Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles ( displaying 500 of 855 ) | Information |
101 Tips to Getting the Residency You Want |
Author/Editor: Canady, John
23 Woodcock in 22 Years: Reflections on Hunting, the Night Sky, and Our Place in the Universe |
924 Elementary Problems and Answers in Solar System Astronomy |
Author/Editor: Van Allen, James A
The Adventures of Cancer Bitch |
Author/Editor: Wisenberg, S. L
The Afterlives of Specimens |
Author/Editor: Tuggle, Lindsay
After the End of History |
Author/Editor: Cohen, Samuel
After the Program Era |
Author/Editor: Glass, Loren
After the West Was Won |
Author/Editor: Nelson, Paula M
Against the Gallows |
Author/Editor: Jones, Paul Christian
Against the Grain |
Author/Editor: Dana, Robert
Aggregate of Disturbances |
Author/Editor: Glazer, Michele
Alcott in Her Own Time |
Author/Editor: Shealy, Daniel
All Black Everything |
Author/Editor: SHANE BOOK
All Contraries Confounded: The Lyrical Fiction of Virginia Woolf, Djuna Barnes, and Marguerite Duras |
Author/Editor: Karen Kaivola
All Is Leaf: Essays and Transformations |
Author/Editor: JOHN T. PRICE
All That Work and Still No Boys |
Author/Editor: Ma, Kathryn
All Will Yet Be Well |
Author/Editor: Bunkers, Suzanne L
Always Put in a Recipe and Other Tips for Living from Iowa's Best-Known Homemaker |
Author/Editor: Birkby, Evelyn
Ambiguity and Gender in the New Novel of Brazil and Spanish America |
Author/Editor: Payne, Judith A.; Fitz, Earl E
America in the Round |
Author/Editor: Galella, Donatella
American Gothic |
Author/Editor: Martin, Robert K.; Savoy, Eric
The American H.D |
Author/Editor: Debo, Annette
American Idyll |
Author/Editor: Liu, Catherine
American Literature and Culture in an Age of Cold War |
Author/Editor: Belletto, Steven; Grausam, Daniel
The American Negro Theatre and the Long Civil RIghts Era |
Author/Editor: Shandell, Jonathan
The American Sonnet: An Anthology of Poems and Essays |
American Spikenard |
Author/Editor: Vap, Sarah
American Theater in the Culture of the Cold War |
Author/Editor: Mcconachie, Bruce A
American Unexceptionalism |
Author/Editor: Knapp, Kathy
Among Friends |
Author/Editor: Dewey, Anne; Rifkin, Libbie
Andean Expressions |
Author/Editor: Lau, George F
And the Monkey Learned Nothing |
Author/Editor: Lutz, Tom
Angel De Cora, Karen Thronson, and the Art of Place: How Two Midwestern Women Used Art to Negotiate Migration and Dispossession |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Sutton
Anthem Speed |
Author/Editor: Christopher Bolin
Anthropologies |
Author/Editor: Alvarado, Beth
The Anthropology of Iceland |
Author/Editor: Durrenberger, E. Paul; Palsson, Gisli
Antipodes: Stories |
Author/Editor: holly goddard jones
The Archaeological Guide to Iowa |
Author/Editor: Whittaker, William E.; Alex, Lynn M.; De La Garza, Mary
Ark |
Author/Editor: Isles, John
Art Essays: A Collection |
Author/Editor: Alexandra Kingston-Reese ,SAMUEL COHEN
Art Quilts the Midwest |
Author/Editor: McCray, Linzee Kull
Ascension Theory |
Author/Editor: Bolin, Christopher
Athenian Tragedy in Performance |
Author/Editor: Powers, Melinda
Atlas of Iowa |
Author/Editor: Robert C. Shepard ,Patrick Bitterman ,J. Clark Archer ,Fred M. Shelley
Attachments: Essays on Fatherhood and Other Performances |
Author/Editor: Lucas Mann
At the Brink of Infinity |
Author/Editor: von der Heydt, James E
The Attic |
Author/Editor: Harnack, Curtis
Attributed to the Harrow Painter |
Author/Editor: Twemlow, Nick
The Auburn Conference |
Author/Editor: TOM PIAZZA
August Wilson |
Author/Editor: Nadel, Alan
Aussie Fans: Uniquely Placed in Global Popular Culture |
Author/Editor: Celia Lam,Jackie Raphael
Austentatious |
Author/Editor: Luetkenhaus, Holly; Weinstein, Zoe
Bachelor Bess |
Author/Editor: Gerber, Philip L
Bad Land Pastoralism in Great Plains Fiction |
Author/Editor: Cella, Matthew J. C
Ball Hawks |
Author/Editor: Harwood, Tim
The Beckoning World: A Novel |
Author/Editor: DOUGLAS BAUER
Behind the Big House: Reconciling Slavery, Race, and Heritage in the U.S. South |
Author/Editor: Jodi Skipper
Behind the Lines |
