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Titles start with C ( displaying 500 of 988 ) Information
Cadre théorique des études des médias : les médias du monde arabe comme outil géopolitique, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Tanguy De Wilde d'Estmael,Boualem Fardjaoui
Caldo Verde Is Not Stone Soup, New edition
Author/Editor: George Monteiro
CALL for Background, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Anna Turula,Anita Buczek-Zawila
CALL for Bridges between School and Academia, New edition
Author/Editor: Anna Turula,Maria Chojnacka
CALL for Mobility, New edition
Author/Editor: Joanna Pitura,Shannon Sauro
CALL for Openness, New edition
Author/Editor: Jaroslaw Krajka,Mariusz Marczak
Calling Upon Gods, Offering Bodies: Strategies of Human-Divine Communication in the Roman Empire from Individual Experience to Social Reproduction, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: D. Jaime Alvar Ezquerra,Clelia Martínez Maza,Antón Alvar Nuño
Calvet de Magalhães: Pensamento e Acção, New edition
Author/Editor: Isabel Maria Freitas Valente
The Calvinesque, New edition
Author/Editor: Claudia Richter
Calvino e il teatro, New edition
Author/Editor: Enrica Ferrara
Calvin’s «Theodicy»and the Hiddenness of God, New edition
Author/Editor: Paolo De Petris
Camille Mauclair (1872-1945), critique, théoricien et historien de l’art: Un chemin périlleux entre cosmopolitisme et nationalisme sous la IIIe République, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Katia Papandreopoulou
Camilo José Cela, novelista universal: Estudios en torno a la traducción de su narrativa con motivo del XX aniversario de su muerte, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Saad Mohamed Saad
Camilo José Cela y su novelística: de «Pascual Duarte» a «Madera de boj», New edition
Author/Editor: Ángel Díaz Arenas
CAMINANDO POR LA LITERATURA: Reflexiones sobre la literatura como fuente para el turismo cultural, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Javier Rivero Grandoso
Camps of Transit, Sites of Memory: European Perspectives in the Twentieth Century, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Katia Pizzi,Matteo Cassani Simonetti,Roberta Mira
Camus et l’antiquité, New edition
Author/Editor: Martin Rodan
Canaan to Corinth: Paul’s Doctrine of God and the Issue of Food Offered to Idols in 1 Corinthians 8:1-11:1, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Li-Tak Shen
Canadian Political, Social and Historical (Re)visions in 20th and 21st Century, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Marcin Gabrys,Magdalena Marczuk-Karbownik,Magdalena Paluszkiewicz-Misiaczek
Canadian Studies: The State of the Art- Études canadiennes : Questions de recherché, New edition
Author/Editor: Klaus-Dieter Ertler,Stewart Gill,Susan Hodgett,Patrick James
Cancellation of Illocutionary Force Potential: From the Perspective of Speech Act Pluralism, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Xiaozhen Zhu
«Candide», «La fée carabine» et les autres: Vers un modèle didactique de la lecture littéraire, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Sandrine Aeby Daghé
Can Machines Have Free Will? The Concept of Free Will in Relation to the Psychophysical Problem, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Jan Hartman,Krzysztof Krenc
Cannibal Angels: Transatlantic Modernism and the Brazilian Avant-Garde, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Kenneth David Jackson
Canon et écrits de femmes en France et en Espagne dans l'actualité (2011-2016): Canon y escritos de mujeres en Francia y en España en la actualidad (2011-2016), Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Ángeles Ciprés Palacín,Isabelle Marc
Canonical Marriage Preparation in the Igbo Tradition in the Light of Canon 1063 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law, New edition
Author/Editor: Paulinus Chibuike Nwaigwe
The Canon of the Bible and the Apocrypha in the Churches of the East, New edition
Author/Editor: Vahan Hovhanessian
Canon: ¿pedagogía o propanda?: Calderón en la encrucijada de los teatros comercial, institucional, universitario e independiente (1927-1980), Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Sergio Adillo Rufo
The Capability Approach and Early Childhood Education Curricula, New edition
Author/Editor: Autoanneta Potsi
Capital City Cultures, New edition
Author/Editor: Monika De Frantz
Capital-in-Crisis, Trade Unionism and the Question of Revolutionary Agency, New edition
Author/Editor: Shaun May
Capitalism without Conscience, New edition
Author/Editor: Michel Santi
Capitalist Accumulation and Socio-Ecological Resilience, New edition
Author/Editor: Edna Yiced MartinezMartinez
Capitalist Imperialism in Contemporary Theoretical Frameworks, New edition
Author/Editor: Filip Ilkowski
Care and Conflict, New edition
Author/Editor: Lawrence Cohen
The Caribbean in Translation: Remapping Thresholds of Dislocation, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Laëtitia Saint-Loubert
Carillons and Carillon Music in Old Gdańsk, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Wojciech Bonkowski,Danuta Popinigis
Carl Clemen und die Religionsgeschichte, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Ulrich Vollmer
Carl Leberecht Immermann, New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Hasubek
Carlo Donato Cossoni (1623-1700), New edition
Author/Editor: Claudio Bacciagaluppi,Luigi Collarile
Carlos Bulosan—Revolutionary Filipino Writer in the United States, New edition
Author/Editor: E. San Juan, Jr.
