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Titles start with D (169) Information
Dachau: The Harrowing of Hell
Author/Editor: Marcus J. Smith
Dali and Postmodernism: This Is Not an Essence
Author/Editor: Marc J. LaFountain
Damned Agitator: A Michael Gold Reader
Author/Editor: Michael Gold ,Patrick Chura
The Dance of Person and Place: One Interpretation of American Indian Philosophy
Author/Editor: Thomas M. Norton-Smith
Dancing on the White Page: Black Women Entertainers Writing Autobiography
Author/Editor: Kwakiutl L. Dreher
Dancing with Ophelia: Reconnecting Madness, Creativity, and Love
Author/Editor: Jeanne Ellen Petrolle
Dancing with Sophia: Integral Philosophy on the Verge
Author/Editor: Michael Schwartz ,Sean Esbjörn-Hargens ,Brian Schroeder ,Ken Wilber
Dancing with the Queen, Marching with King: The Memoirs of Alexander "Sam" Aldrich
Author/Editor: Sam Aldrich ,Gerald Benjamin
A Dangerous Passion: Leadership and the Question of Honor
Author/Editor: HAIG PATAPAN
Dante and Derrida: Face to Face
Author/Editor: Francis J. Ambrosio
Dao and Sign in History: Daoist Arche-Semiotics in Ancient and Medieval China
Author/Editor: DANIEL FRIED
Daoism, Dandyism, and Political Correctness
Daoism, Meditation, and the Wonders of Serenity: From the Latter Han Dynasty (25-220) to the Tang Dynasty (618-907)
The Dao of Rhetoric
Author/Editor: Steven C. Combs
Dark Affinities, Dark Imaginaries: A Mind's Odyssey
Author/Editor: JOSEPH NATOLI
Dark Mirrors: Azazel and Satanael in Early Jewish Demonology
Author/Editor: Andrei A. Orlov
Dark Night, Early Dawn: Steps to a Deep Ecology of Mind
Author/Editor: Christopher M. Bache ,Stanislav Grof
Darwin and the Nature of Species
Author/Editor: David N. Stamos
Darwinian Natural Right: The Biological Ethics of Human Nature
Author/Editor: Larry Arnhart
The Dashing Ladies of Shiv Sena: Political Matronage in Urbanizing India
Author/Editor: TARINI BEDI
David Dinkins and New York City Politics: Race, Images, and the Media
Author/Editor: WILBUR C. RICH
David Hume: Platonic Philosopher, Continental Ancestor
Dead Reckoning: Transatlantic Passages on Europe and America
Author/Editor: Andrei Guruianu ,Anthony Di Renzo
Dead Ringers: The Remake in Theory and Practice
Author/Editor: JENNIFER FORREST ,Leonard R. Koos
Dead Woman Hollow
Author/Editor: Kass Fleisher
Dealing with Deities: The Ritual Vow in South Asia
Dear Uncles: The Civil War Letters of Arthur McKinstry, a Soldier in the Excelsior Brigade
Author/Editor: Rick Barram
Death, Ecstasy, and Other Worldly Journeys
Author/Editor: John J. Collins ,Michael Fishbane
Death in the Classroom: Writing about Love and Loss
Author/Editor: Jeffrey Berman
The Death of Classical Cinema: Hitchcock, Lang, Minnelli
Author/Editor: Joe McElhaney
The Death of Empedocles: A Mourning-Play
Author/Editor: Friedrich Hölderlin ,David Farrell Krell
The Death of Fred Astaire: And Other Essays from a Life outside the Lines
The Death of Luigi Trastulli and Other Stories: Form and Meaning in Oral History
Author/Editor: Alessandro Portelli
Death Rights: Romantic Suicide, Race, and the Bounds of Liberalism
Author/Editor: Deanna P. Koretsky
Debating Islam in the Jewish State: The Development of Policy Toward Islamic Institutions in Israel
Author/Editor: Alisa Rubin Peled
Debating the Global Financial Architecture
Author/Editor: Leslie Elliott Armijo
The Debt of the Living: Ascesis and Capitalism
Author/Editor: Elettra Stimilli ,Arianna Bove ,Roberto Esposito
Deciding to Leave: The Politics of Retirement from the United States Supreme Court
Author/Editor: Artemus Ward
Decision Making for Educational Leaders: Underexamined Dimensions and Issues
The Decline of the Arab-Israeli Conflict: Middle East Politics and the Quest for Regional Order
Author/Editor: Avraham Sela
Decolonizing American Philosophy
Deconstructing Sport History: A Postmodern Analysis
Author/Editor: Murray G. Phillips ,Alun Munslow
Deconstruction, Its Force, Its Violence: together with "Have We Done with the Empire of Judgment?"
