Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | No |
Titles start with M ( displaying 500 of 59,396 ) | Information |
M |
Author/Editor: Samm Deighan
M |
Author/Editor: Anton Kaes
M |
Author/Editor: Anton Kaes
M. |
Author/Editor: Hans-Jürgen Greif
M103 Heavy Tank 1950-74 |
Author/Editor: Kenneth W Estes Series Title: New Vanguard
M10 and M36 Tank Destroyers, 1942-53 |
Author/Editor: Zaloga, Steve; Sarson, Peter Series Title: New Vanguard
M10 Tank Destroyer Vs Stug Iii Assault Gun: Germany 1944, Ed. Unabridged |
Author/Editor: Zaloga, Steven.
M113: American Armoured Personnel Carrier |
Author/Editor: Ben Skipper
M113 APC 1960–75: US, ARVN, and Australian Variants in Vietnam |
Author/Editor: Jamie Prenatt
M12 Gun Motor Carriage |
Author/Editor: David Doyle
The M14 Battle Rifle |
Author/Editor: Leroy Thompson Series Title: Weapon
The M16 |
Author/Editor: Rottman, Gordon L.; Pegler, Martin Series Title: Weapon
M18 Hellcat Tank Destroyer, 1943-97 |
Author/Editor: Zaloga, Steve; Laurier, Jim. Series Title: New Vanguard
The M1903 Springfield Rifle, Ed. Unabridged |
Author/Editor: Thompson, Leroy.
M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank 1993–2018 |
Author/Editor: Steven J. Zaloga
M1 Abrams |
Author/Editor: David Doyle
M1 Abrams Tank |
Author/Editor: Green, Michael Series Title: Images of War
M1 Abrams: The US's Main Battle Tank in American and Foreign Service, 1981–2019 |
Author/Editor: David Grummitt
M1 Abrams Vs T-72 Ural |
Author/Editor: Zaloga, Steve. Series Title: Duel
The M1 Carbine |
Author/Editor: Thompson, Leroy Series Title: Weapon
The M1 Garand |
Author/Editor: Thompson, Leroy Series Title: Weapon
M24 Chaffee Light Tank 1943–85 |
Author/Editor: Steven J. Zaloga
M-26: A Biography of the Cuban Revolution |
Author/Editor: Robert Taber
M26/M46 Pershing Tank 1943-53 |
Author/Editor: Steven Zaloga Series Title: New Vanguard
M29 Weasel Tracked Cargo Carrier & Variants |
Author/Editor: David Doyle
M2/M3: American Half-tracks of the Second World War |
Author/Editor: Robert Jackson
M2/M3 Bradley |
Series Title: Image of War
M36/M36B1 Tank Destroyer |
Author/Editor: David Doyle
The M3 "Grease Gun" |
Author/Editor: Leroy Thompson
M3 Half-track 1940-73 |
Author/Editor: Zaloga, Steve Series Title: New Vanguard
M3 Lee/grant Medium Tank 1941-45 |
Author/Editor: Steven J. Zaloga Series Title: New Vanguard
M3 & M5 Stuart Light Tank 1940–45 |
Author/Editor: Steven J. Zaloga
M3 Medium Tank Vs Panzer Iii: Kasserine Pass 1943, Ed. Unabridged |
Author/Editor: Rottman, Gordon.
M4 |
Author/Editor: Zaloga, Steven. Series Title: New Vanguard
M42 Duster: Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Vehicle |
Author/Editor: David Doyle
M48 Patton: American Post-war Main Battle Tank |
Author/Editor: Robert Griffin
M48 Patton: America's First "Main Battle Tank" |
Author/Editor: David Doyle
The M4 Carbine |
Author/Editor: Chris McNab
M4M |
Author/Editor: Rick R. Reed
M4 Sherman |
Author/Editor: Ware, Pat.
M4 Sherman Vs Type 97 Chi-Ha |
Author/Editor: Steven Zaloga Series Title: Duel
M50 Ontos and M56 Scorpion 1956–70: US Tank Destroyers of the Vietnam War |
Author/Editor: Kenneth W Estes
M551 Sheridan |
Author/Editor: Zaloga, Steve.; Bryan, Tony.; ebrary, Inc. Series Title: New Vanguard
The M60 Machine Gun, Ed. Unabridged |
Author/Editor: Dockery, Kevin.
M60 Main Battle Tank 1960-91 |
Author/Editor: Lathrop, Richard. Series Title: New Vanguard
M60: Main Battle Tank America's Cold War Warrior 1959-1997 |
Author/Editor: David Grummitt
M60 Tank: US Cold War MBT |
Author/Editor: David Doyle
M60 Vs T-62: Cold War Combatants 1956-92 |
Author/Editor: Isby, David C.; Nordeen, Lon O.
M65 Atomic Cannon |
Author/Editor: David Doyle
M7 Priest |
Author/Editor: David Doyle
M7 Priest 105mm Howitzer Motor Carriage |
Author/Editor: Zaloga, Steve Series Title: New Vanguard
M-80 |
Author/Editor: Jim Daniels
M8 Greyhound Light Armored Car 1941-91 |
Author/Editor: Zaloga, Steven. Series Title: New Vanguard
Ma |
Author/Editor: Lou Andreas-Salomé
M&A会計の実務 |
Author/Editor: 竹村 純也
M: A 24 Hour Cookbook |
Author/Editor: Michael Reid
M&A Activity, Divestitures and Initial Public Offerings in the Fashion Industry |
Author/Editor: Meinshausen, Steffen. Series Title: Corporate Finance and Governance
Maaß für Maaß. Viel Lärmen um Nichts, Ed. Reprint 2020 |
Author/Editor: William Shakespeare; Johann Wilhelm Otto Benda
Ma`afu, Prince of Tonga, Chief of Fiji: The Life and Times of Fiji's First Tui Lau |
Author/Editor: John Spurway
Maag - Ryslavy |
Author/Editor: Author Unknown
Maak er geen punt van! |
Author/Editor: Monica Koster; Meike Korpershoek
Maḥakk-i Khusrawī |
Author/Editor: Bayg, Mīrzā Khusraw; Mīrzā, Fāʿiza Zahrā
Maṇḍala I–VI, Ed. 2. Aufl., Reprint 2022 |
Author/Editor: Theodor Aufrecht
M&A als strategische Option für Zeitarbeitsunternehmen, Ed. Auflage |
Author/Editor: Ulrike Oeser
Ma��ana |
Author/Editor: Hjortsberg, William
Ma��ana... Capuchinos, bikinis #love |
Author/Editor: Agnès Ruiz
Ma�ana Es San Per�n |
Author/Editor: Plotkin, Mariano Ben Series Title: Latin American Silhouettes
Ma��analyse |
Author/Editor: Simon, Jürgen.; Schulze, Gerhard.
