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Affective Relations and Personal Bonds in Hellenistic Antiquity: Studies in honor of Elizabeth D. Carney
Author/Editor: Monica D’Agostini ,Edward M. Anson ,Frances Pownall
African Pottery Roulettes Past and Present: Techniques, Identification and Distribution
Author/Editor: A. Haour,K. Manning,N. Arazi,O. Gosselain,N. S. Guèye,D. Keita,A. Livingstone Smith,K. MacDonald,A. Mayor,S. McIntosh,R. Vernet
After Alexander: The Time of the Diadochi (323-281 BC)
Author/Editor: Víctor Alonso Troncoso,Edward M. Anson
Agricultural and Pastoral Landscapes in Pre-Industrial Society: Choices, Stability and Change
Author/Editor: Patricia C. Anderson,Leonor Peña-Chocarro,Andreas G. Heiss,Fèlix Retamero,Inge Schjellerup,Althea Davies
Agriculture and Industry in South-Eastern Roman Britain, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: David Bird
Alan Sorrell: The Man Who Created Roman Britain, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Julia Sorrell,Mark Sorrell
Aldhelm and Sherborne: Essays to Celebrate the Founding of the Bishopric
Author/Editor: Katherine Barker,Nicholas Brooks
Amarna City of Akhenaten and Nefertiti: Nefertiti as Pharaoh, Vol. 14
Author/Editor: JULIA SAMSON ,H. S. Smith
Amulets, Vol. 1
Author/Editor: W. M. FLINDERS PETRIE ,Geoffrey T. Martin
Anatolian Interfaces: Hittites, Greeks and their Neighbours
Author/Editor: Billie Jean Collins,Mary R. Bachvarova,Ian C. Rutherford
Ancient Arms Race: Antiquity's Largest Fortresses and Sasanian Military Networks of Northern Iran: A joint fieldwork project by the Iranian Center for Archaeological Research, The Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism and the University of E
The Ancient Art of Transformation: Case Studies from Mediterranean Contexts
Author/Editor: Renee M. Gondek ,Carrie L. Sulosky Weaver
Ancient DNA and the European Neolithic: Relations and Descent
Author/Editor: Alasdair Whittle ,Joshua Pollard ,Susan Greaney
Ancient Egyptian Coffins: Past – Present – Future
Ancient Egyptian Furniture Volume I: 4000 – 1300 BC, Ed. 2nd
Ancient Egyptian Furniture Volume II, Ed. 2nd
Ancient Egyptian Furniture Volume III, Ed. 1st
Ancient Fortifications: A Compendium of Theory and Practice
Author/Editor: Silke Müth,Peter I. Schneider,Mike Schnelle,Peter D. De Staebler
The Ancient Greek Farmstead
Author/Editor: Maeve McHugh
Ancient Historiography on War and Empire, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Timothy Howe,Sabine Müller,Richard Stoneman
Ancient Iran and Its Neighbours: Local Developments and Long-range Interactions in the 4th Millennium BC
Author/Editor: Cameron A. Petrie,John R. Alden,Hajar Askari,Hossein Azizi Kharanaghi,Rachel Ballantyne,Gian Luca Bonora,Jacob Dahl,Morteza Djamali,Hassan Fazeli,Barbara Helwing,Vanessa M. A. Heyvaert,Kristen Hopper,Matthew Jones,Carla Lancelotti,Marjan Mashkour,Roger Ma
Ancient Irrigation Systems of the Aral Sea Area: Ancient Irrigation Systems of the Aral Sea Area
Author/Editor: Boris V. Andrianov,Simone Mantellini,C. C. Lamberg-Karlovsky,Maurizio Tosi,C. C. LAMBERG-KARLOVSKY,DAVID PILBEAM,OFER BAR-YOSEF
Ancient Mines and Quarries: A Trans-Atlantic Perspective
Author/Editor: Margaret Brewer-LaPorta,Adrian Burke,David Field,Martyn Barber,Hetty Jo Brumbach,Christopher J. Ellis,Pierre M. Desrosiers,Gilles Gauthier,Patrick J. Julig,Xavier Mangado Llach,Jean-François Moreau,Jacques Y. Perreault,Jean Revez,Duncan Ritchie,Gillian Va
The Ancient Red Sea Port of Adulis, Eritrea: Report of the Etritro-British Expedition, 2004-5
Author/Editor: David Peacock,Lucy Blue,Darren Glazier,Julian Whitewright,Jillian Phillips,Penny Copeland,Yohannes Gebreyesus,Daniel Habtemichael,Rezene Russom
Ancient Rome: The Archaeology of the Eternal City
Author/Editor: John Coulston,Hazel Dodge
Ancient Textiles, Modern Science
Author/Editor: Heather Hopkins
Ancient Textiles Modern Science II, Vol. 34
Author/Editor: Heather Hopkins ,Katrin Kania
Ancient Textiles: Production, Crafts and Society
Author/Editor: Carole Gillis,Marie-Louise B. Nosch
Ancient Trees in the Landscape: Norfolk's arboreal heritage
Author/Editor: Gerry Barnes,Tom Williamson
The Ancient Ways of Wessex: Travel and Communication in an Early Medieval Landscape
Author/Editor: Alexander Langlands
Ancient Weights and Measures, Vol. 6
Author/Editor: W. M. FLINDERS PETRIE
The Ancient Yew: A History of Taxus baccata, Ed. 3
Author/Editor: Robert Bevan-Jones
"And So the Tomb Remained": Exploring Archaeology and Forensic Science within Connecticut's Historical Family Mausolea
Author/Editor: Nick Bellantoni
Anglesey: Past Landscapes of the Coast
Author/Editor: Mick Sharp,Jean Williamson,Frances Lynch
The Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Empingham II, Rutland
Author/Editor: Jane R. Timby,Alistair Bartlett,Nigel Blades,Simon Chase,Glynis Edwards,Margaret Guido,David Haddon-Reece,Sheila Hamilton-Dyer,Henrich Härke,Julian Henderson,Michael Heyworth,Simon Mays,Catherine Mortimer,Jacqui Watson,Karen Wiemer,David Williams
The Anglo-Saxon Church of All Saints, Brixworth, Northamptonshire: Survey, Excavation and Analysis, 1972-2010
Author/Editor: David Parsons,D. S. Sutherland,Rosemary Cramp,Richard Gem,P. S. Barnwell,David Hall,Ian Bailiff,Andrew Millard,Paul Blinkhorn,David Parsons,Christina Unwin
The Anglo-Saxon Fenland, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Susan Oosthuizen
Anglo-Saxon Somerset: Anglo-Saxon Somerset
Author/Editor: Michael Costen
Anglo-Saxon Studies in Archaeology and History 13
Author/Editor: Sarah Semple
Anglo-Saxon Studies in Archaeology and History 14: Early Medieval Mortuary Practices
Author/Editor: Sarah Semple,Howard Williams
Anglo-Saxon Studies in Archaeology and History 15
Author/Editor: Sally Crawford,Helena Hamerow
Animals and Archaeology in Northern Medieval Russia: Zooarchaeological Studies in Novgorod and its Region
Author/Editor: Mark Maltby,Mark Brisbane,Ellen Hambleton,Sheila Hamilton-Dyer,Olga A. Krylovich,Mikhail V. Sablin,Arkady B. Savinetsky,Andrei V. Zinoviev
Animal Secondary Products: Animal Secondary Products
Author/Editor: Haskel J. Greenfield
Animals in the Neolithic of Britain and Europe
Author/Editor: Dale Serjeantson,David Field
An Animate Landscape: Rock Art and the Prehistory of Kilmartin, Argyll, Scotland
Author/Editor: Andrew Meirion Jones,Davina Freedman,Blaze O’Connor,Hugo Lamdin-Whymark,Richard Tipping,Aaron Watson
Anthropological Approaches to Zooarchaeology: Colonialism, Complexity and Animal Transformations
Author/Editor: D. Campana,P. Crabtree,S. D. deFrance,J. Lev-Tov,A. Choyke
Antiquarianisms: Contact, Conflict, Comparison
Author/Editor: Benjamin Anderson,Felipe Rojas
Appropriating Innovations: Entangled Knowledge in Eurasia, 5000‒1500 BCE, Ed. 1st
Arcadian Visions: Pastoral Influences on Poetry, Painting and the Design of Landscape
Author/Editor: Allan R. Ruff
Archaeoastronomy and the Maya
Author/Editor: Gerardo Aldana,Gerardo Villalobos,Edwin L. Barnhart
Archaeobotanical Guide to Root & Tuber Identification
Author/Editor: Jon G. Hather
An Archaeological History of Montserrat in the West Indies
Author/Editor: John F. Cherry,Krysta Ryzewski
Archaeological Sciences 1995: Proceedings of a conference on the application of scientific techniques to the study of archaeology
Author/Editor: Anthony Sinclair,Elizabeth Slater,John Gowlett
Archaeological Survey and the City
Author/Editor: Paul Johnson,Martin Millett
Archaeologies of Cosmoscapes in the Americas, Vol. 5
Author/Editor: J. Grant Stauffer ,Bretton T. Giles ,Shawn P. Lambert ,F. Kent Reilly III
Archaeologies of Gender and Violence, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Uroš Matić,Bo Jensen
Archaeologies of Text: Archaeology, Technology, and Ethics
Author/Editor: Matthew T. Rutz,Morag M. Kersel
Archaeologies of waste: encounters with the unwanted, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Daniel Sosna,Lenka Brunclíková
Archaeology and Anthropology: Understanding Similarity, Exploring Difference
Author/Editor: Duncan Garrow,Thomas Yarrow
Archaeology and Environment in Northumberland: Till-Tweed Studies Volume 2
Author/Editor: David G. Passmore,Clive Waddington,Tim Gates,Peter Marshall
Archaeology and Memory
Author/Editor: Dušan Borić
Archaeology and the Early Church in Southern Greece
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Rees
Archaeology and the Homeric Epic
Author/Editor: Susan Sherratt,John Bennet
Archaeology for the People: Joukowsky Institute Perspectives
Author/Editor: John F. Cherry,Felipe Rojas
Archaeology in the 'Land of Tells and Ruins': A History of Excavations in the Holy Land Inspired by the Photographs and Accounts of Leo Boer
Author/Editor: Bart Wagemakers
Archaeology in the PPG16 Era: Investigations in England 1990–2010
Author/Editor: Timothy Darvill ,Kerry Barrass ,Vanessa Constant ,Ehren Milner ,Bronwen Russell
Archaeology Meets Science: Biomolecular Investigations in Bronze Age Greece
Author/Editor: Yannis Tzedakis,Holley Martlew,Martin K. Jones
The Archaeology of a Great Estate: Chatsworth and Beyond