Author/Editor: Metres, Philip
Benjamin Shambaugh and the Intellectual Foundations of Public Hisory |
Author/Editor: Conard, Rebecca
The Best Specimen of a Tyrant |
Author/Editor: Doherty, Thomas
Between Gravity and What Cheer |
Author/Editor: Phipps, Barry
Between Urban and Wild |
Author/Editor: Jones, Andrea M
Beyond Ridiculous: Making Gay Theatre with Charles Busch in 1980s New York |
Author/Editor: Kenneth Elliott
The Biographical Dictionary of Iowa |
Author/Editor: Hudson, David; Bergman, Marvin; Horton, Loren
Birds of an Iowa Dooryard |
Author/Editor: Sherman, Althea R
Biting through the Skin |
Author/Editor: Furstenau, Nina Mukerjee
Bjarki, Not Bjarki: On Floorboards, Love, and Irreconcilable Differences |
Author/Editor: MATTHEW J. C. CLARK
Black Eagle Child |
Author/Editor: Young Bear, Ray A
Bodies on the Line |
Author/Editor: Allison, Raphael
The Body of Brooklyn |
Author/Editor: Lazar, David
bodys |
Author/Editor: Roveto, Vanessa
The Book of a Hundred Hands |
Author/Editor: Swensen, Cole
The Book of Jane |
Author/Editor: Jennifer Habel
Booming from the Mists of Nowhere |
Author/Editor: Hoch, Greg
Botanical Companions |
Author/Editor: Knobloch, Frieda
The Boundaries of Their Dwelling |
Author/Editor: Blake Sanz
Brave New Words |
Author/Editor: Ammons, Elizabeth
A Brighter Word Than Bright |
Author/Editor: Beachy-Quick, Dan
Broken Heartland |
Author/Editor: Davidson, Osha Gray
A Broken Thing |
Author/Editor: Rosko, Emily; Vander Zee, Anton
Bub: Essays from Just North of Nashville |
Author/Editor: DREW BRATCHER
Buddhism for Western Children |
Author/Editor: Allio, Kirstin
Building Their Own Waldos |
Author/Editor: Habich, Robert D
Butcher's Work: True Crime Tales of American Murder and Madness |
The Butterflies of Iowa |
Author/Editor: Schlicht, Dennis W.; Downey, John C.; Nekola, Jeffrey C
Buxton |
Author/Editor: Schwieder, Dorothy; Hraba, Joseph; Schwieder, Elmer
Cahuachi in the Ancient Nasca World |
Author/Editor: Silverman, Helaine
Callachaca |
Author/Editor: Niles, Susan A
Campaign Inc |
Author/Editor: De Sio. Jr., Henry F
Cardinal Points |
Author/Editor: Pettit, Michael
Carnival in the Countryside |
Author/Editor: Rasmussen, Chris
Central Standard |
Author/Editor: Irelan, Patrick
Challenging Pregnancy: A Journey through the Politics and Science of Healthcare in America |
Author/Editor: Genevieve Grabma
Charlotte Perkins Gilman |
Author/Editor: Rudd, Jill; Gough, Val
Chasing the White Whale |
Author/Editor: Dowling, David
China Lake |
Author/Editor: Baumgart, Barret
Choreography Observed |
Author/Editor: Anderson, Jack
Circling Back |
Author/Editor: Truett, Joe C
Cities of Farmers |
Author/Editor: Dawson, Julie C.; Morales, Alfonso
City Watch |
Author/Editor: Anderson, Jon
The City We Make Together: City Council Meeting's Primer for Participation |
Civil War Nurse Narratives, 1863-1870 |
Author/Editor: Wardrop, Daneen
Classical Greek Theatre |
Author/Editor: Ashby, Clifford
Clock and Compass: How John Byron Plato Gave Farmers a Real Address |
Author/Editor: Mark Monmonier
Cloud of Ink |
Author/Editor: Klatt, L. S
Cobble Circles and Standing Stones |
Author/Editor: Quilter, Jeffrey
The Collaborative Artist's Book: Evolving Ideas in Contemporary Poetry and Art |
Author/Editor: ALEXANDRA J. GOLD
Collusions of Fact and Fiction: Performing Slavery in the Works of Suzan-Lori Parks and Kara Walker |
Coloring Locals |
Author/Editor: Shaker, Bonnie James
Coming Close |
Author/Editor: L'Esperance, Mari; Morin, Tomas Q
A Community of Writers |
Author/Editor: Dana, Robert
The Company of Heaven |
Author/Editor: Phipps-Kettlewell, Marilène
Complex Sleep |
Author/Editor: Tost, Tony
Confessions of a Gay Priest: A Memoir of Sex, Love, Abuse, and Scandal in the Catholic Seminary |
Author/Editor: TOM RASTRELLI
Confessions of a Left-Handed Man |
Author/Editor: Selgin, Peter
Congotronic |
Author/Editor: Book, Shane
Conserving Walt Whitman's Fame |
Author/Editor: Schmidgall, Gary
Contemporary Novelists and the Aesthetics of Twenty-First Century American Life |
Author/Editor: Alexandra Kingston-Reese
Contested City |
Author/Editor: Bendiner-Viani, Gabrielle
