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Titles ( displaying 500 of 841 ) | Information |
1-2 Thessalonians: A New Covenant Commentary |
Author/Editor: Nijay K. Gupta
1-3 John: Worship by Loving God and One Another to Live Eternally |
Author/Editor: John Paul Heil
1 Timothy: A New Covenant Commentary |
Author/Editor: Aída Besançon Spencer
21st-Century Statecraft: Reconciling Power, Justice and Meta-Geopolitical Interests |
Author/Editor: Nayef R.F. Al-Rodhan
2 Corinthians: A Short Exegetical and Pastoral Commentary |
Author/Editor: Anthony C. Thiselton
The Abduction of Dinah: Genesis 28:10-35:15 as a Votive Narrative |
Author/Editor: Daniel Hankore
Abiding Faith: Christianity Beyond Certainty, Anxiety, and Violence |
Author/Editor: Scott Cowdell
Accessing Alcuin: A Master Bibliography for 'Alcuin: His Life and Legacy' and 'Alcuin: Theology and Thought' |
Author/Editor: Douglas Dales
Accommodation and Acceptance: An Exploration in Interfaith Relations |
Author/Editor: Ambrose Mong
Acknowledging the Divine Benefactor: The Second Letter of Peter |
Author/Editor: Terrance Callan
The Acts of Paul: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary |
Author/Editor: Richard I. Pervo
Adam as Israel: Genesis 1u3 as the Introduction to the Torah and Tanakh |
Author/Editor: Seth D. Postell
Adolf Keller: Ecumenist, World Citizen, Philanthropist |
Author/Editor: Marianne Jehle-Wildberger ,Mark Kyburz ,John Peck
After Imperialism: Christian Identity in China and the Global Evangelical Movement |
Author/Editor: Richard R. Cook ,David W. Pao
After War, Is Faith Possible?: An Anthology |
Author/Editor: G.A. Studdert Kennedy ,Kerry Walters
Alcuin: His Life and Legacy |
Author/Editor: Douglas Dales
Alcuin II: Theology and Thought |
Author/Editor: Douglas Dales ,ROWAN WILLIAMS
Alexei Khomiakov: The Mystery of Sobornost' |
Author/Editor: Artur Mrówczyński-Van Allen ,Teresa Obolevitch ,Paweł Rojek
The Alfred Wallis Factor: Conflict in Post-War St Ives Art |
Author/Editor: David Wilkinson
Allegorizing History: The Venerable Bede, Figural Exegesis and Historical Theory |
Author/Editor: Timothy J. Furry
All Shall be Well: Explorations in Universal Salvation and Christian Theology, from Origen to Moltmann |
Author/Editor: Gregory Macdonald
All Things New: The Trinitarian Nature of the Human Calling in Maximus the Confessor and Jurgen Moltmann |
Author/Editor: Brock Bingaman ,Jürgen Moltmann
American Dreamer: Bucky Fuller and the Sacred Geometry of Nature |
Author/Editor: Scott Eastham
Anchorhold: Corresponding with Revelations of Divine Love |
Author/Editor: Kirsten Pinto Gfroerer
Ancient Apologetic Exegesis: Introducing and Recovering Theophilus's World |
Author/Editor: Stuart E. Parsons
Andrew Young: Priest, Poet and Naturalist: A Reassessment |
Author/Editor: Richard Ormrod
Angelology: Recovering Higher-Order Beings as Emblems of Transcendence, Immanence, and Imagination |
Author/Editor: Dylan David Potter
The Angel Roofs of East Anglia: Unseen Masterpieces of the Middle Ages |
Author/Editor: Michael Rimmer
Anglo-Catholic in Religion: T.S. Eliot and Christianity |
Author/Editor: Barry Spurr
Animals Are Not Ours (No, Really, They're Not) PB: An Evangelical Animal Liberation Theology |
Author/Editor: Sarah Withrow King
The Apologetics of Joy: A Case for the Existence of God from C.S. Lewis's Argument from Desire |
Author/Editor: Joe Puckett Jr. ,Mark Linville
Apostates, Hybrids, or True Jews: Jewish Christians and Jewish Identity in Eastern Europe, 1860-1914 |
Author/Editor: Raymond Lillevik
Apostle Paul: A Polite Bribe |
Author/Editor: Robert Orlando ,Gerd Lüdemann
Apostles Today: Making Sense of Contemporary Charismatic Apostolates: A Historical and Theological Approach |
Author/Editor: Benjamin G. McNair Scott
Apostolic and Prophetic: Ecclesiological Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Gesa Elsbeth Thiessen
Aquinas on Israel and the Church: The Question of Supersessionism in the Theology of Thomas Aquinas |
Author/Editor: Matthew A. Tapie
Armies of Pestilence: The Impact of Disease on History |
Author/Editor: R. S. Bray
Arthur Mee: A Biography |
Author/Editor: Keith Crawford
Artist about Cambridge |
Author/Editor: Jon Harris ,Patrick Carnegy ,Rob Howard
The Artist and the Trinity: Dorothy L. Sayers' Theology of Work |
Author/Editor: Christine M. Fletcher ,Malcolm Brown
An Artistic Approach to New Testament Literature |
Author/Editor: Sharon R. Chace
Artist of Wonderland: The Life, Political Cartoons, and Illustrations of Tenniel |
Author/Editor: Frankie Morris
The Art of Spiritual Midwifery: diaLogos and Dialectic in the Classical Tradition |
Author/Editor: Stephen Faller
Asian Contextual Theology for the Third Millennium: Theology of Minjung in Fourth-Eye Formation |
Author/Editor: Paul S. Chung ,Kim Kyoung-Jae ,Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen ,Paul S. Chung
As It Was in the Beginning: An Intertextual Analysis of New Creation in Galatians, 2 Corinthians, and Ephesians |
Author/Editor: Mark D. Owens
Atheism for Beginners: A Coursebook for Schools and Colleges |
Author/Editor: Michael Palmer
The Atheist's Creed |
Author/Editor: Michael Palmer
The Atheist's Primer |
Author/Editor: Michael Palmer
At Home in the World: A Study in Psychoanalysis, Religion, and Art |
Author/Editor: Donald Capps
Atonement for a Sinless Society: Second Edition |
Author/Editor: Alan Mann
Atonement Theories: A Way through the Maze |
Author/Editor: Ben Pugh
Attending to the Wounds on Christ's Body: Teresa's Scriptural Vision |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Newman
Augustine and the Fundamentalist's Daughter |
Author/Editor: Margaret R. Miles
Authentic Cosmopolitanism: Love, Sin, and Grace in the Christian University |
Author/Editor: R. J. Snell ,Steven D. Cone
The Authenticity of the Second Letter to the Thessalonians |
Author/Editor: William Wrede ,Robert Rhea
Balthasar Hubmaier and the Clarity of Scripture: A Critical Reformation Issue |
Author/Editor: Graeme R. Chatfield ,Diarmaid MacCulloch
Baptism in the Spirit: Luke-Acts and the Dunn Debate |
Author/Editor: William P. Atkinson ,Robert W. Graves
Baptists and War: Essays on Baptists and Military Conflict, 1640s-1990s |
Author/Editor: Gordon L. Heath ,Michael A.G. Haykin
Barrenness and Blessing: Abraham, Sarah, and the Journey of Faith |
Author/Editor: Hemchand Gossai
Becoming Divine: Jonathan Edwards's Incarnational Spirituality within the Christian Tradition |
Author/Editor: Brandon G. Withrow
Becoming Human Again: The Theological Life of Gustaf Wingren |
Author/Editor: Bengt Kristensson Uggla ,Daniel M. Olson
Becoming Simple and Wise: Moral Discernment in Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Vision of Christian Ethics |
