Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | Yes | Yes |
Titles start with P (87) | Information |
Pachucas and Pachucos in Tucson |
Author/Editor: Cummings, Laura L
Pachuco: An American-Spanish Argot and Its Social Functions in Tucson, Arizona |
Packrat Middens: The Last 40,000 Years of Biotic Change |
Author/Editor: Julio L. Betancourt ,Thomas R. Van Devender ,Paul S. Martin
Pages from Hopi History |
Author/Editor: HARRY C. JAMES
The Painted Desert |
Author/Editor: Thybony, Scott
Painting the Skin |
Author/Editor: Dupey García, Élodie; Vázquez de Ãgredos Pascual, María Luisa
Paleonutrition |
Author/Editor: Sutton, Mark Q.; Sobolik, Kristin D.; Gardner, Jill K
Palm Frond with Its Throat Cut |
Author/Editor: Vértiz, Vickie
The Panama Hat Trail |
Author/Editor: Miller, Tom
Pasadena Before the Roses |
Author/Editor: Saavedra, Yvette J
Pascua: A Yaqui Village in Arizona |
Author/Editor: EDWARD H. SPICER
A Passion for the True and Just |
Author/Editor: Kehoe, Alice Beck
Pastoralists at the Periphery: Herders in a Capitalist World |
The Ópatas |
Author/Editor: Yetman, David
The Ópatas: In Search of a Sonoran People |
Author/Editor: David A. Yetman
Paths of Life: American Indians of the Southwest and Northern Mexico |
Pedro de Rivera and the Military Regulations for Northern New Spain, 1724-1729: A Documentary History of His Frontier Inspection and the Reglamento de 1729 |
Author/Editor: Thomas H. Naylor ,Charles W. Polzer
People of Pascua |
Author/Editor: Edward H. Spicer ,Kathleen M. Sands ,Rosamond B. Spicer
People of the Blue Water: A Record of Life Among the Walapai and Havasupai Indians |
Author/Editor: Flora Gregg Iliff ,Robert C. Euler
People of the Desert and Sea: Ethnobotany of the Seri Indians |
Author/Editor: Richard Stephen Felger ,Mary Beck Moser
The Permit that Never Expires |
Author/Editor: Garrison, Philip
Persistence of Good Living: A’uwe Life Cycles and Well-Being in the Central Brazilian Cerrados |
Author/Editor: JAMES R. WELCH
Persistent Peoples: Cultural Enclaves in Perspective |
Petrified Forest National Park |
Author/Editor: Lubick, George M
Peyote: The Divine Cactus |
Author/Editor: Edward F. Anderson
Phoenix |
Author/Editor: Luckingham, Bradford
Picturing Arizona: The Photographic Record of the 1930s |
Author/Editor: Katherine G. Morrissey ,Kirsten M. Jensen
Picturing Sabino: A Photographic History of a Southwestern Canyon |
Pilgrimage and Healing |
Author/Editor: Jill Dubisch ,Michael Winkelman
Pima Indian Legends |
Author/Editor: Shaw, Anna Moore
Piman Shamanism and Staying Sickness: (Ká:cim Múmkidag) |
Author/Editor: Donald M. Bahr ,Juan Gregorio ,David I. Lopez ,Albert Alvarez
A Pima Past |
Author/Editor: Shaw, Anna Moore
A Pima Remembers |
Author/Editor: Webb, George
A Place All Our Own |
Author/Editor: Irish, Mary
A Place Called Grand Canyon: Contested Geographies |
Author/Editor: Barbara J. Morehouse
Planetary Astrobiology |
The Planet Mars: A History of Observation and Discovery |
Author/Editor: William Sheehan
Planets and Perception: Telescopic Views and Interpretations, 1609-1909 |
Planets, Stars and Nebulae Studied with Photopolarimetry |
Author/Editor: Gehrels, Tom
Planning Paradise |
Author/Editor: Walker, Peter A.; Hurley, Patrick T
Plant Life of a Desert Archipelago |
Author/Editor: Felger, Richard Stephen; Wilder, Benjamin Theodore; Romero-Morales, Humberto
Plants for Desperate Times: The Diversity of Life-Saving Famine Foods |
Author/Editor: Paul E. Minnis ,Robert L. Freedman
Plazas and Barrios: Heritage Tourism and Globalization in the Latin American Centro Histórico |
Author/Editor: Joseph L. Scarpaci
Pluto and Charon |
Author/Editor: Stern, S. Alan; Tholen, David J
The Pluto System After New Horizons |
Author/Editor: S. Alan Stern ,Jeffrey M. Moore ,William M. Grundy ,Leslie A. Young ,Richard P. Binzel ,Renée Dotson
Poetry of Resistance |
Author/Editor: Alarcón, Francisco X.; Galván Rodríguez, Odilia
A Poet's Truth: Conversations with Latino/Latina Poets |
Author/Editor: Bruce Allen Dick
Point of Pines |
Author/Editor: Haury, Emil W
Political Ecologies of Cattle Ranching in Northern Mexico |
Author/Editor: Perramond, Eric P
Political Ecology in a Yucatec Maya Community |
Author/Editor: E. N. Anderson,Aurora Dzib Xihum de Cen,Felix Medina Tzuc,Pastor Valdez Chale
