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Titles start with A (78) Information
Abenaki basketry
Author/Editor: Pelletier, Gaby
Aberdeen Site, Keewatin District, Northwest Territories
Author/Editor: Wright, James Vallière
Aboriginal Canada Revisited
Author/Editor: Knopf, Kerstin
Aboriginal People and Other Canadians
Author/Editor: Thornton, Martin; Todd, Roy
The Academic Gateway
Author/Editor: Timothy M. Sibbald,Victoria Handford
The Academic Sabbatical: A Voyage of Discovery
Author/Editor: Timothy Sibbald ,Victoria Handford
Academic Writing for Military Personnel
Author/Editor: Chapnick, Adam; Stone, Craig
Acaoohkiwina and Acimowina
Author/Editor: Brightman, Robert A
Accessibilité et offre active
Author/Editor: Drolet, Marie; Bouchard, Pier; Savard, Jacinthe
Accessibility and Active Offer
Author/Editor: Drolet, Marie; Bouchard, Pier; Savard, Jacinthe
Accounting for Culture
Author/Editor: Andrew, Caroline; Gattinger, Monica; Jeannotte, M. Sharon
Acute Resuscitation and Crisis Management
Author/Editor: Neilipovitz, David
The Afterworld: Long COVID and International Relations, Ed. DGO - Digital original
Author/Editor: Frédéric Mérand ,Jennifer Welsh
Air Board, Canadian Air Force and Royal Canadian Air Force
Author/Editor: Hitchins, F.H
Alain Robbe-Grillet
Author/Editor: Allemand, Roger-Michel; Milat, Christian
Alberta pottery industry, 1912-1990
Author/Editor: Hayward, Anne
Algonkians of Lake Nipigon
Author/Editor: Dawson, Kenneth C. A
Algonquin dialect relationships in Northwestern Quebec
Author/Editor: Gilstrap, Roger
Algonquin ethnobotany
Author/Editor: Black, Meredith Jean
Author/Editor: Clément, Daniel
Alice Munro’s Miraculous Art
Author/Editor: Janice Fiamengo,Gerald Lynch,Janice Fiamengo
Alice Munro’s Miraculous Art
Author/Editor: Fiamengo, Janice; Lynch, Gerald
Altermondialismes: Justice sociale et écologique dans un monde globalisé, Ed. DGO - Digital original, 1
Amériques transculturelles - Transcultural Americas
Author/Editor: Benessaieh, Afef
Anahim Lake Archaeology and the Early Historic Chilcotin Indians — Vertebrate Faunal Remains from the Potlatch Site (FcSi-2) in South Central British Columbia
Author/Editor: Wilmeth, Roscoe Hall; Stewart, Frances L
Analyse linguistique et ethnocentrisme :essai sur la structure du mot en inuktitut
Author/Editor: Lowe, Ronald
Analysis of Artifacts from Four Duke Point Area Sites, Near Nanaimo, B.C
Author/Editor: Murray, Rebecca Anne Wukasch
Anne Hébert
Author/Editor: Brochu, André
Anthropocene Geopolitics: Globalization, Security, Sustainability
Author/Editor: Simon Dalby
Antonine Maillet : Les trésors cachés - Our Hidden Treasures: Les trésors cachés - Our Hidden Treasures, Ed. BLL - Bilingual edition
Author/Editor: Antonine Maillet,Ralph Heintzman
Apperception, Knowledge, and Experience
Author/Editor: Bossart, W. H
Apprendre à écouter et à parler
Author/Editor: Fitzpatrick, Élizabeth M.; Doucet, Suzanne P
Apprendre à écouter et à parler
Author/Editor: Fitzpatrick, Élizabeth M.; Doucet, Suzanne P
Approaches to native history in Canada
Author/Editor: Muise, D. A
Archaeological Collections from Norutak Lake on the Kobuk-Alatna River Portage, Northwestern Alaska
Author/Editor: Clark, Donald Woodforde
Archaeological Investigations at the Atigun Site, Central Brooks Range, Alaska
Author/Editor: Wilson, Ian R
Archaeological Investigations in the Hecate Strait, Milbanke South Area of British Columbia
Author/Editor: Simonsen, Bjorn O
Archaeological Material from Creswell Bay, Northwest Territories, Canada
Author/Editor: Jr. Taylor, William Ewart; McGhee, Robert
Archaeological Reconnaissance at Great Bear Lake
Author/Editor: Clark, Donald Woodforde