Author/Editor: Joshua A. Kaiser
Before Tom Brown: The Origins of the School Story |
Author/Editor: Robert J. Kirkpatrick
Being Human, Becoming Human: Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Social Thought |
Author/Editor: Jens Zimmermann ,Brian Gregor
Believing Thinking, Bounded Theology: The Theological Methodology of Emil Brunner |
Author/Editor: Cynthia Bennett Brown
A Better World Is Possible: An Exploration of Utopian Visions |
Author/Editor: Ambrose Mong ,Mark DeStephano
Between Heaven and Earth: Conversations with American Christians |
Author/Editor: Helmut Thielicke ,John W. Doberstein
Between Kin and Cosmopolis: An Ethic of the Nation |
Author/Editor: Nigel Biggar
Between Vision and Obedience - Rethinking Theological Epistemology: Theological Reflections on Rationality and Agency with Special Reference to Paul Ricoeur and G.W.F. Hegel |
Author/Editor: George Ille
Beware the Evil Eye: The Evil Eye in the Bible and the Ancient World: -Volume 1 Introduction, Mesopotamia, and Egypt |
Author/Editor: John H. Elliot
Beware the Evil Eye (volume 2): The Evil Eye in the Bible and the Ancient World: Greece and Rome |
Author/Editor: John H. Elliott
Beware the Evil Eye (Volume 3): The Evil Eye in the Bible and the Ancient World: The Bible and Related Sources |
Author/Editor: John H. Elliott
Beyond Old and New Perspectives on Paul: Reflections on the Work of Douglas Campbell |
Author/Editor: Chris Tilling ,Edward Adams
Beyond the River Chebar: Studies in Kingship and Eschatology in the Book of Ezekiel |
Author/Editor: DANIEL I. BLOCK
The Bible in Ethiopia: The Book of Acts |
Author/Editor: Curt Niccum
The Bible, the Bullet, and the Ballot: Zimbabwe: The Impact of Christian Protest in Sociopolitical Transformation, ca. 1900-ca. 2000 |
Author/Editor: Fabulous Moyo
The Biblical Cosmos: A Pilgrim's Guide to the Weird and Wonderful World of the Bible |
Author/Editor: Robin A. Parry ,Hannah Parry
Biblical Knowing: A Scriptural Epistemology of Error |
Author/Editor: Dru Johnson ,Craig G. Bartholomew
Biblical Revelation and African Beliefs |
Author/Editor: Kwesi Dickson ,Paul Ellingorth
Blasted with Antiquity: Old Age and Consolations of Literature |
Author/Editor: David Ellis
Blind Evolution?: The Nature of Humanity and the Origin of Life |
Author/Editor: David Frost
The Blood of Christ in the Theology of William Tyndale |
Author/Editor: Ralph S. Werrell
Bodies, Borders, Believers: Ancient Texts and Present Conversations |
Author/Editor: Anne Hege Grung ,Marianne Bjelland Kartzow ,Anna Rebecca Solevåg
The Book of the Former Prophets |
Author/Editor: Thomas W. Mann
The Book of Womanhood |
Author/Editor: Amy F. Davis Abdallah ,Lisa Graham McMinn
The Books of Homilies: A Critical Edition |
Author/Editor: Gerald Bray
Borderline: Reflections on War, Sex, and Church |
Author/Editor: Stan Goff ,Amy Laura Hall
Boundless Grandeur: The Christian Vision of A.M. 'Donald' Allchin |
Author/Editor: David G.R. Keller ,Rowan Williams ,Kallistos Ware
Britain's Greatest Prime Minister: Lord Liverpool |
Author/Editor: Martin Hutchinson
The British Hotel Through the Ages |
Author/Editor: Mary Cathcart Borer
A Brush with Life: The Art of Peter Le Vasseur |
Author/Editor: Jason Monaghan ,Lee Durrell
Buddhist-Christian Dialogue as Theological Exchange: An Orthodox Contribution to Comparative Theology |
Author/Editor: Ernest M. Valea
Builders of the Chinese Church: Pioneer Protestant Missionaries and Chinese Church Leaders |
Author/Editor: G. Wright Doyle
Building and Designing Transistor Radios: A Beginner's Guide |
Author/Editor: R.H. Warring
The Business of Reading: A Hundred Years of the English Novel |
Author/Editor: Julian Lovelock
By Design: Ethics, Theology, and the Practice of Engineering |
Author/Editor: Brad J. Kallenberg
By the River Chebar: Historical, Literary, and Theological Studies in the Book of Ezekiel |
Author/Editor: DANIEL I. BLOCK
Calvin's Doctrine of the Work of Christ |
Author/Editor: John Frederick Jansen
The Cambridge Liturgical Psalter |
Author/Editor: John Emerton ,David Frost ,Andrew Macintosh
Campaigning for Life: A Biography of Dorothy Frances Buxton |
Author/Editor: Petà Dunstan
Canadian Churches and the First World War |
Author/Editor: Gordon L. Heath
The Cappadocian Mothers: Deification Exemplified in the Writings of Basil, Gregory, and Gregory |
Author/Editor: Carla D. Sunberg ,T. A. Noble
Captive to Christ, Open to the World: On Doing Christian Ethics in Public |
Author/Editor: Brian Brock ,Kenneth Oakes
Catalogue of the Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project 1: Volume 1: Codices 1-105 Magic Scrolls 1-134 |
Author/Editor: Getatchew Haile ,Melaku Terefe ,Roger M. Rundell ,Daniel Alemu ,Steve Delamarter
Catalogue of the Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project 2: Volume 2: Codices 106-200, Magic Scrolls 135-284 |
Author/Editor: Veronika Six ,Steve Delamarter ,Getatchew Haile ,Kesis Melaku Terefe ,Jeremy Brown
Catalogue of the Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project 7: Volume 7: Codices 601-654. The Meseret Sebhat Le-Ab Collection of Mekane Yesus Seminary, Addis Ababa |
Author/Editor: Kesis Melaku Terefe ,Steve Delamarter ,Jeremy R. Brown ,Richard Pankhurst ,Loren Bliese ,Meheretab Bereke ,Walda Estifanos ,Ted Erho ,Ralph Lee
Catherine Booth: Laying the Foundations of a Radical Movement |
Author/Editor: John Read
A Celtic Christology: The Incarnation According to John Scottus Eriugena |
Author/Editor: John F. Gavin ,John Panteleimon Manoussakis
Changing your Mind: The Bible, the Brain, and Spiritual Growth |
Author/Editor: Victor Copan
Charles Wesley in America: Georgia, Charleston, Boston |
Author/Editor: S.T. Kimbrough Jr ,Ryan Nicholas Danker
Charlotte Mason: Hidden Heritage and Educational Influence |
Author/Editor: Margaret A. Coombs ,John Thorley
The Childhood of Jesus: Decoding the Apocryphal Infancy Gospel of Thomas |
Author/Editor: Reidar Aasgaard
China's Urban Christians: A Light that Cannot be Hidden |
Author/Editor: Brent Fulton
Christ and the Meaning of Life: A Book of Sermons and Meditations |
Author/Editor: Helmut Thielicke ,John W. Doberstein
Christ Died for Our Sins: Representation and Substitution in Romans and Their Jewish Martyrological Background |
Author/Editor: Jarvis J. Williams
Christian Ethics as Witness: Barth's Ethics for a World at Risk |
Christian Exegesis of the Qur'an: A Critical Analysis of the Apologetic Use of the Qur'an in Select Medieval and Contemporary Arabic Texts |
Author/Editor: J. Scott Bridger
Christian Faith for Handing On |
Author/Editor: Helen Oppenheimer
Christianity and the Christian Church of the First Three Centuries |
Author/Editor: Ferdinand Christian Baur ,Peter C. Hodgson ,Robert F. Brown ,Peter C. Hodgson
