Download this publisher's e-journal holdings (xlsx)
Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Journals | Yes | Yes |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Digital Collections | No | Yes |
Titles start with P (213) | ISSN | Status |
P2: Pollution Prevention Review |
1079-0276, 1520-6815
preserved |
Pacific Economic Review |
1361-374X, 1468-0106
preserved |
Pacific Focus |
1225-4657, 1976-5118
preserved |
Pacific Philosophical Quarterly |
0279-0750, 1468-0114
preserved |
Pacific Viewpoint |
0030-8978, 2638-4825
preserved |
Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology |
0147-8389, 1540-8159
preserved |
Packaging Technology and Science |
0894-3214, 1099-1522
preserved |
Paediatric and Neonatal Pain |
preserved |
Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology |
0269-5022, 1365-3016
preserved |
Pain Medicine |
1526-2375, 1526-4637
preserved |
Pain Practice |
1530-7085, 1533-2500
preserved |
Palaeontology |
0031-0239, 1475-4983
preserved |
Paleoceanography |
0883-8305, 1944-9186
preserved |
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology |
2572-4517, 2572-4525
preserved |
Papers in Palaeontology |
preserved |
Papers in Regional Science |
1056-8190, 1435-5957
preserved |
Parasite Immunology |
0141-9838, 1365-3024
preserved |
Parliamentary History |
0264-2824, 1750-0206
preserved |
Particle & Particle Systems Characterization |
0934-0866, 1521-4117
preserved |
Pastoral Care in Education |
0264-3944, 1468-0122
preserved |
Pathogens and Disease |
0928-8244, 2049-632X
preserved |
Pathology International |
1320-5463, 1440-1827
preserved |
Peace & Change |
0149-0508, 1468-0130
preserved |
Pediatric Allergy and Immunology |
0905-6157, 1399-3038
preserved |
Pediatric Anesthesia |
1155-5645, 1460-9592
preserved |
Pediatric Blood & Cancer |
1545-5009, 1545-5017
preserved |
Pediatric Dermatology |
0736-8046, 1525-1470
preserved |
Pediatric Diabetes |
1399-543X, 1399-5448
preserved |
Pediatric Discovery |
queued |
Pediatric Discovery |
2835-558X, 2835-5598
preserved |
Pediatric Investigation |
preserved |
Pediatric Obesity |
2047-6302, 2047-6310
preserved |
Pediatric Pulmonology |
8755-6863, 1099-0496
preserved |
Pediatrics International |
1328-8067, 1442-200X
preserved |
Pediatric Transplantation |
1397-3142, 1399-3046
preserved |
People and Nature |
preserved |
Peptide Science |
preserved |
Performance Improvement |
1090-8811, 1930-8272
preserved |
Performance Improvement Quarterly |
0898-5952, 1937-8327
preserved |
Performance + Instruction |
0884-1985, 1932-0116
preserved |
Performance & Instruction |
0273-5326, 1931-9177
preserved |
Performance & Instruction Journal |
8750-0191, 1931-9185
preserved |
Periodontology 2000 |
0906-6713, 1600-0757
preserved |
Permafrost and Periglacial Processes |
1045-6740, 1099-1530
preserved |
The Personalist |
0031-5621, 1468-0114
preserved |
Personality and Mental Health |
1932-8621, 1932-863X
preserved |
Personal Relationships |
1350-4126, 1475-6811
preserved |
The Personnel and Guidance Journal |
0031-5737, 2164-4918
preserved |
Personnel Psychology |
0031-5826, 1744-6570
preserved |
Perspectives In Healthcare Risk Managment |
0899-1073, 2040-0861
preserved |
Perspectives in Psychiatric Care |
0031-5990, 1744-6163
preserved |
Perspectives of Earth and Space Scientists |
preserved |
Perspectives on Psychological Science |
1745-6916, 1745-6924
queued |
Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health |
1538-6341, 1931-2393
preserved |
Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik |
1465-6493, 1468-2516
preserved |
Pesticide Science |
0031-613X, 1096-9063
preserved |
Pest Management Science |
1526-498X, 1526-4998
preserved |
Pharmaceutical Statistics |
1539-1604, 1539-1612
preserved |
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety |
1053-8569, 1099-1557
preserved |
Pharmacology Research & Perspectives |
preserved |
Pharmacology & Toxicology |
0901-9928, 1600-0773
preserved |
Pharmacotherapy: the Journal of Human Pharmacology and Drug therapy |
0277-0008, 1875-9114
preserved |
Pharmacy and Pharmacology Communications |
1460-8081, 2042-7158
preserved |
Pharmazie in Unserer Zeit |
0048-3664, 1615-1003
preserved |
Philosophical Books |
0031-8051, 1468-0149
preserved |
The Philosophical Forum |
0031-806X, 1467-9191
preserved |
Philosophical Investigations |
0190-0536, 1467-9205
preserved |
Philosophical Issues |
1533-6077, 1758-2237
preserved |
Philosophical Perspectives |
1520-8583, 1758-2245
preserved |
The Philosophical Quarterly |
0031-8094, 1467-9213
preserved |
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research |
