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Titles ( displaying 500 of 774 ) | Information |
2 Timothy and Titus Reconsidered: Der 2. Timotheus- und der Titusbrief in neuem Licht, Vol. 20 |
700 Skarabaen und Verwandtes aus Palastina/Israel: Die Sammlung Keel, Vol. 39 |
Author/Editor: Othmar Keel ,Ulrike Zurkinden-Kolberg
'Abdisho' bar Brika, Das Buch vom 'Paradies von Eden', Vol. 693 |
Author/Editor: Helen YOUNANSARDAROUD
About Tell Tweini (Syria): Artefacts, Ecofacts and Landscape: Research Results of the Belgian Mission, Vol. 281 |
Abydos in the First Millennium AD, Vol. 9 |
Author/Editor: Elisabeth R. O’CONNELL
Abydos: The Sacred Land at the Western Horizon, Vol. 8 |
Author/Editor: Ilona REGULSKI
Acces au Christ, Vol. 313 |
Author/Editor: EMILIO BRITO
The Achaemenids, the Black Sea and Beyond: New Evidence and Studies: A Volume Dedicated to the Memory of Prof. Alexandru Avram |
Achemenet. Vingt ans apres: Etudes offertes a Pierre Briant a l'occasion des vingt ans du Programme Achemenet, Vol. 21 |
Author/Editor: Damien Agut-Labordère ,Rémy Boucharlat ,Francis Joannès ,Amélie Kuhrt ,Matthew W. Stolper
Actes de Vatopedi. III: De 1377 a 1500, Vol. 23 |
Author/Editor: Jacques LEFORT ,Vassiliki KRAVARI ,Christophe GIROS ,Kostis SMYRLIS ,Raúl ESTANGÜI GÓMEZ
Administrations et pratiques comptables au Proche-Orient ancien: Actes du colloque international, tenu a Louvain-la-Neuve, les 21-22 fevrier 2019 |
Author/Editor: Etienne BORDREUIL ,Valérie MATOÏAN ,Jan TAVERNIER
'Ad Ostium Tiberis': Proceedings of the Conference Ricerche Archeologiche alla Foce del Tevere (Rome - Ostia, December 2018, 18-20th), Vol. 2 |
Aegyptiaca in der nordlichen Levante: Eine Studie zur Kontextualisierung und Rezeption agyptischer und agyptisierender Objekte in der Bronzezeit, Vol. 41 |
Author/Editor: Alexander Ahrens
Aelia Capitolina in Context: Roman Policy in Judaea in the Time of Hadrian |
Author/Editor: Miriam Ben Zeev Hofman
Afterlife of Antiquity: Anton Springer (1825-1891) on the Classical Tradition, Vol. 15 |
Author/Editor: Han Lamers
Alalakh and its Neighbours: Proceedings of the 15th Anniversary Symposium at the New Hatay Archaeology Museum, 10-12 June 2015, Vol. 55 |
Author/Editor: K. Aslıhan Yener ,Tara Ingman
'A latere principis u de su theniente general'. De regeringsraden naast landsheren en landvoogden in de Habsburgse Nederlanden: Leden, instellingen en algemene politiek, 1577/1580-1609 |
Author/Editor: Hugo de Schepper
Albertus Magnus, Super Iohannem (Ioh. 1, 1-18), Vol. 10 |
Author/Editor: Julie Casteigt
'Alla maniera': Technical Art History and the Meaning of Style in 15th to 17th Century Painting: Papers presented at the Twenty-Second Symposium for the Study of Underdrawing and Technology in Painting held online, 28-30 March 2022 |
Author/Editor: Anne Dubois ,Guenevere Souffreau ,Anne van Oosterwijk
Amara West: The Pottery from Cemeteries C and D |
Author/Editor: Valentina GASPERINI ,Michaela BINDER
Amphorae in the Phoenician-Punic World: The State of the Art |
Author/Editor: Roald F. Docter ,Eric Gubel ,Víctor Martínez Hahnmüller ,Andrea Perugini
Analecta Hymnica Coptica: Bohairic Hymns for the Liturgical Year from Medieval Chant Manuscripts |
Author/Editor: Arsenius MIKHAIL
Ancient Egyptian Coffins: Craft Traditions and Functionality, Vol. 4 |
Author/Editor: John H. TAYLOR ,Marie VANDENBEUSCH
An Ancient Mesopotamian Herbal Handbook: The Series URU.AN.NA and MUD-UR.MAH. Volume 1: The Tablets, Vol. 33 |
Ancient Place-Names in the Governorate of Kafr el-Sheikh, Vol. 293 |
Author/Editor: ÅKE ENGSHEDEN
The Anjou Bible: A Royal Manuscript Revealed, Ed. REV - Revised, 2 |
Author/Editor: Lieve Watteeuw
The Anonymous Syriac Chronicle of 1234 and its Sources, Vol. 272 |
Author/Editor: ANDY HILKENS
Another Athanasius. Four Sahidic Homilies Attributed to Athanasius of Alexandria: Two Homilies on Michael the Archangel, the Homily on Luke 11:5-9 and the Homily on Pentecost, Vol. 51 |
Author/Editor: Ibrahim SAWEROS
Another Athanasius. Four Sahidic Homilies Attributed to Athanasius of Alexandria: Two Homilies on Michael the Archangel, the Homily on Luke 11:5-9 and the Homily on Pentecost: V., Vol. 676 |
Author/Editor: Ibrahim SAWEROS
Answerable for our Beliefs: Reflections on Theology and Contemporary Culture Offered to Terrence Merrigan, Vol. 48 |
Author/Editor: Peter De Mey ,Kristof Struys ,Viorel Coman
The Anthropological Turn, Christian Humanism, and Vatican II: Louvain Theologians Preparing the Path for 'Gaudium et spes' (1942-1965), Vol. 303 |
Antoine Galland (1646-1715) et son Journal: Actes du colloque international organise a l'Universite de Liege (16-18 fevrier 2015) a l'occasion du tricentenaire de sa mort, Vol. 12 |
Author/Editor: Frédéric BAUDEN ,Richard WALLER
Antoine Galland ecrivain: De l'erudition orientale aux 'Mille et une nuits' |
Author/Editor: Sylvette LARZUL
Antroponymie van Noordwest-Europa tot de twaalfde eeuw. Deel I: Vorm en betekenis van de namen, Vol. 31 |
Author/Editor: Jozef VAN LOON
The Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles in Armenian, Vol. 18 |
The Apostles Peter, Paul, John, Thomas and Philip with their Companions in Late Antiquity, Vol. 17 |
An Approach to the Historical Geography of the Southern Black Sea Littoral (First Millennium BC) |
Approche comparative des langues indo-europeennes: Phonologie et morphologie |
Author/Editor: CLAUDE SANDOZ
Archaeology and History of Urartu (Biainili), Vol. 28 |
Archaeology of Eastern Anatolia I: From Prehistoric Times to the End of the Iron Ages: Proceedings of the 1sr Archaeology of Eastern Anatolia Colloquium Held at Ege University, 11-12 February 2019, Izmir |
Author/Editor: Atilla Batmaz ,Aylin Ü. Erdem ,Andrew Jamieson ,Abby Robinson
The Archaeology of Mithraism: New Finds and Approaches to Mithras-Worship, Vol. 39 |
Author/Editor: Matthew M. McCarty ,Mariana Egri
Archeologie, patrimoine et archives: Les fouilles anciennes a Ras Shamra et a Minet el-Beida II, Vol. 26 |
Author/Editor: Valérie Matoïan
Architecture et decor dans l'Orient chretien (IVe-VIIIe Siecle): Actes de la journee d'etudes en hommages au pere Michele Piccirillo, INHA, Paris, 8 decembre 2011 |
Author/Editor: François BARATTE ,Vincent MICHEL
Architecture, Iconography, and Text: New Studies on the Northwest Palace Reliefs of Ashurnasirpal II |
Author/Editor: J. Caleb Howard
The Architecture of Grammar: Studies in Linguistic Historiography in Honor of Pierre Swiggers, Vol. 47 |
Author/Editor: Tim DENECKER ,Piet DESMET ,Lieve JOOKEN ,Peter LAUWERS ,Toon VAN HAL ,Raf VAN ROOY
Aristote et l'ame humaine: Lectures de 'De anima' III offertes a Michel Crubellier, Vol. 43 |
Aristotle on Logic and Nature, Vol. 42 |
Author/Editor: JAN-IVAR LINDÉN
Armenian, Hittite, and Indo-European Studies: A Commemoration Volume for Jos J.S. Weitenberg, Vol. 15 |
Author/Editor: Uwe Bläsing ,Jasmine Dum-Tragut ,Theo Maarten van Lint ,Robin Meyer
The Art of Empire in Achaemenid Persia: Studies in Honour of Margaret Cool Root, Vol. 16 |
Aseneth and the Honeycomb |
Author/Editor: John C. Poirier
Asking Questions in Biblical Texts, Vol. 114 |
Author/Editor: Bart J. Koet ,Archibald L.H.M. van Wieringen
Athenee et les fragments d'historiens |
Author/Editor: Dominique Lenfant
At the Heart of an Empire: The Royal Household in the Neo-Assyrian Period, Vol. 292 |
Author/Editor: MELANIE M. GROß
Augustus through the Ages: Receptions, Readings and Appropriations of the Historical Figure of the First Roman Emperor |
Author/Editor: Marco CAVALIERI ,Pierre ASSENMAKER ,Mattia CAVAGNA ,David ENGELS
Bastards in Egypt: Social and Legal Illegitimacy in the Roman Era, Vol. 37 |
Author/Editor: MARIA NOWAK
The Bearers of Business Letters in Roman Egypt, Vol. 41 |
Author/Editor: Paul Schubert
Beethoven's Tempest Sonata: Perspectives of Analysis and Performance |
Author/Editor: Pieter Bergé ,Jeroen Dhoe ,William E. Caplin
The Beginning of Coinage in the Cimmerian Bosporus (a Hoard from Phanagoria), Vol. 34 |
Author/Editor: V.D. Kuznetsov ,G.R. Tsetskhladze
Behold King Solomon on the Day of his Wedding: A Symbolic-Diachronic Reading of Song 3,6-11 and 4,12-5,1, Vol. 320 |
Author/Editor: NINA S. HEEREMAN
Being Human in a Technological Age: Rethinking Theological Anthropology, Vol. 7 |
Author/Editor: Steven C. van den Heuvel
Beyond All Boundaries: Anatolia in the First Millennium BC, Vol. 295 |
Author/Editor: Annick Payne ,Šárka Velhartická ,Jorit Wintjes