Carl Spitteler – Essays zu Leben, Werk und Wirkung, New edition
Author/Editor: Dominik Riedo
Carl Stangen – Tourismuspionier und Schriftsteller, New edition
Author/Editor: Alina Dittmann
Carl Sternheim: Revolution der Sprache in Drama und Erzaehlwerk, New edition
Author/Editor: Claus Zittel,Ursula Paintner
Carl Stumpfs Berliner Phonogrammarchiv, New edition
Author/Editor: Martin Ebeling
Carl Wilhelm Froelich’s «On Man and his Circumstances», New edition
Author/Editor: Edward T. Larkin
Carl Wilhelm Pauli (1792–1879): Ein bemerkenswerter Luebecker Jurist im 19. Jahrhundert, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Sonja Daniela Kellermann
Carmen revisitée / revisiter Carmen: Nouveaux visages d’un mythe transversal, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Claire Lozier,Isabelle Marc
Carmina Latina: Cum praefatione Valahfridi Stroh, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Albrecht
Carminis Personae – Character in Roman Poetry, New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Grazia Iodice,Mariusz Zagorski
Carnets Jean Paul Sartre, New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Knopp,Vincent von Wroblewsky
Carnivalesque Inversion in the Fiction of Kurt Vonnegut, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Emma Saggers
Carnivalizing the Turkish novel, New edition
Author/Editor: Meltem Gürle
Carrying a Torch, New edition
Author/Editor: Mei Yang
Cartas de esperanza, New edition
Author/Editor: Eun-kyung Choi
Cartesian Rationalism, New edition
Author/Editor: Zbigniew Drozdowicz
Cartographies littéraires du Brésil actuel, New edition
Author/Editor: Rita Olivieri-Godet
Cartographies of Differences, New edition
Author/Editor: Ulrike M. Vieten,Gill Valentine
Écarts et apports des médias francophones, New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Abecassis,Gudrun Ledegen
Casa en que nunca he sido extraña, New edition
Author/Editor: Milena Rodriguez Gutiérrez
The Case for a Proto-Gospel: Recovering the Common Written Source Behind Mark and John, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Gary Greenberg
The Case for Perfection, New edition
Author/Editor: Johann Roduit
Case Studies in International Security, New edition
Author/Editor: Luca Ratti,Paolo Wulzer
A Case Study on Trilingual Siblings’ Code Switching: Focus on Minority Language Development, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Jaewon Nielbock-Yoon
Castles as European Phenomena, New edition
Author/Editor: Stefan MagnussenMagnussen,Daniel KossackKossack
The Catalan Nation and Identity Throughout History, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Àngels Casals Martinez,Giovanni C. Cattini
Catalonia and Portugal, New edition
Author/Editor: Flocel Sabaté,Luís Adão Da Fonseca
Catching the Elusive: Lexical evidentiality markers in Slavic languages (A questionnaire study and its background), Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Björn Wiemer
Catching up with Time: Belatedness and Anachronies in Francophone Literature and Culture, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Ashwiny O. Kistnareddy,Alice Roullière
Categorización de los errores ortográficos en zonas de contacto lingueístico entre inglés y español, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Alicia Mariscal
Categorization and L2 Vocabulary Learning, New edition
Author/Editor: Xiaoyan Xia
Categorization in Discourse and Grammar, New edition
Author/Editor: Malgorzata Fabiszak,Karolina Krawczak,Katarzyna Rokoszewska
Catégories et mots de la politique à la Renaissance italienne - Categorie e termini della politica nel Rinascimento italiano, New edition
Author/Editor: Jean-Louis Fournel,Hélène Miesse,Paola Moreno,Jean-Claude Zancarini
Cathedral Rituals and Chanting Practices among the Medieval Orthodox Slavs – Kondakarnoie Pienie: The Forefeast, Christmas and Epiphany Cycles, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Krakauer,Gregory Myers
Catholicity Challenging Ethnicity, New edition
Author/Editor: Erik Berggren
Catholic Religious Minorities in the Times of Transformation: Comparative Studies of Religious Culture in Poland and Ukraine, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Joanna Fomina,Magdalena Zowczak
The Catholic Revival in Modern European Literature (1890–1945), New edition
Author/Editor: Dustin Langan,Enrique Sánchez-Costa
Catholics and Millennialism, New edition
Author/Editor: Warren A. Kappeler III
The Catholic School under Scrutiny, New edition
Author/Editor: Guglielmo Malizia,Sergio Cicatelli
Catholic Sexual Pathology and the Western Mind: The Ancient Era, Vol. 1, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Stephen Patton
Catholic Sexual Pathology and the Western Mind: The Early Medieval Era, Vol. 2, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Stephen Patton
Catholic Theology and the Dispute over the Image of Science: A critical assessment of the scientific character of Catholic theology, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Riki Maulana Baruwaso
Catull-Rezeption in lateinischen Dichtungen von 1897 bis 2010, New edition
Author/Editor: Barbara Dowlasz
The Causal Exclusion Problem, New edition
Author/Editor: Dwayne Moore
Causal Ubiquity in Quantum Physics, New edition
Author/Editor: Raphael Neelamkavil
Causative, Agent-Deprofiling, and Resultative Constructions in English and Urdu: A Cognitive-Contrastive Approach, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Frank Polzenhagen,Mahum Hayat Khan
Caxton's Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye: A Critical Edition, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Sarah Alyn Stacey,Hiroyuki Matsumoto
Cú Chulainn’s Revival, New edition
Author/Editor: Franziska Bock
Ceguera contextual: La tecnología digital y la siguiente etapa de la evolución humana, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Eva Berger
Celebrar ritos a través de las palabras: Análisis contrastivo de los ritualismos lingueísticos en español y en polaco, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Ewa Urbaniak
Celebrating Liberation: The Commemoration and Instrumentalisation of the End of the Second World War in Contemporary Czech and Slovak Politics, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Vladimír Naxera,Petr Krčál
Celebrating the Sacred in Ordinary Life, New edition
Author/Editor: Tom Absher
Celebration of the Word of God: A Liturgical Enquiry, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Emmanuel Chinedu Anagwo
Celestina y ecos celestinescos: «Contarte he maravillas...». Estudios hispánicos dedicados a Joseph T. Snow (I), Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Ruth Martínez Alcorlo,Amaranta Saguar García
Celluloid Subjects to Digital Directors: Changing Aboriginalities and Australian Documentary Film, 1901–2017, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jennifer Debenham
Celtic Connections, New edition
Author/Editor: Willy Maley,Alison O'Malley-Younger
Cemetery Plots from Victoria to Verdun, New edition
Author/Editor: Heather Kichner
Censorship, Digital Media, and the Global Crackdown on Freedom of Expression, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Anthony J. Nocella II,Lea Kinikini,Robin Andersen,Nolan Higdon,Steve Macek
Censura y Literatura. Memorias Contestadas, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: María José Olaziregi Alustiza,María Lourdes Otaegi Imaz
Censure et autorités publiques, New edition
Author/Editor: François Cadilhon,Philippe Chassaigne,Éric Suire
Central and Eastern European Socio-Political and Legal Transition Revisited, New edition
Author/Editor: Fruzsina Gárdos-Orosz,Balázs Fekete
Central and Eastern Europe as a Double Periphery?: Volume of proceedings from the 11th CEE Forum Conference in Bratislava,, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Tomáš Gábriš,Ján Sombati
