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Titles start with S (98) Information
Sabra and Shatila: September 1982
Author/Editor: Bayan Nuwayhed al-Hout
Sad by Design: On Platform Nihilism
Author/Editor: Geert Lovink
Sade: The Libertine Novels
Author/Editor: John Phillips
Salvador Allende: Revolutionary Democrat
Author/Editor: Victor Figueroa Clark
Sans Papiers: The Social and Economic Lives of Young Undocumented Migrants
Author/Editor: Alice Bloch,Nando Sigona,Roger Zetter
Sara: My Whole Life Was a Struggle
Author/Editor: Sakine Cansız,Janet Biehl
Sara: Prison Memoir of a Kurdish Revolutionary
Author/Editor: Sakine Cansýz,Janet Biehl
Scenes from the Revolution: Making Political Theatre 1968-2018
Author/Editor: Kim Wiltshire,Billy Cowan
Scotland Rising: The Case for Independence
Author/Editor: Gerry Hassan
The Scramble for African Oil: Oppression, Corruption and War for Control of Africa's Natural Resources
Author/Editor: Douglas A. Yates
Seamus Heaney: Searches For Answers
Author/Editor: Eugene O’Brien
Seasons of Hunger: Fighting Cycles of Starvation Among the World's Rural Poor
Author/Editor: Stephen Devereux,Bapu Vaitla,Samuel Hauenstein Swan,Robert Chambers
The Second Palestinian Intifada: A Chronicle of a People's Struggle
Author/Editor: RAMZY BAROUD,Kathleen,Bill Christison,Jennifer Loewenstein,Mahfouz Abu Turk,Matthew Cassel
The Second World War: A Marxist History
Author/Editor: Chris Bambery
Secret Manoeuvres in the Dark: Corporate and Police Spying on Activists
Author/Editor: Eveline Lubbers
Secret Power: WikiLeaks and Its Enemies
Author/Editor: Stefania Maurizi ,Ken Loach ,Lesli Cavanaugh-Bardelli
The Secure and the Dispossessed: How the Military and Corporations are Shaping a Climate-Changed World
Author/Editor: Nick Buxton,Ben Hayes,Susan George
Seeing Like a Smuggler: Borders from Below
Author/Editor: Mahmoud Keshavarz ,Shahram Khosravi
The Serge Trotsky Papers: Correspondence and Other Writings Between Victor Serge and Leon Trotsky
Author/Editor: D.J. Cotterill
Settler Colonialism: An Introduction
Author/Editor: Sai Englert
Shadow Lives: The Forgotten Women of the War on Terror
Author/Editor: Victoria Brittain,John Berger,Marina Warner
Sharing the Land of Canaan: Human Rights and the Israeli-Palestinian Struggle
Author/Editor: Mazin B. Qumsiyeh
Sharing the Nile: Egypt, Ethiopia and the Geo-Politics of Water
Author/Editor: Seifulaziz Milas
Shooting a Revolution: Visual Media and Warfare in Syria
Author/Editor: Donatella Della Ratta
Shut Down the Business School: What's Wrong with Management Education
Author/Editor: Martin Parker
Sick Planet: Corporate Food and Medicine
Author/Editor: STAN COX
The Silences of Dispossession: Agrarian Change and Indigenous Politics in Argentina
Author/Editor: Mercedes Biocca
Sinn Féin and the Politics of Left Republicanism
Author/Editor: EOIN Ó BROIN
The Situationist International: A Critical Handbook
Author/Editor: Alastair Hemmens,Gabriel Zacarias
Slavoj Zizek: A Critical Introduction
Author/Editor: Ian Parker
Small is Necessary: Shared Living on a Shared Planet
Author/Editor: Anitra Nelson
Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Third Edition), Ed. 3
Author/Editor: Thomas Hylland Eriksen
Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (Fourth Edition), Ed. 4
Author/Editor: Thomas Hylland Eriksen
Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology, Ed. 5
Author/Editor: Thomas Hylland Eriksen
