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Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Journals | Yes | Yes |
Titles start with B (218) | ISSN | Status |
Behavioral Rehabilitation |
2186-6449, 2758-7924
preserved |
Beitraege zur oesterreichischen Literatur |
0912-3539, 2189-7514
preserved |
Benthos Research |
preserved |
Benthos Research |
0289-4548, 1883-8901
preserved |
Benthos Research |
0289-4548, 2186-4535
preserved |
Benthos Research |
preserved |
Beyond SDGs Innovation Research |
preserved |
Biannual Journal of Japanese Society of Radiation Chemistry |
preserved |
Bifidobacteria and Microflora |
0286-9306, 1884-5126
preserved |
BIFIDUS--Flores,Fructus et Semina |
0914-2509, 1884-5134
preserved |
Bijutsu Kyouiku |
1343-4918, 1884-4987
preserved |
Biocontrol Science |
1342-4815, 1884-0205
preserved |
Bioethics |
1343-4063, 2189-695X
preserved |
Biogeography |
1880-8085, 1345-0662
preserved |
Bioimages |
preserved |
Bioligy of Inland Waters |
0286-8172, 2758-6618
preserved |
Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin |
0918-6158, 1347-5215
preserved |
Biological Sciences in Space |
0914-9201, 1349-967X
preserved |
Biomechanisms |
1348-7116, 1349-497X
preserved |
Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Bulletin |
0915-9274, 2433-1465
preserved |
Biomedical Research |
0388-6107, 1880-313X
preserved |
Biomedical Research on Trace Elements |
0916-717X, 1880-1404
preserved |
Biophilia |
2186-8433, 2186-8913
preserved |
Biophilia Rehabilitation Conference Proceedings |
preserved |
Biophilia Rehabilitation Journal |
1347-5568, 1882-5559
preserved |
Biophysics |
preserved |
Biophysics and Physicobiology |
preserved |
Biorheology News |
preserved |
Bioscience and Microflora |
1342-1441, 1349-8355
preserved |
Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry |
0916-8451, 1347-6947
preserved |
Bioscience of Microbiota, Food and Health |
preserved |
Biosphere Conservation: For Nature, Wildlife, and Humans |
1344-6797, 2433-1260
preserved |
Bird Research |
1880-1587, 1880-1595
preserved |
Biwako Journal of Rehabilitation and Health Sciences |
2758-1780, 2758-1799
preserved |
Blood & Vessel |
0386-9717, 1884-2372
preserved |
0913-7556, 2185-5382
preserved |
Booklet of public lectures |
preserved |
Boreal Forest Research |
2186-7526, 2433-1848
preserved |
BPB Reports |
preserved |
Brain Death & Resuscitation |
1348-429X, 2435-1733
preserved |
Brain Supplement |
preserved |
Breast Cancer |
1340-6868, 1880-4233
preserved |
Breeding Research |
1344-7629, 1348-1290
preserved |
Breeding Science |
1344-7610, 1347-3735
preserved |
Brewing Society's Journal, Japan |
preserved |
Bryological Research |
1343-0254, 2424-2624
preserved |
Bulletin |
0914-8353, 2424-0346
preserved |
Bulletin |
1881-6290, 2433-653X
preserved |
Bulletin |
2187-5235, 2423-9313
preserved |
Bulletin |
1881-7386, 2433-6521
preserved |
Bulletin |
2187-5243, 2423-9321
preserved |
Bulletin Annuel de la Societe de la Langue et Litterature Francaises du Chubu |
0285-3795, 2433-2887
preserved |
Bulletin de la Société Franco-Japonaise de Gestion |
0915-1206, 2434-5601
preserved |
Bulletin de la Société franco-japonaise des sciences historiques |
preserved |
Bulletin d'Etudes de Linguistique Francaise |
0286-8601, 2432-0668
preserved |
Bulletin d'études de langue et littérature françaises |
0919-4770, 2433-2879
preserved |
The Bulletin for the Association of Art Education |
preserved |
Bulletin Ochanomizu University Junior High School |
2758-5360, 2758-6742
preserved |
Bulletin of Applied Glycoscience |
2185-6427, 2424-0990
preserved |
Bulletin of Asia-Pacific Studies |
1346-6224, 2434-9054
preserved |
Bulletin of Butsuryo College of Osaka |
2187-6517, 2433-4758
preserved |
Bulletin of College or Foreign Studies, Yokohama: A Combined |
0388-1687, 2433-6483
preserved |
Bulletin of Data Analysis of Japanese Classification Society |
2186-4195, 2434-3382
preserved |
Bulletin of Education and Health Sciences, Uekusa-Gakuen University |
1883-5988, 2433-555X
preserved |
Bulletin of Equine Research Institute |
0386-4634, 1884-4626
preserved |
Bulletin of Forest Economics |
0285-158X, 2435-1296