Contested Terrain: Suburban Fiction and U.S. Regionalism, 1945-2020 |
Author/Editor: Keith Wilhite
The Continuing Presence of Walt Whitman |
Author/Editor: Martin, Robert K
Control Bird Alt Delete |
Author/Editor: Peary, Alexandria
Cosmopolitical Claims |
Author/Editor: Mani, B. Venkat
A Country So Full of Game |
Author/Editor: Dinsmore, James J
The Courtship of Eva Eldridge |
Author/Editor: Simmons, Diane
Cracking Up: Black Feminist Comedy in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Century United States |
Author/Editor: Katelyn Hale Wood
The Creative Writer's Survival Guide |
Author/Editor: McNally, John
Currency of the Heart |
Author/Editor: Nichols, Donald
Czech Theatre Design in the Twentieth Century |
Author/Editor: Brandesky, Joe
Dakota in Exile |
Author/Editor: Clemmons, Linda M
A Damned Iowa Greyhound |
Author/Editor: Elder III, Donald C
Dancing in the Movies |
Author/Editor: Boswell, Robert
Death of a Writer |
Deed |
Author/Editor: Smith, Rod
Deep Nature |
Author/Editor: Linda Scarth,Robert Scarth,John Pearson
Deep Travel |
Author/Editor: Leff, David K
Demands of the Dead |
Author/Editor: Ryan, Katy
Democratic Vistas |
Author/Editor: Whitman, Walt; Folsom, Ed
Desert Gothic |
Author/Editor: Waters, Don
The Desert Year |
Author/Editor: Krutch, Joseph Wood
Detailing Trauma |
Author/Editor: Zwartjes, Arianne
Dickinson in Her Own Time |
Author/Editor: Eberwein, Jane Donahue; Farrar, Stephanie; Miller, Cristanne
A Dictionary of Iowa Place-Names |
Author/Editor: Savage, Tom
Dinner Roles |
Author/Editor: Inness, Sherrie A
Disability and Fandom |
Author/Editor: Katherine Anderson Howell
Disbound: Poems |
Author/Editor: Hajar Hussaini
Disney's Star Wars |
Author/Editor: Proctor, William; McCulloch, Richard
Distant Provinces in the Inka Empire |
Author/Editor: Malpass, Michael A.; Alconini, Sonia
Disturbing the Universe |
Author/Editor: Trites, Roberta S
The Diver |
Author/Editor: SAMSUN KNIGHT
Domestic Architecture, Ethnicity, and Complementarity in the South-Central Andes |
Author/Editor: Aldenderfer, Mark S
Douglass in His Own Time |
Author/Editor: Ernest, John
Down from the Mountaintop |
Author/Editor: Dolezal, Joshua
The Drake Relays |
Author/Editor: Peterson, David
Dreaming Out Loud |
Author/Editor: Porter, Horace
Dream Not of Other Worlds |
Author/Editor: Diehl, Huston
Dubuque's Forgotten Cemetery |
Author/Editor: Lillie, Robin M.; Mack, Jennifer E
Duffy's Iowa Caucus Cartoons |
Author/Editor: Duffy, Brian
Early Settlement and Subsistence in the Casma Valley, Peru |
Author/Editor: Pozorski, Shelia; Pozorski, Thomas
Ecological Restoration in the Midwest |
Author/Editor: Lenhart, Christian; Smiley Jr., Peter C
The Ecology and Management of Prairies in the Central United States |
Author/Editor: Helzer, Chris
Ecopoetics |
Author/Editor: Hume, Angela; Osborne, Gillian
Ecospatiality: A Place-Based Approach to American Literature |
Author/Editor: LOWELL WYSE
Edge Effects |
Author/Editor: Anderson, Chris
Educating For Professionalism |
Author/Editor: Wear, Delese
Embalming Mom |
Author/Editor: Burroway, Janet
The Emerald Horizon |
Author/Editor: Mutel, Cornelia F
Emerson in His Own Time |
Author/Editor: Bosco & Myerson, Ronald A. & Joel; Bosco, Ronald A
Emo: How Fans Defined a Subculture |
Engaging the Age of Jane Austen |
Author/Editor: Draxler, Bridget; Spratt, Danielle
Engaging with Shakespeare |
Author/Editor: Novy, Marianne L
The Enigma of Ethnicity |
Author/Editor: Zelinsky, Wilbur
Entitled to the Pedestal |
Author/Editor: Lewis, Nghana tamu
E Pluribus Unum |
Author/Editor: Harris, W. C
Equal Before the Law |
Author/Editor: Witosky, Tom; Hansen, Marc
Esther's Town |
Author/Editor: Lee, Deemer
The Ethics and Poetics of Alterity in Asian American Poetry |
Author/Editor: Zhou, Xiaojing
Everybody Hurts |
Author/Editor: Williams, Rebecca
Every Hour, Every Atom: A Collection of Walt Whitman's Early Notebooks and Fragments |
Author/Editor: Zachary Turpin,Matt Miller
Everything Flirts: Philosophical Romances |
Author/Editor: Sharon Wahl
The Evolution of Walt Whitman |
Author/Editor: Asselineau, Roger
