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Books (Back List, Front List) | Yes | Yes |
The Sacred Body: Materializing the Divine through Human Remains in Antiquity, Vol. 1 |
Author/Editor: Nicola Laneri
Sacred Landscapes in Antiquity: Creation, Manipulation, Transformation, Ed. 1st |
Sacred Mound, Holy Rings: Silbury Hill and the West Kennet palisade enclosures: a Later Neolithic complex in north Wiltshire |
Author/Editor: Alasdair Whittle ,J. Best ,C.R. Cartwright ,I. Cornwall ,G. W. Dimbleby ,A. Edwards ,J.G. Evans ,A. Fairbairn ,N. Gardner
Sacred Nature: Animism and Materiality in Ancient Religions, Vol. 2 |
Author/Editor: Nicola Laneri ,Anna Perdibon
Saddling the Dogs: Journeys Through Egypt and the Near East |
Author/Editor: Diane Fortenberry,Deborah Manley
Sailing to Classical Greece: Papers on Greek Art, Archaeology and Epigraphy presented to Petros Themelis |
Author/Editor: Olga Palagia,Hans Rupprecht Goette
Samothracian Connections: Essays in Honor of James R. McCredie |
Author/Editor: Olga Palagia,Bonna D. Wescoat
Sandwich - The 'Completest Medieval Town in England': A Study of the Town and Port from its Origins to 1600 |
Author/Editor: Helen Clarke,Sarah Pearson,Mavis Mate,Keith Parfitt,Sheila Sweetinburgh,Bridgett Jones,Allan T. Adams,Barry Corke,John Hills,Howard A. Jones,Peter Williams
Sasanian and Islamic Settlement and Ceramics in Southern Iran (4th to 17th Century AD): The Williamson Survey |
Scientific Dating in Archaeology, Vol. 5 |
Author/Editor: Seren Griffiths ,Martin Bridge ,Ben Gearey ,Sam Harris ,Tom Higham ,Richard Staff ,Abi Stone
Seals and their Context in the Middle Ages |
Author/Editor: Phillipp R. Schofield
Seats of Power in Europe during the Hundred Years War: An Architectural Study from 1330 to 1480 |
Author/Editor: ANTHONY EMERY
Seeking the First Farmers in Western Sjælland, Denmark: The Archaeology of the Transition to Agriculture in Northern Europe |
Author/Editor: T. Douglas Price
Segedunum: Excavations By Charles Daniels In The Roman Fort At Wallsend (1975-1984) |
Author/Editor: Alan Rushworth,Alexandra Croom,M. C. Bishop,I. D. Caruana,C. M. Daniels,P. Moffat,C. MacRae,M. Johnstone
The Selhurst Park Project: Middle Barn, Selhurstpark Farm, Eartham, West Sussex 2005–2008 |
Author/Editor: George Anelay
Sentient Archaeologies: Global Perspectives on Places, Objects and Practice |
Settlement in the Irish Neolithic: New discoveries at the edge of Europe |
Author/Editor: Jessica Smyth
Seventeenth-century Water Gardens and the Birth of Modern Scientific thought in Oxford: The Case of Hanwell Castle |
Author/Editor: Stephen Wass
Shabtis, Vol. 4 |
Author/Editor: W. M. FLINDERS PETRIE ,Egyptian Collection in University College
Shades of Green: An Environmental and Cultural History of Sitka Spruce |
Author/Editor: Ruth Tittensor
Shadowland: Wales 3000-1500 BC |
Author/Editor: Steve Burrow
Sheri Khan Tarakai and Early Village Life in the Borderlands of North-West Pakistan: Bannu Archaeological Project Surveys and Excavations 1985-2001 |
Author/Editor: F. Khan,J.R. Knox,K.D. Thomas,C.A. Petrie,J.C. Morris,C.R. Cartwright,L. Joyner,C.A. Petrie
Ships and Guns: The Sea Ordnance in Venice and in Europe between the 15th and the 17th Centuries |
Author/Editor: Carlo Beltrame,Renato Gianni Ridella
Shuffling Nags, Lame Ducks: The Archaeology of Animal Disease |
Author/Editor: László Bartosiewicz,Erika Gál
Side-by-Side Survey: Comparative Regional Studies in the Mediterranean World |
Author/Editor: Susan E. Alcock,John F. Cherry
Signals of Belief in Early England: Anglo-Saxon Paganism Revisited |
Author/Editor: Martin Carver,Alex Sanmark,Sarah Semple
Silchester Revealed: The Iron Age and Roman Town of Calleva |
Author/Editor: Michael Fulford
Silk for the Vikings |
Author/Editor: Marianne Vedeler
Silk Roads: From Local Realities to Global Narratives |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey D. Lerner ,Yaohua Shi
Silk: Trade & Exchange along the Silk Roads between Rome and China in Antiquity |
Sinews of Empire, Ed. 1st |
