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Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles ( displaying 500 of 1,123 ) | Information |
2011 Supplement to The American Indian Law Deskbook |
Author/Editor: Conference of Western Attorneys General, CWAG
About the Dead |
Author/Editor: Mossotti, Travis
Abundance |
Author/Editor: Monica L. Smith
Across the Shaman's River: John Muir, the Tlingit Stronghold, and the Opening of the North |
Author/Editor: Daniel Lee Henry
Activist WPA, The |
Author/Editor: Adler-Kassner, Linda
Adapting to the Land: A History of Agriculture in Colorado |
Author/Editor: John F. Freeman ,Mark E. Uchanski
Adventures in Eating |
Author/Editor: Haines, Helen R.; Sammells, Clare A
Adventures in the Play-Ritual Continuum |
Author/Editor: Audun Kjus ,Jakob Löfgren ,Clíona OCarroll ,Simon Poole ,Ida Tolgensbakk
African Renaissance |
Author/Editor: MOYỌ OKEDIJI
After Dark: The Nocturnal Urban Landscape and Lightscape of Ancient Cities |
Author/Editor: Nancy Gonlin ,Meghan E. Strong
After Monte Albán |
Author/Editor: Blomster, Jeffrey P
After Plato: Rhetoric, Ethics, and the Teaching of Writing |
After the Public Turn |
Author/Editor: Farmer, Frank
Agency in Ancient Writing |
Author/Editor: Englehardt, Joshua
Akulmiut Neqait / Fish and Food of the Akulmiut: Fish and Food of the Akulmiut |
Author/Editor: Ann Fienup-Riordan ,Marie Meade ,Alice Rearden
Alaska at 50: The Past, Present, and Future of Alaska Statehood |
Author/Editor: G. W. Kimura
Alaska Codfish Chronicle: A History of the Pacific Cod Fishery in Alaska |
Author/Editor: James Mackovjak
The Alaska Constitution |
Author/Editor: State of Alaska
Alaska Herring History: The Story of Alaska’s Herring Fisheries and Industry |
Author/Editor: James Mackovjak
Alaska in the Progressive Age: A Political History, 1896 to 1916 |
Author/Editor: THOMAS ALTON
Alaska Native Cultures and Issues: Responses to Frequently Asked Questions |
Author/Editor: Libby Roderick
Alaska Native Games and How to Play Them: Twenty-five Contests that Survived the Ages |
Alaska Natives and American Laws: Third Edition |
Alaska on the Go: Exploring the 49th State with Children |
Author/Editor: Erin Kirkland
Alaska on the Go: Exploring the Alaska Marine Highway System with Children |
Author/Editor: Erin Kirkland
Alaska Politics and Public Policy: The Dynamics of Beliefs, Institutions, Personalities, and Power |
Author/Editor: Clive S. Thomas ,Laura C. Savatgy ,Kristina Klimovich
Alaska's Daughter |
Author/Editor: Pinson, Elizabeth
Alaska's Greatest Outdoor Legends: Colorful Characters Who Built the Fishing and Hunting Industries |
Alas Poor Ghost |
Author/Editor: Bennett, Gillian
All That Divides Us |
Author/Editor: Benedict, Elinor
All the King’s Horses: Essays on the Impact of Looting and the Illicit Antiquities Trade on Our Knowledge of the Past |
Author/Editor: Paula K. Lazrus ,Alex W. Barker
Along Navajo Trails |
Author/Editor: Evans, Will; Woods, Susan; Mcpherson, Robert
An Alternate Pragmatism for Going Public |
Author/Editor: Webber, Jim
Alternative Pathways to Complexity |
Author/Editor: Lane F. Fargher,Verenice Y. Heredia Espinoza
Always a Cowboy |
Author/Editor: Bagley, Will
American Indian Law Deskbook, Fourth Edition |
Author/Editor: Conference of Western Attorneys General, Conference of Western Attorneys General; Myers, Hardy; Smith, Clay
An American Provence |
Author/Editor: Huber, Thomas P
American Women in World War I |
Author/Editor: Gavin, Lettie
America's Switzerland |
Author/Editor: Pickering, James H
Among Wolves: Gordon Haber's Insights into Alaska's Most Misunderstood Animal |
Author/Editor: Gordon Haber ,Marybeth Holleman
Ancient Households of the Americas |
Author/Editor: Douglass, John G.; Gonlin, Nancy; Gonlin, Nancy
Ancient Households on the North Coast of Peru |
Author/Editor: Ilana Johnson,David Pacifico,Robyn E. Cutright
Ancient Maya Commerce |
Author/Editor: SCOTT R. HUTSON
Ancient Southwestern Mortuary Practices |
Author/Editor: James T. Watson ,Gordon F. M. Rakita
Ancient Zapotec Religion |
Author/Editor: Lind, Michael
Anguish Of Snails |
Author/Editor: Toelken, Barre
Anguyiim Nalliini/Time of Warring: The History of Bow-and-Arrow Warfare in Southwest Alaska |
Author/Editor: Alice Rearden ,Marie Meade ,Muriel,Howard Amos ,David Chanar ,Alice Fredson ,Veronica Kaganak ,Monica Shelden ,Sophie Shield ,Ann Fienup-Riordan
Animals and Inequality in the Ancient World |
Author/Editor: Arbuckle, Benjamin S.; McCarty, Sue Ann
Annulments |
Author/Editor: Savich, Zach
Anonimo Mexicano |
Author/Editor: Crapo, Richley; Glass-Coffin, Bonnie
The Anthropological Study of Class and Consciousness |
Author/Editor: Durrenberger, E. Paul
The Anthropology of Labor Unions |
Author/Editor: Durrenberger, E. Paul; Reichart, Karaleah S
Anthropology without Informants |
Author/Editor: Freeman, L. G
Anthropomorphic Imagery in the Mesoamerican Highlands: Gods, Ancestors, and Human Beings |
Author/Editor: Brigitte Faugère,Christopher S. Beekman
Anthropomorphizing the Cosmos |
Author/Editor: Rice, Prudence M
