Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | Yes | Yes |
Titles start with D (23) | Information |
Daniel Smith Donelson: Soldier, Politician, Tennessean |
Author/Editor: Richard Douglas Spence
The Dark Corner: A Novel |
Author/Editor: MARK POWELL
David Schenck and the Contours of Confederate Identity |
Author/Editor: Rodney Steward
Day Hiking the Daniel Boone National Forest: Includes Natural Bridge and Cumberland Falls State Parks |
Author/Editor: JOHNNY MOLLOY
D-Day Remembered: The Normandy Landings in American Collective Memory |
Author/Editor: MICHAEL R. DOLSKI ,G. Kurt Piehler
Dear Courier: The Civil War Correspondence of Editor Melvin Dwinell |
Author/Editor: Ford Risley
Decisions at Chattanooga: The Nineteen Critical Decisions That Defined the Battle |
Author/Editor: Larry Peterson ,Tim Kissel
Decisions at Chickamauga: The Twenty-Four Critical Decisions That Defined the Battle |
Author/Editor: Dave Powell ,David Friedrichs
Decisions at Franklin: The Nineteen Critical Decisions That Defined the Battle |
Author/Editor: Andrew S. Bledsoe ,Matt Spruill
Decisions at Gettysburg: The Nineteen Critical Decisions That Defined the Campaign |
Author/Editor: Matt Spruill
Decisions at Kennesaw Mountain: The Eleven Critical Decisions That Defined the Battle |
Author/Editor: Larry Peterson ,Matt Spruill
Decisions at Perryville: The Twenty-Two Critical Decisions That Defined the Battle |
Author/Editor: Larry Peterson ,Tim Kissel ,Matt Spruill ,Larry Peterson
Decisions at Shiloh: The Twenty-Two Critical Decisions That Defined the Battle |
Author/Editor: Dave Powell ,David Friedrichs ,Matt Spruill ,Larry Peterson
Decisions of the 1862 Kentucky Campaign: The Twenty-Seven Critical Decisions That Defined the Operation |
Author/Editor: Larry Peterson ,Alex Mendoza
Decisions of the 1862 Shenandoah Valley Campaign: The Sixteen Critical Decisions That Defined the Operation |
Author/Editor: Robert G. Tanner ,Edward Alexander
Decisions of the Atlanta Campaign: The Twenty-One Critical Decisions That Defined the Operation |
Author/Editor: Larry Peterson ,Tim Kissel
Decisions of the Galveston Campaigns: The Twenty-One Critical Decisions That Defined the Operations |
Author/Editor: Edward T. Cotham Jr. ,Alex Mendoza
Decisions of the Red River Campaign: The Fifteen Critical Decisions That Defined the Operation |
Author/Editor: Michael S. Lang ,Tim Kissel
Decisions of the Vicksburg Campaign: The Eighteen Critical Decisions That Defined the Operation |
Author/Editor: Larry Peterson ,Matt Spruill
The Diary of Nannie Haskins Williams: A Southern Woman's Story of Rebellion and Reconstruction, 1863–1890 |
Author/Editor: Nannie Haskins Williams ,Minoa D. Uffelman ,Ellen Kanervo ,Phyllis Smith ,Eleanor Williams
Dismantling Slavery: Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison, and Formation of the Abolitionist Discourse, 1841–1851 |
Author/Editor: Nilgün Anadolu-Okur
Dixieball: Race and Professional Basketball in the Deep South, 1947–1979 |
Author/Editor: THOMAS AIELLO ,Brian M. Ingrassia
A Documentary History of the American Civil War Era: Volume 4, Judicial Decisions, 1867–1896 |
Author/Editor: Thomas C. Mackey