Author/Editor: Rodolphe Gasché
Deconstructive Constitutionalism: Derrida Reading Kant
Deep Ecology and World Religions: New Essays on Sacred Ground
Author/Editor: David Landis Barnhill ,Roger S. Gottlieb
The Deep Ecology of Rhetoric in Mencius and Aristotle: A Somatic Guide
Deeper Learning with Psychedelics: Philosophical Pathways through Altered States
Author/Editor: DAVID J. BLACKER
Defenders of Liberty or Champions of Security?: Federal Courts, the Hierarchy of Justice, and U.S. Foreign Policy
Author/Editor: Kirk A. Randazzo
Defending the Faith: Nineteenth-Century American Jewish Writing on Christianity and Jesus
Author/Editor: George L. Berlin
Defending Women's Rights in Europe: Gender Equality and EU Enlargement
Author/Editor: Olga A. Avdeyeva
Defining and Designing Multiculturalism: One School System's Efforts
Author/Editor: Pepi Leistyna ,Peter L. McLaren
Defining NASA: The Historical Debate over the Agency's Mission
Author/Editor: W. D. Kay
Defining Religion: Essays in Philosophy of Religion
Defying the Odds: Class and the Pursuit of Higher Literacy
Author/Editor: Donna Dunbar-Odom
The Deities Are Many: A Polytheistic Theology
Author/Editor: Jordan Paper
The Delay of the Heart
Author/Editor: David Appelbaum
Deleuze and Guattari's Immanent Ethics: Theory, Subjectivity, and Duration
Deliberative Freedom: Deliberative Democracy as Critical Theory
Author/Editor: Christian F. Rostbøll
Delicious December: How the Dutch Brought Us Santa, Presents, and Treats: A Holiday Cookbook
Author/Editor: Peter G. Rose
The Demise of the Inhuman: Afrocentricity, Modernism, and Postmodernism
Author/Editor: ANA MONTEIRO-FERREIRA ,Molefi Kete Asante
Democracy as Culture: Deweyan Pragmatism in a Globalizing World
Author/Editor: Sor-hoon Tan ,John Whalen-Bridge
Democracy at the Ballpark: Sport, Spectatorship, and Politics
Democracy Growing Up: Authority, Autonomy, and Passion in Tocqueville's Democracy in America
Author/Editor: LAURA JANARA
Democratic Dilemmas: Joint Work, Education Politics, and Community
Author/Editor: JULIE A. MARSH
Democratic Policy Implementation in an Ambiguous World
Author/Editor: LUKE FOWLER
Democratizing Technology: Andrew Feenberg's Critical Theory of Technology
Author/Editor: Tyler Veak ,Albert Borgmann ,Simon Cooper ,Gerald Doppelt ,Andrew Feenberg ,Trish Glazebrook ,Larry A. Hickman ,Andrew Light ,David J. Stump
The Demon's Daughter: A Love Story from South India
Author/Editor: Pingali Suranna ,Velcheru Narayana Rao ,David Shulman
Demons of Change: Antagonism and Apotheosis in Jewish and Christian Apocalypticism
Author/Editor: Andrei A. Orlov
Depression and Narrative: Telling the Dark
Author/Editor: Hilary Clark
Deracination: Historicity, Hiroshima, and the Tragic Imperative
Author/Editor: Walter A. Davis
Derrida and Joyce: Texts and Contexts
Author/Editor: Andrew J. Mitchell ,Sam Slote
Derrida and Negative Theology
Author/Editor: Harold Coward ,Toby Foshay ,Jacques Denida
Desbordes: Translating Racial, Ethnic, Sexual, and Gender Identities across the Americas
Author/Editor: María-Amelia Viteri ,Salvador Vidal-Ortiz
Desegregating the City: Ghettos, Enclaves, and Inequality
Author/Editor: David P. Varady
Deserving and Entitled: Social Constructions and Public Policy