Apocalyptic Anxiety |
Author/Editor: ANTHONY AVENI
The Apotheosis of Janaab' Pakal |
Author/Editor: Aldana, Gerardo
Applied Pedagogies |
Apun: The Arctic Snow |
Author/Editor: Matthew Sturm
Apun: The Arctic Snow (A Teacher's Guide) |
Author/Editor: Matthew Sturm
The Arapaho Language |
Author/Editor: Cowell, Andrew; Moss Sr., Alonzo
Arc and the Sediment |
Author/Editor: Allen-Yazzie, Christine
Archaeological Approaches to Market Exchange in Ancient Societies |
Author/Editor: Garraty, Christopher P.; Stark, Barbara L
Archaeological Landscapes on the High Plains |
Author/Editor: Scheiber, Laura L.; Clark, Bonnie J
Archaeological Narratives of the North American Great Plains: From Ancient Pasts to Historic Resettlement |
Author/Editor: Sarah J. Trabert ,Kacy L. Hollenback
Archaeological Perspectives on Warfare on the Great Plains |
Author/Editor: Clark, Andrew; Bamforth, Douglas
Archaeological Variability and Interpretation in Global Perspective |
The Archaeology of Class War |
Author/Editor: Larkin, Karin; McGuire, Randall H
The Archaeology of Greater Nicoya: Two Decades of Research in Nicaragua and Costa Rica |
Author/Editor: Larry Steinbrenner ,Alexander Geurds ,Geoffrey G. McCafferty ,Silvia Salgado
The Archaeology of Large-Scale Manipulation of Prey |
Author/Editor: Carlson, Kristen; Bement, Leland C
The Archaeology of Medieval Islamic Frontiers |
Author/Editor: Eger, A. Asa
The Archaeology of North Pacific Fisheries |
Author/Editor: Madonna L. Moss ,Aubrey Cannon
The Archaeology of Regional Interaction |
Author/Editor: Hegmon, Michelle
Archaeology of the Night |
Author/Editor: Gonlin, Nancy; Nowell, April
The Archaeology of Wak'as |
Author/Editor: Bray, Tamara L
Archaeology without Borders |
Author/Editor: McBrinn, Maxine E.; Webster, Laurie D.; Carrera, Eduardo Gamboa
Archaeometallurgy in Mesoamerica |
Author/Editor: Shugar, Aaron N.; Simmons, Scott E
Armor & Ornament |
Author/Editor: Christopher Lee Miles
Around the Texts of Writing Center Work |
Author/Editor: R. MARK HALL
The Art and Life of Merritt Dana Houghton in the Northern Rockies, 1878-1919 |
Arthur Carhart |
Author/Editor: Wolf, Tom
As Precious as Blood |
Author/Editor: Steven C. Schulte
Assessing the Teaching of Writing |
Author/Editor: Dayton, Amy E
Assignments across the Curriculum |
Author/Editor: Melzer, Dan
Attu Boy: A Young Alaskan's WWII Memoir |
Author/Editor: Nick Golodoff
Authoring |
Author/Editor: Haswell, Janis; Haswell, Richard
Aztec Antichrist: Performing the Apocalypse in Early Colonial Mexico |
Author/Editor: BEN LEEMING
Aztec Ceremonial Landscapes |
Author/Editor: Carrasco, Davíd
Aztec Philosophy |
Author/Editor: Maffie, James
Barbed Voices |
Author/Editor: ARTHUR A. HANSEN
Basic K'ichee' Grammar |
Author/Editor: James L. Mondloch
Bear River |
Author/Editor: Denton, Craig
Bear Wrangler: Memoirs of an Alaska Pioneer Biologist |
Author/Editor: Will Troyer
The Beast |
Author/Editor: Lindsey, Benjamin B.; O'Higgins, Harvey J
Beautiful Flesh |
Author/Editor: Stephanie G’Schwind
Beautiful Lesson of the I |
Author/Editor: Brent, Frances
Becoming Colorado: The Centennial State in 100 Objects |
Author/Editor: WILLIAM WEI
Before the Manifesto |
Author/Editor: Milewski
Before the Storm: A Year in the Pribilof Islands, 1941-1942 |
Author/Editor: Fredericka Martin ,Raymond Hudson
Behind the Mask: Vernacular Culture in the Time of COVID |
Author/Editor: Ben Bridges ,Ross Brillhart ,Diane E. Goldstein
Be-Hooved |
Author/Editor: Mar Ka
Benchmarks: New and Selected Poems 1963-2013 |
Author/Editor: Richard Dauenhauer
Beneath These Red Cliffs |
Author/Editor: Holt, Ronald L
Best Backpacking Trips in Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado |
Author/Editor: White, Mike; Lorain, Douglas
Between Pulpit and Pew |
Author/Editor: Reeve, W. Paul; Van Wagenen, Michael Scott
Between Talk And Teaching |
Author/Editor: Black, Laurel
Beyond Conversation: Collaboration and the Production of Writing |
Author/Editor: WILLIAM DUFFY
Beyond Cortés and Montezuma: The Conquest of Mexico Revisited |
Author/Editor: Vitus Huber ,John F. Schwaller
Beyond Postprocess |
Author/Editor: Dobrin, Sidney I.; Rice, J.A.; Vastola, Michael
Beyond Productivity: Embodied, Situated, and (Un)Balanced Faculty Writing Processes |
Beyond the Betrayal: The Memoir of a World War II Japanese American Draft Resister of Conscience |
Author/Editor: Yoshito Kuromiya ,Arthur A. Hansen
The Biggest Damned Hat: Tales from Alaska's Territorial Lawyers and Judges |
Author/Editor: Pamela CRAVEZ
The Big Wild Soul of Terrence Cole: An Eclectic Collection to Honor Alaska’s Public Historian |
Author/Editor: Frank Soos ,Mary Ehrlander
Big Wonderful |
Author/Editor: Holdsworth, Kevin
Birds and Beasts of Ancient Mesoamerica: Animal Symbolism in the Postclassic Period |
Author/Editor: Susan Milbrath ,Elizabeth Baquedano
Black Hills Forestry |
Author/Editor: Freeman, John F
Black or Right: Anti/Racist Campus Rhetorics |
Author/Editor: Louis M. Maraj
Blue Heron |
Author/Editor: Robinson, Elizabeth
Bodies of Knowledge: Embodied Rhetorics in Theory and Practice |