Beyond the Breach: An Exegetical Study of John 4:1-42 as a Text of Jewish-Samaritan Reconciliation, Vol. 92 |
Author/Editor: Priya Paul
The Bible in the Liturgy: Studies on the Lectionary |
A Biblical Aramaic Reader: With an Outline Grammar, Ed. REV - Revised, 2 |
Author/Editor: Takamitsu Muraoka
Bicentenaire de la Societe Asiatique, 1822-2022: Raretes de la bibliotheque. Catalogue de l'exposition au College de France, 29 novembre 2022 - 15 janvier 2023 |
Author/Editor: Peeters Publishers
Bijoux carthaginois III. Les colliers: Apports de trois decennies (1979-2009) |
Author/Editor: Brigitte QUILLARD
The Birth of History: From the Third Millennium to Herodotos |
Author/Editor: RONALD T. RIDLEY
Bonding in Worship: A Ritual Lens on Social Capital in African Independent Churches in South Africa, Vol. 30 |
Author/Editor: Cas Wepener ,Ignatius Swart ,Gerrie ter Haar ,Marcel Barnard
Bookkeeping without Writing: Early Administrative Technologies in Context: Proceedings of the Netherlands Institute for the Near East (NINO) Postdoctoral Research Fellow First Annual Conference, 5th and 6th February 2021 |
Author/Editor: Lucy E. Bennison-Chapman
The Books of Hosea and Micah in Hebrew and Greek, Vol. 294 |
Author/Editor: Takamitsu Muraoka
The Books of the Maccabees: Literary, Historical, and Religious Perspectives |
Borders in Archaeology: Anatolia and the South Caucasus ca. 3500-500 BCE, Vol. 58 |
Author/Editor: Lorenzo d’Alfonso ,Karen S. Rubinson
Born to be Glorified: Assumptionist Altarpieces in the Final Phase of the Spanish 'Reconquista' |
Author/Editor: Paul Vandenbroeck
Bronzes du haut-archaisme a Delphes: Trepieds, chaudrons et vaisselle de bronze (fin VIIIe-VIIe siecle), Vol. 5 |
Author/Editor: Hélène Aurigny
Bruegel & l'Italia / Bruegel and Italy: Proceedings of the International Conference held in the Academia Belgica in Rome, 26-28 September 2019 |
The Bruegel Success Story: Papers Presented at Symposium XXI for the Study of Underdrawing and Technology in Painting, Brussels, 12-14 September 2018, Vol. 21 |
Author/Editor: Christina Currie ,Dominique Allart ,Bart Fransen ,Cyriel Stroo ,Dominique Vanwijnsberghe
Buddha Mind - Christ Mind: A Christian Commentary on the Bodhicaryavatara, Vol. 9 |
Buddhism and Daoism on the Holy Mountains of China, Vol. 34 |
Author/Editor: Thomas JÜLCH
Busse in der Alten Kirche |
Author/Editor: Ulrich Volp
By God's Grace: Ancient Anatolian Studies Presented to Aram Kosyan on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday |
Author/Editor: Yervand H. GREKYAN
Byllis: Presentation du site, fortifications, basiliques A, C et D, Vol. 3 |
Author/Editor: Skënder Muçaj ,Jean-Pierre Sodini ,Pascale Chevalier ,Marie-Patricia Raynaud ,Catherine Vanderheyde ,Manuela Wurch-Kozelj ,Etleva Nallbani ,Elio Hobdari
Byzantine Chant, Radiation, and Interaction: Proceedings of the Congress Held at Hernen Castle, the Netherlands, in December 2015, Vol. 29 |
Author/Editor: Christian Troelsgård ,Gerda Wolfram
Callimachus Revisited: New Perspectives in Callimachean Scholarship, Vol. 24 |
Author/Editor: J.J.H. Klooster ,M.A. Harder ,R.F. Regtuit ,G.C. Wakker
The Call of the Wilderness: The Narrative Significance of John the Baptist's Wherebaouts, Vol. 96 |
Author/Editor: Marco Rotman
The Cappadocian Fathers: Forerunners and Contemporaries |
Care Ethics in yet a Different Voice: Francophone Contributions, Vol. 10 |
Author/Editor: Sophie Bourgault ,Frans Vosman
Care Ethics: The Introduction of Care as Political Category, Vol. 7 |
Author/Editor: Joan Tronto ,Fabienne Brugère ,Armelle Chrétien ,Olivia Cooper-Hadjian ,Brian Heffernan
The Catacombs of Anubis at North Saqqara: An Archaeological Perspective, Vol. 12 |
Author/Editor: Paul T. NICHOLSON ,Salima IKRAM ,Steve MILLS ,Louise BERTINI ,John P. HARRISON ,Delyth HURLEY ,Hendrikje NOUWENS ,Ying QIN ,Stephanie VANN
Catalogue of Coptic and Arabic Manuscripts in Dayr al-Suryan. Volume 1: Coptic and Arabic Biblical Texts; Coptic Language Resources, Including Biblical Lexica, Vol. 677 |
Catalogue of Coptic and Arabic Manuscripts in Dayr al-Suryan. Volume 4: Arabic Ascetic Discourses, Vol. 145 |
Catalogue of Coptic and Arabic Manuscripts in Dayr al-Suryan. Volume 3: Arabic Theology, Vol. 143 |
Catalogue of the Ottoman Holdings of St John's Monastery in Patmos, Part Two: Dossiers 21-38: Katalogos ton Othomanikon Engrafon tou archeiou tis Ieras Monis tou Agiou Ioannou tou Theologou tis Patmou, Meris Difteron: Oi fakelloi 21-38, Vol. 25 |
Author/Editor: Michael Ursinus
The Catholic Church and its Orthodox Sister Churches Twenty-Five Years after Balamand, Vol. 326 |
Caton l'Ancien et l'hellenisme. Images, traditions et reception |
Author/Editor: Clément BUR ,Michel HUMM
Cent ans apres: la memoire de la Premiere Guerre mondiale: One Hundred Years after: The Memory of the First World War, Vol. 13 |
Author/Editor: Elli Lemonidou
Changing Life in Egyptian Alexandria: The Testimony of the Islamic Cemetery on Kom el-Dikka, Vol. 3 |
Author/Editor: Robert Mahler
Chesterton, the New Atheism, and an Apologetics of Common Sense, Vol. 70 |
Author/Editor: Marianne Kuipers-Sedee
Christian Historiography between Empires, 4th-8th Centuries, Vol. 23 |
Author/Editor: Hagit Amirav ,Cornelis Hoogerwerf ,István Perczel
Christian Identity Formation according to Cyril of Jerusalem: Sacramental Theosis as a Means of Constructing Relational Identity, Vol. 8 |
Chronicle of King Gälawdewos (1540–1559), Vol. 668 |
Author/Editor: Solomon Gebreyes
The Cistercian Hermann Zoest's Treatise on Leavened and Unleavened Bread ('De fermento et azimo'): Oecumenism, Exegesis, and Science at the Council of Basel, Vol. 21 |
Author/Editor: C. Philipp E. Nothaft ,Christopher D. Schabel
Claiming the Mantle of Cyril: Cyril of Alexandria and the Road to Chalcedon, Vol. 24 |
Author/Editor: Patrick T.R. Gray
Claudien, poete du monde a la cour d'Occident |
Author/Editor: Marie-France Guipponi-Gineste
Clavis to the Metrical Homilies of Narsai, Vol. 142 |
Author/Editor: Aaron M. BUTTS ,Kristian S. HEAL ,Sebastian P. BROCK
Coiffures et parures de tete en Egee a l'Age du Bronze |
Author/Editor: Betty RAMÉ
Coin Hoards Volume XI: Greek Hoards: The Cimmerian Bosporus, Vol. 32 |
Collected Essays on the Greek Bible and Greek Lexicography, Vol. 112 |
Author/Editor: John A. L. Lee
Commencements: Definitions, suivies de douze etudes, Vol. 1 |
Author/Editor: Martin ALBL ,Jean-Marie AUWERS ,Francesco BIANCHINI ,Régis BURNET ,Jean-Baptiste ÉDART ,Jean-Emmanuel de ENA ,Maurice GILBERT ,Marc GIRARD ,Didier L
Comment? Les Lamentations de Jeremie, Vol. 34 |
Author/Editor: Roland Meynet
Communicating about Climate Change |
Author/Editor: Kristin Davidse ,Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen
The Community Rule 1QS, 1QSa and 1QSb: A Philological Commentary, Vol. 308 |
Compatibilist Freedom and the Problem of Evil, Vol. 66 |
Author/Editor: Jennifer Gillett
Composition in Athenian Black-Figure Vase-Painting: The 'Chariot in Profile' 'Type Scene', Vol. 41 |
Author/Editor: Geralda Jurriaans-Helle
Conflict and Coexistence: Proceedings of the 29th Congress of the Union Europeenne des Arabisants et Islamisants, Munster 2018 |
Conflict-Related Sexual Violence against Men in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Lifting the Veil of Secrecy around a Controversial and Taboo Subject |
Author/Editor: Ines Yagi
Conflits, conciliation, reconciliation, Vol. 46 |
Author/Editor: L.-L. CHRISTIANS ,J. Famerée ,A. Wénin
Connecting the Ancient West and East: Studies Presented to Prof. Gocha R. Tsetskhladze, Vol. 8 |
Author/Editor: J. Boardman ,J. Hargrave ,A. Avram ,A. Podossinov
Contra Latinos et Adversus Graecos: The Separation between Rome and Constantinople from the Ninth to the Fifteenth Century, Vol. 286 |
Coptica fennica: Catalog of the Coptic Manuscripts from the Ilves Collection Exhibited at the National Archives of Finland (16 June - 14 August 2020) |
Author/Editor: Antti Marjanen ,Ivan Miroshnikov ,Erja Salmenkivi ,Ágnes T. Mihálykó
The Coptic Versions of the Martyrdom of Saint George: A Study of the Coptic Transmission of the George Legend, with an Edition of Eight Fragmentary Manuscripts in Sahidic, Bohairic, and Fayyumic |
Author/Editor: Ivan MIROSHNIKOV ,Antti MARJANEN ,Francesca IACONO
Corpus des inscriptions de Thasos III: Documents publics du quatrieme siecle et de l'epoque hellenistique, Vol. 26 |
Author/Editor: Patrice Hamon
Cosmo-esthetique: Nature et humanite dans la philosophie de Mikel Dufrenne, Vol. 108 |
