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Titles start with H (190) Information
Habitations of the Veil: Metaphor and the Poetics of Black Being in African American Literature
The Hagiographer and the Avatar: The Life and Works of Narayan Kasturi
Haight-Ashbury, Psychedelics, and the Birth of Acid Rock
Author/Editor: ROBERT J. CAMPBELL ,David P. Szatmary
The Hand of the Engraver: Albert Flocon Meets Gaston Bachelard
Author/Editor: Hans-Jörg Rheinberger ,Kate Sturge
Hannah Arendt: Critical Essays
Author/Editor: Lewis P. Hinchman ,Sandra K. Hinchman
Hans-Georg Gadamer on Education, Poetry, and History: Applied Hermeneutics
Author/Editor: Dieter Misgeld ,Graeme Nicholson ,Lawrence Schmidt ,Monica Reuss
Hans Jonas's Ethic of Responsibility: From Ontology to Ecology
Author/Editor: Theresa Morris
Happiness as Enterprise: An Essay on Neoliberal Life
Author/Editor: SAM BINKLEY
Happiness, Democracy, and the Cooperative Movement: The Radical Utilitarianism of William Thompson
Author/Editor: Mark J. Kaswan
The Hard Sell of Paradise: Hawai'i, Hollywood, Tourism
Author/Editor: Jason Sperb
Harold Taylor and Sarah Lawrence College: A Life of Social and Educational Activism
Hartford's Ann Plato and the Native Borders of Identity
Author/Editor: RON WELBURN
Hasidism: Between Ecstasy and Magic
Author/Editor: MOSHE IDEL
Hasidism, Suffering, and Renewal: The Prewar and Holocaust Legacy of Rabbi Kalonymus Kalman Shapira
The Haunted History of Pelham, New York: Including Ghostly Tales of The Bronx, Westchester County, and Long Island Sound
Author/Editor: Blake A. Bell
Having a Word with Angus Graham: At Twenty-Five Years into His Immortality
Heads above Water: Gender, Class, and Family in the Grand Forks Flood
Author/Editor: Alice Fothergill
The Heart and the Island: A Critical Study of Sicilian American Literature
Author/Editor: Chiara Mazzucchelli
The Heart of Dōgen's Shōbōgenzō
Author/Editor: Norman Waddell ,Masao Abe
Hearts and Minds: Israel and the Battle for Public Opinion
Author/Editor: NACHMAN SHAI ,Ira Moskowitz
The Heart Sūtra Explained: Indian and Tibetan Commentaries
Author/Editor: Donald S. Lopez Jr.
Heaven Is Empty: A Cross-Cultural Approach to "Religion" and Empire in Ancient China
The Hebrew Falcon: Adya Horon and the Birth of the Canaanite Idea
Author/Editor: ROMAN VATER
The Hebrew Orient: Palestine in Jewish American Visual Culture, 1901-1938
Author/Editor: Jessica L. Carr
Hegel and Capitalism
Author/Editor: Andrew Buchwalter
Hegel and History
Author/Editor: Karin de Boer ,Andrew Buchwalter ,Pierre Chételat ,Jason J. Howard ,Allegra de Laurentiis ,Glenn Magee ,William Maker ,John McCumber ,Sûrya Parekh
Hegel and Language
Author/Editor: Kevin Thompson ,Chong-Fuk Lau ,Angelica Nuzzo ,Jeffrey Reid ,John McCumber ,Will Dudley ,Katharina Dulckeit ,Jim Vernon ,David Kolb
Hegel and Right: A Study of the Philosophy of Right
Author/Editor: PHILIP J. KAIN
Hegel and Shakespeare on Moral Imagination
Author/Editor: Jennifer Ann Bates
Hegel and the Other: A Study of the Phenomenology of Spirit
Author/Editor: Philip J. Kain
Hegel, Deleuze, and the Critique of Representation: Dialectics of Negation and Difference
Hegel on Art: An Interpretation of Hegel's Aesthetics
Author/Editor: Jack Kaminsky
Hegel on Religion and Politics
Author/Editor: Rachel Bayefsky ,Timothy Brownlee ,Andrew Buchwalter ,Will Dudley ,Todd Gooch ,William Maker ,Nicholas Mowad ,Angelica Nuzzo ,Kevin Thompson
Hegel on Tragedy and Comedy: New Essays
Author/Editor: Mark Alznauer
Hegel's Absolute: An Introduction to Reading the Phenomenology of Spirit
Author/Editor: Donald Phillip Verene