Central Europe in Symbolic and Literary Geography, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Miloš Zelenka
The Central Legislature in British India, 1921–47: Parliamentary Experiences Under the Raj, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Mohammad Rashiduzzaman
Centres and Peripheries in Celtic Linguistics, New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Bloch-TrojnarBloch-Trojnar,Mark Ó FionnáinÓ Fionnáin
Centres and Peripheries in the Post-Soviet Space: Relevance and Meanings of a Classical Distinction, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Alexander Filippov,Nicolas Hayoz,Jens Herlth
The Century’s Midnight, New edition
Author/Editor: Clive Bush
Ceol Phádraig: Music at St Patrick’s College Drumcondra, 1875-2016, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: John Buckley,John O'Flynn
Ceramics from el-Bālū‛, New edition
Author/Editor: Udo Worschech
Cervantes El arte de la novela: Cervantes creador de la novela moderna, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Francisco Javier Blasco Pascual
Cervantes en los siglos XX y XXI, New edition
Author/Editor: Paloma Ortiz de Urbina
Cervantes on «Don Quixote», New edition
Author/Editor: Emilio Martinez Mata
Cervantes revisitado: su vida, su obra, su legado, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Esther Bautista Naranjo,Jorge Francisco Jiménez Jiménez
Cervantes transatlántico / Transatlantic Cervantes, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Francisco Ramírez Santacruz,Pedro Ángel Palou
Cervantes y los mares: En los 400 años del «Persiles». In memoriam José María Casasayas, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: María Fernanda de Abreu
« Ce Salon à quoi tout se ramène », New edition
Author/Editor: James Kearns,Pierre Vaisse
Cesare Battisti, da Kraus in poi, New edition
Author/Editor: Italo Michele BattafaranoBattafarano
Ces Belges qui ont soutenu l’apartheid, New edition
Author/Editor: Isabelle Delvaux
Ces Chrétiens qui ne croyaient pas en Jésus-Christ, New edition
Author/Editor: Jean-Pierre Van Halteren
« C’est comme s’il y avait plusieurs personnes en moi ! », New edition
Author/Editor: Daniel Pierrot
« C’est la crise »: Contribution à une sociologie politique de l’action publique européenne, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Lola Avril,Samuel B.H Faure,Vincent Lebrou
Chalcedonian Personalism, New edition
Author/Editor: Colin Patterson
The challenge of change for the legal and political systems of Eurasia: The impact of the New Silk Road, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Amandine Cayol,Zhuldyz Sairambaeva,Pierre Chabal
The Challenge of Cultural Heritage and Identity for Inclusive and Open Societies: Young People's Perspectives from European and Asian Countries, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Louis Henri Seukwa,Elina Marmer,Cornelia Sylla
The Challenge of Non-Territorial Autonomy, New edition
Author/Editor: Ephraim Nimni,Alexander Osipov,David Smith
Challenges and opportunities in the pathway of development: Case of Turkey, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Isil Alkan,Kübra Önder
Challenges and Reforms in Vocational Education, New edition
Author/Editor: Stefanie Stolz,Philipp Gonon
Challenges in Education – Policies, Practice and Research, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Otilia Clipa
Challenges in Teacher Development: Learner Autonomy and Intercultural Competence, New edition
Author/Editor: Manuel Jiménez Raya,Lies Sercu
The Challenges of Explicit and Implicit Communication, New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Jodlowiec
The Challenges of Modernity to the Orthodox Church in Estonia and Latvia (1917-1940), New edition
Author/Editor: Sebastian Rimestad
The Challenges of Policy Transfer in Vocational Skills Development, New edition
Author/Editor: Markus Maurer,Philipp Gonon
Challenges of State-Building in Iraq: The Case of the Iraqi Army in Post-Saddam Era, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Ecaterina-Elena C. Matoi
Challenges to Representative Democracy, New edition
Author/Editor: Robert Wiszniowski
Challenging Boundaries in Linguistics, New edition
Author/Editor: Stella Neumann,Rebekah Wegener,Jennifer Fest,Paula Niemietz,Nicole Hützen
Challenging Discrimination in Different Areas: Turkey, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Nihan Akincilar Köseoglu,Dilhan Öztamur
Challenging Heterosexism from the «Other» Point of View, New edition
Author/Editor: Dana Frei
Challenging Voices: Music Making with Children Excluded from School, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Philip Mullen
Chancen bedarfsgerechter Weiterbildung aelterer Mitarbeiter, New edition
Author/Editor: Kathrin Winkler
Chancen der Weiterentwicklung der Musikerziehung durch den interkulturellen Dialog zwischen Europa und Asien, New edition
Author/Editor: Ji Sun Kim
Chancen und Grenzen wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung im Prozess der Globalisierung, New edition
Author/Editor: Alf Zachäus
É/change- Ex/change, New edition
Author/Editor: Manuel Bragança,Steven Wilson
Change in Life, Change in Language, New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Begoña Crespo Garcia
Change in Teaching and Learning, New edition
Author/Editor: Jaan Mikk,Marika Veisson,Piret Luik
Changes and Challenges of Cross-border Mobility within the European Union, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Trine Lund Thomsen
Changes and Innovations in the Education Institutions: From Regulation to Empowerment, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Guorui Fan
Changes in Argument Structure: The Transitivizing Reaction Object Construction, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Tamara Bouso-Rivas
The Change toward Cooperation in the George W. Bush Administration’s Nuclear Nonproliferation Policy toward North Korea, New edition
Author/Editor: Jonas Schneider
Changing Borders and Challenging Belonging: Policy Change and Private Experience, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Georg Grote,Andrea Carlà
Changing Configurations in Adult Education in Transitional Times, New edition
Author/Editor: Bernd Käpplinger,Steffi Robak
Changing Educational Paradigms: New Methods, Directions, and Policies, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Sakir Cinkir
The Changing Guise of Myths, New edition
Author/Editor: Andrzej Leder
Changing Polish Identities, New edition
Author/Editor: Agniezka Bielewska-Mensah
Changing Social Environments in Spain: Families, New Solidarities and Hierarchical Breakdown (16th-20th Centuries), Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Francisco Chacón Jimenez
Changing the Paradigm of Energy Geopolitics: Security, Resources and Pathways in Light of Global Challenges, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: João Simões,Francisco José Leandro,Roopinder Oberoi,Eduardo Caetano de Sousa
Chanter et lire dans le récit médiéval, New edition
Author/Editor: Anne Ibos-Auge
Chantiers du poème, New edition
Author/Editor: Hugues Azérad,Michael G. Kelly,Nina Parish,Emma Wagstaff
Chaos and Coincidence in Contemporary Spanish Fiction, New edition
Author/Editor: Anne L. Walsh
Chaos in Theater, New edition
Author/Editor: Anna Grazia Cafaro,Melina Masterson,Anna Grazia Cafaro
Character and Gender in Contemporary Catalan Literature, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Vicent Martines
Characterising the Anthropocene, New edition
Author/Editor: Alessandro Macilenti
Characters in Literary Fictions, New edition
Author/Editor: Jadwiga Wegrodzka
Charlemagne et les objets, New edition
Author/Editor: Philippe Cordez
Charles Darwin’s Looking Glass, New edition
Author/Editor: Dominika Oramus
Charles R. Crane and Wilsonian Progressivism, New edition
Author/Editor: Zacharie Leclair