Author/Editor: Håkon Fiane Teigen,Eivind Heldaas Seland
Siraf: History, Topography and Environment |
Author/Editor: David Whitehouse,Donald S. Whitcomb,T. J. Wilkinson
Skyscapes: The Role and Importance of the Sky in Archaeology |
Author/Editor: Fabio Silva,Nicholas Campion
Slave-Wives, Single Women and “Bastards" in the Ancient Greek World: Law and Economics Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Morris Silver
Small Finds and Ancient Social Practices in the Northwest Provinces of the Roman Empire |
Snails: Archaeology and Landscape Change |
Author/Editor: Paul Davies
The Social Archaeology of Funerary Remains |
Author/Editor: Rebecca Gowland,Christopher Knüsel
Social Change in Aegean Prehistory |
Author/Editor: Corien Wiersma,Sofia Voutsaki
The Social Context of Technological Change: Egypt and the Near East, 1650-1150 BC |
Author/Editor: Andrew J. Shortland
The Social Context of Technology: Non-ferrous Metalworking in Later Prehistoric Britain and Ireland |
Author/Editor: Leo Webley,Sophia Adams,Joanna Brück
Social Dimensions of Food in the Prehistoric Balkans, Ed. 1st |
Author/Editor: Maria Ivanova,Bogdan Athanassov,Vanya Petrova,Desislava Takorova,Philipp W. Stockhammer
Socialising Complexity: Approaches to Power and Interaction in the Archaeological Record |
Author/Editor: Sheila Kohring,Stephanie Wynne-Jones
Somerset's Peatland Archaeology: Managing and Investigating a Fragile Resource |
Author/Editor: Richard Brunning ,Christopher Bronk Ramsey ,Nigel Cameron ,Gordon Cook ,Paul Davies ,Rowena Gale ,W. Derek Hamilton ,David Hogan ,Julie Jones
South-Eastern Mediterranean Peoples Between 130,000 and 10,000 Years Ago |
Author/Editor: Elena A. A. Garcea,Nick Barton,Ofer Bar-Yosef,Anna Belfer-Cohen,Abdeljalil Bouzouggar,Brian Boyd,Laine Clark-Balzan,Simon N. Collcutt,André Debénath,Elena A. A. Garcea,Mohamed Abdeljalil El Hajraoui,Roland Nespoulet,Romuald Schild,Jean-Luc Schwenninger,Jo
The Southern Levant during the first centuries of Roman rule (64 BCE–135 CE): Interweaving Local Cultures |
Author/Editor: Paolo Cimadomo
The Southern Transjordan Edomite Plateau and the Dead Sea Rift Valley: The Bronze Age to the Islamic Period (3800/3700 BC–AD 1917) |
Souvenirs and New Ideas |
Author/Editor: Diane Fortenberry
Stairway to Heaven: The Functions of Medieval Upper Spaces |
Author/Editor: TOBY HUITSON
State Formation in Italy and Greece: Questioning the Neoevolutionist Paradigm |
Author/Editor: Nicola Terrenato,Donald C. Haggis
St Kilda and the Wider World: Tales of an Iconic Island |
Author/Editor: Andrew Fleming
Stone Axe Studies III |
Author/Editor: Vin Davis,Mark Edmonds
Stories from Ancient Egypt |
Author/Editor: Joyce Tyldesley,Julian Heath
Stories from Ancient Greece & Rome |
Author/Editor: Joyce Tyldesley,Julian Heath
St Paul's Cathedral: archaeology and history |
Author/Editor: John Schofield,Lyn Blackmore,Robert Bowles,Hazel Forsyth,Damian Goodburn,Azizul Karim,Jackie Keily,Adrian Miles,Jacqueline Pearce,Terence Smith,Bill White,Robin Wroe-Brown
St Peter's, Barton-upon-Humber, Lincolnshire: Volume 1, History, Archaeology and Architecture |
Author/Editor: Warwick Rodwell ,Caroline Atkins ,Sally Badham ,Alex Bayliss ,Nancy Beavan ,Christopher Bronk Ramsey ,Anne Boyle ,John Cherry ,Philip Clogg
Street Trees in Britain: A History |
Author/Editor: Mark Johnston
Structure, Image, Ornament: Architectural Sculpture in the Greek World |
Author/Editor: Peter Schultz,Ralf von den Hoff
Submerged Prehistory |
Author/Editor: Jonathan Benjamin,Clive Bonsall,Catriona Pickard,Anders Fischer
The Submerged Site of La Marmotta (Rome, Italy): Decrypting a Neolithic Society |
Sveti Pavao Shipwreck: A 16th century Venetian merchantman from Mljet, Croatia |
Author/Editor: Carlo Beltrame,Sauro Gelichi,Igor Miholjek,Cristiano Alfonso,Jurica Bezak,Elisa Costa,Martina Ćurković,Margherita Ferri,Anita Jelić,Antonija Jozić,Garo Kürkman,Igor Mihajlović,Robert Mosković,Mladen Mustaček,Domagoj Perkić,Tajana Trbojević Vukičević,Vesna
Swaledale: Valley of the Wild River |
Author/Editor: Andrew Fleming