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Titles start with T (158) Information
Tainted Witness
Author/Editor: LEIGH GILMORE
Taiwan Film Directors
Author/Editor: Yeh, Emilie Yueh-yu; Davis, Darrell William
Taiwan Under Japanese Colonial Rule, 1895–1945
Author/Editor: Liao, Ping-hui; Wang, David Der-wei
Take Back What the Devil Stole: An African American Prophet's Encounters in the Spirit World
Author/Editor: ONAJE X. O. WOODBINE
Taking It Big
Author/Editor: Aronowitz, Stanley
Taking the Train
Author/Editor: Austin, Joe
The Tale of Cho Ung
Author/Editor: SOOKJA CHO
The Tale of Genji
Author/Editor: Emmerich, Michael
The Tale of Hansuli Turn
Author/Editor: Bandyopadhyay, Tarashankar
Tales of Moonlight and Rain
Author/Editor: Ueda, Akinari
The Tales of the Heike
Author/Editor: Watson, Burton; Shirane, Haruo
Talking About Torture
Author/Editor: Del Rosso, Jared
The Talnikov Family: A Novel
Author/Editor: AVDOTYA PANAEVA ,Fiona Bell
Tamil Love Poetry
Author/Editor: Selby, Martha Ann
Tamil Oratory and the Dravidian Aesthetic
Author/Editor: Bate, Bernard
Taming the Wild Horse
Author/Editor: Louis Komjathy
Tangled Relationships
Author/Editor: Reamer, Frederic G
Targeting Top Terrorists
Author/Editor: Bryan C. Price
The Tarikh-i Ḥamidi: A Late-Qing Uyghur History
The Task Planner
Author/Editor: Reid, William J
Taste: A Book of Small Bites
Author/Editor: Jehanne Dubrow
Taste as Experience
Author/Editor: Nicola Perullo
A Taste for Purity: An Entangled History of Vegetarianism
Author/Editor: Julia Hauser
The Taste of Apples
Author/Editor: Huang Chun-ming
Tattooing the World
Author/Editor: Ellis, Juniper
Taxation in Developing Countries
Author/Editor: Gordon, Roger
Teaching in Social Work
Author/Editor: Anastas, Jeane W
Teaching in Social Work: An Educator’s Guide to Theory and Practice
Author/Editor: Jeane W. Anastas
The Teachings of Master Wuzhu
Author/Editor: Adamek, Wendi L
Technology and the American Way of War Since 1945
Author/Editor: Mahnken, Thomas G
Technology in Postwar America
Author/Editor: Pursell, Carroll
Teenage Suicide Notes
Teens in Crisis
Author/Editor: Reamer, Frederic G.; Siegel, Deborah H
Teresa, My Love
Author/Editor: Kristeva, Julia
Terror in Transition: Leadership and Succession in Terrorist Organizations
Author/Editor: Tricia L. Bacon ,Elizabeth Grimm
Terrorism and Counterintelligence
Author/Editor: Mobley, Blake W
The Terrorism Trap: How the War on Terror Escalates Violence in America's Partner States
Terrorist Minds: The Psychology of Violent Extremism from Al-Qaeda to the Far Right
Author/Editor: JOHN HORGAN
Terror, Religion, and Liberal Thought
Author/Editor: Miller, Richard B
The Tet Offensive
Author/Editor: Willbanks, James H
Text to Tradition
Author/Editor: Patel, Deven M
Thai Stick
Author/Editor: Maguire, Peter; Ritter, Mike
Theatre and Evolution from Ibsen to Beckett
Author/Editor: Shepherd-Barr, Kirsten E
Theology, Rhetoric, and Politics in the Eucharistic Controversy, 1078-1079
Author/Editor: Radding, Charles; Newton, Francis
Theory of Identities
Author/Editor: Laruelle, François
Theory of Literature and Other Critical Writings
Author/Editor: Natsume, Soseki; Bourdaghs, Michael; Ueda, Atsuko
A Theory of Narrative
Author/Editor: Altman, Rick
Theory's Empire
Author/Editor: Patai, Daphne; Corral, Wilfrido
The Theory That Changed Everything
Author/Editor: Lieberman, Philip
Theos Bernard, the White Lama
Author/Editor: Hackett, Paul G
The Therapist in Mourning
Author/Editor: Malawista, Kerry L; Adelman, Anne J
There a Petal Silently Falls
