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Titles start with R (66) Information
Radical Embodiment
Author/Editor: David H. Nikkel
Radical Grace: Justice for the Poor and Marginalised - Charles Wesley's Views for the Twenty-First Century
Author/Editor: S.T. Kimbrough Jr. ,Stanley Hauerwas
Raimon Panikkar: A Companion to his Life and Thought
Author/Editor: Peter C. Phan ,Young-chan Ro ,Rowan Williams
Raised from Obscurity: A Narratival and Theological Study of the Characterization of Women in Luke-Acts
Author/Editor: Greg W. Forbes ,Scott D. Harrower ,Lynn H. Cohick
Ramanuja and Schleiermacher: Toward a Constructive Comparative Theology
Author/Editor: Jon Paul Sydnor ,Francis X. Clooney
R.C. Hutchinson: The Man and His Writing
Author/Editor: Barry Webb
Reading Auschwitz with Barth: The Holocaust as Problem and Promise for Barthian Theology
Author/Editor: Mark R. Lindsay ,Martin Rumscheidt
Reading Bonhoeffer: A Guide to His Spiritual Classics and Selected Writings on Peace
Author/Editor: GEFFREY B. KELLY
Reading Daniel as a Text in Theological Hermeneutics
Author/Editor: Aaron B. Hebbard
Reading Faithfully - Volume One: Writings from the Archives: Theology and Hermeneutics
Author/Editor: Hans W. Frei ,Mike Higton ,Mark Alan Bowald ,George Hunsinger
Reading Faithfully - Volume Two: Writings from the Archives: Frei's Theological Background
Author/Editor: Hans W. Frei ,Mike Higton ,Mark Alan Bowald
Reading Revelation: A Thematic Approach
Author/Editor: W. Gordon Campbell
Reading Scripture to Hear God: Kevin Vanhoozer and Henri de Lubac on God's Use of Scripture in the Economy of Redemption
Author/Editor: Kevin Storer
Reading Scripture with the Saints
Author/Editor: C. Clifton Black ,Stephen E. Fowl
Reading the Bible with Giants: How 2000 Years of Biblical Interpretation Can Shed Light on Old Texts: Second Edition
Author/Editor: David Paul Parris
The Real Church: An Ecclesiology of the Visible
Author/Editor: Harald Hegstad
Re-Appropriating 'Marvellous Fables': Justin Martyr's Strategic Retrieval of Myth in '1 Apology'
Author/Editor: Noël Wayne Pretila
Recognizing Other Subjects: Feminist Pastoral Theology and the Challenge of Identity
Author/Editor: Katharine E. Lassiter
Reconciling Violence and Kingship: A Study of Judges and 1 Samuel
Author/Editor: Marty Alan Michelson
The Reconstruction of Resurrection Belief
Author/Editor: Peter Carnley
The Rediscovery of the Old Testament
Author/Editor: H. H. Rowley
Rees Howells, Intercessor
Author/Editor: Norman P. Grubb
Reflections for the Unfolding Year
Author/Editor: Alan Wilkinson
Reformed Epistemology and the Problem of Religious Diversity: Proper Function, Epistemic Disagreement, and Christian Exclusivism
Author/Editor: Joseph Kim
The Reform of the Ministry: A Study in the Work of Roland Allen
Author/Editor: Roland Allen ,David M. Paton
A Relevant Way to Read: A New Approach to Exegesis and Communication
Author/Editor: Margaret G. Sim
Religion and Science Fiction
Author/Editor: James F. McGrath
Religion and the Rise of History: Martin Luther and the Cultural Revolution in Germany, 1760-1810
Author/Editor: Leonard S. Smith
Religion and Violence: A Dialectical Engagement through the Insights of Bernard Lonergan
Author/Editor: Dominic Arcamone
Religion at Play: A Manifesto
Author/Editor: André Droogers
Religion, Gender, and Industry: Exploring Church and Methodism in a Local Setting
Author/Editor: Geordan Hammond ,Peter S. Forsaith ,D. Bruce Hindmarsh
Religion in the Anthropocene