Author/Editor: Frédéric Jacquet
A Critical Edition of the Hexaplaric Fragments of Job 22-42, Vol. 1 |
Author/Editor: John D. Meade
Critique of the Teutonic Philosophy and Other Writings Against Jacob Bohme: Text, Translation and Introduction |
Author/Editor: Henry More ,Christian Hengstermann
Cult and Cosmos: Tilting toward a Temple-Centered Theology |
Culte des saints et litterature hagiographique: Accords et desaccords, Vol. 55 |
Author/Editor: Vincent Déroche ,Bryan Ward-Perkins ,Robert Wiśniewski
The Cultic Life of Trees in the Prehistoric Aegean, Levant, Egypt and Cyprus, Vol. 42 |
Author/Editor: Caroline Jane TULLY
'Cultivateurs et commercans': Huishoudelijke productie, consumptie en de 'industrious revolution' in het westen van het hertogdom Brabant (1680-1800), Vol. 35 |
Author/Editor: Johan Poukens
Cultural Identity within the Northern Black Sea Region in Antiquity: (De)constructing Past Identities, Vol. 31 |
Cum adulescens litteris Graecis operam darem: El manuscrito latino de Giovanni Bartolomeo Marliano de Hesiodo, Opera et dies. Edicion critica del ms. Ang. lat. 240 (Roma, Biblioteca Angelica) |
Author/Editor: Jesús LÓPEZ ZAMORA
A Curious and Convivial Traveller: Edgar Roger Pratt in Greece and Egypt, 1832-34, Vol. 6 |
Author/Editor: Patricia USICK
Dans les pas d'Imhotep: Melanges offerts a Audran Labrousse, Vol. 36 |
Author/Editor: RÉMI LEGROS
Dans l'Esprit Saint: Pneumatologie fondamentale |
Author/Editor: EMILIO BRITO
David in Cultural Memory, Vol. 93 |
Author/Editor: Ida Fröhlich
De aquaeductu urbis Romae. Sextus Iulius Frontinus and the Water of Rome: Proceedings of the International Frontinus Congress Rome, November 10-18, 2018, Vol. 40 |
Author/Editor: Gilbert Wiplinger
De Bagdad a Constantinople: Le transfert des savoirs medicaux (XIe-XIVe siecles): Actes du colloque international de Reims, 24-25 mai 2018 |
De beloften van de wetenschap: Oude en nieuwe onderzoeksthema's in de Brusselse academies |
Author/Editor: Pierre Delsaerdt ,Jo Tollebeek
De bisschop van Rome en de theologen van Leuven |
Author/Editor: Joris GELDHOF
Dechiffrer le passe d'un empire: Hommage a Nicolas Vatin et aux humanites ottomanes, Vol. 27 |
Author/Editor: Elisabetta Borromeo ,Frédéric Hitzel ,Benjamin Lellouch
Decoding Signs of Identity: Egyptian Workmen's Marks in Archaeological, Historical, Comparative and Theoretical Perspective. Proceedings of a Conference in Leiden, 13-15 December 2013, Vol. 32 |
Author/Editor: B.J.J. Haring ,K.V.J. van der Moezel ,D.M. Soliman
De Dieu: connaissance et inconnaissance, Vol. 300 |
Author/Editor: EMILIO BRITO
Defining Christ: The Church of the East and Nascent Islam, Vol. 19 |
Author/Editor: Marijke Metselaar
Defixiones Olbiae Ponticae, Vol. 30 |
De Gerechtigheid van keizer Otto III: Legende - overlevering - archivalia |
Author/Editor: Gilbert Huybens ,Marika Ceunen ,Jef De Roeck ,Raoul Daniels
De horlogemakers van Keizer Karel |
Author/Editor: Eddy Fraiture
De katholieke drukpers in de kerkprovincie Kamerijk: Contacten, mobiliteit & transfers in een grensgebied (1559-1659), Vol. 34 |
Author/Editor: Alexander Soetaert
De l'Argile au Numerique: Melanges assyriologiques en l'honneur de Dominique Charpin, Vol. 3 |
Author/Editor: Grégory Chambon ,Michaël Guichard ,Anne-Isabelle Langlois ,Thomas Römer ,Nele Ziegler
Demotic Funerary Stelae and Other Short Texts Gathered from Many Publications: (Short Texts IV 2351-2880) |
Author/Editor: S. P. VLEEMING
Dendara. Catalogue des dieux et des offrandes |
Dendara. Hymnes a Hathor et a Isis, Vol. 295 |
Dendara. Les cent couronnes du pharaon |
Dendara. Les structures decoratives du temple d'Hathor, Vol. 296 |
Der Degirmendere Aquadukt von Ephesos, Vol. 36 |
Author/Editor: Gilbert Wiplinger ,Yilmaz Akkan ,Hüseyin Çetinkaya ,Erkan Dede ,Manfred Donix ,Vittoria Fresi ,Talip Güngör ,Gemma Jansen ,Paul Kessener
Der erste Petrusbrief und die johanneischen Schriften: Versuch einer traditionsgeschichtlichen Verhaltnisbestimmung |
Der Kommentar Cyrills von Alexandrien zum 2. Korintherbrief: Einleitung, kritische Text, Ubersetzung, Einzelanalyse, Vol. 18 |
Author/Editor: Konrad F. Zawadzki
Des cahiers a l'histoire de la culture a Byzance: Hommage a Paul Canard, codicologue (1927-2017), Vol. 27 |
The 'Description of the Times' by Mor Michael the Great (1126-1199): A Study on its Historical and its Historiographical Context, Vol. 27 |
Author/Editor: Dorothea Weltecke ,Anthony Runia ,Dorothea Weltecke ,Thomas Palmer
De Sint-Pieterskerk te Leuven: Geschiedenis, architectuur en patrimonium |
Author/Editor: Gilbert Huybens ,David Mellaerts ,Brecht Dewilde ,Julie Aerts ,Anna Bergmans ,Marjan Debaene ,Jeanine De Landtsheer ,Brecht Dewilde ,Frans Doperé
Desire Defauw, chef d'orchestre: Sa carriere et son repertoire pendant l'entre-deux-guerres |
Author/Editor: Erik Baeck
Des polytheismes aux monotheismes: Melanges d'assyriologie offerts a Marcel Sigrist, Vol. 82 |
Author/Editor: Uri GABBAY ,Jean Jacques PÉRENNÈS
Despotiko, the Site of Mandra: The 'Temple' Complex and its Deposits |
Author/Editor: Alexandra Alexandridou ,Yannos Kourayos ,Ilia Daifa
'Deus summe cognoscibilis': The Current Theological Relevance of Saint Bonaventure, Vol. 298 |
Devenir moine a Byzance: Coutumes sociales, regles monastiques et rituels liturgiques, Vol. 291 |
Author/Editor: DANIEL OLTEAN
Devins et lettres dans l'orbite de Babylone |
Author/Editor: Carole ROCHE-HAWLEY ,Robert HAWLEY
De Vlaamse gemeentenamen. Verklarend woordenboek: Tweede, grondig herziene en vermeerderde uitgave, nu met medewerking van Luc De Grauwe, Karel Leenders, Jan Segers, Jacques Van Keymeulen en Bram Vannieuwenhuyze, Vol. 33 |
Author/Editor: Frans Debrabandere ,Magda Devos ,Paul Kempeneers ,Victor Mennen ,Hugo Ryckeboer ,Ward Van Osta
Die Briefe 1 und 2 des Ostsyrischen Patriarchen Timotheos I., T., Vol. 271 |
Author/Editor: Martin HEIMGARTNER
Die Briefe 1 und 2 des Ostsyrischen Patriarchen Timotheos I., V., Vol. 703 |
Author/Editor: Martin HEIMGARTNER
Die Briefe 3-29 des Ostsyrischen Patriarchen Timotheos I.: Übersetzung, Vol. 270 |
Author/Editor: Martin HEIMGARTNER
Die Briefe 3-29 des Ostsyrischen Patriarchen Timotheos I.: Textedition, Vol. 700 |
Author/Editor: Martin HEIMGARTNER
Die Briefe 40 und 41 des Ostsyrischen Patriarchen Timotheos I, Vol. 674 |
Author/Editor: Martin HEIMGARTNER
Die Briefe 40 und 41 des Ostsyrischen Patriarchen Timotheos I. T., Vol. 673 |
Author/Editor: Martin HEIMGARTNER
'Die grote evangelische peerle': Deel 1: Historische en filologische studie. Deel 2: Tekst, Vol. 48 |
Author/Editor: Guido de Baere
Die Legendare aus der 'Rue neuve Nostre Dame': 'Dispositio' und Bildformel in der Pariser Buchmalerei, 1325-1348, Vol. 23 |
Author/Editor: Dominic E. Delarue
Die Sakramentsgemeinschaft in der Alten Kirche: Publikation der Tagung der Patristischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft in Soesterberg und Amsterdam (02.-05.01.2017), Vol. 15 |
Author/Editor: Liuwe H. Westra ,Laela Zwollo
Die Sarge des Karenen: Untersuchungen zu Pyramidentexten und Sargtexten, Vol. 285 |
Die sieben Sendschreiben Apk 2-3: Studien zu ihrer Entstehung und ihrem Verhaltnis zum apokalyptischen Hauptteil Apk 4-22, Vol. 39 |
Dieux, rois et capitales dans le Proche-Orient ancien: Compte rendu de la LXVe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale (Paris, 8-12 juillet 2019) |
Author/Editor: Marine Béranger ,Francesca Nebiolo ,Nele Ziegler
Discours des personnages feminins chez Seneque: Approches logometriques et contrastives d'un corpus theatral, Vol. 359 |
Author/Editor: Marc VANDERSMISSEN
Discourse, Power Issues, and Images: Transversal Studies on the Reigns of Yazdgird I and Wahram V |
Author/Editor: Christelle Jullien
Discovering Practical Theology: Exploring Boundaries, Vol. 47 |
Author/Editor: Annemie Dillen ,Stefan Gärtner
Divine Disclosures: Religous Experiences as Evidence in Theology |
Author/Editor: Hugh D. P. Burling
Divine Names on the Spot II: Exploring the Potentials of Names through Images and Narratives |
Author/Editor: Fabio Porzia ,Corinne Bonnet
Divine Names on the Spot: Towards a Dynamic Approach of Divine Denominations in Greek and Semitic Contexts, Vol. 293 |
Author/Editor: Thomas Galoppin ,Corinne Bonnet
The Divinity of the Word: Thomas Aquinas Dividing and Reading the Gospel of John, Vol. 20 |
Author/Editor: Stefan Mangnus
The Dormition and Assumption Apocrypha, Vol. 15 |
Down Town / Down Soul: Early Modern Mysticism, the Self & the Political, Vol. 34 |