preserved |
1349-2160, 2759-3371
preserved |
Bulletin of Gakugei University Japanese Education Studies |
0913-9362, 2433-7560
preserved |
Bulletin of Gifu pref. Sports Science Center |
2436-6668, 2436-7796
preserved |
Bulletin of Glaciological Research |
1345-3807, 1884-8044
preserved |
The Bulletin of Health Science University |
1882-5540, 2433-4634
preserved |
Bulletin of Hiroshima Prefectural Technology Research Institute Food Technology Research Center |
1883-8324, 2435-5909
preserved |
Bulletin of Hokuriku Psychological Society of Japan |
2186-764X, 2758-657X
preserved |
Bulletin of Human Centered Design Organization |
1882-9635, 2435-0605
preserved |
The Bulletin of Institute of Laboratory Animals , Tokyo Women's Medical University |
preserved |
Bulletin of Ishikawa Agricultural College |
0389-9977, 2433-6491
preserved |
The Bulletin of Japan Art Documentation Society |
0917-9739, 2433-2860
preserved |
Bulletin of Japanese Educatinal Research Associaon for the Social Studies |
0289-8551, 2424-2373
preserved |
Bulletin of Japanese Language Teaching Practices |
2185-3983, 2185-3991
preserved |
Bulletin Of Japanese Society for Jaw Deformities |
0914-5990, 1884-5037
preserved |
Bulletin of Japanese Society for the Science of Design |
0910-8173, 2186-5221
preserved |
Bulletin of Japanese Society of Microbial Ecology |
preserved |
Bulletin of Japan Society for Study of Vocational and Technical Education |
1340-5926, 2433-197X
preserved |
Bulletin of Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry |
1882-6954, 1883-1737
preserved |
Bulletin of Jiyu Gakuen College of Liberal Arts |
preserved |
Bulletin of JSME |
0021-3764, 1881-1426
preserved |
The Bulletin of Kaichi International University |
preserved |
Bulletin of Kanagawa Prefectural Institute of Language and Culture Studies |
2186-7348, 2424-189X
preserved |
2186-4748, 2435-7049
preserved |
Bulletin of Kochi Gakuen College |
0389-4088, 2433-6440
preserved |
The Bulletin of Kokugakuin Junior College |
0918-5275, 2433-6556
preserved |
The Bulletin of Kokugakuin University Hokkaido Junior College |
2185-3517, 2433-6335
preserved |
The Bulletin of Kokugakuin Women's Junior College |
0288-3589, 2433-6564
preserved |
The Bulletin of Kubikino Institute of Folk-Archive |
preserved |
Bulletin of Kyoto College of Economics, Kyoto Keizai Tanki Daigaku |
1347-5290, 2758-3260
preserved |
Bulletin of Maebashi Institute of Technology |
1343-8867, 2433-5673
preserved |
Bulletin of Nagasaki Prefectural Research Center for History of Tsushima |
preserved |
Bulletin of Nagoya Biodiversity Center |
2188-2541, 2758-1632
preserved |
Bulletin of National Archives of Modern Architecture, Agency for Cultural Affairs |
2436-6765, 2436-6757
preserved |
The Bulletin of National Institute of Technology, Hiroshima College |
1883-9908, 2434-494X
preserved |
The Bulletin of National Institute of Technology, Kisarazu College |
2188-9201, 2188-921X
preserved |
Bulletin of National Institute of Technology, Okinawa College |
preserved |
The Bulletin of Nihonbashi Gakkan University |
1348-0154, 1884-2518
preserved |
Bulletin of Norinchukin Research Institute |
preserved |
Bulletin of Obihiro Otani Junior College |
0286-7354, 2424-1881
preserved |
Bulletin of Occupational Therapy as Art and Science |
preserved |
Bulletin of Osaka College of Music |
0286-2670, 2433-4707
preserved |
Bulletin of Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University |
2436-4673, 2759-2294
preserved |
Bulletin of Osaka Museum of History |
1347-8443, 2435-8622
preserved |
Bulletin of Osaka Prefectural Institute of Public Health |
preserved |
Bulletin of Research Center for Computing and Multimedia Studies, Hosei University |
preserved |
Bulletin of Safety Evaluation Forum |
preserved |
Bulletin of Sanyo Gakuen College |
1341-0644, 2433-457X
preserved |
Bulletin of Seirei Women's Junior College |
preserved |
Bulletin of Sendai Science Museum |
1345-0859, 2433-5746
preserved |
Bulletin of Sendai Shirayuri Junior College |
0286-4924, 2433-6629
preserved |
Bulletin of Sendai Shirayuri Women's College |
1342-7350, 2433-6416
preserved |
Bulletin of Shikoku Institute of Natural History |
