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Titles start with X (362) Information
Author/Editor: Alistair McDowall
الجندية X0001
Author/Editor: Mhbobah Alzahrani
_x001F_The Classic Chinese Novel: A Critical Introduction
Author/Editor: C. T. Hsia
Author/Editor: Branfill-Cook, Roger
X-15 Diary: The Story of America's First Space Ship
Author/Editor: Tregaskis, Richard
The X-15 Rocket Plane
Author/Editor: Evans, Michelle
Series Title: Outward Odyssey: a People's History of Spaceflight
حقائق x دقائق: 400 حقيقة علمية تؤكدها الابحاث والدراسات, Ed. الطبعة الأولى.
Author/Editor: مرزوق، ابراهيم،
X. 500 ディレクトリ入門, 第2版.
Author/Editor: 大山実.
Author/Editor: James S. Williams
Xam Grammatika: Woordeskat, voorbeeldsinne en grammatika van die /Xam-taal
Author/Editor: Peter Raper
Author/Editor: Patrick Tillard
Xander Chase and the Lost Wing
Author/Editor: Carrie Weston
Xander Chase and the Unicorn Code
Author/Editor: Carrie Weston
X and Other Stories: New Translation
Author/Editor: Yevgeny Zamyatin
X and the City
Author/Editor: Adam, John A.
Xanthan Gum
Author/Editor: Butler, Michelle
Series Title: Food Science and Technology
Xanthia's New BFF
Author/Editor: Helena Louise Stevens
Xanthippic Dialogues: A Philosophical Fiction
Author/Editor: Roger Scruton
The Xanth Novels
Author/Editor: Anthony, Piers-Anthony, Piers
Series Title: The Xanth Novels
The Xanth Novels, Books 41–43: Ghost Writer in the Sky, Fire Sail, and Jest Right
Author/Editor: Piers Anthony
Author/Editor: José Luis Zárate Herrera
The Xanue: Befriending the Bigfoot Forrest People
Author/Editor: Matthew Johnson
Порядок «xaoca» – «xaoc» порядка- L’ordre du chaos – le chaos de l’ordre
Author/Editor: Dobrit︠s︡yn, Andreĭ.; Velmezova, Ekaterina.; Heller, Léonid.
XARELTO Drug Profile, 2023
Author/Editor: DrugPatentWatch
The Xavante in Transition: Health, Ecology, and Bioanthropology in Central Brazil, Ed. 1st pbk. ed
Author/Editor: Coimbra Junior, Carlos Everaldo Alvares
Xaver Herzog
Author/Editor: Philipp W Hildmann; Hubert Isopp
Series Title: Gotthelfiana
The Xavier Affair
Author/Editor: Pike, Robert L.
Series Title: The Captain Jose? Da Silva Mysteries
Xavier: Edizione Italiana
Author/Editor: Kathi S. Barton
Xavier Montsalvatge
Author/Editor: Roger Evans; Southern Music
Series Title: Lives in Music
Xavier: Os Dragões Manning Livro seis
Author/Editor: Kathi S. Barton
Xavier's Legacies
Author/Editor: Doak, Kevin Michael.
Series Title: Asian Religions and Society Series
Xavier Zubiri interkulturell gelesen
Author/Editor: Thomas Fornet-Ponse
X-bar Grammar: Attribution and Predication in Dutch, Ed. Reprint 2019
Author/Editor: Frank C. van Gestel
XBeeによるArduino無線ロボット工作, Ed. 第 1版.
Author/Editor: 鈴木美朗志
Xbox Revisited: A Game Plan for Public and Civic Renewal
Author/Editor: Robbie Bach
Xbox: Video Game Cheats Tips and Secrets for Xbox 360
Author/Editor: The CheatMistress
Xbox: Video Game Cheats Tips and Secrets for Xbox 360 & Xbox
Author/Editor: The Cheat Mistress
Author/Editor: Stan Mason
X Child Stars
Author/Editor: Garver, Kathy; Ascher, Fred
The X Club
Author/Editor: Barton, Ruth
Author/Editor: Rick Barba
XCOM 2: Factions
Author/Editor: Kevin J. Anderson
XD Operations: Secret British Missions Denying Oil to the Nazis
Author/Editor: C. C. H. Brazier
Author/Editor: Shiel, M. P.