Ma��analyse |
Author/Editor: Jander, Gerhart; Jahr, Karl Friedrich. Series Title: De Gruyter Studium
Maßanalyse, II.: Theorie und Praxis der klassischen und der elektrochemischen Titrierverfahren, Ed. 6. Aufl. Reprint 2019 |
Author/Editor: Gerhart Jander; Karl Friedrich Jahr
Maßanalyse: Theorie und Praxis der klassischen und der elektrochemischen Titrierverfahren, Ed. 13. unverän. Aufl. Reprint 2019 |
Author/Editor: Gerhart Jander; Karl Friedrich Jahr
Maßanalyse: Theorie und Praxis der klassischen und der elektrochemischen Titrierverfahren, Teil 1, Ed. 6. Aufl. Reprint 2019 |
Author/Editor: Gerhart Jander; Karl Friedrich Jahr
Maßanalyse: Theorie und Praxis der klassischen und der elektrochemischen Titrierverfahren, Ed. 13. Aufl. Reprint 2019 |
Author/Editor: Gerhart Jander; Karl Friedrich Jahr
Maßanalyse: Theorie und Praxis der klassischen und elektrochemischen Titrierverfahren, Ed. 11., durchges. Aufl. Reprint 2019 |
Author/Editor: Gerhart Jander; Karl Friedrich Jahr
Maßanalyse: Theorie und Praxis der Titrationen mit chemischen und physikalischen Indikationen, Ed. 14. völlig neubearb. Aufl. Reprint 2019 |
Author/Editor: Gerhart Jander; Karl Friedrich Jahr; Gerhard Schulze; Jürgen Simon
Maßanalyse: Theorie und Praxis der Titrationen mit chemischen und physikalischen Indikationen, Ed. 15. Aufl. Reprint 2019 |
Author/Editor: Gerhart Jander; Karl F. Jahr; Gerhard Schulze; Jürgen Simon
Maßanalyse: Titrationen mit chemischen und physikalischen Indikationen, Ed. 20., überarb.Aufl. |
Author/Editor: Ralf Martens-Menzel; Lena Harwardt; Hanns-Jürgen Krauss
Mañana será otro día: (No tiene subtítulo) |
Author/Editor: Ana Teresa Silva
Maanav Taskari se Sangharsh: Niti or Kanoon me Kamiyan |
Author/Editor: Veerendra Mishra
Ma and Pa Dracula |
Author/Editor: Martin, Ann M.
Mała ojczyzna. Opowiadania o ziemi radomskiej i jej mieszkańcach |
Author/Editor: Jan Skalik
Maar één droom |
Author/Editor: Elodie Nowodazkij
Maartens perfekte Welt |
Author/Editor: Rinus Spruit
Maarten Van Heemskerck's Rome: Antiquity, Memory, and the Cult of Ruins |
Author/Editor: DiFuria, Arthur J.
A Maasai Encounter with the Bible: Nomadic Lifestyle As a Hermeneutic Question |
Author/Editor: Zephania Shila Nkesela
Maasai Milk Marketing in Ngerengere, Tanzania: Income, Food Security and Gender Roles |
Author/Editor: Loos, Tim
Maasai Women and the Old Testament: Towards an Emancipatory Reading |
Author/Editor: Hoyce Jacob Lyimo-Mbowe
M&A As a Strategic Option |
Ma’ase merkava |
Author/Editor: Bönischová, Helena
Maaserot /Maaser Scheni (Vom Zehnten/Vom zweiten Zehnten) |
Author/Editor: Bunte, Wolfgang. Series Title: Mishnah. Ma?aserot
The Ma‘asé-Ester. A Judeo-Provençal Poem About Queen Esther: A Critical Edition with Commentary |
Author/Editor: Erica Baricci
Maasir I Alamgiri of Muhammad Saqi Musta'idd Khan: Bibliothec Indica |
Author/Editor: Maulawi Agha Ahmad Ali
Maastricht II - Entwicklungschancen und Risiken der EU: Erweiterung, Vertiefung oder Stagnation?: Tagungsband zur Jahresversammlung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft deutscher wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Forschungsinstitute e. V. im Mai 1996 in Bonn. |
Maastricht Recommendations on Promoting Effective Public Participation in Decision-making in Environmental Matters Prepared Under the Aarhus Convention |
Author/Editor: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Maas - Utschiali |
Author/Editor: Hatschek, Julius; Strupp, Karl Series Title: Wo?rterbuch des vo?lkerrechts und der diplomatie
Maat |
Author/Editor: Allan Morey
Ma'at |
Author/Editor: Jan Assmann Series Title: Beck'sche Reihe
Ma'at: Gerechtigkeit und Unsterblichkeit im Alten Ägypten |
Author/Editor: Jan Assmann
Maat Magick |
Author/Editor: Nema.
Maatschappelijke bestuurskunde: Hoe verbindende bestuurskundigen (kunnen) inspelen op maatschappelijke vraagstukken |
Author/Editor: Tom Overmans; Marlies Honingh; Mirko Noordegraaf
Maatschappelijke meerstemmigheid onder druk: Waarborgen van pluralisme tijdens een gezondheidscrisis |
Author/Editor: Hafez Ismaïli M’hamdi; Anne Rotteveel; Virgil Rerimassie; Beatrijs Haverkamp
Maatwerk in gezondheid en welzijn |
Author/Editor: Ria den Hertog; Jan S. Jukema; Nicole Ketelaar; Miriam Losse
Maatwerk, van de wet tot aan de keukentafel: Keten of fuik? |
Author/Editor: Eline Linthorst
Maban �� das Paranormale bei den Aborigines Australiens. Geschichten erz��hlt von australischen Ureinwohnern |
Author/Editor: Erich Kolig
Ma Barker |
Author/Editor: Enss, Chris; Kazanjian, Howard
Ma Bayly of Newfoundland |
Author/Editor: Mary Bayly
Maḥbūb al-qulūb. Volume 1: Al-Maqāla al-thāniya fi aḥwāl ḥukamāʾ al-Islām wal-ʿulamāʾ al-aʿlām wal-udabāʾ al-kirām mimman lahum al-iʿtināʾ bi-shaʾnihim wal-iʿtibār bi-kalāmihim |
Author/Editor: Lāhijī, Quṭb al-Dīn Ishkawarī; al-Dībājī, Ibrāhīm; Ṣadqī, Ḥāmid
Maḥbūb al-qulūb. Volume 2: Al-Maqāla al-thāniya fi aḥwāl ḥukamāʾ al-Islām wal-ʿulamāʾ al-aʿlām wal-udabāʾ al-kirām mimman lahum al-iʿtināʾ bi-shaʾnihim wal-iʿtibār bi-kalāmihim |
Author/Editor: Lāhijī, Quṭb al-Dīn Ishkawarī; al-Dībājī, Ibrāhīm; Ṣadqī, Ḥāmid
Mabel Agnes Elliott |
Author/Editor: McGonigal, Kathryn; Galliher, John F.
Mabela the Clever, Ed. Digital Original |
Author/Editor: Margaret Read MacDonald
Mabel Bean |
Author/Editor: Austin J. Stack
Mabel Bunny & Co.: 15 Loveable Animals to Crochet Using Chunky Yarn |
Author/Editor: Claire Gelder
Mabel Cheung Yuen-ting's An Autumn's Tale |
Series Title: New Hong Kong Cinema
Mabel Dodge Luhan |
Author/Editor: Lois Palken Rudnick
Mabel Finds Her Happy |
Author/Editor: Allie Mary
Mabel McKay |
Author/Editor: Sarris, Greg.
