obligation in Political Asylum |
Television, Nation, and Culture in Indonesia |
Author/Editor: Kitley, Philip
The Tenets of Cognitive Existentialism |
Author/Editor: Ginev, Dimitri
Terminal Diagrams |
Author/Editor: Davis, Garrick
The Texture of Change: Dress, Self-Fashioning and History in Western Africa, 1700–1850 |
Author/Editor: Jody Benjamin
Thabo Mbeki |
Author/Editor: Adekeye Adebajo
Theater and Martial Arts in West Sumatra |
Author/Editor: Pauka, Kirstin
Then & Now |
Author/Editor: Cummins, James
Thinking between Deleuze and Merleau-Ponty, Vol. 51 |
Thinking Outside the Girl Box |
Author/Editor: Spatig, Linda; Amerikaner, Layne
The Third Brother: An Andy Hayes Mystery |
Threatening Others |
Author/Editor: Sandoval-Garcia, Carlos
The Tiki King |
Author/Editor: Tintocalis, Stacy
Traitors and True Poles |
Author/Editor: Majewski, Karen
Transported to Botany Bay: Class, National Identity, and the Literary Figure of the Australian Convict |
Transversal Rationality and Intercultural Texts |
Author/Editor: Jung, Hwa Yol
Trapeze: The Unexpurgated Diary of Anaïs Nin, 1947–1955, Ed. UXP - Unexpurgated, 1 |
Author/Editor: ANAÏS NIN ,Paul Herron ,Benjamin Franklin V ,Paul Herron
The Trial of Sören Qvist |
Author/Editor: Lewis, Janet
A Trick of Sunlight |
Author/Editor: Davis, Dick
Triumph of the Expert |
Author/Editor: Hodge, Joseph Morgan
Trustee for the Human Community |
Author/Editor: Hill, Robert A.; Keller, Edmond J
Twins Talk |
Author/Editor: Davis, Dona Lee
Ujamaa’s Army: The Creation and Evolution of the Tanzania People's Defence Force, 1964–1979 |
Author/Editor: Charles G. Thomas
An Uncertain Age: The Politics of Manhood in Kenya |
Author/Editor: Paul Ocobock
The Uncoiling Python |
Author/Editor: Scheub, Harold
Under the Heel of the Dragon |
Author/Editor: Kaltman, Blaine
Unsettled Accounts |
Author/Editor: Wells, Will
The Untried Life |
Author/Editor: Fritsch, James T
Veteran Narratives and the Collective Memory of the Vietnam War |
Author/Editor: John A. Wood
The Victorian Novel of Adulthood |
Author/Editor: Rainof, Rebecca
Viet Nam: Tradition and Change |
Author/Editor: Hữu Ngọc ,Lady Borton ,Elizabeth F. Collins
Violence |
Author/Editor: Byrne, Sean; Senehi, Jessica
Virginia Hamilton: America’s Storyteller |
Author/Editor: Julie K. Rubini
Virus Research in Twentieth-Century Uganda: Between Local and Global |
Author/Editor: Julia Ross Cummiskey
The Wake of Wellington |
Author/Editor: Sinnema, Peter W
Wangari Maathai |
Author/Editor: Tabitha Kanogo
Wanted—Correspondence |
Author/Editor: Rhoades, Nancy L.; Bailey, Lucy E
Wartime in Burma |
Author/Editor: Wa, Theippan Maung; Bagshawe, L. E.; Allott, Anna J
Water Brings No Harm: Management Knowledge and the Struggle for the Waters of Kilimanjaro |
Author/Editor: Matthew V. Bender
We Are All Zimbabweans Now |
Author/Editor: Kilgore, James
We Are Fighting the World |
Author/Editor: Kynoch, Gary
We Do Not Have Borders: Greater Somalia and the Predicaments of Belonging in Kenya |
Author/Editor: Keren Weitzberg
Welcome to the Neighborhood: An Anthology of American Coexistence |
Author/Editor: SARAH GREEN ,David Baker
When Grandma Gatewood Took a Hike |
Author/Editor: Michelle Houts ,Erica Magnus
When Sugar Ruled |
Author/Editor: Juarez-Dappe, Patricia
Wielding the Ax |
Author/Editor: Sunseri, Thaddeus
The Wife of Martin Guerre |
Author/Editor: Lewis, Janet
The Wolf at Number 4: A Novel |
Author/Editor: Ayo Tamakloe-Garr
Women in the Shadows: Gender, Puppets, and the Power of Tradition in Bali |
Author/Editor: Jennifer Goodlander
Women’s Perspectives on Human Security: Violence, Environment, and Sustainability |
The Wright Company |
Author/Editor: Roach, Edward J
Writing an Icon: Celebrity Culture and the Invention of Anaïs Nin |
Author/Editor: Anita Jarczok
Writing the Polish American Woman in Postwar Ethnic Fiction |
Author/Editor: Grażyna J. Kozaczka
X Marks the Spot |
Author/Editor: Norcia, Megan A
Yellow Stonefly: A Novel |
Author/Editor: TIM POLAND
Your Madness, Not Mine |
Author/Editor: Makuchi