Hegel's Dialectic of Desire and Recognition: Texts and Commentary
Author/Editor: John O’Neill
Hegel's History of Philosophy: New Interpretations
Author/Editor: David A. Duquette
Hegel's Theory of Imagination
Hegel's Trinitarian Claim: A Critical Reflection
Author/Editor: Dale M. Schlitt
Heidegger and Aristotle: The Twofoldness of Being
Author/Editor: Walter A. Brogan
Heidegger and Classical Thought
Author/Editor: AARON TURNER
Heidegger and Practical Philosophy
Author/Editor: François Raffoul ,David Pettigrew
Heidegger and Rhetoric
Author/Editor: Daniel M. Gross ,Ansgar Kemmann
Heidegger and the Human
Author/Editor: Ingo Farin ,Jeff Malpas
The Heidegger Change: On the Fantastic in Philosophy
Author/Editor: Catherine Malabou ,Peter Skafish
Heidegger on Science
Heidegger, Rorty, and the Eastern Thinkers: A Hermeneutics of Cross-Cultural Understanding
Author/Editor: WEI ZHANG
Heidegger's Conversations: Toward a Poetic Pedagogy
Heidegger's Neglect of the Body
Author/Editor: Kevin A. Aho
The Heir and the Sage, Revised and Expanded Edition: Dynastic Legend in Early China
Author/Editor: Sarah Allan
The Heirs of the Prophet: Charisma and Religious Authority in Shiʿite Islam
Author/Editor: Liyakat N. Takim
Hell Gate: A Nexus of New York City’s East River
Author/Editor: Michael Nichols
Help (Not) Wanted: Immigration Politics in Japan
Henry Dreyfuss: Designing for People
Author/Editor: Russell A. Flinchum ,Ralph O. Meyer
Herbert H. Lehman: A Political Biography
Here, Everything Is Dreaming: Poems and Stories
Author/Editor: Robert Moss
Herman Melville and the American Calling: The Fiction after Moby-Dick, 1851-1857
Author/Editor: William V. Spanos
Hermeneutics and Education
Author/Editor: Shaun Gallagher
The Heroic Age of Diving: America's Underwater Pioneers and the Great Wrecks of Lake Erie
Author/Editor: JERRY KUNTZ
Hetero: Queering Representations of Straightness
Author/Editor: Sean Griffin
The Hidden and Manifest God: Some Major Themes in Early Jewish Mysticism
Author/Editor: Peter Schäfer ,Aubrey Pomerance
The Hidden Children of France, 1940-1945: Stories of Survival
Author/Editor: Danielle Bailly ,Betty Becker-Theye ,Pierre Vidal-Naquet
The Hidden Lives of Brahman: Śaṅkara's Vedānta through His Upaniṣad Commentaries, in Light of Contemporary Practice
Author/Editor: Joël André-Michel Dubois ,Christopher Key Chapple
Hiding Places: A Mother, a Daughter, an Uncovered Life
Hiding the World in the World: Uneven Discourses on the Zhuangzi
Author/Editor: SCOTT COOK
High Culture: Reflections on Addiction and Modernity
Higher Education and International Student Mobility in the Global Knowledge Economy: Revised and Updated Second Edition
Author/Editor: KEMAL GÜRÜZ ,Nancy L. Zimpher
Higher Education for Democracy: The Role of the University in Civil Society
Higher Education in the Making: Pragmatism, Whitehead, and the Canon
Author/Editor: George Allan
Higher Education Reconsidered: Executing Change to Drive Collective Impact
Author/Editor: Jason E. Lane ,Nancy L. Zimpher
Higher Education Systems 3.0: Harnessing Systemness, Delivering Performance
Author/Editor: Jason E. Lane ,D. Bruce Johnstone
Higher Education Systems Redesigned: From Perpetuation to Innovation to Student Success
Author/Editor: Jonathan S. Gagliardi ,Jason E. Lane ,Art Seavey ,Nancy L. Zimpher
Higher Wisdom: Eminent Elders Explore the Continuing Impact of Psychedelics
Author/Editor: Ram Dass ,Betty Eisner ,James Fadiman ,Gary Fisher ,Peter T. Furst ,Stanislav Grof ,Michael Harner ,Albert Hofmann ,Laura Archera Huxley
High Hopes: The Rise and Decline of Buffalo, New York
Author/Editor: MARK GOLDMAN
Himalayan Histories: Economy, Polity, Religious Traditions