Excommunicados |
Author/Editor: Haverty, Charles
Exploiting Fandom |
Author/Editor: Stanfill, Mel
Exploring Buried Buxton |
Author/Editor: Gradwohl, David M.; Osborn, Nancy M
The Extraordinary Work of Ordinary Writing |
Author/Editor: Sinor, Jennifer
The Face of Exile |
Author/Editor: Melton, Judith M
Faculty Brat: A Memoir of Abuse |
Author/Editor: Dominic Bucca
Fame and Fandom: Functioning On and Offline |
Author/Editor: Celia Lam ,Jackie Raphael ,Renee Middlemost ,Jessica Balanzategui
Family Bible |
Author/Editor: Delbridge, Melissa J
Family Feeling |
Author/Editor: Justice, Jean Ross
Fandom as Classroom Practice |
Author/Editor: Howell, Katherine Anderson
Fandom, Now in Color: A Collection of Voices |
Author/Editor: RUKMINI PANDE
Fandom, the Next Generation |
Author/Editor: Bridget Kies ,Megan Connor
The Fan Fiction Studies Reader |
Author/Editor: Hellekson, Karen; Busse, Kristina
Fangasm |
Author/Editor: Larsen, Katherine; Zubernis, Lynn S
Fangs Of Malice |
Author/Editor: Wikander, Matthew H
Fan Sites: Film Tourism and Contemporary Fandom |
Author/Editor: ABBY S. WAYSDORF
A Fan Studies Primer: Method, Research, Ethics |
Author/Editor: Paul Booth ,Rebecca Williams
Fantasies of Empire |
Author/Editor: Donohue, Joseph
The Farm at Holstein Dip |
Author/Editor: Engelhardt, Carroll
Farm House |
Author/Editor: Atherly, Mary E
Fauna and Flora, Earth and Sky |
Author/Editor: Dittmar, Trudy
The Feminist Avant-Garde in American Poetry |
Author/Editor: Frost, Elisabeth A
Feminist Fabulation |
Author/Editor: Barr, Marleen S
Feminist Rehearsals: Gender at the Theatre in Early Twentieth-Century Argentina and Mexico |
Fiction Sets You Free |
Author/Editor: Berman, Russell A
Field Guide to Wildflowers of Nebraska and the Great Plains |
Author/Editor: Farrar, Jon
Field of Vision |
Author/Editor: Knopp, Lisa
Fifty Common Birds of the Upper Midwest |
Author/Editor: Nancy Overcott,Dana Gardner
Fifty Uncommon Birds of the Upper Midwest |
Author/Editor: Dana Gardner,Nancy Overcott
The Fighting Horse of the Stanislaus |
Figures of Speech |
Author/Editor: Cassedy, Tim
Finding Bix |
Author/Editor: Wolfe, Brendan
Fire Road |
Author/Editor: Anderson, Donald
First We Read, Then We Write |
Author/Editor: Richardson, Robert D
The Fix |
Author/Editor: Wells, Lisa
Flight Dreams |
Author/Editor: Knopp, Lisa
The Fluency of Light |
Author/Editor: Sabatini Sloan, Aisha
The Folks |
Author/Editor: Suckow, Ruth
Food Waste, Food Insecurity, and the Globalization of Food Banks |
Author/Editor: Daniel N. Warshawsky
Forest and Shade Trees of Iowa |
Author/Editor: van der Linden, Peter J.; Farrar, Donald R
For Love of the World |
Author/Editor: Paul, Sherman
Form from Form |
Author/Editor: Bolin, Christopher
For Single Mothers Working as Train Conductors |
Author/Editor: Wolfson, Laura Esther
For Us, What Music? |
Author/Editor: Harp, Jerry
Fourteen Landing Zones |
Author/Editor: Jason, Philip K
Fragile Giants |
Author/Editor: Mutel, Cornelia F
Framing Fan Fiction |
Author/Editor: Busse, Kristina
Franklin in His Own Time |
Author/Editor: Hayes, Kevin J.; Bour, Isabelle
French Theatre Today |
Author/Editor: Turk, Edward Baron
fretwork |
Author/Editor: Michele Glazer
Friendly Fire |
Author/Editor: Chetkovich, Kathryn
Frogs and Toads in Your Pocket |
Author/Editor: VanDeWalle, Terry
From Androboros to the First Amendment |
Author/Editor: Davis, Peter A
From Beacon Hill to the Crystal Palace |
Author/Editor: Berbineau, Lorenza Stevens; Kilcup, Karen L
From Blue Mills to Columbia |
Author/Editor: Lyftogt, Kenneth L
From Chaos to Stability: How the Brain Invents Our Conscious Worlds |
Author/Editor: Israel Rosenfield ,Edward Ziff ,Fiammetta Ghedini
From Six-on-Six to Full Court Press |
Author/Editor: Beran, Janice A
From Warm Center to Ragged Edge |
Author/Editor: Lauck, Jon K
Frontier Forts of Iowa |
Author/Editor: Whittaker, William E
Full Catastrophe Living |
Author/Editor: Savich, Zach
Fuller in Her Own Time |
Author/Editor: Myerson, Joel
Full Moon at Noontide |
Author/Editor: Putnam, Ann
The Future of Family Farms |
Author/Editor: Opheim, Teresa
Gaming Masculinity |