Author/Editor: John Barnatt,Nicola Bannister
The Archaeology of Caves in Ireland
Author/Editor: Marion Dowd
The Archaeology of Cremation: Burned Human Remains in Funerary Studies
Author/Editor: Tim Thompson
The Archaeology of Darkness
Author/Editor: Marion Dowd,Robert Hensey
Archaeology of East Asia: The Rise of Civilization in China, Korea and Japan
Author/Editor: Gina L. Barnes
The Archaeology of Medieval Novgorod in Context: A Study of Centre/Periphery Relations
Author/Editor: Mark A. Brisbane,Nikolaj A. Makarov,Evgenij N. Nosov,Katharine Judelson
The Archaeology of Politics and Power: Where, When and Why the First States Formed
Author/Editor: Charles Maisels
An Archaeology of Prehistoric Bodies and Embodied Identities in the Eastern Mediterranean
The Archaeology of Roman Macedonia: Urban and Rural Environments
Author/Editor: Vassilis Evangelidis
The Archaeology of Roman Portugal in its Western Mediterranean Context
Author/Editor: Tesse D. Stek ,André Carneiro
Archaeology of Symbols: ICAS I: Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Archaeology of Symbols, Vol. 3
Author/Editor: Guido Guarducci ,Nicola Laneri ,Stefano Valentini
The Archaeology of the Dead: Lectures in Archaeothanatology
Author/Editor: Henri Duday,Anna Maria Cipriani,John Pearce
Archaeology of the Ionian Sea: Landscapes, seascapes and the circulation of people, goods and ideas from the Palaeolithic to end of the Bronze Age
The Archaeology of the Lower City and Adjacent Suburbs
Author/Editor: Kate Steane,Margaret J. Darling,Michael J. Jones,Jenny Mann,Alan Vince,Jane Young
The Archaeology of The Upper City and Adjacent Suburbs
Author/Editor: Michael J. Jones ,Alan Vince ,Kate Steane ,Margaret J. Darling ,Michael J. Jones ,Jenny Mann ,Alan Vince ,Jane Young
The Archaeology of the West Midlands: A Framework for Research
Author/Editor: Sarah Watt
The Archaeology of Western Sahara: A Synthesis of Fieldwork, 2002 to 2009
Author/Editor: Joanne Clarke,Nick Brooks,Salvatore Garfi,Anne Pirie,Sue J McLaren,Yves Gauthier,Helena White,Marijke van der Veen,Tony Gouldwell,Maria Guagnin,Alexander Wasse,Vicki Winton
The Archaeology of Wild Birds in Britain and Ireland
Archaeomalacology: Molluscs in former environments of human behaviour
Author/Editor: Daniella E. Bar-Yosef Mayer
Archaeomalacology Revisited: Non-dietary use of molluscs in archaeological settings
Author/Editor: Canan Çakırlar
Architectures of the Roman World: Models, Agency, Reception
Ariconium, Herefordshire: an Iron Age settlement and Romano-British 'small town'
Author/Editor: Robin Jackson,Hilary Cool,Chris Cox,Rachel Edwards,Rowena Gale,Cathy King,Tony Lloyd,Donald Mackreth,Elizabeth Pearson,Fiona Roe,Ruth Shaffrey,David Starley,Steven Willis,Tim Young,Carolyn Hunt,Steve Rigby,Laura Templeton
Army of the Roman Emperors: Archaeology and History
Author/Editor: THOMAS FISCHER,Ronald Bockius,Dietrich Boschung,Thomas Schmidts,M. C. Bishop
The Army of the Roman Republic: The Second Century BC, Polybius and the Camps at Numantia, Spain
Author/Editor: Michael Dobson
The Arras Culture of Eastern Yorkshire – Celebrating the Iron Age: Proceedings of “Arras 200 – celebrating the Iron Age." Royal Archaeological Institute Annual Conference.
Author/Editor: Peter Halkon
Arsacids, Romans and Local Elites: Cross-Cultural Interactions of the Parthian Empire, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Jason M. Schlude,Benjamin B. Rubin
Art, Artisans and Apprentices: Apprentice Painters & Sculptors in the Early Modern British Tradition
Author/Editor: James Ayres
Artifacts of Mourning: Archaeology of the Historic Burial Ground of the First Baptist Church of Philadelphia, Vol. 17
Author/Editor: George M. Leader
Art in England: The Saxons to the Tudors: 600-1600
Author/Editor: Sara N. James
Art in the Archaeological Imagination
Author/Editor: Dragoş Gheorghiu
Art in the Eurasian Iron Age: Context, Connections and Scale
Author/Editor: Courtney Nimura,Helen Chittock,Peter Hommel,Chris Gosden
The Art of Siege Warfare and Military Architecture from the Classical World to the Middle Ages
Asia Minor in the Long Sixth Century: Current Research and Future Directions
Author/Editor: Ine Jacobs,Hugh Elton
Aspects of Industry in Roman Yorkshire and the North
Author/Editor: Pete Wilson,Jennifer Price
Assyrian Stone Vessels and Related Material in the British Museum
Author/Editor: Ann Searight,Julian Reade,Irving Finkel,Kenneth Kitchen,Marcel Marée,Shahrokh Razmjou
Athenian Potters and Painters III: Athenian Potters and Painters III
Author/Editor: John H. Oakley
Athenian Potters and Painters Volume II
Author/Editor: John H. Oakley,Olga Palagia
Atlantic Connections and Adaptations: Economies, environments and subsistence in lands bordering the North Atlantic
Author/Editor: R. A. Housley,G. Coles
An Atlas of Northamptonshire: The Medieval and Early-Modern Landscape
Author/Editor: Tracey Partida,David Hall,Glenn Foard
An Atlas of Roman Britain: An Atlas of Roman Britain
Author/Editor: Barri Jones,David Mattingly
An Author and a Gardener: The Gardens and Friendship of Edith Wharton and Lawrence Johnston
Author/Editor: Allan R. Ruff
Autopsy in Athens: Recent Archaeological Research on Athens and Attica
Author/Editor: MARGARET M. MILES
Back to the Beginning: Reassessing Social and Political Complexity on Crete during the Early and Middle Bronze Age
Author/Editor: Ilse Schoep,Peter Tomkins,Jan Driessen
Ballynahatty: Excavations in a Neolithic Monumental Landscape
Author/Editor: BARRIE HARTWELL ,SARAH GORMLEY ,CATRIONA BROGAN ,CAROLINE MALONE ,R.P. Barrett ,Rowan McLaughlin ,Eileen Murphy ,Eiméar Nelis ,Gill Plunkett
Bathhouses in Iudaea, Syria-Palaestina and Provincia Arabia from Herod the Great to the Umayyads
Battlespace 1865: Archaeology of the Landscapes, Strategies, and Tactics of the North Platte Campaign, Nebraska, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Douglas D. Scott,Peter Bleed,Amanda Renner
The Bayeux Tapestry: New Approaches
Author/Editor: Michael J. Lewis,Gale R. Owen-Crocker,Dan Terkla
Beacons in the Landscape: The Hillforts of England and Wales
Author/Editor: Ian Brown
The Beaker People: Isotopes, Mobility and Diet in Prehistoric Britain, Vol. 7, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Mike Parker Pearson ,Alison Sheridan ,Mandy Jay ,Andrew Chamberlain ,Michael P. Richards ,Jane Evans
Beautiful Bodies: Gender and Corporeal Aesthetics in the Past
Author/Editor: Uroš Matić
Becoming European: The transformation of third millennium Northern and Western Europe
Author/Editor: Christopher Prescott,Håkon Glørstad
Becoming Neanderthals: Becoming Neanderthals
Author/Editor: Beccy Scott
Becoming Roman, Being Gallic, Staying British: Research and Excavations at Ditches 'hillfort' and villa 1984-2006
Author/Editor: Stephen Trow,Simon James,Tom Moore
Before the Military Revolution: European Warfare and the Rise of the Early Modern State 1300–1490
Author/Editor: Alexander Querengässer
Behaviour Behind Bones: The Zooarchaeology of Ritual, Religion, Status and Identity
Author/Editor: Sharyn Jones O’Day,Wim Van Neer,Anton Ervynck
Bell Beaker Settlement of Europe: The Bell Beaker Phenomenon from a Domestic Perspective
Author/Editor: Alex M. Gibson,Michael J. Allen
The Bell Beaker Transition in Europe: Mobility and local evolution during the 3rd millennium BC
Author/Editor: Maria Pilar Prieto Martínez,Laure Salanova
Beside the Ocean: Coastal Landscapes at the Bay of Skaill, Marwick, and Birsay Bay, Orkney: Archaeological Research, 2003–18
Author/Editor: DAVID GRIFFITHS,JANE HARRISON,MICHAEL ATHANSON,Diane Alldritt,Steven P. Ashby,Colleen E. Batey,Justine Bayley,Roger C. Doonan,James Graham-Campbell,Vicki Ewens,Amanda K. Forster,Derek Hall,Derek Hamilton,Birgitta Hoffmann,Michael J. Hughes,Anthony M. Krus
Between the Wind and the Water: World Heritage Orkney
Author/Editor: Caroline Wickham-Jones
Beyond Affluent-foragers: Rethinking Hunter-gatherer Complexity
Author/Editor: Colin Grier,Jangsuk Kim,Junzo Uchiyama
Beyond Pilgrim Souvenirs and Secular Badges: Essays in Honour of Brian Spencer
Author/Editor: Sarah Blick
Beyond Thalassocracies: Understanding Processes of Minoanisation and Mycenaeanisation in the Aegean
Author/Editor: Evi Gorogianni,Peter Pavúk,Luca Girella
Beyond the Core: Reflections on Regionality in Prehistory
Author/Editor: Andy M. Jones,Graeme Kirkham
Beyond the Dead Horizon: Studies in Modern Conflict Archaeology
Author/Editor: Nicholas J. Saunders
Beyond the Fertile Crescent: Late Palaeolithic and Neolithic Communities of the Jordanian Steppe. The Azraq Basin Project Volume 1: Project Background and the Late Palaeolithic (Geological Context and Technology)
Author/Editor: Andrew N. Garrard,Brian F. Byrd,Christopher O. Hunt
Beyond the Romans: Posthuman Perspectives in Roman Archaeology, Vol. 3
Author/Editor: Irene Selsvold ,Lewis Webb
Big Men or Chiefs?: Rondel Builders of Neolithic Europe
The Bioarchaeology of Ritual and Religion, Ed. 1st
Biosphere to Lithosphere: new studies in vertebrate taphonomy
Author/Editor: Terry O’Connor