Mabel Murphy |
Author/Editor: Mike Delaney
Mabel Normand |
Author/Editor: Lefler, Timothy Dean
Mabel Normand: The Life and Career of a Hollywood Madcap, 2d Ed. |
Author/Editor: Timothy Dean Lefler
Mabel's Topsy-Turvy Homes |
Author/Editor: Candy Wellins
Mabiki: Infanticide and Population Growth in Eastern Japan, 1660-1950 |
Author/Editor: Drixler, Fabian Franz
The Mabinogi and Other Medieval Welsh Tales |
Author/Editor: Ford, Patrick K.
The Mabinogion |
Author/Editor: Davies, Sioned.
The Mabinogion |
Author/Editor: Guest, Charlotte Series Title: Dover Thrift Editions
The Mabinogion |
Author/Editor: Guest, Charlotte
The Mabinogion and A Tale of Taliesin |
Author/Editor: Margery Hargest Jones
The Mabinogion Tetralogy: The Prince of Annwn, The Children of Llyr, The Song of Rhiannon, The Island of the Mighty |
Author/Editor: Evangeline Walton
Ma biographie |
Author/Editor: Pierre-Jean de Béranger
Mabogo P. More: Philosophical Anthropology in Azania |
Author/Editor: Tendayi Sithole
Mabos Cultural Legacy: History, Literature, Film and Cultural Practice in Contemporary Australia |
Author/Editor: Geoff Rodoreda; Eva Bischoff
The Mabo Turn in Australian Fiction |
Author/Editor: Rodoreda, Geoff
Mabruk 2.0 – Glückwünsche in arabischen Facebook-Postings. Eine netnographische Gattungsanalyse |
Author/Editor: Charlotte Schmidt
Mabu Mabu: An Australian Kitchen Cookbook |
Author/Editor: Nornie Bero
MaBV: Kommentar zur Makler- und Bauträgerverordnung, Ed. 3rd edition |
MaBV: Makler- und Bauträgerverordnung, Ed. 4. Auflage |
Author/Editor: Herbert Grziwotz
The Macabre Contract with the Bluesman: English |
Author/Editor: Luis Vendramel
Macabre Londres |
Author/Editor: Steven Savile
Macabre Moments |
Author/Editor: Joan B. Pritchard
The Macabresque: Human Violation and Hate in Genocide, Mass Atrocity and Enemy-Making |
Author/Editor: Edward Weisband
Macachiavellian Intelligence |
Author/Editor: Maestripieri, Dario.
Macadam blues |
Author/Editor: Léo Lamarche
Macadam oder Das M��dchen von Nr. 12 |
Author/Editor: Jean-Paul Didierlaurent
Macalda: Trauerspiel in fünf Aufzügen, Ed. Reprint 2022 |
Author/Editor: Hermann Lingg
Macanch�e Island, El Pet�en, Guatemala |
Author/Editor: Rice, Prudence M.
Macao and the British, 1637-1842 |
Author/Editor: Coates, Austin. Series Title: Echoes: Classics of Hong Kong Culture and History
Macao and U.S.-China Relations |
Author/Editor: Wang, Jianwei; Hao, Yufan.
A Macao Narrative |
Author/Editor: Coates, Austin. Series Title: Echoes: Classics of Hong Kong Culture and History
Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China: Report on Observance of Standards and Codes (ROSC) - Basel Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fun
Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China: Financial Sector Stability Assessment |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fun
M&A Capability Evolution: The Art of Balancing Standardization and Flexibility |
Author/Editor: Voss, Inga
The Macarian Legacy |
Author/Editor: Plested, Marcus. Series Title: Oxford Theological Monographs
Macaron Fetish: 80 Fanciful Shapes, Flavors, and Colors to Take Macarons to the Next Level |
Author/Editor: Kim H. Lim-Chodkowski
Macaroni! |
Author/Editor: Zabus; Campi (Thomas)
Macaroni & Cheese |
Author/Editor: Marlena Spieler
Macaronic Sermons |
Author/Editor: Wenzel, Siegfried
Macarons |
Author/Editor: Pierre Hermé
Macarons |
Author/Editor: Richard Sebra
Macarons at Midnight |
Macarons: Authentic French Cookie Recipes From the Macaron Cafe |
Author/Editor: Cecile Cannone
The Macaroon Bible |
Author/Editor: Dan Cohen
MacArthur and West Point: How the General and the Academy Shaped Each Other |
Author/Editor: Sherman L. Fleek
The MacArthur Highway and Other Relics of American Empire in the Philippines |
Author/Editor: McCallus, Joseph P.
MacArthur in Asia |
Author/Editor: Masuda, Hiroshi
MacArthur New Testament Commentary Index |
Author/Editor: John MacArthur Series Title: The MacArthur New Testament Commentary
The MacArthur New Testament Commentary Set of 33 Volumes |
Author/Editor: John MacArthur
MacArthur Park |
Author/Editor: Jose A. Gardea Series Title: Images of America
MacArthur Park |
Author/Editor: Andrew Durbin
MacArthur Park - Un racconto della Justice Security |
Author/Editor: T. M. Bilderback
MacArthur Reconsidered: General Douglas MacArthur As a Wartime Commander |
Author/Editor: James Ellman
MacArthur’s Air Force: American Airpower Over the Pacific and the Far East, 1941–51 |
Author/Editor: Bill Yenne
MacArthur's Bloody Butchers: Company G, 163rd Infantry Regiment, in the Pacific War |
Author/Editor: Brian Bruce
MacArthur's Papua New Guinea Offensive, 1942–1943 |
Author/Editor: Jon Diamond
The MacArthur Study Bible |
Author/Editor: MacArthur, John; Crossway Bibles.
MacArthur: The Supreme Commander at War in the Pacific, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: James W. Zobel
Macassan History and Heritage: Journeys, Encounters and Influences |
Author/Editor: Marshall Clark
Macau |
Macau and the Casino Complex |
Author/Editor: Al, Stefan; Lee, Kah Wee.; Gutiérrez, Natalia. Series Title: Gambling Studies Series
Macaulay |
Author/Editor: Kenneth Young
Macaulay |
Author/Editor: Sullivan, Robert E.
Macaulay and the Enlightenment |
Author/Editor: Nathaniel Wolloch
Macauley's Thumb |
Author/Editor: Williford, Lex Series Title: The Iowa Short Fiction Award
The Macau Maverick |
Author/Editor: Janie Jacks
Macaw Flock |
Author/Editor: Julie Murray
Mac Baldrige |
Author/Editor: Black, Christine M.; Cooper, B. Jay
Macbeth |
Author/Editor: Shakespeare
Macbeth |
Author/Editor: William Shakespeare
Macbeth |
Author/Editor: Giuseppe Verdi
Macbeth |
Author/Editor: Paul Sugarman
Macbeth |
Author/Editor: William Shakespeare
Macbeth |
Author/Editor: Tony Bradman
Macbeth |
Author/Editor: McLuskie, Kathleen
Macbeth |
Series Title: Opera Journeys Mini Guide Series
Macbeth |
Author/Editor: William Shakespeare Series Title: Dover Thrift Study Edition
Macbeth |
Author/Editor: Weber, William W. Series Title: Critical Insights
Macbeth |
Author/Editor: William Shakespeare
Macbeth |
Author/Editor: Tarner, Margaret; Shakespeare, William Series Title: Macmillan Readers .6, Upper-intermediate
Macbeth |
Author/Editor: Rebekah Owens
Macbeth |
Author/Editor: Shakespeare, William
Macbeth |
Author/Editor: Tredell, Nicolas.