Author/Editor: Marc De Kesel ,Inigo Bocken
Drama and Performance in Hellenistic Poetry, Vol. 23 |
Author/Editor: M.A. Harder ,R.F. Regtuit ,G.C. Wakker
Du culte aux sanctuaires: L'architecture religieuse dans l'Afrique romaine et byzantine |
Author/Editor: François BARATTE ,Véronique BROUQUIER-REDDÉ ,Elsa ROCCA
Du heros au Sauveur: Imitatio et Aemulatio dans les Euangeliorum libri IV de Juvencus, Vol. 363 |
Author/Editor: Anne FRAÏSSE
Du massif de l'Ida aux pentes du mont Dikte. Peuples, territoires et communautes en Messara du XIIIe au VIIe siecle av. J.-C. |
Author/Editor: Daniela Lefèvre-Novaro
Durandi de Sancto Porciano Scriptum super IV libros Sententiarum. Buch I, dd. 18-35, Vol. 10 |
Author/Editor: Massimo Perrone ,Fiorella Retucci
Durandi de Sancto Porciano Scriptum super IV libros Sententiarum. Buch IV, dd. 20-25, Vol. 10 |
Author/Editor: Christoph Burdich ,Massimo Perrone
Durandi de Sancto Porciano: Scriptum super IV libros Sententiarum. Buch I, Prologus et dd. 1-3, Vol. 10 |
Author/Editor: Guy Guldentops
Durandi de Sancto Porciano Scriptum super IV libros Sententiarum. Distinctiones 26-42 libri Quarti, Vol. 10 |
Author/Editor: Pavel Blažek
Durandi de Sancto Porciano Scriptum super IV libros Sententiarum. Buch I, dd. 36-48, Vol. 10.1.4 |
Author/Editor: Federica Ventola
Du Sinai au Soudan: Itineraires d'une egyptologue: Melanges offerts au Professeur Dominique Valbelle |
Author/Editor: Nathalie Favry ,Chloé Ragazzoli ,Claire Somaglino ,Pierre Tallet
Dust, Demons and Pots: Studies in Honour of Colin A. Hope, Vol. 289 |
Dying with Christ - New Life in Hope: Romans 5,12-8,39, Vol. 24 |
Author/Editor: J.M.G. Barclay ,D. Bertschmann ,S. Butticaz ,S. Eastman ,J. Herzer ,C. Karakolis ,D. Kurek-Chomycz ,A. Puig i Tarrech ,M. Theobald
The Earliest Economic Growth in World History: Proceedings of the Berlin Workshop, Vol. 133 |
Author/Editor: David A. Warburton
Early Christian Commentators of the New Testament: Essays on Their Aims, Methods and Strategies, Vol. 42 |
Early Christian Mystagogy and the Body, Vol. 83 |
Author/Editor: Nienke Vos ,Paul van Geest
'Ecclesia semper reformanda'. Renewal and Reform beyond Polemics, Vol. 306 |
Eclats du crepuscule: Recueil d'etudes sur l'Egypte tardive offert a Olivier Perdu |
Editing Mediaeval Texts from a Different Angle: Slavonic and Multilingual Traditions. Together with Francis J. Thomson's Bibliography and Checklist of Slavonic Translations: To Honour Francis J. Thomson on the Occasion of His 80th Birthday, together with |
Education of Nuns, Feast of Fools, Letters of Love: Medieval Religious Life in Twelfth-Century Lyric Anthologies from Regensburg, Ripoll, and Chartres, Vol. 26 |
Author/Editor: David A. Traill ,Justin Haynes
Een wereld van verschil?: De zuidelijke rijksuniversiteiten in het Verenigd Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, Vol. 36 |
Author/Editor: Matthias Meirlaen ,Eddy Put ,Jo Tollebeek ,Tom Verschaffel
Egalite femme-homme et genre: Approches theologiques et bibliques, Vol. 7 |
Egypt and Empire: The Formation of Religious Identity after Rome, Vol. 11 |
Author/Editor: Elisabeth R. O’CONNELL
Egypt and Syria in the Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mamluk Eras IX: Proceedings of the 23rd and 24th International Colloquium Organized at the University of Leuven in May 2015 and 2016, Vol. 278 |
Egypt and the Augustan Cultural Revolution: An Interpretative Archaeological Overview, Vol. 38 |
Author/Editor: M.E.J.J. van Aerde
Egypt at its Origins 6: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference 'Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt', Vienna, 10th - 15th September 2017, Vol. 303 |
Egypte anterieure: Melanges de prehistoire et d'archeologie offerts a Beatrix Midant-Reynes par ses etudiants, collegues et amis, Vol. 304 |
Egyptian Language in Greek Sources: Scripta Onomastica of Jan Quaegebeur, Vol. 280 |
Author/Editor: Jan Quaegebeur ,WILLY CLARYSSE ,ANA I. BLASCO TORRES
Egyptiens et Nubiens a Kerma: La ceramique de Doukki Gel (Soudan) au Nouvel Empire |
Elements d'une theologie fondamentale de la creation artistique: Les ecrits theologiques sur l'art chez Karl Rahner (1954-1983), Vol. 307 |
Author/Editor: DENIS HÉTIER ,Vincent Holzer
Emotions and Care: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Vol. 6 |
Author/Editor: Sophie Bourgault ,Elena Pulcini
Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Phoenician Culture I: Historical Characters, Vol. 1 |
Author/Editor: Andrea Ercolani ,Paolo Xella ,Umberto Livadiotti ,Valentina Melchiorri
Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Phoenician Culture II.1: Religion - Deities and Mythical Characters, Vol. 2 |
Author/Editor: Herbert Niehr ,Paolo Xella ,Dagmar Kühn ,Valentina Melchiorri ,Giuseppe Minunno ,Izak Cornelius
Encyclopedie berbere. Fasc. XLIII: Siga - Syphax, Vol. 43 |
Author/Editor: CENTRE DE RECHERCHE BERBÈRE,Institut de Recherches et d’Études sur le Monde Arabe et Musulman,Salem CHAKER
Encyclopedie berbere. Fasc. XLII: Saboides - Sidi Slimane, Vol. 42 |
Author/Editor: Salem CHAKER
Encyclopedie des Pygmees Aka III. Lexique alphabetique francais-aka, Vol. 472 |
Author/Editor: Jacqueline M.C. Thomas ,Serge Bahuchet ,Alain Epelboin ,Susanne Fürniss ,Susanne FÜRNISS ,Marie-Françoise ROMBI ,Jacqueline M.C. THOMAS
The End of Postwar: Essays on the Work of Ian Buruma, Vol. 33 |
Author/Editor: Marc Boone ,Gita Deneckere ,Jo Tollebeek
The Enduring Significance of Thomas Aquinas: Essays in Honor of Henk Schoot and Rudi te Velde |
Author/Editor: Anton ten Klooster ,Harm Goris ,Marcel Sarot
Ens mobile: Conceptions phenomenologiques du mouvement, Vol. 102 |
Author/Editor: Sylvain Camilleri ,Jean-Sébastien Hardy
Entrepots et circuits de distribution en Mediterranee antique, Vol. 58 |
Author/Editor: Véronique Chankowski ,Xavier Lafon ,Catherine Virlouvet
Essai de Poetique historique du roman au dix-huitieme siecle, Vol. 69 |
Author/Editor: Jan Herman
'Esse est movere': Regards croises sur l'ontologie dynamique de Nicolas de Cues, Vol. 71 |
Author/Editor: Jean-Michel COUNET
Ethics and Theology after the Holocaust |
Author/Editor: Didier Pollefeyt
The Ethics of Care: the State of the Art, Vol. 8 |
Author/Editor: Frans Vosman ,Andries Baart ,Jaco Hoffman
Ethiopic Paradigms: A Summary of Classical Ethiopic (Ge'ez) Morphology |
Author/Editor: AARON M. BUTTS
Etre intellectuel a la fin de l'Empire ottoman: Ebuzziya Tevfik (1849-1913) et son temps |
Author/Editor: Özgür Türesay
Etudes avestiques et mazdeennes vol. 7: Essai sur la Gatha spenta.mainiiu, Vol. 22 |
Author/Editor: Jean Kellens
Etudes avestiques et mazdeennes vol. 8: Videvdad 19. Le recit de la victoire de Zarathustra sur Anhra Maniiu, Vol. 23 |
Author/Editor: Céline Redard ,Pierre Briant
Etudes avestiques et mazdeennes vol. 9: Complementarite des deux dernieres Gathas (Y51 et Y53-54.1) |
Author/Editor: Jean Kellens
Etudes de linguistique iranienne in memoriam Xavier Tremblay, Vol. 57 |
Author/Editor: Éric PIRART
Etudes d'histoire biblique, Vol. 307 |
Etudes sur l'Evangile selon Thomas et la litterature gnostique: Recueil d'articles, Vol. 43 |
Author/Editor: JEAN-MARIE SEVRIN ,Paul-Hubert Poirier ,Joseph Verheyden
Evagrius Ponticus, Letters. Armenian Translation, Vol. 704 |
Author/Editor: Robin DARLING YOUNG ,Hovsep KARAPETYAN
Evaluating Liturgical Reform: Four Criteria Derived from a Theological Concept of Tradition |
Author/Editor: Johan te Velde ,Rebecca Braun ,Thomas McLean
Evolving Methodologies in the Study of Spirituality |
Author/Editor: Gilberto Cavazos-González ,Rossano Zas Friz De Col
Exchange in the Mamluk Sultanate: Economic and Cultural |
Author/Editor: Marlis J. SALEH
Exercices d'analyse rhetorique biblique: Deuxieme edition revue, Vol. 29 |
Author/Editor: Roland Meynet ,Jacek Oniszczuk
Existential Elements of the Family: Finding Meaning through Life's Stages, Vol. 6 |
Author/Editor: Laura Lynne Armstrong
Experiencing Presence in the Second Temple Period: Revised and Updated Essays, Vol. 111 |
Author/Editor: Angela Kim Harkins
The Experiment of the Coming Kingdom: A Dominican Political Theology after Agamben |
Author/Editor: Richard Steenvoorde
Ezra - Nehemiah, Vol. 22 |
Author/Editor: Bob Becking
Fading Frontiers?: A Historical-Theological Investigation into the Notion of the 'Elementa Ecclesiae', Vol. 321 |
Author/Editor: SANDRA ARENAS
