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Titles start with S (89) Information
Samuel and His God
Author/Editor: Steussy, Marti J
Sanctifying Slavery and Politics in South Carolina
Author/Editor: Witzig, Fred E
Savannah in the New South
Author/Editor: Fraser, Walter J
Scenic Impressions
Author/Editor: Pennington, Estill Curtis; Severens, Martha R
Schooling the Movement: The Activism of Southern Black Educators from Reconstruction through the Civil Rights Era
A Sea of Misadventures
Author/Editor: Mitchell-Cook, Amy
Securing the Prize: Presidential Metaphor and US Intervention in the Persian Gulf
Author/Editor: Randall Fowler
Author/Editor: Dawes, Kwame; Wentworth, Marjory
Seeking the Historical Cook: Exploring Eighteenth-Century Southern Foodways
Author/Editor: Kay K. Moss
Selling Andrew Jackson
Author/Editor: Stephens, Rachel
Shall We Play That One Together?: The Life and Art of Jazz Piano Legend Marian McPartland, With a New Preface, Ed. NED - New edition, 2
Author/Editor: Paul de Barros
Sharks in the Shallows: Attacks on the Carolina Coast
Author/Editor: W. Clay Creswell ,MARIE LEVINE
The Shell Builders: Tabby Architecture of Beaufort, South Carolina, and the Sea Islands
Author/Editor: COLIN BROOKER ,Lawrence S. Rowland
Sherman and the Burning of Columbia
Author/Editor: MARION B. LUCAS ,Anne Sarah Rubin
Sherman and the Burning of Columbia
Author/Editor: Lucas, Marion B
A Short History of Charleston, Ed. REV - Revised, 2
Author/Editor: Robert N. Rosen
A Short History of Greenville
Shrill Hurrahs
Author/Editor: Gillin, Kate Côté
Shurāt Legends, Ibāḍī Identities
Author/Editor: Gaiser, Adam R
Shurāt Legends, Ibāḍī Identities: Martydom, Asceticism, and the Making of an Early Islamic Community
Author/Editor: Adam R. Gaiser
The Siege of Charleston, 1861-1865
Author/Editor: E. MILBY BURTON
Author/Editor: Madden, Ed
Single, White, Slaveholding Women in the Nineteenth-Century American South
Author/Editor: Molloy, Marie S
Sissieretta Jones
Author/Editor: Lee, Maureen D
The Slaveholders' Dilemma: Freedom and Progress in Southern Conservative Thought, 1820-1860
Slave Trading in the Old South
Author/Editor: Frederic Bancroft ,MICHAEL TADMAN
The Slow Undoing: The Federal Courts and the Long Struggle for Civil Rights in South Carolina
Author/Editor: Stephen H. Lowe
Smoke Signals from Samarcand
Author/Editor: Bennett, Barbara
Sojourner in Islamic Lands
Author/Editor: Fraser, Russell
Sojourns in Charleston, South Carolina, 1865-1947
Author/Editor: Fant, Jennie Holton
Solitary Pagans
Author/Editor: Berger, Helen A
Song of My Life
Author/Editor: Petrakis, Harry Mark
Sonic Liturgy
Author/Editor: Beck, Guy L
Sonic Theology: Hinduism and Sacred Sound
Author/Editor: GUY L. BECK
Sophistical Rhetoric in Classical Greece
Author/Editor: Poulakos, John
The South at Work
Author/Editor: Brown, William Garrott
South Carolina and the American Revolution: A Battlefield History
Author/Editor: JOHN W. GORDON,John Keegan
South Carolina at the Brink: Robert McNair and the Politics of Civil Rights
Author/Editor: Philip G. Grose
A South Carolina Chronology, Ed. NED - New edition, 3
Author/Editor: Walter Edgar,J. Brent Morris,C. James Taylor
The South Carolina Encyclopedia Guide to South Carolina Writers
Author/Editor: Mack, Tom
The South Carolina Encyclopedia Guide to the American Revolution in South Carolina
Author/Editor: Edgar, Walter
The South Carolina Encyclopedia Guide to the Counties of South Carolina
Author/Editor: Edgar, Walter