Macbeth |
Author/Editor: Brown, John Russell.
Macbeth: A Bloomsbury Reader |
Author/Editor: Tony Bradman
Macbeth: A Critical Reader |
Author/Editor: Townshend, Dale; Drakakis, John Series Title: Arden Early Modern Drama
Macbeth and All That |
Author/Editor: Burnett, Allan; Anderson, Scoular.
Macbeth and Julius Caesar: An Introduction to Shakespeare in Verse |
Author/Editor: Roy Lancaster
Macbeth: Arden Performance Editions |
Author/Editor: William Shakespeare; Katherine Steele Brokaw
›Macbeth‹ – Die Erfindung der Botenstoffe |
Author/Editor: Mathias Mayer
Macbeth in Harlem: Black Theater in America From the Beginning to Raisin in the Sun |
Author/Editor: Clifford Mason
Macbeth: Language and Writing |
Author/Editor: Smith, Emma Series Title: Arden Shakepeare. Third Series
Macbeth, Macbeth |
Author/Editor: Fernie, Ewan; Palfrey, Simon; De Freston, Tom Series Title: Beyond Criticism
Macbeth (MAXNotes Literature Guides) |
Author/Editor: Rebecca Sheinberg
Macbeth Multiplied: Negotiating Historical and Medial Difference Between Shakespeare and Verdi |
Author/Editor: Clausen, Christoph.
Macbeth: The Hidden Astrological Keys |
Author/Editor: Priscilla Costello
Macbeth: The New Oxford Shakespeare |
Author/Editor: William Shakespeare; John Jowett
Macbeth: The State of Play |
Author/Editor: Thompson, Ann Series Title: Arden Shakespeare The State of Play
Macbeth: Third Series |
Author/Editor: William Shakespeare; Pamela Mason; Sandra Clark
Macbeth Thrift Study Edition |
Author/Editor: William Shakespeare Series Title: Dover Thrift Study Edition
Macbeth: With Linked Table of Contents |
Author/Editor: Shakespeare, William
Самоучитель MacBook |
Author/Editor: Ларри Твен
The Maccabean Martyrs As Saviours of the Jewish People: A Study of 2 and 4 Maccabees |
Author/Editor: Jan Willem van Henten
Maccabean Martyr Traditions in Paul’s Theology of Atonement |
Author/Editor: Williams, Jarvis J.
Maccabees, Zadokites, Christians and Qumran: A New Hypothesis of Qumran Origins |
Author/Editor: Eisenman
MacCarthy on Cross-Examination |
Author/Editor: Terence MacCarthy
MacCarthy on Impeachment: How to Find and Use These Weapons of Mass Desctruction |
Author/Editor: Terence F. MacCarthy; Sean Patrick MacCarthy
Mac & Cheese, Please!: 50 Super Cheesy Recipes |
Author/Editor: Laura Werlin
Macchiato |
Author/Editor: Jull Dawson
Macchi C.202/C.205V Units in Combat |
Author/Editor: Marco Mattioli
Дневник maccolit'a. Онлайн-дневники 2001–2012 гг. |
Author/Editor: Александр Житинский
MacCormick's Scotland |
Author/Editor: Walker, Neil Series Title: Edinburgh Studies in Law
Macdeath |
Author/Editor: Cindy Brown
The Macdermots of Ballycloran |
Author/Editor: Anthony Trollope
Macédoine - Souvenirs du quartier latin, dédiés à la jeunesse des écoles |
Author/Editor: Émile Labretonnière
Macdonald of Aird, Macdonald of the Isles and A Voyage of Discovery |
Author/Editor: Diane Catchpole nee Macdonald
Macdonald on the Law of Freedom of Information |
Author/Editor: John Macdonald QC; Ross Crail
The Macdonald Romances |
Author/Editor: Evelyn Anthony Series Title: The MacDonald Romances
Macdonald's Exemption Clauses and Unfair Terms |
Author/Editor: Mark Anderson; Victor Warner
MacDonalds’ Fairy-Tale Treasure Chest |
Author/Editor: MacDonald, George.
MacDonalds’ Fairy-Tale Treasure Chest: With Linked Table of Contents |
Author/Editor: MacDonald, George
MacDonald's Party |
Author/Editor: Howell, David
MacDougall's Darling |
Author/Editor: Emilie Richards
MacDowell |
Author/Editor: Bomberger, E. Douglas
Macedonia |
Author/Editor: Phillips, John.
Macedonia |
Author/Editor: Author Unknown Series Title: European Political, Economic, and Security Issues
Macedonia |
Author/Editor: Palairet, M. R. Series Title: Macedonia
Macedonia |
Author/Editor: Palairet, M. R. Series Title: Macedonia
Macedonia – Alexandria: Monumental Funerary Complexes of the Late Classical and Hellenistic Age |
Author/Editor: Dorota Gorzelany
Macedonia and Greece: The Struggle to Define a New Balkan Nation |
Author/Editor: Shea, John.
Macedonia & Its Questions: Origins, Margins, Ruptures & Continuity |
Author/Editor: Victor A Friedman; George Vlahov; Goran Janev
Macedonia: Its Races and Their Future (Classic Reprint) |
Author/Editor: H. N. Brailsford
Macedonian |
Author/Editor: Kramer, Christina Elizabeth.; Mitkovska, Liljana.
Macedonian Armies After Alexander 323-168 BC |
Author/Editor: Sekunda, Nick; Dennis, Peter Series Title: Men-at-arms
The Macedonian Army of Philip II and Alexander the Great, 359–323 BC |
Author/Editor: Gabriele Esposito
The Macedonian Conflict: Ethnic Nationalism in a Transnational World |
Author/Editor: Loring M. Danforth
The Macedonian Empire: The Era of Warfare Under Philip II and Alexander the Great, 359-323 B.C. |
Author/Editor: James R. Ashley
Macedonian Phalangite Vs Persian Warrior: Alexander Confronts the Achaemenids, 334–331 BC |
Author/Editor: Murray Dahm
The Macedonian Phalanx: Equipment, Organization and Tactics From Philip and Alexander to the Roman Conquest |
Author/Editor: Richard Taylor
The Macedonian Question |
Author/Editor: Livanios, Dimitris. Series Title: Oxford Historical Monographs
Macedonian Regal Coinage to 413 B.C. |
Author/Editor: Doris Raymond
The Macedonians in Athens, 322-229 B.C |
Author/Editor: Olga Palagia; Stephen V. Tracy
The Macedonian Slavs in the Greek Civil War, 1944–1949 |
Author/Editor: James Horncastle
The Macedonian War Machine, 359��281 BC |
Author/Editor: Karunanithy, David.