Faience Figurines in their Archaeological and Museological Contexts (Egypt, Nubia, and the Levant, 2100-1550 BC): The Catalogue Raisonne |
Author/Editor: Gianluca MINIACI
The Fayoum Survey Project: The Themistou Meris: Volume A: The Archaeological and Papyrological Survey, Vol. 8 |
Author/Editor: Cornelia E. RÖMER ,Fatma Hamouda ,Ilka Klose ,Peter Kopp
The Fayoum Survey Project: The Themistou Meris: Volume B: The Ceramological Survey, Vol. 9 |
Author/Editor: Donald M. BAILEY ,Rita Hartmann ,Gillian Pyke
The Feast of the Desert of Apa Shenoute: A Liturgical Procession from the White Monastery in Upper Egypt, Vol. 681 |
Author/Editor: Stephen J. DAVIS ,Daniel SCHRIEVER ,Mary FARAG ,Samuel MOAWAD
Feminites hellenistiques: Voix, genre, representations, Vol. 25 |
Author/Editor: C. Cusset ,P. Belenfant ,C.-E. Nardone
Femmes en Egypte, de l'epoque perse a l'epoque byzantine: Genre et agency |
Author/Editor: Sandra BOEHRINGER ,Anne-Emmanuelle VEÏSSE
Figures et fonctions du destinataire dans les Memoires et les romans-Memoires de l'epoque classique: Recit et verite a l'epoque classique (IV), Vol. 70 |
Author/Editor: Annabelle Bolot ,Coralie Bournonville ,Marc Hersant ,Catherine Ramond
Figurines feminines nues |
Author/Editor: Sylvie Donnat ,Régine Hunziker-Rodewald ,Isabelle Weygand
Filiation du Fils unique et filiation des croyants dans le quatrieme evangile: A partir de l'etude de Jn 1,1-18 ; 3 ; 19,16b-42 ; 20,11-18, Vol. 86 |
Author/Editor: Agnès DE LAMARZELLE
Filiation, entre Bible et cultures: Hommage a Roland Meynet, Vol. 17 |
Author/Editor: Massimo Grilli ,Jacek Oniszczuk ,André Wénin
Fins et commencements. Renvois et interactions: Melanges offerts a Michel Gourgues, Vol. 35 |
The Flood: The Akkadian Sources: A New Edition, Commentary, and a Literary Discussion, Vol. 290 |
Author/Editor: Nathan Wasserman
Forts of North Omdurman |
Author/Editor: Mariusz DRZEWIECKI ,Aneta CEDRO ,Paweł BĄCAL ,Agata BEBEL-NOWAK ,Andrzej OSTROWSKI ,Marta OSYPIŃSKA ,Olga SYTA ,Joanna THEN-OBŁUSKA ,Barbara WAGNER
The Fortune of Gertrud Bing (1892-1964): A Fragmented Memoir of a Phantomlike Muse, Vol. 16 |
Author/Editor: Laura Tack
Fouilles de Tel Yarmouth (1980-2009). Rapport final. Volume 1: Les fouilles sur l'acropole, Vol. 56 |
Author/Editor: Michaël Jasmin ,Pierre de Miroschedji ,Daniella E. Bar-Yosef Mayer ,Elisabetta Boaretto ,Baruch Brandl ,Simon J. M. Davis ,Yuval Goren ,Linda Herveux
Fragile Biography: The Life Cycle of Ceramics and Refuse Disposal Patterns in Late Antique and Early Medieval Palestine, Vol. 35 |
Author/Editor: Itamar Taxel
Fragmente eines Lebenswerks: Historischer Kommentar zur Universalgeschichte des Nikolaos von Damaskus, Vol. 362 |
Author/Editor: Tino SHAHIN
Fragments, Vol. 14 |
Author/Editor: Barbara Baert ,Stephanie Heremans
Fratries et relations adelphiques dans les cites grecques (IVe s. a.C. - IIe s. p.C.) |
From Conservation to Interpretation: Studies of Religious Art (c. 1100-c. 1800) in Northern and Central Europe |
Author/Editor: Justin Kroesen ,Ebbe Nyborg ,Marie Louise Sauerberg
From Ephphatha to Deaf Pastors: Deaf Pastoral Ministry, Vol. 46 |
Author/Editor: Marcel Broesterhuizen
From High Priest to Patriarch: History and Authority in the 'Ecclesiastical History' of Bar 'Ebroyo, Vol. 688 |
Author/Editor: Marianna MAZZOLA
From Psychology to Spirituality / De la psychologie a la spiritualite, Vol. 7 |
Author/Editor: Judith Malette ,Martin Rovers ,Lakshmi Sundaram
From Servant of YHWH to Being Considerate of the Wretched: The Figure David in the Reading Perspective of Psalms 35-41 MT, Vol. 305 |
Author/Editor: WILLEM A.M. BEUKEN
From Wisdom to Mystery through Love: Philosophy as Spiritual Itinerary to the Absolute, Vol. 35 |
Author/Editor: Macario Ofilada Mina
Galatian Victories and Other Studies into the Agency and Identity of the Galatians in the Hellenistic and Early Roman Periods, Vol. 33 |
Author/Editor: ALTAY COŞKUN
The Gaze from Above: Reflections on Cosmic Eyes in Visual Culture, Vol. 11 |
Author/Editor: Barbara Baert
Genese 5-11: Commentaire, Vol. 90 |
Author/Editor: Jean L’HOUR
Genesis 1-11 |
Author/Editor: Jan Christian Gertz
The Genesis Commentary by Step'anos of Siwnik' (dub.): Edition, Translation and Comments, Vol. 695 |
Author/Editor: Michael E. STONE ,Sh Efrati
Genèse 2,4b-4,26: Commentaire, Vol. 78 |
Author/Editor: Jean L’HOUR
The Geopolitics of Pope Francis, Vol. 77 |
Author/Editor: Jan De Volder
Gli scavi italo-francesi di Tamna (Repubblica dello Yemen): Rapporto Finale |
Author/Editor: Alessandro DE MAIGRET ,Christian Julien ROBIN
The Gods of Mount Sapanu: Deity Groups in the Ugaritic Alphabetic Texts |
Author/Editor: Aicha RAHMOUNI
The Gospels and Their Receptions: Festschrift Joseph Verheyden |
Greek Colonisation: Continuing an Account of Greek Colonies and Settlements Overseas (Greek Colonisation vol. 3) |
Greek Paideia and Local Tradition in the Graeco-Roman East, Vol. 29 |
The Greenfield Papyrus: Funerary Papyrus of a Priestess at Karnak Temple (c. 950 BCE) |
Author/Editor: Giuseppina LENZO
Gregorio Palamas, Tomo aghioritico: La storia, il testo e la dottrina, Vol. 26 |
Author/Editor: ANTONIO RIGO
Gregory of Tours, 'The Book of the Miracles of the Blessed Andrew the Apostle' |
Author/Editor: Burnam W. Reynolds ,Randy R. Richardson ,Raymond Van Dam
Guerison, religion et raison: De la medecine hippocratique aux neurosciences: Actes de colloque |
Author/Editor: Véronique BOUDON-MILLOT ,Serena BUZZI
Guillelmi Petri de Godino Lectura Thomasina. Book II, Distinctions 1-22, Vol. 19 |
Author/Editor: Andrea Colli
Guillelmi Petri de Godino Lectura Thomasina. Book I, Prologue and Distinctions 1-27, Vol. 19 |
Author/Editor: Francesca Bonini
Guillelmi Petri de Godino Lectura Thomasina. Distinctiones 23-44 libri Secundi |
Author/Editor: Andrea Colli
Habiter dans des jardins. Les aristocrates et leurs horti dans la Rome tardo-republicaine |
Author/Editor: Ilse Hilbold
Hadewijch. Brieven: Middelnederlandse tekst |
Author/Editor: Paul Mommaers ,Anikó Daróczi
Hadewijch. The Complete Letters: Middle Dutch Text |
Author/Editor: Paul Mommaers ,Anikó Daróczi
Half-Truths: The Irish College, Rome, and a Select History of the Catholic Church, 1771-1826, Vol. 322 |
Handbook of Disaster Ritual: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Cases and Themes, Vol. 32 |
Author/Editor: Martin Hoondert ,Paul Post ,Mirella Klomp ,Marcel Barnard
'Have You Not Read this Scripture?': Memory Variation and Context-Based Modification in the Old Testament Quotations in the Gospel of Mark |
Author/Editor: Hans Lammers
The Hebrew Bible of Josephus: Main Features, Vol. 92 |
Author/Editor: Étienne NODET ,Adrian SCHENKER
Hegel ou la quete de l'efficience de la pensee: Deuxieme partie: le systeme de maturite (1807-1831), Vol. 107 |
Author/Editor: Gilbert Gérard
Hegel ou la quete de l'efficience de la pensee: Premiere partie: les annees de formation (1770-1807), Vol. 106 |
Author/Editor: Gilbert Gérard
The Hellenistic Harbour of Amathus. Underwater Excavations, 1984-1986. Volume 1: Architecture and History, Vol. 19 |
Author/Editor: Jean-Yves Empereur ,Tony Koželj ,Olivier Picard ,Manuela Wurch-Koželj
The Hellenistic Harbour of Amathus. Underwater Excavations, 1984-1986. Volume 2: Artefacts Found during Excavation, Vol. 20 |
Author/Editor: Jean-Yves Empereur ,Françoise Alabe ,Angelos Hadjikoumis ,Cécile Harlaut ,Brita Lorentzen ,Sturt W. Manning ,Maria Michael ,May Touma
Henry of Ghent's Summa: The Questions on Human Knowledge (Articles 2-5), Vol. 25 |
Author/Editor: Juan Carlos Flores
Heritage in Conflict: Proceedings of Two Meetings: 'Heritage in Conflict: A Review of the Situation in Syria and Iraq', Workshop held at the 63rd Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Marburg, Germany, 24-25 July 2017, and 'Syria: Ancient History - Mod |
Author/Editor: Heather Jackson ,Andrew Jamieson ,Abby Robinson ,Sophie Russell
Hermeneutik des Lebens: Meister Eckharts exegetisches Programm |
Author/Editor: Martina Roesner
Het Hof Bladelin in Brugge en de restauratie van de schilderijen in de Romeinse Zaal |
Author/Editor: Lieve Watteeuw
Het 'Liber benefactorum' van het kartuizerklooster bij Amsterdam, Vol. 47 |
Author/Editor: Tom Gaens ,Koen Goudriaan
Histoire de la province romaine de Crete-Cyrenaique, de Pompee a Diocletien |
Histoire des parties du discours, Vol. 46 |
Author/Editor: Bernard COLOMBAT ,Aimée LAHAUSSOIS
Histoire et geographie chez les auteurs grecs du IIe siecle avant J.-C. au VIe siecle apres J.-C. |
Author/Editor: Michèle COLTELLONI-TRANNOY ,Sébastien MORLET