Christianity and 'the World': Secularization Narratives through the Lens of English Poetry A.D. 800 to the Present |
Author/Editor: David Martin
Christianity, Democracy, and the Radical Ordinary: Conversations between a Radical Democrat and a Christian |
Author/Editor: Stanley Hauerwas ,Romand Coles
Christianity in the Modern World: A Study of Religion in a Pluralistic Society |
Author/Editor: Ambrose Mong
Christian Origins and the Ancient Economy |
Author/Editor: David A. Fiensy
The Christian Society |
Author/Editor: Stephen Neill ,Dyron Daughrity
Christian Theology and African Traditions |
Author/Editor: Matthew Michael
Christian Theology and Islam |
Author/Editor: Michael Root ,James J. Buckley
Christian Theology and Religious Pluralism: A Critical Evaluation of John Hick |
Author/Editor: David S. Nah
Christian Warfare in Rhodesia-Zimbabwe: The Salvation Army and African Liberation, 1891-1991 |
Author/Editor: Norman H. Murdoch ,N.M. Bhebe
Christos Yannaras: The Apophatic Horizon of Ontology |
Author/Editor: Basilio Petrà ,Norman Russell
Church and Ethical Responsibility in the Midst of World Economy: Greed, Dominion, and Justice |
Author/Editor: CHUNG PAUL S. ,Ulrich Duchrow
Church and World: Eusebius's, Augustine's, and Yoder's Interpretations of the Constantinian Shift |
Author/Editor: Simon P. Schmidt
The Church as Salt and Light: Path to an African Ecclesiology of Abundant Life |
Author/Editor: Stan Chu Ilo ,Joseph Ogbonnaya ,Alex Ojacor
Church at Church: Jean-Jacques von Allmen's Liturgical Ecclesiology |
Author/Editor: Ronald Andrew Rienstra
The Church of England and the First World War |
Author/Editor: Alan Wilkinson
Church Reform and Leadership of Change |
Author/Editor: Harald Askeland ,Ulla Schmidt
The Claim of God: Karl Barth's Doctrine of Sanctification in His Earlier Theology |
Author/Editor: Ethan A. Worthington ,John Webster
The Claim of Humanity in Christ: Salvation and Sanctification in the Theology of T.F. and J.B. Torrance |
Author/Editor: Alexandra S. Radcliff ,Andrew Purves
Colin Gunton and the Failure of Augustine: The Theology of Colin Gunton in the Light of Augustine |
Author/Editor: Bradley G. Green ,Lewis Ayres
The Collar: Reading Christian Ministry in Fiction, Television, and Film |
Author/Editor: Sue Sorensen
Colossians and Philemon: A New Covenant Commentary |
Author/Editor: Michael F. Bird ,Michael F. Bird ,Craig Keener
Come Out from among Them, and Be Ye Separate, Saith the Lord: Separationism and the Believers' Church Tradition |
Author/Editor: William H. Brackney ,Evan L. Colford ,James M. Stayer
Communicating the Faith Indirectly: Selected Sermons, Addresses, and Prayers |
Author/Editor: Paul L. Holmer ,David J. Gouwens ,Lee C. Barrett III ,William H. Willimon ,David Cain
Communion with the Triune God: The Trinitarian Soteriology of T.F. Torrance |
Author/Editor: Dick O. Eugenio
Community of the Transfiguration: The Journey of a New Monastic Community |
Companions in the Between: Augustine, Desmond, and their Communities of Love |
Author/Editor: Renée Köhler-Ryan ,William Desmond
A Complete Identity: The Youthful Hero in the Work of G.A. Henty and George MacDonald |
Author/Editor: Rachel E. Johnson
Conception, Reception, and the Spirit: Essays in Honor of Andrew T. Lincoln |
Author/Editor: J. Gordon McConville ,Lloyd K. Pietersen
The Concept of Canonical Intertextuality and the Book of Daniel |
Author/Editor: Jordan M. Scheetz
Confessing the Faith Yesterday and Today: Essays Reformed, Dissenting, and Catholic |
Author/Editor: Alan P.F. Sell
Conflict and the Practice of Christian Faith: The Anglican Experiment |
Author/Editor: Bruce N. Kaye
Conservative Revolutionaries: Transformation and Tradition in the Religious and Political Thought of Charles Chauncy and Jonathan Mayhew |
Author/Editor: John S. Oakes ,David D. Hall
Contemporary Muslim and Christian Responses to Religious Plurality: Wolfhart Pannenberg in Dialogue with Abdulaziz Sachedina |
Author/Editor: Lewis E. Winkler
Content and Method in Christian Theology: A Case Study of the Thought of Nels Ferre |
Author/Editor: Alan P.F. Sell
Contextualization of Sufi Spirituality in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century China: The Role of Liu Zhi (c. 1662-c. 1730) |
Author/Editor: David Lee
Contextual Theology for the Twenty-First Century |
Author/Editor: Stephen B. Bevans ,Katalina Tahaafe-Williams
Contextual Theology: The Drama of Our Times |
Author/Editor: Paul Duane Matheny
A Convergent Model of Renewal: Remixing the Quaker Tradition in a Participatory Culture |
Author/Editor: C. Wess Daniels ,Ben Pink Dandelion
The Conversion and Therapy of Desire: Augustine's Theology of Desire in the Cassiciacum Dialogues |
Author/Editor: Mark J. Boone ,Michael P. Foley
Corporate Decision-Making in the Church of the New Testament |
Author/Editor: Jeff Brown
Creation and Beauty in Tolkien's Catholic Vision: A Study in the Influence of Neoplatonism in J.R.R. Tolkien's Philosophy of Life as 'Being and Gift' |
Author/Editor: Michael John Halsall ,Alison Milbank
Creationism and the Conflict over Evolution |
Author/Editor: Tatha Wiley
Creative License: From Leeds College of Art to Leeds Polytechnic, 1963-1973 |
Author/Editor: James Charnley
The Crisis of Global Capitalism: Pope Benedict XVI's Social Encyclical and the Future of Political Economy |
Author/Editor: Adrian Pabst
Crossing Thresholds: A Practical Theology of Liminality |
Author/Editor: Timothy Carson ,Rosy Fairhurst ,Nigel Rooms ,Lisa R. Withrow
Cross Theology: The Classical 'Theologia Crucis' and Karl Barth's Modern Theology of the Cross |
Author/Editor: Rosalene Bradbury ,Murray Rae
C.S. Lewis and a Problem of Evil: An Investigation of a Pervasive Theme |
Author/Editor: Jerry Root
C.S. Lewis and Christian Postmodernism: Word, Image, and Beyond |
Author/Editor: Kyoko Yuasa ,Bruce L. Edwards
C.S. Lewis at Poets' Corner |
Author/Editor: Michael Ward ,Peter S. Williams
Culture in a Post-Secular Context: Theological Possibilities in Milbank, Barth and Bediako |
Author/Editor: Alan Thomson
A Darkened Reading: A Reception History of the Book of Isaiah in a Divided Church |
Author/Editor: Robert L. Knetsch
Death and Resurrection: The Shape and Function of a Literary Motif in the Book of Acts |
Author/Editor: Dennis J. Horton
Death in Second-Century Christian Thought: The Meaning of Death in Earliest Christianity |
Author/Editor: Jeremiah Mutie
The Death of the Messiah and the Birth of the New Covenant: A (Not-So) New Model of the Atonement |
Author/Editor: Michael J. Gorman
Denuded Devotion to Christ: The Ascetic Piety of Protestant True Religion in the Reformation |
Author/Editor: Larry D. Harwood ,William L. Isley Jr.