Author/Editor: Yun, Ch'oe
There Are Two Sexes
Author/Editor: Fouque, Antoinette; Boissonnas, Sylvina
There Is Life After the Nobel Prize
Author/Editor: ERIC R. KANDEL
There’s No Such Thing as a Sexual Relationship
There’s No Such Thing as a Sexual Relationship
Author/Editor: Badiou, Alain; Cassin, Barbara
There's Nothing I Can Do When I Think of You Late at Night
Author/Editor: Cao, Naiqian
They Live
Author/Editor: Wilson, D. Harlan
They Still Pick Me Up When I Fall
Author/Editor: Rauner, Diana Mendley
They Wished They Were Honest
Author/Editor: Armstrong, Michael F
Thick and Dazzling Darkness
Author/Editor: O'Leary, Peter
Things Beyond Resemblance
Author/Editor: Hullot-Kentor, Robert
Things with a History: Transcultural Materialism and the Literatures of Extraction in Contemporary Latin America
Author/Editor: HÉCTOR HOYOS
Think Bigger: How to Innovate
Thinking Animals
Author/Editor: Weil, Kari
Thinking Clearly
Author/Editor: Rosenstiel, Tom; Mitchell, Amy S
Thinking Teams / Thinking Clients
Author/Editor: Opie, Anne
Thinking with Animals
Author/Editor: Daston, Lorraine; Mitman, Gregg
Think in Public
Author/Editor: Marcus, Sharon; Zaloom, Caitlin
Thin Places
Author/Editor: Armbrecht, Ann
The Thirteenth Step
Author/Editor: Heilig, Markus
This Incredible Need to Believe
Author/Editor: Kristeva, Julia
This Is Not Sufficient
Author/Editor: Lawlor, Leonard
This Place, These People
Author/Editor: Stark, David
Thomas Berry
Author/Editor: Tucker, Mary Evelyn; Grim, John; Angyal, Andrew
Threatening Property
Author/Editor: Herbin-Triant, Elizabeth A
Three Big Bangs
Author/Editor: Rolston III, Holmes
Thriving in Crisis: Buddhism and Political Disruption in China, 1522–1620
Author/Editor: Dewei Zhang
Through Vegetal Being
Tibetan Buddhists in the Making of Modern China
Author/Editor: Tuttle, Gray
The Tibetan History Reader
Author/Editor: Tuttle, Gray; Schaeffer, Kurtis R
Tibetan Renaissance
Author/Editor: Davidson, Ronald M
The Ties That Divide
Author/Editor: Saideman, Stephen M
Time and Complexity in Historical Ecology
Author/Editor: Balée, William L.; Erickson, Clark L
Time and the Generations
Author/Editor: Dasgupta, Partha
Time and the Other: How Anthropology Makes Its Object
Author/Editor: Johannes Fabian
A Time for Critique
Author/Editor: Harcourt, Bernard E.; Fassin, Didier
A Time to Stir
Author/Editor: Cronin, Paul
To Carl Schmitt
Author/Editor: Taubes, Jacob
To Catch a Dictator: The Pursuit and Trial of Hissène Habré
Author/Editor: REED BRODY
To Deter and Punish: Global Collaboration Against Terrorism in the 1970s
Author/Editor: Silke Zoller
To Fulfill These Rights: Political Struggle Over Affirmative Action and Open Admissions
A Token of My Affection
Author/Editor: Shank, Barry
Tolerance, Democracy, and Sufis in Senegal
Author/Editor: Diouf, Mamadou
Too Little, Too Late
Author/Editor: Martin Guzman,José Antonio Ocampo,Joseph E. Stiglitz
Top Graduate Zhang Xie: The Earliest Extant Chinese Southern Play
Author/Editor: REGINA S. LLAMAS
Topographies of Japanese Modernism
Author/Editor: Lippit, Seiji M
A Topsy-Turvy World: Short Plays and Farces from the Ming and Qing Dynasties
To Raise a Fallen People: The Nineteenth-Century Origins of Indian Views on International Politics
Author/Editor: Rahul Sagar
Torn at the Roots
Author/Editor: Staub, Michael E
Tortured Logic: Why Some Americans Support the Use of Torture in Counterterrorism
To the End of the Earth
Author/Editor: Hordes, Stanley M
To the Stars and Other Stories
Author/Editor: FYODOR SOLOGUB ,Susanne Fusso