Historical Studies in Late Roman Art and Archaeology |
Author/Editor: Alan Cameron ,Jaś Elsner
A History of the Kingdom of Israel, Vol. 275 |
A History of the Kingdom of Jerusalem and Judah, Vol. 287 |
Hokhmat Sopher: Melanges offerts au Professeur Emile Puech en l'honneur de son quatre-vingtieme anniversaire, Vol. 88 |
Author/Editor: Jean-Sébastien REY ,Martin STASZAK
Homo Theomorphicus et Theophoricus: A Receptive-Responsive Theory of Spirituality, Vol. 8 |
Author/Editor: Andrzej Jastrzębski
The Iconography of Magic: Images of Power and the Power of Images in Ancient and Late Antique Magic |
Author/Editor: Raquel Martín Hernández
Iconology of Charity: Medieval Legends of Saint Elizabeth in Central Europe, Vol. 9 |
Author/Editor: Ivan Gerát
The Ikun-pisa Letter Archive from Tell ed-Der: IPLA, Vol. 131 |
Author/Editor: Rients de Boer ,Kh. Al-‘Adhami ,D.O. Edzard ,W. Sommerfeld ,N. Muhammad
Il De Tragoedia 'barocciano: Una rivisitazione cinquant'anni dopo, Vol. 294 |
Il libro del profeta Amos: Seconda edizione rivista, Vol. 21, Ed. 2 |
Author/Editor: Pietro Bovati ,Roland Meynet
Ils s’appelaient Pison: Pouvoir et popularité à Rome |
Author/Editor: Patrick LE ROUX
Images in Transition: The Southern Levant and its Imagery between Near Eastern and Greek Traditions |
Author/Editor: Silvia Schroer ,Patrick Wyssmann
Imaging God Anew: A Theological Aesthetics, Vol. 69 |
Author/Editor: Wessel Stoker
Imaging Utopia: New Perspectives on Northern Renaissance Art: Papers Presented at the Twentieth Symposium for the Study of Underdrawing and Technology in Painting held in Mechelen and Leuven, 11-13 January 2017, Vol. 20 |
Author/Editor: Julie Beckers ,Annelies Vogels ,Jan Van der Stock ,Lieve Watteeuw
Imagining Paganism through the Ages: Studies on the Use of the Labels 'Pagan' and 'Paganism' in Controversies, Vol. 312 |
I miei servi, I profeti: Un paradigma profetico nello sviluppo letterario di Geremia, Vol. 83 |
Author/Editor: Nicola AGNOLI
In Frage gestellt: Die Interrogativsatze im biblischen Hebraisch und Aramaisch, Vol. 87 |
Author/Editor: Martin STASZAK
Initiation and Mystagogy in Thomas Aquinas: Scriptural, Systematic, Sacramental and Moral, and Pastoral Perspectives, Vol. 19 |
Author/Editor: Henk Schoot ,Jacco Verburgt ,Jörgen Vijgen ,Bai Ziqiang ,Marta Borgo ,Anton ten Klooster ,Matthew Levering ,William C. Mattison III
In memoriam Francolino Goncalves, O.P. (1943-2017), Vol. 91 |
Author/Editor: Paolo GARUTI ,Jean Jacques PÉRENNÈS ,Martin STASZAK
Inner Affinity: Ovid, Titian, Philip of Spain |
Author/Editor: Jean-François Corpataux ,Elisabeth Dutton
Interpretatio. Traduire l'alterite dans les civilisations de l'Antiquite |
Author/Editor: Frédéric Colin ,Olivier Huck ,Sylvie Vanséveren
In the Crucible of Empire: The Impact of Roman Citizenship upon Greeks, Jews and Christians, Vol. 21 |
Author/Editor: Katell Berthelot ,Jonathan Price
Ionians in the West and East: Proceedings of the International Conference 'Ionians in East and West', Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya-Empuries, Empuries/L'Escala, Spain, 26-29 October, 2015, Vol. 27 |
Isho'dad of Merw. Commentary on the Gospel of John, Vol. 671 |
Author/Editor: Johan D. HOFSTRA
Isho'dad of Merw. Commentary on the Gospel of John, Vol. 672 |
Author/Editor: Johan D. Hofstra
Islam in Armenian Literary Culture: Texts, Contexts, Dynamics, Vol. 147 |
Author/Editor: Seta B. Dadoyan
Israel et Juda a l'Ombre des Babyloniens et des Perses |
Author/Editor: Daniel Bodi
'Ius commune graeco-romanum': Essays in Honour of Prof. Dr. Laurent Waelkens, Vol. 30 |
Author/Editor: Wouter Druwé ,Wim Decock ,Paolo Angelini ,Matthias Castelein
Iusti Lipsi Epistolae. Pars IX: 1596, Vol. 9 |
Author/Editor: Hugo PEETERS
IXNH. Walking in the Footsteps of the Pioneer of Aegean Archaeology in celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Heinrich Schliemann: Proceedings of the 19th International Aegean Conference/19e Rencontre egeenne internationale, Centro Internazi |
Author/Editor: Robert LAFFINEUR ,Massimo PERNA
Jacob of Serugh. Homily on the Apostle Thomas and the Resurrection of Our Lord, Vol. 691 |
Author/Editor: Philip Michael FORNESS
Janus Pannonius, Epigrammes: Traduites et annotees, avec texte latin en regard, Vol. 365 |
Author/Editor: Janus Pannonius ,Étienne WOLFF
Jerusalem Icons in the European Space, Vol. 12 |
Author/Editor: Bianca Kühnel
Jesus Christ accomplit les Ecritures |
Author/Editor: Roland Meynet
Jesus, with Style: Luke's Literary and Theological Genius |
Author/Editor: Marc Rastoin
Jewish-Christian Disputations in Antiquity and the Middle Ages: Fictions and Realities, Vol. 21 |
Author/Editor: Sébastien Morlet
Job ou sortir de la cendre: Etude exegetique, litteraire, anthropologique et theologique de la mort dans le livre de Job |
John Chrysostom and Severian of Gabala: Homilists, Exegetes and Theologians, Vol. 282 |
John Plousiadenos (1423?-1500): A Time-Space Geography of his Life and Career, Vol. 284 |
Judges, Vol. 7 |
Author/Editor: Klaas Spronk
Judische Gebete aus der Umwelt des Neuen Testaments: Ein Studienbuch, Vol. 37 |
Kindness, Courage, and Integrity in Biblical Texts and in the Politics of Biblical Interpretation: Festschrift Reimund Bieringer |
The King and Kingship in Achaemenid Art: Essays in the Creation of an Iconography of Empire, Vol. 19 |
Author/Editor: Margaret Cool ROOT
Kirakos Ganjakec'i (XIIIe siecle). Histoire d'Armenie: Traduction, introduction et notes, Vol. 144 |
Author/Editor: Patricia BOISSON
The Knife: Temporal Ruptures in Revelation and Transformation, Vol. 22 |
Author/Editor: Laura Tack
La Bible en face: Etudes textuelles et litteraires offertes en hommage a Adrian Schenker, a l'occasion de ses quatre-vingts ans, Vol. 95 |
Author/Editor: Innocent HIMBAZA ,Clemens LOCHER
La composizione letteraria del Vangelo di Matteo, Vol. 22 |
Author/Editor: Francesco Graziano
La contribution du discours a la caracterisation des personnages bibliques: Neuvieme colloque international due RRENAB, Louvain-la-Neuve, 31 mai - 2 juin 2018, Vol. 311 |
Author/Editor: ANDRÉ WÉNIN
La Conversion du Kartli: Introduction et Édition Critique |
Author/Editor: Jean-Pierre MAHÉ ,Zaza Aleksidzé ,Bernard Coulie
La Conversion du Kartli: Introduction et Traduction |
Author/Editor: Jean-Pierre MAHÉ ,Bastien Kindt
La croyance des Esseniens en la vie future: immortalite, resurrection, vie eternelle? Histoire d'une croyance dans le judaisme ancien: Tome I: La resurrection des morts et le contexte scripturaire. Tome II: Les donnees qumraniennes et classiques, Vol. 21 |
Author/Editor: Émile Puech ,André CAQUOT
La culture de l'ecrit en Mediterranee occidentale a travers les pratiques epigraphiques (Gaule, Iberie, Afrique du Nord) |
La decoration des pylones ptolemaiques d'Edfou et de Philae. Etude comparative |
Author/Editor: Laetitia Martzolff
La figure biblique du juste et ses enjeux theologiques dans le Nouveau Testament, Vol. 97 |
Author/Editor: Denis FRICKER ,Nathalie SIFFER ,Jacques AHIWA
La formation d'une exegese alexandrine post-origenienne: Les Commentaires sur les Douze Prophetes et sur Isaie de Cyrille d'Alexandrie, Vol. 17 |
Author/Editor: Dimitrios ZAGANAS
La gloire de Rhodes au 1er siecle de notre ere (a partir du Discours aux Rhodiens de Dion de Pruse), Vol. 60 |
Author/Editor: Henri FERNOUX ,Anne GANGLOFF ,Éric GUERBER
La Lettre aux Galates: Deuxieme edition revue, Vol. 26 |
Author/Editor: Roland Meynet
La nature et le bien: L'ethique d'Aristote et la question naturaliste |
Language, Grammar, and Erudition: From Antiquity to Modern Times, Vol. 44 |
Author/Editor: Pierre SWIGGERS
Languages of the Law in Early Medieval England: Essays in Memory of Lisi Oliver, Vol. 22 |
Author/Editor: Stefan Jurasinski ,Andrew Rabin
La non-dualite: Perspectives philosophiques, scientifiques, spirituelles, Vol. 112 |
Author/Editor: Jean-Michel Counet
L'antonymie: Fonctions semantico-referentielles de la co-presence d'antonymes en francais, Vol. 45 |
La passion selon saint Matthieu: Matthieu 26-28, Vol. 4 |
Author/Editor: Olivier-Thomas Venard ,Maria Cristina Álvares ,Louis-Marie Ariño-Durand ,Geoffroy Aujay de La Dure ,Carolina Aznar Sánchez ,Gilles Banderier ,Méir Bar Asher ,Anne-Catherine Baudoin
La pedagogie de la visite de Dieu chez Luc, Vol. 76 |
Author/Editor: Marie DE LOVINFOSSE
La philosophie des non-philosophes dans l'Empire romain (Ier-IIIe siecles) |
Author/Editor: Sophie AUBERT-BAILLOT ,Charles GUÉRIN ,Sébastien MORLET
