Download this publisher's e-journal holdings (xlsx)
Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Journals | Yes | Yes |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with S (99) | ISSN | Status |
Sage Family Studies Abstracts |
preserved |
SAGE Open |
preserved |
SAGE Open Engineering |
queued |
SAGE Open Medical Case Reports |
preserved |
SAGE Open Medicine |
preserved |
SAGE Open Nursing |
2377-9608, 2377-9608
preserved |
Sage Public Administration Abstracts |
preserved |
SAGE Race Relations Abstracts |
0307-9201, 1461-7366
preserved |
Sage Urban Studies Abstracts |
preserved |
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health |
1403-4948, 1651-1905
preserved |
Scandinavian Journal of Surgery |
1457-4969, 1799-7267
preserved |
Scars, Burns & Healing |
2059-5131, 2059-5131
preserved |
School Psychology International |
0143-0343, 1461-7374
preserved |
School Psychology Quarterly |
queued |
Science and Technology of Welding and Joining |
1362-1718, 1743-2936
preserved |
Science Communication |
0164-0259, 1075-5470, 1552-8545
preserved |
Science Progress |
0036-8504, 2047-7163
preserved |
Science, Technology & Human Values |
0162-2439, 1552-8251
preserved |
Science Technology & Society |
0971-7218, 0973-0796
preserved |
Scottish Medical Journal |
0036-9330, 2045-6441
preserved |
Sculpture Review |
0747-5284, 2632-3494
preserved |
Second Language Research |
0267-6583, 1477-0326
preserved |
Security Dialogue |
0967-0106, 1460-3640
preserved |
Semantic Web |
preserved |
Seminars in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia |
1089-2532, 1940-5596
preserved |
Seminars in Laparoscopic Surgery |
preserved |
Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment |
1079-0632, 1573-286X
preserved |
Sexualities |
1363-4607, 1461-7382
preserved |
Sexualization, Media, & Society |
preserved |
Shock & Vibration Digest |
0583-1024, 1741-3184
preserved |
Shoulder & Elbow |
1758-5732, 1758-5740
preserved |
Signal Transduction Insights |
preserved |
Simulation |
0037-5497, 1741-3133
preserved |
Simulation & Gaming |
0037-5500, 1046-8781, 1552-826X
preserved |
SLAS Discovery: Advancing Life Sciences R&D |
2472-5552, 2472-5560
preserved |
SLAS TECHNOLOGY: Translating Life Sciences Innovation |
2472-6303, 2472-6311
preserved |
Small Enterprises Development, Management & Extension |
0970-8464, 2456-1223
preserved |
Small Group Research |
0090-5526, 1046-4964, 1552-8278
preserved |
Social Change |
0049-0857, 0976-3538
preserved |
Social Compass |
0037-7686, 1461-7404
preserved |
Social Currents |
2329-4965, 2329-4973
preserved |
Social & Legal Studies |
0964-6639, 1461-7390
preserved |
Social Marketing Quarterly |
1524-5004, 1539-4093
preserved |
Social Media + Society |
preserved |
Social Psychological and Personality Science |
1948-5506, 1948-5514
preserved |
Social Psychology Quarterly |
0190-2725, 1939-8999
preserved |
Social Science Computer Review |
0894-4393, 1552-8286
preserved |
Social Science Information |
0539-0184, 1461-7412
preserved |
Social Studies of Science |
0306-3127, 1460-3659
preserved |
Society and Culture in South Asia |
2393-8617, 2394-9872
preserved |
Society and Mental Health |
2156-8693, 2156-8731
preserved |
Sociological Bulletin |
0038-0229, 2457-0257
preserved |
Sociological Methodology |
0081-1750, 1467-9531
preserved |
Sociological Methods & Research |
0049-1241, 1552-8294
preserved |
Sociological Perspectives |
0731-1214, 1533-8673
preserved |
Sociological Research Online |
1360-7804, 1360-7804
preserved |
Sociological Review |
0038-0261, 1467-954X
preserved |
The Sociological Review Monographs |
0081-1769, 2059-7932
preserved |
Sociological Theory |
0735-2751, 1467-9558
preserved |
Sociology |
0038-0385, 1469-8684
preserved |
Sociology of Education |
0038-0407, 1939-8573
preserved |
Sociology of Race and Ethnicity |
2332-6492, 2332-6506
preserved |
Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World |
2378-0231, 2378-0231
preserved |
South African Journal of Psychology |
0081-2463, 2078-8208
preserved |
South Asia Economic Journal |
1391-5614, 0973-077X
preserved |
South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases |
2277-9779, 2321-0303
preserved |
South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management |
2322-0937, 2349-5790
preserved |
South Asian Journal of Macroeconomics and Public Finance |
2277-9787, 2321-0273
preserved |
South Asian Survey |
0971-5231, 0973-0788
preserved |
South Asia Research |
0262-7280, 1741-3141
preserved |
South East Asia Research |
0967-828X, 2043-6874
preserved |
Space and Culture |
1206-3312, 1552-8308
preserved |
Space Communications |
0924-8625, 1875-9211
preserved |
Sports Health |
1941-7381, 1941-0921
preserved |
The Stata Journal: Promoting Communications on Statistics and Stata |
1536-867X, 1536-8734
preserved |
State and Local Government Review |
0160-323X, 1943-3409
preserved |
State Politics & Policy Quarterly |
1532-4400, 1946-1607
preserved |
Statistical Journal of the IAOS: Journal of the International Association for Official Statistics |
1874-7655, 1875-9254
preserved |
Statistical Journal of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe |
preserved |
Statistical Methods in Medical Research |
0962-2802, 1477-0334
preserved |
Statistical Modelling |
1471-082X, 1477-0342
preserved |
StemJournal |
2468-8290, 2468-8304
preserved |
Strategic Organization |
1476-1270, 1741-315X
preserved |
Strength, Fracture and Complexity |
1567-2069, 1875-9262
preserved |
String Research Journal |
1948-4992, 2164-0661
preserved |
Studia Liturgica |
0039-3207, 2517-4797
preserved |
Studies in Christian Ethics |
0953-9468, 1745-5235
preserved |
Studies in History |
0257-6430, 0973-080X
preserved |
Studies in Indian Politics |
2321-0230, 2321-7472
preserved |
Studies in Microeconomics |
2321-0222, 2321-8398
preserved |
Studies in People’s History |
2348-4489, 2349-7718
preserved |
Studies in Psychology / Estudios de Psicología |
0210-9395, 1579-3699
preserved |
Studies in Religion |
0008-4298, 2042-0587
preserved |
Substance Abuse |
0889-7077, 1547-0164
preserved |
Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment |
preserved |
Substance Use & Addiction Journal |
2976-7342, 2976-7350
preserved |
Substance Use: Research and Treatment |
preserved |
Surface Engineering |
0267-0844, 1743-2944
preserved |
Surgical Innovation |
1553-3506, 1553-3514
preserved |