Author/Editor: Anne L. Schneider ,Helen M. Ingram
Design and Rhetoric in a Sanskrit Court Epic: The Kirātārjunīya of Bhāravi
Author/Editor: Indira Viswanathan Peterson
Desire of the Analysts: Psychoanalysis and Cultural Criticism
Author/Editor: Greg Forter ,Paul Allen Miller
Desiring Emancipation: New Women and Homosexuality in Germany, 1890-1933
Author/Editor: MARTI M. LYBECK
Despair and Deliverance: Private Salvation in Contemporary Israel
Author/Editor: Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi
Despite All Adversities: Spanish-American Queer Cinema
Author/Editor: Andrés Lema-Hincapié ,Debra A. Castillo
Despotic Bodies and Transgressive Bodies: Spanish Culture from Francisco Franco to Jesus Franco
Destination Dictatorship: The Spectacle of Spain's Tourist Boom and the Reinvention of Difference
Author/Editor: Justin Crumbaugh
Destiny and Human Initiative in the Mahābhārata
Author/Editor: Julian F. Woods
Destiny Domesticated: The Rebirth of Tragedy out of the Spirit of Technology
Author/Editor: Jos de Mul ,Bibi van den Berg
Detecting Men: Masculinity and the Hollywood Detective Film
Detecting Women: Gender and the Hollywood Detective Film
The Devī Gītā: The Song of the Goddess: A Translation, Annotation, and Commentary
Author/Editor: C. Mackenzie Brown
The Devil Is in the Details: Understanding the Causes of Policy Specificity and Ambiguity
Author/Editor: Rachel VanSickle-Ward
The Devil's Pool and Other Stories
Author/Editor: George Sand ,E. H. Blackmore ,A. M. Blackmore ,Francine Giguère
Devils, Women, and Jews: Reflections of the Other in Medieval Sermon Stories
Author/Editor: Joan Young Gregg ,Paul E. Szarmach
Devolution and Black State Legislators: Challenges and Choices in the Twenty-first Century
Author/Editor: Tyson King-Meadows ,Thomas F. Schaller
Deweyan Inquiry: From Education Theory to Practice
Author/Editor: James Scott Johnston
Dōgen and the Kōan Tradition: A Tale of Two Shōbōgenzō Texts
Author/Editor: Steven Heine
Dōgen on Meditation and Thinking: A Reflection on His View of Zen
Author/Editor: Hee-Jin Kim
Dōgen's Pure Standards for the Zen Community: A Translation of Eihei Shingi
Author/Editor: Taigen Daniel Leighton ,Shohaku Okumura ,Ikkō Narasaki Rōshi ,Jūsan Kainei Edward Brown ,Taigen Daniel Leighton
D. G. Leahy and the Thinking Now Occurring
Author/Editor: Lissa McCullough ,Elliot R. Wolfson
The Dharma Master Chǒngsan of Won Buddhism: Analects and Writings
Author/Editor: Bongkil Chung
The Dharma's Gatekeepers: Sakya Paṇḍita on Buddhist Scholarship in Tibet
Author/Editor: Jonathan C. Gold
A Diagnosis for Our Times: Alternative Health, from Lifeworld to Politics
Author/Editor: Matthew Schneirov ,Jonathan David Geczik
The Dialectics of Global Justice: From Liberal to Postcapitalist Cosmopolitanism
Dialogical Philosophy from Kierkegaard to Buber
Author/Editor: Shmuel Hugo Bergman ,Arnold A. Gerstein
Dialogue and Discovery: A Study in Socratic Method
Author/Editor: Kenneth Seeskin
Dialogue, Conflict Resolution, and Change: Arab-Jewish Encounters in Israel
Author/Editor: Mohammed Abu-Nimer
Dialogue on the Threshold: Heidegger and Trakl
A Diary of Gastric Bypass Surgery: When the Benefits Outweigh the Costs
Author/Editor: Darlene K. Drummond