Xenakis's Convenient Bride
Author/Editor: Dani Collins
Xena Omnibus
Author/Editor: Keith Champagne; John Layman
Xena Omnibus
Author/Editor: Keith Champagne; John Layman
Xenarthra, Ed. Reprint 2020
Author/Editor: Richard Kraft
Xena: Warrior Princess: Road Warrior
Author/Editor: Vita Ayala
Xena: Warrior Princess: Road Warrior
Author/Editor: Vita Ayala
Xena Warrior Princess Vol. 1: Contest of Pantheons
Author/Editor: John Layman
Xena Warrior Princess Vol. 1: Contest of Pantheons
Author/Editor: John Layman
Xena Warrior Princess Vol. 2: Dark Xena
Author/Editor: John Layman
Xena Warrior Princess Vol. 2: Dark Xena
Author/Editor: John Layman
Xenia Slavica: Papers Presented to Gojko Ružičić on the Occasion of His Seventy-fifth Birthday, 2 February 1969, Ed. Reprint 2019
Author/Editor: Rado L. Lenek; Boris O. Unbegaun
Xenobiotic Conjugation Chemistry
Author/Editor: GAYLORD D. PAULSON; JOHN CALDWELL; DAVID H. HUTSON; JULIUS J. MENN; Margaret O. James; C. F. Wilkinson; G. L. Lamoureux; D. G. Rusness; W. Muecke; Åke Bergman; Catherine Fenselau; Lauren Yellet; V. J. Feil; Gary B. Quistad; M. J. W. Chang; E. G. Leighty;
Xenobiotic Metabolism: In Vitro Methods
Xenobiotic Metabolism: Nutritional Effects
Author/Editor: Emerson, Mauro L.; Castaneda, Saul F.
Series Title: Biochemistry Research Trends
Xenobiotics and Food-Producing Animals
Author/Editor: D. H. HUTSON; G. D. PAULSON; D. R. HAWKINS; C. B. STRUBLE; K. N. Woodward; N. E. Weber; R. P. Clement; R. D. Simmons; R. J. Christopher; S. F. Charles; C. N. Casciano; C. B. McCullough; J. F. Lamendola; M. N. Cayen; M. J. Lynch; G. M. Frame; J. F. Ericson
Xenobiotics, Environment And Functional Biology
Author/Editor: M. Serajuddin; M. Arshad
Xenobiotics in Foods and Feeds
Author/Editor: Sakis Gekas
Author/Editor: McKenzie, Nean
Author/Editor: Roche, Jörg.
Series Title: Sociolinguistics and language contact
Xenophanes of Colophon
Author/Editor: Xenophanes; Lesher, J. H.
Series Title: Phoenix Pre-Socratics; V. 4 = Les Pre?-Socratiques Phoenix
Xenophanes von Kolophon
Series Title: Traditio Praesocratica
Xenophobia and Islamophobia in Europe
Author/Editor: Taras, Ray
Xenophobia, Radicalism and Hate Crime in Europe 2015
Author/Editor: Коллектив авторов; Валерий Энгель; Анна Кастриота; Ильдико Барна
Author/Editor: Gray, Vivienne.
Author/Editor: Fiona Hobden
Xenophon, Anabasis
Author/Editor: Gesa Linnemann; Alexander Senger
Xenophon and his World: Papers from a conference held in Liverpool in July 1999
Author/Editor: Christopher Tuplin
Xenophon: Ethical Principles and Historical Enquiry
Author/Editor: Tuplin, Christopher.; Hobden, Fiona.
Xenophon: Hellenika II.3.11 - IV.2.8
Author/Editor: Peter Krentz
Xenophon: Hellenika I-II.3.10
Author/Editor: Peter Krentz
Xenophon of Ephesus: His Compositional Technique and the Birth of the Novel
Author/Editor: O'Sullivan, James N.
Xenophon. Oikonomikos, Symposion, Apologie: Eine Lektürehilfe
Author/Editor: Rainer Nickel
Xenophon on Violence
Author/Editor: Aggelos Kapellos
Xenophon: Philosophie und Geschichte
Author/Editor: Christian Müller-Goldingen
Xenophon's Anabasis
Author/Editor: Shane Brennan
Xenophon's Anabasis
Author/Editor: Xenophon.; Mather, Maurice W.; Hewitt, Joseph William.
Xenophon’s ›Anabasis‹ and Its Reception
Author/Editor: Tim Rood; Melina Tamiolaki
Xenophon's Anabasis, or The Expedition of Cyrus
Author/Editor: Michael A. Flower
Series Title: Oxford Approaches to Classical Literature
Xenophon's Cyropaedia: A Late Byzantine Recension with Facing Page English Translation (two Book Set)
Author/Editor: Xenophon.; Doty, Ralph; Jackson, Donald F.
