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Titles start with B (54) Information
Barbed Voices
Author/Editor: ARTHUR A. HANSEN
Basic K'ichee' Grammar
Author/Editor: James L. Mondloch
Bear River
Author/Editor: Denton, Craig
Bear Wrangler: Memoirs of an Alaska Pioneer Biologist
Author/Editor: Will Troyer
The Beast
Author/Editor: Lindsey, Benjamin B.; O'Higgins, Harvey J
Beautiful Flesh
Author/Editor: Stephanie G’Schwind
Beautiful Lesson of the I
Author/Editor: Brent, Frances
Becoming Colorado: The Centennial State in 100 Objects
Author/Editor: WILLIAM WEI
Before the Manifesto
Author/Editor: Milewski
Before the Storm: A Year in the Pribilof Islands, 1941-1942
Author/Editor: Fredericka Martin ,Raymond Hudson
Behind the Mask: Vernacular Culture in the Time of COVID
Author/Editor: Ben Bridges ,Ross Brillhart ,Diane E. Goldstein
Author/Editor: Mar Ka
Benchmarks: New and Selected Poems 1963-2013
Author/Editor: Richard Dauenhauer
Beneath These Red Cliffs
Author/Editor: Holt, Ronald L
Best Backpacking Trips in Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado
Author/Editor: White, Mike; Lorain, Douglas
Between Pulpit and Pew
Author/Editor: Reeve, W. Paul; Van Wagenen, Michael Scott
Between Talk And Teaching
Author/Editor: Black, Laurel
Beyond Conversation: Collaboration and the Production of Writing
Author/Editor: WILLIAM DUFFY
Beyond Cortés and Montezuma: The Conquest of Mexico Revisited
Author/Editor: Vitus Huber ,John F. Schwaller
Beyond Postprocess
Author/Editor: Dobrin, Sidney I.; Rice, J.A.; Vastola, Michael
Beyond Productivity: Embodied, Situated, and (Un)Balanced Faculty Writing Processes
Beyond the Betrayal: The Memoir of a World War II Japanese American Draft Resister of Conscience
Author/Editor: Yoshito Kuromiya ,Arthur A. Hansen
The Biggest Damned Hat: Tales from Alaska's Territorial Lawyers and Judges
Author/Editor: Pamela CRAVEZ
The Big Wild Soul of Terrence Cole: An Eclectic Collection to Honor Alaska’s Public Historian
Author/Editor: Frank Soos ,Mary Ehrlander
Big Wonderful
Author/Editor: Holdsworth, Kevin
Birds and Beasts of Ancient Mesoamerica: Animal Symbolism in the Postclassic Period
Author/Editor: Susan Milbrath ,Elizabeth Baquedano
Black Hills Forestry
Author/Editor: Freeman, John F
Black or Right: Anti/Racist Campus Rhetorics
Author/Editor: Louis M. Maraj
Blue Heron
Author/Editor: Robinson, Elizabeth
Bodies of Knowledge: Embodied Rhetorics in Theory and Practice
Body My House
Author/Editor: Crumbley, Paul; Gantt, Patricia M
Bong Hits 4 Jesus: A Perfect Constitutional Storm in Alaska's Capital
Author/Editor: James C. Foster
Books, Bluster, and Bounty
Author/Editor: Swetnam, Susan H
Boots, Bikes, and Bombers: Adventures of Alaska Conservationist Ginny Hill Wood
Author/Editor: Karen Brewster
Borgo Of The Holy Ghost
Author/Editor: Mcleod, Stephen
Author/Editor: Pettem, Silvia
The Boundaries of Ancient Trade: Kings, Commoners, and the Aksumite Salt Trade of Ethiopia
Author/Editor: Helina Solomon Woldekiros
Bound by Steel and Stone: The Colorado-Kansas Railway and the Frontier of Enterprise in Colorado, 1890-1960
The Boys of Winter
Author/Editor: Sanders, Charles J
Breaking Ice for Arctic Oil: The Epic Voyage of the SS Manhattan through the Northwest Passage
Author/Editor: ROSS COEN
Brenda Is in the Room and Other Poems
Author/Editor: Teicher, Craig Morgan
Bridging the Gaps
Author/Editor: Zborover, Danny; Kroefges, Peter
Bridging the Multimodal Gap
Author/Editor: Khadka, Santosh; Lee, J. C
Brigham Young's Homes
Author/Editor: Whitley, Colleen
Brigham Young, the Quorum of the Twelve, and the Latter-Day Saint Investigation of the Mountain Meadows Massacre
Author/Editor: Alexander, Thomas G
Brooke at the Bar: Inside Our Legal System
Building an Archaeology of Maya Urbanism: Planning and Flexibility in the American Tropics
Author/Editor: Damien B. Marken ,M. Charlotte Arnauld
Building a Resilient Twenty-First-Century Economy for Rural America
Author/Editor: Don E. Albrecht
Building Fires in the Snow: A Collection of Alaska LGBTQ Short Fiction and Poetry
Author/Editor: martha amore ,lucian childs
Building The Goodly Fellowship Of Faith
Author/Editor: Quinn, Frederick
Building Writing Center Assessments That Matter
Author/Editor: Schendel, Ellen; Macauley, William J
Burnin' Daylight: Building a Principle-Driven Writing Program
Author/Editor: RYAN J. DIPPRE
Burning Daylight
Author/Editor: Jack London
The Business
Author/Editor: Lenox, Stephanie