Download this publisher's e-journal holdings (xlsx)
Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Journals | Yes | Yes |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Digital Collections | No | Yes |
Titles start with S (144) | ISSN | Status |
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences |
0283-9318, 1471-6712
preserved |
Scandinavian Journal of Economics |
0347-0520, 1467-9442
preserved |
Scandinavian Journal Of Haematology |
0036-553X, 1600-0609
preserved |
Scandinavian Journal of Immunology |
0300-9475, 1365-3083
preserved |
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports |
0905-7188, 1600-0838
preserved |
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology |
0036-5564, 1467-9450
preserved |
Scandinavian Journal of Social Welfare |
0907-2055, 1468-2397
preserved |
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics |
0303-6898, 1467-9469
preserved |
Scandinavian Political Studies |
0080-6757, 1467-9477
preserved |
Scanning: The Journal of Scanning Microscopies |
0161-0457, 1932-8745
preserved |
School Science and Mathematics |
0036-6803, 1949-8594
preserved |
Science Education |
0036-8326, 1098-237X
preserved |
Science News |
0036-8423, 1943-0930
preserved |
The Sciences |
0036-861X, 2326-1951
preserved |
Scottish Journal of Political Economy |
0036-9292, 1467-9485
preserved |
Sculpture, Monuments And Open Space |
preserved |
Sculpture Review |
0747-5284, 2632-3494
preserved |
Security and Communication Networks |
1939-0114, 1939-0122
preserved |
Security and Privacy |
preserved |
Sedimentology |
0037-0746, 1365-3091
preserved |
Seminars in Dialysis |
0894-0959, 1525-139X
preserved |
Seminars in Surgical Oncology |
8756-0437, 1098-2388
preserved |
Sensors Update |
1432-2404, 1616-8984
preserved |
Separation Science Plus |
preserved |
Sexuality, Gender & Policy |
preserved |
Sexual Medicine |
preserved |
Sexual Medicine Reviews |
2050-0513, 2050-0521
preserved |
Shoulder & Elbow |
1758-5732, 1758-5740
preserved |
Sid Symposium Digest of Technical Papers |
0097-966X, 2168-0159
preserved |
Signal Transduction |
1615-4053, 1615-4061
preserved |
Significance |
1740-9705, 1740-9713
preserved |
Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography |
0129-7619, 1467-9493
preserved |
Single Molecules |
1438-5163, 1438-5171
preserved |
Skandinavisches Archiv Für Physiologie |
0370-839X, 1748-1716
preserved |
Skin Health And Disease |
preserved |
Skin Research and Technology |
0909-752X, 1600-0846
preserved |
Sleep and Biological Rhythms |
1446-9235, 1479-8425
preserved |
Sleep Research |
2994-4147, 2994-4155
preserved |
Small |
1613-6810, 1613-6829
preserved |
Small Business and Enterprise Development |
0968-1000, 1099-1662
preserved |
Small Methods |
preserved |
Small Science |
preserved |
Small Structures |
preserved |
preserved |
Smart Medicine |
preserved |
Smart Molecules |
queued |
Smart Molecules |
2751-4587, 2751-4595
preserved |
Social and Personality Psychology Compass |
preserved |
Social Anthropology |
0964-0282, 1469-8676
preserved |
Social Development |
0961-205X, 1467-9507
preserved |
Social Issues and Policy Review |
1751-2395, 1751-2409
preserved |
Social Policy & Administration |
0144-5596, 1467-9515
preserved |
Social Policy Report |
1075-7031, 2379-3988
preserved |
Social Science Quarterly |
0038-4941, 1540-6237
preserved |
Society for Visual Anthropology Newsletter |
1046-7688, 2163-4211
preserved |
Sociologia Ruralis |
0038-0199, 1467-9523
preserved |
Sociological Forum |
0884-8971, 1573-7861
preserved |
Sociological Inquiry |
0038-0245, 1475-682X
preserved |
Sociological Lens |
2832-5796, 2832-580X
preserved |
Sociological Methodology |
0081-1750, 1467-9531
preserved |
Sociological Quarterly |
0038-0253, 1533-8525
preserved |
Sociological Review |
0038-0261, 1467-954X
preserved |
The Sociological Review Monographs |
0081-1769, 2059-7932
preserved |
Sociological Theory |
0735-2751, 1467-9558
preserved |
Sociology Compass |
preserved |
Sociology of Health & Illness |
0141-9889, 1467-9566
preserved |
Software Focus |
1529-7942, 1529-7950
preserved |
Software: Practice and Experience |
0038-0644, 1097-024X
preserved |
Software Process: Improvement and Practice |
1077-4866, 1099-1670
preserved |
Software Testing, Verification and Reliability |
0960-0833, 1099-1689