Author/Editor: Condis, Megan
Gardening the Amana Way |
Author/Editor: Rettig, Lawrence L
Gardening with Native Plants in the Upper Midwest |
Author/Editor: Nauseef, Judy
Garland in His Own Time |
Author/Editor: Newlin, Keith
Gary Snyder and the Pacific Rim |
Author/Editor: Gray, Timothy
Gathering Noise from My Life |
Author/Editor: Anderson, Donald
Genre Fission |
Author/Editor: Barr, Marleen S
Gentlemen on the Prairie |
Author/Editor: Harnack, Curtis
Ghostly Figures |
Author/Editor: Keniston, Ann
The Ghosts of NASCAR |
Author/Editor: Havick, John
The Global Frontier: Postwar Travel in American Literature |
Author/Editor: ERIC STRAND
The Goner School |
Author/Editor: JESSICA LASER
Good Apples |
Author/Editor: Futrell, Susan
The Good Doctor |
Author/Editor: Mates, Susan Onthank
Good Food, Strong Communities |
Author/Editor: Ventura, Steve; Bailkey, Martin
Gothic Passages |
Author/Editor: Edwards, Justin D
Grammar Lessons |
Author/Editor: Morano, Michele
Grand & Arsenal |
Author/Editor: Webster, Kerri
Grand Excursions on the Upper Mississippi River |
Author/Editor: Roseman & Roseman, Curtis C. & Elizabeth M
Grasses in Your Pocket |
Author/Editor: Gardner, Anna B.; Hurst, Michael; Lewis, Deborah
The Great Chain of Life |
Author/Editor: Krutch, Joseph Wood
Great Expectation |
Author/Editor: Roche, Dan
Green Chili and Other Impostors |
Author/Editor: Nina Mukerjee Furstenau
Green, Fair, and Prosperous: Paths to Sustainable Iowa |
Author/Editor: Charles E. Connerly
The Greening Of Literary Scholarship |
Author/Editor: Rosendale, Steven
A Grotesque Animal |
Author/Editor: Amy Lee Lillard
Grove Karl Gilbert |
Author/Editor: Pyne, Stephen J
Growing Up Ethnic |
Author/Editor: Japtok, Martin
Growing Up with the Town |
Author/Editor: Schwieder, Dorothy Hubbard
The Guide to Iowa's State Preserves |
Author/Editor: Herzberg, Ruth; Pearson, John A
The Guide to Oklahoma Wildflowers |
Author/Editor: Folley, Patricia
Half a Million Strong |
Author/Editor: Arnold, Gina
Happenstance |
Author/Editor: Root, Robert
Happiness |
Author/Editor: Harleman, Ann
Happy Like This |
Author/Editor: Wurzbacher, Ashley
Hard Places |
Author/Editor: Francaviglia, Richard V
Harvest of Hazards |
Author/Editor: Oden, Derek S
Haunted by Waters |
Author/Editor: Hayashi, Robert T
Hawthorne in His Own Time |
Author/Editor: Bosco, Ronald A; Murphy, Jillmarie
Heart Stays Country |
Author/Editor: Lantz, Gary
Heir to the Crescent Moon |
Author/Editor: Sufiya Abdur-Rahman
The Hemophiliac's Motorcycle |
Author/Editor: Andrews, Tom
Her America |
Author/Editor: Glaspell, Susan; Bryan, Patricia L.; Carpentier, Martha C
Here Beneath Low-Flying Planes |
Author/Editor: Feitell, Merrill
Heretical Fictions |
Author/Editor: BERKOVE, LAWRENCE I.; Csicsila, Joseph
Her Kind of Want |
Author/Editor: Davis, Jennifer S
A Hero Perished |
Author/Editor: Baender, Paul
Hewing to Experience |
Author/Editor: Paul, Sherman
Hidden Prairie: Photographing Life in One Square Meter |
Author/Editor: Chris Helzer,Holly Carver
High Ground Coward |
Author/Editor: Mountain, Alicia
High Hawk |
Author/Editor: Amy Frykholm
History Matters |
Author/Editor: Sadoff, Ira
History, Memory, and the Literary Left |
Author/Editor: Lowney, John
History, Power, and Identity |
Author/Editor: Hill, Jonathan D
Hog Wild |
Author/Editor: Waltz, Lynn
Home Ice |
Author/Editor: Cunningham, Kevin
A Home in the West |
Author/Editor: Rockwell, M. Emilia; Wood, Sharon E
Homosexual Tradition in American Poetry |
Author/Editor: Martin, Robert K
Hope Isn't Stupid |
Author/Editor: Grattan, Sean Austin
A House on Stilts |
Author/Editor: Becker, Paula
How to Dungeon Master Parenting: A Guidebook for Gamifying the Child Rearing Quest, Leveling Up Your Skills, and Raising Future Adventurers |
Author/Editor: Shelly Mazzanoble
How to Leave Hialeah |
Author/Editor: Crucet, Jennine Capó
How to Live, What to Do |
Author/Editor: Richardson, Joan
How to Revise a True War Story |
Author/Editor: Young, John K
I Always Carry My Bones |
Author/Editor: Felicia Zamora
If I'd Known You Were Coming |
Author/Editor: Milliken, Kate
Images of Contemporary Iceland |