1349-4945, 2434-4877
preserved |
Bulletin Of Shimonita Museum Of Natural History |
2423-9275, 2435-8177
preserved |
Bulletin of Shukugawa Gakuin College |
0285-3744, 2186-9324
preserved |
Bulletin of Society of Japan Science Teaching |
0389-9039, 2433-0140
preserved |
Bulletin of Soto Zen Studies |
1345-7527, 2436-5564
preserved |
The Bulletin of St.Margaret's |
0285-080X, 2432-3195
preserved |
The Bulletin of Takaoka University of Law |
0915-9347, 2433-5576
preserved |
Bulletin of Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum |
0915-3685, 2436-1453
preserved |
Bulletin of Tenri Health Care University |
2187-6126, 2433-6394
preserved |
Bulletin of the Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan |
0375-8397, 1881-1272
preserved |
Bulletin of the Anthropological Society |
preserved |
Bulletin of the Association for Comparative Economic Studies |
preserved |
Bulletin of the Association for the Study in Socialist Economies |
preserved |
Bulletin of the Chichibu Museum of Natural History |
0529-1305, 2433-8559
preserved |
Bulletin of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan |
0578-0969, 1884-1287
preserved |
Bulletin of the College of Foreign Studies, Yokohama: Language |
0388-1652, 2433-6475
preserved |
Bulletin of the Computational Statistics of Japan |
0914-8930, 2189-9789
preserved |
Bulletin of the Experimental Animals |
0007-5124, 1884-4162
preserved |
preserved |
Bulletin of the Faculty of Science, Ibaraki University. Series A, Mathematics |
0579-3068, 1883-4345
preserved |
0428-8653, 2435-8827
preserved |
Bulletin of the Folklore Society of Kyoto |
0913-1485, 2436-7745
preserved |
Bulletin of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute |
0916-4405, 2189-9363
preserved |
Bulletin of The Fukuoka Agriculture and Forestry Research Center |
2189-4876, 2759-257X
preserved |
Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan |
1346-4272, 2186-490X
preserved |
Bulletin of the Graduate School of Management, GLOBIS University |
preserved |
Bulletin of the Herpetological Society of Japan |
1345-5826, 1884-930X
preserved |
Bulletin of the Hiroshima Prefectural Technology Research Institute, Public Health and Environment Center |
1882-4250, 2759-0690
preserved |
0914-4137, 2758-2116
preserved |
Bulletin of the History of Aichi |
1883-3799, 2433-7269
preserved |
Bulletin of the Hokkaido Geographical Society |
preserved |
Bulletin of the Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples |
0918-3159, 2435-0451
preserved |
Bulletin of the Iida City Museum |
1341-2086, 2424-2519
preserved |
Bulletin of the Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Kyushu University |
0915-499X, 1881-4212
preserved |
Bulletin of the Itami City Museum of Insects |
2187-7076, 2435-0966
preserved |
The Bulletin of the Japan Academy of Labor and Management |
preserved |
Bulletin of the Japan Association for Comparative Economic Studies |
1348-4060, 1883-9800
preserved |
Bulletin of the Japan Comparative Education Society |
0287-1106, 2185-2065
preserved |
Bulletin of the Japan Educational Administration Society |
0919-8393, 2433-1899
preserved |
Bulletin of the Japanese Association for the Study of Russian Language and Literature |
0387-3277, 2434-6373
preserved |
Bulletin of the Japanese Society for Study of Career Guidance |
1343-3768, 2433-0620
preserved |
Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Fisheries Oceanography |
0916-1562, 2435-2888
preserved |
Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Prosthetic and Orthotic Education, Research and Development |
0289-2391, 1884-0558
preserved |
Bulletin of the Japan Institute of Metals |
0021-4426, 1884-5835
preserved |
Bulletin of the Japan Music Expression Society |
1348-9038, 2435-1067
preserved |
Bulletin of the Japan Petroleum Institute |
preserved |
Bulletin of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics |
preserved |
Bulletin Of The Japan Society For The Study Of Adult And Community Education |
0386-2844, 2436-0759
preserved |
Bulletin of The Japan Society for The Study of Kominkan |
1880-439X, 2433-7404
preserved |
Bulletin of the Japan Society of Internship |