Diasporic Blackness: The Life and Times of Arturo Alfonso Schomburg
Author/Editor: Vanessa K. Valdés
Difficult Dialogues about Twenty-First-Century Girls
Author/Editor: Donna Marie Johnson ,Alice E. Ginsberg
Digital Diaspora: A Race for Cyberspace
Author/Editor: ANNA EVERETT
Digital Meets Handmade: Jewelry Design, Manufacture, and Art in the Twenty-First Century
Author/Editor: Wendy Yothers ,Alba Cappellieri ,Susanna Testa ,Troy Richards
The Dilemma of Modernity: Philosophy, Culture, and Anti-Culture
Author/Editor: Lawrence E. Cahoone
Dilemmas of Representation: Local Politics, National Factors, and the Home Styles of Modern U.S. Congress Members
Author/Editor: Sally Friedman
Dimensions of Aesthetic Encounters: Perception, Interpretation, and the Signs of Art
Author/Editor: ROBERT E. INNIS
Dimensions of Blackness: Racial Identity and Political Beliefs
Author/Editor: Jas M. Sullivan ,Jonathan Winburn ,William E. Cross Jr.
The Disappearing L: Erasure of Lesbian Spaces and Culture
Author/Editor: Bonnie J. Morris
Disaster Emergency Management: The Emergence of Professional Help Services for Victims of Natural Disasters
Author/Editor: Liza Ireni Saban
Disciplining the Holocaust
Author/Editor: KARYN BALL
Disciplining Women: Alpha Kappa Alpha, Black Counterpublics, and the Cultural Politics of Black Sororities
The Discourse of Enclosure: Representing Women in Old English Literature
Author/Editor: Shari Horner
Disenchanted Realists, Second Edition: Political Science and the American Crisis
Author/Editor: Raymond Seidelman ,Edward J. Harpham ,James Farr
Disgust: Theory and History of a Strong Sensation
Author/Editor: Winfried Menninghaus ,Howard Eiland ,Joel Golb
Dispatches from the Color Line: The Press and Multiracial America
Author/Editor: Catherine R. Squires
Displaced at Home: Ethnicity and Gender among Palestinians in Israel
Disrupting Adult and Community Education: Teaching, Learning, and Working in the Periphery
Author/Editor: Robert C. Mizzi ,Tonette S. Rocco ,Sue Shore ,John Field
Disrupting Political Science: Black Women Reimagining the Discipline
Distancing Representations in Transgender Film: Identification, Affect, and the Audience
Author/Editor: Lucy J. Miller
Distinguishing the Views and Philosophies: Illuminating Emptiness in a Twentieth-Century Tibetan Buddhist Classic
Author/Editor: Bötrül,Douglas Samuel Duckworth
The Distortion of Nature's Image: Reification and the Ecological Crisis
Author/Editor: DAMIAN GERBER
Diversity of Sacrifice: Form and Function of Sacrificial Practices in the Ancient World and Beyond
Author/Editor: Carrie Ann Murray
Diversity, Social Justice, and Inclusive Excellence: Transdisciplinary and Global Perspectives
Author/Editor: Seth N. Asumah ,Mechthild Nagel
The Divine Quest, East and West: A Comparative Study of Ultimate Realities
Author/Editor: James L. Ford
Divine Scapegoats: Demonic Mimesis in Early Jewish Mysticism
Author/Editor: ANDREI A. ORLOV
DIY on the Lower East Side: Books, Buildings, and Art after the 1975 Fiscal Crisis
The Doctrine of Vibration: An Analysis of the Doctrines and Practices of Kashmir Shaivism
Author/Editor: Mark S. G. Dyczkowski