Xenophon's Cyrus the Great: The Arts of Leadership and War
Author/Editor: Xenophon; Larry Hedrick
Xenophon��s Ephesiaca
Author/Editor: Aldo Tagliabue
Series Title: Ancient Narrative. Supplementum
Xenophon's Imperial Fiction: On The Education of Cyrus
Author/Editor: Tatum, James
Xenophon's Memorabilia and The Apology of Socrates Translated by Sarah Fielding
Xenophon’s Other Voice: Irony As Social Criticism in the 4th Century BCE
Author/Editor: Yun Lee Too
Xenophon’s Peloponnesian War
Author/Editor: Aggelos Kapellos
Xenophon's Prince: Republic and Empire in the Cyropaedia
Author/Editor: Christopher Nadon
Xenophon's Socratic Rhetoric: Virtue, Eros, and Philosophy in the Symposium
Author/Editor: Dustin A. Gish
Xenophon's Sparta: An Introduction
Author/Editor: Proietti, G.
Xenophon's Spartan Constitution
Author/Editor: Xenophon.
Series Title: Texte Und Kommentare
Xenophons Symposion: Ein Kommentar
Author/Editor: Huss, Bernhard.
Xenophon's Theory of Moral Education
Author/Editor: Lu, Houliang.
Xenophon’s Virtues
Author/Editor: Gabriel Danzig; David M. Johnson; David Konstan
Xenophon the Athenian: The Problem of the Individual and the Society of the Polis
Author/Editor: Higgins, W. E.
Xenophon, the Philosopher: Argumentation and Ethics
Author/Editor: Benjamin Kloss; Claudia Mársico; Daniel Rossi Nunes Lopes
Xenophontis Historia Graeca
Author/Editor: Keller, Otto
Series Title: Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana
Xeno: The Promise of Transplanting Animal Organs Into Humans
Author/Editor: Cooper, D. K. C.; Lanza, R. P.
Xenotransplantation – eine gesellschaftliche Herausforderung: Die Münchner Bürgerkonferenz: Hintergründe – Verfahren – Ergebnisse – Reflexionen
Author/Editor: Johannes Kögel; Georg Marckmann
Xenotransplantation in die klinische Praxis begleiten: Ethische, psychosoziale und pastorale Herausforderungen
Author/Editor: Jochen Sautermeister; Katharina Ebner; Jochen Ostheimer
Xenotropism and the Awakening of Literary Expatriatism through Writing Memoirs
Author/Editor: Author: Christine Velde
[xe?]-radial Processes and Random Fourier Series
Author/Editor: Marcus, Michael B.
Series Title: Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
Xerox Ferox
Author/Editor: John Szpunar
Xerxes' Greek Adventure: The Naval Perspective
Author/Editor: Wallinga, H. T.
X-Events: The Collapse of Everything
Author/Editor: John L. Casti
Author/Editor: Sean Michael
The X Factor Ebook
Author/Editor: author 1, Price-Wright, Heather
The X Factor: Personality Traits of Exceptional Science Teachers
Author/Editor: Berube, Clair T.
The X-Files
Author/Editor: Charles Grant
Тухачевский против зомби. X-files: секретные материалы советской власти
Author/Editor: Братья Швальнеры
The X-Files
Author/Editor: Geller, Theresa L.
Series Title: TV Milestones Series
The X-files and Literature
Author/Editor: Yang, Sharon R.
The X-Files FAQ: All That's Left to Know About Global Conspiracy, Aliens, Lazarus Species and Monsters of the Week
Author/Editor: John Kenneth Muir
The X-Files: Goblins
Author/Editor: Charles Grant
The X-Files: Ground Zero, Ed. Adobe Acrobat eBook reader
Author/Editor: Kevin J. Anderson
The X-Files: I Want to Believe
Author/Editor: Max Allan Collins
The X-Files: Ruins
Author/Editor: Kevin J. Anderson
X Films: True Confessions of a Radical Filmmaker
Author/Editor: Cox, Alex
X-Finney Ataca De Nuevo: Superh�roes y Villanos
Author/Editor: H. Madison
X-Finney colpisce ancora
Author/Editor: H. Madison
X-Finney Volta a Atacar: Super-heróis e vilões
Author/Editor: H. Madison
X Games
Author/Editor: Kenny Abdo
Xhosa and Russian Folktales
Author/Editor: Bertie Neethling
Author/Editor: Scott Marino
Author/Editor: Stanley Struble
Author/Editor: David Wood
XIBALBA- Una Aventura de Dane Maddock
Author/Editor: David Wood
Xibalba - Un’avventura di Dane Maddock
Author/Editor: David Wood
Xibalbá (english Version)
Author/Editor: Stanley Struble
A Xicana Codex of Changing Consciousness: Writings, 2000–2010
Author/Editor: Moraga, Cherríe.; Rodriguez, Celia Herrera.
Author/Editor: Varela, Félix; Castillo-Feliú, Guillermo I.
Series Title: Texas Pan American Series
Xiądz Faust
Author/Editor: Tadeusz Miciński
XIFAXAN Drug Profile, 2023
Author/Editor: DrugPatentWatch
Author/Editor: Robin Bennett
XII Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, Leiden, 2004
Author/Editor: Peters, Melvin K. H.
