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Titles start with M (49) Information
Made Under Pressure
Author/Editor: Kamovnikova, Natalia
Making a Monster
Author/Editor: Keetley, Dawn
Making Maine: Statehood and the War of 1812
Author/Editor: JOSHUA M. SMITH
Making the Desert Modern
Author/Editor: Parker, Chad
Making the Forever War: Marilyn B. Young on the Culture and Politics of American Militarism
Author/Editor: Mark Philip Bradley ,Mary L. Dudziak ,Andrew Bacevich
Making War and Minting Christians
Author/Editor: Romero, R. Todd
Malcolm Before X
Author/Editor: PATRICK PARR
Managing the River Commons: Fishing and New England's Rural Economy
Author/Editor: ERIK REARDON
The Manliest Man
Author/Editor: Trent, James W
A Manner of Being
The Man Who Is and Is Not There
Author/Editor: Stambuk, Andrew
The Many Woods of Grief
Author/Editor: Farrell, Lucas
Mapping Norwood
Author/Editor: Fanning, Charles
Author/Editor: Judd, Sylvester; Jones, Gavin
Mashed Up
Author/Editor: Sinnreich, Aram
Massachusetts and the Civil War
Author/Editor: Mason, Matthew; Viens, Katheryn P.; Wright, Conrad Edick
Massachusetts Treasures: A Guide to Marvelous, Must-See Museums
Author/Editor: Chuck D’Imperio
The Mass Production of Memory: Travel and Personal Archiving in the Age of the Kodak
Author/Editor: TAMMY S. GORDON
Master Mechanics and Wicked Wizards
Author/Editor: Allen, Glenn Scott
A Matter of Life and Death
Author/Editor: Boglioli, Marc
Measuring America
Author/Editor: Yarrow, Andrew
Measuring the Harlem Renaissance
Author/Editor: Soto, Michael
Mediating Morality
Author/Editor: Daniel, Clare
Medical Encounters
Author/Editor: Wisecup, Kelly
Meetinghouses of Early New England
Author/Editor: Benes, Peter
Memories of Buenos Aires
Author/Editor: Page, Max
The Memory Eaters
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Kadetsky
Millennial Praises
Author/Editor: Goodwillie, Christian; Crosthwaite, Jane F
Minds and Hearts: The Story of James Otis Jr. and Mercy Otis Warren
Author/Editor: JEFFREY H. HACKER
A Mirror for Magistrates and the Politics of the English Reformation
Author/Editor: Lucas, Scott
Missionaries in Hawai'i
Author/Editor: Putney, Clifford
The Mistakes of Yesterday, the Hopes of Tomorrow
Author/Editor: Dougan, John
Modern Bonds: Redefining Community in Early Twentieth-Century St. Paul
Modernizing Repression
Author/Editor: Kuzmarov, Jeremy
The Moiseyev Dance Company Tours America: "Wholesome" Comfort during a Cold War
More Day to Dawn
Author/Editor: Petrulionis, Sandra Harbert; Walls, Laura Dassow
More Than Blue, More Than Yankee: Complexity and Change in New England Politics
The Most Dangerous Communist in the United States
Author/Editor: Murrell, Gary
Mothering in the Time of Coronavirus
Moving Encounters
Author/Editor: Mielke, Laura L
A Moving Meditation: Life on a Cape Cod Kettle Pond
Author/Editor: Stephen G. Waller
Murder and the Death Penalty in Massachusetts
Author/Editor: Rogers, Alan
Museum Diplomacy: Transnational Public History and the U.S. Department of State
Author/Editor: RICHARD J. W. HARKER
Museums, Monuments, and National Parks
Author/Editor: Meringolo, Denise D
My African Horse Problem
Author/Editor: Miles, William F. S
My Brother's Keeper
Author/Editor: Lempke, Mark A
My Escapee
Author/Editor: Vallianatos, Corinna
My Old Faithful: Stories
Author/Editor: YANG HUANG
The Myth of the Addicted Army
Author/Editor: Kuzmarov, Jeremy