Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with B (28) | Information |
Bastards in Egypt: Social and Legal Illegitimacy in the Roman Era, Vol. 37 |
Author/Editor: MARIA NOWAK
The Bearers of Business Letters in Roman Egypt, Vol. 41 |
Author/Editor: Paul Schubert
Beethoven's Tempest Sonata: Perspectives of Analysis and Performance |
Author/Editor: Pieter Bergé ,Jeroen Dhoe ,William E. Caplin
The Beginning of Coinage in the Cimmerian Bosporus (a Hoard from Phanagoria), Vol. 34 |
Author/Editor: V.D. Kuznetsov ,G.R. Tsetskhladze
Behold King Solomon on the Day of his Wedding: A Symbolic-Diachronic Reading of Song 3,6-11 and 4,12-5,1, Vol. 320 |
Author/Editor: NINA S. HEEREMAN
Being Human in a Technological Age: Rethinking Theological Anthropology, Vol. 7 |
Author/Editor: Steven C. van den Heuvel
Beyond All Boundaries: Anatolia in the First Millennium BC, Vol. 295 |
Author/Editor: Annick Payne ,Šárka Velhartická ,Jorit Wintjes
Beyond the Breach: An Exegetical Study of John 4:1-42 as a Text of Jewish-Samaritan Reconciliation, Vol. 92 |
Author/Editor: Priya Paul
The Bible in the Liturgy: Studies on the Lectionary |
A Biblical Aramaic Reader: With an Outline Grammar, Ed. REV - Revised, 2 |
Author/Editor: Takamitsu Muraoka
Bicentenaire de la Societe Asiatique, 1822-2022: Raretes de la bibliotheque. Catalogue de l'exposition au College de France, 29 novembre 2022 - 15 janvier 2023 |
Author/Editor: Peeters Publishers
Bijoux carthaginois III. Les colliers: Apports de trois decennies (1979-2009) |
Author/Editor: Brigitte QUILLARD
The Birth of History: From the Third Millennium to Herodotos |
Author/Editor: RONALD T. RIDLEY
Bonding in Worship: A Ritual Lens on Social Capital in African Independent Churches in South Africa, Vol. 30 |
Author/Editor: Cas Wepener ,Ignatius Swart ,Gerrie ter Haar ,Marcel Barnard
Bookkeeping without Writing: Early Administrative Technologies in Context: Proceedings of the Netherlands Institute for the Near East (NINO) Postdoctoral Research Fellow First Annual Conference, 5th and 6th February 2021 |
Author/Editor: Lucy E. Bennison-Chapman
The Books of Hosea and Micah in Hebrew and Greek, Vol. 294 |
Author/Editor: Takamitsu Muraoka
The Books of the Maccabees: Literary, Historical, and Religious Perspectives |
Borders in Archaeology: Anatolia and the South Caucasus ca. 3500-500 BCE, Vol. 58 |
Author/Editor: Lorenzo d’Alfonso ,Karen S. Rubinson
Born to be Glorified: Assumptionist Altarpieces in the Final Phase of the Spanish 'Reconquista' |
Author/Editor: Paul Vandenbroeck
Bronzes du haut-archaisme a Delphes: Trepieds, chaudrons et vaisselle de bronze (fin VIIIe-VIIe siecle), Vol. 5 |
Author/Editor: Hélène Aurigny
Bruegel & l'Italia / Bruegel and Italy: Proceedings of the International Conference held in the Academia Belgica in Rome, 26-28 September 2019 |
The Bruegel Success Story: Papers Presented at Symposium XXI for the Study of Underdrawing and Technology in Painting, Brussels, 12-14 September 2018, Vol. 21 |
Author/Editor: Christina Currie ,Dominique Allart ,Bart Fransen ,Cyriel Stroo ,Dominique Vanwijnsberghe
Buddha Mind - Christ Mind: A Christian Commentary on the Bodhicaryavatara, Vol. 9 |
Buddhism and Daoism on the Holy Mountains of China, Vol. 34 |
Author/Editor: Thomas JÜLCH
Busse in der Alten Kirche |
Author/Editor: Ulrich Volp
By God's Grace: Ancient Anatolian Studies Presented to Aram Kosyan on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday |
Author/Editor: Yervand H. GREKYAN
Byllis: Presentation du site, fortifications, basiliques A, C et D, Vol. 3 |
Author/Editor: Skënder Muçaj ,Jean-Pierre Sodini ,Pascale Chevalier ,Marie-Patricia Raynaud ,Catherine Vanderheyde ,Manuela Wurch-Kozelj ,Etleva Nallbani ,Elio Hobdari
Byzantine Chant, Radiation, and Interaction: Proceedings of the Congress Held at Hernen Castle, the Netherlands, in December 2015, Vol. 29 |
Author/Editor: Christian Troelsgård ,Gerda Wolfram