Describing the Hand of God: Divine Agency and Augustinian Obstacles to the Dialogue between Theology and Science |
Author/Editor: Robert Brennan
Deserted Medieval Villages |
Author/Editor: Maurice Beresford ,John G. Hurst
Desire, Dialectic, and Otherness: An Essay on Origins (2nd Edition) |
Author/Editor: William Desmond
The Destruction of Sodom: A Scientific Commentary |
Author/Editor: Graham Harris
The Dialogical Spirit: Christian Reason and Theological Method in the Third Millennium |
Author/Editor: Amos Yong
Dialogue Derailed: Joseph Ratzinger's War against Pluralist Theology |
Author/Editor: Ambrose Mong ,Peter C. Phan
The Dictionary of British Women Artists |
Author/Editor: Sara Gray
Did Jesus Speak Greek: The Emerging Evidence of Greek Dominance in First-Century Palestine |
Author/Editor: G. Scott Gleaves ,Rodney Eugene Cloud
Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Arnold Koster: Two Distinct Voices in the Midst of Germany's Third Reich Turmoil |
Author/Editor: Paul Spanring ,Keith W. Clements
Dimensions of Faith: Understanding Faith through the Lens of Science and Religion |
Author/Editor: Steve Donaldson
Discipleship and Society in the Early Churches |
Author/Editor: Thomas O’Loughlin
Discovering John: Essays by John Ashton |
Author/Editor: John Ashton ,Christopher Rowland ,Catrin H. Williams
Dissent or Conform?: War, Peace and the English Churches 1900-1945 |
Diverse and Creative Voices: Theological Essays from the Majority World |
Author/Editor: Dieumeme Noelliste ,Sung Wook Chung ,Samuel Escobar
Divine Audacity: Unity and Identity in Hugh of Balma, Eckhart, Ruusbroec, and Marguerite Porete |
Author/Editor: Peter S. Dillard
Divine Essence and Divine Energies: Ecumenical Reflections on the Presence of God in Eastern Orthodoxy |
Author/Editor: Constantinos Athanasopoulos ,Christoph Schneider
Divine Remaking: St Bonaventure and the Gospel of Luke |
Author/Editor: Douglas Dales
Divine Revelation and Human Practice: Responsive and Imaginative Inspiration |
Author/Editor: TONY CLARK
The Doctrine of the Incarnation Opened: An Abridgement with Introduction and Response |
Author/Editor: Edward Irving ,Alexander J.D. Irving ,Graham McFarlane ,Daniel Jordan Cameron
Documents of the English Reformation, Ed. 3rd edition |
Author/Editor: Gerald Bray
Dostoevsky: A Theological Engagement |
Author/Editor: P.H. Brazier ,Murray Rae
The Doubled Life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Women, Sexuality, and Nazi Germany |
Author/Editor: Diane Reynolds
A Double Vision Hermeneutic: Interpreting a Chinese Pastor's Intersubjective Experience of 'Shi' Engaging 'Yizhuan' and Pauline Texts |
Author/Editor: Samuel Hio-Kee Ooi
Dr Ashley's Pleasure Yacht: John Ashley, the Bristol Channel Mission and all that Followed |
Author/Editor: R.W.H. Miller
Drinking from the Wells of New Creation: The Holy Spirit and the Imagination in Reconciliation |
Author/Editor: Kerry Dearborn
Dunstan: Saint and Statesman |
Author/Editor: Douglas Dales
Durkheim: Essays on Morals and Education |
Author/Editor: W.S.F. Pickering ,H.L. Sutcliffe
Durkheim on Religion: A Selection of Readings with Bibliographies and Introductory Remarks |
Author/Editor: W. S. F. Pickering ,Jacqueline Redding ,W. S. F. Pickering
Durkheim's Sociology of Religion: Themes and Theories |
Author/Editor: W.S.F. Pickering
Dust or Dew: Immortality in the Ancient Near East and in Psalm 49 |
Author/Editor: Janet Smith
Dusty Earthlings: Living as Eco-Physical Beings in God's Eco-Physical World |
Author/Editor: John Mustol ,Nancey C. Murphy
Dynamic Oneness: The Significance and Flexibility of Paul's One-God Language |
Author/Editor: Suzanne Nicholson
The Earliest Christian Hymnbook: The Odes of Solomon |
Author/Editor: James H. Charlesworth
Early Christianity in North Africa |
Author/Editor: François Decret ,Edward Smither
The Early Church at Work and Worship, Vol II: Volume 2: Catechesis, Baptism, Eschatology, and Martyrdom |
Author/Editor: Everett Ferguson
The Early Church at Work and Worship, Vol I: Volume 1: Ministry, Ordination, Covenant, and Canon |
Author/Editor: Everett Ferguson
Early Inter-racial Oneness Pentecostalism: G.T. Haywood and the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (1901-1931) |
Author/Editor: Talmadge L. French
Ecclesial Identities in a Multi-Faith Context: Jesus Truth-Gatherings (Yeshu Satsangs) among Hindus and Sikhs in Northwest India |
Author/Editor: Darren Todd Duerksen ,William A. Dyrness
Ecclesiology and the Scriptural Narrative of 1 Peter |
Author/Editor: Patrick T. Egan
Ecclesiology in the Trenches: Theory and Method under Construction |
Author/Editor: Sune Fahlgren ,Jonas Ideström ,Gerard Mannion
Echoes of a Voice: We are not Alone |
Author/Editor: James W. Sire
Echoes of the Word |
Author/Editor: Leander E. Keck
The Economy of Salvation: Essays in Honour of M. Douglas Meeks |
Author/Editor: Jürgen Moltmann ,Timothy R. Eberhart ,Matthew W. Charlton
Election, Atonement, and the Holy Spirit: Through and Beyond Barth's Theological Interpretation of Scripture |
Author/Editor: Matthias Grebe ,David F. Ford
Eliza Lowe and the Founding of Woodard Girls' Schools |
Author/Editor: Penny Thompson
Eloquence Divine: In Search of God's Rhetoric |
Author/Editor: Phillip Arrington
Embracing Vulnerability: Human and Divine |
Author/Editor: Roberto Sirvent
Emotional Amoral Egoism: A Neurophilosophy of Human Nature and Motivations |
Author/Editor: Nayef R.F. Al-Rodhan
Encountering ETI: Aliens in 'Avatar' and the Americas |
Author/Editor: John Hart
Encounter with Spurgeon |
Author/Editor: Helmut Thielicke ,John W. Doberstein
English Classical Scholarship: Historical Reflections on Bentley, Porson and Housman |
Author/Editor: C.O. Brink
The English Connection: The Puritan Roots of Seventh-Day Adventist Belief (2nd Edition) |
Author/Editor: Bryan W. Ball
Enlightenment Prelate: Benjamin Hoadly, 1676-1761 |
Author/Editor: William Gibson
Ephesians: A New Covenant Commentary |
Author/Editor: Lynn H. Cohick
Eric Ravilious: Memoir of an Artist |
Author/Editor: Helen Binyon ,John Rothenstein ,Richard Morphet
Espying Heaven: The Stained Glass of Charles Eamer Kempe and his Artists |
Author/Editor: Adrian Barlow ,Alastair Carew-Cox
Essays from the Margins |
Author/Editor: Luis N. Rivera-Pagán
Eternal Blessedness for All: A Historical-Systematic Examination of Schleiermacher's Understanding of Predestination |
Author/Editor: Anette I. Hagan
The Ethics of Sex |
Author/Editor: Helmut Thielicke ,John W. Doberstein
An Ethiopian Reading of the Bible: Biblical Interpretation of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church |
Author/Editor: Keon-Sang An ,William A. Dyrness ,Joel B. Green
Ethiopian Scribal Practice 1: Plates for the Catalogue of the Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project |
Author/Editor: Steve Delmarter ,Malaku Terefe
Euthanasia and Patristic Tradition: Reading John Damascene and Symeon the New Theologian on Christian Bioethics |
Author/Editor: Ioannis Bekos ,Stanley Hauerwas ,Ulrich Volp
Evangelicals and Culture |
Author/Editor: Doreen Rosman ,David Bebbington
Ever-Moving Repose: A Contemporary Reading of Maximus the Confessor's Theory of Time |
Author/Editor: Sotiris Mitralexis ,Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
Everything is Sacred: Spiritual Exegesis in the Political Theology of Henri de Lubac |
Author/Editor: Bryan C. Hollon
Evolutionary Creation: A Christian Approach to Evolution |
Author/Editor: Denis O. Lamoureux