L'appartenance. Vers une cosmologie phenomenologique, Vol. 105 |
Author/Editor: Renaud Barbaras
La purita e il cuore dell'uomo: Indagini lessicali e percorsi teologici attorno a katharos, Vol. 94 |
Author/Editor: Marco SETTEMBRINI
A la recherche de l'integration: Les marchands juifs sefarades occidentaux a Saint-Esprit-les-Bayonne face a la societe bayonnaise au XVIIIeme siecle |
Author/Editor: Nimrod M. Gaatone ,José Costa ,Alessandro Guetta ,Max Polonovski
La Reconnaissance litteraire: Hommages a Jan Herman, Vol. 71 |
Author/Editor: Hommages à Jan Herman ,Nathalie Kremer ,Kris Peeters ,Beatrijs Vanacker
La renaissance de Dendara |
Author/Editor: Sylvie CAUVILLE ,Gaël POLLIN
La rhetorique du petit dans l'epigramme grecque et latine |
Author/Editor: Doris Meyer ,Céline Urlacher-Becht
La scene: Pratiques d'un genre litteraire et artistique (1810-1910) |
Author/Editor: Charlotte Dufour
La structure ontologique-communionnelle de la personne: Aux sources theologiques et philosophiques du pere Dumitru Staniloae, Vol. 315 |
A Late Christian Pilgrimage Centre in Nubia: The Evidence of Wall Inscriptions in the Upper Church at Banganarti, Vol. 39 |
Author/Editor: ADAM ŁAJTAR
La topographie de la Jerusalem antique: Essais sur l'urbanisme fossile, defenses et portes. IIe s. av. - IIe s. ap. J.-C., Vol. 2 |
Author/Editor: Dominique-Marie CABARET
La tradition du neoplatonisme latin au Moyen Age et a la Renaissance, Vol. 68 |
Author/Editor: d’Alain GALONNIER ,d’Alice LAMY
La version copte du discours pseudo-ephremien In pulcherrimum Ioseph. V., Vol. 683 |
Author/Editor: Eric CRÉGHEUR ,Paul-Hubert POIRIER
La version copte du discours pseudo-ephremien In pulcherrimum Ioseph. T., Vol. 682 |
Author/Editor: Eric CRÉGHEUR ,Paul-Hubert POIRIER
La versione siriaca della Vita di Giovanni il Misericordioso di Leonzio di Neapolis: V., Vol. 680 |
Author/Editor: Guido VENTURINI
La versione siriaca della Vita di Giovanni il Misericordioso di Leonzio di Neapolis, Vol. 263 |
Author/Editor: Guido VENTURINI
La vie comme concept et comme experience de soi: Essai sur la genese sensorielle de la conscience. Hegel - Plessner - Straus |
Author/Editor: Remy Rizzo
La vulnerabilite aux abus et l'eglise catholique: Vulnerability to Abuse and the Catholic Church |
Author/Editor: Marie-Rose Tannous
Le Batiment Dessenne et les abords Sud-Ouest du palais dans l'etablissement pre- et protopalatial de Malia: Fouilles executees a Malia, Vol. 37 |
Author/Editor: Maud Devolder ,Maud Devolder ,Ilaria Caloi ,Athos Agapiou ,Maria Emanuela Alberti ,Maria Anastasiadou ,Mila Andonova ,Gianluca Cantoro ,Tristan Cart
Le Cantique des cantiques, Vol. 25 |
Author/Editor: Roland Meynet
Le cauchemar dans les societes antiques: Actes des journees d'etude de l'UMR 7044 (15-16 Novembre 2007, Strasbourg) |
Author/Editor: Jean-Marie Husser ,Alice Mouton
L'Ecclesiaste a la confluence du judaisme et de l'hellenisme: Deux siecles d'histoire des etudes comparees du Qohelet et des vestiges litterares et philosophiques grecs, Vol. 93 |
Author/Editor: Paul-Marie Fidèle CHANGO
Le christianisme devant l'islam: theologiens en dialogue, Vol. 45 |
Author/Editor: Michel Younes ,André Wénin
A l'ecole de l'Antiquite: Hommages a Ghislaine Vire, Vol. 361 |
Author/Editor: Benoît Sanset ,Charlotte Vanhalme
Le College des Trois Langues de Louvain 1517-1797: Erasme, les pratiques pedagogiques humanistes et le nouvel institut des langues |
Author/Editor: Jan Papy ,Lambert Isebaert ,Charles-Henri Nyns
Le coran de Gwalior: Polysemie d'un manuscrit a peintures |
Author/Editor: Éloïse BRAC DE LA PERRIÈRE ,Monique BURÉSI
The 'Lectura Thomasina' in Its Context: Philosophical and Theological Issues, Vol. 18 |
Author/Editor: Andreas Speer ,Andrea Colli ,Francesca Bonini
Le developpement des traditions sur Elie et l'histoire de la formation de la Bible, Vol. 80 |
Author/Editor: Henri VALLANÇON ,d’Olivier-Thomas VENARD
Le double portrait de Juda: Genese 38 et 49, et la question de l'identite d'Israel a l'epoque perse, Vol. 93 |
Author/Editor: Dan WANG
Le double voyage: Paris-Athenes (1919-1939), Vol. 12 |
Author/Editor: Lucile Arnoux-Farnoux ,Polina Kosmadaki ,Servanne Jollivet
The Legend of Saint Aur and the Monastery of Naqlun: The Copto-Arabic Texts, Vol. 26 |
Author/Editor: Clara Elisabeth ten Hacken
L'Egypte des villages autour du seizieme siecle, Vol. 23 |
Author/Editor: Nicolas Michel
Le heros comme il faut. Codes de comportement et contextes sociaux dans l'epopee homerique |
Author/Editor: Francesco Mari
Le Langage. Lectures d'Aristote |
Le Livre de Florimont, Vol. 21 |
Le livre de Jeremie en perspective: Les deux redactions conservees et l'addition du supplement sous le nom de Baruch: Recueil des travaux de Pierre-Maurice Bogaert reunis par J.-C. Haelewyck et B. Kindt, Vol. 308 |
Le mariage dans l'oeuvre de Flavius Josephe: Une etude du droit matrimonial en ses sources, Vol. 99 |
Author/Editor: Bertrand PINÇON
Le microcosme animal en Egypte ancienne: de l'effroi a la veneration: Etude d'archeo- et ethnoarthropodologie culturelle, Vol. 297 |
Le miroir en Egee a l'age du Bronze recent: Formes, fonctions, usages et trajectoires entre le XVIe et le XIe siecle |
Author/Editor: Laura Elisabeth ALVAREZ
L'ensemble des Cinq Rouleaux: Cinq femmes ensemble |
Author/Editor: Roland Meynet
Le pere Roland de Vaux, o.p.: Une biographie |
Author/Editor: Jean Jacques PÉRENNÈS
Le peuple aux trois noms: Une histoire de l'ancien Israel a travers le prisme de ses ethnonymes |
Author/Editor: Fabio Porzia
L'epigraphie arabe/islamique un siecle apres la mort de Max van Berchem: bilan et perspectives |
Author/Editor: Frédéric BAUDEN ,Charles GENEQUAND ,Ludvik KALUS
Le prophete s'avance masque: Commentaire et traversee biblique du livre de Jonas, Vol. 100 |
Author/Editor: Claude LICHTERT
Le Psautier. L'ensemble du Livre des Louanges, Vol. 24 |
Author/Editor: Roland Meynet
Le psautier. Premier livre (Ps 1-41), Vol. 16 |
Author/Editor: Roland Meynet
Le Psautier. Quatrieme livre (Ps 90-106), Vol. 23 |
Author/Editor: Roland Meynet
Le Psautier. Troisieme livre (Ps 73-89), Vol. 19 |
Author/Editor: Roland Meynet
Le quartier des pretres dans le temple d'Amon a Karnak, Vol. 300 |
Le Retour des Grecs de Russie: Identites, memoires, trajectoires, Vol. 11 |
Author/Editor: Kira Kaurinkoski
Le rire des sages: L'humour dans la Mishna et la Tosefta, Vol. 60 |
Author/Editor: Avigail Ohali ,José Costa ,Alessandro Guetta ,Max Polonovski
Les Actes des apotres |
Author/Editor: Roland Meynet
Les Actes des Apotres: Texte Occidental reconstitue, Vol. 79 |
Author/Editor: Patrick FAURE
Le Sanctuaire d'Apollon a Delos. Tome I: Architecture, topographie, histoire, Vol. 44 |
Author/Editor: Roland Étienne ,Jean-Pierre Braun ,Thomas Brisart ,Laure Chevalier ,Laurent Costa ,Stéphane Desruelles ,Roland Étienne ,Claire Hasenohr ,Frédéric He
Le Sanctuaire d'Apollon a Delos. Tome II: Les monuments votifs et honorifiques (sans toit), Vol. 45 |
Author/Editor: Roland Étienne ,Frédéric Herbin
Les archives administratives de l'Ancien Empire, Vol. 37 |
Les archives d'Atta-Welgimmas: Les textes dits de Malamir |
Author/Editor: Florence MALBRAN-LABAT ,Carole ROCHE-HAWLEY
Les archives de Dioscore d'Aphrodite cent ans apres leur decouverte. Histoire et culture dans l'Egypte byzantine |
Author/Editor: Jean-Luc Fournet ,Caroline Magdelaine
Les arts de la couleur en Grece ancienne... et ailleurs: Approches interdisciplinaires, Vol. 56 |
Author/Editor: Philippe Jockey
Les aventures d'un pamphlet antidemocratique: Transmission et reception de la Constitution des Atheniens du Pseudo-Xenophon (Ve siecle avant J.-C.-XXIe siecle) |
Author/Editor: Dominique Lenfant
Les coutumes funeraires dans le royaume de Meroe: Les enterrements prives |
Author/Editor: Vincent FRANCIGNY
Les degres du silence: Du sens chez Austin et Merleau-Ponty, Vol. 103 |
Author/Editor: Jeanne-Marie Roux
'Les dix Categories' ou 'Paraphrase themistienne' du Pseudo-Augustin: Texte legerement emende de l'edition de L. Minio-Palluelo. Introduction, traduction et notes, Vol. 70 |
Author/Editor: Alain GALONNIER ,Claudio MORESCHINI
Les ecrits anti-sarrasins de Pierre le Venerable: cultures de combat et combat de cultures. Summa totius haeresis Sarracenorum - Epistola de translatione sua - Contra sectam sive haeresim Sarracenorum: Texte emende de l'edition d'Arnold Glei, Vol. 67 |
Author/Editor: Arnold Glei ,Alain GALONNIER ,Dominique IOGNA-PRAT