XII Corps, Spearhead of Patton’s Third Army Pt. I
Author/Editor: Lt.-Col. George Dyer
Series Title: XII Corps, Spearhead of Patton’s Third Army
XII Corps, Spearhead of Patton��s Third Army Pt. II
Author/Editor: Lt.-Col. George Dyer
Series Title: XII Corps, Spearhead of Patton's Third Army
XIIDRA Drug Profile, 2023
Author/Editor: DrugPatentWatch
XIII Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, Ljubljana, 2007
Series Title: Society of Biblical Literature. Septuagint and Cognate Studies
XIII European Carabidologists Meeting
XIII Mystery - 6. Billy Stockton
Author/Editor: Bollée (Laurent-Frédéric); Cuzor (Steve)
XIII Mystery - 7. Betty Barnowsky
Author/Editor: Vallée (Sylvain); Callède
XIII Mystery - 8. Martha Shoebridge
Author/Editor: Wilson; Giroud
XIII Mystery - 9. Felicity Brown
Author/Editor: Matz; Rossi (Christian)
XII. ITG-Workshop Fachgruppe 5.3.2 Optische Komponenten für Cloud-Datacenter
XI International Congress of Clinical Chemistry: Proceedings, Vienna, Austria, August 30–September 5, 1981, Ed. Reprint 2019
Author/Editor: E. Kaiser; F. Gabl; M. M. Müller; P. M. Bayer
Xiipúktan (First of All): Three Views of the Origins of the Quechan People
Author/Editor: George Bryant; Amy Miller
XI. ITG-Workshop: Fachgruppe 5.3.2. Photonische Komponenten und Mikrosysteme
Xi Jinping
Author/Editor: Rowell, Rebecca
Xi Jinping
Author/Editor: Andrésy, Agnès
Xi Jinping, China, and the United States
Author/Editor: Chi Wang
Xi Jinping: Political Career, Governance, and Leadership, 1953-2018
Author/Editor: Alfred L. Chan
Xi Jinping's China
Author/Editor: Mr Jayadeva Ranade
Xi Jinping's China: The Personal and the Political
Author/Editor: Stig Stenslie; Marte Kjær Galtung
The Xilixana Yanomami of the Amazon
Author/Editor: Early, John D.; Peters, John F.
Author/Editor: Andrés Ospina
Author/Editor: Jade Kerrion; Double Helix
Xing optimal nutzen, 6., aktualisierte Auflage 2014
Author/Editor: Andreas Lutz; Joachim Rumohr
Xiàng qián jìn - Méthode de chinois intermédiaire - B1/B2
Author/Editor: Mercier Mei
Author/Editor: Edith Wharton
Xinjiang: Inside the Greatest Christian Revival in History, Ed. CO
Author/Editor: Paul Hattaway
Xinjiang: Inside the Greatest Christian Revival in History
Author/Editor: Paul Hattaway
Xinjiang Year Zero
Author/Editor: Darren Byler; Ivan Franceschini; Nicholas Loubere
Author/Editor: Melissa Flores
Author/Editor: Alissa M. Sallah
Author/Editor: Justin Jordan
X in Provence
Author/Editor: Tani Ruiz
The X in Sex
Author/Editor: Bainbridge, David.
Xiongmao - Grand manuel de chinois
Author/Editor: Qian Kan; Valentin Guichard
Xiongnu: The World's First Nomadic Empire
Author/Editor: Bryan K. Miller
Xiong Shili's Treatise on Reality and Function
Author/Editor: John Makeham
Xiong Shili's Understanding of Reality and Function, 1920-1937
Author/Editor: Sang, Yu
Author/Editor: Michael Alan Nelson
XIT: A Story of Land, Cattle, and Capital in Texas and Montana
Author/Editor: Michael M. Miller
Éxito Comercial, Edition 7
Author/Editor: Michael Scott Doyle; T. Bruce Fryer
��xito Extraordinario
Author/Editor: Gabriel Agbo
Éxito secundario
Author/Editor: Bill Yu
The XIT Ranch of Texas and the Early Days of the Llano Estacado
Author/Editor: Haley, J. Evetts
Series Title: The Western Frontier Library Series
Xiu Yang: The Ancient Chinese Art of Self-Cultivation for a Healthier, Happier, More Balanced Life
Author/Editor: Mimi Kuo-Deemer
Людовик XIV, или Комедия жизни
Author/Editor: Альберт-Эмиль Брахфогель
XIV Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, Helsinki, 2010
Author/Editor: Peters, Melvin K. H.
Series Title: Septuagint and Cognate Studies
XIV Congresso Internationale di Linguistica e Filologia Romanza
Author/Editor: VARVARO, Alberto (ed.)