The Birds of Ancient Egypt, Vol. 15
Author/Editor: Patrick F. Houlihan ,STEVEN M. GOODMAN
The Bir Messaouda Basilica: Pilgrimage and the Transformation of an Urban Landscape in Sixth Century AD Carthage
Author/Editor: RICHARD MILES,SIMON GREENSLADE,Ralf Bockmann,Jane Chick,Ben Croxford,Claudia Goodbrand,Sylvia Fünfschilling,Sami Harize,Stefan Krmnicek,Phil Mills,John Whitehouse
The Birsay Bay Project Volume 3: The Brough of Birsay, Orkney: Investigations 1954-2014
Author/Editor: Christopher D Morris ,Colleen E Batey ,Stewart H Cruden ,Norman Emery ,Richard Fawcett ,David W Griffiths ,Zoe Outram ,Susan Ovenden ,D James Rackha
The Black Poplar
Author/Editor: Fiona Cooper
Blood Red Roses: The Archaeology of a Mass Grave from the Battle of Towton AD 1461
Author/Editor: Veronica Fiorato,Anthea Boylston,Christopher Knüsel,Robert Hardy,Andrew Boardman,Andrea Burgess,Jennifer Coughlan,Helen Cox,Hugh Griffiths,Malin Holst,Shannon Novak,Graeme Rimer,Thom Richardson,Tim Sutherland,John Waller,Christopher Cumberpatch,Yannick Mi
Boats, Ships and Shipyards: Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, Venice 2000
Author/Editor: Carlo Beltrame
Bodies of Clay: On Prehistoric Humanised Pottery, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Heiner Schwarzberg,Valeska Becker
Body Parts and Bodies Whole
Author/Editor: Katharina Rebay-Salisbury,Marie Louise Stig Sørensen,Jessica Hughes
Bones and Identity: Zooarchaeological Approaches to Reconstructing Social and Cultural Landscapes in Southwest Asia
Author/Editor: Nimrod Marom,Reuven Yeshurun,Lior Weissbrod,Guy Bar-Oz
Bosworth 1485: A Battlefield Rediscovered
Author/Editor: Glenn Foard,Anne Curry
Breaking and Shaping Beastly Bodies: Animals as Material Culture in the Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Aleksander Pluskowski
Breaking Images: Damage and Mutilation of Ancient Figurines, Vol. 2
Author/Editor: Gianluca Miniaci
Bringing Carthage Home: the Excavations of Nathan Davis, 1856-1859
Author/Editor: JOANN FREED,R. J. A. Wilson
Bristol: A Worshipful Town and Famous City: An Archaeological Assessment from Prehistory to 1900
Author/Editor: Nigel Baker,Jonathan Brett,Robert Jones
Britain's Medieval Episcopal Thrones
Author/Editor: Charles Tracy,Andrew Budge,Hugh Harrison,Peter Ferguson,Paul Woodfield,Eddie Sinclair,Christopher Paterson,John Allan
Britannia Romana: Roman Inscriptions and Roman Britain, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: R S O TOMLIN
British Pottery: The First 3000 Years: Ceramic Art in the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age
Author/Editor: Alex Gibson
Bronze Age Connections: Cultural Contact in Prehistoric Europe
Author/Editor: Peter Clark
Bronze Age Landscapes: Tradition and Transformation
Author/Editor: Joanna Brück
Bronze Age Rock Art in Iberia and Scandinavia: Words, Warriors, and Long-distance Metal Trade, Vol. 8
Author/Editor: Johan Ling ,Marta Díaz-Guardamino ,John Koch ,Christian Horn ,Zofia Stos-Gale ,Hannes Grahn
Bronze Age Settlements in the Low Countries
Author/Editor: Stijn Arnoldussen,Harry Fokkens
Brooches in Late Iron Age and Roman Britain
Author/Editor: D. F. Mackreth
Building for Eternity: the History and Technology of Roman Concrete Engineering in the Sea
Author/Editor: C. J. BRANDON,R. L. HOHLFELDER,M. D. JACKSON,J. P. OLESON,L. Bottalico,S. Cramer,R. Cucitore,E. Gotti,C.R. Stern,G. Vola,J. P. OLESON
Building Memories: The Neolithic Cotswold Long Barrow at Ascott-under-Wychwood, Oxfordshire
Author/Editor: Don Benson,Alasdair Whittle,Alistair Barclay,Alex Bayliss,Don Benson,Edward Biddulph,Christopher Bronk Ramsey,Humphrey Case,Ian Clegg,Mark Copley,Kate Cramp,Chris Doherty,John Evans,Richard Evershed,Dawn Galer,Caroline Grigson,Peter Guest,Robert Hedges,Ch
Buildings of Medieval Europe: Studies in Social and Landscape Contexts of Medieval Buildings
Author/Editor: Duncan Berryman,Sarah Kerr
Building the Great Stone Circles of the North
Author/Editor: Colin Richards
The Bull Ring Uncovered: Excavations at Edgbaston Street, Moor Street, Park Street and The Row, Birmingham City Centre, 1997-2001
Author/Editor: Catharine Patrick,Stephanie Rátkai,Stephanie Rátkai,David Barker,Ian Baxter,Lynne Bevan,Bob Burrows,Simon Buteux,Marina Ciaraldi,Sheila Hamilton-Dyer,James Grieg,David Higgins,Mike Hodder,Rob Ixer,Rachel Ives,Steve Litherland,Erica Macey-Bracken,Helen Mar
Burial and Social Change in First Millennium BC Italy: Approaching Social Agents
Author/Editor: Elisa Perego,Rafael Scopacasa
Burial in Later Anglo-Saxon England, c.650-1100 AD
Author/Editor: Jo Buckberry,Annia Cherryson
Butrint 3: Excavations at the Triconch Palace
Author/Editor: William Bowden,Richard Hodges,Ylli Cerova,Andrew Crowson,Amy Culwick,Karen Francis,Oliver Gilkes,Kosta Lako,Matthew Logue,John Mitchell,Nevila Molla,Jonathan Price,Alessandro Sebastiani,Emanuele Vaccaro
Butrint 4: The Archaeology and Histories of an Ionian Town
Author/Editor: Inge Lyse Hansen,Richard Hodges,Sarah Leppard
Butrint 5: Life and Death at a Mediterranean Port: The Non-Ceramic Finds from the Triconch Palace
Author/Editor: William Bowden,J. Beatrice,T. Fenton,D. Foran,J. Giorgi,C. Isaac,S. Jennings,L. Jenny,Z. Knapp,A. Livarda,J. Mitchell,T. S. N. Moorhead,M. Mutolo,P. Papadopoulou,A. Powell,C. Rauzi,P. De Rijk,K. Stark,J. Wankmiller,J. Westoby
Butrint 6: Excavations on the Vrina Plain Volume 1: The Lost Roman and Byzantine Suburb, Vol. 6.1
Author/Editor: Simon Greenslade
Butrint 6: Excavations on the Vrina Plain Volume 2: The Finds
Author/Editor: Simon Greenslade,Jared S. Beatrice,Todd W. Fenton,Carolyn V. Isaac,Matthew Law,Alexandra Livarda,Richard Madgwick,John Mitchell,Sam Moorhead,Pagona Papadopoulou,Pippa Pearce,Nadine Schibille,Angela Soler,Karen Stark,Rena Veropoulidou,Joanita Vroom
Butrint 6: Excavations on the Vrina Plain Volume 3: The Roman and late Antique pottery from the Vrina Plain excavations
Author/Editor: Paul Reynolds
Butrint 7: Beyond Butrint: Kalivo, Mursi, Çuka e Aitoit, Diaporit and the Vrina Plain. Surveys and Excavations in the Pavllas River Valley, Albania, 1928–2015
Author/Editor: David Hernandez,Richard Hodges,Nadia Aleotti,Elena Baldi,David Bescoby,William Bowden,William Bubelis,José C. Carvajal López,Miguel Ángel Cau Ontiveros,Andrew Crowson,Karen Francis,Oliver J. Gilkes,Emily Glass,David Hernandez,Richard Hodges,Valbona Hysa,S
Buttons and Design Scarabs, Vol. 3
Author/Editor: W. M. FLINDERS PETRIE
Byzantine Butrint: Excavations and Surveys 1994-99, Vol. 2
Author/Editor: Simon Greenslade
Caddo Landscapes in the East Texas Forests, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Timothy K. Perttula,Robert Cast,Ross C. Fields,Tom Middlebrook
Calendars and Years: Astronomy and Time in the Ancient Near East
Author/Editor: John M. Steele
Calendars and Years II: Astronomy and Time in the Ancient and Medieval World
Author/Editor: John M. Steele
Canterbury Cathedral, Trinity Chapel: The Archaeology of the Mosaic Pavement and Setting of the Shrine of St Thomas Becket
Author/Editor: David S. Neal ,Warwick Rodwell ,Kevin Hayward ,Thomas Clark ,Eric Fernie
Carchemish in Context
Author/Editor: Tony J. Wilkinson,Edgar Peltenburg,Eleanor Barbanes Wilkinson
Care in the Past: Archaeological and Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Lindsay Powell,William Southwell-Wright,Rebecca Gowland
Care or Neglect?: Evidence of Animal Disease in Archaeology
Author/Editor: László Bartosiewicz,Erika Gál
Caring for Digital Data in Archaeology: A Guide to Good Practice
Author/Editor: Archaeology Data Service and Digital Antiquity
Carving a Future for British Rock Art: New Directions for Research, Management and Presentation
Author/Editor: Tertia Barnett,Kate Sharpe
Castles and the Anglo-Norman World
Author/Editor: John A. Davies,Angela Riley,Jean-Marie Levesque,Charlotte Lapiche
Castles in Context: Power, Symbolism and Landscape, 1066 to 1500
Author/Editor: Robert Liddiard
Caves and Ritual in Medieval Europe, AD 500-1500, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Knut Andreas Bergsvik,Marion Dowd
Caves in Context: The Cultural Significance of Caves and Rockshelters in Europe
Author/Editor: Knut Andreas Bergsvik,Robin Skeates
Celtic Art in Europe: Making Connections
Author/Editor: Christopher Gosden,Sally Crawford,Katharina Ulmschneider
Celtic from the West 3: Atlantic Europe in the Metal Ages — questions of shared language
Author/Editor: John T. Koch,Barry Cunliffe,Kerri Cleary,Catriona D. Gibson
Celtic from the West: Alternative Perspectives from Archaeology, Genetics, Language and Literature, Vol. 15
Author/Editor: Barry Cunliffe ,John T. Koch
Ceramics, Cuisine and Culture: The archaeology and science of kitchen pottery in the ancient mediterranean world
Author/Editor: Michela Spataro,Alexandra Villing
Change and Resilience: The Occupation of Mediterranean Islands in Late Antiquity
Author/Editor: Miguel Ángel Cau Ontiveros,Catalina Mas Florit,John F. Cherry
Changing Pictures: Rock Art Traditions and Visions in the Northernmost Europe
Author/Editor: Joakim Goldhahn,Ingrid Fuglestvedt,Andrew Jones
