Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | Yes | Yes |
Titles start with S (115) | Information |
Sabino Canyon |
Author/Editor: Lazaroff, David Wentworth
The Sagebrush Trail |
Author/Editor: Aquila, Richard
The Saguaro Cactus: A Natural History |
Sahel Visions: Planned Settlement and River Blindness Control in Burkina Faso |
Author/Editor: Della E. McMillan
Saints, Statues, and Stories: A Folklorist Looks at the Religious Art of Sonora |
Author/Editor: JAMES S. GRIFFITH,Francisco Javier Manzo Taylor
Salado Archaeology of the Upper Gila, New Mexico |
Author/Editor: Stephen H. Lekson ,Timothy C. Klinger ,William B. Gillespie
Saltillo, 1770-1810: Town and Region in the Mexican North |
Author/Editor: LESLIE S. OFFUTT
Salvadorans in Costa Rica: Displaced Lives |
Author/Editor: Bridget A. Hayden
Samba Dreamers |
Author/Editor: Kathleen de Azevedo
Sanctioning Matrimony |
Author/Editor: Acosta, Sal
Sanctuaries of Earth, Stone, and Light: The Churches of Northern New Spain, 1530-1821 |
Author/Editor: Gloria Fraser Giffords
Sand, Wind, and War: Memoirs of a Desert Explorer |
Author/Editor: RALPH A. BAGNOLD
The San Pedro River |
Author/Editor: Hanson, Roseann Beggy
Satellites |
Author/Editor: Joseph A. Burns ,Mildred Shapley Matthews
Savage Kin |
Author/Editor: Bruchac, Margaret M
Savages and Citizens: How Indigeneity Shapes the State |
Saving the Gray Whale: People, Politics, and Conservation in Baja California |
Author/Editor: Serge Dedina
Science and Ecosystem Management in the National Parks |
Author/Editor: William L. Halvorson ,Gary E. Davis
Science Be Dammed: How Ignoring Inconvenient Science Drained the Colorado River |
Science in the American Southwest: A Topical History |
Author/Editor: GEORGE E. WEBB
Science, Society, and the Search for Life in the Universe |
Author/Editor: Bruce Jakosky
Searching for Golden Empires |
Author/Editor: Hartmann, William K
Sea Turtles of the Eastern Pacific: Advances in Research and Conservation |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey A. Seminoff ,Bryan P. Wallace ,Peter C. H. Pritchard
Secrets from the Center of the World |
Author/Editor: Joy Harjo ,Stephen Strom
Sedentism and Mobility in a Social Landscape: Mesa Verde and Beyond |
Author/Editor: Mark D. Varien
Seeds of Resistance, Seeds of Hope |
Author/Editor: Nazarea, Virginia D.; Rhoades, Robert E.; Andrews-Swann, Jenna
Selling the Indian: Commercializing and Appropriating American Indian Cultures |
Author/Editor: Carter Jones Meyer ,Diana Royer
Senator Dennis DeConcini |
Author/Editor: DeConcini, Dennis; August, Jack L
Senegal Taxi |
Author/Editor: Herrera, Juan Felipe
A Sense of Place |
Author/Editor: Bowers, Janice Emily
Sentient Lands |
Author/Editor: Di Giminiani, Piergiorgio
Seriously Funny |
Author/Editor: Schmidt, Samuel
The Seris |
Settlement Ecology: The Social and Spatial Organization of Kofyar Agriculture |
Author/Editor: Glenn Davis Stone
Settlement, Subsistence, and Society in Late Zuni Prehistory |
Author/Editor: Keith W. Kintigh
Seventeenth-Century Metallurgy on the Spanish Colonial Frontier |
Author/Editor: Thomas, Noah H
The Shadow of the Wall |
Author/Editor: Slack, Jeremy; Martínez, Daniel E.; Whiteford, Scott
Shame and Endurance: The Untold Story of the Chiricahua Apache Prisoners of War |