Charlotte Brontë’s Atypical Typology, New edition
Author/Editor: Keith A. Jenkins
Chatbots, New edition
Author/Editor: Netaya Lotze
Chateaubriand, New edition
Author/Editor: Malcolm Scott
Chaucer in Context, New edition
Author/Editor: Gerald Morgan
Chaucer’s Choices, New edition
Author/Editor: Katarzyna Stadnik
Chauvinism, Polish Style, New edition
Author/Editor: Jaroslaw Garlinski,Grzegorz Krzywiec
Cheese Manufacturing in the Twentieth Century, New edition
Author/Editor: Rita Maria Michela d'Errico,Claudio Besana,Renato Ghezzi
Chernobyl Liquidators. The Unknown Story: With the Testimony of the President of Latvia, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Pawel Sekula
«… che solo amore e luce ha per confine», New edition
Author/Editor: Silvia Fabrizio-Costa,Paolo Grossi,Laura Sannia Nowé
Chez L’Autre: L’Identité Culturelle dans L’Œuvre Littéraire de Marguerite Duras, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Sarah Parvaiz
Chick Lit, New edition
Author/Editor: Annette Peitz
Child and Nation, New edition
Author/Editor: Katharine Throssell
Childbearing and Parental Decisions of Intra EU Migrants, New edition
Author/Editor: Weronika Kloc-NowakKloc-Nowak
Childhood Memory Spaces, New edition
Author/Editor: Roger C. Aden
Child Labour’s Global Past, 1650-2000, New edition
Author/Editor: Kristoffel Lieten,Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk
Childless Marriages and Child adoption among the Igbo, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: John Kachikwulu Ekwunife
Childness and the Writing of the German Past, New edition
Author/Editor: Nora Maguire
Child of Many Worlds: Focus on the Problem of Ethnic Minorities, New edition
Author/Editor: Hanna Liberska,Marzanna Farnicka
Child Poverty, New edition
Author/Editor: Neriman Aral,Figen Gürsoy,Ece Özdogan Özbal,Saliha Çetin Sultanoglu,Sebahat Aydos,Selim Tosun,Tugba Karaaslan,Gül Kadan
Child Protection Social Workers and Asylum-Seeking Families in Ireland: Issues of Culture, Race, Power Relations, and Mistrust, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Colletta Dalikeni
Children of the Liberation: Transatlantic Experiences and Perspectives of Black Germans of the Post-War Generation, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Marion Kraft
Children of the «Volk», New edition
Author/Editor: Stephanie Robertson
Children’s Media and Modernity, New edition
Author/Editor: Ewan Kirkland
Children Studying in a Wrong Language, New edition
Author/Editor: Aaro Toomela,Eve Kikas
Children's Voices in Politics, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Michael S. Cummings
Childs' Canonical Approach: A Critical Assessment, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Robert G. Brown
Chile in der Operation Cóndor 1973-1977, New edition
Author/Editor: Lennart Bohl
China and the EU in the Era of Regional and Interregional Cooperation, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Mario Telo,Yuan Feng
China im Spiegel, New edition
Author/Editor: Shen Deng
China in der deutschen Literatur 1827-1988, New edition
Author/Editor: Uwe Japp,Aihong Jiang
China in Transition, New edition
Author/Editor: Christian Böber
China-Marketing, 2Revised edition
Author/Editor: Andreas Tank
The China Model: Experience and Challenges, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Yongnian Zheng
China-Repraesentationen in der deutschen Semiotic Landscape: Eine diskursorientierte Untersuchung, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Yingrui Bi
China’s Economic Engagement in Africa, New edition
Author/Editor: Sezgi Cemiloglu
China's Global Image Making: The Belt and Road Initiative in the Islamic World, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Jia Wenshan,MUHAMMAD KHALIL KHAN
China’s New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme, New edition
Author/Editor: Dan Liu
China und China-Erfahrung in Leben und Werk von Anna Seghers, New edition
Author/Editor: Weija Li
Chinese Approaches to Global Governance: BRI and Building a Community of the Shared Future for Mankind in Sino–U.S. and Sino–Africa Contexts, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Wenshan Jia,Bin Xia,Wenshan Jia
Chinese Cinema Culture: A Scene in the Fog, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Dai Jinhua
Chinese Civilization in Vistas of World Civilization, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Cui-hua Zhao,Liang Chang,Xiao-li Zhang,Yong-li Zhang,Jiang Yi-hua
Chinese Culture in a Cross-Cultural Comparison, New edition
Author/Editor: Michael B. Hinner
Chinese Economic Reform and Development: Peter Lang Updated New Edition, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Yining Li
Chinese Lexicography in the Twentieth Century, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Heming Yong,Peng Jing,Zhang Xiangming
Chinese Medical Concepts in Urban China, New edition
Author/Editor: Martin Böke
Chinese New Media Cultures in Transition: Weibo and the Carnivalesque, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Minghua Wu
Chinese PhD thesis acknowledgements, New edition
Author/Editor: Peng Hua
Chinese Philosophy and Contemporary Aesthetics: Unthought of Empty, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Kejun Xia
Chinese Syntactic Grammar, New edition
Author/Editor: Jian Kang Loar
Chinese urban poor older people’s life, New edition
Author/Editor: Jing Xu
Chinese Women Striving for Status: Sport as Empowerment, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Dong Jinxia,J.A. Mangan
Chinesisch-deutsche Kulturbeziehungen, New edition
Author/Editor: Ulrich Steinmüller,Fu Su
Choices and Constraints, New edition
Author/Editor: Jian Zhu
Choose the Narrow Path: The Way for Churches to Walk Together, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: C.K. Robertson,Pierre Whalon
Chopin et son temps / Chopin and his time, New edition
Author/Editor: Vanja Hug,Thomas Steiner
Chopin, New edition
Author/Editor: Bengt Edlund
Christe Eleison!, New edition
Author/Editor: James Frederick Wellington
Christen in Thailand, New edition
Author/Editor: Lauren Drover
Christentum und Menschenrechte in Europa, New edition
Author/Editor: Vasilios N. Makrides,Jennifer Wasmuth,Stefan Kube
Christentum und politische Liberalitaet, New edition
Author/Editor: Philipp W. Hildmann,Johann Christian Koecke
Christian and Related Terms Used in Interlinear Glosses in the Old English Period, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Michiko Ogura
Christian Democracy and Labour after World War II, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Cecilia Maria Bravi,Andrea Maria Locatelli
Christian Democrat Internationalism, 2Revised edition
Author/Editor: Jean-Dominique Durand
Christian Democrat Internationalism, New edition
Author/Editor: Jean-Dominique Durand
Christian Democrat Internationalism, New edition
Author/Editor: Jean-Dominique Durand
Christian Discourses of the Holy and the Sacred from the 15th to the 17th Century, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Teresa Hiergeist,Ismael Del Olmo
Christian Faith in English Church Schools, New edition
Author/Editor: Trevor Cooling,Beth Green,Andrew Morris,Lynn Revell
Christian Identity Formation Across the Elbe in the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Mihai Dragnea
Christianity and Cultural History in Northern Ghana, New edition
Author/Editor: Alexis B. Tengan
Christian Presence and Progress in North-East Asia, New edition
Author/Editor: Chong Ku Paek,Jan A.B. Jongeneel,Jiafeng Liu,Peter Tze Ming Ng
«Christian Rock» – Unterhaltung oder mehr?, New edition
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Kabus,Tobias Rux
Christian Wagner. Beitraege zu Leben und Werk, New edition
Author/Editor: Burckhard Dücker
Christliche Ethik oder zweckrationale Technik der Macht?, New edition
Author/Editor: Christian König
