Download this publisher's e-journal holdings (xlsx)
Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Journals | Yes | Yes |
Titles start with A (223) | ISSN | Status |
AAOS Transactions |
preserved |
Abstract book of Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science |
preserved |
Abstract book of Russia/CIS/Baltic/Japan Symposium on Ferroelectricity |
preserved |
Abstract Book of the Annual Meeting of the Physics Education Society of Japan |
preserved |
Abstract Book of the Annual Meeting of the Physics Education Society of Japan |
preserved |
Abstract of Annual Meeting of the Surface Science of Japan |
preserved |
Abstract of Annual Meeting of the Surface Science of Japan |
preserved |
Abstract of Papers Presented at Annual Meeting of the Gemmological Society of Japan |
preserved |
Abstracts for Annual Meeting of Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences |
preserved |
Abstracts for Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Intellectual Production |
preserved |
Abstracts for Annual Meeting of the Mineralogical Society of Japan |
preserved |
Abstracts for fall meeting of the Japanese Society for Planetary Science |
preserved |
Abstracts for ILCAJ meeting |
preserved |
Abstracts for the Annual Meetings of the Japan Society of Medical Entomology and Zoology |
preserved |
Abstracts for the Regional Annual Meetings of the Japan Society of Medical Entomology and Zoology |
queued |
Abstracts of Annual Conference of Japan Society for Management Information |
preserved |
Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics |
preserved |
Abstracts of Annual meeting of Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics |
preserved |
Abstracts of annual meeting of The Clay Science Society of Japan |
2433-0566, 2433-0582
preserved |
Abstracts of Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences Conference |
preserved |
Abstracts of Meeting of the CSSJ |
preserved |
Abstracts of Papers: Host-Guest Chemistry Symposium |
preserved |
Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Mineralogists, Petrologists and Economic Geologists |
preserved |
Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Meeting of the Mycological Society of Japan |
preserved |
Abstracts of Symposium on Physical Organic Chemistry |
preserved |
Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan |
preserved |
Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Anatomists |
preserved |
Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Applied Entomology and Zoology |
preserved |
Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology |
preserved |
Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Cookery Science |
preserved |
Abstracts of the annual meeting of the Japan Society of Immunology, Allergology and Infection in Otorhinolaryngology |
preserved |
Abstracts of the Annual Meetings, Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition |
0288-5840, 2424-0575
preserved |
Abstracts of the Annual Meeting, The Human Geographical Society of Japan |
preserved |
Abstracts of the Annual Meeting, The Japanese Society of Sericultural Science |
queued |
Abstracts of The Congress of The Central Japan Association of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology |
preserved |
Abstracts of the General Sessions of the Japanese Society for Dental Materials and Devices |
queued |
Abstracts of The Japanese Society of Printing Science and Technology's Spring and Fall Conferences |
queued |
Abstracts of Waterside nature restoration joint symposium |
preserved |
Abstracts: the Regular Meetings of the Osaka Odontological Society |
preserved |
Academic Collaborations for Sick Children |
1884-426X, 1884-5002
preserved |
Accounting Progress |
2189-6321, 2435-9947
preserved |
Acoustical Science and Technology |
1346-3969, 1347-5177
preserved |
Acta Arachnologica |
0001-5202, 1880-7852
preserved |
Acta Herpetologica Japonica / Japanese Journal of Herpetology |
0285-3191, 1883-4493
preserved |
Acta Histochemica et Cytochemica |
0044-5991, 1347-5800
preserved |
Acta Medica Nagasakiensia |
preserved |
Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica |
1346-7565, 2189-7042
preserved |
Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica |
0001-6799, 2189-7050
preserved |
Actinomycetologica |
0914-5818, 1881-6371
preserved |
Active Fault Research |
0918-1024, 2186-5337
preserved |
ADC Letter for Infectious Disease Control |
2189-5171, 2424-0907
preserved |
Adhesive Dentistry |
0913-1655, 2185-9566
preserved |
Advanced Biomedical Engineering |
preserved |
Advanced Education Outreach lab Annual Report |
preserved |
Advanced Experimental Mechanics |
2189-4752, 2424-175X
preserved |
Advances in Animal Cardiology |
0910-6537, 1883-5260
preserved |
Advances in Animal Electrocardiography |
0287-0762, 1883-5279
preserved |
Advances in Consumer Studies |
1346-9851, 1883-9576
preserved |
Advances in Diabetology |
queued |
Advances in Japanese Cognitive Science |
preserved |
Advances in Resources Research |
preserved |
Advances in River Engineering |
preserved |
Advances in X-Ray Chemical Analysis, Japan |
0911-7806, 2758-3651
preserved |
Aeromedical Laboratory Reports |
0023-2858, 2432-4809
preserved |
Aerospace Neuro-Psychiatry Japan |
2189-8235, 2759-3819
preserved |
Aerospace Technology Japan, the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences |
preserved |
Aesthetics |
0520-0962, 2424-1164
preserved |
Africa Educational Research Journal |
2185-8268, 2436-1666
preserved |
African Study Monographs |
0285-1601, 2435-807X
preserved |
Africa Report |
0911-5552, 2188-3238
preserved |
Agricultural and Biological Chemistry |
0002-1369, 1881-1280
preserved |
Agricultural Information Research |
0916-9482, 1881-5219
preserved |
The Agricultural Marketing Journal of Japan |
1341-934X, 2424-0427
preserved |
AIJ Journal of Technology and Design |
1341-9463, 1881-8188
preserved |
Ajia Keizai |
0002-2942, 2434-0537
preserved |
Akamon Management Review |
1348-5504, 1347-4448
preserved |
Akita International University Global Review |
1883-8243, 2435-2489
preserved |
Akten Des JGGKulturseminars |
preserved |
Algal Resources |
1883-3284, 2423-8473
preserved |
Allergology International |
1323-8930, 1440-1592
preserved |
Al-Madaniyya |
preserved |
Alternatives to Animal Testing and Experimentation |
1344-0411, 2185-4726
preserved |
American Educational Studies |
2433-9873, 2436-7192
preserved |
The American Literature Society of Japan |
0385-6100, 2424-1911
preserved |
The American Review |
0387-2815, 1884-782X
preserved |
Analytical Sciences |
0910-6340, 1348-2246
preserved |
Analytical Sciences/Supplements |
preserved |
Analytical Sciences: X-ray Structure Analysis Online |
preserved |
Angioscopy |
2188-6571, 2188-7500
preserved |
Animal Behaviour and Management |
1880-2133, 2424-1776
preserved |
Animal Behaviour and Management |
preserved |
Animal Blood-Group Research Information |
preserved |
Animal Blood-Group Research Information |
preserved |
Animal Blood-Group Research Information |
preserved |
Animal Eye Research |
0286-7486, 2185-8446
preserved |
Animal Psyche |
preserved |
An Invitation to the Translation Studies in Japan |
2185-5315, 2185-5307
preserved |
Annals of Business Administrative Science |
1347-4464, 1347-4456
preserved |
Annals of Cancer Research and Therapy |
1344-6835, 1880-5469
preserved |
Annals of Clinical Epidemiology |
preserved |
Annals of Ethical Studies |
0387-7485, 2433-4502
preserved |
Annals of Ethics |
preserved |
Annals of Family Studies |
0289-7415, 2189-0935
preserved |
Annals of Japan Association for Middle East Studies |
0913-7858, 2433-1872
preserved |
The Annals of Japan Association for Urban Sociology |
1341-4585, 1884-4839
preserved |
Annals of Japanese Association of School Education |
2434-9224, 2758-4941
preserved |
Annals of Japan Society of Library Science |
0040-9650, 2432-6763
preserved |
Annals of Latin American Studies |
0286-1127, 2436-8431
preserved |
The Annals of Legal Philosophy |
0387-2890, 2435-1075
preserved |
The Annals of Legal Philosophy |
preserved |
Annals of Mixed Methods Research |
preserved |
Annals of Nuclear Cardiology |
2189-3926, 2424-1741
preserved |
The Annals of Physiological Anthropology |
