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Titles start with E ( displaying 500 of 995 ) Information
Each Child Is My Only One, New edition
Author/Editor: Miriam Gillis-Carlebach
The Early Byzantine Christian Church, New edition
Author/Editor: Bernard Mulholland
Early Childhood Education and Care in Ireland: Charting a Century of Developments (1921-2021), Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Nóirín Hayes,Thomas Walsh
Early Childhoods in the Global South, New edition
Author/Editor: Jacqui O'Riordan,Deirdre Horgan,Shirley Martin
The Early Modern Stage-Jew, New edition
Author/Editor: Saskia Zinsser-Krys
The Early Runic Inscriptions, New edition
Author/Editor: Irene García Losquiño
Earning Heavenly Salvation: Peasant Religion in Lesser Poland. Mid-Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Tomasz Wislicz
The Earth and the Land, New edition
Author/Editor: Hendrik J. KoorevaarKoorevaar,Mart-Jan PaulPaul
E-Assessments in der Hochschullehre, New edition
Author/Editor: Marc Krüger,Markus Schmees
East Asia and Eastern Europe in a Globalized Perspective, New edition
Author/Editor: Bernhard Seliger,Jüri Sepp,Ralph Wrobel
East Central European Cemeteries: Ethnic, Linguistic, and Narrative Aspects of Sepulchral Culture and the Commemoration of the Dead in Borderlands, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Ferdinand Kühnel,Soňa Mikulová,Snežana Stanković
The Eastern European Order in the Polish Political Thought of the 20th Century, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Przemyslaw Waingertner
Eastern Europe: Continuity and Change (1987–1995), New edition
Author/Editor: Irena Grudzinska-Gross,Andrzej W. Tymowski
Eastwards, New edition
Author/Editor: Frank Kraushaar
East-West Dialogues: The Transferability of Concepts in the Humanities, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Christoph Bode,Michael O'Sullivan,Lukas Schepp,Eli Park Sorensen
Eating America: Crisis, Sustenance, Sustainability, New edition
Author/Editor: Justyna Kociatkiewicz,Laura Suchostawska,Dominika Ferens
«Eating Regret and Seeing Contempt» – A Cognitive Linguistic Approach to the Language of Emotions in Igala (Nigeria), New edition
Author/Editor: Lilian Brise
Eccentricity and Sameness, New edition
Author/Editor: Charlotte Ross
Ecclesia in Ephesians: A Theology of an Undivided Apostolic Church in the Letter to the Ephesians, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Aby Puthukulangara
An Ecclesiological Exploration of the Four Marks of the Church, New edition
Author/Editor: Philip Chika Omenukwa
Echoes of English: Anglicisms in Minor Speech Communities – with Special Focus on Danish and Afrikaans, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Henrik Gottlieb
Echoes of History, Shadowed Identities, New edition
Author/Editor: Maria-José Chivite de León
Echoes of the Rebellion, New edition
Author/Editor: Radvan Markus
Eclats d’Autriche, New edition
Author/Editor: Valérie de Daran,Marion George
Eco-Consciousness in American Culture: Imperatives in the Age of the Anthropocene, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Adina Ciugureanu,Eduard Vlad
Ecole(s) et culture(s), New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Pagoni
Ecolinguistics, New edition
Author/Editor: Marta Boguslawska-Tafelska
Ecological Migration, New edition
Author/Editor: Masayoshi Nakawo,Yuki Konagaya,Shinjilt
Ecological Sustainability in Traditional Sámi Beliefs and Rituals, New edition
Author/Editor: Mardoeke Boekraad
The Ecological Vision of J.M.G. Le Clézio, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Jean Khalfa,Bronwen Martin
The Ecological Voice in Recent German-Swiss Prose, New edition
Author/Editor: Andrew Liston
Ecologies of Socialisms: Germany, Nature, and the Left in History, Politics, and Culture, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Sabine Mödersheim,Scott Moranda,Eli Rubin
Economía del pájaro en tiempos de guerra: Comunicación y disenso en la poesía de Eduardo Milán, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Pablo López Carballo
Econometric Analysis in Poverty Research, New edition
Author/Editor: Johannes Gräb
The Economic and Environmental Sustainability of Dual Sourcing, New edition
Author/Editor: Heidrun Rosic
Economic Crisis and New Nationalisms, New edition
Author/Editor: Monica Poettinger,Antonio Varsori
Economic Crisis, Elite Conflict and Institutional Change in Empires, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Tolga Demiryol