Document Design: From Process to Product in Professional Communication, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Miles A. Kimball ,Derek G. Ross ,Ann Hawkins
Documents in Crisis: Nonfiction Literatures in Twentieth-Century Mexico
Author/Editor: Beth E. Jörgensen
Doghiker: Great Hikes with Dogs from the Adirondacks through the Catskills
Author/Editor: Alan Via ,Liz Cruz
Doing Democracy: Activist Art and Cultural Politics
Author/Editor: Nancy S. Love ,Mark Mattern
Doing Philosophy at the Movies
Author/Editor: Richard A. Gilmore
Doing Qualitative Research in Education Settings, Second Edition
Author/Editor: J. AMOS HATCH
Doing Time: Temporality, Hermeneutics, and Contemporary Cinema
Author/Editor: Lee Carruthers
Domestic Abolitionism and Juvenile Literature, 1830-1865
Author/Editor: Deborah C. De Rosa
Édouard Glissant, Philosopher: Heraclitus and Hegel in the Whole-World
Author/Editor: Alexandre Leupin ,Andrew Brown
A Double Burden: Israeli Jews in Contemporary Germany
Doubly Erased: LGBTQ Literature in Appalachia
Author/Editor: ALLISON E. CAREY
Do Voters Look to the Future?: Economics and Elections
Author/Editor: Brad Lockerbie
Downstate New York Rock Walks: An Explorer's Guide to Amazing Boulders and Rock Formations
Author/Editor: C. Russell Dunn
The Drama of Fallen France: Reading la Comédie sans Tickets
Author/Editor: Kenneth Krauss
Dramatic Experiments: Life according to Diderot
Author/Editor: EYAL PERETZ
Dreaming about the Divine
Author/Editor: Bonnelle Lewis Strickling
Dreaming and the Self: New Perspectives on Subjectivity, Identity, and Emotion
Author/Editor: Jeannette Marie Mageo
Dreaming in the Classroom: Practices, Methods, and Resources in Dream Education
Author/Editor: Philip King ,Kelly Bulkeley ,Bernard Welt
Dreaming the Actual: Contemporary Fiction and Poetry by Israeli Women Writers
Author/Editor: Miriyam Glazer
A Dream of Hitchcock
The Dream on the Rock: Visions of Prehistory
Author/Editor: Fulvio Gosso ,Peter Webster
Dreams and Visions in Islamic Societies
Author/Editor: Özgen Felek ,Alexander D. Knysh
Dreams in Exile: Rediscovering Science and Ethics in Nineteenth-Century Social Theory
Author/Editor: GEORGE E. McCARTHY
Dreamworlds of Shamanism and Tibetan Buddhism: The Third Place
Author/Editor: Angela Sumegi
Drifting: Two Weeks on the Hudson
Author/Editor: Mike Freeman
Drops of Inclusivity: Racial Formations and Meanings in Puerto Rican Society, 1898-1965
Drunk from the Bitter Truth: The Poems of Anna Margolin
Author/Editor: Anna Margolin ,Shirley Kumove
Dual Allegiance: Freud as a Modern Jew
Author/Editor: MOSHE GRESSER
Dubious Facts: The Evidence of Early Chinese Historiography
Author/Editor: Garret P. S. Olberding
Ducktails, Drive-ins, and Broken Hearts: An Unsweetened Look at '50s Music
Author/Editor: HANK DAVIS
Dutch and Indigenous Communities in Seventeenth-Century Northeastern North America: What Archaeology, History, and Indigenous Oral Traditions Teach Us about Their Intercultural Relationships
Author/Editor: Lucianne Lavin
The Dybbuk: Its Origins and History
Dying to Teach: A Memoir of Love, Loss, and Learning
Author/Editor: Jeffrey Berman
The Dynamic Individualism of William James
Author/Editor: JAMES O. PAWELSKI
The Dynamics of Cultural Counterpoint in Asian Studies
Author/Editor: David Jones ,Michele Marion