Body My House |
Author/Editor: Crumbley, Paul; Gantt, Patricia M
Bong Hits 4 Jesus: A Perfect Constitutional Storm in Alaska's Capital |
Author/Editor: James C. Foster
Books, Bluster, and Bounty |
Author/Editor: Swetnam, Susan H
Boots, Bikes, and Bombers: Adventures of Alaska Conservationist Ginny Hill Wood |
Author/Editor: Karen Brewster
Borgo Of The Holy Ghost |
Author/Editor: Mcleod, Stephen
Boulder |
Author/Editor: Pettem, Silvia
The Boundaries of Ancient Trade: Kings, Commoners, and the Aksumite Salt Trade of Ethiopia |
Author/Editor: Helina Solomon Woldekiros
Bound by Steel and Stone: The Colorado-Kansas Railway and the Frontier of Enterprise in Colorado, 1890-1960 |
The Boys of Winter |
Author/Editor: Sanders, Charles J
Breaking Ice for Arctic Oil: The Epic Voyage of the SS Manhattan through the Northwest Passage |
Author/Editor: ROSS COEN
Brenda Is in the Room and Other Poems |
Author/Editor: Teicher, Craig Morgan
Bridging the Gaps |
Author/Editor: Zborover, Danny; Kroefges, Peter
Bridging the Multimodal Gap |
Author/Editor: Khadka, Santosh; Lee, J. C
Brigham Young's Homes |
Author/Editor: Whitley, Colleen
Brigham Young, the Quorum of the Twelve, and the Latter-Day Saint Investigation of the Mountain Meadows Massacre |
Author/Editor: Alexander, Thomas G
Brooke at the Bar: Inside Our Legal System |
Building an Archaeology of Maya Urbanism: Planning and Flexibility in the American Tropics |
Author/Editor: Damien B. Marken ,M. Charlotte Arnauld
Building a Resilient Twenty-First-Century Economy for Rural America |
Author/Editor: Don E. Albrecht
Building Fires in the Snow: A Collection of Alaska LGBTQ Short Fiction and Poetry |
Author/Editor: martha amore ,lucian childs
Building The Goodly Fellowship Of Faith |
Author/Editor: Quinn, Frederick
Building Writing Center Assessments That Matter |
Author/Editor: Schendel, Ellen; Macauley, William J
Burnin' Daylight: Building a Principle-Driven Writing Program |
Author/Editor: RYAN J. DIPPRE
Burning Daylight |
Author/Editor: Jack London
The Business |
Author/Editor: Lenox, Stephanie
Cabin 135: A Memoir of Alaska |
Cabin, Clearing, Forest |
Author/Editor: Zach Falcon
Cabin Stories: The Best of Dark Winter Nights: True Stories from Alaska |
Author/Editor: Rob Prince
California’s Ancient Past: From Pacific to the Range of Light |
Author/Editor: Jeanne E. Arnold ,Michael R. Walsh
Came Men on Horses |
Author/Editor: Hoig, Stan
The Carey Act and Conservation in Colorado |
Author/Editor: Gerald C. Morton
Caribou Herds of Northwest Alaska, 1850-2000 |
Author/Editor: Ernest S. Burch Jr. ,Igor Krupnik ,Jim Dau
A Caring Approach in Nursing Administration |
Author/Editor: Nyberg, Jan J
The Carnegie Maya III |
Author/Editor: Weeks, John M
The Carnegie Maya IV |
Author/Editor: Weeks, John M
Carrying the Word |
Author/Editor: Rostas, Susanna
The Case for Critical Literacy: A History of Reading in Writing Studies |
Author/Editor: ALICE S. HORNING
Castle Valley America |
Author/Editor: Taniguchi, Nancy
Cemeteries Gravemarkers |
Author/Editor: Meyer, Richard
Centaur, The |
Author/Editor: Swenson, May
Center Will Hold |
Author/Editor: Pemberton, Michael
Changing Conceptions, Changing Practices: Innovating Teaching across Disciplines |
Changing of Knowledge in Composition |
Author/Editor: Massey, Lance; Gephardt, Richard C
Changing Paths: Travels and Meditations in Alaska's Arctic Wilderness |
Author/Editor: Bill Sherwonit
Changing the Subject: A Theory of Rhetorical Empathy |
Chasing Literacy |
Author/Editor: Keller, Daniel
Childfree and Happy: Transforming the Rhetoric of Women's Reproductive Choices |
Children's Folklore |
Author/Editor: Sutton-Smith, Brian
Chol (Mayan) Folktales |
Author/Editor: Nicholas A. Hopkins,J. Kathryn Josserand,Ausencio (Chencho) Cruz Guzmán
A Chorus of Cranes |
Author/Editor: Johnsgard, Paul A
Chuj (Mayan) Narratives: Folklore, History, and Ethnography from Northwestern Guatemala |
Author/Editor: Nicholas A. Hopkins
Circulation, Writing, and Rhetoric |
Author/Editor: Gries, Laurie; Brooke, Collin Gifford
The City Beneath the Snow: Stories |
City for Empire: An Anchorage History, 1914-1941 |
Author/Editor: PRESTON JONES
City of Life, City of Death |
Author/Editor: Michelson, Max
The City She Was |
Author/Editor: Giménez Smith, Carmen; GimeÌnez Smith, Carmen
Ciulirnerunak Yuuyaqunak/Do Not Live Without an Elder: The Subsistence Way of Life in Southwest Alaska |
Author/Editor: Alice Rearden ,Ann Fienup-Riordan
Civic Engagement in Global Contexts: International Education, Community Partnerships, and Higher Education |
Claiming Space: Performing the Personal through Decorated Mortarboards |
Author/Editor: Sheila Bock
Classic Maya Polities of the Southern Lowlands |
Author/Editor: Marken, Damien B.; Fitzsimmons, James L
Class in the Composition Classroom |
Author/Editor: Carter, Genesea M.; Thelin, William H
Class Not Dismissed |
Author/Editor: Aveni, Anthony
Clever Maids, Fearless Jacks, and a Cat: Fairy Tales from a Living Oral Tradition |
Author/Editor: Anita Best,Martin Lovelace,Pauline Greenhill,Graham Blair