Archaeological Reconnaissance in Northern Interior District of Mackenzie: 1969, 1970 and 1972
Author/Editor: Clark, Donald Woodforde
Archaeological Research at Calling Lake, Northern Alberta
Author/Editor: Gruhn, Ruth
Archaeological Research in the Lesser Slave Lake Region
Author/Editor: LeBlanc, Raymond Joseph
Archaeological Salvage Projects 1972
Author/Editor: Byrne, William J
Archaeological Salvage Projects 1973
Author/Editor: Byrne, William J
Archaeological Salvage Projects, 1974
Author/Editor: Wilmeth, Roscoe
Archaeological Survey Between Cape Parry and Cambridge Bay, Northwest Territories, Canada in 1963
Author/Editor: Taylor, William Ewart
Archaeological Survey of Canada: Annual Review 1972
Author/Editor: MacDonald, George F
Archaeological Survey of Canada: Annual Review 1973
Author/Editor: MacDonald, George F
Archaeological Survey of Canada Annual Review 1974
Author/Editor: MacDonald, George F
Archaeological Survey of Canada: Annual Review 1975 and 1976
Author/Editor: MacDonald, George F
Archaeological Survey of Canada Annual Review 1980-1981 / Commission archéologique du Canada, rapports annuels 1980-1981
Author/Editor: McGhee, Robert
Archaeological Survey of Canada Annual Reviews, 1977-1979
Author/Editor: Marois, Roger J. M
Archaeology and Ethnohistory in the Arrow Lakes, Southeastern British Columbia
Author/Editor: Turnbull, Christopher J
Archaeology and Prehistory of Southern Alberta as Reflected by Ceramics: Volume 3
Author/Editor: Byrne, William J
Archaeology and Prehistory of Southern Alberta as Reflected by Ceramics: Volume 2
Author/Editor: Byrne, William J
Archaeology and Prehistory of Southern Alberta as Reflected by Ceramics: Volume 1
Author/Editor: Byrne, William J
Archaeology of the Lake Harbour District, Baffin Island
Author/Editor: Maxwell, Moreau S
Archaic Sequence from the Strait of Belle Isle, Labrador
Author/Editor: McGhee, Robert; Tuck, James A
Around and about Marius Barbeau
Author/Editor: Smith, Gordon E; Jessup, Lynda; Nurse, Andrew
Artifacts from A coat of many colours :two centuries of Jewish life in Canada / Objets de l'exposition La tunique aux couleurs multiples : deux siècles de présence juive au Canada
Author/Editor: Weizman, Sandra Morton
Artifacts from the CCFCS collections
Author/Editor: Tilney, Philip V. R
Artificial Intelligence’s Impact on Legal Journals / Incidence de l’intelligence artificielle sur les revues de droit: Challenges and Opportunities for the Ottawa Law Review / Défis et possibilités pour la Revue de droit d’Ottawa, Ed. DGO - Digital origin
Author/Editor: Yan Campagnolo ,Leonie van Haeren ,Shaarini Ravitharan ,Emma Murray ,Ephraim Barrera
Artisans de la modernité
Author/Editor: Farmer, Diane
Ashore and Afloat
Author/Editor: Gwyn, Julian
As it comes
Author/Editor: Gibbons, Roy W
Aspects of Inuit value socialization
Author/Editor: Briggs, Jean L
Assisted Suicide
Author/Editor: Prado, C. G
Athapaskan women
Author/Editor: Cruikshank, Julie
Atlas de neuroanatomie fonctionnelle
Author/Editor: Hendelman, Walter J
Atlas historique des pratiques religieuses
Author/Editor: Rousseau, Louis; Remiggi, Frank W
At the Speed of Light There is Only Illumination
Author/Editor: Moss, John; Morra, Linda M
Au fil des ans
Author/Editor: Huneault, Estelle
Au service du Canada
Author/Editor: Preston, Richard
Au temps de la « révolution acadienne »
Author/Editor: Volpé, Philippe; Massicotte, Julien
Au temps de la « révolution acadienne »: Les marxistes-léninistes en Acadie
Author/Editor: Philippe VOLPÉ,Julien MASSICOTTE
Autour de Chantal Mouffe: Le politique en conflit
Author/Editor: Linda Cardinal ,Pascale Devette
Aux origines de l'identité franco-ontarienne
Author/Editor: Gaffield, Chad