Les eglises et les monasteres des grands centres byzantins: (Bithynie, Hellespont, Latros, Galesios, Trebizonde, Athenes, Thessalonique) |
Author/Editor: RAYMOND JANIN
Le Sentiment du Savoir: Presentation, analyse, traduction et commentaire de la Spenta.maniiu Gatha (Y 47-50). Precede d'une introduction generale, suivi de quatre Marginales grammaticales et d'une Concordance des textes vieil-avestiques, Vol. 61 |
Author/Editor: Éric PIRART
Les foyers imaginaires: Trois courts traites de metaphysique, Vol. 113 |
Author/Editor: André Stanguennec
Les mythes du deluge de l'Inde ancienne: Histoire d'un comparatisme semitico-indien, Vol. 72 |
Author/Editor: Guillaume DUCŒUR
Les noms officiels des communes de Wallonie, de Bruxelles-Capitale et de la communaute germanophone: Evolution et fixation ortographique des toponymes majeurs de 1795 a nos jours. Avec indication de la prononciation francaise (API), de la forme regionale |
Author/Editor: Jean GERMAIN ,Jean-Marie Pierret
Le souci de toutes les eglises: Hommage a Joseph Fameree, Vol. 314 |
Les Pheniciens, les Puniques et les autres: Echanges et identites en Mediterranee ancienne |
Les premieres annees du roi Zimri-Lim de Mari. Deuxieme partie |
Author/Editor: Jean-Marie Durand
Les premieres annees du roi Zimri-Lim de Mari: Premiere partie, Vol. 33 |
Author/Editor: Jean-Marie Durand
Les premieres annees du roi Zimri-Lim de Mari. Troisieme partie |
Author/Editor: Jean-Marie DURAND
Les relations diplomatiques romano-barbares en Occident au Ve siecle: Acteurs, fonctions, modalites |
Author/Editor: Audrey Becker
Les Rituels de Naissance Kizzuwatniens: Un Exemple de Rite de Passage en Anatolie Hittite |
Author/Editor: Alice Mouton
Les royaumes de Chypre a l'epreuve de l'histoire: Transitions et ruptures de la fin de l'age du Bronze au debut de l'epoque hellenistique, Vol. 60 |
Author/Editor: Anna Cannavò ,Ludovic Thély
Les 'sola' de la Reforme: relectures protestantes et catholiques, Vol. 44 |
Author/Editor: Joseph Famerée ,Martin Leiner
Les sourds, entre handicap et minorite culturelle, Vol. 110 |
Author/Editor: Isabelle Dagneaux
Le temps qui compte: Construction et qualification du temps de l'histoire dans le recit des livres de Samuel (1 S 1 - 1 R 2), Vol. 318 |
Author/Editor: BÉATRICE OIRY
L'ethique de l'ere postmoderne et crise de la theologie, Vol. 72 |
Author/Editor: Katikishi Muzembe
The Letter and the Spirit: On the Forgotten Documents of Vatican II, Vol. 297 |
Letters in the Dust: The Epigraphy and Archaeology of Medieval Jewish Cemeteries |
Author/Editor: Leonard V.Rutgers ,Ortal-Paz Saar
Lettres familieres sur le roman du XVIIIe siecle: II. L'espace dialogique du roman, Vol. 68 |
Author/Editor: Jan Herman
Lettres familieres sur le roman du XVIIIe siecle: I. Providences romanesques, Vol. 67 |
Author/Editor: Jan HERMAN
L'Eurasie autour de l'an 1000: Cultures, religions et societes d'un monde en developpement |
Author/Editor: Dominique Barthélemy ,Frantz Grenet ,Cécile Morrisson
Leviticus 1-10 |
Author/Editor: James W. Watts
Leviticus 11-20 |
Author/Editor: James W. Watts
L'hantologie de Sartre: Sur la spectralite dans 'L'Etre et le Neant', Vol. 109 |
Author/Editor: Fernanda Alt
L'heritage grec des colonies romaines d'Orient. Interactions culturelles dans les provinces hellenophones de l'empire romain |
Author/Editor: Cédric Brélaz
L'heroisme de la vie moderne: Ahmed Riza (1858-1930) en son temps, Vol. 26 |
Author/Editor: Erdal Kaynar
L'histoire de l'horlogerie liegeoise au XVIIIieme siecle |
Author/Editor: Eddy Fraiture
L'histoire du royaume de Byblos à l'âge du Fer, 1080-333, Vol. 274 |
Liefde in tijden zonder tijd: Tijd schenken |
Author/Editor: Piet Nijs
Life in Palmyra, Life for Palmyra: Conference in Memory of Khaled al-As'ad, Warsaw, April 21st-22nd, 2016 |
Author/Editor: Michal Gawlikowski ,Dagmara Wielgosz-Rondolino
Life Preservation in Genesis and Exodus: An Exegetical Study of the Teba of Noah and Moses, Vol. 98 |
Author/Editor: Joshua Joel Spoelstra
Like Nails Firmly Fixed (Qoh 12:11): Essays on the Text and Language of the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures Presented to Peter J. Gentry on the Occasion of His Retirement |
Author/Editor: Phillip S. Marshall ,John D. Meade ,Jonathan M. Kiel
Limes, Economy and Society in the Lower Danubian Roman Provinces, Vol. 25 |
L'insula V d'Herculanum: Transformations spatiales et diachroniques de l'architecture et du decor des habitations |
Author/Editor: Alexandra Dardenay
L'invention de la luga al-fusha: Une histoire de l'arabe par les textes, Vol. 13 |
Author/Editor: Pierre LARCHER
Liturgical Poetry in Christian Nubia: The Evidence of the Wall Inscriptions in the Lower Church at Banganarti, Vol. 38 |
Livres des Patriarches: Edition des textes, traduction et commentaire. I. Testament de Levi |
Author/Editor: Józef T. MILIK ,Henryk DRAWNEL ,Henryk DRAWNEL
L'Orient est son jardin: Hommage a Remy Boucharlat, Vol. 58 |
Author/Editor: Sébastien GONDET ,Ernie HAERINCK
Lo sviluppo termale del settore costiero della citta di Ostia: Riesame della documentazione e nuove indagini alle 'Thermae maritimae' (IV, X, 1) e alle c.d. Terme Marittime (III, VIII, 2) |
Author/Editor: Marcello Turci
Louvain, Belgium, and Beyond: Studies in Religious History in Honour of Leo Kenis, Vol. 299 |
L'Unique seul importe: Hommage a Pierre Magnard, Vol. 104 |
Author/Editor: d’Alain Galonnier
The Lure of the Antique: Essays on Malta and Mediterranean Archaeology in Honour of Anthony Bonanno, Vol. 54 |
Author/Editor: Nicholas C. Vella ,Anthony J. Frendo ,Horatio C.R. Vella
The Mamluk Sultanate and its Periphery |
Author/Editor: Frédéric BAUDEN
The Manifestation of God's Merciful Justice: A Theocentric Reading of Romans 3:21-26, Vol. 91 |
Author/Editor: Varghese P. Chiraparamban
Maniiu et la mythologie protozoroastrienne: Etude de textes vieil-avestiques, Vol. 59 |
Author/Editor: Éric PIRART
Manuscripts & Precious Books in the Maurits Sabbe Library - KU Leuven |
Author/Editor: Wim François ,Lieve Watteeuw ,Leo Kenis
Marginality, Media, and Mutations of Religious Authority in the History of Christianity, Vol. 6 |
Author/Editor: Laura Feldt ,Jan N. Bremmer
Material Culture of Mesopotamia and Beyond 1: People and their Material Environment in First Millennium BCE Babylonia |
Material Cultures of Devotion in the Age of Reformations, Vol. 10 |
Author/Editor: Salvador Ryan ,Samantha L. Smith ,Laura Katrine Skinnebach
Mathematiques et Metaphysique dans la pensee de Nicolas de Cues: Actes du Colloque de Nice (sept. 2017) de la Societe francaise Cusanus, Vol. 69 |
Author/Editor: Jean-Michel COUNET
Matiere et mediations metaphysiques: Etude des fonctions systematiques de la matiere au sein de la pensee philosophique de Saint Thomas d'Aquin, Vol. 66 |
Author/Editor: Julien LAMBINET
Maxime Planoudes, Lettres: Traduction et annotation, Vol. 54 |
Author/Editor: Jean Schneider
Medecine et christianisme: Sources et pratiques: Actes du colloque international de Paris, septembre 2016 |
Author/Editor: Alessia Guardasole ,Antonio Ricciardetto ,Véronique Boudon-Millot
Meister Eckhart and Thomas of Erfurt: Modism and the Philosophy of Grammar, Vol. 13 |
Author/Editor: Markus Vinzent ,Christopher M. Wojtulewicz
Meister Eckhart, The German Works: 56 Homilies for the Liturgical Year. 2. De sanctis: Introduction, Translation and Notes, Vol. 12 |
Author/Editor: Loris Sturlese ,Markus Vinzent
Meister Eckhart, The German Works: 64 Homilies for the Liturgical Year. 1. De tempore: Introduction, Translation and Notes, Vol. 9 |
Author/Editor: Loris Sturlese ,Markus Vinzent
Meister Eckhart, The Latin Works: Sermones et Lectiones super Ecclesiastici. Sermons and Lectures on Jesus Sirach: Introduction, Translation and Commentary |
Author/Editor: Patricia Irene Impey
Memoires sur les colonies juives et les voyages en Palestine et en Syrie du premier octobre 1883 a la fin 1899: Presentes et edites par Simon Schwarzfuchs, Vol. 59 |
Author/Editor: Elie Scheid ,José Costa ,Alessandro Guetta ,Max Polonovski
Menschsein in Weisheit und Freiheit: Festschrift fur Thomas Kruger, Vol. 296 |
Author/Editor: Veronika Bachmann ,Annette Schellenberg ,Frank Ueberschaer
Men, Spirituality, and Gender-specific Biblical Hermeneutics, Vol. 78 |
Author/Editor: Armin M. Kummer
Metal Jewellery of the Southern Levant and its Western Neighbours: Cross-Cultural Influences in the Early Iron Age Eastern Mediterranean, Vol. 53 |
Author/Editor: Josephine A. Verduci