Coal in our Veins |
Author/Editor: Thomas, Erin Ann
Coffee and Community |
Author/Editor: Lyon, Sarah
Colcha |
Author/Editor: Abeyta, Aaron
Cold Flashes: Literary Snapshots of Alaska |
Author/Editor: Michael Engelhard
Cold Latitudes |
Author/Editor: Rosemary McGuire
Collected Leonard J Arrington Mormon History Lectures |
Author/Editor: Special, Usu Special Collections
College Writing and Beyond |
Author/Editor: Beaufort, Anne
Coloniality in the Maya Lowlands: Archaeological Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Kasey Diserens Morgan ,Tiffany C. Fryer
Colorado |
Author/Editor: Noel, Thomas J.; Smith, Duane A
Colorado |
Author/Editor: Abbott, Carl; Leonard, Stephen J.; Noel, Thomas J
Colorado Day by Day |
Author/Editor: Derek R. Everett
Colorado Flora |
Author/Editor: Weber, William A.; Wittmann, Ronald C
Colorado Flora |
Author/Editor: Weber, William A.; Wittmann, Ronald C
Colorado's Japanese Americans |
Author/Editor: Hosokawa, Bill
Colorado Water Law for Non-Lawyers |
Author/Editor: Jones, P. Andrew; Cech, Tom
Colorado Women |
Author/Editor: Beaton, Gail M
Coloring the Universe: An Insider's Look at Making Spectacular Images of Space |
Author/Editor: Travis A. Rector ,Kimberly Arcand ,Megan Watzke
Coming Out of Nowhere: Alaska Homestead Poems |
Author/Editor: Linda Schandelmeier
Coming To Terms |
Author/Editor: Lynne, Patricia
Commoner Ritual and Ideology in Ancient Mesoamerica |
Author/Editor: Gonlin, Nancy; Lohse, Jon C
Common Ground |
Author/Editor: Kikumura-Yano, Akemi; Hirabayashi, Lane Ryo; Hirabayashi, James A
Common Interior Alaska Cryptogams: Fungi, Lichenicolous Fungi, Lichenized Fungi, Slime Molds, Mosses, and Liverworts |
Author/Editor: Gary A. Laursen ,Rodney D. Seppelt ,Mikhail P. Zhurbenko ,Linda Geiser ,Steve Stephenson ,Roseann Densmore
Communities and Households in the Greater American Southwest |
Author/Editor: Stokes, Robert J
Communities of Ludlow: Collaborative Stewardship and the Ludlow Centennial Commemoration Commission |
Author/Editor: Fawn-Amber Montoya ,Karin Larkin
Community-Based Monitoring in the Arctic |
Author/Editor: Finn Danielsen ,Noor Johnson ,Olivia Lee ,Maryann Fidel ,Lisbeth Iversen ,Michael K. Poulsen ,Hajo Eicken ,Ania Albin ,Simone G. Hansen
The Community in Rural America |
Compelled to Write |
Author/Editor: Wallace, David L
Composing Media Composing Embodiment |
Author/Editor: Arola, Kristin L; Wysocki, Anne
Composing Place: Digital Rhetorics for a Mobile World |
Author/Editor: JACOB GREENE
Composing Research |
Author/Editor: Johanek, Cindy
Composition and Rhetoric in Contentious Times |
Composition in the Age of Austerity |
Composition, Rhetoric, and Disciplinarity |
Author/Editor: Malenczyk, Rita; Miller-Cochran, Susan; Wardle, Elizabeth
Composition Studies As A Creative Art |
Author/Editor: Bloom, Lynn
Conceding Composition |
Author/Editor: Skinnell, Ryan
Conceptions of Literacy: Graduate Instructors and the Teaching of First-Year Composition |
Confronting the Good Death |
Author/Editor: Michael S. Bryant
Connecting Alaskans: Telecommunications in Alaska from Telegraph to Broadband |
Author/Editor: Heather E. Hudson
Conquered Conquistadors |
Author/Editor: Asselbergs, Florine
The Consolations of Humor and Other Folklore Essays |
Author/Editor: Elliott Oring
Constructions of Time and History in the Pre-Columbian Andes |
Author/Editor: Swenson, Edward; Roddick, Andrew
Contemporary Archaeologies of the Southwest |
Author/Editor: Walker, William; Venzor, Kathryn R.; Venzor, Kathryn R
Contested Waters |
Author/Editor: Summitt, April R
Cool Plants for Cold Climates: A Garden Designer's Perspective |
Author/Editor: BRENDA C. ADAMS
Cooperation and Collective Action |
Author/Editor: Carballo, David M
The Cormorant Hunter's Wife |
Author/Editor: Joan Kane
The Coronado Expedition to Tierra Nueva |
Author/Editor: Flint, Richard; Flint, Shirley Cushing
Cosmology, Calendars, and Horizon-Based Astronomy in Ancient Mesoamerica |
Author/Editor: Dowd, Anne S.; Milbrath, Susan
CounterStories from the Writing Center |
Cowboy Life |
Author/Editor: Savage Jr., William W.; Savage, William W
Coyote Steals Fire |
Author/Editor: Shoshone Nation, Northwestern
Crafting Presence |
Author/Editor: NICOLE B. WALLACK
Creating Dialogues |
Author/Editor: Hanne Veber,Pirjo Kristiina Virtanen
Creative Alaska: A Ten-Year Retrospective of Support for Alaska Artists, 2004-2013 |
Author/Editor: SVEN D. HAAKANSON JR. ,AMY F. STEFFIAN ,Diane Kaplan ,Jayson Smart ,Gary H. Holthaus
The Creatures at the Absolute Bottom of the Sea |
Author/Editor: Rosemary McGuire
Creatures Of Habitat |
Author/Editor: Hengesbaugh, Mark
Critical Norths: Space, Nature, Theory |
Author/Editor: sarah jaquette ray ,kevin maier
Crossing Borders, Drawing Boundaries |
Crossing Divides |
Crossroads of Culture |
Author/Editor: Colwell, Chip; Nash, Stephen E.; Holen, Steven R
Cultures In Conflict |
Author/Editor: Hallwas, John; Launius, Roger
Damming Grand Canyon |
Author/Editor: Boyer, Diane E; Webb, Robert H
A Dangerous Idea: The Alaska Native Brotherhood and the Struggle for Indigenous Rights |
