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Racial and Ethnic Differences in Mental Illness Stigma and Discrimination Among Californians Experiencing Mental Health Challenges
Author/Editor: Wong, Eunice C.; Collins, Rebecca L.; Cerully, Jennifer L
Racial and Ethnic Differences in Mental Illness Stigma in California
Author/Editor: Collins, Rebecca L.; Wong, Eunice C.; Cerully, Jennifer L
Radical Islam in East Africa
Author/Editor: Rabasa, Angel
The Radicalization of Diasporas and Terrorism
Author/Editor: Hoffman, Bruce; Rosenau, William; Curiel, Andrew J
RAND and the Information Evolution
Author/Editor: Ware, Willis H.; Chalk, Peter; Warnes, Richard
The RAND Health Care Payment and Delivery Simulation Model (PADSIM)
Author/Editor: Chapin White,Jodi L. Liu,Mikhail Zaydman,Sarah A. Nowak,Peter S. Hussey
RAND in Southeast Asia
Author/Editor: Elliott, Mai
The RAND Online Measure Repository for Evaluating Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury Programs
Author/Editor: Acosta, Joie D.; Reynolds, Kerry A.; Gillen, Emily M
The RAND Security Cooperation Prioritization and Propensity Matching Tool
Author/Editor: Paul, Christopher; Nixon, Michael; Peterson, Heather
RAND Suicide Prevention Program Evaluation Toolkit
Author/Editor: Acosta, Joie D.; Ramchand, Rajeev; Becker, Amariah
Rapid Acquisition and Fielding for Information Assurance and Cyber Security in the Navy
Author/Editor: Porche III, Isaac R.; McKay, Shawn; McKernan, Megan
Readiness Reporting for an Adaptive Army
Author/Editor: Pernin, Christopher G.; Butler, Dwayne M.; Constant, Louay
Reading for Understanding
Author/Editor: Snow, Catherine
Ready for Fall? Near-Term Effects of Voluntary Summer Learning Programs on Low-Income Students' Learning Opportunities and Outcomes
Author/Editor: McCombs, Jennifer Sloan; Pane, John F.; Augustine, Catherine H
Ready for Takeoff
Author/Editor: Cliff, Roger; Ohlandt, Chad J. R.; Yang, David
Ready to Serve
Author/Editor: Tanielian, Terri; Farris, Coreen; Epley, Caroline
Reauthorizing No Child Left Behind
Author/Editor: Stecher, Brian M.; Vernez, Georges
Rebuilding Housing Along the Mississippi Coast
Author/Editor: Bernstein, Mark A.; Kim, Julie; Sorensen, Paul
Recasting NATO's Strategic Concept
Author/Editor: Chivvis, Christopher S
Recommendations for Improving the Recruiting and Hiring of Los Angeles Firefighters
Author/Editor: Hardison, Chaitra M.; Lim, Nelson; Keller, Kirsten M
Recommendations for Sustaining California's Statewide Mental Health Prevention and Early Intervention Programs
Author/Editor: Burnam, M. Audrey; Berry, Sandra H.; Eberhart, Nicole K
Recommended Infrastructure Standards for Mass Antibiotic Dispensing
Author/Editor: Nelson, Christopher; Chan, Edward W.; Chandra, Anita
Reconstruction Under Fire
Author/Editor: Stearns Lawson, Brooke; Kelly, Terrence K.; Parker, Michelle
Recruiting and Retaining America's Finest
Author/Editor: Wilson, Jeremy M.; Rostker, Bernard D.; Fan, Cha-Chi
Recruiting Minorities
Author/Editor: Asch, Beth J.; Heaton, Paul; Savych, Bogdan
Recruiting Older Youths
Author/Editor: Rostker, Bernard D.; Klerman, Jacob Alex; Zander-Cotugno, Megan
Recruiting Strategies to Support the Army’s All-Volunteer Force
Author/Editor: Orvis, Bruce R.; Garber, Steven; Hall-Partyka, Philip
Recruiting Strategies to Support the Army’s All-Volunteer Force
Author/Editor: Bruce R. Orvis,Steven Garber,Philip Hall-Partyka,Christopher E. Maerzluft,Tiffany Tsai
Recruitment and Retention
Author/Editor: Rostker, Bernard D.; Hix, William M.; Wilson, Jeremy M
Redefining Information Warfare Boundaries for an Army in a Wireless World
Author/Editor: Porche, Isaac R. III; Paul, Christopher; York, Michael
Redirecting Innovation in U.S. Health Care
Author/Editor: Garber, Steven; Gates, Susan M.; Keeler, Emmett B
Reducing Drug Trafficking Revenues and Violence in Mexico
Author/Editor: Kilmer, Beau; Caulkins, Jonathan P.; Bond, Brittany M
Reducing Gun Violence
Author/Editor: Tita, George; Riley, K. Jack; Ridgeway, Greg
Reducing Long-Term Costs While Preserving a Robust Strategic Airlift Fleet
Author/Editor: Mouton, Christopher A.; Orletsky, David T.; Kennedy, Michael
Reducing the Cultivation of Opium Poppies in Southern Afghanistan
Author/Editor: Greenfield, Victoria A.; Crane, Keith; Bond, Craig A
Reforming Military Retirement
Author/Editor: Asch, Beth J.; Mattock, Michael G.; Hosek, James
Reforming Teacher Education