Chariots and Other Wheeled Vehicles in Italy Before the Roman Empire
Author/Editor: J. H. Crouwel
Chariots, Swords and Spears: Iron Age Burials at the Foot of the East Yorkshire Wolds
Author/Editor: MARK STEPHENS ,Sophia Adams ,Michelle Alexander ,Diane Alldritt ,Anwen Cafell ,Thomas G.B. Fox ,Melanie Giles ,Peter Halkon ,Derek Hamilton
Childhood and Violence in the Western Tradition
Author/Editor: Laurence Brockliss,Heather Montgomery
Children, Death and Burial: Archaeological Discourses, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Eileen Murphy,Mélie Le Roy
Children, Spaces and Identity
Author/Editor: Margarita Sánchez Romero,Eva Alarcón García,Gonzalo Aranda Jiménez
Cille Pheadair: a Norse Farmstead and Pictish Burial Cairn in South Uist
Author/Editor: Mike Parker Pearson,Mark Brennand,Jacqui Mulville,Helen Smith,Phil Austin,Edward Besly,Julia Best,Jerry Bond,Andrew Chamberlain,Carolyn Chenery,Judy Cartledge,Sue Colledge,Gordon Cook,Lucy Cramp,Barbara Crawford,Irene de Luis,Ian Dennis,David Dungworth,Ma
Cipières: Landscape and Community in Alpes-Maritimes, France
Author/Editor: David Austin,Rosamond Faith,Andrew Fleming,David Siddle,David Austin
Circuits of Metal Value: Changing Roles of Metals in the Early Aegean and Nearby Lands, Vol. 14
Author/Editor: Toby Wilkinson ,Susan Sherratt
Cities as Palimpsests?: Responses to Antiquity in Eastern Mediterranean Urbanism, Vol. 1
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Key Fowden ,Suna Çağaptay ,Edward Zychowicz-Coghill ,Louise Blanke
The Cities of Pamphylia
Author/Editor: John D. Grainger
The Cities of the Plain: Urbanism in Ancient Western Thessaly
The City by the Pool: Assessing the Archaeology of the City of Lincoln
Author/Editor: Michael J Jones ,David Stocker ,Alan Vince ,John Herridge ,David Stocker ,Michael J Jones ,Alan Vince
A City from the Dawn of History: Erbil in the Cuneiform Sources
Author/Editor: John MacGinnis
Cityscapes and Monuments of Western Asia Minor: Memories and Identities, Ed. 1st
City Walls in Late Antiquity: An empire-wide perspective
Clachtoll: An Iron Age Broch Settlement in Assynt, North-west Scotland
Author/Editor: GRAEME CAVERS ,John Barber ,Graeme Cavers ,Andy Heald ,Nick Johnstone ,Dawn McLaren ,Jackaline Robertson ,Lynne Roy ,Enid Allison
Cladh Hallan - Roundhouses and the dead in the Hebridean Bronze Age and Iron Age: Part I: Stratigraghy, Spatial Organisation and Chronology, Vol. 8
Author/Editor: Mike Parker Pearson ,Jacqui Mulville ,Helen Smith ,Peter Marshall ,Tom Booth ,Mark Brennand ,Andrew Chamberlain ,Gordon Cook ,Oliver Craig
Clash of Cultures?: The Romano-British Period in the West Midlands
Clifton Quarry, Worcestershire: Pits, Posts and Cereals: Archaeological Investigations 2006–2009
Author/Editor: Andrew Mann,Robin Jackson,Steven J. Allen,Hugo Anderson-Whymark,Christopher Bronk Ramsey,Anthony Brown,Alan Clapham,Gordon Cook,Nick Daffern,Steven R. Davis,Emily Edwards,Richard P. Evershed,Laura Griffin,Katie Head,Derek Hurst,Robert A. Ixer,Peter Marsha
The Clothed Body in the Ancient World
Author/Editor: Liza Cleland,Mary Harlow,Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones
Cod and Herring: The Archaeology and History of Medieval Sea Fishing
Coins, Riches, and Lands: Paying for Military Manpower in Antiquity and Early Medieval Times
Colchester, Fortress of the War God: an Archaeological Assessment
Author/Editor: Adrian Gascoyne,David Radford,Philip Crummy,Nina Crummy,Rosalind Niblett,Dave Stenning,Steve Benfield,Peter Murphy,Andrew Phillips,Philip J Wise
Collapse and Transformation: The Late Bronze Age to Early Iron Age in the Aegean
Author/Editor: GUY D. MIDDLETON
Collapse or Survival: Micro-dynamics of crisis and endurance in the ancient central Mediterranean
Author/Editor: Elisa Perego,Rafael Scopacasa,Silvia Amicone
Colonisation, Migration, and Marginal Areas: A Zooarchaeological Approach
Author/Editor: Mariana Mondini,Sebastián Muñoz,Stephen Wickler
Commemorating Classical Battles: A Landscape Biography Approach to Marathon, Leuktra, and Chaironeia
Author/Editor: Brandon Braun
Communicating Archaeology
Author/Editor: John Beavis,Alan Hunt
Communicating Identity in Italic Iron Age Communities
Author/Editor: Margarita Gleba,Helle W. Horsnæs
Communicating with the World of Beings: The World Heritage rock art sites in Alta, Arctic Norway
Author/Editor: Knut Helskog,Tim Challman
Communities in Transition: The Circum-Aegean Area During the 5th and 4th Millennia BC, Ed. 1st
Community Archaeology on Hadrian’s Wall 2019–2022
Author/Editor: Rob Collins ,Jane Harrison ,Ian Kille ,Kathryn Murphy ,Kerry Shaw
Community Archaeology: Themes, Methods and Practices
Author/Editor: Gabriel Moshenska,Sarah Dhanjal
The Competition of Fibres: Early Textile Production in Western Asia, South-east and Central Europe (10,000-500BCE), Vol. 36
Constantinople: Archaeology of a Byzantine Megapolis
Author/Editor: Ken Dark,Ferudun Özgümüş
Contextualizing Imperial Disruption and Upheavals and their Associated Research Challenges, Vol. 1
Continental Connections
Author/Editor: Hugo Anderson-Whymark,Duncan Garrow,Fraser Sturt
Continuity and Rupture in Roman Mediterranean Gaul: An Archaeology of Colonial Transformations at Ancient Lattara
Author/Editor: Benjamin P. Luley
Cooking up the Past
Author/Editor: Christopher Mee,Josette Renard
Coptic Documentary Texts From Kellis. Volume 2 P. Kellis VII
Author/Editor: Iain Gardner,Anthony Alcock,Wolf-Peter Funk
The Coronation Chair and Stone of Scone: History, Archaeology and Conservation
Author/Editor: Warwick Rodwell,Marie Louise Sauerberg,Ptolemy Dean,Eddie Smith,The Dean of Westminster
A Corpus of Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Pottery from Lincoln
Author/Editor: Jane Young,Alan Vince,Victoria Nailor
Corpus of Prehistoric Pottery and Palettes, Vol. 10
Author/Editor: the Egyptian Collection in University College,W. M. FLINDERS PETRIE
A Corpus of Roman Pottery from Lincoln
Author/Editor: Margaret Darling,Barbara Precious,Joanna Bird,Brenda Dickinson,Katharine Hartley
Corrstown: A Coastal Community. Excavations of a Bronze Age Village in Northern Ireland
Author/Editor: Victoria Ginn,Stuart Rathbone,Örni Akeret,Eoin Grogan,Martin Halpin,Ella Hassett,Maria Lear,Stephen Mandal,Cormac McSparron,Maria O’Hare,Helen Roche
The Cosmatesque Mosaics of Westminster Abbey: The Pavements and Royal Tombs: History, Archaeology, Architecture and Conservation
Author/Editor: Warwick Rodwell,David S Neal,Paul Drury,Ian Freestone,Kevin Hayward,Lisa Monnas,Matthew Payne,Ruth Siddall,Simeoni Vanessa,Erica Carrick Utsi,Erica Carrick Utsi
Counting People: A DIY Manual for Local and Family Historians
Author/Editor: John S. Moore
Crafting Minoanisation: Textiles, Crafts Production and Social Dynamics in the Bronze Age southern Aegean, Vol. 33
Crafting Textiles: Tablet Weaving, Sprang, Lace and Other Techniques from the Bronze Age to the Early 17th Century, Vol. 39
Author/Editor: Frances Pritchard
Crafts and Social Networks in Viking Towns
Creating Communities: New advances in Central European Neolithic Research
Author/Editor: Daniela Hofmann,Penny Bickle
Creating Material Worlds: The Uses of Identity in Archaeology
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Pierce,Anthony Russell,Adrián Maldonado,Louisa Campbell
Credit and Debt in Medieval England c.1180-c.1350
Author/Editor: P. R. Schofield,N. J. Mayhew
Crossing Boundaries: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Art, Material Culture, Language and Literature of the Early Medieval World, Ed. 1st
Crossing the Threshold: Architecture, Iconography and the Sacred Entrance, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Madeleine Mumcuoglu,Yosef Garfinkel
The Crown of Arsinoë II: The Creation of an Image of Authority
Author/Editor: Maria Nilsson
Cult in Context: Reconsidering Ritual in Archaeology
Author/Editor: David A. Barrowclough,Caroline Malone
Cultural Landscapes of North-east Scotland: Collaborative Research in History and Archaeology
Author/Editor: Colin Shepherd
Culture and Perspective at Times of Crisis: State Structures, Private Initiative and the Public Character of Heritage
Author/Editor: Sophia Antoniadou,Giorgos Vavouranakis,Ioannis Poulios,Pavlina Raouzaiou
Culture and Society in Later Roman Antioch
Author/Editor: Isabella Sandwell,Janet Huskinson
Current Approaches to Tells in the Prehistoric Old World: A cross-cultural comparison from Early Neolithic to the Iron Age
Current Research in Egyptology 2005: Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Symposium
Author/Editor: Rachel Mairs,Alice Stevenson
Current Research in Egyptology 2006: Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Symposium
Author/Editor: Maria Cannata
Current Research in Egyptology 2007: Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Conference
Author/Editor: Kenneth Griffin,Meg Gundlach
Current Research in Egyptology 2009: Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Symposium
Author/Editor: Judith Corbelli,Daniel Boatright,Claire Malleson