Macedonia: The Politics of Identity and Difference |
Author/Editor: Cowan, Jane K.
Macedonien und seine neue Eisenbahn Salonik-Monastyr: Ein Reisebericht, Ed. Reprint 2019 |
Author/Editor: Edmund Naumann
Macedonio Fernández: Between Literature, Philosophy, and the Avant-Garde |
Author/Editor: Federico Fridman
The Maceos and The Free State of Galveston: An Authorized History |
Author/Editor: Kimber Fountain
MacFarlane's Lantern |
Author/Editor: J. A. Milne
The MacGowan Betrothal |
Author/Editor: Lois Greiman Series Title: Highland Rogues
The MacGuffin |
Author/Editor: Elkin, Stanley
Machado De Assis |
Author/Editor: Rocha, João Cezar de Castro. Series Title: Studies in Violence, Mimesis, and Culture
Machado De Assis and Female Characterization |
Author/Editor: Fitz, Earl E.
Machado De Assis and Narrative Theory: Language, Imitation, Art, and Verisimilitude in the Last Six Novels |
Author/Editor: Earl E. Fitz
Machado De Assis, Blackness, and the Americas |
Author/Editor: Vanessa K. Valdés; Earl E. Fitz
Machado De Assis: Reflections on a Brazilian Master Writer |
Author/Editor: Richard Graham
Machado De Assis: The Brazilian Master and His Novels |
Author/Editor: Helen Caldwell
Machado De Assis: The World Keeps Changing to Remain the Same |
Author/Editor: Mario Higa
Machaerous |
Author/Editor: Auguste Parent
Machairodus latidens Owen aus dem altdiluvialen Sanden von Mauer a. d. Elsenz, Ed. Reprint 2019 |
Author/Editor: Ludwig Rüger
Ma Chance: La Détermination et le Courage d’un Gagnant |
Author/Editor: Yordano Bonilla
Machaut and the Medieval Apprenticeship Tradition |
Author/Editor: Kelly, Douglas. Series Title: Gallica
Machaut's Legacy |
Author/Editor: Palmer, R. Barton; Kimmelman, Burt
Mach das Internet aus, ich muss telefonieren: Kuriose Geschichten aus der digitalen Steinzeit |
Author/Editor: Adrian Lobe
Mach dich unbeliebt und gl��cklich |
Author/Editor: Diana Dreeßen
Mach die Rente zu deinem Projekt!: Altersvorsorge in jeder Lebensphase mit der AidA-Strategie |
Author/Editor: Thomas Gasch
Mach die Rente zu deinem Projekt!: Altersvorsorge in jeder Lebensphase mit der AidA-Strategie |
Author/Editor: Thomas Gasch
Mach die Rente zu deinem Projekt!: Altersvorsorge in jeder Lebensphase mit der AidA-Strategie |
Author/Editor: Thomas Gasch
Mach die Rente zu deinem Projekt!: Erfolgreiche Altersvorsorge in jeder Lebensphase mit der AidA-Strategie |
Author/Editor: Thomas Gasch
Machen Medien Politik? |
Author/Editor: Nayla Fawzi
Machen Unterschiede Unterschiede? Konfessioneller Religionsunterricht in gemischten Lerngruppen, Ed. Aufl. |
Author/Editor: Klaus Kießling; Andreas Günter; Stephan Pruchniewicz
Machen wir unser Arbeitsrecht zukunftsfähig: Lösungen für die Arbeitswelt von morgen |
Author/Editor: Theodor Tomandl
Machias Bay Region, The |
Author/Editor: Jim Harnedy; Jane Harnedy
Machiavel |
Author/Editor: Braz Adelino
Machiavelli |
Author/Editor: Celenza, Christopher S.
Machiavelli |
Author/Editor: Viroli, Maurizio.
Machiavelli |
Author/Editor: Reinhardt, Volker.
Machiavelli |
Author/Editor: Markulin, Joseph.
Machiavelli |
Author/Editor: Oppenheimer, Paul.
Machiavelliana |
Author/Editor: Grace, Damian Series Title: Philosophy, Literature, and Politics
Machiavellian Bluff |
Author/Editor: Abby Wilton
Machiavelli and Epicureanism: An Investigation Into the Origins of Early Modern Political Thought |
Author/Editor: Roecklein, Robert J.
Machiavelli and the Politics of Democratic Innovation |
Author/Editor: Holman, Christopher
Machiavelli and the Problems of Military Force: A War of One’s Own |
Author/Editor: Sean Erwin
The Machiavellian Moment |
Author/Editor: Pocock, J. G. A.
The Machiavellian Moment |
Author/Editor: Pocock, J.G.A.; Project Muse. Series Title: Princeton Classics
The Machiavellian Moment |
Author/Editor: Pocock, J. G. A. Series Title: Princeton Paperbacks
Machiavellian Ontology: Political Conflict and Philosophy |
Author/Editor: Francesco Marchesi; Dave Mesing
Machiavellian Rhetoric: From the Counter-Reformation to Milton |
Author/Editor: Kahn, Victoria Ann.
Machiavelli: A Portrait |
Author/Editor: Christopher S. Celenza
Machiavelli: Aus dem Griechischen übersetzt von Gaby Wurster. Mit einer Vorrede von Günter Maschke |
Author/Editor: Kondylēs, Panagiōtēs
The Machiavelli Covenant |
Author/Editor: Allan Folsom
Machiavelli Goes to the Movies |
Author/Editor: Kasper, Eric T.; Kozma, Troy A.
Machiavelli, Hobbes, and Rousseau |
Author/Editor: Plamenatz, J. P.; Pelczynski, Z. A.; Philp, Mark.
Machiavelli in America |
Author/Editor: Block, Thomas.
Machiavelli in Love |
Author/Editor: Ruggiero, Guido
Machiavelli in the Spanish-Speaking Atlantic World, 1880-1940 |
Author/Editor: Losada, Leandro
Machiavelli on Business: Strategies, Advice, and Words of Wisdom on Business and Power |
Author/Editor: Niccolò Machiavelli; Stephen Brennan
Machiavelli on Freedom and Civil Conflict: An Historical and Medical Approach to Political Thinking |
Author/Editor: Gaille-Nikodimov, Marie
Machiavelli on International Relations, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Cesa, Marco.
Machiavelli on Liberty and Conflict |
Author/Editor: Johnston, David; Urbinati, Nadia; Vergara, Camila
Machiavelli on Modern Leadership: Why Machiavelli's Iron Rules Are As Timely and Important Today As Five Centuries Ago |
Author/Editor: Michael A. Ledeen
Machiavelli: On Politics and Power |
Author/Editor: Niccolò Machiavelli
Machiavelli Revisited |
Author/Editor: Femia, Joseph V. Series Title: Political Philosophy Now
Machiavelli's Art of Politics |
Author/Editor: Barcenas, Alejandro.
Machiavelli's Children |
Machiavelli's Discourses on Livy: New Readings |
Author/Editor: Diogo Pires Aurélio; Andre Santos Campos
Machiavelli's Ethics |
Author/Editor: Benner, Erica.