Christliche Wissenssysteme und «Strategien des Uebersetzens» im Missionierungskontext, New edition
Author/Editor: Imke Rath
Christ, the Savior of Israel, New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Vanlaningham
Chronicon Aulae regiae – Die Koenigsaaler Chronik, New edition
Author/Editor: Stefan Albrecht
Chronobiologie, New edition
Author/Editor: Brigitte Ausfeld-Hafter
Chronologie de l’Histoire de Chine, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Cai Meibiao
Chronomania: Littérature et pensée du Temps au XIXe siècle, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Myriam Kohnen
Chronotopes of Modernity in Chekhov, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Tintti Klapuri
Church and Chapel in Industrializing Society, New edition
Author/Editor: D. R. Wilson
Church and Civil Society in 21st Century Africa, New edition
Author/Editor: Sylvester Uche Ugwu
The Church and Other Faiths, New edition
Author/Editor: Douglas Pratt
Church and Synagogue (30-313 AD), New edition
Author/Editor: Magdalena KonopkoKonopko,Mariusz RosikRosik
The Church as Hermeneutical Community and the Place of Embodied Faith in Joseph Ratzinger and Lewis S. Mudge, New edition
Author/Editor: Mary McCaughey
Church in China: Faith, Ethics, Structure, New edition
The Church in the Salvific Plan of God and the Motherhood of the Church in the Writings of Mar Jacob of Sarug: A Study on the Ecclesiology of Mar Jacob of Sarug, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Titus Cheravallil John
The Church of Constantinople in the Nineteenth Century, New edition
Author/Editor: I.I. Sokolov
The Church of Smyrna, New edition
Author/Editor: Mauricio Saavedra
Chutes et écartèlements : l’œuvre de Pierre Mertens, New edition
Author/Editor: Anne Begenat-Neuschäfer
Cicatrices Resonantes Género, violencia y memoria en la obra literaria de Rocío Silva Santisteban, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Ágata Cristina Cáceres Sztorc
Cicero und das Geld, New edition
Author/Editor: Eva Scheuermann
Cincuenta estudios sobre traducciones españolas, New edition
Author/Editor: Francisco Lafarga,Luis Pegenaute
Cine de mujeres y cine queer: Cartografías del deseo, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Uta Felten,Uta Felten,Tanja Schwan,A. Francisco Zurian Hernández,Anne-Marie Lachmund,Kristin Mlynek-Theil
Cine global, televisión transnacional y literatura universal: Estéticas hispánicas en el contexto de la globalización, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Jörg Türschmann,Matthias Hausmann
Cine, literatura y otras artes al servicio de las ideologías, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Teresa Fernández-Ulloa,Javier de Santiago Guervós,Miguel Soler Gallo
Cinema at the Shore, New edition
Author/Editor: Fiona Handyside
Cinema at the Shore: The Beach in French Film, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Fiona Handyside
Cinema de migração em língua portuguesa: Espaço, movimento e travessia de fronteiras, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Kathrin Sartingen,Esther Gimeno Ugalde
Cinema Derrida: The Law of Inspection in the Age of Global Spectral Media, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Tyson Stewart
Cinema in China prior to WWI: A Case Study of West-Eastern Culture Transfer, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Meimei Xu
The Cinema of Iceland: Between Tradition and Liquid Modernity, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Sebastian Jakub Konefal
The Cinema of the Swimming Pool, New edition
Author/Editor: Christopher Brown,Pam Hirsch
A Cinematic Artist, 2Revised edition
Author/Editor: Kim Knowles
Cinematic Echoes of Covenants Past and Present, New edition
Author/Editor: Christopher Garbowski
Cinematic Reveries, New edition
Author/Editor: Linda C. Ehrlich
Cinematic Thoughts: Essays on Film and the Philosophy of Film, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Gary James Jason
Cine político en México (1968-2017), Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Robin Myers,Adriana Estrada Álvarez,Nicolas Défossé,Diego Zavala Scherer
Author/Editor: Manuel Palacio Arranz,Vicente Rodríguez Ortega
Cine y Mitología, New edition
Author/Editor: Héctor Pérez
Cinéma dans la Tête, New edition
Author/Editor: Emmanuelle Glon
Cinématismes- La littérature au prisme du cinéma, New edition
Author/Editor: Jean-Loup Bourget,Jacqueline Nacache
Cinéphilies et sériephilies 2.0: Les nouvelles formes d’attachement aux images, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Mélanie Boissonneau,Laurent Jullier
A circulação literária e cultural, New edition
Author/Editor: Jose Luis Jobim
Circulations et réseaux transnationaux en Europe (XVIII e -XX e siècles), New edition
Author/Editor: Landry Charrier,Karine Rance,Friederike Spitzl-Dupic
Cities of the Lusophone World: Literature, Culture and Urban Transformations, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Doris Wieser,Ana Filipa Prata
Citizen, Citizenship and Awareness of Citizenship: Intellectual, Political, and Social Debates in the Historical and Theoretical Framework for the Western Citizenship Case, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Fikret Çelik
A Citizen of Yiddishland: Dovid Sfard and the Jewish Communist Milieu in Poland, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Ri J. Turner,Paul Glasser,Joanna Nalewajko-Kulikov
Citizen Relationship Management, New edition
Author/Editor: Alexander Schellong
Citizenship and Social Development, New edition
Author/Editor: Litsa Nicolaou-Smokoviti,Heinz Sünker,Julia Rozanova
Citizenship and Solidarity in the European Union, New edition
Author/Editor: Alessandra Silveira,Mariana Canotilho,Pedro Madeira Froufe
Citizenship in a Transnational Canada, New edition
Author/Editor: Augie Fleras
Citizens’ participation at the local level in Europe and Neighbouring Countries, New edition
Author/Editor: Antonella Valmorbida
Citoyennes sous tutelle, New edition
Author/Editor: Anne-Laure Briatte-Peters
City and Power – Postmodern Urban Spaces in Contemporary Poland, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Katarzyna Kajdanek,Igor Pietraszewski,Jacek Pluta
The City and Region Against the Backdrop of Totalitarianism, New edition
Author/Editor: Miroslav PalárikPalárik,Alena MikulášováMikulášová,Martin HetényiHetényi,Róbert ArpášArpáš
Ciudadanos plurilinguees: Una revisión del estado de la cuestión del bilingueismo en el seno familiar y en el sistema educativo, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Esther Nieto Moreno de Diezmas
Ciudad en Obras, New edition
Author/Editor: Eugenia Popeanga,Diego Muñoz,Rocio Peñalta
Ciudades Mito, New edition
Author/Editor: Edmundo Garrido,Javier Rivero
CIUTI-Forum 2008, New edition
Author/Editor: Martin Forstner,Hannelore Lee-Jahnke,Peter A. Schmitt
CIUTI-Forum 2010, New edition
Author/Editor: Martin Forstner,Hannelore Lee-Jahnke
CIUTI-Forum 2013, New edition
Author/Editor: Martin Forstner,Nikolai K. Garbovskiy,Hannelore Lee-Jahnke
CIUTI-Forum 2014, New edition
Author/Editor: Martin Forstner,Hannelore Lee-Jahnke,Mingjiong Chai
CIUTI-Forum 2015, New edition
Author/Editor: Martin Forstner,Hannelore Lee-Jahnke,Said Al-Said
CIUTI-Forum- New Needs, Translators & Programs, New edition
Author/Editor: Martin Forstner,Hannelore Lee-Jahnke
The Civil Administration of Eastern Territories (1919–1920): The Reasons for the Failure of Piłsudski’s Federation Idea, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Chris James,Tristan Korecki,Joanna Gierowska-Kallaur
Civilisation and Authenticity, New edition
Author/Editor: Eugenia Demuro
Civility in Uncivil Times: Kazimierz Moczarski's Quiet Battle for Truth, from the Polish Underground to Stalinist Prison, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Mikolaj Golubiewski,Maja Latynska,Anna Machcewicz