preserved |
Annals of Regional and Community Studies |
2189-3918, 2189-6860
preserved |
Annals of tha Japanese Association for Russian and East European Studies |
2185-4645, 1884-586X
preserved |
Annals of the Association of Economic Geographers |
0004-5683, 2424-1636
preserved |
Annals of the Hokkaido Geographical Society |
0285-2071, 2186-5426
preserved |
Annals of the Japan Association for Comparative Politics |
preserved |
Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science |
0453-0691, 1884-1228
preserved |
Annals of the Japan Association for Regional Economic Studies |
1346-2709, 2434-0502
preserved |
Annals of the Japanese Association for Philosophical and Ethical Researches in Medicine |
0289-6427, 2433-1821
preserved |
Annals of the Japanese Association for Soviet and East European Studies |
0386-7226, 1884-5851
preserved |
The Annals of the Japanese Society for Public Administration |
0548-1570, 2187-0381
preserved |
Annals of the Philosophical Society of Tohoku |
0913-9354, 2433-2941
preserved |
Annals of the Society for Industrial Studies, Japan |
0918-7162, 1884-1015
preserved |
Annals of the Society for the History of Economic Thought |
0453-4786, 1884-7366
preserved |
Annals of the Society for the Study of Social Policy |
preserved |
Annals of The Tohoku Geographycal Asocciation |
0387-2777, 1884-1244
preserved |
Annals of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery |
1341-1098, 2186-1005
preserved |
Annals of Tohoku Knee Society |
0917-5164, 2433-5614
preserved |
Annals of Tourism & Hospitality Education |
1880-3059, 2433-2828
preserved |
Annals of Vascular Diseases |
1881-641X, 1881-6428
preserved |
Ann Gunma Health Sci |
preserved |
Annual Bulletin of Japan Academic Society for Educational Policy |
preserved |
The Annual Bulletin of Japan Academy of Business Administration |
2432-2237, 2424-2047
preserved |
Annual Conference of JMDA |
preserved |
Annual Convention of the Japanese Association for Cognitive Therapy |
preserved |
Annual Convention of the Japanese Association of Educational Psychology |
2189-5538, 2424-1571
preserved |
Annual Convention of the Japanese Association of Health Psychology : Proceedings |
preserved |
Annual Journal of Urban Disaster Reduction Research |
2189-0536, 2435-4910
preserved |
The Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists |
preserved |
The Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences |
preserved |
Annual Meeting of Japanese Study Group on Pancreaticobiliary Maljunction |
1883-4116, 2435-3140
preserved |
Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Personality Psychology |
preserved |
Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Personality Psychology |
preserved |
Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan |
1348-3935, 2187-6665
preserved |
The Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Low-vision Research and Habilitation Abstract |
preserved |
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Toxicology |
preserved |
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Toxicology |
preserved |
Annual Meeting of the Japan Matrix Club |
preserved |
The Annual of Animal Psychology |
0003-5130, 1883-6283
preserved |
Annual of the Japanese Biblical Institute |
0912-9243, 2435-6050
preserved |
The Annual Report of Educational Psychology in Japan |
0452-9650, 2186-3091
preserved |
Annual Report of Japanese Association of School Psychologists |
2185-4602, 2758-6588
preserved |
Annual Report of Man'yo Historical Research |
preserved |
Annual Report of Osaka Institute of Public Health |
2433-5819, 2758-4593
preserved |
Annual Report of Pro Natura Foundation Japan |
2432-0943, 2189-7727
preserved |
Annual Report of Society of Business Diagnosis (Japan) |
preserved |
Annual Report of The Kansai Plant Protection Society |
0387-1002, 1883-6291
preserved |
Annual Report of the Kanto-Tosan Plant Protection Society |
1347-1899, 1884-2879
preserved |
Annual Report of The Miyagi Physical Therrapy Association(rigaku ryoho no ayumi) |
0917-2688, 1882-1464
preserved |