0031-8205, 1933-1592
preserved |
Philosophy Compass |
preserved |
Philosophy & Public Affairs |
0048-3915, 1088-4963
preserved |
Photochemistry and Photobiology |
0031-8655, 1751-1097
preserved |
Photodermatology, Photoimmunology & Photomedicine |
0905-4383, 1600-0781
preserved |
The Photogrammetric Record |
0031-868X, 1477-9730
preserved |
PhotoMat |
queued |
PhotonicsViews |
2626-1294, 2626-1308
preserved |
Phycological Research |
1322-0829, 1440-1835
preserved |
Physica Status Solidi (A) |
0031-8965, 1521-396X
preserved |
Physica Status Solidi. A: Applications and Materials |
1862-6300, 1862-6319
preserved |
Physica Status Solidi (B) |
0370-1972, 1521-3951
preserved |
Physica Status Solidi (C): Conferences and Critical Reviews |
1610-1634, 1610-1642
preserved |
Physica Status Solidi (C): Current topics in Solid State Physics |
1862-6351, 1610-1642
preserved |
Physica Status Solidi: Rapid Research Letters |
1862-6254, 1862-6270
preserved |
Physikalische Blaetter |
0031-9279, 1521-3722
preserved |
Physik in Unserer Zeit |
0031-9252, 1521-3943
preserved |
Physik Journal |
queued |
Physiologia Plantarum |
0031-9317, 1399-3054
preserved |
Physiological Entomology |
0307-6962, 1365-3032
preserved |
Physiological Reports |
preserved |
Physiotherapy Research International |
1358-2267, 1471-2865
preserved |
Phytochemical Analysis |
0958-0344, 1099-1565
preserved |
Phytotherapy Research |
0951-418X, 1099-1573
preserved |
Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research |
1755-1471, 1755-148X
preserved |
Pigment Cell Research |
0893-5785, 1600-0749
preserved |
Plant Biology |
1435-8603, 1438-8677
preserved |
Plant Biotechnology Journal |
1467-7644, 1467-7652
preserved |
Plant Breeding |
0179-9541, 1439-0523
preserved |
Plant, Cell & Environment |
0140-7791, 1365-3040
preserved |
Plant Direct |
preserved |
Plant‐Environment Interactions |
preserved |
The Plant Journal |
0960-7412, 1365-313X
preserved |
Plant/Operations Progress |
0278-4513, 1549-4632
preserved |
Plant Pathology |
0032-0862, 1365-3059
preserved |
Plant Species Biology |
0913-557X, 1442-1984
preserved |
Plants, People, Planet |
preserved |
Plasma Processes and Polymers |
1612-8850, 1612-8869
preserved |
Plastics Engineering |
0091-9578, 1941-9635
preserved |
PM&R |
1934-1482, 1934-1563
preserved |
Poe Newsletter |
0032-1877, 1754-6095
preserved |
Poe Studies |
1947-4644, 1754-6095
preserved |
Poe Studies/Dark Romanticism |
1543-1789, 1754-6095
preserved |
Poe Studies Old Series |
0090-5224, 1754-6095
preserved |
PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review |
1081-6976, 1555-2934
preserved |
Polar Research |
0800-0395, 1751-8369
preserved |
Policy & Internet |
preserved |
Policy Studies Journal |
0190-292X, 1541-0072
preserved |
Political Insight |
2041-9058, 2041-9066
preserved |
Political Psychology |
0162-895X, 1467-9221
preserved |
Political Quarterly |
0032-3179, 1467-923X
preserved |
Political Science Quarterly |
0032-3195, 1538-165X
preserved |
Political Studies |
0032-3217, 1467-9248
preserved |
Political Studies Review |
1478-9299, 1478-9302
preserved |
Politics |
0263-3957, 1467-9256
preserved |
Politics & Policy |
1555-5623, 1747-1346
preserved |
Polymer Composites |
0272-8397, 1548-0569
preserved |
Polymer Crystallization |
preserved |
Polymer Engineering and Science |
0032-3888, 1548-2634
preserved |
Polymer International |
0959-8103, 1097-0126
preserved |
Polymers for Advanced Technologies |
1042-7147, 1099-1581
preserved |
Popular Culture Review |
1060-8125, 2831-865X
preserved |
Population and Development Review |
0098-7921, 1728-4457
preserved |
Population Council Book Series |
preserved |
Population Ecology |
1438-3896, 1438-390X
preserved |
Population, Space and Place |
1544-8444, 1544-8452
preserved |
Portal Hypertension & Cirrhosis |
2770-5838, 2770-5846
preserved |
Poverty & Public Policy |
preserved |
Practical Diabetes |
2047-2897, 2047-2900
preserved |
Practical Diabetes International |
1357-8170, 1528-252X
preserved |
Practical Neurology |
1474-7758, 1474-7766
preserved |
Practice Development in Health Care |
1475-9861, 1557-105X
preserved |
Precision Medical Sciences |
preserved |
Precision Radiation Oncology |
preserved |
preserved |
Prenatal Diagnosis |
0197-3851, 1097-0223
preserved |
Prescriber |
0959-6682, 1931-2253
preserved |
Presidential Studies Quarterly |
0360-4918, 1741-5705
preserved |
Preventive Cardiology |
1520-037X, 1751-7141
preserved |
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics |
1617-7061, 1617-7061
preserved |
Proceedings of the African Futures Conference |