Civilization – Nature – Subjugation: Variations of (De-)Colonization, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Christoph Haar,Matthias Kaufmann,Christian Müller
Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, New edition
Author/Editor: Malika Gunasekera
The Civil Service in Poland, New edition
Author/Editor: Jolanta Itrich-Drabarek
Civil Services in the EU of 27, New edition
Author/Editor: Christoph Demmke,Timo Moilanen
Civil Society, Democracy and Democratization, New edition
Author/Editor: Dorota Pietrzyk-Reeves
Civil Society on the Move, New edition
Author/Editor: Eun-Jeung Lee,Hannes B. Mosler
A Civil War of Words, New edition
Author/Editor: Xavier Pla,Maximiliano Fuentes,Francesc Montero
Civitas Europaea, New edition
Author/Editor: Till Bellinghausen
Cixous Party/«Partie» de Cixous, New edition
Author/Editor: Marie-Dominique Garnier,Joana Maso
Claim-making and Claim-challenging in English and Polish Linguistic Discourses, New edition
Author/Editor: Grzegorz Kowalski
Class action-reaction, New edition
Author/Editor: Timo Lenth
Class actions in Australien: Class closure und Vergleichsgenehmigung als Perspektive fuer Deutschland, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Fabian Stitz
A Class Apart, New edition
Author/Editor: Karen Lacey
Classics in Youth Cultural Studies, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Maurizio Merico
Classics Revisited, New edition
Author/Editor: Alastair G.H. Walker
The Classification of Ethnic Groups in Ancient China, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Wang Wenguang,Duan Hongyun
Classroom-Based Assessment in the School- Foreign Language Classroom, New edition
Author/Editor: Kathryn M. Hill
Classroom Observation: Researching Interaction in English Language Teaching, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Friedrich Lenz,Maximiliane Frobenius,Revert Klattenberg
Classroom Struggle, New edition
Author/Editor: Marcelo Caruso
Class Talk: Communications Unbound, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Helen Davitt
Claude McKay's Liberating Narrative, New edition
Author/Editor: Tatiana A. Tagirova-Daley
Claude Monet, Free Thinker, New edition
Author/Editor: Michael J. Call
Claudius Claudianus. L’epitalamio per Palladio e Celerina, New edition
Author/Editor: Chiara PfistererPfisterer
Clausal Complements in Native and Learner Spoken English, New edition
Author/Editor: Beatriz Tizon-Couto
Célébrer Salazar en France (1930–1974), New edition
Author/Editor: Olivier Dard,Ana Sardinha-Desvignes
Clean Fashion, New edition
Author/Editor: Angelika Adamcyk
Clemens August Graf von Galen, New edition
Author/Editor: Marcin Golaszewski
Clemente “lo Stromateo”: fama e oscurità: Rassegna e studio dei Testimonia greci (III-XVI sec.), Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Matteo Monfrinotti
Clerical Exile in Late Antiquity, New edition
Author/Editor: Jakob Engberg,Julia Hillner,Jörg Ulrich
Clifford Geertz’s Interpretive Anthropology, New edition
Author/Editor: Katarzyna Majbroda
Cli-Fi: A Companion, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Axel Goodbody,Adeline Johns-Putra
CLIL experiences in secondary and tertiary education, New edition
Author/Editor: David Lasagabaster,Aintzane Doiz
CLIL Revisited, New edition
Author/Editor: Bernd Rüschoff,Julian Sudhoff,Dieter Wolff
Climate Adaptation and Resilience: Challenges and Potential Solutions: Anticipatory Governance, Planning and Dialogue, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Pascaline Gaborit
Climate Change as a Threat to Peace: Impacts on Cultural Heritage and Cultural Diversity, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Sabine von Schorlemer,Sylvia Maus
Climate Change in Africa, New edition
Author/Editor: Bettina Engels,Kristina Dietz
Clinical Research at MENA: Challenges and Solutions, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Fatih Özdener
Clinton am Kivu-See, New edition
Author/Editor: Helmut Strizek
Clusteranalyse fuer Netzwerke, New edition
Author/Editor: Alexandra Rebecca Klages
Clusters, Networks, and Innovation in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs), New edition
Author/Editor: Osmund Osinachi Uzor
Cámara, acción, reacción: Cine e intolerancia en Iberoamérica, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Alejandro Varderi
¿Cómo generar estado de flujo (flow) en las redes sociales? El caso de Facebook, Instagram, YouTube y Twitter, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Luis R. Murillo-Zamorano,José Ángel López Sánchez,Ana Belén Mera Gallego
¿Cómo se «habla» en los «cibermedios»?, New edition
Author/Editor: Ana Mancera Rueda
Cómo se “hacen” las unidades fraseológicas: continuidad y renovación en la diacronía del espacio castellano, New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Teresa Echenique ElizondoEchenique Elizondo,Angela SchrottSchrott,Francisco Pla ColomerPla Colomer
Coachingbasiertes Training, New edition
Author/Editor: Björn Fiedler
Coaching – eine Frage der Theorie?, New edition
Author/Editor: Stefanie Godemann
Coalition Governments and Development of the Party System in Slovakia, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Marcel Martinkovic
Coastal Tourism in Southern Europe in the XXth century: New economy and material culture, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Patrizia Battilani,Carlos Larrinaga Rodríguez
Co-Autorschaft und Ghostwriting in der Holocaustliteratur: Exemplarische Analysen zu einer kontroversen Beziehung, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Sabrina Semmelroth
Co-Charismatic Leadership, New edition
Author/Editor: Simon Robinson,Jonathan Smith
CoCo-Bonds: Praxis und Dogmatik bedingter Pflichtwandelanleihen, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Stefan Gohling
The Co-construction of Conversation in Group Oral Tests, New edition
Author/Editor: Fumyo Nakatsuhara
Codeswitching als Mehrsprachigkeitspraxis in der universitaeren Kommunikation: Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel von Germanisten in Schweden, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: H?eike Havermeier
Code-Switching, Languages in Contact and Electronic Writings, New edition
Author/Editor: Foued Laroussi
Code-switching, New edition
Author/Editor: Baban Mohamed
Codifying the National Self, New edition
Author/Editor: Barbara Ozieblo,María Dolores Narbona-Carrión
Coding Gender in Romance Cultures, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Uta Felten,Tanja Schwan,Giulia Colaizzi,A. Francisco Zurián
Coffee and Conflict in Colombia: Part of the Pentalemma Series on Managing Global Dilemmas, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Dylan Scudder
Cognition and Temporality: The Genesis of Historical Thought in Perception and Reasoning, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Mark E. Blum
Cognition, Culture, and the Arts: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Narrating, Understanding, and Reading, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Hallet,Peter Hanenberg
Cognition in context: New insights into language, culture and the mind, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Enrique Bernárdez,Joanna Jablonska-Hood,Katarzyna Stadnik
Cognitive Aesthetics in Classical German Philosophy, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Andrej Démuth,Michaela Rušinová
Cognitive and Pragmatic Aspects of Speech Actions, New edition
Author/Editor: Iwona Witczak-Plisiecka
The Cognitive Aspects of Aesthetic Experience – Selected Problems, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Andrej Démuth
Cognitive Capitalism and its Reflections in South-Eastern Europe, New edition
Author/Editor: Vladimir Cvijanovic,Andrea Fumagalli,Carlo Vercellone
Cognitive Explorations into Metaphor and Metonymy, New edition