Annual Report of the Society of Agricultural Chemicals of North Japan |
2185-5226, 2185-4173
preserved |
Annual Report of the Society of Agricultural Chemicals of North Japan |
2185-5218, 2185-4165
preserved |
Annual Report of the Society of Plant Protection of North Japan |
0368-623X, 2185-4114
preserved |
Annual Report of the Society of Plant Protection of North Japan |
0368-623X, 2185-4149
preserved |
Annual Report of the Society of Plant Protection of North Japan |
0368-623X, 2185-4122
preserved |
THE Annual Report of Urban and Regional Economic Studies |
preserved |
The Annual Report of Urban and Regional Economic Studies |
1347-5002, 2433-6572
preserved |
The Annual Report of Urban and Regional Economic Studies |
1881-7459, 2433-6351
preserved |
The Annual Report of Women's Studies |
0389-5203, 2434-3870
preserved |
The Annual Reports of the Public Health Division of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan |
preserved |
The Annual Reports of the Tohoku Sociological Society |
0287-3133, 2187-9532
preserved |
Annual Research Report of Promis |
2758-6626, 2758-6634
preserved |
Annual Review of Credit Rating Studies |
2758-7193, 2758-2884
preserved |
Annual Review of Labor Sociology |
0919-7990, 2424-113X
preserved |
Annual Review of Migration Studies |
2189-7700, 2758-9552
preserved |
The Annual Review of Sociology |
0919-4363, 1884-0086
preserved |
Annual Review of the Institute for Advanced Social Research |
1883-7042, 2434-4613
preserved |
Annual Review of the Philosophical Association of Western Japan |
0919-7982, 2435-0400
preserved |
Annual Review of the Tokai Sociological Society |
1883-9452, 2435-5798
preserved |
The Annuals of Japanese Political Science Association |
0549-4192, 1884-3913
preserved |
The Annuals of Japanese Political Science Association |
0549-4192, 1884-3921
preserved |
Anthropological Science |
0918-7960, 1348-8570
preserved |
Anti-Aging Medicine |
preserved |
Antitled |
preserved |
Anxiety Disorder Research |
1883-5619, 2187-9583
preserved |
Anxiety Disorder Research |
2188-7578, 2188-7586
preserved |
Aomori Journal of Health and Welfare |
preserved |
Appearance and Adornment Psychological Studies |
preserved |
Applied Entomology and Zoology |
0003-6862, 1347-605X
preserved |
Applied Forest Science |
1342-9493, 2189-8294
preserved |
Applied Gerontology |
1882-6245, 2759-4556
preserved |
Applied Human Science |
preserved |
Applied Therapeutics |
1884-4278, 2432-9185
preserved |
APU Journal of Language Research |
2432-1370, 2432-1389
preserved |
Aquaculture Science |
0371-4217, 2185-0194
preserved |
Aquatic Animals |
preserved |
Archives of Histology and Cytology |
0914-9465, 1349-1717
preserved |
Archivum Histologicum Japonicum |
preserved |
Area Studies of Japan |
2188-160X, 2436-715X
preserved |
ARELE: Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan |
1344-8560, 2432-0412
preserved |
Arithmetical Education |
0403-0427, 2436-4797
preserved |
Art, Design and Education |
2187-5375, 2759-436X
preserved |
ASC-TUFS Working Papers |
2436-1542, 2436-1607
preserved |
2423-9461, 2435-8665
preserved |
Asian and African Area Studies |
1346-2466, 2188-9104
preserved |
Asian English Studies |
1880-2427, 2436-2220
preserved |
Asian folk culture studies |
1348-0758, 2435-4961
preserved |
Asian Journal of Human Services |
2186-3350, 2188-059X
preserved |
Asian Journal of Journalism and Media Studies |
preserved |
Asian Journal of Occupational Therapy |
1347-3476, 1347-3484
preserved |
Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress Program and Abstracts |
preserved |
Asian Pacific Journal Of Dentistry |
2185-3479, 2185-3487
preserved |
Asian Pacific Journal of Disease Management |
preserved |
Asian Studies |
0044-9237, 2188-2444
preserved |
Asian Transport Studies |
preserved |
Asterisk: A Journal of Historical English Studies |
1341-4186, 2758-9439
preserved |
Audiology |
preserved |
Audiology Japan |
0303-8106, 1883-7301
preserved |
Auditing |
1883-2377, 1883-9533
preserved |
Automatic Control |
0447-7235, 1883-8162
preserved |
The Autonomic Nervous System |
0288-9250, 2434-7035
preserved |
2188-7497, 2434-8341
preserved |