Small Places, Large Issues - Fourth Edition: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology
Author/Editor: Thomas Hylland Eriksen
Social Attitudes in Northern Ireland - the 9th Report
Author/Editor: Katrina Lloyd,Paula Devine,Ann Marie Gray,Deirdre Heenan
A Social Ecology of Capital
Author/Editor: Éric Pineault
Socialist Feminism: A New Approach
Author/Editor: Frieda Afary
A Socialist History of the French Revolution
Author/Editor: Jean Jaurès,Mitchell Abidor,Henry Heller
Socialist States and the Environment: Lessons for Eco-Socialist Futures
Author/Editor: Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro
Social Mobility in Kerala: Modernity and Identity in Conflict
Author/Editor: Filippo Osella,Caroline Osella
Social Movements and State Power: Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador
Author/Editor: James Petras,Henry Veltmeyer
Social Movements, Law and Liberal Imaginations: Radha D'Souza
Author/Editor: Radha D’Souza
Social Reproduction Theory and the Socialist Horizon: Work, Power and Political Strategy
Author/Editor: Aaron Jaffe,Cinzia Arruzza
Social Reproduction Theory: Remapping Class, Recentering Oppression
Author/Editor: Tithi Bhattacharya,Lise Vogel
Society Despite the State: Reimagining Geographies of Order
Author/Editor: Anthony Ince ,Gerónimo Barrera de la Torre
The Sociology of Anthony Giddens
Author/Editor: Steven Loyal
Solidarity: Latin America and the US Left in the Era of Human Rights
Author/Editor: Steve Striffler,Immanuel Ness,Peter Cole,Raquel Varela,Tim Pringle,Peter Alexander,Malehoko Tshoaedi
Solidarity without Borders: Gramscian Perspectives on Migration and Civil Society Alliances
Author/Editor: Óscar García Agustín,Martin Bak Jørgensen
The Solutions are Already Here: Strategies for Ecological Revolution from Below
Author/Editor: Peter Gelderloos
Somalia - the Untold Story: The War Through the Eyes of Somali Women
Author/Editor: Judith Gardner,Judy El Bushra
Songs At the River's Edge: Stories From a Bangladeshi Village
Author/Editor: Katy Gardner
Sound System: The Political Power of Music
Author/Editor: Dave Randall
Space Invaders: Radical Geographies of Protest
Author/Editor: Paul Routledge,Kate Derickson,Danny Dorling,Jenny Pickerill
Spectres of Fascism: Historical, Theoretical and International Perspectives
Author/Editor: Samir Gandesha
The Spirit of Marikana: The Rise of Insurgent Trade Unionism in South Africa
Author/Editor: Luke Sinwell,Siphiwe Mbatha,Peter Alexander,Immanuel Ness,Tim Pringle,Malehoko Tshoaedi
Split: Class Divides Uncovered
Author/Editor: Ben Tippet
The Squatters' Movement in Europe: Commons and Autonomy as Alternatives to Capitalism
Author/Editor: Claudio Cattaneo,Miguel A. Martínez
Stakeholder Housing: A Third Way
Author/Editor: Tim Brown,Tony Blair
Star Authors: Literary Celebrity in America
Author/Editor: Joe Moran
Star Wars: US Tools of Space Supremacy
Author/Editor: Loring Wirbel
The State and Community Action
Author/Editor: Terry Robson
State Crime: Governments, Violence and Corruption
Author/Editor: Penny Green,Tony Ward
State Crime on the Margins of Empire: Rio Tinto, the War on Bougainville and Resistance to Mining
Author/Editor: Kristian Lasslett
State Formation: Anthropological Perspectives
Author/Editor: Christian Krohn-Hansen,Knut G. Nustad,Bruce Kapferer
The State of Islam: Culture and Cold War Politics in Pakistan
Author/Editor: Saadia Toor
State Resistance to Globalisation in Cuba
Author/Editor: Antonio Carmona Báez