Author/Editor: Celia Deane-Drummond ,Sigurd Bergmann ,Markus Vogt ,Heinrich Bedford-Strohm
Religion on Trial
Author/Editor: Craig A. Parton
Religious Influences in Thai Female Education (1889-1931)
Author/Editor: Runchana P. Suksod-Barger
The Religious Life: The Insights of William James
Author/Editor: Donald Capps
Religious Origins of Democratic Pluralism: Paul Peter Waldenstrom and the Politics of the Swedish Awakening 1868-1917
Author/Editor: Mark Safstrom
Render Unto Caesar: Ecclesiastical Politics in the Reign of Queen Anne
Author/Editor: R. Barry Levis
The Renewal of Heart Is Mission Church
Author/Editor: Gregory S. Clapper
The Resounding Soul: Reflections on the Metaphysics and Vivacity of the Human Person
Author/Editor: Eric Austin Lee ,Samuel Kimbriel
The Resourceful Self: And a Little Child Shall Lead Them
Author/Editor: Donald Capps
Restorative Christ
Author/Editor: Geoff Broughton
Resurrection in Retrospect: A Critical Examination of the Theology of N. T. Wright
Author/Editor: Peter Carnley
Rethinking Constantine: History, Theology, and Legacy
Author/Editor: Edward L. Smither
Rethinking Hell: Readings in Evangelical Conditionalism
Author/Editor: Christopher M. Date ,Gregory G. Stump ,Joshua W. Anderson ,John G. Stackhouse Jr.
Returning to Reality: Christian Platonism for our Times
Author/Editor: Paul Tyson
Returning to Reality: Christian Platonism for our Times
Author/Editor: Phillip M. Thompson
Revelation and Reconciliation: An Angle on Modernity, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Stephen N. Williams
Revelation: A New Covenant Commentary
Author/Editor: Gordon D. Fee
ReVisioning: Critical Methods of Seeing Christianity in the History of Art
Author/Editor: James Romaine ,Linda Stratford
Revitalizing Theological Epistemology: Holisitc Evangelical Approaches to the Knowledge of God
Author/Editor: Steven B. Sherman
Revivalism and Social Christianity: The Prophetic Faith of Henri Nick and Andre Trocme
Author/Editor: Christophe Chalamet
Richard Aldington: Novelist, Biographer and Exile 1930-1962
Author/Editor: Vivien Whelpton
Richard Aldington: Poet, Soldier and Lover 1911-1929
Author/Editor: Vivien Whelpton
Richard Aldington: Poet, Soldier and Lover 1911-1929, Ed. Revised edition
Author/Editor: Vivien Whelpton
Richard Cumberland and Natural Law: Secularisation of Thought in Seventeenth-Century England
Author/Editor: Linda Kirk
Richard Hooker and the Vision of God: Exploring the Origins of 'Anglicanism'
Author/Editor: Charles Miller
Risking Proclamation, Respecting Difference: Christian Faith, Imperialistic Discourse, and Abraham
Author/Editor: Chris Boesel
Ritual and Drama: The Mediaeval Theatre
Author/Editor: Francis Edwards
The Road that I Must Walk: A Disciple's Journey
Author/Editor: Darrin W. Snyder Belousek ,Alan Kreider ,Eleanor Kreider
Rock of Ages: The changing faces of the Christian God
Author/Editor: John Butler
Roland Allen: A Missionary Life, Ed. first
Author/Editor: Steven Richard Rutt
Roland Allen II: A Theology of Mission
Author/Editor: Steven Richard Rutt
The Role of Death in Life: A Multidisciplinary Examination of the Relationship between Life and Death
Author/Editor: John Behr ,Conor Cunningham
The Role of Old Testament Theology in Old Testament Interpretation: and Other Essays
Author/Editor: Walter Brueggemann ,K. C. Hanson
Romans: A New Covenant Commentary
Author/Editor: Craig S. Keener
The Roots of William Tyndale's Theology
Author/Editor: Ralph S. Werrell