The Politics of Fieldwork |
Author/Editor: Hirabayashi, Lane Ryo
The Politics of Water in Arizona |
Author/Editor: Dean E. Mann
The Politics of Western Water: The Congressional Career of Wayne Aspinall |
Author/Editor: Stephen C. Sturgeon
Polities and Power: Archaeological Perspectives on the Landscapes of Early States |
Author/Editor: Steven E. Falconer ,Charles L. Redman
Ponderosa |
Author/Editor: Allred, Sylvester
Population Circulation and the Transformation of Ancient Zuni Communities |
Author/Editor: Schachner, Gregson
Populism in Twentieth Century Mexico: The Presidencies of Lázaro Cárdenas and Luis Echeverría |
Author/Editor: Amelia M. Kiddle ,María L. O. Muñoz ,Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas
The Portable Radio in American Life |
Author/Editor: Michael Brian Schiffer
A Portal to Paradise |
Author/Editor: Alden Hayes
Postcards from the Baja California Border: Portraying Townscape and Place, 1900s–1950s |
Author/Editor: DANIEL D. ARREOLA
Postcards from the Sonora Border |
Author/Editor: Arreola, Daniel D
Postindian Aesthetics: Affirming Indigenous Literary Sovereignty |
Author/Editor: DEBRA K. S. BARKER ,CONNIE A. JACOBS ,Robert Warrior
Potters and Communities of Practice: Glaze Paint and Polychrome Pottery in the American Southwest, AD 1250 to 1700 |
Author/Editor: Linda S. Cordell ,Judith A. Habicht-Mauche ,Eric Blinman ,Jeffery J. Clark ,Diane Curewitz ,Tom Dickerson ,Jennifer Boyd Dyer ,Suzanne L. Eckert ,Th
Pottery Economics in Mesoamerica |
Author/Editor: Christopher A. Pool ,George J. Bey III
The Power of Kiowa Song: A Collaborative Ethnography |
Author/Editor: Luke E. Lassiter
Practicing Materiality |
Author/Editor: Van Dyke, Ruth M
Preclassic Maya Pottery at Cuello, Belize |
Author/Editor: Laura J. Kosakowsky
Precolumbian Water Management: Ideology, Ritual, and Power |
Author/Editor: Lisa J. Lucero ,Barbara W. Fash
Pregnancy, Motherhood, and Choice in Twentieth-Century Arizona |
Author/Editor: Melcher, Mary S
Pre-Hispanic Occupance in the Valley of Sonora, Mexico |
Author/Editor: Doolittle, William E
Prehistoric Culture Change on the Colorado Plateau |
Author/Editor: Powell, Shirley; Smiley, Francis E
Prehistoric Households at Turkey Creek Pueblo, Arizona |
Author/Editor: Julie C. Lowell
The Prehistoric Pueblo World, A.D. 1150-1350 |
Author/Editor: Adler, Michael A
Prehistoric Sandals from Northeastern Arizona: The Earl H. Morris and Ann Axtell Morris Research |
Author/Editor: Kelley Ann Hays-Gilpin ,Ann Cordy Deegan ,Elizabeth Ann Morris
A Prehistory of Ordinary People |
Author/Editor: MONICA L. SMITH
Prehistory, Personality, and Place |
Author/Editor: Reid, Jefferson; Whittlesey, Stephanie
The Presidio and Militia on the Northern Frontier of New Spain: A Documentary History, Volume Two, Part Two: The Central Corridor and the Texas Corridor, 1700-1765 |
Author/Editor: Diana Hadley ,Thomas H. Naylor ,Mardith K. Schuetz-Miller ,Dale S. Brenneman ,Philip E. Coyle ,Osvaldo Barreneche
The Presidio and Militia on the Northern Frontier of New Spain: A Documentary History, Volume I, 1570-1700 |
Author/Editor: Thomas H. Naylor ,Charles W. Polzer
The Presidio and Militia on the Northern Frontier of New Spain: A Documentary History, Volume Two, Part One: The Californias and Sinaloa-Sonora, 1700-1765 |
Author/Editor: Charles W. Polzer ,Thomas E. Sheridan
Primitivism and Identity in Latin America: Essays on Art, Literature, and Culture |
Author/Editor: Erik Camayd-Freixas ,Jose Eduardo Gonzalez
Principles of Geoarchaeology: A North American Perspective |
Author/Editor: Michael R. Waters
The Protohistoric Pueblo World, A.D. 1275-1600 |
Author/Editor: E. Charles Adams,Andrew I. Duff
Protostars and Planets VI |
Author/Editor: Beuther, Henrik; Klessen, Ralf S.; Dullemond, Cornelis Petrus
Pueblo Indians and Spanish Colonial Authority in Eighteenth-Century New Mexico |
Author/Editor: Brown, Tracy L
Pushing Our Limits |
Author/Editor: Nelson, Mark
The Pyramid under the Cross: Franciscan Discourses of Evangelization and the Nahua Christian Subject in Sixteenth-century Mexico |
Author/Editor: Viviana Díaz Balsera
Pyrocene Park: A Journey into the Fire History of Yosemite National Park |
Author/Editor: STEPHEN J. PYNE