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Titles start with R (177) Information
Race and Real Estate
Author/Editor: McGruder, Kevin
Race and the Genetic Revolution
Author/Editor: Krimsky, Sheldon; Sloan, Kathleen
Race Capital?
Race in a Bottle
Author/Editor: Kahn, Jonathan
Race on the Brain
Author/Editor: Kahn, Jonathan
Race Unmasked
Author/Editor: Yudell, Michael
The Racial Discourses of Life Philosophy
Author/Editor: Jones, Donna V
Racial Disproportionality in Child Welfare
Author/Editor: Harris, Marian S
The Racial Unfamiliar: Illegibility in Black Literature and Culture
Author/Editor: John Brooks
Racism, Not Race: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Author/Editor: Joseph L. Graves Jr. ,Alan H. Goodman
Radiation Nation
Author/Editor: Zaretsky, Natasha
Radical Cosmopolitics
Author/Editor: Ingram, James D
Radical Democracy and Political Theology
Author/Editor: Robbins, Jeffrey W
Radical History and the Politics of Art
Author/Editor: Rockhill, Gabriel
The Radical Luhmann
Author/Editor: Moeller, Hans-Georg
A Radical Philosophy of Saint Paul
Author/Editor: Breton, Stanislas
Radio Empire: The BBC’s Eastern Service and the Emergence of the Global Anglophone Novel
Author/Editor: Daniel Ryan Morse
Radio for the Millions: Hindi-Urdu Broadcasting Across Borders
Rage and Time
Author/Editor: Sloterdijk, Peter
Raising China's Revolutionaries
Author/Editor: Tillman, Margaret Mih
Raising Consumers
Author/Editor: Jacobson, Lisa
Randall Jarrell and His Age
Author/Editor: Burt, Stephen
Randall Jarrell on W. H. Auden
Author/Editor: Burt, Stephen
Author/Editor: Iliazd
The Rationale Divinorum Officiorum of William Durand of Mende
Author/Editor: Thibodeau, Timothy M
Rational Investing
Author/Editor: Hugues Langlois,Jacques Lussier
Rawls and Religion
Author/Editor: Bailey, Tom; Gentile, Valentina
Reading Popular Romance in Early Modern England
Author/Editor: Newcomb, Lori Humphrey
Readings of Dōgen's "Treasury of the True Dharma Eye"
Author/Editor: Steven Heine
Readings of the Gateless Barrier
Author/Editor: Jimmy Yu
Readings of the Lotus Sutra
Author/Editor: Teiser, Stephen F.; Stone, Jacqueline I
Readings of the Platform Sutra
Author/Editor: Schlütter, Morten; Teiser, Stephen F
Reading Style
Author/Editor: Davidson, Jenny
Reading the Global
Author/Editor: Krishnan, Sanjay
Reading theMahavamsa
Author/Editor: Kristin Scheible
Reading the Mahavamsa
Author/Editor: Scheible, Kristin
Reading The Tale of Genji
Author/Editor: Harper, Thomas; Shirane, Haruo
ReadingThe Tale of Genji
Author/Editor: Thomas Harper,Haruo Shirane,Patrick Caddeau,Lewis Cook,Wiebke Denecke,Michael Emmerich,Thomas Harper,Michael Jamentz,Christina Laffin,James McMullen,Gaye Rowley,Satoko Naito,Haruo Shirane,Tomi Suzuki,Hitomi Yoshio
The Reagan Era
Author/Editor: Rossinow, Doug
Reality TV
Author/Editor: Biressi, Anita; Nunn, Heather
Reasons to Pass: A Guide to Making Fewer and Better Investments
Reassembling Motherhood
Author/Editor: Ergas, Yasmine; Jenson, Jane; Michel, Sonya
The Rebirth of Suspense: Slowness and Atmosphere in Cinema
Author/Editor: RICK WARNER
Reckoning with History: Unfinished Stories of American Freedom
Reclaiming the Enlightenment
Author/Editor: Bronner, Stephen Eric
Recognition and Ambivalence
Recognizing the Autonomy of Nature
Author/Editor: Heyd, Thomas
Reconstructing Strangelove