Tough Liberal
Author/Editor: Kahlenberg, Richard D
Toward a Just Society
Author/Editor: Guzman, Martin
Toward the Geopolitical Novel
Author/Editor: Irr, Caren
Towers in the Void: Li Yu and Early Modern Chinese Media
Author/Editor: S. E. Kile
To Write as if Already Dead
Author/Editor: Kate Zambreno
Toxic Exposures
Author/Editor: Brown, Phil
Toxic Safety
Trade and Nation: How Companies and Politics Reshaped Economic Thought
Author/Editor: Emily Erikson
Trading the Genome
Author/Editor: Parry, Bronwyn
Traditional Japanese Literature
Author/Editor: Shirane, Haruo
A Tragedy of Democracy
Author/Editor: Robinson, Greg
Transatlantic Speculations
Transfigured New York: Interviews with Experimental Artists and Musicians, 1980-1990
Author/Editor: BROOKE WENTZ
Transforming America
Author/Editor: Collins, Robert M
Transforming Palliative Care in Nursing Homes
Author/Editor: Bern-Klug, Mercedes E
Transforming the Legacy
Author/Editor: Basham, Kathryn Karusaitis; Miehls, Dennis
Transgender 101
Author/Editor: Teich, Nicholas M
Transgression in Anglo-American Cinema
Author/Editor: Joel Gwynne
Transitional Subjects
Author/Editor: Allen, Amy; O'Connor, Brian
Transitions to Democracy
Author/Editor: Anderson, Lisa
Translating Mount Fuji
Author/Editor: Washburn, Dennis
Transnational Social Work Practice
Author/Editor: Negi, Nalini Junko; Furman, Rich
Transpacific Attachments
Author/Editor: LILY WONG
Transracial and Intercountry Adoptions
Author/Editor: Rowena Fong,Ruth McRoy
Transtopia in the Sinophone Pacific
Author/Editor: Howard Chiang
Trash Cinema
Author/Editor: Barefoot, Guy
Trauma Transformed
Author/Editor: Bussey, Marian; Wise, Judith Bula
The Traveler's Guide to Space
Author/Editor: NEIL F. COMINS
Travels in Manchuria and Mongolia
Author/Editor: Yosano, Akiko
Trees Without Wind
Author/Editor: Li, Rui
Trekking Through History
Author/Editor: Rival, Laura M
Triadic Coercion: Israel’s Targeting of States That Host Nonstate Actors
Author/Editor: Wendy Pearlman,Boaz Atzili
The Triangle of Representation
Author/Editor: Prendergast, Christopher
The Trilobite Collector's Guide
Triumph of Order
Author/Editor: Keller, Lisa
Tropical Forests
Author/Editor: Rudel, Thomas K
Troubled Apologies Among Japan, Korea, and the United States
Author/Editor: Dudden, Alexis
Troubled Fields
Author/Editor: Ramirez-Ferrero, Eric
Troublesome Science: The Misuse of Genetics and Genomics in Understanding Race
The Trouble with Post-Blackness
Author/Editor: Baker, Houston A.; Simmons, K. Merinda
The Truth About Girls and Boys
Author/Editor: Rivers, Caryl; Barnett, Rosalind C
Truth and the Past
Author/Editor: Dummett, Michael
Truth, Errors, and Lies
Author/Editor: Kolodko, Grzegorz W
The Truth of Power
Author/Editor: Barber, Benjamin R
The Truth to Power
Author/Editor: Barber, Benjamin R
Series Title: Columbia Studies in Political Thought / Political History
Turks, Moors, and Englishmen in the Age of Discovery
Author/Editor: Matar, Nabil
Turn the World Upside Down: Empire and Unruly Forms of Black Folk Culture in the U.S. and Caribbean
Author/Editor: Imani D. Owens
Twentieth-Century Analytic Philosophy
Author/Editor: Stroll, Avrum
Twenty-First-Century Hollywood
Author/Editor: Archer, Neil
Twenty-first Century Motherhood
Author/Editor: O'Reilly, Andrea
Two Acres of Time: Unearthing the Ice Age at the Byron Dig
Author/Editor: RICHARD S. LAUB
The Typographic Imagination: Reading and Writing in Japan’s Age of Modern Print Media
Author/Editor: Nathan Shockey
The Tyranny of the Two-Party System
Author/Editor: Disch, Lisa J