Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with A (88) | Information |
About the Dead |
Author/Editor: Mossotti, Travis
Abundance |
Author/Editor: Monica L. Smith
Across the Shaman's River: John Muir, the Tlingit Stronghold, and the Opening of the North |
Author/Editor: Daniel Lee Henry
Activist WPA, The |
Author/Editor: Adler-Kassner, Linda
Adapting to the Land: A History of Agriculture in Colorado |
Author/Editor: John F. Freeman ,Mark E. Uchanski
Adventures in Eating |
Author/Editor: Haines, Helen R.; Sammells, Clare A
Adventures in the Play-Ritual Continuum |
Author/Editor: Audun Kjus ,Jakob Löfgren ,Clíona OCarroll ,Simon Poole ,Ida Tolgensbakk
African Renaissance |
Author/Editor: MOYỌ OKEDIJI
After Dark: The Nocturnal Urban Landscape and Lightscape of Ancient Cities |
Author/Editor: Nancy Gonlin ,Meghan E. Strong
After Monte Albán |
Author/Editor: Blomster, Jeffrey P
After Plato: Rhetoric, Ethics, and the Teaching of Writing |
After the Public Turn |
Author/Editor: Farmer, Frank
Agency in Ancient Writing |
Author/Editor: Englehardt, Joshua
Akulmiut Neqait / Fish and Food of the Akulmiut: Fish and Food of the Akulmiut |
Author/Editor: Ann Fienup-Riordan ,Marie Meade ,Alice Rearden
Alaska at 50: The Past, Present, and Future of Alaska Statehood |
Author/Editor: G. W. Kimura
Alaska Codfish Chronicle: A History of the Pacific Cod Fishery in Alaska |
Author/Editor: James Mackovjak
The Alaska Constitution |
Author/Editor: State of Alaska
Alaska Herring History: The Story of Alaska’s Herring Fisheries and Industry |
Author/Editor: James Mackovjak
Alaska in the Progressive Age: A Political History, 1896 to 1916 |
Author/Editor: THOMAS ALTON
Alaska Native Cultures and Issues: Responses to Frequently Asked Questions |
Author/Editor: Libby Roderick
Alaska Native Games and How to Play Them: Twenty-five Contests that Survived the Ages |
Alaska Natives and American Laws: Third Edition |
Alaska on the Go: Exploring the 49th State with Children |
Author/Editor: Erin Kirkland
Alaska on the Go: Exploring the Alaska Marine Highway System with Children |
Author/Editor: Erin Kirkland
Alaska Politics and Public Policy: The Dynamics of Beliefs, Institutions, Personalities, and Power |
Author/Editor: Clive S. Thomas ,Laura C. Savatgy ,Kristina Klimovich
Alaska's Daughter |
Author/Editor: Pinson, Elizabeth
Alaska's Greatest Outdoor Legends: Colorful Characters Who Built the Fishing and Hunting Industries |
Alas Poor Ghost |
Author/Editor: Bennett, Gillian
All That Divides Us |
Author/Editor: Benedict, Elinor
All the King’s Horses: Essays on the Impact of Looting and the Illicit Antiquities Trade on Our Knowledge of the Past |
Author/Editor: Paula K. Lazrus ,Alex W. Barker
Along Navajo Trails |
Author/Editor: Evans, Will; Woods, Susan; Mcpherson, Robert
An Alternate Pragmatism for Going Public |
Author/Editor: Webber, Jim
Alternative Pathways to Complexity |
Author/Editor: Lane F. Fargher,Verenice Y. Heredia Espinoza
Always a Cowboy |
Author/Editor: Bagley, Will
American Indian Law Deskbook, Fourth Edition |
Author/Editor: Conference of Western Attorneys General, Conference of Western Attorneys General; Myers, Hardy; Smith, Clay
An American Provence |
Author/Editor: Huber, Thomas P
American Women in World War I |
Author/Editor: Gavin, Lettie
America's Switzerland |
Author/Editor: Pickering, James H
Among Wolves: Gordon Haber's Insights into Alaska's Most Misunderstood Animal |
Author/Editor: Gordon Haber ,Marybeth Holleman
Ancient Households of the Americas |
Author/Editor: Douglass, John G.; Gonlin, Nancy; Gonlin, Nancy
Ancient Households on the North Coast of Peru |
Author/Editor: Ilana Johnson,David Pacifico,Robyn E. Cutright
Ancient Maya Commerce |
Author/Editor: SCOTT R. HUTSON