Record of Daily Knowledge and Collected Poems and Essays
Author/Editor: Gu, Yanwu
Record of Daily KnowledgeandCollected Poems and Essays
Author/Editor: Gu Yanwu,Ian Johnston
Record of Miraculous Events in Japan
Author/Editor: BURTON WATSON,Haruo Shirane
Records of Dispossession
Author/Editor: Fischbach, Michael R
Recovering Buddhism in Modern China
Author/Editor: JAN KIELY,J. BROOKS JESSUP,Chün-fang Yü
Recovering Place
Author/Editor: Taylor, Mark C
The Recovery Revolution
Author/Editor: CLAIRE D. CLARK
Red China's Green Revolution
Author/Editor: Eisenman, Joshua
Author/Editor: Gorenstein, Friedrich
The Red Guard Generation and Political Activism in China
Author/Editor: Guobin Yang
Redlining Culture: A Data History of Racial Inequality and Postwar Fiction
Author/Editor: RICHARD JEAN SO
Reds at the Blackboard
Author/Editor: Taylor, Clarence
Reductionism in Art and Brain Science
Author/Editor: ERIC R. KANDEL
Refiguring the Spiritual
Author/Editor: Taylor, Mark C
Reforesting the Earth: The Human Drivers of Forest Conservation, Restoration, and Expansion
Author/Editor: THOMAS K. RUDEL
Reform Cinema in Iran
Author/Editor: BLAKE ATWOOD
Reforming Democracies
Author/Editor: Chalmers, Douglas A
Reforming Fictions
Author/Editor: Batker, Carol J
Reforming Modernity: Ethics and the New Human in the Philosophy of Abdurrahman Taha
Author/Editor: WAEL B. HALLAQ
Reforming the City: The Contested Origins of Urban Government, 1890–1930
Author/Editor: ARIANE LIAZOS
Reforming the International Financial System for Development
Author/Editor: Kwame Sundaram, Jomo
Refuge and Resistance: Palestinians and the International Refugee System
Author/Editor: Anne Irfan
The Refuge of Affections
Author/Editor: Rauchway, Eric
Regardless of Frontiers: Global Freedom of Expression in a Troubled World
Author/Editor: Lee C. Bollinger,Agnès Callamard
Regimes of Historicity
Author/Editor: Hartog, François
Reimagining Global Philanthropy: The Community Bank Model of Social Development
Reimagining the Sacred
Author/Editor: Kearney, Richard; Zimmermann, Jens
The Reincarnated Giant
Author/Editor: Song, Mingwei; Huters, Theodore
Reinventing the Chinese City
Author/Editor: RICHARD HU
Relativism and Religion
Author/Editor: Accetti, Carlo Invernizzi
Religion and Ecology
Author/Editor: Bauman, Whitney A
Religion and State
Author/Editor: Brown, L. Carl
Religion and the Specter of the West
Author/Editor: Mandair, Arvind-Pal S
Religion, Attire, and Adornment in North America
Religion, Food, and Eating in North America
Author/Editor: Zeller, Benjamin E.; Dallam, Marie W.; Neilson, Reid L
Religion in America
Author/Editor: Lacorne, Denis
Religion in America Since 1945
Author/Editor: Allitt, Patrick
Religion, Secularism, and Constitutional Democracy
Author/Editor: Cohen, Jean L.; Laborde, Cécile
Religion, the Enlightenment, and the New Global Order
Author/Editor: Owen, John M.; Owen, J. Judd
Religion, the Secular, and the Politics of Sexual Difference
Author/Editor: Cady, Linell E.; Fessenden, Tracy
Religion Within Reason
Author/Editor: STEVEN M. CAHN
The Religious Ethic and Mercantile Spirit in Early Modern China
Author/Editor: YING-SHIH YÜ ,Yim-tze Kwong ,Hoyt Cleveland Tillman
Religious Statecraft
Author/Editor: Tabaar, Mohammad Ayatollahi
The Remains of Being
Author/Editor: Zabala, Santiago
Remains of Life