Author/Editor: Palsson, Gisli; Durrenberger, E. Paul
Images of Germany in American Literature |
Author/Editor: Zacharasiewicz, Waldemar
Imaging Animal Industry: American Meatpacking in Photography and Visual Culture |
Author/Editor: Emily Kathryn Morgan
In Defense of Nature |
Author/Editor: Hay, John
The Indians of Iowa |
Author/Editor: Foster, Lance M
India's Organic Farming Revolution |
Author/Editor: Thottathil, Sapna E
Industrial Poetics |
Author/Editor: Amato, Joe
In Dylan Town |
Author/Editor: Gaines, David
In Earshot of Water |
Author/Editor: Lindholdt, Paul
An Influencer's World: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Social Media Influencers and Creators |
An Infuriating American |
Author/Editor: Crowther, Hal
In Gatsby's Shadow |
Author/Editor: Haeg, Larry
In Kind |
Author/Editor: Maggie Queeney
Inland |
Author/Editor: Alexander, Pamela
In Rare Form |
Author/Editor: Firstenberger, W. A
In the Memory of the Map |
Author/Editor: Norment, Christopher
In the Tree Where the Double Sex Sleeps |
Author/Editor: Schlegel, Rob
Intimate With Walt |
Author/Editor: Schmidgall, Gary
Intricate Relations |
Author/Editor: Weyler, Karen A
Inverse Sky |
Author/Editor: Isles, John
Invisible Criticism |
Author/Editor: Nadel, Alan
Invisible Darkness |
Author/Editor: Larson, Charles R
Invisible Hawkeyes |
Author/Editor: Hill, Lena M.; Hill, Michael D
In Visible Movement |
Author/Editor: Noel, Urayoan
Invite |
Author/Editor: Pourciau, Glen
Iowa |
Author/Editor: Schwieder, Dorothy
Iowa Farm in Your Pocket |
Author/Editor: Murray, Kirk
Iowa Gems and Minerals in Your Pocket |
Author/Editor: Garvin, Paul; Plaut, Anthony
Iowa History Reader |
Author/Editor: Bergman, Marvin
The Iowa Lakeside Laboratory |
Author/Editor: Lannoo, Michael J
Iowa Past to Present |
Author/Editor: Schwieder, Dorothy; Morain, Thomas; Nielsen, Lynn
The Iowa Precinct Caucuses |
Author/Editor: Winebrenner, Hugh; Goldford, Dennis J
Iowa Railroads |
Author/Editor: Grant, H. Roger
Iowa's Archaeological Past |
Author/Editor: Alex, Lynn M
Iowa's Changing Wildlife: Three Decades of Gain and Loss |
Author/Editor: James J. Dinsmore ,Stephen J. Dinsmore
An Iowa Schoolma’am |
Author/Editor: Gerber, Philip L.; Wright, Charlotte M
An Iowa Schoolma’am: Letters of Elizabeth “Bess" Corey, 1904–1908 |
Iowa's Forgotten General |
Author/Editor: Lyftogt, Kenneth L
Iowa'S Geological Past |
Author/Editor: Anderson, Wayne I
Iowa's Remarkable Soils: The Story of Our Most Vital Resource and How We Can Save It |
Author/Editor: Kathleen Woida
The Iowa State Fair |
Author/Editor: Ullrich, Kurt
Irish on the Move: Performing Mobility in American Variety Theatre |
Author/Editor: Michelle Granshaw
Irma |
Author/Editor: Steinberg, Ellen Fitzsimmons
It's Just the Normal Noises |
Author/Editor: Gray, Timothy
The JAB Anthology: Selections from the Journal of Artists' Books, 1994-2020 |
Author/Editor: Johanna Drucker ,Brad Freeman
James Merrill, Postmodern Magus |
Author/Editor: Smith, Evans Lansing
James Van Allen |
Author/Editor: Foerstner, Abigail
James Weldon Johnson's Modern Soundscapes |
Author/Editor: Morrissette, Noelle
Jazz Country |
Author/Editor: Porter, Horace A
The Jefferson Highway |
Author/Editor: Henry, Lyell D., Jr
Jefferson in His Own Time |
Author/Editor: Hayes, Kevin J
Jews and the Making of Modern German Theatre |
Author/Editor: Malkin, Jeanette R.; Rokem, Freddie
Johnny Cash International: How and Why Fans Love the Man in Black |
Author/Editor: Michael Hinds,Jonathan Silverman
Khabaar: An Immigrant Journey of Food, Memory, and Family |
Author/Editor: Madhushree Ghosh
Kicking Ass in a Corset: Jane Austen’s 6 Principles for Living and Leading from the Inside Out |
Author/Editor: Andrea Kayne
The Kindness of Strangers |
Author/Editor: TOM LUTZ
The Kind of Things Saints Do |
Author/Editor: Valeri, Laura
Kindred Hands |
Author/Editor: Cognard-Black, Jennifer; MacLeod Walls, Elizabeth
King James and Letters of Homoerotic Desire |
Author/Editor: Bergeron, David M
Kinship with the Land |
Author/Editor: Burns, E. Bradford
Kitchen Sink Realisms |
Author/Editor: Chansky, Dorothy