Exclusion and Judgment in Fellowship Meals: The Socio-historical Background of 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 |
Author/Editor: Lanuwabang Jamir ,Steve Walton
Exotheology: Theological Explorations of Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life |
Author/Editor: Joel L. Parkyn
Explaining the Holocaust: How and Why It Happened |
Author/Editor: Mordecai Schreiber
Exploring Earthiness: The Reality and Perception of Being Human Today |
Author/Editor: Anne Primavesi
Extramural: Literature and Lifelong Learning |
Author/Editor: Adrian Barlow
Facing the Fiend: Satan as a Literary Character |
Author/Editor: Eva Marta Baillie
Facing the Other: John Paul II, Levinas, and the Body |
Author/Editor: Nigel Zimmermann ,Brice de Malherbe
Faith, Form, and Fashion: Classical Reformed Theology and Its Postmodern Critics |
Author/Editor: Paul Helm
Faithful Doubt: The Wisdom of Uncertainty |
Author/Editor: Guy Collins
Faithfulness and the Purpose of Hebrews: A Social Identity Approach |
Author/Editor: Matthew J. Marohl
The Fate of Saul's Progeny in the Reign of David |
Author/Editor: Cephas T. A. Tushima ,Tremper Longman
The Father's Eternal Freedom: The Personalist Trinitarian Ontology of John Zizioulas |
Author/Editor: Dario Chiapetti ,Norman Russell
The Father Who Redeems and the Son Who Obeys: Consideration of Paul's Teaching in Romans |
Author/Editor: Svetlana Khobnya ,John Nolland
Feminism and Christianity: Questions and Answers in the Third Wave |
Author/Editor: Caryn D. Riswold
The Fifteen Confederates |
Author/Editor: Geoffrey Dipple
The Final Days of Jesus: The Thrill of Defeat, The Agony of Victory: A Classical Historian Explores Jesus's Arrest, Trial, and Execution |
Author/Editor: Mark D. Smith
Finding All Things in God: Pansacramentalism and Doing Theology Interreligiously |
Author/Editor: Hans Gustafson
The Fire That Consumes: A Biblical and Historical Study of the Doctrine of Final Punishment, Ed. 3 |
Author/Editor: Edward William Fudge ,Richard Bauckham
Fishing for Souls: The Development and Impact of British Fishermen's Missions |
Author/Editor: Stephen Friend
Following Jesus in Invaded Space: Doing Theology on Aboriginal Land |
Author/Editor: Chris Budden
Follow Me: A History of Christian Intentionality |
Author/Editor: IVAN J. KAUFFMAN
Forbidden Texts on the Western Frontier: The Christian Apocrypha in North American Perspective |
Author/Editor: Tony Burke ,Christoph Markschies
A Foreign and Wicked Institution: The Campaign Against Convents in Victorian England |
Author/Editor: RENE KOLLAR OSB
Forging Modernity: Why and How Britain Got the Industrial Revolution |
Author/Editor: Martin Hutchinson
The Forgiveness of Sins |
Author/Editor: Tim Carter
Formation for Knowing God: Imagining God: At-One-ing, Transforming, for Self-Revealing |
Author/Editor: F. Gerald Downing
Four Wise Men: The Lives and Teachings of Confucius, the Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad |
Author/Editor: Mark W. Muesse
Free To Say No: Free Will and Augustine's Evolving Doctrines of Grace and Election |
Author/Editor: Eric L. Jenkins
From Faith to Faith: John Wesley's Covenant Theology and the Way of Salvation |
Author/Editor: Stanley J. Rodes ,T. A. Noble
From Faith to Fun: The Secularisation of Humour |
Author/Editor: Russell Heddendorf
From Historical to Critical Post-Colonial Theology: The Contribution of John S. Mbiti and Jesse N.K. Mugambi |
Author/Editor: Robert S. Heaney ,Christopher Rowland
From Icons to Idols: Documents on the Image Debate in Reformation England |
Author/Editor: David J. Davis
From Morality to Mayhem: The Fall and Rise of the English School Story, Ed. first |
Author/Editor: Julian Lovelock
From Suffering to Solidarity: The Historical Seeds of Mennonite Interreligious, Interethnic and International Peacebuilding |
Author/Editor: Andrew P. Klager ,Marc Gopin
From Text to Performance: Narrative and Performance Criticisms in Dialogue and Debate |
Author/Editor: Kelly R. Iverson
From the Dust |
Author/Editor: F. Kepa Sempangi ,Jennifer Melvin
From Tradition to Gospel: Die Formgeschichte des Evangeliums |
Author/Editor: Martin Dibelius ,Bertram Lee Woolf
Fruits of Grace: The Ecumenical Experience of the Community of Grandchamp |
Author/Editor: Sister Minke de Vries ,Nancy S. Gower ,Thomas F. Best
Galatians: Worship for Life by Faith in the Crucified and Risen Lord |
Author/Editor: John Paul Heil
The Games People Play: Theology, Religion, and Sport |
Author/Editor: Robert Ellis
Gathered Around Jesus: An Alternative Spatial Practice in the Gospel of Mark |
Author/Editor: Eric C. Stewart
Gazing on God: Trinity, Church and Salvation in Orthodox Thought and Iconography |
Author/Editor: Andreas Andreopoulos
Geoffrey Fisher: Archbishop of Canterbury |
Author/Editor: David Hein
George MacDonald's Children's Fantasies and the Divine Imagination |
Author/Editor: Colin Manlove
Getting Here from There: Conversations on Life and Work |
Author/Editor: Margaret R. Miles ,Hiroko Sakomura
Gift and the Unity of Being |
Author/Editor: Antonio López ,John Milbank
The Gift of Sublimation: A Psychoanalytic Study of Multiple Masculinities |
Author/Editor: Nathan Carlin ,Donald Capps
The Gift of the Other: Levinas, Derrida, and a Theology of Hospitality |
Author/Editor: Andrew Shepherd ,Steven Bouma-Prediger
God, Man and the Church: The Spiritual Foundations of Life |
Author/Editor: Vladimir Solovyev ,Donald Attwater
The God of All Flesh: and Other Essays |
Author/Editor: Walter Brueggemann ,K.C. Hanson
God of Holy Love: Essays of Peter Taylor Forsyth |
Author/Editor: Peter Taylor Forsyth ,Paul K. Moser ,Benjamin Nasmith
Gods and Arms: On Religion and Armed Conflict |
Author/Editor: Kjell-Åke Nordquist
God's Wounds Vol 1: Hermeneutic of the Christian Symbol of Divine Suffering (Volume I: Divine Vulnerability and Creation) |
Author/Editor: Jeff B. Pool
God's Wounds Vol 2: Hermeneutic of the Christian Symbol of Divine Suffering (Volume II: Evil and Divine Suffering) |
Author/Editor: Jeff B. Pool
God? Very Probably: Five Rational Ways to Think about the Question of God |
Author/Editor: Robert H. Nelson ,Herman Daly
The God Who Is Beauty: Beauty as a Divine Name in Thomas Aquinas and Dionysius the Areopagite |
Author/Editor: Brendan Thomas Sammon
The Gospel According to Star Trek: The Original Crew |
Author/Editor: Kevin C. Neece ,John Tenuto
The Gospel According to the Blues |
Author/Editor: Gary W. Burnett
The Gospel of John: Worship for Divine Life Eternal |
Author/Editor: John Paul Heil
The Gospel of Matthew: Worship in the Kingdom of Heaven |
Author/Editor: John Paul Heil
Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew and the Nativity of Mary |
Author/Editor: Brandon W. Hawk
Gospel of Sufferings |
Author/Editor: Søren Kierkegaard ,A.S. Aldworth ,W.S. Ferrie
Grace for the Injured Self: The Healing Approach of Heinz Kohut |
Author/Editor: Terry D. Cooper ,Robert L. Randall
Graham Sutherland: Life, Work and Ideas |
Author/Editor: Rosalind Thuillier
Grasping Truth and Reality: Lesslie Newbigin's Theology of Mission to the Western World |
Author/Editor: Donald Le Roy Stults
A Greater Freedom: Biotechnology, Love, and Human Destiny (In Dialogue with Hans Jonas and Jurgen Habermas) |
Author/Editor: Stephan Kampowski ,Stanley Hauerwas
The Greatness of Humility: St Augustine on Moral Excellence |
Author/Editor: Joseph J. McInerney ,C. C. Pecknold
The Great Tradition - a Great Labour: Studies in Ancient-Future Faith |
Author/Editor: Philip Harrold ,D.H. Williams