Economic Dynamics and Sustainable Development – Resources, Factors, Structures and Policies, New edition
Author/Editor: Luminita Chivu,Constantin Ciutacu,Valeriu Ioan-Franc,Jean-Vasile Andrei
Economic Effects of Post-Socialist Constitutions 25 Years from the Outset of Transition, New edition
Author/Editor: Katarzyna Metelska-Szaniawska
Economic Growth and Development 2, New edition
Author/Editor: Hasan GürakGürak
Economic Growth and Development, New edition
Author/Editor: Hasan Gürak
Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in Colombia, New edition
Author/Editor: Adriana Rocío Cardozo Silva
Economic Inequality in Latin America, New edition
Author/Editor: Carlos Villalobos Barría
Economic Inequality: Utopian Explorations, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Raffaella Baccolini,Antonis Balasopoulos,Joachim Fischer,Michael G. Kelly,Tom Moylan,Phillip E. Wegner,Donald Morris
Economic, Legal and Policy Studies on Health: A Social Science Perspective to Health Studies in Turkey, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Pelin Varol Iyidogan,Burcu G. Özcan Büyüktanir,Ahu Sumbas
Economic Populism in British and American Political Discourse: A Comparative Analysis of Boris Johnson’s and Donald Trump’s Speeches, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Ewa Feder-Sempach
The Economics of Entertainment, New edition
Author/Editor: Julia PannickePannicke
The Economics of International Environmental Cooperation, New edition
Author/Editor: Tomasz Zylicz
Economics of the Belt and Road Initiative, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Chen Yongjun
Economic Terms and Beyond: Capitalising on the Wealth of Notions, New edition
Author/Editor: Catherine Resche
Economic terms in the news during the Great Recession: A diachronic sentiment and collocational analysis, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Maurizio Gotti,Javier Fernández-Cruz,Antonio Moreno-Ortiz
Economies of Salvation, New edition
Author/Editor: Yong-Sun Yang
The Economy and Meaningfulness. A Utopia?: With a foreword by Herman Van Rompuy, former President of the European Council and an afterword by Ludo Abicht, philosopher, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Hendrik Opdebeeck
Economy in Romania and the Need for Optimization of Agricultural Production Structures, New edition
Author/Editor: Jean Vasile Andrei,Gheorghe H. Popescu
Economy-Wide Policy Modeling of the Food-Energy-Water Nexus, New edition
Author/Editor: Franziska SchünemannSchünemann
Ecotheology: A New Approach, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Bartosz Adamczewski,Jarosław Babiński
Ecozoic Spirituality, New edition
Author/Editor: Kwang Sun Choi
Ecumenism in Praxis, New edition
Author/Editor: Joseph Daniel
Edgar Allan Poe as Amateur Psychologist: A Companion Anthology, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Brett Zimmerman
Edgar Allan Poe, New edition
Author/Editor: Brett ZimmermanZimmerman
Edgar Quinet, une conscience européenne, New edition
Author/Editor: Sophie Guermès,Brigitte Krulic
Edgar Wind: Art and Embodiment, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Katia Pizzi,Jaynie Anderson,Bernardino Branca,Fabio Tononi
Editions of Chopin’s Works in the Nineteenth Century, New edition
Author/Editor: Wojciech Bonkowski
EDLP versus Hi-Lo Pricing Strategies in Retailing, New edition
Author/Editor: Sabine El Husseini
Edna O'Brien: 'New Critical Perspectives', Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Maureen O'Connor,Kathryn Laing,Sinead Mooney
Eduard Gans und das Voelkerrecht, New edition
Author/Editor: Jana Kieselstein
Educación artística para el cambio, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Carmen Franco-Vázquez,Carol Gillanders,Rocío Chao Fernández
Educación bilinguee en la infancia: El enfoque PETaL, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Elena Gómez Parra
Educación inclusiva y equitativa de calidad, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Jesús Miguel Muñoz Cantero,Ana M.ª Porto Castro
Educación literaria, canon escolar e itinerarios lectores, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: María Santamarina Sancho,M.ª Pilar Núñez Delgado
Educating Competencies for Democracy, New edition
Author/Editor: Ewa Nowak,Dawn Schrader,Boris Zizek
Educating for Sexual Virtue, New edition
Author/Editor: Olwyn E. Mark
Educating the Young, New edition
Author/Editor: Jeanne Adèle Kentel