Machiavellis Geschichtsauffassung und sein Begriff virtù: Studien zu seiner Historik, Ed. Reprint 2019 |
Author/Editor: Eduard Wilhelm Mayer
Machiavellis Gesetzgebungslehre |
Author/Editor: Jens Petersen
Machiavelli's God |
Author/Editor: Viroli, Maurizio.; Shugaar, Antony.
Machiavelli's Gospel |
Author/Editor: Parsons, William B.
Machiavellismus in Deutschland: Chiffre von Kontingenz, Herrschaft und Empirismus in der Neuzeit |
Author/Editor: Cornel Zwierlein; Annette Meyer; Sven Martin Speek
Machiavelli's Platonic Problems: Neoplatonism, Eros, Mythmaking, and Philosophy in Machiavellian Thought |
Author/Editor: Guillaume Bogiaris
Machiavelli's Politics |
Author/Editor: Zuckert, Catherine H.
Machiavelli's Prince: A New Reading |
Author/Editor: Benner, Erica
Machiavellis Revivus |
Author/Editor: Cristante, Nevio.
Machiavelli's Romans: Liberty and Greatness in the Discourses on Livy |
Author/Editor: Coby, Patrick
Machiavelli's Secret: The Soul of the Statesman |
Author/Editor: Belliotti, Raymond A.
Machiavelli's 'The Prince' |
Author/Editor: Vatter, Miguel E. Series Title: Reader's Guides
Machiavelli's Virtue |
Author/Editor: Mansfield, Harvey Claflin
Machiavelli: The Chief Works and Others, Vol. I |
Author/Editor: Machiavelli, Niccolò; Gilbert, Allan H.
Machiavelli: The Chief Works and Others, Vol. II |
Author/Editor: Machiavelli, Niccolò; Gilbert, Allan H.
Machiavelli: The Chief Works and Others, Vol. III |
Author/Editor: Machiavelli, Niccolò; Gilbert, Allan H.
Machiavelli - The First Century |
Author/Editor: Anglo, Sydney. Series Title: Oxford-Warburg Studies
Machiavel ou la politique du centaure |
Author/Editor: MÉNISSIER
Machik's Complete Explanation: Clarifying the Meaning of Chöd: a Complete Explanation of Casting Out the Body As Food |
Author/Editor: Labdrön, Machig
Mach I, Mach II, Einstein und die Relativitätstheorie: Eine Fälschung und ihre Folgen |
Author/Editor: Wolters, Gereon.
Machinability Analysis and Processing Technologies |
Author/Editor: Domingo Morales-Palma; Andrés J. Martínez-Donaire; Marcos Borrego Puche; Gabriel Centeno Báez; Carpoforo Vallellano; Ramya Muthusamy; Thangaprakash Sengodan
Machinability of Fibre-Reinforced Plastics |
Author/Editor: Davim, J. Paulo.; Miguélez, Maria H.; Dilger, Klaus.; Ning, Fuda.; Philip, Jose.; Palanikumar, K.; Cong, Weilong.; Basavarajappa, Satyappa.; Babu, J.; Blass, David.; Chatelain, Jean-Francois.; Blümel, Sven. Series Title: Advanced Composites
The Machine |
Author/Editor: Upton Sinclair
The Machine |
Author/Editor: Upton Sinclair
Machine |
Author/Editor: K.Z. Snow Series Title: The Mongrel Trilogy
Machine #3 |
Author/Editor: Manoa, J.
Machine-Age Comedy |
Author/Editor: North, Michael
Machine-Age Ideology: Social Engineering and American Liberalism, 1911-1939 |
Author/Editor: Jordan, John M.
Machine Agency |
Author/Editor: James Mattingly; Beba Cibralic
Machine-Aided Linguistic Discovery: An Introduction and Some Examples |
Author/Editor: Vladimir Pericliev
Machine and Deep Learning Algorithms and Applications |
Author/Editor: Uday Shankar Shanthamallu; Andreas Spanias
The Machine and the Ghost |
Author/Editor: Mays, Sas.; Matheson, Neil.
The Machine Anxieties of Steampunk: Contemporary Philosophy, Victorian Aesthetics, and the Future |
Author/Editor: Kathe Hicks Albrecht
Machine Art, 1934 |
Author/Editor: Jennifer Jane Marshall
Machine Art in the Twentieth Century |
Author/Editor: Broeckmann, Andreas
The Machine Awakes |
Author/Editor: Adam Christopher
A Machine Called Indomitable: The Remarkable Story of a Scientist's Inspiration, Invention, and Medical Breakthrough |
Author/Editor: Kleinfield, Sonny
Machine-Created Culture: Essays on the Archaeology of Digital Things and Places |
Author/Editor: Andrew Reinhard
Machine Design and Manufacturing Engineering |
Author/Editor: Gao, Sally. Series Title: Advanced Materials Research
Machine Design and Manufacturing Engineering II |
Author/Editor: Kida, Katsuyuki Series Title: Applied Mechanics and Materials
Machine Design and Manufacturing Engineering III |
Author/Editor: Wei, Peng-Sheng Series Title: Applied Mechanics and Materials
Machine Design for Technology Students: A Systems Engineering Approach |
Author/Editor: Anthony D’Angelo, Jr.
The Machine for Living |
Author/Editor: Carmen Avila
A Machine for the Future (Oxford Read and Imagine Level 4) |
Author/Editor: Paul Shipton
Machine Guarding Handbook |
Author/Editor: Spellman, Frank R.; Whiting, Nancy E.
Machine Gunner 1914-1918: Personal Experiences of the Machine Gun Corps, Ed. Second revised edition |
Author/Editor: Crutchley, C. E.
Machine Gunner��s Notes, France 1918 [Illustrated Edition] |
Author/Editor: Lieutenant Colonel Charles M. Dupuy
A Machine Gunner's War: From Normandy to Victory with the 1st Infantry Division in World War II |
Author/Editor: Ernest Albert "Andy" Andrews; David B Hurt
Machine-Guns and the Great War |
Author/Editor: Paul Cornish
Machine Guns in Narragansett Bay: The Coast Guard’s War on Rumrunners |
Author/Editor: Christian M. McBurney
The Machine Has a Soul: American Sympathy with Italian Fascism |
Author/Editor: Katy Hull
The Machine in America |
Author/Editor: Pursell, Carroll W.
The Machine in America: A Social History of Technology, Ed. second edition |
Author/Editor: Carroll Pursell
Machine, Industry and Manufacturing Based on Applied-Information Technology IV |
Author/Editor: Helen Zhang; M. Han; X.J. Zhao Series Title: Applied Mechanics and Materials
Machine Intelligence for Internet of Medical Things: Applications and Future Trends |
Author/Editor: Mariya, Ouaissa; Mariyam, Ouaissa; Zakaria, Boulouad; Inam, Ullah Khan; Sailesh, Iyer
The Machine in the Garden: Technology and the Pastoral Ideal in America |
Author/Editor: Marx, Leo
Machine Language Programming Made Simple for Your Sinclair & Timex TS1000 |
Author/Editor: Beam Software
Machine Learning |
Author/Editor: Author Unknown Series Title: Computer Science, Technology and Applications
Machine Learning - Advanced Techniques and Emerging Applications |
Author/Editor: Hamed Farhadi
Machine Learning Algorithms for Engineering Applications: Future Trends and Research Directions |
Author/Editor: Prasenjit Chatterjee
Machine Learning Algorithms Using Python Programming |
Author/Editor: Gopal Sakarkar
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence: Proceedings of MLIS 2023 |
Author/Editor: J.-L. Kim
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence: Proceedings of MLIS 2020 |
Author/Editor: A.J. Tallón-Ballesteros; C.-H. Chen
Machine Learning and Causality |
Author/Editor: Tiffin, Andrew.
Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms |
Author/Editor: Abhishek Kumar Pandey
Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of MLIS 2024, Kampar, Perak, Malaysia, 17-20 November 2024 |
Author/Editor: J.-L. Kim
Machine Learning and Its Application: A Quick Guide for Beginners |
Author/Editor: Indranath, Chatterjee
Machine Learning and Visual Perception |
Author/Editor: Baochang Zhang
Machine Learning aplicado al rendimiento académico en educación superior: factores, variables y herramientas |
Author/Editor: Contreras, Leonardo Emiro; Tarazona Bermúdez, Giovanny Mauricio; Alemán Cardona, Angie Paola
Machine Learning Applications: Emerging Trends |
Author/Editor: Rik Das; Siddhartha Bhattacharyya; Sudarshan Nandy
Machine Learning Applications in Electromagnetics and Antenna Array Processing |
Author/Editor: Martínez-Ramón, Manel; Gupta, Arjun; Rojo-Álvarez, José Luis; Christodoulou, Christos
Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective |
Author/Editor: Murphy, Kevin P.
Machine Learning avec Scikit-Learn |
Author/Editor: Aurélien Géron; O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Machine Learning avec Scikit-Learn - 3e éd. |
Author/Editor: Aurélien Géron; O'Reilly Media, Inc.; Anne Bohy
Machine Learning Cookbook with Python |
Author/Editor: Rehan Guha
Machine Learning for Beginners |
Author/Editor: Harsh Bhasin
Machine Learning for Beginners - 2nd Edition |
Author/Editor: Dr. Harsh Bhasin
Machine Learning for Big Data Analysis |
Author/Editor: Bhattacharyya, Siddhartha; Bhaumik, Hrishikesh; Mukherjee, Anirban; De, Sourav
Machine Learning for Cyber Security |
Author/Editor: Preeti Malik; Lata Nautiyal; Mangey Ram
Machine Learning for Data Streams: With Practical Examples in MOA |
Author/Editor: Albert Bifet; Ricard Gavaldà; Geoff Holmes; Bernhard Pfahringer
Machine Learning for Education |
Author/Editor: Dr. Amit Dua, Sankha Das, Pulkit Sinha
Machine Learning for Finance |
Author/Editor: Saurav Singla
Machine Learning For Physicists: A Hands-on Approach |
Author/Editor: Sadegh Raeisi; Sedighe Raeisi
Machine Learning for Protein Subcellular Localization Prediction |
Author/Editor: Shibiao Wan; Man-Wai Mak
Machine Learning for Signal Processing: Data Science, Algorithms, and Computational Statistics |
Author/Editor: Max A. Little
Machine Learning for Solar Array Monitoring, Optimization, and Control |
Author/Editor: Sunil Rao; Sameeksha Katoch; Vivek Narayanaswamy; Gowtham Muniraju; Cihan Tepedelenlioglu; Andreas Spanias; Pavan Turaga
Machine Learning for Sustainable Development |
Author/Editor: Kamal Kant Hiran; Deepak Khazanchi; Ajay Kumar Vyas; Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban
Machine Learning for Tomographic Imaging |
Author/Editor: Professor Ge Wang; Professor Yi Zhang; Professor Xiaojing Ye; Professor Xuanqin Mou
Machine Learning From Weak Supervision: An Empirical Risk Minimization Approach |
Author/Editor: Masashi Sugiyama; Han Bao; Takashi Ishida; Nan Lu; Tomoya Sakai
Machine learning: fundamentos, algoritmos y aplicaciones para los negocios, industria y finanzas |
Author/Editor: Velasco Rebolledo, Jacinto
Machine Learning in Asset Pricing |
Author/Editor: Stefan Nagel
Machine Learning in Chemistry: Data-Driven Algorithms, Learning Systems, and Predictions |
Author/Editor: Edward O. Pyzer-Knapp; Teodoro Laino; Andrea Grisafi; David M. Wilkins; Michael J. Willatt; Michele Ceriotti; Joy C. Garnett; Matti Hellström; Jörg Behler; Philippe Schwaller; Darren V. S. Green; Dmitry Y. Zubarev; Jed W. Pitera
Machine Learning in Chemistry: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence |
Author/Editor: Hugh M Cartwright
Machine Learning in der Verwaltung: Rechtsfragen der Black-Box-Problematik |
Author/Editor: David Schneeberger
Machine Learning in Non-Stationary Environments |
Author/Editor: Sugiyama, Masashi; Kawanabe, Motoaki.
Machine Learning in Production |
Author/Editor: Suhas Pote
Machine Learning in the Analysis and Forecasting of Financial Time Series |
Author/Editor: Jaydip Sen, Editor; Sidra Mehtab, Editor
Machine Learning in Transportation: Applications with Examples and Codes |
Author/Editor: Niharika Dayyala; Nivedya Madankara Kottayi; Rajib Basu Mallick
Machine Learning, Medical AI and Robotics: Translating Theory Into the Clinic |
Machine Learning - Medien, Infrastrukturen und Technologien der Künstlichen Intelligenz |
Author/Editor: Christoph Engemann; Andreas Sudmann
Machine Learning Methods for Engineering Application Development |
Author/Editor: Prasad, Lokulwar; Basant, Verma; N, Thillaiarasu; Kailash, Kumar; Mahip, Bartere; Dharam, Singh
Machine Learning Methods for Pain Investigation Using Physiological Signals |
Author/Editor: Philip Johannes Gouverneur
Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Psychometrics |
Author/Editor: Hong Jiao
Machine Learning Research Progress |
Author/Editor: Vogel, Mia.; Peters, Hannah
Machine Learning, Revised and Updated Edition |
Author/Editor: Ethem Alpaydin
Machine Learning Techniques for Time Series Classification |
Author/Editor: Botsch, Michael
Machine Learning: The New AI |
Author/Editor: Alpaydin, Ethem
Machine Learning Under Resource Constraints - Applications |
Author/Editor: Katharina Morik; Jörg Rahnenführer; Christian Wietfeld
Machine Learning Under Resource Constraints - Discovery in Physics |
Author/Editor: Katharina Morik; Wolfgang Rhode
Machine Learning Under Resource Constraints - Fundamentals |
Author/Editor: Katharina Morik; Peter Marwedel
Machine Learning with Python |
Author/Editor: Abhishek Vijayvargia
Machine Learning with Python |
Author/Editor: Tarkeshwar Barua; Kamal Kant Hiran; Ritesh Kumar Jain; Ruchi Doshi
Machine Learning with SAP: Models and Applications |
Author/Editor: Laboni Bhowmik; Avijit Dhar; Ranajay Mukherjee
Machine Learning y Deep Learning |
Author/Editor: Jesús Bobadilla Sancho
Machine Magic: Get the Most From the Decorative Stitches on Your Sewing Machine; 22 Fun Flowers to Sew |
Author/Editor: Deborah Louie
Machine Man |
Author/Editor: Max Barry
Machine, Manufacturing, Materials and Information Technology II |
Author/Editor: B. Xu; H.Y. Li
Machine Musicianship |
Author/Editor: Rowe, Robert.