Knowing Where It Comes From |
Author/Editor: Parasecoli, Fabio
Kolonie-Deutsch |
Author/Editor: Webber, Philip E
La Far |
Author/Editor: Linsker, Eric
Landscape With Figures |
Author/Editor: Ryden, Kent C
The Last Unkillable Thing |
Author/Editor: Emily Pittinos
Leaves of Grass, 1860 |
Author/Editor: Whitman, Walt; Stacy, Jason
Leaving the Pink House |
Author/Editor: Randolph, Ladette
Ledger |
Author/Editor: Wheeler, Susan
The Legacy of David Foster Wallace |
Author/Editor: Cohen, Samuel; Konstantinou, Lee
The Lengest Neoi |
Lester Higata's 20th Century |
Author/Editor: Hamby, Barbara
Letters to Kate |
Author/Editor: Klaus, Carl H
Liberal Education and the Public Interest |
Author/Editor: Freedman, James O
Life and Adventures of Jack Engle |
Author/Editor: Whitman, Walt
Life And Death At Paloma |
Author/Editor: Quilter, Jeffrey
The Life and Writings of Julio C. Tello |
Author/Editor: Burger, Richard L
The Life of a Hunter |
Author/Editor: Robinson, Michelle
A Life on the Middle West's Never-Ending Frontier |
Author/Editor: Boyd, Willard L
The Lightning Jar |
Author/Editor: Felt, Christian
Like a Sea |
Author/Editor: Amadon, Samuel
Lincoln in His Own Time |
Author/Editor: Bush, Harold K
The Lines |
Author/Editor: Varallo, Anthony
A Literary History of Iowa |
Author/Editor: Andrews, Clarence A
Literature and the Child |
Author/Editor: Mcgavran, James Holt
Little Big World |
Author/Editor: Hammond, Jeffrey
A Little Middle of the Night |
Author/Editor: Brodak, Molly
Lo |
Author/Editor: Melissa Crowe
London in a Box |
Author/Editor: Johnson, Odai
London's West End Actresses and the Origins of Celebrity Charity, 1880-1920 |
Author/Editor: Hindson, Catherine
Looking Glasses and Neverlands |
Author/Editor: Coats, Karen
Lost and |
Author/Editor: Griffin, Jeff
Lost in the Customhouse |
Author/Editor: Loving, Jerome
The Lost Region |
Author/Editor: Lauck, Jon K
Love amid the Turmoil |
Author/Editor: Elder III, Donald C
Love in a Global Village |
Author/Editor: Grearson, Jessie Carroll; Smith, Lauren B
Love Is My Favorite Flavor: A Midwestern Dining Critic Tells All |
Author/Editor: Wini Moranville
The Lovers Set Down Their Spoons |
Author/Editor: Slomski, Heather A
Love Song to the Demon-Possessed Pigs of Gadara |
Author/Editor: William Fargason
A Lucky American Childhood |
Author/Editor: Engle, Paul
Lug Your Careless Body out of the Careful Dusk |
Author/Editor: Wilkinson, Joshua Marie
Lungs Full of Noise |
Author/Editor: Mellas, Tessa
The Made-Up Self |
Author/Editor: Klaus, Carl H
Mad Men Unzipped |
Author/Editor: Dill-Shackleford, Karen E.; Vinney, Cynthia; Hogg, Jerri Lynn
Main Street Public Library |
Author/Editor: Wiegand, Wayne A
Main Street Revisited |
Author/Editor: Francaviglia, Richard V
Making Americans |
Author/Editor: Schmidt, Gary D
Making Local Food Work |
Author/Editor: Janssen, Brandi
The Making of a Black Scholar |
Author/Editor: Porter, Horace A
The Making of Theatrical Reputations |
Author/Editor: Zarhy-Levo, Yael
Male Sexuality under Surveillance |
Author/Editor: Thompson, Graham
The Man in the Banana Trees |
Author/Editor: Marguerite Sheffer
Mapping the Invisible Landscape |
Author/Editor: Ryden, Kent C
Marginal Sights |
Author/Editor: Moy, James S
Mark Twain Speaking |
Author/Editor: Fatout, Paul
Mary Jane's Ghost |
Author/Editor: Gregory, Ted
Mass Authorship and the Rise of Self-Publishing |
Author/Editor: Laquintano, Timothy
Master Class |
Author/Editor: Bunge, Nancy
Matter |
Author/Editor: Ramke, Bin
May All Your Fences Have Gates |
Author/Editor: Nadel, Alan
The Meaning of Rivers |
Author/Editor: McMillin, T. S
The Meanings of J. Robert Oppenheimer |
Author/Editor: Banco, Lindsey Michael
Meat Makes People Powerful |
Author/Editor: Warren, Wilson J
Melodramatic Formations |
Author/Editor: Mcconachie, Bruce A
Melville in His Own Time |
Author/Editor: Olsen-Smith, Steven
Meme |
Author/Editor: Wheeler, Susan
Memoirs Of A Cold War Son |
Author/Editor: Gaines, Post, Jr
Memorandum from the Iowa Cloud Appreciation Society: A Novel |
Author/Editor: Joseph G. Peterson
The Men in My Country |
Author/Editor: Abildskov, Marilyn