Educational Accountability Reform in Norway, New edition
Author/Editor: Lasse Skogvold Isaksen
Educational Ambitions in History, New edition
Author/Editor: Jeroen Dekker
Educational and Technological Approaches to Renewable Energy, New edition
Author/Editor: Walter Leal Filho,Julia Gottwald
Educational Dimensions of School Buildings, New edition
Author/Editor: Jan Bengtsson
Educational Policies in Turkey and Its Reflection, New edition
Author/Editor: Figen Eres
Educational Policy Transfer in an Era of Globalization: Theory – History – Comparison, New edition
Author/Editor: Jeremy Rappleye
The Educational Potential of Texts of Culture in Teaching English to Senior Secondary School Students, New edition
Author/Editor: Olga Aleksandrowska
Education and «Paedagogik»: Philosophical and Historical Reflections (Central, Southern and South-Eastern Europe), Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Blanka Kudlácová,Andrej Rajský
Education and the Body in Europe (1900-1950): Movements, public health, pedagogical rules and cultural ideas, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Simonetta Polenghi,András Németh,Tomas Kasper
Education and the Collective Construction of Knowledge, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Santiago Mengual Andrés,Mayra Urrea Solano
Education and Tolerance, New edition
Author/Editor: Lenka Drazanowa
Education, Child Labor and Human Capital Formation in Selected Urban and Rural Settings of Pakistan, New edition
Author/Editor: Abdul Salam Lodhi
The Education Doctorate (Ed.D.), New edition
Author/Editor: Virginia Stead
Education for a Free Society: Paul Feyerabend and the Pedagogy of Irritation, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Karsten Kenklies,Norm Friesen,SEBASTIAN ENGELMANN,Karsten Kenklies,SEBASTIAN ENGELMANN
Education for All?, New edition
Author/Editor: Judith Harford
Education for Liberation, Education for Dignity: The Story of St. Monica’s School of Basic Learning for Women, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Wesley Stroud
Education, Globalisation and the State: Essays in Honour of Roger Dale, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Xavier Bonal,Eve Coxon,Mario Novelli,Antoni Verger
Education, Mondialisation et Citoyenneté: Enjeux démocratiques et pratiques culturelles, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Régis Malet,Bruno Garnier
Education policy: Mapping the landscape and scope, New edition
Author/Editor: Sandra Bohlinger,Thi Kim Anh Dang,Malgorzata Klatt
Education Reform and Gentrification in the Age of #CamdenRising, New edition
Author/Editor: Keith E. BensonBenson
Education that Matters, New edition
Author/Editor: Mags Liddy,Marie Parker-Jenkins
EDV-unterstuetzte Optimierung der Verwaltungssprache in Oesterreich am Beispiel einer einer oeffentlichen Kontrolleinrichtung, New edition
Author/Editor: Günter Fradinger
Edward Burne-Jones’ Mythical Paintings, New edition
Author/Editor: Liana De Girolami Cheney
Edward Ravenscroft's «Mamamouchi, or The Citizen Turned Gentleman» (1672): A Critical Edition, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Manuel J. Gómez-Lara,María José Mora,Eneas Caro Partridge
Effective Legal Remedies in Criminal Justice System. European Perspective, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Barbara Janusz-Pohl,Paweł Wiliński
The Effectiveness of Conflict of Interest Policies: A Comparative Study of Holders of Public Office in the EU Member States, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Christoph Demmke,Jari Autioniemi,Florian Lenner,Maros Paulini
The Effectiveness of Corrective Feedback and the Role of Individual Differences in Language Learning, New edition
Author/Editor: Nadia Mifka Profozic
The Effectiveness of Official Development Assistance in the Health Sector in Africa: A Case Study of Uganda, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Cyriaque Sobtafo
Effectiveness of Public-Service Ethics and Good Governance in the Central Administration of the EU-27, New edition
Author/Editor: Christoph Demmke,Timo Moilanen
Effects of German Industrialization on Turkish-German Military-Strategic Relations (1815-1929), Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Atakan Büyükdağ
The Effects of the Global Pandemic Process on the Social and Economic Structure and Public Policies in Combating the Pandemic, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Murat Demir,Ali Burak AKSUNGUR