Author/Editor: CHETAN SINGH
Hindi Hindu Histories: Caste, Ayurveda, Travel, and Communism in Early-Twentieth-Century India
Author/Editor: CHARU GUPTA
Hindu Bioethics for the Twenty-first Century
Author/Editor: S. Cromwell Crawford
Hinduism as a Missionary Religion
Author/Editor: Arvind Sharma
Hindu Pasts: Women, Religion, Histories
A Hindu Theology of Liberation: Not-Two Is Not One
Hindutva and Violence: V. D. Savarkar and the Politics of History
Hip Hop Beats, Indigenous Rhymes: Modernity and Hip Hop in Indigenous North America
Author/Editor: kyle t. mays
Historical-critical Introduction to the Philosophy of Mythology
Author/Editor: F. W. J. Schelling ,Mason Richey ,Markus Zisselsberger ,Jason M. Wirth
The Historical Mind: Humanistic Renewal in a Post-Constitutional Age
Author/Editor: Justin D. Garrison ,Ryan R. Holston
Historicizing Post-Discourses: Postfeminism and Postracialism in United States Culture
Author/Editor: Tanya Ann Kennedy
Historicizing Theory
Author/Editor: Peter C. Herman
History, Narrative, and Testimony in Amitav Ghosh's Fiction
Author/Editor: Chitra Sankaran
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 12: The Battle of al-Qādisiyyah and the Conquest of Syria and Palestine A.D. 635-637/A.H. 14-15
Author/Editor: Ehsan Yar-Shater ,Yohanan Friedmann
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 13: The Conquest of Iraq, Southwestern Persia, and Egypt: The Middle Years of ʿUmar's Caliphate A.D. 636-642/A.H. 15-21
Author/Editor: Ehsan Yar-Shater ,Gautier H. A. Juynboll
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 14: The Conquest of Iran A.D. 641-643/A.H. 21-23
Author/Editor: Ehsan Yar-Shater ,G. Rex Smith
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 15: The Crisis of the Early Caliphate: The Reign of ʿUthmān A.D. 644-656/A.H. 24-35
Author/Editor: Ehsan Yar-Shater ,R. Stephen Humpbreys
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 16: The Community Divided: The Caliphate of ʿAlī I A.D. 656-657/A.H. 35-36
Author/Editor: Ehsan Yar-Shater ,Adrian Brockett
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 17: The First Civil War: From the Battle of Siffin to the Death of ʿAlī A.D. 656-661/A.H. 36-40
Author/Editor: Ehsan Yar-Shater ,G. R. Hawting
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 18: Between Civil Wars: The Caliphate of Muʿāwiyah A.D. 661-680/A.H. 40-60
Author/Editor: Ehsan Yar-Shater ,Michael G. Morony
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 19: The Caliphate of Yazīd b. Muʿāwiyah A.D. 680-683/A.H. 60-64
Author/Editor: Ehsan Yar-Shater ,I. K. A. Howard
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 1: General Introduction and From the Creation to the Flood
Author/Editor: Ehsan Yar-Shater ,Franz Rosenthal
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 20: The Collapse of Sufyānid Authority and the Coming of the Marwānids: The Caliphates of Muʿāwiyah II and Marwān I and the Beginning of The Caliphate of ʿAbd al-Malik A.D. 683-685/A.H. 64-66
Author/Editor: Ehsan Yar-Shater ,G.R. Hawting
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 21: The Victory of the Marwānids A.D. 685-693/A.H. 66-73
Author/Editor: Michael Fishbein
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 22: The Marwānid Restoration: The Caliphate of ʿAbd al-Malik A.D. 693-701/A.H. 74-81
Author/Editor: Ehsan Yar-Shater ,Everett K. Rowson
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 23: The Zenith of the Marwānid House: The Last Years of ʿAbd al-Malik and The Caliphate of al-Walīd A.D. 700-715/A.H. 81-96
Author/Editor: Ehsan Yar-Shater ,Martin Hinds