Author/Editor: Peter Metcalfe ,Kathy Kolkhorst Ruddy
Dangerous Writing |
Author/Editor: Scott, Tony
The Dawn of Industrial Agriculture in Iowa: Anthropology, Literature, and History |
Author/Editor: E. Paul Durrenberger
Decisions, Agency, and Advising |
Deep Freeze |
Author/Editor: Belanger, Dian Olson
Defender |
Author/Editor: Quentin Thomas Wells
Defining, Locating, and Addressing Bullying in the WPA Workplace |
Author/Editor: Elder, Cristyn L.; Davila, Bethany
Denver |
Author/Editor: Nelson, Sarah M.; Carillo, Richard F.; Clark, Bonnie J
The Denver Artists Guild |
Author/Editor: Cuba, Stan
Denver Inside and Out |
Author/Editor: Colorado Historical Society, Jeanne E
Denver Landmarks and Historic Districts |
Author/Editor: Thomas J. Noel,Nicholas J. Wharton,John Hickenlooper
Denver's Lakeside Amusement Park |
Author/Editor: David Forsyth,Thomas J. Noel
Desegregation State: College Writing Programs after the Civil Rights Movement |
Designing Experimental Research in Archaeology |
Author/Editor: Ferguson, Jeffrey R
Designing Multilingual Experiences in Technical Communication |
Detachment from Place: Beyond an Archaeology of Settlement Abandonment |
Author/Editor: Maxime Lamoureux-St-Hilaire,Scott Macrae
Dialectical Rhetoric |
Author/Editor: Mccomiskey, Bruce
Dialogue with Europe, Dialogue with the Past |
Author/Editor: Olko, Justyna; Sullivan, John; Szeminski, Jan
A Dictionary of Modern Consternation |
Author/Editor: BROOK McCLURG
Different Roads |
Author/Editor: Meredith, Larry
Dinéjí Na`nitin |
Author/Editor: McPherson, Robert S
Disaster At The Colorado |
Author/Editor: Baley, Charles
Discord And Direction |
Author/Editor: Mcgee, Sharon James; Handa, Carolyn
Discursive Ideologies |
Author/Editor: Knoblauch, C. H
Disrupting the Center: A Partnership Approach to Writing Across the University |
Distant Islands |
Author/Editor: DANIEL H. INOUYE
Distant Readings of Disciplinarity: Knowing and Doing in Composition/Rhetoric Dissertations |
Diverse by Design |
Author/Editor: Schroeder, Christopher
Diversity in Open-Air Site Structure across the Pleistocene/Holocene Boundary |
Author/Editor: Kristen A. Carlson ,Leland C. Bement
The Divided Dominion |
Author/Editor: Schmidt, Ethan A
Doing Difference Differently: Chinese International Students’ Literacy Practices and Affordances |
Author/Editor: ZHAOZHE WANG
Dos Mundos |
Author/Editor: Baker, Richard
Dr. Charles David Spivak |
Author/Editor: Abrams, Jeanne
A Dream of Justice: The Story of Keyes v. Denver Public Schools |
Author/Editor: PAT PASCOE
Drilled to Write: Becoming a Cadet Writer at a Senior Military College |
Drivers of Landscape Change in the Northwest Boreal Region |
Author/Editor: Amanda L. Sesser ,Aimee P. Rockhill ,Dawn R. Magness ,Donald Reid ,John DeLapp ,Philip J. Burton ,Eric Schroff ,Valerie Barber ,Carl Markon
The Dual Enrollment Kaleidoscope: Reconfiguring Perceptions of First-Year Writing and Composition Studies |
During-the-Event: a novel |
Author/Editor: ROGER WALL
Dynamics Of Folklore |
Author/Editor: Toelken, Barre
Early Holistic Scoring of Writing: A Theory, a History, a Reflection |
Early Hominin Paleoecology |
Author/Editor: Sponheimer, Matt; Lee-Thorp, Julia A.; Reed, Kaye E
The Eastern San Juan Mountains |
Author/Editor: Blair, Rob; Bracksieck, George
Eben Smith: The Dean of Western Mining |
Author/Editor: DAVID FORSYTH
The Echo of Ice Letting Go |
The Ecology of Pastoralism |
Author/Editor: Kardulias, P. Nick
Economies of Writing |
The Egyptian Mummies and Coffins of the Denver Museum of Nature & Science: History, Technical Analysis, and Conservation |
Author/Editor: Michele L. Koons,Caroline Arbuckle MacLeod
Elizabeth Bishop |
Author/Editor: Fortuny, Kim
Elusive Unity |
Author/Editor: Armstrong-Fumero, Fernando
The Embodied Playbook |
Author/Editor: Rifenburg, J. Michael
Embracing Watershed Politics |
Author/Editor: Schlager, Edella; Blomquist, William
Emma Lee |
Author/Editor: Brooks, Juanita
The Emotional and Priestly Logic of Plural Marriage |
Author/Editor: Flake, Kathleen
Emotional and Priestly Logic of Plural Marriage, The |
Author/Editor: Flake, Kathleen
Empire's Edge: American Society in Nome, Alaska, 1898-1934 |
Author/Editor: PRESTON JONES
Encounter with the Plumed Serpent |
Author/Editor: Gabina Aurora Perez Jimenez
The End of Time |
Author/Editor: Aveni, Anthony
Ends of the Earth: Poems |
Enduring Legacies |
Author/Editor: Aldama, Arturo J.; Facio, Elisa; Maeda, Daryl
Energy Impacts: A Multidisciplinary Exploration of North American Energy Development |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey B. Jacquet,Julia H. Haggerty,Gene L. Theodori
Engaged Archaeology in the Southwestern United States and Northwestern Mexico |
Author/Editor: Kelley A. Hays-Gilpin ,Sarah A. Herr ,Patrick D. Lyons
English Composition As A Happening |
Author/Editor: Sirc, Geoffrey
Entangled: People and Ecological Change in Alaska's Kachemak Bay |
Environmental Politics and Policy in the West, Revised Edition |
Author/Editor: Smith, Zachary A.; Freemuth, John