preserved |
Soil Horizons |
preserved |
Soil Science & Plant Nutrition |
0038-0768, 1747-0765
queued |
Soil Science Society of America Journal |
0361-5995, 1435-0661
preserved |
Soil Survey Horizons |
0584-0554, 2689-713X
preserved |
Soil Use and Management |
0266-0032, 1475-2743
preserved |
Solar RRL |
preserved |
SOLGAN Newsletter |
preserved |
Sonography |
2202-8323, 2054-6750
preserved |
South African Journal of Economics |
0038-2280, 1813-6982
preserved |
Southeastern Political Review |
0730-2177, 1747-1346
preserved |
Southern Economic Journal |
0038-4038, 2325-8012
preserved |
The Southern Journal of Philosophy |
0038-4283, 2041-6962
preserved |
Space Weather |
preserved |
Space Weather Quarterly |
1539-4964, 2325-4432
preserved |
Spate: Journal of Student Personnel Association for Teacher Education |
0036-1836, 2164-6171
preserved |
Special Care in Dentistry |
0275-1879, 1754-4505
preserved |
Special Events Galore |
1538-1625, 2325-8586
preserved |
Spectroscopy Europe |
0966-0941, 1522-2349
queued |
SPE Polymers |
preserved |
Spirituality and Health International |
1743-1867, 1557-0665
preserved |
Sports Engineering |
1369-7072, 1460-2687
preserved |
Stahlbau |
0038-9145, 1437-1049
preserved |
Starch - Stärke |
0038-9056, 1521-379X
preserved |
Stat |
preserved |
Statistical Analysis and Data Mining |
1932-1864, 1932-1872
preserved |
Statistica Neerlandica |
0039-0402, 1467-9574
preserved |
Statistics in Medicine |
0277-6715, 1097-0258
preserved |
Steel Construction |
1867-0520, 1867-0539
preserved |
Steel Research |
0177-4832, 1869-344X
preserved |
Steel Research International |
1611-3683, 1869-344X
preserved |
Steinbeck Review |
1546-007X, 1754-6087
preserved |
Stem Cells |
1066-5099, 1549-4918
preserved |
STEM CELLS Translational Medicine |
2157-6564, 2157-6580
preserved |
Strain |
0039-2103, 1475-1305
preserved |
Strategic Change |
1086-1718, 1099-1697
preserved |
Strategic Enrollment Management Quarterly |
preserved |
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal |
1932-4391, 1932-443X
preserved |
Strategic Management Journal |
0143-2095, 1097-0266
preserved |
Stress and Health |
1532-3005, 1532-2998
preserved |
Stress Medicine |
0748-8386, 1099-1700
preserved |
Stroke: Vascular and Interventional Neurology |
preserved |
Structural Concrete |
1464-4177, 1751-7648
preserved |
Structural Control and Health Monitoring |
1545-2255, 1545-2263
preserved |
Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings |
1541-7794, 1541-7808
preserved |
Structural Design of Tall Buildings |
1062-8002, 1099-1794
preserved |
Student Affairs Today |
1098-5166, 1943-7552
preserved |
Student Anthropologist |
preserved |
Studia Linguistica |
0039-3193, 1467-9582
preserved |
Studies in Applied Mathematics |
0022-2526, 1467-9590
preserved |
Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism |
1473-8481, 1754-9469
preserved |
Studies in Family Planning |
0039-3665, 1728-4465
preserved |
Studies in the Anthropology of Visual Communications |
0192-6918, 1940-1957
preserved |
Studies in Visual Communication |
0276-6558, 2326-8492
preserved |
Successful Fundraising |
1070-9061, 2325-8624
preserved |
The Successful Registrar |
1534-7710, 1943-7560
preserved |
Suicide and Lifethreatening Behavior |
0363-0234, 1943-278X
preserved |
Supplement to the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society |
1466-6162, 2517-617X
preserved |
Support for Learning |
0268-2141, 1467-9604
preserved |
Surface and Interface Analysis |
0142-2421, 1096-9918
preserved |
Surgical Practice |
1744-1625, 1744-1633
preserved |
SusMat |
preserved |
Sustainable Development |
0968-0802, 1099-1719
preserved |
Sustainable Food Proteins |
preserved |
SVA Review |
1053-6779, 2163-4238
preserved |
Swiss Political Science Review |
1424-7755, 1662-6370
preserved |
Symbolic Interaction |
0195-6086, 1533-8665
preserved |
Synapse |
0887-4476, 1098-2396
preserved |
Syntax |
1368-0005, 1467-9612
preserved |
Systematic Entomology |
0307-6970, 1365-3113
preserved |
System Dynamics Review |
0883-7066, 1099-1727
preserved |
Systems and Computers in Japan |
0882-1666, 1520-684X
preserved |
Systems Engineering |
1098-1241, 1520-6858
preserved |
Systems Research |
0731-7239, 1099-1735
preserved |
Systems Research and Behavioral Science |
1092-7026, 1099-1743
preserved |