Author/Editor: Frank Polzenhagen,Zoltan Kövecses,Stefanie Vogelbacher,Sonja Kleinke
Cognitive Linguistic Explorations of Writing in the Classroom, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Rod Case,Gwendolyn Williams,Peter Cobin
Cognitive Linguistics in the Making, New edition
Author/Editor: Kinga Rudnicka-Szozda,Aleksander Szwedek
Cognitive Linguistics in the Year 2017, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Marcin Grygiel,Robert Kieltyka
Cognitive Morphodynamics, New edition
Author/Editor: Jean Petitot
Cognitive Processes in Language, New edition
Author/Editor: Krzysztof Kosecki,Janusz Badio,Krzysztof Kosecki,Janusz Badio
Cognitive Rethinking of Beauty: Uniting the Philosophy and Cognitive Studies of Aesthetic Perception, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Andrej Démuth
The Coherence of the Russian Classics: Essays on the Dynamics of Creativity, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Jim Curtis
Cohesion: A Discourse Perspective, New edition
Author/Editor: Thomas Christiansen
Cohésion sociale et territoriale au Luxembourg, New edition
Author/Editor: Eric Marlier,Jacques Brosius,Vincent Dautel,Antoine Decoville
Coin, Kirk, Class and Kin, New edition
Author/Editor: Melodee Beals
Cold War Narratives, New edition
Author/Editor: Andrea Carosso
The Cold War Re- called: 21st Century Perceptions of the Worldwide Geopolitical Tension, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Jarosław Suchoples,Stephanie James,Heikki Hanka
Collaboration in Language Testing and Assessment, New edition
Author/Editor: Dina Tsagari,Ildikó Csépes
The Collaborative Enterprise, New edition
Author/Editor: Antonio Tencati,Laszlo Zsolnai
Collaborative Learning and New Media, New edition
Author/Editor: Christian Ludwig,Kris Van de Poel
Collaborative Systems, New edition
Author/Editor: Donald Neumann
Collapse and Rebirth of Cultural Heritage: The Case of Syria and Iraq, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Lorenzo Kamel
Collateral Adjectives and Related Issues, New edition
Author/Editor: Tetsuya Koshiishi
Collateral Damage Autocracy?: On the Impact of Economic Sanctions on the Political System, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Tobias Lechner
Collecçam dos Papeis Anonymos: Editada por Hans Fernández e Pascal Striedner, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Bento Morganti,Hans Fernández,Pascal Striedner
Collected Essays on War, Holocaust and the Crisis of Communism, New edition
Author/Editor: Jan Tomasz Gross
Collecting and Appreciating, New edition
Author/Editor: Simone Francescato
Collections of Stained Glass and their Histories / Glasmalerei-Sammlungen und ihre Geschichte / Les collections de vitraux et leur histoire, New edition
Author/Editor: Tim Ayers,Brigitte Kurmann-Schwarz,Claudine Lautier,Hartmut Scholz
Collective Bargaining and Changing Industrial Relations in China., New edition
Author/Editor: Siqi Luo
Collective Governance in Tarifverbaenden, New edition
Author/Editor: Achim Engel
Collective Intentionality, Norms and Institutions, New edition
Author/Editor: Guido Seddone
Collective Memory and Oral Text, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Marta Wojcicka
Collective Motherliness in Europe (1890 - 1939): The Reception and Reformulation of Ellen Key's Ideas on Motherhood and Female Sexuality, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Ulla Åkerström,Elena Lindholm
Collective Skill Formation in Liberal Market Economies?, New edition
Author/Editor: Janis Vossiek
Collective Traumas, New edition
Author/Editor: Conny Mithander,John Sundholm,Maria Holmgren Troy
Collective Worship and Religious Observance in Schools, New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Cumper,Alison Mawhinney
The Collector in Nineteenth-Century French Literature, New edition
Author/Editor: Emma Bielecki
College Athletes and Their Transitions Out of Sports, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Donna J. Menke
College English Teacher Development in China, New edition
Author/Editor: Jiying Han
College Media: Learning in Action, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Gregory Adamo,Allan DiBiase
Collisions, Deflections, and Conjunctions: The Representations of Turks and Moors in Italian Folktales, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Askin Çelikkol
Collisions of Conflict, New edition
Author/Editor: Jerzy Sobieraj
Colloquium Salutis, New edition
Author/Editor: Eleazar Escobar Cardona
The Colombian Political Novel 1951–1987, New edition
Author/Editor: Alvaro Quiroga-Cifuentes
Colonial Extensions, Postcolonial Decentrings, New edition
Author/Editor: Salhia Ben-Messahel,Vanessa Castejon
Colonialism and Decolonization in National Historical Cultures and Memory Politics in Europe, New edition
Author/Editor: Uta Fenske,Daniel Groth,Klaus-Michael Guse,Bärbel P. Kuhn
Colonial Pathologies, Environment, and Western Medicine in Saint-Louis-du-Senegal, 1867-1920, New edition
Author/Editor: Kalala Ngalamulume
Colonial Transitions, New edition
Author/Editor: Tania Zulli
Colonisation et décolonisation dans les cultures historiques et les politiques de mémoire nationales en Europe, New edition
Author/Editor: Uta Fenske,Daniel Groth,Klaus-Michael Guse,Bärbel P. Kuhn
Colonização linguística e outros escritos, New edition
Author/Editor: Bethania Mariani
The Colossian and Ephesian «Haustafeln» in Theological Context, New edition
Author/Editor: James P. Hering
Colour and Light, Illness and Death, New edition
Author/Editor: Barbara McKenzie
The Colours of the Past in Victorian England, New edition
Author/Editor: Charlotte Ribeyrol
The Combatant: A Che Guevara Enigma, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Noah Mazer,Carlos Antonio Aguirre Rojas
Combating Corruption and Other Organizational Pathologies, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Zbyslaw Dobrowolski
Combating Corruption Through Electronic Governance in Least Developed and Post-war Countries: Afghanistan’s Experience, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Bashirullah Najimi
Combats pour la linguistique au Québec (1960-2000): Courants, théories, domaines, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Gaétane Dostie
Combinatoires ludiques: littérature, contrainte et mathématique, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Caroline Lebrec
Comenius: Seiner Zeit weit voraus…!, New edition
Author/Editor: Eva Rass
Coming of Age in Franco’s Spain, New edition
Author/Editor: Michael D. Thomas
Coming to Terms with a Dark Past, New edition
Author/Editor: Sirkka Ahonen
Coming to Terms with World Health, New edition
Author/Editor: Iris Borowy
Comme dans une nuit de Pâques ?, New edition
Author/Editor: Lorenz Plassmann
Commedia all'italiana come specchio di stereotipi veicolati dal dialetto, New edition
Author/Editor: Anna Grochowska-Reiter
COMMENTARII IN PROPERTIVM-COMMENTARIVS SECVNDVS: Der Kommentar zum Zweiten Buch der Elegien des Properz. Herausgegeben und uebersetzt von Roland Stuerzenhofecker, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Roland Stürzenhofecker
Author/Editor: Roland Stürzenhofecker
Comment comprendre la «crise» de l’Etat postcolonial en Afrique?, New edition
Author/Editor: Moïse Léonard Jamfa Chiadjeu
Commercial Integration between the European Union and Mexico, New edition
Author/Editor: Gerhard Niedrist
Commercialised History: Popular History Magazines in Europe: Approaches to a Historico-Cultural Phenomenon as the Basis for History Teaching, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Susanne Popp,Jutta Schumann,Miriam Hannig
Commercialization of Smallholder Horticultural Farming in Kenya, New edition
Author/Editor: Beatrice Wambui Muriithi
The Common European Constitutional Culture, New edition
Author/Editor: Bartosz Wojciechowski,Roman Hauser,Marek Zirk-Sadowski
Common or Divided Security?, New edition