The Messenger |
Author/Editor: Pippin, Stephanie
Metamedia |
Author/Editor: Starre, Alexander
Metawritings |
Author/Editor: Talbot, Jill
Micrographia |
Author/Editor: Wilson, Emily
Millennial Ecuador |
Author/Editor: Whitten, Norman E
Millennial Fandom |
Author/Editor: Stein, Louisa Ellen
Miss Stephen's Apprenticeship |
Author/Editor: Brackenbury, Rosalind
Modern Czech Theatre |
Author/Editor: Burian, Jarka M
Modern Hamlets & Soliloquies |
Author/Editor: Maher, Mary Z
Molière, the French Revolution, and the Theatrical Afterlife |
Author/Editor: Leon, Mechele
Montane Foragers |
Author/Editor: Aldenderfer, Mark S
The Most American Thing in America |
Author/Editor: Canning, Charlotte M
Mother Archive: A Dominican Family Memoir |
Author/Editor: ERIKA MORILLO
Moths in Your Pocket |
Author/Editor: Durbin, Jim; Olsen, Frank; Jantscher, Tom
Mountains Of Memory |
Author/Editor: Scheese, Don
Mushrooms and Other Fungi of the Midcontinental United States |
Author/Editor: Huffman, Donald M.; Tiffany, Lois H.; Knaphaus, George
Music for the Melodramatic Theatre in Nineteenth-Century London and New York |
Author/Editor: Pisani, Michael V
The Music of Thought in the Poetry of George Oppen and William Bronk |
Author/Editor: Weinfield, Henry
Must a Violence |
Author/Editor: Buchanan, Oni
My Body To You |
Author/Editor: Searle, Elizabeth
My Business Is to Create |
Author/Editor: Wilson, Eric G
Myself and Some Other Being |
Author/Editor: Robinson, Daniel
The Mythical Bill |
Author/Editor: McAuliffe, Jody
Mythical River |
Author/Editor: Sevigny, Melissa L
The Myth of Emptiness and the New American Literature of Place |
Author/Editor: Harding, Wendy
My Victorians: Lost in the Nineteenth Century |
Author/Editor: ROBERT CLARK
Narratives, Nerdfighters, and New Media |
Author/Editor: Jennifer Burek Pierce
Nathaniel Mackey, Destination Out: Essays on His Work |
Author/Editor: Jeanne Heuving
The Natural History of the Snakes and Lizards of Iowa |
Author/Editor: Terry VanDeWalle
The Natural History of the Turtles of Iowa |
Author/Editor: Terry VanDeWalle ,Neil P. Bernstein ,James L. Christiansen
Natural Selections |
Author/Editor: Campana, Joseph
Nature and Culture in the Northern Forest |
Author/Editor: Cenkl, Pavel
Necessary Courage |
Author/Editor: Soike, Lowell J
Neighboring on the Air |
Author/Editor: Birkby, Evelyn
Neocolonial Fictions of the Global Cold War |
Author/Editor: Belletto, Steven; Keith, Joseph
Networks of Modernism |
Author/Editor: Beal, Wesley
The New Existence |
Author/Editor: Michael Collins
New Visions of Community in Contemporary American Fiction |
Author/Editor: Michael, Magali Cornier
Night in Erg Chebbi and Other Stories |
Author/Editor: Hamlin, Edward
Nineteenth Century Home Architecture of Iowa City: A Silver Anniversary Edition |
Author/Editor: MARGARET N. KEYES ,Irving B. Weber
The Ninth Decade: An Octogenarian’s Chronicle |
Author/Editor: Carl H. Klaus
Nola |
Author/Editor: Hemley, Robin
No Such Country |
Author/Editor: Lueth, Elmar
Not a Thing to Comfort You |
Author/Editor: Wortman-Wunder, Emily
Notations Of The Wild |
Author/Editor: Voros, Gyorgyi
No Use Pretending |
Author/Editor: Thomas A. Dodson
The Novel and the American Left |
Author/Editor: Casey, Janet Galligani
Novel Subjects: Authorship as Radical Self-Care in Multiethnic American Narratives |
Author/Editor: LEAH A. MILNE
November Storm |
Author/Editor: Oldshue, Robert
Odd Bloom Seen from Space |
Author/Editor: Welch, Timothy Daniel
Of Men and Marshes |
Author/Editor: Errington, Paul
Of This New World |
Author/Editor: Hyde, Allegra
Of Wilderness and Wolves |
Author/Editor: Errington, Paul L.; Sivils, Matthew Wynn
Okoboji Wetlands |
Author/Editor: Lannoo, Michael J
Old Capitol |
Author/Editor: Keyes, Margaret N
On Behalf of the Family Farm |
Author/Editor: Devine, Jenny Barker
One Dog Happy |
Author/Editor: McNett, Molly
Oneota Flow |
Author/Editor: Faldet, David S
The Only Efficient Instrument |
Author/Editor: Cane, Aleta Feinsod; Alves, Susan
On Tact, & the Made Up World |
Author/Editor: Glazer, Michele
On the Origin of Superheroes |
Author/Editor: Gavaler, Chris