Author/Editor: H. Henrietta Stockel
Shameful Victory |
Author/Editor: Laslett, John H. M
Shapeshift |
Author/Editor: Sherwin Bitsui
Sharing the Desert: The Tohono O'odham in History |
Author/Editor: Winston P. Erickson
Shells on a Desert Shore: Mollusks in the Seri World |
Author/Editor: Cathy Moser Marlett ,Richard S. Felger
Shelter |
Author/Editor: Burns, Bobby
Silent Victims: Hate Crimes Against Native Americans |
Author/Editor: Barbara Perry
Silent Violence |
Author/Editor: Kamat, Vinay R
The Silver of the Sierra Madre: John Robinson, Boss Shepherd, and the People of the Canyons |
Author/Editor: JOHN MASON HART
Sing: Poetry from the Indigenous Americas |
Author/Editor: Allison Adelle Hedge Coke ,Travis Brent Hedge Coke ,Eric Wayne Dickey ,Joseph Ohmann-Krause
Sinking Suspicions |
Author/Editor: Hoklotubbe, Sara Sue
Sixteenth Century Maiolica Pottery in the Valley of Mexico |
The Sky at Night: Easy Enjoyment from Your Backyard |
Author/Editor: TIM B. HUNTER
Slopovers |
Author/Editor: Pyne, Stephen J
Smokechasing |
Author/Editor: Stephen J. Pyne
Smugglers, Brothels, and Twine: Historical Perspectives on Contraband and Vice in North America’s Borderlands |
Author/Editor: Elaine Carey ,Andrae M. Marak
Snake Poems |
Author/Editor: Alarcón, Francisco X.; Galván Rodríguez, Odilia
Social Functions of Language in a Mexican-American Community |
Author/Editor: GEORGE C. BARKER
The Social Life of Pots: Glaze Wares and Cultural Dynamics in the Southwest, AD 1250-1680 |
Author/Editor: Judith A. Habicht-Mauche ,Suzanne L. Eckert ,Deborah L. Huntley
The Social Organization of the Western Apache |
Author/Editor: Grenville Goodwin,KEITH H. BASSO
Social Violence in the Prehispanic American Southwest |
Author/Editor: Deborah L. Nichols ,Patricia L. Crown
Solar Interior and Atmosphere |
Author/Editor: Cox, Arthur N.; Livingston, William C.; Matthews, Mildred Shapley
Soldados Razos at War |
Author/Editor: Rosales, Steven
Soldier-Artist of the Great Reconnaissance: John C. Tidball and the 35th Parallel Pacific Railroad Survey |
Author/Editor: Eugene C. Tidball
Soldiers of the Virgin: The Moral Economy of a Colonial Maya Rebellion |
Author/Editor: KEVIN GOSNER
Some Strange Corners of Our Country |
Author/Editor: Lummis, Charles
Songs My Mother Sang to Me |
Author/Editor: Martin, Patricia Preciado
Sonoita Plain |
Author/Editor: Bock, Carl E.; Bock, Jane H.; Strom, Stephen E
Sonora |
Author/Editor: Pfefferkorn, Ignaz
The Sonoran Desert |
Author/Editor: Magrane, Eric; Cokinos, Christopher
Sonoran Desert Journeys: Ecology and Evolution of Its Iconic Species |
Sonoran Desert Plants: An Ecological Atlas |
Author/Editor: Raymond M. Turner ,Janice E. Bowers ,Tony L. Burgess
Sonoran Desert Spring |
Author/Editor: Alcock, John
Sonoran Desert Summer |
Author/Editor: Alcock, John
The Sonoran Desert Tortoise |
Author/Editor: Van Devender, Thomas R
Sonoran Strongman: Ignacio Pesqueira and His Times |
Author/Editor: RODOLFO F. ACUÑA
Sonora Yaqui Language Structures |
Author/Editor: John M. Dedrick ,Eugene H. Casad
Sor Juana |
Author/Editor: Stavans, Ilan
Soul among Lions: The Cougar as Peaceful Adversary |
Author/Editor: Harley Shaw
Soul Over Lightning |
Author/Editor: Gonzalez, Ray
The Sound of Exclusion: NPR and the Latinx Public |
Author/Editor: Christopher Chávez