Environmental Politics and Policy in the West, Third Edition |
Author/Editor: Zachary A. Smith,John Freemuth
Environmental Preservation and the Grey Cliffs Conflict: Negotiating Common Narratives, Values, and Ethos |
An Epidemic of Rumors |
Author/Editor: Lee, Jon D
Epiphany in the Wilderness |
Author/Editor: KAREN R. JONES
Equipping Technical Communicators for Social Justice Work: Theories, Methodologies, and Pedagogies |
Escape Velocity |
Author/Editor: BONNIE ARNING
Ethics in Action: Case Studies in Archaeological Dilemmas |
Author/Editor: Chip Colwell-Chanthaphonh ,Julie Hollowell ,Dru McGill
Ethnicity in Ancient Amazonia |
Author/Editor: Hornborg, Alf; Hill, Jonathan D
Even Cowboys Carry Cell Phones |
Author/Editor: Milbrodt, Teresa
Everyday Writing Center |
Author/Editor: Geller, Anne Ellen; Eodice, Michele; Condon, Frankie
The Evolution of Ceramic Production Organization in a Maya Community |
Author/Editor: Arnold, Dean E
Exit Theater |
Author/Editor: MIKE LALA
Explanation Points |
Author/Editor: Gallagher, John R; DeVoss, DÃ nielle Nicole
The Explorer's Guide to Death Valley National Park, Fourth Edition |
Author/Editor: T. Scott Bryan,Betty Tucker-Bryan
The Explorer's Guide to Death Valley National Park, Third Edition |
Author/Editor: Bryan, T. Scott; Tucker-Bryan, Betty
Exploring and Mapping Alaska: The Russian America Era, 1741-1867 |
Exploring Cause and Explanation |
Author/Editor: Cynthia L. Herhahn,Ann F. Ramenofsky
Exploring Composition Studies |
Author/Editor: Ritter, Kelly; Matsuda, Paul Kei
Exploring Desert Stone |
Author/Editor: Madsen, Steven K
Exploring Folk Art |
Author/Editor: Jones, Michael
Exposé of Polygamy |
Author/Editor: Stenhouse, Fanny; DeSimone, Linda
A Face Out of Clay |
Facing the Center |
Author/Editor: Denny, Harry C
Failing Sideways: Queer Possibilities for Writing Assessment |
Fairy Tale Films |
Author/Editor: Greenhill, Pauline; Matrix, Sidney Eve
Faith and Doubt as Partners in Mormon History |
Author/Editor: Prince, Gregory A
Faithful Transgressions In The American West |
Author/Editor: Bush, Laura
Family System |
Author/Editor: Christian, Jack
Fanning the Sacred Flame |
Author/Editor: Boxt, Matthew A.; Dillon, Brian D
Farm: A Multimodal Reader |
Author/Editor: Joyce Kinkead ,Evelyn Funda ,Lynne S. McNeill
Feminist Rhetorical Resilience |
Author/Editor: Flynn, Elizabeth A; Sotirin, Patricia; Brady, Ann
Feminist Technical Communication: Apparent Feminisms, Slow Crisis, and the Deepwater Horizon Disaster |
Author/Editor: ERIN CLARK
A Field Guide to Snow |
Author/Editor: MATTHEW STURM
Field Guide to the Lichens of White Rocks |
Author/Editor: Erin A. Tripp
Field Of Dreams |
Author/Editor: O'Neill, Peggy
Field Techniques for Sea-Ice Research |
Author/Editor: Hajo Eicken ,Rolf Gradinger ,Maya Salganek ,Kunio Shirasawa ,Don Perovich ,Matti Leppäranta
Fierce Climate, Sacred Ground: An Ethnography of Climate Change in Shishmaref, Alaska |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Marino
The Fierce Tribe |
Author/Editor: Weems, Mickey
Fighter in Velvet Gloves: Alaska Civil Rights Hero Elizabeth Peratrovich |
Author/Editor: Annie Boochever ,Roy Peratrovich Jr.
Fighter in Velvet Gloves: Study Guide |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Peratrovich ,Boochever Annie ,Roy Peratrovich Jr.
Fighting for the Forty-Ninth Star: C. W. Snedden and the Crusade for Alaska Statehood |
Author/Editor: Terrence Cole
Finding Mars |
Author/Editor: Ned Rozell
Finding Solace in the Soil: An Archaeology of Gardens and Gardeners at Amache |
Author/Editor: Bonnie J. Clark
Finding the Arctic: History and Culture Along a 2,500-Mile Snowmobile Journey from Alaska to Hudson’s Bay |
Author/Editor: MATTHEW STURM
Finding True North: First-Hand Stories of the Booms that Built Modern Alaska |
Author/Editor: Molly Rettig
Fire Management in the American West |
Author/Editor: Hudson, Mark
The Fires of Patriotism: Alaskans in the Days of the First World War 1910-1920 |
Author/Editor: Preston Jones ,Neal Holland
First Person Squared |
Author/Editor: Day, Kami; Eodice, Michele
First Time Up |
Author/Editor: Dethier, Brock
The Flowering Thorn |
Author/Editor: Mckean, Thomas
Folk Culture in the Digital Age |
Author/Editor: Blank, Trevor J
Folk Groups And Folklore Genres |
Author/Editor: Oring, Elliott
Folk Groups And Folklore Genres Reader |
Author/Editor: Oring, Elliott
Folklore and Social Media |
Author/Editor: Andrew Peck,Trevor J. Blank
Folklore and the Internet |
Author/Editor: Blank, Trevor J
Folklore/Cinema |
Author/Editor: Sherman, Sharon R.; Koven, Mikel J
Folklore in Utah |
Author/Editor: Stanley, David
The Folklore Muse |
Author/Editor: de Caro, Frank
Folklore Rules |
Author/Editor: McNeill, Lynne S.; McNeill, Lynne S
The Folkloresque |
Author/Editor: Foster, Michael Dylan; Tolbert, Jeffrey A
The Folklorist in the Marketplace: Conversations at the Crossroads of Vernacular Culture and Economics |
Author/Editor: Willow G. Mullins,Puja Batra-Wells
Following Tradition |
Author/Editor: Bronner, Simon
Food Production in Native North America: An Archaeological Perspective |