Current Research in Egyptology 2010: Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Symposium
Author/Editor: Maarten Horn,Joost Kramer,Daniel Soliman,Nico Staring,Carina van den Hoven,Lara Weiss
Current Research in Egyptology 2011: Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Symposium
Author/Editor: Heba Abd El Gawad,Nathalie Andrews,Maria Correas-Amador,Veronica Tamorri,James Taylor
Current Research in Egyptology 2012: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Symposium
Author/Editor: Carl Graves,Gabrielle Heffernan,Luke McGarrity,Emily Millward,Marsia Sfakianou Bealby
Current Research in Egyptology 2013: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Symposium
Author/Editor: Kelly Accetta,Renate Fellinger,Pedro Lourenço Gonçalves,Sarah Musselwhite,W. Paul van Pelt
Current Research in Egyptology 2014: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Symposium
Author/Editor: Massimiliano S. Pinarello,Justin Yoo,Jason Lundock,Carl Walsh
Current Research in Egyptology 2015: Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Symposium, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Christelle Alvarez,Arto Belekdanian,Ann-Katrin Gill,Solène Klein
Current Research in Egyptology 2016: Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Symposium
Author/Editor: Julia M. Chyla,Joanna Dêbowska-Ludwin,Karolina Rosińska-Balik,Carl Walsh
Cutting-edge Technologies in Ancient Greece: Materials Science applied to trace ancient technologies in the Aegean world
Cypriot Cultural Details: Proceedings of the 10th Annual Meeting of Young Researchers in Cypriot Archaeology
Author/Editor: Iosif Hadjikyriakos,Mia Gaia Trentin
Cyprus: An island culture: Society and Social Relations from the Bronze Age to the Venetian Period
Author/Editor: Artemis Georgiou
Cyprus in the Long Late Antiquity: History and Archaeology Between the Sixth and the Eighth Centuries
Dakhleh Oasis and the Western Desert of Egypt under the Ptolemies
Author/Editor: James C. R. Gill
Danes in Wessex: The Scandinavian Impact on Southern England, c. 800–c. 1100
Author/Editor: Ryan Lavelle,Simon Roffey
Dariali: The 'Caspian Gates' in the Caucasus from Antiquity to the Age of the Huns and the Middle Ages: The Joint Georgian-British Dariali Gorge Excavations and Surveys of 2013–2016, Vol. 6
Author/Editor: Eberhard W. Sauer ,Lana Chologauri ,Ana Gabunia ,Kristen Hopper ,Dan Lawrence ,Eve MacDonald ,Marjan Mashkour ,Fiona A. Mowat ,Davit Naskidashvili
The Dark Side of Childhood in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Katariina Mustakallio,Christian Laes
The Dartmoor Reaves: Investigating Prehistoric Land Divisions, Ed. Second
Author/Editor: Andrew Fleming
A Date with the Two Cerne Giants: Reinvestigating an Iconic British Hill Figure (The National Trust Excavations 2020)
Author/Editor: Michael J. Allen
Dating and interpreting the past in the western Roman Empire: Essays in honour of Brenda Dickinson
Author/Editor: David Bird
Death and Changing Rituals: Function and meaning in ancient funerary practices
Author/Editor: J. Rasmus Brandt,Marina Prusac,Håkon Roland
Death as a Process: The Archaeology of the Roman Funeral, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: John Pearce,Jake Weekes
Death embodied: Archaeological approaches to the treatment of the corpse
Author/Editor: Zoë L. Devlin,Emma-Jayne Graham
Death in Mycenaean Lakonia (17th to 11th c. BC): A Silent Place
The Death of Archaeological Theory?
Author/Editor: John Bintliff,Mark Pearce
Debasement: Manipulation of Coin Standards in Pre-Modern Monetary Systems
Author/Editor: KEVIN BUTCHER
Decoding Neolithic Atlantic and Mediterranean Island Ritual
Deer and People
Author/Editor: Karis Baker,Ruth Carden,Richard Madgwick
Defining a Regional Neolithic: Evidence from Britain and Ireland
Author/Editor: Kenneth Brophy,Gordon Barclay
Defining Spaces in Iron Age Northumberland: Excavations at Morley Hill and Lower Callerton
Author/Editor: JOSH GAUNT ,CLAIRE CHRISTIE ,CANDY HATHERLEY ,Hugo Anderson-Whymark ,Alex Croom ,Julie Franklin ,Derek Hamilton ,Fraser Hunter ,Patrick Quinn
Defining the Sacred
Author/Editor: Nicola Laneri
Deliciae Fictiles IV: Architectural Terracottas in Ancient Italy. Images of Gods, Monsters and Heroes
Author/Editor: Patricia Lulof,Carlo Rescigno
Deliciae Fictiles V. Networks and Workshops: Architectural Terracottas and Decorative Roof Systems in Italy and Beyond
Author/Editor: Patricia Lulof,Ilaria Manzini,carlo Rescigno
Delta Reports, Volume I: Research in Lower Egypt
Author/Editor: Donald Redford
Development-led Archaeology in Northwest Europe: Proceedings of a round table at the University of Leicester, 19th-21st November 2009
Author/Editor: Leo Webley,Marc Vander Linden,Colin Haselgrove,Richard Bradley,Machteld Bats,Jos Bazelmans,Jean Bourgeois,Jean-Luc Collart,Philippe Crombé,Wim De Clercq,Guy De Mulder,Jeroen De Reu,Andrew Fitzpatrick,Margaret Gowen,Mark Guillon,Davy Herremans,Susanne Heun
The Development of Neolithic House Societies in Orkney: Investigations in the Bay of Firth, Mainland, Orkney (1994–2014)
Author/Editor: Colin Richards,Richard Jones
The Development of Pre-State Communities in the Ancient Near East: Studies in Honour of Edgar Peltenburg
Author/Editor: Diane Bolger,Louise C. Maguire
Deviant Burial in the Archaeological Record
Author/Editor: Eileen M. Murphy
Dictionary of Classical Mythology
Author/Editor: Jenny March,Neil Barrett
Discover Medieval Sandwich: A Guide to its History and Buildings
Author/Editor: Helen Clarke
The Diversity of Hunter Gatherer Pasts, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Bill Finlayson,Graeme Warren
Documentary Sources in Ancient Near Eastern and Greco-Roman Economic History: Methodology and Practice
Author/Editor: Heather D. Baker,Michael Jursa
Dogs and People in Social, Working, Economic or Symbolic Interaction
Author/Editor: Lynn M. Snyder,Elizabeth A. Moore,Umberto Albarella,Keith Dobney,Peter Rowley-Conwy
Dorchester Abbey, Oxfordshire: The Archaeology and Architecture of a Cathedral, Monastery and Parish Church
Dorothy Garrod and the Progress of the Palaeolithic
Author/Editor: William Davies,Ruth Charles
The Dover Bronze Age Boat in Context: Society and Water Transport in Prehistoric Europe
Author/Editor: Peter Clark,Béat Arnold,Mike Baillie,Peter Clark,John Coates,Edwin Gifford,Joyce Gifford,Christopher Green,Flemming Kaul,Kristian Kristiansen,Frode Kvalø,Thijs Maarleveld,Peter Marsden,Seán McGrail,Robert Van de Noort,Keith Parfitt,Francis Pryor,Owain Rob
Down By the River: Archaeological, Palaeoenvironmental and Geoarchaeological Investigations of The Suffolk River Valleys
Author/Editor: Benjamin Gearey,Henry Chapman,Andy J. Howard
Dress and Society: Contributions from Archaeology, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Toby F. Martin,Rosie Weetch
Dressing the Past
Author/Editor: Margarita Gleba,Cherine Munkholt,Marie-Louise Nosch
The Drowning of a Cornish Prehistoric Landscape: Tradition, Deposition and Social Responses to Sea Level Rise, Vol. 14
Author/Editor: Andy M. Jones ,Michael J. Allen ,Michael J. Allen ,Julie Gardiner
Dungeness and Romney Marsh: Barrier Dynamics and Marshland Evolution
Author/Editor: Antony J. Long,Martyn P. Waller,Andrew J. Plater,Luke Barber,Alex Bayliss,Chris Bronk Ramsey,W. Derek Hamilton,Helen M. Roberts,J. Edward Schofield,Paul Stupples,John Meadows,Johannes van der Plicht
The Dyer's Handbook: Memoirs of an 18th Century Master Colourist
Dynamic Epigraphy: New Approaches to Inscriptions
Author/Editor: Eleri H. Cousins
Dynamic Epigraphy - When poetry comes to its senses: inscribed Roman verse and the human sensorium: New Approaches to Inscriptions
Author/Editor: Eleri H. Cousins
Dynamics of Neolithisation in Europe: Studies in honour of Andrew Sherratt
Author/Editor: Angelos Hadjikoumis,Erick Robinson,Sarah Viner
Dynamics of Production in the Ancient Near East
Author/Editor: Juan Carlos Moreno García
The Earlier Iron Age in Britain and the Near Continent
Author/Editor: Colin Haselgrove,Rachel Pope
The Earliest Europeans: A Year in the Life: Seasonal survival strategies in the Lower Palaeolithic
Author/Editor: Robert Hosfield
The Earliest Europeans: A Year in the Life: Survival Strategies in the Lower Palaeolithic
Author/Editor: Robert Hosfield
The Earliest Neolithic of Iran: 2008 Excavations at Sheikh-E Abad and Jani: Central Zagos Archaeological Project, Volume 1
Author/Editor: Roger Matthews,Wendy Matthews,Yaghoub Mohammadifar
The Early Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms of Southern Britain AD 450-650: Beneath the Tribal Hidage
Author/Editor: Sue Harrington,Martin Welch
Early Christianity in South-West Britain: Wessex, Somerset, Devon, Cornwall and the Channel Islands
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Rees
Early Cycladic Sculpture in Context
Author/Editor: Marisa Marthari,Colin Renfrew,Michael J. Boyd
Early Cycladic Sculpture in Context from beyond the Cyclades: From mainland Greece, the north and east Aegean, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Marisa Marthari,Colin Renfrew,Michael J. Boyd