Sourcing Prehistoric Ceramics at Chodistaas Pueblo, Arizona: The Circulation of People and Pots in the Grasshopper Region |
Author/Editor: María Nieves Zedeño
Southern Arizona Nature Almanac |
Author/Editor: Hanson, Roseann Beggy; Hanson, Jonathan
The Southwest |
Author/Editor: Pyne, Stephen J
Southwestern Desert Resources |
Author/Editor: William Halvorson ,Cecil Schwalbe ,Charles van Riper III
The Southwest in American Literature and Art |
Author/Editor: Teague, David W
The Southwest in the American Imagination: The Writings of Sylvester Baxter, 1881-1889 |
Author/Editor: Curtis M. Hinsley ,David R. Wilcox
Sovereign Acts |
Author/Editor: Negrón-Muntaner, Frances
The Sovereign Street: Making Revolution in Urban Bolivia |
Sowing the Seeds of Change: The Story of the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona |
Sown in Earth: Essays of Memory and Belonging |
Author/Editor: FRED ARROYO
The Space Age Generation: Lives and Lessons from the Golden Age of Solar System Exploration |
Spanish American Saints and the Rhetoric of Identity, 1600-1810 |
Author/Editor: Ronald J. Morgan
Spanish American Women's Use of the Word: Colonial through Contemporary Narratives |
Author/Editor: Stacey Schlau
Spanish Colonial Tucson: A Demographic History |
Author/Editor: Henry F. Dobyns
Spanish-Language Newspapers in New Mexico, 1834-1958 |
Author/Editor: A. Gabriel Meléndez
Speaking Chicana: Voice, Power, and Identity |
Author/Editor: D. Letticia Galindo ,María Dolores Gonzales
Speaking for the Generations: Native Writers on Writing |
Author/Editor: SIMON J. ORTIZ
Speaking Mexicano: Dynamics of Syncretic Language in Central Mexico |
Author/Editor: Jane H. Hill ,Kenneth C. Hill
Specters of War: The Battle of Mourning in Postconflict Central America |
Spider Woman Stories |
Author/Editor: Mullett, G. M
Spiral to the Stars |
Author/Editor: Harjo, Laura
Staking Claim |
Author/Editor: Rohrer, Judy
Stalking the Big Bird: A Tale of Turkeys, Biologists, and Bureaucrats |
Author/Editor: Harley G. Shaw
Stand Up and Fight |
Author/Editor: Muñoz, María L. O
Star Gazers: Finding Joy in the Night Sky |
Author/Editor: DAVID H. LEVY
Starving for Justice |
Author/Editor: Armbruster-Sandoval, Ralph
State and Reservation: New Perspectives on Federal Indian Policy |
State Healthcare and Yanomami Transformations |
Author/Editor: Kelly, José Antonio
Stealing Shining Rivers |
Author/Editor: Doane, Molly
Stealing the Gila |
Author/Editor: DeJong, David H
Stitching Rites: Colcha Embroidery along the Northern Rio Grande |
Author/Editor: suzanne p. macaulay
Strong Hearts and Healing Hands: Southern California Indians and Field Nurses, 1920–1950 |
Struggle Over Utah's San Rafael Swell: Wilderness, National Conservation Areas, and National Monuments |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey O. Durrant
Sugarcane and Rum: The Bittersweet History of Labor and Life on the Yucatán Peninsula |
Sustaining Wildlands |
Author/Editor: Poe, Aaron J.; Gimblett, Randy
The Sweet Smell of Home: The Life and Art of Leonard F. Chana |
Author/Editor: LEONARD F. CHANA ,SUSAN LOBO ,BARBARA CHANA ,Rebecca J. Dobkins ,Angelo Joaquin Jr.
Symbolism and Ritual in a One-Party Regime: Unveiling Mexico's Political Culture |
Author/Editor: Larissa Adler-Lomnitz ,Rodrigo Salazar-Elena ,Ilya Adler ,Susanne A. Wagner