Greening the Children of God: Thomas Traherne and Nature's Role in the Moral Formation of Children |
Author/Editor: Chad Michael Rimmer
Green Politics is Eutopian |
Author/Editor: Paul Gilk
Green Witness: Ecology Ethics and the Kingdom of God |
Author/Editor: Laura Ruth Yordy
Groundless Gods: The Theological Prospects of Post-Metaphysical Thought |
Author/Editor: Hartmut von Sass ,Eric E. Hall
Grundtvig Anthology: Selections from the writings of N.F.S. Grundtvig (1783-1872) |
Author/Editor: Edward Broadbridge ,Niels Lyhne Jensen ,Niels Lyhne Jensen ,William Michelsen ,Gustav Albeck ,Hellmut Toftdahl ,Chr. Thodberg
Guess at the Rest: Cracking the Hogarth Code |
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Soulier-Détis
The Guide to Norfolk Churches: Third Revised and Enlarged Edition |
Author/Editor: D.P. Mortlock ,C.V. Roberts ,the Countess of Leicester
Guns and Gospel: Imperialism and Evangelism in China |
Author/Editor: Ambrose Mong ,Mark DeStephano
Handbook of Cubik Math |
Author/Editor: Alexander H. Frey Jr. ,David Singmaster
Hannevi'ah and Hannah: Hearing Women Biblical Prophets in a Woman's Lyrical Tradition |
Author/Editor: Nancy C. Lee
Healing the Ravaged Soul: Tending the Spiritual Wounds of Child Sexual Abuse |
Author/Editor: Sue Magrath
The Healing Tradition of the New Testament |
Author/Editor: Douglas Ellory Pett
Health as a Virtue: Thomas Aquinas and the Practice of Habits of Health |
Author/Editor: Melanie L. Dobson
The Heart Has Its Reasons: Towards a Theological Anthropology of the Heart |
Author/Editor: Beáta Tóth
Heaven in Ordinary: Poetry and Religion in a Secular Age, Ed. first |
Author/Editor: David Jasper
Heaven on Earth: Reimagining Time and Eternity in Nineteenth-Century British Evangelicalism |
Author/Editor: Martin Spence
A Hebraic Inkling: C.S. Lewis on Judaism and the Jews |
Author/Editor: P.H. Brazier
He Has Shown You What is Good: Old Testament Justice Then and Now |
Author/Editor: H.G.M. Williamson
Helping Jesus Fulfill Prophecy |
Author/Editor: Robert J. Miller
Herbert Hensley Henson: A Biography |
Author/Editor: John S. Peart-Binns
Heresies and Heretics: Memories of the Twentieth Century |
Author/Editor: George Watson
The Hermeneutical Self and an Ethical Difference: Intercivilizational Engagement |
Author/Editor: Chung Paul S.
Hidden in Plain Sight: Esther and a Marginalised Hermeneutic |
Author/Editor: Robert P Debelak Jr
Hindiyya, Mystic and Criminal, 1720-1798: A Political and Religious Crisis in Lebanon |
Author/Editor: Bernard Heyberger ,Renée Champion
The History of Morris Dancing, 1458-1750 |
Author/Editor: John Forrest
Holy Beauty: Prolegomena to an Orthodox Philokalic Aesthetics |
Author/Editor: Chrysostomos A. Stamoulis ,Norman Russell
The Holy One of Israel: Studies in the Book of Isaiah |
Author/Editor: John N. Oswalt
The Holy Spirit and Christian Ethics in the Theology of Klaus Bockmuehl |
Author/Editor: Annette M. Glaw
The Holy Spirit and the Renewal of All Things: Pneumatology in Paul and Jurgen Moltmann |
Author/Editor: T. David Beck
The Holy Spirit and Worship: Transformation and Truth in the Theologies of John Owen and John Zizioulas |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth A. Welch ,Ben Quash
Holy Trinity: Holy People: The Theology of Christian Perfecting |
Author/Editor: T.A. Noble
Hope and the Longing for Utopia: Futures and Illusions in Theology and Narrative |
Author/Editor: Daniel Boscaljon
How Did Long John Silver Lose his Leg: and Twenty-Six Other Mysteries of Children's Literature |
Author/Editor: Dennis Butts ,Peter Hunt
How the World Began: Sermons on the Creation Story |
Author/Editor: Helmut Thielicke ,John W. Doberstein
HTML of Cruciform Love: Toward a Theology of the Internet |
Author/Editor: John Frederick ,Eric Lewellen
Huldah: The Prophet Who Wrote Hebrew Scripture |
Author/Editor: Preston Kavanagh
The Human Icon: A Comparative Study of Hindu and Orthodox Christian Beliefs |
Author/Editor: Christine Mangala Frost
Hymns and Hymnody: Historical and Theological Introductions: Volume II: From Catholic Europe to Protestant Europe |
Author/Editor: Mark A. Lamport ,Benjamin K. Forrest ,Vernon M. Whaley
Hymns and Hymnody III: Historical and Theological Introductions, Volume 3: From the English West to the Global South |
Author/Editor: Mark A. Lamport ,Benjamin K. Forrest ,Vernon M. Whaley
The Ideal of Kingship in the Writings of Charles Williams, C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien: Divine Kingship is reflected in Middle-Earth |
Author/Editor: Christopher Scarf
The Identity and the Life of the Church: John Calvin's Ecclesiology in the Perspective of his Anthropology |
Author/Editor: Yosep Kim
If You Call Yourself a Jew: Reappraising Paul's Letter to the Romans |
Author/Editor: Rafael Rodríguez
Illusions of Freedom: Thomas Merton and Jacques Ellul on Technology and the Human Condition |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey M. Shaw
Image and Hope: John Calvin and Karl Barth on Body, Soul, and Life Everlasting |
Author/Editor: Yaroslav Viazovski ,Paul Helm
Imitation, Knowledge, and the Task of Christology in Maximus the Confessor |
Author/Editor: Luke Steven
Importing Faith: The Effect of American "Word of Faith" Culture on Contemporary English Evangelical Revivalism |
Author/Editor: Glyn J. Ackerley
Inferior Office: A History of Deacons in the Church of England |
Author/Editor: Francis Young
In Harm's Way: A History of Christian Peacemaker Teams |
Author/Editor: KATHLEEN KERN
The Inheritance of Genius: A Thackeray Family Biography 1798-1875 |
Author/Editor: John Aplin
The Inhumanity of Right |
Author/Editor: Christos Yannaras ,Norman Russell
Insight To Heal: Co-Creating Beauty amidst Human Suffering |
Author/Editor: Mark Graves
Institution of a Christian Man |
Author/Editor: Gerald Bray
The Intelligible Ode: Intimations of Paradise |
Author/Editor: Graham Davidson
Interpreting Ancient Israelite History, Prophecy, and Law |
Author/Editor: John H. Hayes ,Brad E. Kelle
Interweaving Innocence: A Rhetorical Analysis of Luke's Passion Narrative (Lk 22:66-23:49) |
Author/Editor: Heather M. Gorman
In the Beginning Were Stories, Not Texts: Story Theology |
Author/Editor: C.S. Song
In the Eyes of God: A Metaphorical Approach to Biblical Anthropomorphic Language |
Author/Editor: Brian C. Howell
In the Face of Death: Thielicke-Theologian, Preacher, Boundary Rider |
Author/Editor: Fabian F. Grassl ,Timothy J. Wengert ,Wolfram Thielicke
In the Fellowship of His Suffering: A Theological Interpretation of Mental Illness — A Focus on "Schizophrenia" |
Author/Editor: Elahe Hessamfar ,John Swinton
In the Shadow of Death: Archibald Campbell Tait, Archbishop of Canterbury |
Author/Editor: John Witheridge
In the Shadow of his Wings: The Pastoral Ministry of Angels: Yesterday, Today, and for Heaven |
Author/Editor: JONATHAN MACY
Introducing Christian Theologies II: Voices from Global Christian Communities - Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: Victor I. Ezigbo
Introducing Christian Theologies, Volume 1: Voices from Global Christian Communities, Vol. 1 |
Author/Editor: Victor I. Ezigbo
An Introduction to the New Testament, Ed. 2 |
Author/Editor: Charles B. Puskas ,C. Michael Robbins
Inventing the Middle Ages: The Lives, Works, and Ideas of the Great Medievalists of the Twentieth Century |
Author/Editor: Norman F. Cantor
Irenaeus on the Christian Faith: A Condensation of 'Against Heresies' |
Author/Editor: James R. Payton Jr.