Early Greek Alphabetic Writing: A Linguistic Approach, Vol. 5
Author/Editor: Natalia Elvira Astoreca
The Early Medieval Settlement Remains from Flixborough, Lincolnshire: The Occupation Sequence, c. AD 600-1000
Author/Editor: Christopher Loveluck ,David Atkinson ,Matthew G. Canti ,Peter Didsbury ,Geoff Gaunt ,Helen Geake ,Simon Mays ,Andrew Payne ,Jane Young
Early Medieval Winchester: Communities, Authority and Power in an Urban Space, c.800-c.1200
Author/Editor: Ryan Lavelle ,Simon Roffey ,Katherine Weikert
The Early Prehistory of Wadi Faynan, Southern Jordan: Archaeological Survey of Wadis Faynan, Ghuwayr and Al Bustan and Evaluation of the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A Site of WF16
Author/Editor: Bill Finlayson,Steven Mithen
The Early Roman Empire in the West
Author/Editor: Thomas Blagg,Martin Millett
Eastern Mediterranean Metallurgy in the Second Millennium BC
Author/Editor: Vasiliki Kassianidou,George Papasavvas
Ecologies of Bronze Age Rock Art: Organisation, Design and Articulation of Petroglyphs in Eastern-central Sweden, Vol. 9
Author/Editor: Fredrik Fahlander
Ecology and Enclosure: The Effect of Enclosure on Society, Farming and the Environment in South Cambridgeshire, 1798-1850
Author/Editor: Shirley Wittering
Ecology of a Tool: The ground stone axes of Irian Jaya (Indonesia)
Economic Circularity in the Roman and Early Medieval Worlds: New Perspectives on Invisible Agents and Dynamics
Author/Editor: Irene Bavuso ,Guido Furlan ,Emanuele E. Intagliata ,Julia Steding
Economic Zooarchaeology: Studies in Hunting, Herding and Early Agriculture, Ed. 1st
Economy and Exchange in the East Mediterranean during Late Antiquity: Proceedings of a conference at Somerville College, Oxford - 29th May, 1999
Author/Editor: Sean Kingsley,Michael Decker
Egypt and Cyprus in Antiquity
Author/Editor: D. Michaelides ,V. Kassianidou ,R. S. Merrillees
The Egyptian Collection at Norwich Castle Museum: Catalogue and Essays
Author/Editor: Faye Kalloniatis,Irmtraut Munro,John H. Taylor,Gabriele Wenzel,Maarten Horn,Marcus Müller-Roth,Tineke Rooijakkers,Noriyuki Shirai,Sian Thomas,Gabriele Wenzel,Martin Shepherd
Eilean Donan Castle: Exploring a Highland Icon, Archaeological Research Excavations 2009–2017
Author/Editor: CECILY SHAKESPEARE ,JONATHAN CLARK ,JUSTIN GARNER-LAHIRE ,RICHARD ORAM ,NICOLA TOOP ,Kamal Badreshany ,Craig Barclay ,Torbjörn Brorsson ,John Carrot
Elevated Rock Art: Towards a maritime understanding of Bronze Age rock art in northern Bohuslän, Sweden
Author/Editor: Johan Ling,Kristian Kristiansen
Embodied Knowledge: Historical Perspectives on Belief and Technology
Author/Editor: Marie Louise Stig Sørensen,Katharina Rebay-Salisbury
Embracing the Provinces: Society and Material Culture of the Roman Frontier Regions
The Emergence of Civilisation: The Cyclades and the Aegean in the Third Millennium BC
Author/Editor: COLIN RENFREW
The Emergence of Pottery in West Asia, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Akira Tsuneki,Olivier Nieuwenhuyse,Stuart Campbell
Empire State: How the Roman Military Built an Empire
Author/Editor: Simon Elliott
Enclosing Space, Opening New Ground: Iron Age Studies from Scotland to Mainland Europe
Enclosures in Neolithic Europe: Essays on Causewayed and Non-Causewayed Sites
Author/Editor: Gillian Varndell,Peter Topping
The end of the lake-dwellings in the Circum-Alpine region
Author/Editor: Francesco Menotti
Engaging with the Dead: Exploring Changing Human Beliefs about Death, Mortality and the Human Body, Ed. 1st
English Inland Trade
Author/Editor: Michael Hicks
English Orchards: A Landscape History
Author/Editor: Gerry Barnes ,Tom Williamson
Environmental Archaeology in Ireland
Author/Editor: Eileen M. Murphy,Nicki J. Whitehouse
Environmental Reconstruction in Mediterranean Landscape Archaeology
Author/Editor: Philippe Leveau,Frédéric Trément,Kevin Walsh,Graeme Barker,Graeme Barker,David Mattingly
Environment, Society and the Black Death: An interdisciplinary approach to the late-medieval crisis in Sweden
Author/Editor: Per Lagerås
Escaping the Labyrinth: The Cretan Neolithic in Context
Author/Editor: Valasia Isaakidou,Peter D. Tomkins
Ethnozooarchaeology: The Present and Past of Human-Animal Relationships
Author/Editor: Umberto Albarella,Angela Trentacoste
Euphrates River Valley Settlement: The Carchemish Sector in the Third Millennium BC
Author/Editor: Edgar Peltenburg
Everyday Life in Viking-Age Towns: Social Approaches to Towns in England and Ireland, c. 800-1100
Author/Editor: D. M. Hadley,Letty ten Harkel
Everyday Products in the Middle Ages: Crafts, Consumption and the individual in Northern Europe c. AD 800-1600
Author/Editor: Gitte Hansen,Steven P. Ashby,Irene Baug
Every Traveller Needs a Compass: Travel and Collecting in Egypt and the Near East
Author/Editor: Neil Cooke,Vanessa Daubney
An Examination of Late Assyrian Metalwork
Author/Editor: John Curtis,Matthew J. Ponting
An Examination of Prehistoric Stone Bracers from Britain: An Examination of Prehistoric Stone Bracers from Britain
Author/Editor: Ann Woodward ,John Hunter ,David Bukach ,Fiona Roe ,Peter Webb ,Rob Ixer ,John Watson ,Philip Potts
Excavations Along Hadrian’s Wall 2019–2021: Structures, Their Uses, and Afterlives
Excavations at Cill Donnain: A Bronze Age Settlement and Iron Age Wheelhouse in South Uist
Author/Editor: Mike Parker Pearson,Marek Zvelebil,Sean Bell,Andrew Chamberlain,Gordon Cook,Chris Cumberpatch,Martin Dearne,Irene Deluis,Karen Godden,Pam Grinter,John Hamshaw-Thomas,Kate MacDonald,Peter Marshall,Eddie Moth,JeanLuc Schwenninger,Helen Smith,Saleem ul Haq,S
The Excavations at Dura-Europos conducted by Yale University and the French Academy of Inscriptions and Letters 1928 to 1937. Final Report VII: The Arms and Armour and other Military Equipment
Author/Editor: Simon James
The Excavations at Ismant al-Kharab: Volume 1 - Roman Period Cartonnage from the Kellis 1 Cemetery
Author/Editor: Colin A. Hope ,Gillian E. Bowen ,Carlo Rindi Nuzzolo
The Excavations at Ismant al-Kharab: Volume II - The Christian Monuments of Kellis: The Churches and Cemeteries
Author/Editor: Gillian E. Bowen ,Laurence Blondaux ,Charles S. Churcher ,Andrew Connor ,Iain Gardner ,Colin A. Hope ,Rosanne Livingstone ,Marie-Dominique Nenna ,An
Excavations at Milla Skerra Sandwick, Unst: Rythmns of Life in Iron Age Shetland, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: OLIVIA LELONG,Beverley Ballin Smith,Torben Bjarke Ballin,Ruby Cerón-Carrasco,Ann Clarke,Brendan Derhan,Paul Duffy,Katharina Dulias,Ceiridwen J. Edwards,Clare Ellis,Amanda Forster,Martin Goldberg,Fraser Hunter,Richard Jones,Jo McKenzie,Dawn McLaren,Jennife
The Excavations at Mut al-Kharab II: The Third Intermediate Period in the Western Desert of Egypt, Vol. 21
Author/Editor: Richard J. Long
Excavations at St James's Priory, Bristol
Author/Editor: Reg Jackson ,Geraldine Barber ,Rod Burchill ,Rosie Clarke ,Peter Hardie ,Sophie Lamb ,Louise Loe ,Bruce Williams ,David Williams
Excavations at Tlachtga, Hill of Ward, Co. Meath, Ireland
Excavations by K. M. Kenyon in Jerusalem 1961-1967: Volume V Discoveries in Hellenistic to Ottoman Jerusalem Centenary volume: Kathleen M. Kenyon 1906-1978
Author/Editor: Kay Prag,Helen Brown,Kevin Butcher,Andreas Dimoulinis,John Hayes,Carolyn Koehler,Philippa Matheson,Michael Metcalf,Moshalleh al-Moreikhi,Richard Reece,David S. Reese,John Simpson,Deborah Snow
Exchange Networks and Local Transformations: Interaction and local change in Europe and the Mediterranean from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age
Author/Editor: Maria Emanuela Alberti,Serena Sabatini
The Exodus: An Egyptian Story
Author/Editor: Peter Feinman
Exotica in the Prehistoric Mediterranean
Author/Editor: Andrea Vianello
Experimental Archaeology and Theory: Recent Approaches to Archaeological Hypotheses
Author/Editor: Frederick W. F. Foulds
Experimentation and Interpretation: the Use of Experimental Archaeology in the Study of the Past
Author/Editor: Dana C. E. Millson
Experimentation and Reconstruction in Environmental Archaeology
Author/Editor: David E. Robinson
Explanations in Iconography: Ancient American Indian Art, Symbol, and Meaning, Vol. 9
Author/Editor: Carol Diaz-Granados
Exploring Ancient Sounds and Places: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Archaeoacoustics
Author/Editor: Margarita Díaz-Andreu ,Neemias Santos da Rosa
Exploring Ancient Textiles: Pushing the Boundaries of Established Methodologies, Vol. 40
Exploring and Explaining Diversity in Agricultural Technology
Author/Editor: Patricia C. Anderson,Leonor Peña-Chocarro,Andreas G. Heiss,Annelou van Gijn,John C. Whittaker,Patricia C. Anderson
Exploring Archaeoastronomy: A History of its Relationship with Archaeology and Esotericism
Author/Editor: Liz Henty
Exploring Celtic Origins: New ways forward in archaeology, linguistics, and genetics
Author/Editor: Barry Cunliffe ,John T. Koch
Exploring Prehistoric Identity in Europe: Our Construct or Theirs?