Author/Editor: Kristen J. Gremillion
Food Provisioning in Complex Societies: Zooarchaeological Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Levent Atici ,Benjamin S. Arbuckle
Foraging in the Past |
Author/Editor: Lemke
Forced Out: A Nikkei Woman’s Search for a Home in America |
Author/Editor: JUDY Y. KAWAMOTO
Forest Conservation in the Anthropocene |
Author/Editor: Sample, V. Alaric; Bixler, R. Patrick; Miller, Char
A Forest of History: The Maya after the Emergence of Divine Kingship |
Author/Editor: Travis W. Stanton ,M. Kathryn Brown
Forjando Patria |
Author/Editor: Gamio, Manuel; Gamio, Manuel
For the Sake of the Light: New and Selected Poems |
Author/Editor: TOM SEXTON
Framing Complexity in Formative Mesoamerica |
Francisco López de Gómara's General History of the Indies |
Author/Editor: FRANCISCO LÓPEZ DE GÓMARA ,Clayton Miles Lehmann ,Ángela Helmer
The Friar and the Maya: Diego de Landa and the Account of the Things of Yucatan |
From Ancient Rome to Colonial Mexico: Religious Globalization in the Context of Empire |
Author/Editor: David Charles Wright-Carr ,Francisco Marco Simón
From Military to Academy: The Writing and Learning Transitions of Student-Veterans |
From Redstone to Ludlow |
Author/Editor: Munsell, F. Darrell
From the Ground Up |
Author/Editor: Whitley, Colleen
The Frontier Romance: Environment, Culture, and Alaska Identity |
Author/Editor: Judith Kleinfeld
Frontiers in Colorado Paleoindian Archaeology |
Author/Editor: Brunswig, Robert H.; Pitblado, Bonnie L
The Fur Farms of Alaska: Two Centuries of History and a Forgotten Stampede |
Author/Editor: Sarah Crawford Isto
Furthest Ecology |
Author/Editor: Fagin, Adam
The Future is Mestizo: Life Where Culture Meet, Revised Edition |
Author/Editor: VIRGILIO ELIZONDO ,Sandra Cisneros ,Davíd Carrasco
Gaining Daylight: Life on Two Islands |
Author/Editor: Sara Loewen
Gambling Debt |
Author/Editor: E. Paul Durrenberger
Gambling on Ore |
Author/Editor: Curtis, Kent
Gendered Labor in Specialized Economies |
Author/Editor: Sophia E. Kelly,Traci Ardren
The General History of Peru: Book 1 |
Author/Editor: Martín de Murúa ,BRIAN S. BAUER ,Brian S. Bauer ,Eliana Gamarra C. ,Andrea Gonzales Lombardi
Generation Vet |
Author/Editor: Doe, Sue; Langstraat, Lisa
Genre Across The Curriculum |
Author/Editor: Herrington, Anne; Moran, Charles
Genre And The Invention Of The Writer |
Author/Editor: Bawarshi, Anis
Genre and the Performance of Publics |
The Geography of Water |
Author/Editor: Mary Emerick
Geology of Southeast Alaska: Rock and Ice in Motion |
Author/Editor: Harold H. Stowell
George W. Bush's Healthy Forests |
Author/Editor: Vaughn, Jacqueline; Cortner, Hanna
The Geysers of Yellowstone, Fifth Edition |
Author/Editor: Bryan, T. Scott
The Geysers of Yellowstone, Fourth Edition |
Author/Editor: Bryan, T. Scott
The Geysers of Yellowstone: Sixth Edition |
Author/Editor: T. Scott Bryan ,PARK HISTORIAN ,Lee H. Whittlesey
Ghosts And The Japanese |
Author/Editor: Iwasaka, Michiko; Toelken, Barre
Giinaquq Like a Face: Suqpiaq Masks of the Kodiak Archipelago |
Author/Editor: Sven D. Haakanson Jr. ,Amy F. Steffian
Glass, Light, and Electricity |
Globalization and the Circumpolar North |
Author/Editor: Lassi Heininen ,Chris Southcott
Global Perspectives on Landscapes of Warfare |
Go East, Young Man |
Author/Editor: Francaviglia, Richard
Going North Thinking West |
Author/Editor: Peckham, Irvin
Going Public |
Author/Editor: Rose, Shirley K.; Weiser, Irwin
Gold Metal Waters: The Animas River and the Gold King Mine Spill |
Author/Editor: Brad T. Clark ,Pete McCormick
Good God but You Smart! |
Author/Editor: Stanford, Nichole E
Good Water |
Author/Editor: Holdsworth, Kevin
Go Play Outside!: Tips, Tricks, and Tales from the Trails |
Author/Editor: Nancy Fresco ,Elizabeth Cable ,Molly Cable ,Jay Cable
The Gospel of Progressivism |
Author/Editor: Laugen, R. Todd
Governors and the Progressive Movement |
Author/Editor: Berman, David R
Grasses of Colorado |
Author/Editor: Shaw, Robert B
Grasses of the Intermountain Region |
Author/Editor: Anderton, Laurel K.; Barkworth, Mary E
Great Basin National Park |
Author/Editor: Baker, Gretchen M
The Greater Chaco Landscape: Ancestors, Scholarship, and Advocacy |
The Great Maya Droughts in Cultural Context |
Author/Editor: Iannone, Gyles
The Great Unknown |
Author/Editor: Robinson, Greg
A Green Band in a Parched and Burning Land: Sobaipuri O’odham Landscapes |
Author/Editor: DENI J. SEYMOUR
Growing the Taraco Peninsula: Indigenous Agricultural Landscapes |
Author/Editor: MARIA C. BRUNO
Guide to College Writing Assessment |
Author/Editor: O'Neill, Peggy; Moore, Cindy; Huot, Brian
A Guide to Peril Strait and Wrangell Narrows, Alaska |
Author/Editor: William Morgan Hopkins
Gwich'in Athabascan Implements: History, Manufacture, and Usage According to Reverend David Salmon |
Author/Editor: Thomas A. O’Brien
The Gwich’in Climate Report |
Author/Editor: MATT GILBERT ,Pam Miller
Hammered Dulcimer |
Author/Editor: Williams, Lisa
Hard as the Rock Itself |
Author/Editor: Robertson, David