Islam, Peace and Social Justice: A Christian Perspective |
Author/Editor: A. Christian van Gorder
Israel and Babylon: The Babylonian Influence on Israelite Religion |
Author/Editor: Hermann Gunkel ,K.C. Hanson
Israel's Messiah and the People of God: A Vision for Messianic Jewish Covenant Fidelity |
Author/Editor: Mark S. Kinzer ,Jennifer M. Rosner
Jean Danielou's Doxological Humanism: Trinitarian Contemplation and Humanity's True Vocation |
Author/Editor: Marc C. Nicholas
Jeremiah 48 as Christian Scripture |
Author/Editor: Julie Irene Woods ,Walter Moberly
Jeremiah among the Prophets |
Author/Editor: Jack R. Lundbom
Jesus after Modernity: A Twenty-First-Century Critique of Our Modern Concept of Truth and the Truth of the Gospel |
Author/Editor: James P. Danaher
Jesus and Identity: Reconstructing Judean Ethnicity in Q |
Author/Editor: Markus Cromhout
Jesus and Magic: Freeing the Gospel Stories from Modern Misconceptions |
Author/Editor: Richard A. Horsley
Jesus and Marginal Women: The Gospel of Matthew in Social-Scientific Perspective |
Author/Editor: Stuart L . Love
Jesus and Pocahontas: Gospel, Mission, and National Myth |
Author/Editor: Howard A. Snyder
Jesus and the Cross: Necessity, Meaning, and Atonement |
Author/Editor: Peter Laughlin
Jesus and Women: Beyond Feminism |
Author/Editor: Niamh M. Middleton
Jesus before Pentecost |
Author/Editor: William P. Atkinson
Jesus, Debt, and the Lord's Prayer: First-Century Debt and Jesus' Intentions |
Author/Editor: Douglas E. Oakman
Jesus, History and Mount Darwin: An Academic Excursion |
Author/Editor: Rick Kennedy
Jews and Anti-Judaism in Esther and the Church |
Author/Editor: Tricia Miller
John: A New Covenant Commentary |
Author/Editor: Jey J. Kanagaraj
John Howard Yoder: Radical Theologian |
Author/Editor: J. Denny Weaver ,Earl Zimmerman ,Zachary J. Walton ,Gerald J. Mast ,Ted Grimsrud ,Glen Harold Stassen ,Marva J. Dawn ,Lisa Schirch
John Knox |
Author/Editor: Eustace Percy ,The 13th Duke of Hamilton
Joseph's Dilemma: 'Honour Killing' in the Birth Narrative of Matthew |
Author/Editor: Matthew J. Marohl
The Joshua Delusion: Rethinking Genocide in the Bible |
Author/Editor: Douglas S. Earl ,Christopher J.H. Wright ,R.W.L. Moberly
A Jubilee for All Time: The Copernican Revolution in Jewish-Christian Relations |
Author/Editor: Gilbert S. Rosenthal
Jude and 2 Peter: A New Covenant Commentary |
Author/Editor: Andrew M. Mbuvi
Julian of Norwich and the Problem of Evil |
Author/Editor: Richard Norton
Just Deceivers: An Exploration of the Motif of Deception in the Books of Samuel |
Author/Editor: Matthew Newkirk
Justification in a Post-Christian Society |
Author/Editor: Carl-Henric Grenholm ,Göran Gunner
Justpeace Ethics: A Guide to Restorative Justice and Peacebuilding |
Karl Barth and the Future of Evangelical Theology |
Author/Editor: Christian T. Collins Winn ,John L. Drury ,William J. Abraham
Karl Barth and the Resurrection of the Flesh: The Loss of the Body in Participatory Eschatology |
Author/Editor: Nathan Hitchcock ,Philip G. Ziegler
Karl Barth: God's Word in Action |
Author/Editor: Paul S. Chung
Katharine Briggs: Story-Teller |
Author/Editor: H.R. Ellis Davidson
Kempe: The Life, Art and Legacy of Charles Eamer Kempe, Ed. first |
Author/Editor: Adrian Barlow
Kilvert's World of Wonders: Growing up in Mid-Victorian England |
Author/Editor: John Toman
King and Messiah |
Author/Editor: Aage Bentzen
Knowledge of the Holy: The Attributes of God. Their Meaning in the Christian Life |
Author/Editor: A.W. Tozer
The Latin Clerk: The Life, Work and Travels of Adrian Fortescue |
Author/Editor: Aidan Nichols
Laughter and the Grace of God: Restoring Laughter to its Central Role in Christian Faith and Theology |
Author/Editor: Brian Edgar
Leadership in Unknown Waters: Liminality as Threshold into the Future |
Author/Editor: Lisa R. Withrow
Leaning Into the Future: The Kingdom of God in the Theology of Jurgen Moltmann and the Book of Revelation |
Author/Editor: Poul F. Guttesen
Learning from MacIntyre |
Author/Editor: Ron Beadle ,Geoff Moore
Learning to Look: Velazquez, Fra Angelico, Canaletto, Pollock |
Author/Editor: Robert Cumming ,Gino Ballantyne
Legacy of the Founders: From Monks to Missionaries |
Author/Editor: Nicki Verploegen
The Letter from Rome to Corinth from the Era of Domitian: 1 Clement |
Author/Editor: Adolf von Harnack ,Jacob N. Cerone ,Larry L. Welborn
Letters from the Pillar Apostles: The Formation of the Catholic Epistles as a Canonical Collection |
Author/Editor: Darian R. Lockett
Letters of Ascent: Spiritual Direction in the Letters of Bernard of Clairvaux |
Author/Editor: Michael C. Voigts
Letters of Light: Passages from Ma'or va-shemesh |
Author/Editor: Aryeh Wineman
The Letters of Paul as Rituals of Worship |
Author/Editor: John Paul Heil
Liberating Mission in Mozambique: Faith and Revolution in the Life of Eduardo Mondlane |
Author/Editor: Robert Faris ,John W. de Gruchy
Life after Tragedy: Essays on Faith and the First World War Evoked by Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy |
Author/Editor: Michael W. Brierley ,Georgina A. Byrne ,Andrew G. Studdert-Kennedy
Life and Death in Higher Education: A Political and Sociological Analysis of British Colleges of Education |
Author/Editor: Clare Debenham
Life Can Begin Again: Sermons on the Sermon on the Mount |
Author/Editor: Helmut Thielicke ,John W. Doberstein
Life in the Spirit: A Post-Constantinian and Trinitarian Account of the Christian Life |
Author/Editor: Andréa D. snavely
The Life of a Galilean Shaman: Jesus of Nazareth in Anthropological-Historical Perspective |
Author/Editor: Pieter F. Craffert
The Life of the Servant |
Author/Editor: Henry Suso ,James M. Clark
Life, the Universe and Everything: An Aristotelian Philosophy for a Scientific Age |
Author/Editor: Ric Machuga
Like a Mighty Army: The Salvation Army, the Church, and the Churches |
Author/Editor: David W. Taylor ,John H. Y. Briggs
The Liminal Loop: Twelve Tales of Transformation |
Author/Editor: Timothy Carson
Liminal Reality and Transformational Power: Revised Edition: Transition, Renewal and Hope |
Author/Editor: Timothy Carson
The Limits of a Catholic Spirit: John Wesley, Methodism, and Catholicism |
Author/Editor: Kelly Diehl Yates ,Howard A. Snyder
The Literary Construction of the Other in the Acts of the Apostles: Charismatics, the Jews, and Women |
Author/Editor: Mitzi J. Smith
Literature and Religion: A Dialogue between China and the West |
Author/Editor: David Jasper ,Ou Guang-an
Liturgical Feasts and Seasons: Novitiate Conferences on Scripture and Liturgy 3 |
Author/Editor: Thomas Merton ,Patrick F. O’Connell ,Paul Quenon
Liturgical Liaisons: The Textual Body, Irony, and Betrayal in John Donne and Emily Dickinson |
Author/Editor: Jamey Heit ,David Jasper
Living Deeply: A Psychological and Spiritual Journey, Ed. first |
Author/Editor: Fraser Watts
Living Faithfully in a Fragmented World: From 'After Virtue' to a New Monasticism (2nd Edition), Ed. 2 |
Author/Editor: Jonathan R. Wilson
Living on Hope while Living in Babylon: The Christian Anarchists of the 20th Century |
Author/Editor: Tripp York
Living without a Why: Mysticism, Pluralism, and the Way of Grace |
Author/Editor: Paul O. Ingram
The Logic of the Spirit in Human Thought and Experience: Exploring the Vision of James E. Loder Jr |
Author/Editor: Dana R. Wright ,Keith J. White ,John S. McClure
Longing for Spring: A New Vision for Wesleyan Community |
Author/Editor: Elaine A. Heath ,Scott T. Kisker ,Jonathan Wilson-hartgrove
Looking unto Jesus: The Christ-Centered Piety of Seventeenth-Century Baptists |
Author/Editor: J. Stephen Yuille ,TOM NETTLES
The Lord is the Spirit: The Holy Spirit and the Divine Attributes |
Author/Editor: Andrew K. Gabriel
The Lord Protector: Religion and Politics in the Life of Oliver Cromwell |
Author/Editor: Robert S. Paul
The Lost Literature of Socialism (2nd edition), Ed. 2 |
Author/Editor: George Watson
Love and Terror in the Third Reich: A Tale of Broken Integrity |
Author/Editor: Peter Matheson ,Heinke Sommer-Matheson ,William F. Storrar
Love that Rejoices in the Truth: Theological Explorations |
Author/Editor: Charles M. Wood
Luke's Jesus in the Roman Empire and the Emperor in the Gospel of Luke |
Author/Editor: Pyung-Soo Seo
Lutheran Identity and Political Theology |
Author/Editor: Carl-Henric Grenholm ,Göran Gunner
Luther as Heretic: Ten Catholic Responses to Martin Luther, 1518-1541 |
Author/Editor: Richard C. Kessler ,M. Patrick Graham ,David Bagchi
Luther's Revolution: The Political Dimensions of Martin Luther's Universal Priesthood |
Author/Editor: Nathan Montover
The Lyrical Theology of Charles Wesley: A Reader (Expanded Edition) |
Author/Editor: S.T. Kimbrough Jr.
