Download this publisher's e-journal holdings (xlsx)
Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Journals | Yes | Yes |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with P (121) | ISSN | Status |
Pacifica |
1030-570X, 1839-2598
preserved |
Palliative Care and Social Practice |
preserved |
Palliative Care: Research and Treatment |
preserved |
Palliative Medicine |
0269-2163, 1477-030X
preserved |
Paradigm |
0971-8907, 2394-6083
preserved |
Paramedicine |
preserved |
Party Politics |
1354-0688, 1460-3683
preserved |
Peace Research Abstracts Journal |
preserved |
Pedagogy in Health Promotion: The Scholarship of Teaching & Learning |
2373-3799, 2373-3802
preserved |
Pediatric and Developmental Pathology |
1093-5266, 1615-5742
preserved |
Perception |
0301-0066, 1468-4233
preserved |
Perceptual and Motor Skills |
0031-5125, 0885-6524, 1558-688X
preserved |
Perfusion |
0267-6591, 1477-111X
preserved |
Peritoneal Dialysis International |
0896-8608, 1718-4304
preserved |
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin |
0146-1672, 1552-7433
preserved |
Personality and Social Psychology Review |
1088-8683, 1532-7957
preserved |
Personality Science |
preserved |
Perspectives in Medicinal Chemistry |
preserved |
Perspectives in Public Health |
1757-9139, 1757-9147
preserved |
Perspectives in Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy |
1531-0035, 1521-5768
preserved |
Perspectives on Psychological Science |
1745-6916, 1745-6924
preserved |
Pharmaceuticals Policy and Law |
1389-2827, 2210-495X
preserved |
Pharmacognosy Magazine |
0973-1296, 0976-4062
preserved |
Phi Delta Kappan |
0031-7217, 1940-6487
preserved |
Philosophy of the Social Sciences |
0048-3931, 1552-7441
preserved |
Philosophy & Social Criticism |
0191-4537, 1461-734X
preserved |
Phlebology: The Journal of Venous Disease |
0268-3555, 1758-1125
preserved |
Photography & Culture |
1751-4517, 1751-4525
queued |
Physiotherapy Practice and Research |
2213-0683, 2213-0691
preserved |
Planning Theory |
1473-0952, 1471-3052
preserved |
Plasmatology |
preserved |
Plastics in Building Construction |
0147-2429, 1531-1988
queued |
Plastics, Rubber and Composites |
1465-8011, 1743-2898
preserved |
Plastic Surgery |
2292-5503, 2292-5511
preserved |
Plastic Surgery Case Studies |
2513-826X, 2513-826X
preserved |
Platforms & Society |
preserved |
preserved |
The Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles |
0032-258X, 1740-5599
preserved |
Police Quarterly |
1098-6111, 1552-745X
preserved |
Policy Futures in Education |
preserved |
Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences |
2372-7322, 2372-7330
preserved |
Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice |
1527-1544, 1552-7468
preserved |
Political Insight |
2041-9058, 2041-9066
preserved |
Political Research Quarterly |
1065-9129, 1938-274X
preserved |
Political Science |
0032-3187, 2041-0611
preserved |
Political Studies |
0032-3217, 1467-9248
preserved |
Political Studies Review |
1478-9299, 1478-9302
preserved |
Political Theory |
0090-5917, 1552-7476
preserved |
Politics |
0263-3957, 1467-9256
preserved |
Politics and Ethics Review |
preserved |
Politics, Philosophy & Economics |
1470-594X, 1741-3060
preserved |
Politics & Society |
0032-3292, 1552-7514
preserved |
Polymers and Polymer Composites |
0967-3911, 1478-2391
preserved |
Polymers from Renewable Resources |
2041-2479, 2045-1377
preserved |
Possibility Studies & Society |
preserved |
Post Reproductive Health: The Journal of The British Menopause Society |
1362-1807, 2053-3691, 1754-0453, 2053-3705, 1754-0461
preserved |
Powder Metallurgy |
0032-5899, 1743-2901
preserved |
Power and Education |
preserved |
Primary Dental Journal |
2050-1684, 2050-1692
preserved |
Primary Prevention Insights |
triggered |
Prison Journal |
0032-8855, 1552-7522
preserved |
Probation Journal |
0264-5505, 1741-3079
preserved |
Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare |
2010-1058, 2059-2329
preserved |
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting |
1071-1813, 1541-9312, 2169-5067
preserved |
Proceedings of the Institution of Automobile Engineers |
preserved |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers |
preserved |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers: Automobile Division |
preserved |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Conference Proceedings |
preserved |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability |
1748-006X, 1748-0078
preserved |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering |
0954-4100, 2041-3025
preserved |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology |
1350-6501, 2041-305X
preserved |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit |
0954-4097, 2041-3017
preserved |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications |
1464-4207, 2041-3076
preserved |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics |
1464-4193, 2041-3068
preserved |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture |
0954-4054, 2041-2975
preserved |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment |
1475-0902, 2041-3084
preserved |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine |
0954-4119, 2041-3033
preserved |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering |
0954-4089, 2041-3009
preserved |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering |
0954-4070, 2041-2991
preserved |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology |
1754-3371, 1754-338X
preserved |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part N: Journal of Nanomaterials, Nanoengineering and Nanosystems |
2397-7914, 2397-7922
preserved |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering |
0959-6518, 2041-3041
preserved |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy |
0957-6509, 2041-2967
preserved |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part N: Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems |
1740-3499, 2041-3092
preserved |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science |
0954-4062, 2041-2983
preserved |
Proceedings of the International Symposium of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare |
2327-8579, 2327-8595
preserved |
Production and Operations Management |
1059-1478, 1937-5956
preserved |
Pro Ecclasia |
1063-8512, 2631-8334
preserved |
Professional School Counseling |
1096-2409, 2156-759X
preserved |
Progress in Developmental Studies |
1464-9934, 1477-027X
preserved |
Progress in Environmental Geography |
preserved |
Progress in Human Geography |
0309-1325, 1477-0288
preserved |
Progress in Physical Geography |
0309-1333, 1477-0296
preserved |
Progress in Reaction Kinetics and Mechanics |
1468-6783, 1471-406X
preserved |
Progress in Rubber, Plastics and Recycling |
1477-7606, 1478-2413
preserved |
Progress in Transplantation |
1526-9248, 2164-6708
preserved |
Project Management Journal |
8756-9728, 1938-9507
preserved |
Promotion & Education |
preserved |
Prosthetics and Orthotics International |
0309-3646, 1746-1553
preserved |
Proteomics Insights |
preserved |
Psychological Reports |
0033-2941, 1558-691X
preserved |
Psychological Science |
0956-7976, 1467-9280
preserved |
Psychological Science in the Public Interest |
1529-1006, 1539-6053, 2160-0031
preserved |
Psychology & Developing Societies |
0971-3336, 0973-0761
preserved |
Psychology Learning & Teaching |
2057-3022, 1475-7257
preserved |
Psychology of Music |
0305-7356, 1741-3087
preserved |
Psychology of Women Quarterly |
0361-6843, 1471-6402
preserved |
PsyEcology |
2171-1976, 1989-9386
preserved |
Public Administration Quarterly |
0734-9149, 2327-4433
preserved |
Public Finance and Management |
preserved |
Public Finance Review |
1091-1421, 1552-7530
preserved |
Public Health Reports |
0033-3549, 1468-2877
preserved |
Public Performance & Management Review |
1530-9576, 1557-9271
preserved |
Public Personnel Management |
0091-0260, 1945-7421
preserved |
Public Policy and Administration |
0952-0767, 1749-4192
preserved |
Public Productivity & Management Review |
preserved |
Public Relations Inquiry |
2046-147X, 2046-1488
preserved |
Public Understanding of Science |
0963-6625, 1361-6609
preserved |
Public Works Management & Policy |
1087-724X, 1552-7549
preserved |
Pulmonary Circulation |
2045-8932, 2045-8940
preserved |
Punishment & Society |
1462-4745, 1741-3095
preserved |