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Titles start with S (18) Information
The Search for Security in the Pacific 1901-1914: A History of Australian Defence and Foreign Policy 1901-23: Volume 1
Author/Editor: Neville Meaney
Shirley Hazzard: New Critical Essays
Author/Editor: Brigitta Olubas,Robert Dixon
Shooting Blanks at the Anzac Legend: Australian women's war fictions
Author/Editor: Donna Coates
Singing Bones: Ancestral Creativity and Collaboration
Author/Editor: Samuel Curkpatrick
Sir Frank Packer: A Biography
Author/Editor: Bridget Griffen-Foley
Smoke Signals: Selected Writing
Author/Editor: Simon Chapman
Smoking Among Healthcare Professionals
Author/Editor: Derek R. Smith ,Peter A. Leggat
Social Work Education: Voices from the Asia Pacific
Social Work Field Education and Supervision Across Asia Pacific
Author/Editor: Carolyn Noble ,Mark Henrickson
Songs from the Stations: Wajarra as Performed by Ronnie Wavehill Wirrpnga, Topsy Dodd Ngarnjal and Dandy Danbayarri at Kalkaringi
Author/Editor: Myfany Turpin,Felicity Meakins,Brenda L Croft,Linda Barwick
South Flows the Pearl: Chinese Australian Voices
Author/Editor: Mavis Gock Yen ,Siaoman Yen ,Richard Horsburgh
Speak My Name: Investigating Egyptian Mummies
Author/Editor: James Fraser ,Conni Lord ,John Magnussen
Sport in the Lives of Young Australians
Author/Editor: Richard Light
The state of the art: teaching drama in the 21st century
Author/Editor: Michael Anderson,Colleen Roche
Stepping On: Building Confidence and Reducing Falls
Sustainable Data from Digital Fieldwork
Author/Editor: Linda Barwick ,Nicholas Thieberger
Sustaining Heritage: Giving the Past a Future
Author/Editor: Tony Gilmour
Sydney University Sport 1852-2007: More than a Club
Author/Editor: Geoffrey Sherington ,Steve Georgakis