Make-Believe: God in 21st Century Novels |
Author/Editor: David Dickinson
Making it in the Political Blogosphere: The World's Top Political Bloggers Share the Secrets to Success |
Author/Editor: Tanni Haas
Making Memory: Jewish and Christian Explorations in Monument, Narrative, and Liturgy |
Author/Editor: Alana M. Vincent
The Making of Swallows and Amazons (1974) |
Author/Editor: Sophie Neville
The Making of the Self: Ancient and Modern Asceticism |
Author/Editor: Richard Valantasis
The Manichaean Codices of Medinet Madi |
Author/Editor: James M. Robinson
Man in God's World: The Faith and Courage to Live - or Die |
Author/Editor: Helmut Thielicke ,John W. Doberstein
A Man of Many Parts: Essays in Honor of John Bowker on the Occasion of his Eightieth Birthday |
Author/Editor: Eugene E. Lemcio ,Rowan Williams
Mark: A New Covenant Commentary |
Author/Editor: Kim Huat Tan
Marking Thought and Talk in New Testament Greek: New Light from Linguistics on the Particles 'hina' and 'hoti' |
Author/Editor: Margaret G. Sim ,Larry W. Hurtado
Martin Luther and Buddhism: Aesthetics of Suffering |
Author/Editor: Paul S. Chung ,Jürgen Moltmann
Marxism and Morality: A Critical Examination of Marxist Ethics |
Author/Editor: Nicholas Churchich
Mary Slessor - Everybody's Mother: The Era and Impact of a Victorian Missionary |
Author/Editor: Jeanette Hardage
Mary Sumner: Motherhood, Mission and Education, Ed. first |
Author/Editor: Sue Anderson-Faithful
Maskwork: The Background, Making and Use of Masks |
Author/Editor: Jennifer Foreman ,Richard Penton
Masters of their Craft: The Art, Architecture and Garden Design of the Nesfields |
Author/Editor: Shirley Rose Evans
A Matter of Choice: The Effects of Decision-Making in Human Affairs |
Author/Editor: Philip Hodgkiss
Matthew Henry: Pastoral Liturgy in Challenging Times |
Author/Editor: Jong Hun Joo ,Todd E. Johnson
Measuring the Distance between Locke and Toland: Reason, Revelation, and Rejection during the Locke-Stillingfleet Debate |
Author/Editor: Jonathan S. Marko
Meetings that Work: A Practical Guide to Teamwork in Different Groups |
Author/Editor: Catherine Widdicombe
Meet Me at the Palaver: Narrative Pastoral Counselling in Postcolonial Contexts |
Author/Editor: Tapiwa N. Mucherera
Memory and Legacy: A Thackeray Family Biography 1876-1919 |
Author/Editor: John Aplin
Men of One Book: A Comparison of Two Methodist Preachers, John Wesley and George Whitefield |
Author/Editor: Ian J. Maddock ,Andrew T.B. McGowan
Mere Education: C.S. Lewis as Ethical teacher for our Time |
Author/Editor: Mark A. Pike
The Messianic Secret: Das Messiasgeheimnis in den Evangelien |
Author/Editor: William Wrede ,J.C.G. Greig
Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh: A Life |
Author/Editor: Avril Pyman
Miguel de Unamuno's Quest for Faith: A Kierkegaardian Understanding of Unamuno's Struggle to Believe |
Author/Editor: Jan E. Evans ,Stephen T. Davis
Milton's Inward Liberty: A Reading of Christian Liberty from the Prose to 'Paradise Lost' |
Author/Editor: Filippo Falcone ,Marialuisa Bignami
The Mind and the Machine: What It Means to Be Human and Why It Matters |
Author/Editor: Matthew Dickerson
The Ministry of the Spirit: Selected Writings of Roland Allen |
Author/Editor: Roland Allen ,Lamin Sanneh ,Alexander McLeish ,David M. Paton
The Missiological Spirit: Christian Mission Theology in the Third Millennium Global Context |
Author/Editor: Amos Yong
A Missiology of the Road: Early Perspectives in David Bosch's Theology of Mission and Evangelism |
Author/Editor: J. Kevin Livingston
Missionary Methods: St Paul's or Ours |
Author/Editor: Roland Allen ,Michael Nazir-Ali
Missionary Principles: and Practice |
Author/Editor: Roland Allen ,Brian Stanley
Mission in the Early Church: Themes and Reflections |
Author/Editor: Edward L. Smither
A Monastic Introduction to Sacred Scripture: Novitiate Conferences on Scripture and Liturgy 1 |
Author/Editor: Thomas Merton ,Patrick F. O’Connell ,Bonnie Bowman Thurston
Monumental Tales: The Fascinating Stories behind the World's Pet Statues and Memorials |
Author/Editor: Jackie Buckle ,Chris Packham
Moses |
Author/Editor: Gerhard von Rad ,Stephen Neill ,Walter Brueggemann ,K.C. Hanson
Mothers on the Margin: The Significance of the Women in Matthew's Genealogy |
Author/Editor: E. Anne Clements
Moving Beyond Individualism in Pastoral Care and Counseling |
Author/Editor: Barbara J. McClure
Musing with Confucius and Paul: Toward a Chinese Christian Theology |
Author/Editor: K.K. Yeo
The Mystery and the World: Passion for God in Times of Unbelief |
Author/Editor: Maria Clara Bingemer ,Peter J. Casarella ,Jovelino Ramos ,Joan Ramos
The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church |
Author/Editor: Vladimir Lossky
Myth and Gospel in the Fiction of John Updike |
Author/Editor: John McTavish
Naked Faith: The Mystical Theology of Phoebe Palmer |
Author/Editor: Elaine A. Heath ,William J. Abraham