preserved |
Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology |
0044-7870, 1550-8390
preserved |
Proceedings of the annual meeting - World Mariculture Society |
0164-0399, 1749-7345
preserved |
Proceedings of the annual workshop â World Mariculture Society |
1043-5166, 1749-7345
preserved |
Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society |
0066-7374, 1467-9264
preserved |
Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology |
preserved |
Proceedings of the Association of American Physicians |
1081-650X, 1525-1381
preserved |
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London |
1472-0949, 1365-3032
preserved |
Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine |
1065-9889, 1557-3672
preserved |
Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London |
0370-0461, 1095-8312
preserved |
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society |
0024-6115, 1460-244X
preserved |
Proceedings of the Philological Society |
2050-5914, 1467-968X
preserved |
Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London |
1472-0981, 1365-3032
preserved |
Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Series B, Taxonomy |
0375-0434, 1365-3113
preserved |
Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Series A, General Entomology |
0375-0418, 1365-3032
preserved |
Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London, Series C. Journal of Meetings |
1946-1496, 1946-150X
preserved |
Proceedings of the Society for Applied Bacteriology |
0370-1778, 1365-2672
preserved |
Proceedings of the Society of Agricultural Bacteriologists |
0370-1786, 1365-2672
preserved |
Proceedings of the Statistical Society of London |
2046-5890, 2517-6137
preserved |
Proceedings of the World Mariculture Society |
0748-3260, 1749-7345
preserved |
Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London |
0370-2774, 1469-7998
preserved |
Process Safety Progress |
1066-8527, 1547-5913
preserved |
Production and Operations Management |
1059-1478, 1937-5956
preserved |
The Professional Geographer |
0033-0124, 1467-9272
preserved |
Program in Ethnographic Film (PIEF) Newsletter |
0030-8013, 1944-0243
preserved |
Progress in Cardiovascular Nursing |
0889-7204, 1751-7117
queued |
Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry |
1367-7543, 1931-227X
preserved |
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications |
1062-7995, 1099-159X
preserved |
Progress in Structural Engineering and Materials |
1365-0556, 1528-2716
preserved |
Progress in Tourism and Hospitality Research |
1077-3509, 1099-1603
preserved |
The Progressive Fish‐Culturist |
0033-0779, 1548-8640
preserved |
Project Management Journal |
8756-9728, 1938-9507
preserved |
Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics |
0721-3115, 1521-4087
preserved |
Prostate |
0270-4137, 1097-0045
preserved |
Protein Science |
0961-8368, 1469-896X
preserved |
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics |
0887-3585, 1097-0134
preserved |
Proteoglycan Research |
preserved |
Proteomics |
1615-9853, 1615-9861
preserved |
Proteomics - Clinical Applications |
1862-8346, 1862-8354
preserved |
Psychiatric Research And Clinical Practice |
preserved |
Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences |
1323-1316, 1440-1819
preserved |
Psychiatry And Clinical Neurosciences Reports |
preserved |
PsyCH Journal |
2046-0252, 2046-0260
preserved |
The Psychoanalytic Quarterly |
0033-2828, 2167-4086
preserved |
Psychogeriatrics |
1346-3500, 1479-8301
preserved |
Psychological Science |
0956-7976, 1467-9280
preserved |
Psychology and Marketing |
0742-6046, 1520-6793
preserved |
Psychology and Psychotherapy: theory, Research and Practice |
1476-0835, 2044-8341
preserved |
Psychology in the Schools |
0033-3085, 1520-6807
preserved |
Psychology of Women Quarterly |
0361-6843, 1471-6402
preserved |
PsychologyOpen |
queued |
Psycho-Oncology |
1057-9249, 1099-1611
preserved |
Psychophysiology |
0048-5772, 1469-8986
preserved |
Psychotherapy and Politics International |
1476-9263, 1556-9195
preserved |
Public Administration |
0033-3298, 1467-9299
preserved |
Public Administration and Development |
0271-2075, 1099-162X
preserved |
Public Administration Review |
0033-3352, 1540-6210
preserved |
Public Budgeting & Finance |
0275-1100, 1540-5850
preserved |
Public Health Challenges |
preserved |
Public Health Nursing |
0737-1209, 1525-1446
preserved |
Public Money Management |
0954-0962, 1467-9302
preserved |
Public Policy Research |
1744-5396, 1744-540X
preserved |
Pulmonary Circulation |
preserved |