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 24: The Empire in Transition: The Caliphates of Sulaymān, ʿUmar and Yazīd A.D. 715-724/A.H. 97-105
Author/Editor: Ehsan Yar-Shater ,David Stephan Powers
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 25: The End of Expansion: The Caliphate of Hishām A.D. 724-738/A.H. 105-120
Author/Editor: Ehsan Yar-Shater ,Khalid Yahya Blankinship
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 26: The Waning of the Umayyad Caliphate: Prelude to Revolution A.D. 738-745/A.H. 121-127
Author/Editor: Ehsan Yar-Shater ,Carole Hillenbrand
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 27: The ʿAbbāsid Revolution A.D. 743-750/A.H. 126-132
Author/Editor: Ehsan Yar-Shater ,John Alden Williams
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 28: 'Abbasid Authority Affirmed: The Early Years of al-Manṣūr A.D. 753-763/A.H. 136-145
Author/Editor: Ehsan Yar-Shater ,Jane Dammen McAuliffe
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 2: Prophets and Patriarchs
Author/Editor: Ehsan Yar-Shater ,William M. Brinner
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 30: The ʿAbbāsid Caliphate in Equilibrium: The Caliphates of Mūsā al-Hādī and Hārūn al-Rashīd A.D. 785-809/A.H. 169-193
Author/Editor: Ehsan Yar-Shater ,C. E. Bosworth
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 31: The War between Brothers: The Caliphate of Muḥammad al-Amīn A.D. 809-813/A.H. 193-198
Author/Editor: Ehsan Yar-Shater ,Michael Fishbein
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 32: The Reunification of the ʿAbbāsid Caliphate: The Caliphate of al-Maʾmūn A.D. 813-833/A.H. 198-218
Author/Editor: Ehsan Yar-Shater ,C.E. Bosworth
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 33: Storm and Stress along the Northern Frontiers of the ʿAbbasid Caliphate: The Caliphate of al-Muʿtaṣim A.D. 833-842/A.H. 218-227
Author/Editor: Ehsan Yar-Shater ,C. E. Bosworth
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 34: Incipient Decline: The Caliphates of al-Wāthiq, al-Mutawakkil, and al-Muntaṣir A.D. 841-863/A.H. 227-248
Author/Editor: Ehsan Yar-Shater ,Joel L. Kraemer
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 35: The Crisis of the ʿAbbāsid Caliphate: The Caliphates of al-Mustaʿīn and al-Muʿtazz A.D. 862-869/A.H. 248-255
Author/Editor: George Saliba
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 36: The Revolt of the Zanj A.D. 869-879/A.H. 255-265
Author/Editor: Ehsan Yar-Shater ,David Waines
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 38: The Return of the Caliphate to Baghdad: The Caliphates of al-Muʿtaḍid, al-Muktafī and al-Muqtadir A.D. 892-915/A.H. 279-302
Author/Editor: Ehsan Yar-Shater ,Franz Rosenthal
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 39: Biographies of the Prophet's Companions and Their Successors: al-Ṭabarī's Supplement to His History
Author/Editor: al-Ṭabarī,Ehsan Yar-Shater ,Ella Landau-Tasseron
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 3: The Children of Israel
Author/Editor: Ehsan Yar-Shater ,William M. Brinner
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 4: The Ancient Kingdoms
Author/Editor: Ehsan Yar-Shater ,Moshe Perlmann
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 5: The Sāsānids, the Byzantines, the Lakmids, and Yemen
Author/Editor: Ehsan Yar-Shater ,C. E. Bosworth
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 6: Muḥammad at Mecca
Author/Editor: Ehsan Yar-Shater ,W. Montgomery Watt ,M. V. McDonald
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 7: The Foundation of the Community: Muḥammad At Al-Madina A.D. 622-626/Hijrah-4 A.H.