Ancient Southwestern Mortuary Practices |
Author/Editor: James T. Watson ,Gordon F. M. Rakita
Ancient Zapotec Religion |
Author/Editor: Lind, Michael
Anguish Of Snails |
Author/Editor: Toelken, Barre
Anguyiim Nalliini/Time of Warring: The History of Bow-and-Arrow Warfare in Southwest Alaska |
Author/Editor: Alice Rearden ,Marie Meade ,Muriel,Howard Amos ,David Chanar ,Alice Fredson ,Veronica Kaganak ,Monica Shelden ,Sophie Shield ,Ann Fienup-Riordan
Animals and Inequality in the Ancient World |
Author/Editor: Arbuckle, Benjamin S.; McCarty, Sue Ann
Annulments |
Author/Editor: Savich, Zach
Anonimo Mexicano |
Author/Editor: Crapo, Richley; Glass-Coffin, Bonnie
The Anthropological Study of Class and Consciousness |
Author/Editor: Durrenberger, E. Paul
The Anthropology of Labor Unions |
Author/Editor: Durrenberger, E. Paul; Reichart, Karaleah S
Anthropology without Informants |
Author/Editor: Freeman, L. G
Anthropomorphic Imagery in the Mesoamerican Highlands: Gods, Ancestors, and Human Beings |
Author/Editor: Brigitte Faugère,Christopher S. Beekman
Anthropomorphizing the Cosmos |
Author/Editor: Rice, Prudence M
Apocalyptic Anxiety |
Author/Editor: ANTHONY AVENI
The Apotheosis of Janaab' Pakal |
Author/Editor: Aldana, Gerardo
Applied Pedagogies |
Apun: The Arctic Snow |
Author/Editor: Matthew Sturm
Apun: The Arctic Snow (A Teacher's Guide) |
Author/Editor: Matthew Sturm
The Arapaho Language |
Author/Editor: Cowell, Andrew; Moss Sr., Alonzo
Arc and the Sediment |
Author/Editor: Allen-Yazzie, Christine
Archaeological Approaches to Market Exchange in Ancient Societies |
Author/Editor: Garraty, Christopher P.; Stark, Barbara L
Archaeological Landscapes on the High Plains |
Author/Editor: Scheiber, Laura L.; Clark, Bonnie J
Archaeological Narratives of the North American Great Plains: From Ancient Pasts to Historic Resettlement |
Author/Editor: Sarah J. Trabert ,Kacy L. Hollenback
Archaeological Perspectives on Warfare on the Great Plains |
Author/Editor: Clark, Andrew; Bamforth, Douglas
Archaeological Variability and Interpretation in Global Perspective |
The Archaeology of Class War |
Author/Editor: Larkin, Karin; McGuire, Randall H
The Archaeology of Greater Nicoya: Two Decades of Research in Nicaragua and Costa Rica |
Author/Editor: Larry Steinbrenner ,Alexander Geurds ,Geoffrey G. McCafferty ,Silvia Salgado
The Archaeology of Large-Scale Manipulation of Prey |
Author/Editor: Carlson, Kristen; Bement, Leland C
The Archaeology of Medieval Islamic Frontiers |
Author/Editor: Eger, A. Asa
The Archaeology of North Pacific Fisheries |
Author/Editor: Madonna L. Moss ,Aubrey Cannon
The Archaeology of Regional Interaction |
Author/Editor: Hegmon, Michelle
Archaeology of the Night |
Author/Editor: Gonlin, Nancy; Nowell, April
The Archaeology of Wak'as |
Author/Editor: Bray, Tamara L
Archaeology without Borders |
Author/Editor: McBrinn, Maxine E.; Webster, Laurie D.; Carrera, Eduardo Gamboa
Archaeometallurgy in Mesoamerica |
Author/Editor: Shugar, Aaron N.; Simmons, Scott E
Armor & Ornament |
Author/Editor: Christopher Lee Miles
Around the Texts of Writing Center Work |
Author/Editor: R. MARK HALL
The Art and Life of Merritt Dana Houghton in the Northern Rockies, 1878-1919 |
Arthur Carhart |
Author/Editor: Wolf, Tom
As Precious as Blood |
Author/Editor: Steven C. Schulte
Assessing the Teaching of Writing |
Author/Editor: Dayton, Amy E
Assignments across the Curriculum |
Author/Editor: Melzer, Dan
Attu Boy: A Young Alaskan's WWII Memoir |
Author/Editor: Nick Golodoff
Authoring |
Author/Editor: Haswell, Janis; Haswell, Richard
Aztec Antichrist: Performing the Apocalypse in Early Colonial Mexico |
Author/Editor: BEN LEEMING
Aztec Ceremonial Landscapes |
Author/Editor: Carrasco, Davíd
Aztec Philosophy |
Author/Editor: Maffie, James