Author/Editor: Kirby, Sheila Nataraj; McCombs, Jennifer Sloan; Barney, Heather
Regime and Periphery in Northern Yemen
Author/Editor: Salmoni, Barak A.; Loidolt, Bryce; Wells, Madeleine
Regulating Older Drivers
Author/Editor: Loughran, David S.; Seabury, Seth A.; Zakaras, Laura
Reinforcing Deterrence on NATO’s Eastern Flank
Author/Editor: David A. Shlapak,Michael W. Johnson
Reinforcing Deterrence on NATO’s Eastern Flank
Author/Editor: Shlapak, David A.; Johnson, Michael
Reintegrating Afghan Insurgents
Author/Editor: Jones, Seth G
Reorganizing U.S. Domestic Intelligence
Author/Editor: Treverton, Gregory F.; Popper, Steven W.; Bankes, Steven C
Reparable Harm
Author/Editor: Davis, Lois M; Kilburn, M. Rebecca; Scultz, Dana
Reparable Harm
Author/Editor: Davis, Lois M.; Kilburn, M. Rebecca; Schultz, Dana
The Repopulation of New Orleans After Hurricane Katrina
Author/Editor: McCarthy, Kevin F.; Peterson, D. J.; Sastry, Narayan
Reporters on the Battlefield
Author/Editor: Paul, Christopher; Kim, James J
Resolving Kirkuk
Author/Editor: Hanauer, Larry; Miller, Laurel E
Resources and Capabilities of the Department of Veterans Affairs to Provide Timely and Accessible Care to Veterans
Author/Editor: Health, RAND
Results from the Teach For America 2015 National Principal Survey
Author/Editor: Rudnick, Mollie; Edelman, Amanda F; Kharel, Ujwal
Rethinking Coordination of Services to Refugees in Urban Areas
Author/Editor: Shelly Culbertson,Olga Oliker,Ben Baruch,Ilana Blum
Rethinking Counterinsurgency
Author/Editor: Mackinlay, John; Al-Baddawy, Alison
Reviewing the Evidence Base for Mental Health First Aid
Author/Editor: Wong, Eunice C.; Collins, Rebecca L.; Cerully, Jennifer L
A Review of Current State-Level Adverse Medical Event Reporting Practices
Author/Editor: Beckett, Megan K.; Fossum, Donna; Moreno, Connie S
A Review of Research on Problematic Internet Use and Well-Being
Author/Editor: Breslau, Joshua; Aharoni, Eyal; Pedersen, Eric R
Review of Security Cooperation Mechanisms Combatant Commands Utilize to Build Partner Capacity
Author/Editor: Moroney, Jennifer D. P.; Thaler, David E.; Hogler, Joe
A Review of the Literature on Sexual Assault Perpetrator Characteristics and Behaviors
Author/Editor: Greathouse, Sarah Michal; Saunders, Jessica; Matthews, Miriam
Review of the Provision of Job Placement Assistance and Related Employment Services to Members of the Reserve Components
Author/Editor: Agnes Gereben Schaefer,Neil Brian Carey,Lindsay Daugherty,Ian P. Cook,Spencer Case
Revitalizing Arts Education Through Community-Wide Coordination
Author/Editor: Bodilly, Susan J.; Augustine, Catherine H
Rhetoric vs. Reality
Author/Editor: Timpane, Michael; Brewer, Dominic; Gill, Brian
The Rise of Political Islam in Turkey
Author/Editor: Rabasa, Angel; Larrabee, F. Stephen
The Rise of the Pasdaran
Author/Editor: Wehrey, Frederic; Green, Jerrold D; Nichiporuk, Brian
A Risk Assessment Methodology and Excel Tool for Acquisition Programs
Author/Editor: Mayer, Lauren A.; Arena, Mark V.; McMahon, Michael E
Risking NATO
Author/Editor: Hoehn, Andrew R.; Harting, Sarah
Robust Water-Management Strategies for the California Water Plan Update 2013
Author/Editor: Groves, David G.; Bloom, Evan
The Role of Faith-Based Organizations in HIV Prevention and Care in Central America
Author/Editor: Derose, Kathryn Pitkin; Kanouse, David E.; Kennedy, David P
The Role of Faith-Based Organizations in HIV Prevention and Care in Central America
Author/Editor: Derose, Kathryn Pitkin; Kanouse, David E.; Kennedy, David P
The Role of Health Care Transformation for the Chinese Dream
Author/Editor: Mattke, Soeren; Liu, Hangsheng; Hunter, Lauren E
The Role of Nongovernmental Organizations in Long-Term Human Recovery After Disaster
Author/Editor: Chandra, Anita; Acosta, Joie D
The Role of Technology in Improving K-12 School Safety
Author/Editor: Heather L. Schwartz,Rajeev Ramchand,Dionne Barnes-Proby,Sean Grant,Brian A. Jackson,Kristin J. Leuschner,Mauri Matsuda,Jessica Saunders
The Role of the United States Postal Service in Public Safety and Security
Author/Editor: Davis, Lois M.; Pollard, Michael; Goulka, Jeremiah
Russia and the Information Revolution
Author/Editor: Peterson, D. J
Russian Foreign Policy
Author/Editor: Oliker, Olga; Crane, Keith; Schwartz, Lowell H
Russia's Chechen Wars 1994-2000
Author/Editor: Oliker, Olga
Russia's Economy
Author/Editor: Wolf, Charles Jr.; Lang, Thomas; Thomas Lang