The XIV Corps Battle for Manila; February 1945
Author/Editor: McEnery, Kevin T.
XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference "New Polymer Composite Materials"
Author/Editor: Khashirova, Prof. Svetlana; Zhansitov, Azamat A.; Dolbin, Dr. Igor
XIV Olympiad
Author/Editor: George Daniels
Xiwangmu: Queen Mother of the West
Author/Editor: Samantha Bell
Петербургские женщины XIX века
Author/Editor: Елена Первушина
Петербургские ювелиры XIX века. Дней Александровых прекрасное начало
Author/Editor: Лилия Кузнецова
Штирлиц XIX века. Тайный сыск генерала де Витта (Собрание сочинений)
Author/Editor: Владимир Шигин
XIX Century Fiction, Volume One: A Bibliographical Record, Based on His Own Collection by Michael Sadleir
Author/Editor: M. Sadleir
XIX Century Fiction, Volume Two: A Bibliographical Record, Based on His Own Collection by Michael Sadleir
Author/Editor: M. Sadleir
XI, XII & XIII Olympiad
Author/Editor: George Constable
Великие битвы XI–XIX веков: от Гастингса до Ватерлоо
Author/Editor: Эдвард Кризи
XIX Olympiad
Author/Editor: George Daniels
XIX Tactical Air Command And Ultra - Patton��s Force Enhancers In The 1944 Campaign In France
Утерянные земли России. XIX–XX вв.
Author/Editor: Александр Широкорад
X-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy
Author/Editor: Trompier, Doriane.; Savary, Stéphane.
Series Title: Colloquium Series on the Genetic Basis of Human Disease
X-Linked Mental Retardation
Author/Editor: Stevenson, Roger E.; Schroer, Richard J.; Schwartz, Charles E.
X Marks the Spot
X Marks the Spot
Author/Editor: Abbott, Tony
Series Title: Cracked Classics
X Marks the Spot
Author/Editor: Jeff Szpirglas; Danielle Saint-Onge
X Marks the Spot: An Anthology of Treasure and Theft
Author/Editor: Lisa Magnum
The Xmas Factor
Author/Editor: Meres, Jonathan.
X-Men and the Mutant Metaphor
Author/Editor: Darowski, Joseph J.
The X-Men Films
Author/Editor: Bucciferro, Claudia
X-Men: The Dark Mirror
Author/Editor: Marjorie M. Liu
X-Men: The Return
Author/Editor: Chris Roberson
X-Men: Watchers on the Walls
Author/Editor: Christopher L. Bennett
XML コンテンツの作り方
Author/Editor: 川俣晶.
XML: Einstieg, Praxis, Referenz
Author/Editor: Helmut Vonhoegen
XML: Einstieg, Praxis, Referenz
Author/Editor: Helmut Vonhoegen
XML Retrieval
Author/Editor: Lalmas, Mounia.
Series Title: Synthesis Lectures on Information Concepts, Retrieval, and Services
XMY El Almirante. Tras la estela del Temple
Author/Editor: Jose antonio hurtado
Xénographies féminines dans l’Europe d’aujourd’hui
Author/Editor: Margarita Alfaro Amieiro; Stéphane Sawas; Ana Belén Soto Cano
The Xoanon
Author/Editor: Patrice Martinez
XO: A Theory of the Morphology-Syntax Interface
Author/Editor: Li, Yafei.
Author/Editor: Uris, Leon; Porta, Baldomero
Author/Editor: Jen Minkman
Éxodo (o cómo salvar a la reina)
Author/Editor: David Luna Lorenzo
Éxodos y geopolíticas.
Author/Editor: Rocco Lozano, Valerio
Author/Editor: Petrie, Kristin
Series Title: Checkerboard Animal Library. Dogs Set XI
Xolotl Strikes!
Author/Editor: William Stafford
X Olympiad
Author/Editor: Ellen Galford
Xone of Contention
Author/Editor: Piers Anthony
Series Title: The Xanth Novels
مشاكل وحلول ويندوز XP
Author/Editor: قطاش، عبد الحفيظ ابراهيم،
Xp-Adjunction in Universal Grammar: Scrambling and Binding in Hindi-Urdu
Author/Editor: Kidwai, Ayesha
Author/Editor: Griehl, Manfred.