The Machine of the World: The Modern Cosmos |
Author/Editor: Piero Boitani
The Machine Question: Critical Perspectives on AI, Robots, and Ethics |
Author/Editor: Gunkel, David J.
Machine Quilting Solutions: Techniques for Fast & Simple to Award-Winning Designs |
Author/Editor: Maraccini, Christine
Machine Quilting With Alex Anderson: 7 Exercises, Projects & Full-Size Quilting Patterns |
Author/Editor: Anderson, Alex
Machineries of Oil |
Author/Editor: Katayoun Shafiee
Machineries of Persuasion: European Soft Power and Public Diplomacy During the Cold War |
Author/Editor: Óscar J. Martín García; Rósa Magnúsdóttir
Machine Rules: A Political Primer, Ed. Main |
Author/Editor: Stephen Loosley
Machinery Electronics and Control Engineering II |
Author/Editor: Jianfeng Li Series Title: Applied Mechanics and Materials
Machinery Electronics and Control Engineering III |
Author/Editor: Li, Jianfeng Series Title: Applied Mechanics and Materials
Machinery Electronics and Control Engineering IV |
Author/Editor: Yu, Jinshou; Jia, Lei Series Title: Applied Mechanics and Materials
Machinery, Materials Science and Engineering Applications |
Author/Editor: Gao, Quanjie; Wuhan ke ji da xue
Machinery, Materials Science and Engineering Applications: Selected, Peer Reviewed Papers From the 2011 International Conference on Machinery Materials Science and Engineering Applications (MMSE 2011), July 15-16, 2011, Wuhan, China |
Author/Editor: Gao, Quanjie
Machinery, Materials Science and Engineering Applications 2014 |
Author/Editor: Xu, Qiang; Barrans, Simon; Gao, Quanjie Series Title: Advanced Materials Research
The Machinery of Criminal Justice |
Author/Editor: Bibas, Stephanos.
The Machinery of Government: Public Administration and the Liberal State |
Author/Editor: Joseph Heath
The Machinery of Whiteness |
Author/Editor: Martinot, Steve.
Machines |
Author/Editor: DeLeon, Abraham P.
Machines Against Measures |
Author/Editor: Irene Sotiropoulou
Machines and Thought: The Legacy of Alan Turing, Volume I |
Author/Editor: Peter Millican; Andy Clark
Machines As Agency: Artistic Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Christoph Lischka; Andrea Sick
Machines As the Measure of Men |
Author/Editor: Adas, Michael Series Title: Cornell Studies in Comparative History
Machines à commande numérique |
Author/Editor: MÉRY Bernard
Machine Scoring of Student Essays |
Author/Editor: Ericsson, Patricia Freitag; Haswell, Richard H.
Machines for Living: Modernism and Domestic Life |
Author/Editor: Victoria Rosner
Machines in Our Hearts |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey, Kirk.
Machines électriques non conventionnelles (Série Génie électrique EGEM) |
Author/Editor: EL-HADI ZAÏM Mohammed; REZZOUG Abderrezak
Machines électriques tournantes : de la modélisation matricielle à la mise en oeuvre (Collection Sciences et Technologies de l'Énergie Électrique) |
Author/Editor: ZAÏM Mohammed El-Hadi; LE DOEUFF René
Machines électriques tournantes : exercices et problèmes corrigés (Coll. Sciences et Technologies de l'Énergie Électrique) |
Author/Editor: MACHMOUM Mohamed; BENKHORIS Mohamed Fouad; LE DOEUFF René; ZAÏM Mohammed El-Hadi
Machines Like Us: Toward AI with Common Sense |
Author/Editor: Ronald J. Brachman; Hector J. Levesque
The Machine Society: Rich or Poor. They Want You To Be a Prisoner |
Author/Editor: Mike Brooks
The Machines of Evolution and the Scope of Meaning |
Author/Editor: Gary Tomlinson
Machines of Loving Grace: The Quest for Common Ground Between Humans and Robots |
Author/Editor: John Markoff
Machines of the Mind: Personification in Medieval Literature |
Author/Editor: Katharine Breen
Machines of Youth |
Author/Editor: Gary S. Cross
Machines on the Farm |
Author/Editor: Borth, Teddy Series Title: On the Farm
Machines That Become Us |
Author/Editor: Katz, James Everett.
Machines that Help at a Hospital |
Author/Editor: Sandra Iversen
Machines That Learn to Play Games |
Author/Editor: Kubat, Miroslav; Fürnkranz, Johannes. Series Title: Advances in Computation
Machines That Think: The Future of Artificial Intelligence |
Author/Editor: Walsh, Toby
Machines Then and Now (Oxford Read and Discover Level 4) |
Author/Editor: Robert Quinn
Machine Stitch |
Author/Editor: Kettle, Alice; McKeating, Jane.
The Machine Stops |
Author/Editor: E. M. Forster
Machines to Thrill You! |
Author/Editor: Hansen, Grace
Machines à vapeur et machines thermiques diverses |
Author/Editor: Jules Dejust
Machines We Trust: Perspectives on Dependable AI |
Author/Editor: Marcello Pelillo; Teresa Scantamburlo
The Machine That Saved the World |
Author/Editor: Leinster, Murray
A Machine to Make a Future |
Author/Editor: Rabinow, Paul; Dan-Cohen, Talia
Machine Tools |
Author/Editor: Anderson, Scott P. Series Title: Engineering Tools, Techniques and Tables
Machine Tools (Metal Working - Wood Workings), Ed. Reprint 2019 |
Author/Editor: Wilhelm Wagner
Machine Tool Technology, Mechatronics and Information Engineering |
Author/Editor: Wang, Zhongmin Series Title: Applied Mechanics and Materials
Machine Tractable Dictionaries |
Author/Editor: Guo, Cheng-ming. Series Title: Ablex Series in Computational Science
Machine Translation |
Author/Editor: Thierry Poibeau
Machine Translation |
Author/Editor: Henisz-Dostert, Bozena.; Zarechnak, Michael.; Macdonald, R. Ross Series Title: Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs
Machine Translation |
Author/Editor: Lehrberger, John.; Bourbeau, Laurent. Series Title: Linguisticae Investigationes. Supplementa
Machine Translation and Translation Theory |
Author/Editor: Heizmann, Susanne; Hauenschild, Christa. Series Title: Text, Translation, Computational Processing
Machine Translation for Everyone |
Author/Editor: Kenny, Dorothy
Machine Vision |
Author/Editor: Omidvar, Omid M.; Mohan, Rakesh Series Title: Progress in Neural Networks
Machine Vision and Human-machine Interface |
Author/Editor: Yates, Simon T. Series Title: Computer Science, Technology and Applications