Author/Editor: Robin Allers,Carlo Masala,Rolf Tamnes
Communicating Europe, New edition
Author/Editor: Daniele Pasquinucci,Daniela Preda,Luciano Tosi
Communicating Music, New edition
Author/Editor: Antonio Baldassarre,Marc-Antoine Camp
Communicating the City, New edition
Author/Editor: Giorgia Aiello,Matteo Tarantino,Kate Oakley
Communicating the Sacred: Varieties of Religious Marketing, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Francis S. M. Chan,Miloš Hubina
Communicating with Power, New edition
Author/Editor: Cherian George
Communication and PR from a Cross-Cultural Standpoint, New edition
Author/Editor: Valérie Carayol,Alex Frame
The Communication and Reception of Polish Theatre in China, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Mirosław Kocur,Guofeng Teng
Communication and Sport, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Armin Burkhardt,Francisco García Marcos,Pablo García Mateo
Communication Audit in Globally Integrated R«U38»D Project Teams, New edition
Author/Editor: Justyna Alnajjar
Communication – Conversation – Cooperation, New edition
Author/Editor: Alpago Alpago
The Communication Ecology of 21st Century Urban Communities, New edition
Author/Editor: Yong-Chan Kim,Matthew D. Matsaganis,Holley A. Wilkin,Joo-Young Jung
Communication Ethics in a Connected World, New edition
Author/Editor: Andrea Catellani,Ansgar Zerfass,Ralph Tench
Communication Forms and Communicative Practices: New Perspectives on Communication Forms, Affordances and What Users Make of Them, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Alexander Brock,Peter Schildhauer
Communication in Global Corporations, New edition
Author/Editor: Justyna Alnajjar
Communication interculturelle: Une introduction, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Oyvind Dahl
Communication in the Analects of Confucius, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Francisco García Marcos
Communication Strategies in Medical Settings, New edition
Author/Editor: Katalin Varga
Communication Studies during the Pandemic Period: Interdisciplinary Approaches, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Zülfiye Acar Sentürk,Yasemin Kilincarslan
Author/Editor: Zekiye Tamer Gencer
Communication Theories in a Multicultural World, New edition
Author/Editor: Clifford G. Christians,Kaarle Nordenstreng
Communicative Spaces, New edition
Author/Editor: Claudia Lange,Beatrix Weber,Göran Wolf
Communicators, Audiences, and Strategies: Past Experiences and Contemporary Perspectives, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Cosmin-Ștefan Dogaru
Communicology for the Human Sciences, New edition
Author/Editor: Andrew R. Smith,Igor E. Klyukanov,Isaac E. Catt
Communiquer en langue étrangère, 2Revised edition
Author/Editor: Aline Gohard-Radenkovic,Aline Gohard-Radenkovic
Community, Identity, Conflict: The Jewish Experience in Ireland, 1881-1914, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Eamon Maher,Natalie Wynn
A Community of the Imagination: Seoirse Bodley's Goethe Settings, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Lorraine Byrne Bodley
Community Politics and the Peace Process in Contemporary Northern Irish Drama, New edition
Author/Editor: Eva Urban
Community Radio in the Twenty-First Century, New edition
Author/Editor: Janey Gordon
Community Values and Legality under Challenge: The Example of International Climate Change Law, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Simon Blätgen
A Companion to João Paulo Borges Coelho: Rewriting the (Post)Colonial Remains, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Elena Brugioni,Orlando Grossegesse,Paulo de Medeiros
Comparatio delectat II, New edition
Author/Editor: Eva Lavric,Wolfgang Pöckl
Comparativas de desigualdad con la preposición «de» en español. Comparación y pseudocomparación, New edition
Author/Editor: Pablo Devís Márquez
Comparative Adult Education 2008, New edition
Author/Editor: Jost Reischmann,Michal Bron Jr.
Comparative Becomings, New edition
Author/Editor: Michael G. Kelly,Daragh O'Connell
A Comparative History of National Oil Companies, New edition
Author/Editor: Alain Beltran
Comparing Canada and the Americas: From Roots to Transcultural Networks, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Patrick Imbert
Comparing Selected Modern Methods of Teaching English to Young Learners, New edition
Author/Editor: Katarzyna Rokoszewska
Compassionate Activism, New edition
Author/Editor: Mark Garavan
Competencia textual y complejidad textual: Perspectivas transversales entre didáctica y lingueística, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Angela Schrott,Bernd Tesch
Competing Patterns in English Affixation, New edition
Author/Editor: Salvador Valera-HernándezValera-Hernández,Juan Santana-LarioSantana-Lario
Competition, Coordination, Social Order, New edition
Author/Editor: Jacek Giedrojc
Competition Law Challenges in the Next Decade, New edition
Author/Editor: Sofia Oliveira Pais
The Competition of Word-Formation Processes in the Derivational Paradigm of Verbs: Diasynchronic Evidence for the Profile and Resolution of Competition in English, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Cristina Fernández-Alcaina
Complejidad lingueística, New edition
Author/Editor: Carmen Conti JiménezConti Jiménez
The Complete Correspondence of Clara and Robert Schumann, New edition
Author/Editor: Ronald Crawford,Hildegard Fritsch
The Completion of Eurasia ?: Continental convergence or regional dissent in the context of ‘historic turns’, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Kuralay Baizakova,Yann Alix,Pierre Chabal
ComplexitéS, New edition
Author/Editor: Pascale Hadermann,Alex Housen,Dan Van Raemdonck
Complexity, Efficiency, and Language Contact: Pronoun Omission in World Englishes, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Iván Tamaredo
Compliance Defence im Kartellbußgeldverfahren, New edition
Author/Editor: Monika Volkers
Compliance Defence, New edition
Author/Editor: Alexander Roos
Compliance, Internal Investigations und Beschuldigtenrechte, New edition
Author/Editor: Sebastian Lenze
Compliance und Rechtsstaat, New edition
Author/Editor: Björn Kruse
Compliance und Strafverfahren, New edition
Author/Editor: Henrik Zapfe
ComplémentationS, New edition
Author/Editor: Antoine Gautier,Laura Pino Serrano,Carlos Valcárcel Riveiro
Componer Fuerzas: Motivos musicales de la estética deleuziana, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Guadalupe Lucero
Composing Legacies: Testimonial Rhetoric in Nineteenth-Century Composition, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Christopher Carter,Russel K. Durst
Comprendre et apprendre dans l’interaction: Les séquences d’explication en classe de français langue seconde, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Virginie Fasel Lauzon
Comprendre la non-participation: Les citoyens face aux dispositifs délibératifs tirés au sort, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Vincent Jacquet
Comprendre/Transformer, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Joris Thievenaz,Jean-Marie Barbier,Frédéric Saussez
Compressed Utterances: Collage in a Germanic Context after 1912, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Cole Collins
Computational Text Analysis and Reading Comprehension Exam Complexity, New edition
Author/Editor: Trisevgeni Liontou
Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) Tools in the Translator Training Process, New edition
Author/Editor: Michal KornackiKornacki
Computergestuetzte Transkription arabisch-deutscher Gespraechsdaten: Ein methodischer Beitrag zur Untersuchung gedolmetschter Gespraeche, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Schreiber,Rahaf Farag
Computer Networks, the Internet and Next Generation Networks, New edition
Author/Editor: Thi-Thanh-Mai Hoang