Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with M (28) | Information |
Madam Chief Justice |
Author/Editor: Burke, W. Lewis; Assey, Joan P
The Magnificent Mays |
Author/Editor: Roper, John Herbert
The Making of the Last Prophet: A Reconstruction of the Earliest Biography of Muhammad |
Author/Editor: Gordon Darnell Newby
Male Poets and the Agon of the Mother |
Author/Editor: Saltmarsh, Hannah Baker
Managing Vulnerability |
Author/Editor: Marback, Richard C
The Man Who Started the Civil War: James Chesnut, Honor, and Emotion in the American South |
Market Affect and the Rhetoric of Political Economic Debates |
Author/Editor: Chaput, Catherine
Maroon Communities in South Carolina: A Documentary Record |
Martyr of the American Revolution |
Author/Editor: Bragg, C. L
Mary Turner and the Mob: The Brooks-Lowndes Race Riot of 1918 in History and Memory |
Author/Editor: THOMAS AIELLO
Masters of Violence |
Author/Editor: Stubbs, Tristan
Maternal Metaphors of Power in African American Women's Literature |
Author/Editor: Moore, Geneva Cobb
Matthew J. Perry: The Man, His Times, and His Legacy |
Author/Editor: W. Lewis Burke,Belinda F. Gergel,Randall L. Kennedy
Meet Me at the Rocket |
Author/Editor: Stroup, Rodger E.;
Memory, Music, and Religion: Morocco's Mystical Chanters |
Author/Editor: EARLE H. WAUGH
The Mobile River |
Author/Editor: Sledge, John S
Money, Trade, and Power: The Evolution of Colonial South Carolina's Plantation Society |
Author/Editor: Jack P. Greene,Rosemary Brana-Shute,Randy J. Sparks
Monumental Harm: Reckoning with Jim Crow Era Confederate Monuments |
Author/Editor: Roger C. Hartley
Mosaic of Fire |
Author/Editor: Maun, Caroline
Mount Fuji |
Author/Editor: Earhart, H. Byron
Moving Bodies: Kenneth Burke at the Edges of Language |
Author/Editor: DEBRA HAWHEE
Muslim Medical Ethics: From Theory to Practice |
My Exaggerated Life |
Author/Editor: Clark, Katherine
My Ghost Has a Name |
Author/Editor: Rossignol, Rosalyn
My Health Is Better in November: Thirty-five Stories of Hunting and Fishing in the South |
Author/Editor: Havilah Babcock,Augusta Rembert Wittkowsky,IRENE LABORDE NEUFFER,CLAUDE HENRY NEUFFER
My Life in E-flat |
Author/Editor: Chan Parker
Mysticism in Iran |
Author/Editor: Anzali, Ata
My Tour through the Asylum |
Author/Editor: Dufford, William E