Effektive Personalfuehrung und Compliance mit Blick auf den Arbeitnehmerdatenschutz, New edition
Author/Editor: Julia Kroh
Effektiver Kundenschutz bei Finanzdienstleistungen: – unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der VVG Novelle und des Informationsmodells, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Philipp Harbrecht
Effektiver Rechtsschutz – Das Recht der Europaeischen Union, New edition
Author/Editor: Friederike K. Brockmann
Effort environnemental et équité: Les politiques publiques de l’eau et de la biodiversité en France, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Valérie Deldrève,Jacqueline Candau,Camille Noûs
Egon Erwin Kischs Reportagebuch «Landung in Australien», New edition
Author/Editor: Daniela Ihl
E-Government im Besteuerungsverfahren am Beispiel der E-Bilanz, New edition
Author/Editor: Christian Beckmann
Ehe und Familienschutz in Zeiten des demografischen Wandels: Ein Rechtsvergleich zwischen dem deutschen und ivorischen Einkommensteuerrecht, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Patric Kra
Eheverfahren und Eheprozesse in Staat und Kirche, New edition
Author/Editor: Vitus Kapfelsperger
Ehevertraege als effektives Gestaltungsinstrument, New edition
Author/Editor: Katharina Frank
Ehre auf Reisen, New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Seier
Ehrenamtliche Polizeihelfer und Hilfspolizeibeamte: Eine verfassungsrechtliche Untersuchung zu den Grenzen der Uebertragung von Aufgaben der Gefahrenabwehr auf Nichtpolizeibeamte, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Philipp Stein
Eigenbild und Fremdverstaendnis im Duecento, New edition
Author/Editor: Ingeborg Braisch
Eigenkapitalanforderungen fuer Verbriefungszweckgesellschaften im Lichte der Finanzkrise, New edition
Author/Editor: Julia Boß
Eigentumsvorbehalt und reserva de dominio als Sicherungsmittel im deutsch-spanischen Warenverkehr, New edition
Author/Editor: Lara Punal García
Eigentum und Verfuegungsbefugnisse am menschlichen Koerper und seinen Teilen, New edition
Author/Editor: Dörte Busch
Eigenverwaltung und Restschuldbefreiung, New edition
Author/Editor: Christian Lindner
Eighteenth-Century Geography and Representations of Space, New edition
Author/Editor: Jean-Paul Forster
EIL, ELF, Global English: Teaching and Learning Issues, New edition
Author/Editor: Cesare Gagliardi,Alan Maley
Einarbeitung in Unternehmen, New edition
Author/Editor: Marthe Geiben
Einbeziehung von AGB im unternehmerischen Geschaeftsverkehr zwischen Deutschland und Finnland, New edition
Author/Editor: Jutta Uusitalo
Einbeziehung von Organvertretern juristischer Personen in den unionsrechtlichen Arbeitnehmerbegriff, New edition
Author/Editor: Patricia Sirchich von Kis-Sira
Ein bruederliches Volk: Das ‚Bruder‘-Konzept im Heiligkeitsgesetz und deuteronomischen Gesetz, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Johanna Friedl
Ein deutscher Kriegsgefangener in Frankreich, New edition
Author/Editor: Joachim SistigSistig
Eine Analyse der Unternehmergesellschaft (haftungsbeschraenkt) unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung des Glaeubigerschutzes, New edition
Author/Editor: Marcus Jerg
Eine andere Barmherzigkeit, New edition
Author/Editor: Gerhard Gäde
Eine an sich mittelmaeßige Frage, New edition
Author/Editor: Karl-Otto Hagelstein
Eine Christenlehre in mexikanischer Bilderschrift mit Dokumenten zur Geschichte Mexikos, New edition
Author/Editor: Uta BergerBerger
Eine Didaktik des Herzens – Von der anthropologischen Einheit zur didaktischen Ganzheit in der Islamischen Religionspaedagogik: Eine begriffsanalytische Untersuchung des Begriffs des Herzens bei al-Ġazālī im Kitāb šarḥ ʿaǧāʾib al-qalb im Werk Iḥyāʾ ʿulūm
Author/Editor: Bülent Uçar,Yilmaz Gümüş
Eine empirische Analyse der Anreize zur informellen Pflege, New edition
Author/Editor: Christian Maier
Eine empirische Analyse zur Finanzierungspolitik neu gegruendeter Unternehmen, New edition
Author/Editor: Hendrik Engelhardt
Eine Finanztransaktionssteuer im «kleinen Kreis», New edition
Author/Editor: Sebastian Cloppenburg
Eine Geographie der Triosonate, New edition
Author/Editor: Matteo Giuggioli,Inga Mai Groote
Eine Geschichte des Verhaeltnisses von Literatur und Wahnsinn: Experimente jenseits der Sprache, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Rasmus Rehn
Eine institutionenoekonomische Analyse von Kapitalisierungsprozessen im Rahmen einer Dezentralisierung von Steuergesetzgebungskompetenzen am Beispiel der Grundsteuer in Deutschland, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Sonja Krause
