Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with P (57) | Information |
Passionate Embrace: Luther on Love, Body and Sensual Presence |
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Gerle
Passion For Living: John Wilmot Earl of Rochester |
Author/Editor: R.E. Pritchard
Paul and the Politics of Difference: A Contextual Study of the Jewish-Gentile Difference in Galatians and Romans |
Author/Editor: Jae Won Lee
Paul's Letter to the Romans and Roman Imperialism: An Ideological Analysis of the Exordium (Romans 1:1-17) |
Author/Editor: Ian E. Rock ,John W. D. Holder
Paul's Message and Ministry in Covenant Perspective: Selected Essays |
Author/Editor: Scott J. Hafemann
Paul's Non-Violent Gospel: The Theological Politics of Peace in Paul's Life and Letters |
Author/Editor: Jeremy Gabrielson
Paul's Pisidian Antioch Speech: (Acts 13) |
Author/Editor: John Eifion Morgan-Wynne
Paul: The Theology of the Apostle in the Light of Jewish Religious History |
Author/Editor: H. J. Schoeps ,Harold Knight
Peacemaking and Religious Violence |
Author/Editor: Roger A. Johnson
Perfecting Perfection: Essays in Honour of Henry D. Rack |
Author/Editor: Robert Webster
The Perfection of Freedom: Schiller, Schelling, and Hegel between the Ancients and the Moderns |
Author/Editor: D.C. Schindler
Personal Reality: The Emergentist Concept of Science, Evolution, and Culture Volume 1 |
Author/Editor: Daniel Paksi
Personal Reality, Volume 2: The Emergentist Concept of Science, Evolution, and Culture |
Author/Editor: Daniel Paksi
Personhood and Christianity: in Psychodynamic and Corporate Perspective |
Author/Editor: Oliver Forshaw
Persons, Powers, and Pluralities: Toward a Trinitarian Theology of Culture |
Author/Editor: Eric G. Flett
Perspective Criticism: Point of View and Evaluative Guidance in Biblical Narrative |
Author/Editor: Gary Yamasaki
Perspectives in Pentecostal Eschatologies: World Without End |
Author/Editor: Peter Althouse ,Robby Waddell
Perspectives of Jesus in the Writings of Paul: A Historical Examination of Shared Core Commitments with a View to Determining the Extent of Paul's Dependence on Jesus |
Author/Editor: Gerry Schoberg
Phenomenology of Human Understanding |
Author/Editor: Brian Cronin
Philip of Spain and the Netherlands: An Essay on Moral Judgments in History |
Author/Editor: Cecil John Cadoux
Philippians |
Author/Editor: Linda L. Belleville
The Philokalia and the Inner Life: On Passions and Prayer |
Author/Editor: Christopher C.H. Cook
Philo of Alexandria |
Author/Editor: Jean Daniélou ,James G. Colbert
Philosophy and Salvation: An Essay on Wisdom, Beauty, and Love as the Goal of Life |
Author/Editor: Carlos Blanco
Philosophy Begins in Wonder: An Introduction to Early Modern Philosophy Theology and Science |
The Philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas: A Sketch |
Author/Editor: Stephen L. Brock
Pianos: Care and Restoration |
Author/Editor: Eric Smith
The Pietist Impulse in Christianity |
Author/Editor: Christian T. Collins Winn ,G. William Carlson ,Christopher Gehrz ,Eric Holst ,James H. Barnes ,Peter C. Erb
Pioneer and Priest: Jesus Christ in the Epistle to the Hebrews |
Author/Editor: R.J. McKelvey
Pitfalls of Trained Incapacity: The Unintended Effects of Integral Missionary Training in the Basel Mission on its Early Work in Ghana (1828-1840) |
Author/Editor: Birgit Herppich ,Wilbert R. Shenk
The Place of the Spirit: Toward a Trinitarian Theology of Location |
Author/Editor: Sarah Morice-Brubaker ,Cyril O’Regan
Playing with Dragons: Living with Suffering and God |
Author/Editor: Andy Angel ,N.T. Wright
Plundering Egypt: A Subversive Christian Ethic of Economy |
Author/Editor: G.P. Wagenfuhr
Polis, Ontology, Ecclesial Event: Engaging with Christos Yannaras' Thought |
Author/Editor: Sotiris Mitralexis ,Andreas Andreopoulos ,Pui Him Ip ,Isidoros Katsos ,Dionysios Skliris ,John Milbank
Political Engagement as Biblical Mandate |
Author/Editor: PAUL D. HANSON
A Polity of Persuasion: Gift and Grief of Anglicanism |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey W. Driver ,Bruce N. Kaye
Pope Francis: His Life and Thought |
Author/Editor: Mario I. Aguilar
Postcolonial Public Theology: Faith, Scientific Rationality, and Prophetic Dialogue |
Author/Editor: Paul S. Chung
The Power of God: A Jonathan Edwards Commentary on the Book of Romans |
Author/Editor: David S. Lovi ,Benjamin Westerhoff ,Douglas A. Sweeney
The Practice of the Body of Christ: Human Agency in Pauline Theology after MacIntyre |
Author/Editor: Colin D. Miller ,Stanley Hauerwas
Practices of Wonder: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Sophia Vasalou
A Prayer for All Seasons: The Collects of the Book of Common Prayer |
Author/Editor: Thomas Cranmer
The Prayer that Spans the World: Sermons on the Lord’s Prayer |
Author/Editor: Helmut Thielicke ,JOHN W. DOBERSTEIN
Preaching and the Personal |
Author/Editor: J. Dwayne Howell
Prepare, Succeed, Advance: A Guidebook for Getting a PhD in Biblical Studies and Beyond, Ed. 2 |
Author/Editor: Nijay K. Gupta
Prepare, Succeed, Advance: A Guidebook for Getting a PhD in Biblical Studies and Beyond |
Author/Editor: Nijay K. Gupta
Presence in the Modern World |
Author/Editor: Jacques Ellul ,Lisa Richmond ,Ted Lewis ,David W. Gill
Principalities and Powers: Revising John Howard Yoder's Sociological Theology |
Author/Editor: Jamie Pitts
Private Lives of the Ancient Mariner: Coleridge and his Children |
Author/Editor: Molly Lefebure
The Process of Buddhist-Christian Dialogue |
Author/Editor: Paul O. Ingram
The Proof of the External World: Cartesian Theism and the Possibility of Knowledge |
Author/Editor: Steven M. Duncan
Proverbs and the Formation of Character |
Author/Editor: Dave Bland ,William P. Brown
Psalm 29 through Time and Tradition |
Author/Editor: Lowell k. handy
Psychology: A New Complete GCSE Course, for AQA Specification 4180 |
Author/Editor: Geoffrey Shoesmith
Purification of Memory: A Study of Modern Orthodox Theologians from a Catholic Perspective |
Author/Editor: Ambrose Mong
Puritans, the Millennium and the Future of Israel: Puritan Eschatology 1600 to 1660 |
Author/Editor: Peter Toon
Purity: Essays in Bible and Theology |
Author/Editor: Andrew Brower Latz ,Arseny Ermakov