X P Q - Traversée du cinéma expérimental québécois
Author/Editor: Alice Michaud-Lapointe; André Habib; Anithe de Carvalho; Charles-André Coderre; Doriane Biot; Eric Fillion; Fabrice Montal; Luba Markovskaia; Marcel Jean; Marco de Blois; Josiane Ricci; Monika kin Gagnon; Nour Ouayda
XQuery for Humanists
Author/Editor: Clifford B. Anderson; Joseph C. Wicentowski
XR and Metaverse: Proceedings of the 8th International XR-Metaverse Conference 2023, Las Vegas, USA
Author/Editor: M. Claudia tom Dieck; Timothy Jung; Yen-Soon Kim
Author/Editor: Nicole Lobdell
The X-Ray
Author/Editor: Cricket Rohman
X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Author/Editor: Graham N. George; Ingrid J. Pickering
X-ray and Related Techniques
Author/Editor: Zainal Arifin Ahmad.
Series Title: Advanced Materials Research
X-Ray Appearances of Tuberculosis of the Spine
Author/Editor: Hodgson, A. R.; Yau, A.; Wong, W.
X-Ray Charge Densities and Chemical Bonding
Author/Editor: Coppens, Philip.
X-ray Color Imaging: Static and Dynamic X-ray Fluorescence for Chemical Element Identification
Author/Editor: Kenji Sakurai; Wenyang Zhao
X-Ray Computed Tomography in Biomedical Engineering
Author/Editor: Angela Wilkins
X-Ray Crystallography
Author/Editor: Girolami, Gregory S.
X-Ray Diffraction
Author/Editor: B. E. Warren
Series Title: Dover Books on Physics
X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Ionic Liquids
Author/Editor: H. Ohno; K. Igarashi; Norimasa Umesaki; K. Furukawa
X-Ray Diffraction: In Crystals, Imperfect Crystals, and Amorphous Bodies
Author/Editor: A. Guinier
X-ray Diffraction: Structure, Principles, and Applications
Author/Editor: Shih, Kaimin.
Series Title: Materials Science and Technologies
X-Ray Fluorescence: Technology, Performance and Applications
Author/Editor: Rebeca Fonseca
X-Ray Free Electron Lasers
Author/Editor: Uwe Bergmann; Vittal Yachandra; Junko Yano
Series Title: Energy and Environment Series
X-ray Optics and Inner-shell Electronics of Hexagonal BN
Author/Editor: Filatova, E. O.; Pavlychev, A. A.
Series Title: Biochemistry Research Trends
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Author/Editor: Wagner, Johanna M.
Series Title: Chemical Engineering Methods and Technology
X-ray Repair
Author/Editor: Panichello, Joseph, J.
X-ray Repair: A Comprehensive Guide to the Installation and Servicing of Radiographic Equipment, Ed. 2nd ed
Author/Editor: Panichello, Joseph J.
Author/Editor: Alicia Z. Klepeis
X-ray Scattering
Author/Editor: Bauwens, Christopher M.
Series Title: Materials Science and Technologies
X-Rays, Spirits, and Witches
Author/Editor: Julian M. Murchison
X-Ray Structure Analysis
Author/Editor: Theo Siegrist
X-Ray Studies on Electrochemical Systems: Synchrotron Methods for Energy Materials, Ed. Second, Revised and Extended Edition
Author/Editor: Artur Braun
X-ray Studies on Electrochemical Systems: Synchrotron Methods for Energy Materials
Author/Editor: Artur Braun
X-Ray Tech
Author/Editor: BarCharts, Inc.
X-Ray: The Unauthorized Autobiography
Author/Editor: Ray Davies
X-ray Tomography in Material Science
X-Ray Vision: The Evolution of Medical Imaging and Its Human Significance
Author/Editor: Gunderman, Richard B.
X-Risk: How Humanity Discovered Its Own Extinction
Author/Editor: Thomas Moynihan
XTAMPZA ER Drug Profile, 2023
Author/Editor: DrugPatentWatch
Author/Editor: Maya Banks
Series Title: Sin aliento
Éxtasis robado
Author/Editor: Denyse Bridger
X—The Problem of the Negro As a Problem for Thought
Author/Editor: Nahum Dimitri Chandler
X-treme: Zur Soziologie des Abenteuer- und Risikosports
Author/Editor: Karl-Heinrich Bette
X Troop: The Secret Jewish Commandos of World War II
Author/Editor: Leah Garrett
Xu Bing and Contemporary Chinese Art
Author/Editor: Ames, Roger T.; Tsao, Hsingyuan.
Series Title: SUNY Series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture
Author/Editor: Kadar, Daniel Z.
Xu Fuguan in the Context of East Asian Confucianisms
Author/Editor: Chun-chieh Huang
Xu Ming's True Love: Volume 1
Author/Editor: Tian Xiawushuang; Fancy Novel
Xuntos por Galicia: a Asemblea de Concellos de 1932 e o Estatuto de autonomía de Galicia
Author/Editor: Pazos, Antón M. (ed.)
Xun Xu and the Politics of Precision in Third-century AD China
Author/Editor: Goodman, Howard L.
Author/Editor: Xunzi.