The Remnants of Race Science: UNESCO and Economic Development in the Global South
Author/Editor: Sebastián Gil-Riaño
Renegade Regimes
Author/Editor: Nincic, Miroslav
Renewable Energy
Author/Editor: BRUCE USHER
The Renewal of Buddhism in China: Zhuhong and the Late Ming Synthesis
Author/Editor: Chün-fang Yü,DANIEL B. STEVENSON
Representation: The Birth of Historical Reality from the Death of the Past
Author/Editor: Franklin Rudolf Ankersmit
Representing Atrocity in Taiwan
Author/Editor: Lin, Sylvia Li-chun
The Republican Evolution: From Governing Party to Antigovernment Party, 1860–2020
Author/Editor: KENNETH JANDA
The Republic in Print
Author/Editor: Loughran, Trish
Rescuing Retirement
Author/Editor: Ghilarducci, Teresa; James, Tony
Research Design for Social Work and the Human Services
Author/Editor: Anastas, Jeane W
Research Exposed: How Empirical Social Science Gets Done in the Digital Age
Author/Editor: Eszter Hargittai
Research Methods in Child Welfare
Author/Editor: Baker, Amy J. L.; Charvat, Benjamin J
Research Techniques for Clinical Social Workers
Author/Editor: Vonk, M. Elizabeth; Tripodi, Tony; Epstein, Irwin
Research Techniques in Animal Ecology
Author/Editor: Boitani, Luigi; Fuller, Todd
Author/Editor: Rubin, James; Carmichael, Barie
Reshaping the Holy
Author/Editor: Shehabuddin, Elora
Reshaping Theory in Contemporary Social Work
Author/Editor: Borden, William
Residual Futures
Author/Editor: Prichard, Franz
Resiliency Enhancement
Author/Editor: Norman, Elaine
The Resistance in Western Europe, 1940–1945
Author/Editor: Olivier Wieviorka,Jane Marie Todd
Resolved: Uniting Nations in a Divided World
Author/Editor: Ban Ki-moon
Resolving Community Conflicts and Problems
Author/Editor: Lohmann, Roger A.; van Van Til, Jon
Resource Nationalism and Energy Policy: Venezuela in Context
Author/Editor: David R. Mares
The Responsibility of the Philosopher
Author/Editor: Vattimo, Gianni; D'Agostini, Franca
Restating Orientalism: A Critique of Modern Knowledge
Author/Editor: Wael B. Hallaq
The Restructuring of Capitalism in Our Time
Author/Editor: Tabb, William K
The Resurrected Skeleton
Author/Editor: Idema, Wilt L
Rethinking Investment Incentives
Author/Editor: Ana Teresa Tavares-Lehmann,Perrine Toledano,Lise Johnson,Lisa Sachs
Rethinking Readiness: A Brief Guide to Twenty-First-Century Megadisasters
Author/Editor: JEFF SCHLEGELMILCH,Irwin Redlener
Retirement and Its Discontents
Author/Editor: Silver, Michelle Pannor
Retreat from a Rising Sea
Author/Editor: Orrin H. Pilkey,Linda Pilkey-Jarvis,Keith C. Pilkey
Author/Editor: Li, Yung-p'ing
Return of the Dragon
Author/Editor: Roy, Denny
The Return of the Unicorns
Author/Editor: Dinerstein, Eric
The Return of Work in Critical Theory
Author/Editor: Dejours, Christophe; Deranty, Jean-Philippe; Renault, Emmanuel
Revelry, Rivalry, and Longing for the Goddesses of Bengal
Author/Editor: McDermott, Rachel Fell
A Revolution in Eating
Author/Editor: McWilliams, James E
A Revolution in Three Acts: The Radical Vaudeville of Bert Williams, Eva Tanguay, and Julian Eltinge
Author/Editor: David Hajdu ,John Carey
Rewiring the Real
Author/Editor: Taylor, Mark C
Reworking Race
Author/Editor: Jung, Moon-Kie
Rewriting Indie Cinema
Author/Editor: Murphy, J. J
The Rey Chow Reader
Author/Editor: Chow, Rey; Bowman, Paul
Rheology and Deformation of the Lithosphere at Continental Margins