1881-1663, 2433-1996
preserved |
Bulletin of The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers |
1880-3725, 2424-161X
preserved |
0910-9730, 2758-7487
preserved |
Bulletin of The Kanagawa Prefectural Museum Natural Science |
0453-1906, 2189-6720
preserved |
Bulletin of the Kansai Society of Naval Architects, Japan |
0916-0981, 2433-1031
preserved |
Bulletin of the Kansai Society of Naval Architects, Japan |
preserved |
The Bulletin of the Kanto-koshin-etsu English Language Education Society |
0911-2502, 2433-0841
preserved |
Bulletin of the Kashihara City Museum of Insect |
2437-0029, 2758-2779
preserved |
Bulletin of the Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History |
0387-964X, 2436-6072
preserved |
Bulletin of the Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History and Human History, Series A (Natural History) |
1348-2653, 2435-7545
preserved |
1883-7883, 2758-5964
preserved |
Bulletin of The Miyazaki Prefectural Museum of Nature and History |
0287-9425, 2759-0925
preserved |
Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum |
0385-0900, 2435-0931
preserved |
Bulletin of the Modern KYOGYOSHINSHO Studies Project |
2433-7536, 2435-1121
preserved |
Bulletin of the Nasunogahara Museum |
1349-9238, 2435-1601
preserved |
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series D (Anthropology) |
1881-9087, 2434-0979
preserved |
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Series A, Zoology |
1881-9052, 2434-091X
preserved |
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Series E, Physical Sciences & Engineering |
1881-9095, 2434-0995
preserved |
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Series B, Botany |
1881-9060, 2434-0936
preserved |
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Series C (Geology & Paleontology) |
1881-9079, 2434-0952
preserved |
Bulletin of the Omachi Alpine Museum |
2423-9305, 2432-1680
preserved |
Bulletin of the Physical Fitness Research Institute |
0389-9071, 2424-2322
preserved |
Bulletin of the Research Institute of Agricultural Resources Ishikawa Agricultural College |
0915-3268, 2433-6513
preserved |
Bulletin of the Saitama Museum of Natural History |
0288-5611, 2433-8567
preserved |
Bulletin of the Saitama Museum of Natural History |
1881-8528, 2433-8508
preserved |
Bulletin of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan |
0030-5219, 1884-1406
preserved |
Bulletin of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan |
preserved |
Bulletin of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan |
0386-1597, 2433-1007
preserved |
Bulletin of the Society of Photography and Imaging of Japan |
preserved |
Bulletin of the Society of Plant Ecology |
0289-9949, 2433-0124
preserved |
Bulletin of the Society of Salt Science, Japan |
0369-5646, 2187-0322
preserved |
Bulletin of The Society of Scientific Photography of Japan |
preserved |
Bulletin of the Society of Sea Water Science, Japan |
0369-4550, 2185-9213
preserved |
Bulletin of the Technical Association of Graphic Arts of Japan |
0040-0874, 2185-1263
preserved |
The Bulletin of the Tokyo Anthropological Society |
preserved |
Bulletin of the Volcanological Society of Japan |
0453-4360, 2189-7182
preserved |
The Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College |
preserved |
Bulletin of Uekusa Gakuen Junior College |
1884-7811, 2433-5541
preserved |
Bulletin on Coastal Oceanography |
1342-2758, 2434-4036
preserved |
Bulletins of Japan-UK Education Forum |
1343-1102, 2189-678X
preserved |
Bulletion of the International Association for Landscape Ecology-Japan |
1345-532X, 1884-670X
preserved |
Bungaku, Gogaku |
0525-1850, 2435-659X
preserved |
Bungaku to Kyoiku |
0287-6205, 2424-1156
preserved |
Bunkakeizaigakkai-Nihon Ronbunshu |
0919-4738, 1884-2194
preserved |
Bunrui |
1346-6852, 2189-7034
preserved |
Bunseki Kagaku |
preserved |
Business Management Law |
1882-9198, 2758-2124
preserved |
Business Model Association Journal |
preserved |
Busseiron Kenkyu |
preserved |
Busseiron Kenkyu Part 2 |
preserved |
Butsuri |
0029-0181, 2423-8872
preserved |
BUTSURI-TANSA(Geophysical Exploration) |
0912-7984, 1881-4824
preserved |