Author/Editor: Ehsan Yar-Shater ,W. Montgomery Watt ,M. V. McDonald
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 8: The Victory of Islam: Muhammad at Medina A.D. 626-630/A.H. 5-8
Author/Editor: Ehsan Yar-Shater ,Michael Fishbein
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 9: The Last Years of the Prophet: The Formation of the State A.D. 630-632/A.H. 8-11
Author/Editor: Ehsan Yar-Shater ,Ismail K. Poonawala
The History of al-Ṭabarī Volume XL: Index
Author/Editor: Ehsan Yar-Shater ,Alex V. Popovkin ,Everett K. Rowson
History of Delaware County and Border Wars of New York
The History of Here: A House, the Pine Hills Neighborhood, and the City of Albany
Author/Editor: Akum Norder
The History of Men: Essays on the History of American and British Masculinities
Author/Editor: Michael S. Kimmel
A History of Mysticism
Author/Editor: RICHARD H. JONES
A History of Political Murder in Latin America: Killing the Messengers of Change
Author/Editor: W. John Green
A History of the Concept of God: A Process Approach
The History of the Sevarambians: A Utopian Novel
Author/Editor: Denis Veiras ,John Christian Laursen ,Cyrus Masroori
A History of Transgender Medicine in the United States: From Margins to Mainstream
Author/Editor: Carolyn Wolf-Gould ,Dallas Denny ,Jamison Green ,Kyan Lynch
History of Wyoming County, N.Y.: With Illustrations, Biographical Sketches and Portraits of Some Pioneers and Prominent Residents
Author/Editor: Frederick W. Beers & Co.,Cindy Amrhein
Hitchcock at the Source: The Auteur as Adapter
Author/Editor: R. Barton Palmer ,David Boyd
Hitchcock, Second Edition: The Murderous Gaze
Author/Editor: William Rothman
Hitchcock's Moral Gaze
Author/Editor: R. Barton Palmer ,Homer B. Pettey ,Steven M. Sanders
Hobbes and the Democratic Imaginary
Hocak Teaching Materials, Volume 1: Elements of Grammar/Learner's Dictionary
Author/Editor: Johannes Helmbrecht ,Christian Lehmann ,Iren Hartmann ,Juliane Kabisch-Lindenlaub ,Christian Marschke ,Bill O’Brien ,Corina Lonetree ,Carolyn White Eagle
Hokkaido Dairy Farm: Cosmopolitics of Otherness and Security on the Frontiers of Japan
Author/Editor: PAUL HANSEN
Holding Patterns: Temporary Poetics in Contemporary Poetry
Author/Editor: Daniel McGuiness
The Holiday in His Eye: Stanley Cavell's Vision of Film and Philosophy
Author/Editor: William Rothman
Holidays of the Revolution: Communist Identity in Israel, 1919-1965
Author/Editor: Amir Locker-Biletzki
Holiness in Words: Abraham Joshua Heschel's Poetics of Piety
Author/Editor: Edward K. Kaplan
Holistic Learning and Spirituality in Education: Breaking New Ground
Author/Editor: John P. Miller ,Selia Karsten ,Diana Denton ,Deborah Orr ,Isabella Colalillo Kates
Hollywood Films in North Africa and the Middle East: A History of Circulation
Author/Editor: Nolwenn Mingant
Hollywood's New Yorker: The Making of Martin Scorsese
Author/Editor: Marc Raymond
The Holocaust and Masculinities: Critical Inquiries into the Presence and Absence of Men
Author/Editor: Björn Krondorfer ,Ovidiu Creangă
The Holocaust and the Nonrepresentable: Literary and Photographic Transcendence
Holocaust Consciousness and Cold War Violence in Latin America
Holotropic Breathwork, Second Edition: A New Approach to Self-Exploration and Therapy
Author/Editor: STANISLAV GROF ,CHRISTINA GROF ,Jack Kornfield
Home as Found
Author/Editor: JAMES FENIMORE COOPER ,Stephen Carl Arch
Homegrown Gurus: From Hinduism in America to American Hinduism
Home Is Somewhere Else: Autobiography in Two Voices
Author/Editor: Desider Furst ,Lilian R. Furst
Homelessness, Citizenship, and Identity: The Uncanniness of Late Modernity