Author/Editor: Karner, Garry D.; Taylor, Brian; Driscoll, Neal W
Rhythm and Race in Modernist Poetry and Science
Author/Editor: Golston, Michael
Éric Rohmer
Author/Editor: Antoine de Baecque,Noël Herpe,Steven Rendall,Lisa Neal
The Right to Justification
Author/Editor: Forst, Rainer
The Right to Know
Author/Editor: Florini, Ann
The Rise and Fall of Soul and Self
Author/Editor: Martin, Raymond; Barresi, John
The Rise and Fall of the Religious Left: Politics, Television, and Popular Culture in the 1970s and Beyond
Author/Editor: L. Benjamin Rolsky
The Rise of Corporate Feminism: Women in the American Office, 1960–1990
Author/Editor: ALLISON ELIAS
The Rise of Mormonism
Author/Editor: Stark, Rodney; Neilson, Reid L
Rising Seas
Author/Editor: Gornitz, Vivien
Rising Sun, Divided Land
Author/Editor: Taylor-Jones, Kate E
Risk, Choice, and Uncertainty: Three Centuries of Economic Decision-Making
Author/Editor: George Szpiro
Risk Management in Social Work
Author/Editor: Reamer, Frederic G
Risk Management in the Behavioral Health Professions: A Practical Guide to Preventing Malpractice and Licensing-Board Complaints
Author/Editor: Frederic G. Reamer ,Robert P. Landau
The Risks of Prescription Drugs
Author/Editor: Light, Donald W
Rites of Return
Author/Editor: Hirsch, Marianne; Miller, Nancy K
The River Imp and the Stinky Jewel and Other Tales: Monster Comics from Edo Japan
Author/Editor: Adam Kabat
River of Fire and Other Stories
Author/Editor: O, Chonghui
River Republic
Author/Editor: McCool, Daniel
Riverside Park
Author/Editor: Grimm, Edward
The Road Movie
Author/Editor: NEIL ARCHER
Robert K. Merton
Author/Editor: Calhoun, Craig
Robert N. Butler, MD
Author/Editor: Achenbaum, W. Andrew
Roberto Bolaño's Fiction
Author/Editor: Andrews, Chris
Robert Rauschenberg
Author/Editor: Sinclair, Sara; Bearman, Peter; Clark, Mary Marshall
The Robin Hood Rules for Smart Giving
Author/Editor: Weinstein, Michael M.; Bradburd, Ralph M
Roger Nash Baldwin and the American Civil Liberties Union
Author/Editor: Cottrell, Robert
Series Title: Columbia Studies in Contemporary American History
Roger Nash Baldwin and the American Civil Liberties Union
Author/Editor: Cottrell, Robert
The Role of Law in Social Work Practice and Administration
Author/Editor: Stein, Theodore J
A Room Where The Star-Spangled Banner Cannot Be Heard
Author/Editor: Levy, Hideo
Roots of Russia's War in Ukraine
Author/Editor: Wood, Elizabeth A.; Pomeranz, William E.; Merry, E. Wayne
Rumbles of Thunder: Power Shifts and the Danger of Sino-American War
Author/Editor: STEVE CHAN
The Running Flame: A Novel
Running Mother and Other Stories
Author/Editor: Guo, Songfen
Rural Poverty in the United States
Author/Editor: Ann R. Tickamyer,Jennifer Sherman,Jennifer Warlick
Rural Social Work Practice
Author/Editor: Lohmann, Nancy; Lohmann, Roger A
The Rural Voter: The Politics of Place and the Disuniting of America
Rushed to Judgment
Author/Editor: Barker, David
Russia and the Idea of the West
Author/Editor: English, Robert
Russian Energy Chains: The Remaking of Technopolitics from Siberia to Ukraine to the European Union
Author/Editor: Margarita M. Balmaceda
Russian Foreign Policy in the Twenty-First Century and the Shadow of the Past
Author/Editor: Legvold, Robert
Russia's Revolutionary Experience, 1905-1917
Author/Editor: Haimson, Leopold H