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Titles start with A (34) Information
An Abundance of Flowers: More Great Flower Breeders of the Past
Author/Editor: Judith M. Taylor
Access with Attitude
Author/Editor: Marburger, David; Idsvoog, Karl
Africa Every Day: Fun, Leisure, and Expressive Culture on the Continent, Vol. 94
Author/Editor: Oluwakemi M. Balogun ,Lisa Gilman ,Melissa Graboyes ,Habib Iddrisu
African Asylum at a Crossroads
Author/Editor: Berger, Iris; Redeker Hepner, Tricia; Lawrance, Benjamin N
African Intellectuals and Decolonization
Author/Editor: Creary, Nicholas M
African Miracle, African Mirage: Transnational Politics and the Paradox of Modernization in Ivory Coast
Author/Editor: Abou B. Bamba
African Video Movies and Global Desires
Author/Editor: Garritano, Carmela
After Tears
Author/Editor: Mhlongo, Niq
Age of Concrete: Housing and the Shape of Aspiration in the Capital of Mozambique
Author/Editor: DAVID MORTON
Ailing in Place: Environmental Inequities and Health Disparities in Appalachia
Author/Editor: Michele Morrone
Albert Luthuli
Author/Editor: Robert Trent Vinson
Alexander Robey Shepherd: The Man Who Built the Nation’s Capital
Author/Editor: John P. Richardson ,Tony Williams
All about Flowers: James Vick's Nineteenth-Century Seed Company
Alternative Models of Sports Development in America: Solutions to a Crisis in Education and Public Health
Author/Editor: B. David Ridpath ,Tom Farrey
Ambivalent: Photography and Visibility in African History
Amy Biehl’s Last Home: A Bright Life, a Tragic Death, and a Journey of Reconciliation in South Africa
Author/Editor: Steven D. Gish
Amy Levy
Author/Editor: Hetherington, Naomi; Valman, Nadia
The Anatomy of a South African Genocide
Author/Editor: Adhikari, Mohamed
Ancient Creek: A Folktale
Author/Editor: GURNEY NORMAN
The ANC Youth League
Author/Editor: Glaser, Clive
Anglophone Poetry in Colonial India, 1780–1913
Author/Editor: Gibson, Mary Ellis
Animal Purpose: Poems
Author/Editor: Michelle Y. Burke
Anxiety in and about Africa: Multidisciplinary Perspectives and Approaches
Author/Editor: Andrea Mariko Grant ,Yolana Pringle
Apartheid’s Leviathan: Electricity and the Power of Technological Ambivalence
Author/Editor: Faeeza Ballim
Appalachia in the Classroom
Author/Editor: Burriss, Theresa L.; Gantt, Patricia M
Appalachian Mushrooms: A Field Guide
Author/Editor: Walter E. Sturgeon
ArtBreak: A Creative Guide to Joyful and Productive Classrooms
Author/Editor: Katherine Ziff
The Art of Life in South Africa
The Art of Occupation: Crime and Governance in American-Controlled Germany, 1944–1949
Author/Editor: Thomas J. Kehoe
Asylum on the Hill: History of a Healing Landscape
Author/Editor: KATHERINE ZIFF ,Samuel T. Gladding ,Shawna Bolin ,Joseph C. Shields
Athens and Jerusalem, Ed. NED - New edition, 2
Author/Editor: LEV SHESTOV ,Bernard Martin ,Ramona Fotiade
The Audible and the Evident: Poems
Author/Editor: Julie Hanson
The Autobiography of Daniel Parker, Frontier Universalist
Author/Editor: DANIEL PARKER ,David Torbett
Available Light: Omar Badsha and the Struggle for Change in South Africa