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Titles start with R (18) Information
Race, Religion, and Black Lives Matter: Essays on a Moment and a Movement
Author/Editor: Christopher Cameron ,Phillip Luke Sinitiere
Reading Novels
Author/Editor: George Hughes,Walter L. Reed
Reality in Movement: Octavio Paz as Essayist and Public Intellectual
The Realms of Oblivion: An Excavation of the Davies Manor Historic Site's Omitted Stories
Author/Editor: ANDREW C. ROSS
Recovery's Edge: An Ethnography of Mental Health Care and Moral Agency
Author/Editor: Neely Laurenzo Myers
The Reinvention of Mexico in Contemporary Spanish Travel Writing
Author/Editor: JANE HANLEY
The Relevance of Philosophy to Life
Author/Editor: John Lachs
Religion and the Cold War: A Global Perspective
Author/Editor: Philip E. Muehlenbeck
The Reporter's Handbook on Nuclear Materials, Energy & Waste Management
Author/Editor: Michael R. Greenberg,Bernadette M. West,Karen W. Lowrie,Henry J. Mayer
Resisting Extractivism: Peruvian Gold, Everyday Violence, and the Politics of Attention
The Restless Dead: Necrowriting and Disappropriation
Author/Editor: Cristina Rivera Garza ,Robin Myers
Return to Havana: The Decline of Cuban Society Under Castro
Author/Editor: Maurice Halperin
The Rights of Nature and the Testimony of Things: Literature and Environmental Ethics from Latin America
Author/Editor: MARK ANDERSON
The Rise of Euroskepticism: Europe and Its Critics in Spanish Culture
Author/Editor: Luis Martín-Estudillo
Risk, Reproduction, and Narratives of Experience
Author/Editor: Lauren Fordyce,Amínata Maraesa,Carole H. Browner,Rayna Rapp
Rite, Flesh, and Stone: The Matter of Death in Contemporary Spanish Culture
Author/Editor: Antonio Córdoba ,Daniel García-Donoso
Robo Sacer: Necroliberalism and Cyborg Resistance in Mexican and Chicanx Dystopias
Author/Editor: David S. Dalton
Rorty and Pragmatism: The Philosopher Responds to His Critics
Author/Editor: Herman J. Saatkamp Jr.