State Violence, Collusion and the Troubles: Counter Insurgency, Government Deviance and Northern Ireland
Author/Editor: Maurice Punch
Staying Power: The History of Black People in Britain
Author/Editor: Peter Fryer,Gary Younge,Paul Gilroy
Staying Power: The History of Black People in Britain
Author/Editor: PETER FRYER,Paul Gilroy
Stitched Up: The Anti-Capitalist Book of Fashion
Author/Editor: Tansy E. Hoskins
Stolen Youth: The Politics of Israel's Detention of Palestinian Children
Author/Editor: Catherine Cook,Adam Hanieh,Adah Kay
Stopping Oil: Climate Justice and Hope
Author/Editor: Sophie Bond ,Amanda Thomas ,Gradon Diprose
Storming Heaven: Class Composition and Struggle in Italian Autonomist Marxism
Author/Editor: Steve Wright
Storming Heaven - Second Edition: Class Composition and Struggle in Italian Autonomist Marxism, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Steve Wright,Harry Cleaver,Riccardo Bellofiore,Massimiliano Tomba
St. Pauli: Another Football is Possible
Author/Editor: Carles Viñas ,Natxo Parra ,Deniz Naki ,Luke Stobart
Straight Power Concepts in the Middle East: US Foreign Policy, Israel and World History
Author/Editor: Gregory Harms
Struck Out: Why Employment Tribunals Fail Workers and What Can be Done
Author/Editor: David Renton
The Struggle for Food Sovereignty: Alternative Development and the Renewal of Peasant Societies Today
Author/Editor: Rémy Herrera,Kin Chi Lau,Samir Amin,Gérard Choplin,Sam Moyo,Utsa Patnaik,Jade Tsui Sit,João Pedro Stedile,Poeura Tetoe,Erebus Wong
The Struggle for Hegemony in Pakistan: Fear, Desire and Revolutionary Horizons
Author/Editor: Aasim Sajjad Akhtar
Struggle in a Time of Crisis
Author/Editor: Nicolas Pons-Vignon,Mbuso Nkosi
Student Revolt: Voices of the Austerity Generation
Author/Editor: Matt Myers,Paul Mason
Subalternity, Antagonism, Autonomy: Constructing the Political Subject
Author/Editor: Massimo Modonesi,Adriana V. Rendón Garrido,Philip Roberts,John Holloway
Such, Such Were the Joys: A Graphic Novel
Author/Editor: George Orwell ,Sean Michael Wilson ,Jaime Huxtable
A Suffragette in America: Reflections on Prisoners, Pickets and Political Change
Author/Editor: E. Sylvia Pankhurst,Katherine Connelly
Suicide Bombers: Allah's New Martyrs
Author/Editor: Farhad Khosrokhavar,David Macey
A Suitable Enemy: Racism, Migration and Islamophobia in Europe
Author/Editor: LIZ FEKETE,A. Sivanandan
Super Imperialism: The Origin and Fundamentals of U.S. World Dominance
Author/Editor: Michael Hudson
The Suppression of Guilt: The Israeli Media and the Reoccupation of the West Bank
Author/Editor: Daniel Dor
Surplus Citizens: Struggle and Nationalism in the Greek Crisis
Author/Editor: Dimitra Kotouza
Surrealism Against the Current: Tracts and Declarations
Author/Editor: Michael Richardson,Krzysztof Fijałkowski
Surviving Climate Change: The Struggle to Avert Global Catastrophe
The Suspect: Counterterrorism, Islam, and the Security State
Author/Editor: Rizwaan Sabir ,Hicham Yezza ,Aamer Anwar
Sylvia Pankhurst: A Life in Radical Politics
Author/Editor: Mary Davis
Sylvia Pankhurst: Suffragette, Socialist and Scourge of Empire
Author/Editor: Katherine Connelly
Syria after the Uprisings: The Political Economy of State Resilience
Author/Editor: Joseph Daher
The Syrian Revolution: Between the Politics of Life and the Geopolitics of Death
Author/Editor: Yasser Munif
Syriza: Inside the Labyrinth
Author/Editor: Kevin Ovenden,Paul Mason