Author/Editor: Victoria Ginn,Rebecca Enlander,Rebecca Crozier
Exploring Writing Systems and Practices in the Bronze Age Aegean, Vol. 7
Author/Editor: Philippa M. Steele
Extinctions and Invasions: A Social History of British Fauna
Author/Editor: Terry O’Connor,Naomi Sykes
Fabric of the Frontier: Prospection, Use, and Re-Use of Stone from Hadrian’s Wall
Far from Equilibrium: An archaeology of energy, life and humanity: A response to the archaeology of John C. Barrett
Author/Editor: Michael J. Boyd ,Roger C.P. Doonan
Farmers at the Frontier: A Pan European Perspective on Neolithisation
Author/Editor: Kurt J. Gron,Lasse Sørensen,Peter Rowley-Conwy
Farmers, Monks and Aristocrats: The environmental archaeology of Anglo-Saxon Flixborough
Author/Editor: Keith Dobney,Deborah Jaques,James Barrett,Cluny Johnstone,Christopher Loveluck,Allan Hall,John Carrott,Jerry Herman,David Slater,Courtney Nichols,Susan Haynes,Amanda Bretman,Beverley La Ferla,Gundula Muldner,Vaughan Grimes
Farming Transformed in Anglo-Saxon England: Agriculture in the Long Eighth Century
Author/Editor: Mark McKerracher
Fashionable Encounters: Perspectives and trends in textile and dress in the Early Modern Nordic World
Author/Editor: Tove Engelhardt Mathiassen,Marie-Louise Nosch,Maj Ringgaard,Kirsten Toftegaard,Mikkel Venborg Pedersen
Fashioned Selves: Dress and Identity in Antiquity
Author/Editor: Megan Cifarelli
Faversham in the Making: The Early Years: The Ice Ages until AD 1550
Author/Editor: Patricia Reid ,Michael Frohnsdorff ,Duncan Harrington
Feeding the Roman Army: The Archaeology of Production and Supply in NW Europe
Author/Editor: Sue Stallibrass,Richard Thomas
Fen and Sea: The Landscapes of South-east Lincolnshire AD 500–1700
Author/Editor: I.G. Simmons
Fertile Ground: Papers in honour of Susan Limbrey
Author/Editor: D. N. Smith,M. B. Brickley,W. Smith
The Fight for Greek Sicily: Society, Politics, and Landscape
Author/Editor: Melanie Jonasch
Figurine Makers of Prehistoric Cyprus: Settlement and Cemeteries at Souskiou
Author/Editor: Edgar Peltenburg,Diane Bolger,Lindy Crewe
Finds from the Well at St Paul-in-the-Bail, Lincoln
Author/Editor: Marion Archibald,Geoff Egan,Pam Graves,Julian Henderson,Jenny Mann,Carole Morris,Quita Mould,Kate Steane,Penelope Walton Rogers,Jane Young,Petra Adams,Jenny Mann
Fingerprinting the Iron Age: Approaches to identity in the European Iron Age: Integrating South-Eastern Europe into the debate
Author/Editor: Cătălin Nicolae Popa,Simon Stoddart
First Aid for the Excavation of Archaeological Textiles
Author/Editor: Carole Gillis,Marie-Louise B. Nosch
The First Farmers of Central Europe: Diversity in LBK Lifeways
Author/Editor: Penny Bickle,Alasdair Whittle,Alexandra Anders,Rose-Marie Arbogast,R. Alexander Bentley,Penny Bickle,Christoph Blesl,Lucy Cramp,Philippa Cullen,Christopher Dale,Marta Dočkalová,László Domboróczki,Linda Fibiger,Michael Francken,Claudia Gerling,Seren Griffi
First Light: The Origins of Newgrange
Author/Editor: Robert Hensey
The First Stones: Penywyrlod, Gwernvale and the Black Mountains Neolithic Long Cairns of South-East Wales
Author/Editor: WILLIAM BRITNELL ,ALASDAIR WHITTLE ,Alistair J. Barclay ,William Britnell ,Astrid Caseldine ,Lucy J.E. Cramp ,Seren Griffiths ,Adrian Humpage ,Danie
First Textiles: The Beginnings of Textile Production in Europe and the Mediterranean, Vol. 32
Fiskerton: Iron Age Timber Causeway with Iron Age and Roman Votive Offerings
Author/Editor: Naomi Field ,Mike Parker Pearson ,John Baker ,Leo Biek ,Don Bramwell ,Andrew Chamberlain ,Mick Clark ,James Cooper ,Maggi Darling
Flag Fen, Peterborough: Excavation and Research 1995-2007
Author/Editor: Francis Pryor,Michael Bamforth,Michael Bamforth,David Britchfield,Marcus Brittain,Elizabeth Henton,Jill Hooper,Francis Pryor,Maisie Taylor
Flint and Stone in the Neolithic Period
Author/Editor: Alan Saville,Timothy Darvill
Flint Daggers in Prehistoric Europe
Author/Editor: Catherine J. Frieman,Berit Valentin Eriksen
Flora Trade Between Egypt and Africa in Antiquity, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Ilaria Incordino,Pearce Paul Creasman
Focus on Fortifications: New Research on Fortifications in the Ancient Mediterranean and the Near East
Author/Editor: Rune Frederiksen,Silke Müth,Peter I. Schneider,Mike Schnelle
Food, Cuisine and Society in Prehistoric Greece
Author/Editor: Paul Halstead,John C. Barrett
Food for the Gods: New Light on the Ancient Incense Trade
Author/Editor: David Peacock,David Williams,Penny Copeland,Joanna Bird,Lucy Blue,Sunil Gupta,Sarah James,Alexander Sedov,Myra Shackley,Caroline Singer
Forces of Transformation: The End of the Bronze Age in the Mediterranean
Author/Editor: Christoph Bachhuber,R. Gareth Roberts
Form and Fabric: Studies in Rome's material past in honour of B R Hartley
Author/Editor: Joanna Bird
Forms of Dwelling: 20 years of Taskscapes in archaeology, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Ulla Rajala,Philip Mills
Forsaken Relics: Practices and Rituals of Appropriating Abandoned Artifacts from Antiquity to Modern Times, Vol. 4
Author/Editor: Alessandro Buono ,Gianluca Miniaci ,Anna Anguissola
Fortified Settlements in Early Medieval Europe: Defended Communities of the 8th-10th Centuries
Fragments of the Bronze Age: The Destruction and Deposition of Metalwork in South-West Britain and its Wider Context, Vol. 13
Author/Editor: Matthew G. Knight
Freshwater Fish in England: A Social and Cultural History of Coarse Fish from Prehistory to the Present Day
Author/Editor: Alison Locker
From Bann Flakes to Bushmills: Papers in Honour of Professor Peter Woodman
Author/Editor: Nyree Finlay,Sinéad McCartan,Nicky Milner,Caroline Wickham-Jones,MICHAEL J. ALLEN,DAVID MCOMISH
From Cooking Vessels to Cultural Practices in the Late Bronze Age Aegean, Ed. 1st
From Foragers to Farmers: Papers in Honour of Gordon C. Hillman
Author/Editor: Andrew S. Fairbairn,Ehud Weiss
From House Societies to States: Early Political Organisation, From Antiquity to the Middle Ages, Vol. 3
Author/Editor: Juan Carlos Moreno García
From Hunter-Gatherers to Early Christians: The Archaeology of Ancient Societies in the Llŷn Peninsula
Author/Editor: Julian Maxwell Heath
From Machair to Mountains: Archaeological Survey And Excavation in South Uist
Author/Editor: Mike Parker Pearson
From Mine to Microscope: Advances in the Study of Ancient Technology
Author/Editor: Andrew J. Shortland,Ian C. Freestone,Thilo Rehren
From Minos to Midas: Ancient Cloth Production in the Aegean and in Anatolia
Author/Editor: Brendan Burke
From Roman Civitas to Anglo-Saxon Shire: Topographical Studies on the Formation of Wessex
Author/Editor: BRUCE EAGLES,Barry Ager,Michael Allen,Rosamond Faith
From Surface Collection to Prehistoric Lifeways: Making Sense of the Multi-Period Site of Orlovo, South East Bulgaria
Author/Editor: John Chapman,Bisserka Gaydarska,Ana Raduntcheva,Ruslan Kostov,Irko Petrov,Elena Georgieva,Yvonne Beadnell
From the Foundations to the Legacy of Minoan Archaeology: Studies in Honour of Professor Keith Branigan
Author/Editor: Maria Relaki,Yiannis Papadatos
From These Bare Bones: Raw Materials and the Study of Worked Osseous Objects
Author/Editor: Alice Choyke,Sonia O’Connor
Gardens and Gardeners of the Ancient World: History, Myth and Archaeology
Author/Editor: Linda Farrar
Gardens in History: A Political Perspective
Author/Editor: Louise Wickham
Gardens of Earthly Delight: The History of Deer Parks
Author/Editor: John Fletcher
Gathering Time: Dating the Early Neolithic Enclosures of Southern Britain and Ireland, Volumes 1 and 2
Author/Editor: Alasdair Whittle,Frances Healy,Alex Bayliss,Michael J. Allen,Tim Allen,Christopher Bronk Ramsey,Lydia Cagney,Gabriel Cooney,Ed Danaher,Timothy Darvill,Philip Dixon,Peter Dorling,Mark Edmonds,Christopher Evans,Steve Ford,Charles French,Mark Germany,Seren G
A Geography of Offerings: Deposits of Valuables in the Landscapes of Ancient Europe, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Richard Bradley
Geophysical Data in Archaeology: A Guide to Good Practice, Vol. 2001
Author/Editor: Armin Schmidt
Gestures: Essays in Ancient History, Literature, and Philosophy presented to Alan L Boegehold
Author/Editor: Geoffrey W. Bakewell,James P. Sickinger