Hard Driving: The 1908 Auto Race From New York to Paris |
Author/Editor: Dermot Cole
Harnessed to the Pole: Sledge Dogs in Service to American Explorers of the Arctic 1853-1909 |
Author/Editor: Sheila Nickerson
Hashtag Activism Interrogated and Embodied: Case Studies on Social Justice Movements |
Haunting Experiences |
Author/Editor: Goldstein, Diane; Grider, Sylvia; Thomas, Jeannie Banks
Hawaii’s Past in a World of Pacific Islands |
Author/Editor: James M. Bayman ,Thomas S. Dye ,Eric K. Komori
Haywire |
Author/Editor: Bilgere, George
Healing Logics |
Author/Editor: Brady, Erika
Hear Him Roar |
Author/Editor: Wingfield, Andrew
Helen Ring Robinson |
Author/Editor: Pascoe, Pat
Hell Or High Water |
Author/Editor: Adams, Eilean
Hemming Flames |
Author/Editor: Patricia Colleen Murphy,Stephen Dunn
Heritage Keywords |
Author/Editor: Lafrenz Samuels, Kathryn; Rico, Trinidad
Herndon Davis |
Author/Editor: Leavitt, Craig; Noel, Thomas J
The Hidden Inequities in Labor-Based Contract Grading |
Author/Editor: Ellen C. Carillo
Hidden Out in the Open |
Author/Editor: Martinelli, Phylis Cancilla; Varela-Lago, Ana
High Plains Horticulture |
Author/Editor: Freeman, John F
Highway 12 |
Author/Editor: Probasco, Christian
High Wide And Handsome |
Author/Editor: Webb, Roy
Hinterland Households |
Author/Editor: Douglass, John G
Hinterlands to Cities: The Archaeology of Northwest Mexico and Its Vecinos |
Author/Editor: Matthew C. Pailes ,Michael T. Searcy
Historical and Archaeological Perspectives on the Itzas of Petén, Guatemala |
Author/Editor: Rice, Prudence M.; Rice, Don S
Historicizing Fear: Ignorance, Vilification, and Othering |
Author/Editor: Travis D. Boyce,Winsome M. Chunnu
Histories of Infamy |
Author/Editor: Roa-de-la-Carrera, Cristián A
A History of Gold Dredging in Idaho |
Author/Editor: Spence, Clark C
History Of Louisa Barnes Pratt |
Author/Editor: Ellsworth, S. George
A History of Mortgage Banking in the West |
Author/Editor: Rosser, E. Michael; Sanders, Diane M
The History of the Death Penalty in Colorado |
Author/Editor: MICHAEL L. RADELET,Helen PreJean
History of Utah Radicalism |
Author/Editor: McCormick, John S.; Sillito, John R
History Of Utah's American Indians |
Author/Editor: Cuch, Forrest
Hosea Stout |
Author/Editor: Prince, Stephen L
Hospitality and Authoring |
Author/Editor: Haswell, Richard; Haswell, Janis
House of Sugar, House of Stone |
Author/Editor: EMILY PÉREZ,Stephanie G’Schwind,Donald Revell
The House on Lemon Street |
Author/Editor: Rawitsch, Mark
How Humans Cooperate |
Author/Editor: Richard E. Blanton,Lane F. Fargher
How to Lobby Alaska State Government |
Author/Editor: Clive S. Thomas
How Writing Faculty Write |
Author/Editor: Tulley, Christine E
Human Adaptation in Ancient Mesoamerica |
Author/Editor: Gonlin, Nancy; French, Kirk D
Human Being Songs: Northern Stories |
Author/Editor: Jean Anderson
Human Dispersal, Human Evolution, and the Sea: The Palaeolithic Seafaring Debate |
Human Is to Wander |
Author/Editor: Adrian Lürssen
Human No More |
Author/Editor: Whitehead, Neil L.; Wesch, Michael
Hungry Moon |
Author/Editor: Goodman, Henrietta
Hunter-Gatherer Archaeology of the Colorado High Country |
Author/Editor: Stiger, Mark
Ice Floe II: International Poetry of the Far North |
Author/Editor: Shannon Gramse ,Sarah Kirk
Ice Floe: New & Selected Poems |
Author/Editor: Shannon Gramse ,Sarah Kirk ,Garðar Baldvinsson ,Alexis Burykin ,Hallberg Hallmundsson ,Per Helge ,Pia Hyttinen ,Roald Larsen ,Sigurður A. Magnússon
Identity, Development, and the Politics of the Past |
Author/Editor: DANIEL BAUER
Identity Papers |
Author/Editor: Williams, Bronwyn T
Identity Politics of Difference: The Mixed-Race American Indian Experience |
Author/Editor: Michelle R. Montgomery
Idolatry and the Construction of the Spanish Empire |
Author/Editor: Mina García Soormally
I Follow in the Dust She Raises |
Author/Editor: Linda Martin
I Hope I Join the Band |
Author/Editor: Condon, Frankie
Imagined States |
Author/Editor: Del Giudice, Luisa
Imperial Peripheries in the Neo-Assyrian Period |
Implementing the Endangered Species Act on the Platte Basin Water Commons |
Author/Editor: Freeman, David M
In Another Time |
Author/Editor: Schindler, Harold
An Inca Account of the Conquest of Peru |
Author/Editor: Yupanqui, Titu Cusi
The Incas |
Author/Editor: Davies, Nigel
Incidence of Travel |
Author/Editor: Jerry D. Moore
An Inconstant Landscape |
Indians and Mestizos in the Lettered City |
Author/Editor: Duenas, Alcira; Dueñas, Alcira
Indian Self Rule |
Author/Editor: Philp, Kenneth
Indigenous Bodies, Maya Minds |
Author/Editor: C. James Mackenzie
Indigenous Dance and Dancing Indian |
Author/Editor: Krystal, Matthew
Indigenous Voices in Digital Spaces |
Author/Editor: CINDY TEKOBBE
In-laws and Outlaws |
Author/Editor: Gordon, Sarah Barringer
Innocents on the Ice |
Author/Editor: Behrendt, John C
Innovative Approaches to Teaching Technical Communication |
Author/Editor: Bridgeford, Tracy; Kitalong, Karla Saari; Selfe, Dickie
Inside Ancient Kitchens |
Author/Editor: Klarich, Elizabeth A