Author/Editor: Kathleen R. Arnold
Homer's Hero: Human Excellence in the Iliad and the Odyssey
Author/Editor: Michelle M. Kundmueller
Homo Migrans: Modeling Mobility and Migration in Human History
Author/Editor: Megan J. Daniels
Honeymoon Couples and Jurassic Babies: Identity and Play in Chennai’s Post-Independence Sabha Theater
The Hongzhou School of Chan Buddhism in Eighth- through Tenth-Century China
Author/Editor: Jinhua Jia
Honor in Political and Moral Philosophy
Author/Editor: Peter Olsthoorn
Hope for Our Time: Key Trends in the Thought of Martin Buber
Author/Editor: Avraham Shapira ,Jeffrey M. Green
Hopelessly Alien: The Italian Immigration Experience in Chicago Heights
Author/Editor: LOUIS CORSINO
Hopes and Expectations: The Origins of the Black Middle Class in Hartford
Author/Editor: Barbara J. Beeching
Hopewell Junction: A Railroader's Town: A History of Short-line Railroads in Dutchess County, New York
Author/Editor: Bernard L. Rudberg ,John M. Desmond
Horizons of Difference: Rethinking Space, Place, and Identity with Irigaray
Author/Editor: Ruthanne Crapo Kim ,Yvette Russell ,Brenda Sharp
Horizontal Federalism: Interstate Relations
Hospital Transports: A Memoir of the Embarkation of the Sick and Wounded from the Peninsula of Virginia in the Summer of 1862
Author/Editor: Laura L. Behling
How Close Reading Made Us: The Transnational Legacies of New Criticism
Author/Editor: Yael Segalovitz
How Do We Know This?: Midrash and the Fragmentation of Modern Judaism
Author/Editor: JAY M. HARRIS
How the Gene Got Its Groove: Figurative Language, Science, and the Rhetoric of the Real
How the World Became a Stage: Presence, Theatricality, and the Question of Modernity
Author/Editor: William Egginton
How to Escape: Magic, Madness, Beauty, and Cynicism
Author/Editor: Crispin Sartwell
How Trump and the Christian Right Saved LGBTI Human Rights: A Religious Freedom Mystery
Hudson River Towns: Highlights from the Capital Region to Sleepy Hollow Country
Hu Feng: A Marxist Intellectual in a Communist State, 1930–1955
Author/Editor: RUTH Y. Y. HUNG
Human Becomings: Theorizing Persons for Confucian Role Ethics
Author/Editor: Roger T. Ames
Human Beings or Human Becomings?: A Conversation with Confucianism on the Concept of Person
Author/Editor: Peter D. Hershock ,Roger T. Ames
Human Experience: Philosophy, Neurosis, and the Elements of Everyday Life
Author/Editor: John Russon
The Human Figure on Film: Natural, Pictorial, Institutional, Fictional
Author/Editor: Seth Barry Watter
The Humanist Ethics of Li Zehou
The Humanistic Background of Science
Author/Editor: Philipp Frank ,George A. Reisch ,Adam Tamas Tuboly
Humanities, Culture, and Interdisciplinarity: The Changing American Academy
Human Landscapes: Contributions to a Pragmatist Anthropology
Author/Editor: Roberta Dreon
A Human Necklace: The African Diaspora and Paule Marshall's Fiction
Human Rights Standards: Hegemony, Law, and Politics
Author/Editor: MAKAU MUTUA
Humans, Animals, Machines: Blurring Boundaries
Author/Editor: GLEN A. MAZIS
Humor and the Good Life in Modern Philosophy: Shaftesbury, Hamann, Kierkegaard
Author/Editor: Lydia B. Amir
Humoring Resistance: Laughter and the Excessive Body in Contemporary Latin American Women’s Fiction
Author/Editor: Dianna C. Niebylski
Hundred-Mile Home: A Story Map of Albany, Troy, and the Hudson River
Author/Editor: Susan Petrie ,Mark Wunderlich
Hunting for Justice: The Cosmology of Dike in Aeschylus’s Oresteia
Hybridity: Limits, Transformations, Prospects
Author/Editor: ANJALI PRABHU
Hyperthematics: The Logic of Value
Author/Editor: MARC M. ANDERSON