Gilded Flesh: Coffins and Afterlife in Ancient Egypt
Author/Editor: Rogério Sousa
Glass of the Roman World
Author/Editor: Justine Bayley,Ian Freestone,Caroline Jackson
Glass Stamps and Weights, Vol. 5
Author/Editor: W. M. FLINDERS PETRIE
The Glass Vessels of Anglo-Saxon England: c. AD 650-1100
Author/Editor: ROSE BROADLEY
Global Ancestors: Understanding the Shared Humanity of our Ancestors
Author/Editor: Margaret Clegg,Rebecca Redfern,Jelena Bekvalac,Heather Bonney
A Globalised Visual Culture?: Towards a Geography of Late Antique Art
Author/Editor: Fabio Guidetti ,Katharina Meinecke
Global Textile Encounters
Author/Editor: Marie-Louise Nosch,Zhao Feng,Lotika Varadarajan
Gods and Garments: Textiles in Greek Sanctuaries in the 7th to the 1st Centuries BC, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Cecilie Brøns
Grave Disturbances: The Archaeology of Post-depositional Interactions with the Dead, Vol. 14
Author/Editor: Edeltraud Aspöck ,Alison Klevnäs ,Nils Müller-Scheeßel
Great Excavations: Shaping the Archaeological Profession
Author/Editor: John Schofield
Greece, Macedon and Persia
Author/Editor: Timothy Howe,E. Edward Garvin,Graham Wrightson
Greek and Roman Oared Warships 399-30BC
Author/Editor: J. S. Morrison,J. F. Coates
Greek and Roman Textiles and Dress: An Interdisciplinary Anthology
Author/Editor: Mary Harlow,Marie-Louise Nosch
Greek Colonization in Local Contexts: Case studies in colonial interactions
Author/Editor: Jason Lucas,Carrie Ann Murray,Sara Owen,Martin Millett
Growing Up in the Ice Age: Fossil and Archaeological Evidence of the Lived Lives of Plio-Pleistocene Children
Author/Editor: April Nowell
Gudme: Iron Age Settlement and Central Halls, Vol. 1
Guess Who's Coming To Dinner: Feasting Rituals in the Prehistoric Societies of Europe and the Near East
Author/Editor: Gonzalo Aranda Jiménez,Sandra Montón-Subías,Margarita Sánchez Romero,Ferran Adrià
Hagia Sophia in Context: An Archaeological Re-examination of the Cathedral of Byzantine Constantinople
A Handbook of Geoarchaeological Approaches to Settlement Sites and Landscapes
Author/Editor: Charles French
The Harmony of Symbols: The Windmill Hill causewayed enclosure, Wiltshire
Author/Editor: Alasdair Whittle ,Joshua Pollard ,Caroline Grigson ,Janet Ambers ,Don Brothwell ,Joanna Brück ,Caroline Cartwright ,Andrew David ,Andrew Fairbairn
Hedgerow History: Ecology, History and Landscape Character
Author/Editor: Gerry Barne,Tom Williamson
Heritage Transformed
Author/Editor: Ian Baxter
Heritage Under Pressure – Threats and Solution: Studies of Agency and Soft Power in the Historic Environment
Author/Editor: Michael Dawson,Edward James,Michael Nevell
Highhays, Kilkenny: A Medieval Pottery Production Centre in South-East Ireland
Author/Editor: EMMA DEVINE ,CÓILÍN Ó DRISCEOIL ,Niamh Curtin ,Mary Dillon ,Mark Hounslow ,Michael J. Hughes ,Karin Ilseth ,Vassil Karloukovski ,Jimmy Lenehan
Historic Gardens and Parks of Derbyshire: Challenging Landscapes, 1570-1920, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Dianne Barre
The Historic Landscape of Devon: A Study in Change and Continuity
Author/Editor: Lucy Ryder
Hopewell Ceremonial Landscapes of Ohio: More Than Mounds and Geometric Earthworks
Author/Editor: Mark J. Lynott
House of the Surgeon, Pompeii: Excavations in the Casa del Chirurgo (VI 1, 9-10.23)
Author/Editor: Michael A. Anderson,Damian Robinson,H. E. M. Cool,Richard Hobbs,Charlene Murphy,Jane Richardson,Robyn Veal,Helen White,Will Wootton,Rick Jones
The Houses of Hereford 1200-1700, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: NIGEL BAKER,PAT HUGHES,RICHARD MORRISS,Ron Shoesmith,Bryan Byron,Ken Hoverd,James O. Davies,Nigel Baker
Houses of the Dead
Author/Editor: Alistair Barclay,David Field,Jim Leary
Human Paleoecology in the Levantine Corridor
Author/Editor: Naama Goren-Inbar,John D. Speth
Human Transformations of the Earth, Vol. 7
Author/Editor: Charles French
Hunter-Gatherer Ireland: Making Connections in an Island World
Author/Editor: Graeme Warren
Hunters, Fishers and Foragers in Wales: Towards a Social Narrative of Mesolithic Lifeways
Author/Editor: Malcolm Lillie
Huntsman’s Quarry, Kemerton: A Late Bronze Age settlement and landscape in Worcestershire
Author/Editor: Robin Jackson,Alex Bayliss,Peter Bellamy,Christopher Bronk Ramsey,Roger C. P. Doonan,James Greig,Derek Hurst,Andrew Moss,Mike Napthan,Elizabeth Pearson,Stephanie Pinter-Bellows,Ian Tyers,David F. Williams,Ann Woodward,Laura Templeton,Carolyn Hunt,Steve Ri
Iconic Costumes: Scandinavian Late Iron Age Costume Iconography
Image and Power in the Archaeology of Early Medieval Britain: Essays in honour of Rosemary Cramp
Author/Editor: Helena Hamerow,Arthur MacGregor
Image, Memory and Monumentality: Archaeological Engagements with the Material World: A Celebration of the Academic Achievements of Professor Richard Bradley
Author/Editor: Andrew Meirion Jones,Joshua Pollard,Michael J. Allen,Julie Gardiner
The Impact of the Edwardian Castles in Wales
Author/Editor: Diane M. Williams,John R. Kenyon
Incomplete Archaeologies: Assembling Knowledge in the Past and Present
Author/Editor: Emily Miller Bonney,Kathryn J. Franklin,James A. Johnson
Inhabiting the Landscape: Place, Custom and Memory, 1500-1800
Author/Editor: Nicola Whyte
Inhabiting the Promised Land: Exploring the Complex Relationship between Archaeology and Ancient Israel as Depicted in the Bible
Author/Editor: Margreet L. Steiner
Inside the City in the Greek World
Author/Editor: Sara Owen,Laura Preston
Insularity and identity in the Roman Mediterranean, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Anna Kouremenos
Interdisciplinarity and Archaeology: Scientific Interactions in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Archaeology
Author/Editor: Laura Coltofean-Arizancu ,Margarita Díaz-Andreu
Interpreting Archaeological Topography: 3D Data, Visualisation and Observation
Author/Editor: Rachel S. Opitz,David C. Cowley
Interpreting the English Village: Landscape and Community at Shapwick, Somerset
Author/Editor: Mick Aston,Christopher Gerrard
Interpreting Transformations of People and Landscapes in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages: Archaeological Approaches and Issues
Interrogating Networks: Investigating Networks of Knowledge in Antiquity
Author/Editor: Lin Foxhall
Interweaving Worlds: Systemic Interactions in Eurasia, 7th to the 1st Millennia BC
Author/Editor: Toby C. Wilkinson,Susan Sherratt,John Bennet
In the Darkest of Days: Exploring Human Sacrifice and Value in Southern Scandinavian Prehistory
Author/Editor: Matthew J. Walsh ,Sean O’Neill ,Lasse Sørensen
An Introduction to Peatland Archaeology and Palaeoenvironments, Vol. 6
Author/Editor: Benjamin Gearey ,Henry Chapman ,Kayt Armstrong ,Michael Bamforth ,Rosie Everett ,William Fletcher ,Cathy Moore ,Muireann Ní Cheallacháin ,David N. S
Invention and Innovation: The Social Context of Technological Change 2: Egypt, the Aegean and the Near East, 1650-1150 B.C.
Author/Editor: Janine Bourriau,Jacke Phillips
The Invisible Diggers: A Study of British Commercial Archaeology
Author/Editor: Paul Everill
Ireland's First Settlers: Time and the Mesolithic
Author/Editor: Peter Woodman
Iron Age and Roman Coin Hoards in Britain
Iron Age Ritual, a Hillfort and Evidence for a Minster at Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire
Author/Editor: Michael Farley ,Gillian Jones ,Sophia Adams ,Phil Austin ,Christopher Bronk Ramsey ,Gordon Cook ,Diane FitzMaurice ,Barbara Hurman ,Andrew Jones
Islands and Communities: Perspectives on Insularity, Connectivity, and Belonging
Author/Editor: Anastasia Christophilopoulou
Is There a British Chalcolithic?: People, Place and Polity in the later Third Millennium, Vol. 4
Author/Editor: Michael J. Allen ,Julie Gardiner ,Alison Sheridan
Jerusalem Throne Games: The Battle of Bible Stories After the Death of David, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Peter Feinman
Jomon Reflections: Forager Life and Culture in the Prehistoric Japanese Archipelago
Author/Editor: Tatsuo Kobayashi ,Simon Kaner ,Oki Nakamura
Journal of Roman Pottery Studies, Vol. 18
Author/Editor: STEVEN WILLIS
Journal of Roman Pottery Studies Volume 16
Author/Editor: Steven Willis