Xurt'an: The End of the World and Other Myths, Songs, Charms, and Chants by the Northern Lacandones of Naha'
Author/Editor: Cook, Suzanne
Xuxub Must Die: The Lost Histories of a Murder on the Yucatan
Author/Editor: Paul Sullivan
XV Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies: Munich, 2013
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Kraus; Michaël N. van der Meer; Martin Meiser
Англия второй половины XVI века в описании современника
Author/Editor: Анна Дубовская
XVI Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies: Stellenbosch, 2016
Author/Editor: Gideon R. Kotzé; Wolfgang Kraus; Michaël N. van der Meer
XVII Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies: Aberdeen, 2019
Author/Editor: Gideon R. Kotzé; Michaël N. van der Meer; Martin Rösel
Толпа героев XVIII века
Author/Editor: Евгений Анисимов
Петербургские женщины XVIII века
Author/Editor: Елена Первушина
Российская империя в XVIII веке. Курс русской истории
Author/Editor: Сергей Мосолов
XVII International Materials Research Congress
Author/Editor: Susarrey Huerta, Orlando.; Martínez Trinidad, José Francisco.; Balankin, Alexander.
Series Title: Advanced Materials Research
XVIII Olympiad
Author/Editor: Carl Posey.
Русская драматургия XVIII – XIX вв. (Сборник)
Author/Editor: Александр Пушкин; Николай Гоголь; Михаил Лермонтов; Александр Грибоедов; Денис Фонвизин
The XVII Olympiad
Author/Editor: Phillips, Ellen; 1st Century Project.
Series Title: The Olympic Century
XVII. und XVIII. Jahrhundert bis zum Auftreten Friedrichs des Großen 1740, Ed. Enth. u.a.: Buch 5. Des siebzehnten Jahrhunderts erste Hälfte. - Buch 6. Des siebzehnten Jahrhundert
Author/Editor: Max Jähns
XVI Juegos Literarios Nacionales Universitarios
Author/Editor: José Luis Aguirre Aguilar; Sandra Martínez Hernández; José Antonio Cutz Medina
XV International Conference on Electron Microscopy
Author/Editor: Beata Dubiel; Tomasz Moskalewicz
Series Title: Solid State Phenomena
XV International Tourism Congress: The Image and Sustainability of Tourism Destinations
The XVI Olympiad
Author/Editor: Posey, Carl A.; 1st Century Project.
Series Title: The Olympic Century
Великие морские сражения XVI–XIX веков
Author/Editor: Джулиан Корбетт
Катехизисы у славян в XVI–XVIII веках: Их рецепция, распространение, культурообразующее и просветительское значение
Author/Editor: Swetlana Mengel
XV Juegos Literarios Nacionales Universitarios
Author/Editor: Luis Jorge May Caballero; Daniela Guadalupe Guzmán González; Pedro Uh Be
The XV Legacy
Author/Editor: No-surname KDR
Series Title: The Rani Becker Trilogy
The XV Olympiad
Author/Editor: Posey, Carl A.; 1st Century Project.
Series Title: The Olympic Century
Королевский двор в Англии XV–XVII веков
Author/Editor: Коллектив авторов
Author/Editor: Point Bolton, Rena; Daly, Richard
Series Title: Our Lives: Diary, Memoir, and Letters Series
X wie Xmas
Author/Editor: Alice Oseman
История русского народа в XX веке
Author/Editor: Олег Платонов
Берия. Лучший менеджер XX века
Author/Editor: Сергей Кремлев
Подлинная история русских. XX век
Author/Editor: Александр Вдовин
Апокалипсис XX века. От войны до войны
Author/Editor: Андрей Буровский
Великие мужчины XX века
Author/Editor: Виталий Вульф; Серафима Чеботарь
История России. Век XX
Author/Editor: Вадим Кожинов
XX век Лины Прокофьевой
Author/Editor: Валентина Чемберджи
Страны Восточной Европы в XX веке – зигзаги исторического развития
Author/Editor: Полиновская Евгения Анатольевна
Литературный XX век : перевалы, перекрёстки, перепутья : сборник статей
Author/Editor: Ванюков А. И.
Author/Editor: Bela Davis
Series Title: The Alphabet
Series Title: The Alphabet
XX0XY ungelöst: Hermaphroditismus, Sex und Gender in der deutschen Medizin. Eine historische Studie zur Intersexualität
Author/Editor: Ulrike Klöppel
Киноантропология XX/20
Author/Editor: Ирина Гращенкова
The XX Brain: The Groundbreaking Approach for Women to Prevent Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease and Improve Brain Health
Author/Editor: Mosconi, Lisa
XXe-XXIe siècles
Author/Editor: Giovanni DOTOLI
Экономические дискуссии XXI века : М. Е. Портер, А. Смит, К. Маркс, Дж. С. Милль, Н. Д. Кондратьев, А. В. Чаянов, А. А. Богданов
Author/Editor: Румянцева Е. Е.