The South Carolina Encyclopedia Guide to the Governors of South Carolina
Author/Editor: Edgar, Walter
South Carolina Fire-Eater
Author/Editor: Merchant, Holt
South Carolina Ghosts
Author/Editor: Roberts, Nancy
South Carolina Ghosts: From the Coast to the Mountains
Author/Editor: NANCY ROBERTS
South Carolina in the Civil War and Reconstruction Eras
Author/Editor: Bonner, Michael Brem; Hamer, Fritz
South Carolina in the Modern Age
Author/Editor: Edgar, Walter
South Carolina Negroes, 1877-1900
South Carolina Scalawags
Author/Editor: Hyman Rubin III
The South Carolina State House Grounds: A Guidebook
Author/Editor: Lydia Mattice Brandt ,Chandler Yonkers
South Carolina State University
Author/Editor: Hine, William C
South Carolina's Turkish People
Author/Editor: Ognibene, Terri Anne; Browder, Glen
South Carolina: The WPA Guide to the Palmetto State, Ed. REV - Revised, 2
Author/Editor: Walter B. Edgar
A South Carolina Upcountry Saga
Author/Editor: Kennedy, A. Gibert
Southeastern Wildlife Cookbook: A collection of recipes for sea and freshwater food, large and small game, and savory oddities from the wild
Southern Bound
Author/Editor: Sledge, John S
Southern Folk Medicine, 1750-1820
Author/Editor: Kay K. Moss
Southern Perspectives on the Queer Movement
Author/Editor: Morris, Sheila R
A Southern Sportsman
Author/Editor: Moïse, Ben McC
Southern Strategies: Narrative Negotiation in an Evangelical Region
Author/Editor: Michael Odom
The Southern Wildlife Watcher: Notes of a Naturalist
Author/Editor: Rob Simbeck,JIM CASADA
Southern Women in the Progressive Era
Author/Editor: Roberts, Giselle; Walker, Melissa
Southern Writers Bear Witness
Author/Editor: Gretlund, Jan Nordby
South of My Dreams: Finding My American Home, A Memoir
Author/Editor: F. K. CLEMENTI
Speaking for the Polis: Isocrates' Rhetorical Education
Author/Editor: Takis Poulakos
Speaking Hermeneutically
Author/Editor: Arthos, John
Speaking Qur'an
Author/Editor: Yuskaev, Timur R
The Spirit of an Activist
Author/Editor: Logan, Sadye L. M
Spoofing the Modern
Author/Editor: Dickson-Carr, Darryl
Stage Money
Author/Editor: Donahue, Tim; Patterson, Jim
Stage Money: The Business of the Professional Theater, Ed. REV - Revised, 2
State of Rebellion: Reconstruction in South Carolina
State of the Heart
Author/Editor: Rogers, Aïda
State of the Heart
Author/Editor: Rogers, Aïda
State of the Heart
Author/Editor: Rogers, Aïda
Steady and Measured: Benner C. Turner, A Black College President in the Jim Crow South
Author/Editor: TRAVIS D. BOYCE
Still in Print
Author/Editor: Gretlund, Jan Nordby
Stono: Documenting and Interpreting a Southern Slave Revolt
Author/Editor: MARK M. SMITH
Stories of a Life Afield
Author/Editor: Smith, A. Hunter
Stories of Struggle: The Clash over Civil Rights in South Carolina
Author/Editor: Claudia Smith Brinson
Struggling to Learn: An Intimate History of School Desegregation in South Carolina
Author/Editor: June Manning Thomas
A Study of Scarletts
Author/Editor: Bauer, Margaret D
Sufi Aesthetics
Author/Editor: Zargar, Cyrus Ali
Sufi Heirs of the Prophet: The Indian Naqshbandiyya and the Rise of the Mediating Sufi Shaykh
Author/Editor: ARTHUR F. BUEHLER ,Annemarie Schimmel
Sufism, Mystics, and Saints in Modern Egypt
Author/Editor: Valerie J. Hoffman
Summoning the Dead
Author/Editor: Randall; Vernon, Zachary
The Supreme Court in the Early Republic
Author/Editor: Casto, William R
The Supreme Court under Morrison R. Waite, 1874-1888
Author/Editor: Kens, Paul