Остеопороз. Тихая эпидемия XXI века
Author/Editor: Лев Кругляк
Экономика России XXI века. От капитализма к социализму
Author/Editor: Леонид Орленко
Манипуляция сознанием. Век XXI
Author/Editor: Сергей Кара-Мурза
«Умный» дом XXI века
Author/Editor: Андрей Дементьев
Ноосферная цивилизация XXI век. Сборник статей
Author/Editor: Коллектив авторов
Золушка XXI века
Author/Editor: Лилия Подгайская
Таро XXI-го века. Универсальный справочник для работы с различными колодами Таро
Author/Editor: Нина Чайкина
Главные преступления XXI века. Узнаем ли мы правду?
Author/Editor: Юрий Мухин
АР РА – конвергенты XXI века
Author/Editor: Сергей Севрюгин
Информационные войны XXI века. «Мягкая сила» против атомной бомбы
Author/Editor: Олег Матвейчев
Стальной титан – герой XXI века. Heroes World, Season 1
Author/Editor: Артём Сериков
The XXIII Olympiad: Los Angeles 1984, Calgary 1988
Author/Editor: Galford, Ellen.; 1st Century Project.
The XXII Olympiad: Moscow 1980, Sarajevo 1984
Author/Editor: Conlan, Roberta.; 1st Century Project.
The XXI Olympiad
Author/Editor: Daniels, George G.; 1st Century Project.
Series Title: The Olympic Century
XXI: ¿Otro siglo violento?
Author/Editor: Gómez Bosque, Pedro
The XXIV Olympiad: Seoul 1988, Albertville 1992
Author/Editor: Galford, Ellen.; 1st Century Project.
XXIX. FIDE-Kongress
Author/Editor: Armin Hatje, Peter-Christian Müller-Graff
XXIX Messtechnisches Symposium: Arbeitskreis der Hochschullehrer für Messtechnik
Author/Editor: Thomas Fröhlich; Eberhard Manske
XXI век: исламский вызов. XXI Century: Islamic Challenge
Author/Editor: Роберт Енгибарян
Author/Editor: Seeman, Neil.; Luciani, Patrick.
Series Title: University of Toronto Centre for Public Management Monograph Series
The XX Olympiad: Munich 1972, Innsbruck 1976
Author/Editor: Daniels, George G.; 1st Century Project.
XXS. Как взломать анорексию?
Author/Editor: София Пономарева
Xx (Spanish Language)
Author/Editor: Maria Puchol
Series Title: El abecedario (The Alphabet)
XXVI. FIDE-Kongress vom 28. Mai bis 31. Mai 2014 in Kopenhagen
Author/Editor: Peter-Christian Müller-Graff; Jürgen Schwarze
Series Title: Sonderheft Europarecht
XXVII. FIDE-Kongress vom 18. Mai bis 21. Mai 2016 in Budapest: Die deutschen Landesberichte
Author/Editor: Armin Hatje; Peter-Christian Müller-Graff
XXVIII. FIDE-Kongress vom 23. Mai bis 26. Mai 2018 in Estoril
Author/Editor: Hatje, Armin; Müller-Graff, Peter-Christian
The XXVI Olympiad
Author/Editor: Posey, Carl A.; 1st Century Project.
Series Title: The Olympic Century
The XXV Olympiad: Barcelona 1992, Lillehammer 1994
Author/Editor: Constable, George.; 1st Century Project.
The XXX Filmography, 1968-1988
Author/Editor: Martinko, Jason S.
Author/Editor: Howe, Jeffrey
XXX. Messtechnisches Symposium
Author/Editor: Stefan Zimmermann
XXX Porn for Women: Hotter, Hunkier, and More Helpful Around the House!
Author/Editor: The Cambridge Women's Pornography Coop
X & Y Chromosomal Variations
Author/Editor: Carole A. Samango-Sprouse; Andrea L. Gropman
Series Title: Colloquium Series on the Developing Brain
Author/Editor: Daramola, Michael Olawale
Author/Editor: K.Z. Snow
Xylophone Fragments
Author/Editor: Woodward, Mark.
Xylose: Production, Consumption, and Health Benefits
Author/Editor: Luo, Mei.; Xu, Ping
Series Title: Biochemistry Research Trends
Xylotheque: Essays
Author/Editor: Yelizaveta P. Renfro
X Y Z, A Detective Story
Author/Editor: Anna Katharine Green
Author/Editor: Kristen Alvanson
X–Zei, Ed. Reprint 2021
Author/Editor: Hilmar Schmuck; Willi Gorzny; Peter Geils