Eine kontrafaktische Lektuere von Juli Zehs Roman «Ueber Menschen»: Gesellschaft, Politik und Ethik, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Alexandra Juster
Eine kritische Untersuchung zu den Rechtsbehelfen des Kaeufers im alten und im neuen tuerkischen Warenkaufrecht, New edition
Author/Editor: Sinan Okur
Eine Lektuere von Hegels Phaenomenologie des Geistes, New edition
Author/Editor: Kurt Appel,Thomas Auinger
Eine Musikschule als Heilsbringer fuer die deutsche Musik und Nation?, New edition
Author/Editor: Nils Koschwitz
Eine Promenadologie des Anti-Helden in der Literatur: Erzaehltexte von Joseph von Eichendorff, Robert Walser, Thomas Bernhard, Peter Handke und Wilhelm Genazino, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Kyungmin Kim
«Ein Ereignis von weltgeschichtlicher Bedeutung», New edition
Author/Editor: Monika Brockhaus
Eine Rolle fuer die NATO out-of-area?, New edition
Author/Editor: Moritz Pöllath
Eine sprachenuebergreifende Ausbildung in der Fremdsprachendidaktik aus studentischer Perspektive, New edition
Author/Editor: Eva Maria Hirzinger-Unterrainer
Eine theoretische und empirische Studie ueber Deutungsmuster von Personalverantwortlichen hoch qualifizierter aelterer Arbeitnehmer/innen, New edition
Author/Editor: Diana Pantlen
Eine Theorie der Situation, New edition
Author/Editor: Thomas Bienengräber
Eine «unbekannte» Sprache lesen «oder» Von der Entdeckung des Nissart durch Interkomprehension, New edition
Author/Editor: Stefanie Wagner
Eine vergleichende Untersuchung der Joint Ventures – Gemeinschaftsunternehmen – nach europaeischem, tuerkischem und deutschem Wettbewerbsrecht, New edition
Author/Editor: Ipek Cevik
Eine Wiederbegegnung im neuseelaendischen Exil, New edition
Author/Editor: Friedrich Voit
Einfluesse und Auswirkungen der Evidenzbasierten Medizin auf das Medizinrecht, New edition
Author/Editor: Max Mommertz
Einfluss der IFRS auf die Rechnungslegungspraxis, New edition
Author/Editor: Thomas Kemper-Scharpegge
Einfluss der Rechnungslegung auf Finanzanalysten, New edition
Author/Editor: Roland Paarz
Einfluss der Rechtsordnung auf die Tarifbindung der Arbeitgeberseite, New edition
Author/Editor: Manfred Walser
Einfluss des Nationalsozialismus auf die Presse der deutschen Volksgruppen in Rumaenien, Ungarn und Jugoslawien, New edition
Author/Editor: Johann Böhm
Einflussfaktoren der Weiterbildungsbereitschaft von Projektkernteams in der Schienenfahrzeugindustrie, New edition
Author/Editor: Melanie Jendretzki
Einflussgrad der deutschen kommunalen Ebene auf die Politikgestaltung der EU, New edition
Author/Editor: Sonja Witte
Einfluss nicht-marktlicher Taetigkeiten auf den materiellen Wohlstand und die Einkommensverteilung in Deutschland, New edition
Author/Editor: Sandra Hofmann
Einfluss von Corporate Governance auf den Erfolg von Unternehmen, New edition
Author/Editor: Basir Mustaghni
Einfluss von Kommunikationsmaßnahmen mit CSR-Bezug auf die Einstellung zur Marke, New edition
Author/Editor: Marion Secka
Einfuehrung in das Grundproblem des archaeologisch-kulturhistorischen Vergleichens und Deutens, New edition
Author/Editor: Ulf F. Ickerodt
Einfuehrung in die Aesthetik, New edition
Author/Editor: Evelin Klein
Einfuehrung in die germanistische Linguistik, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Elke Hentschel,Theo Harden
Einfuehrung in die germanistische Linguistik, New edition
Author/Editor: Elke Hentschel,Theo Harden
Einfuehrung in die Uebersetzungskultur, New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Krysztofiak
Eingriffsnormen und Schiedsvereinbarungen: Eine Untersuchung der Auswirkungen von Eingriffsnormen auf die Anerkennung einer internationalen Schiedsvereinbarung in der Einredesituation, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Stephan Biehl
Ein Heimatverein fuer Sylt: Die Entstehung der «Soel’ring Foriining» (1905) im Zuge der Heimatbewegung des 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhunderts, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Oliver Auge,Sinje Bogg Brockmann
Einheit des Faches – Vielfalt der Perspektiven: Ausgewaehlte Beitraege zum XII. Nordisch-Baltischen Germanistentreffen in Reykjavík vom 8. – 10. Juni 2022, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Frank Thomas Grub,Oddny Sverrisdóttir,Frank Thomas Grub,Ewald Reuter
Einheit(en) in der Vielfalt von Slavistik und Osteuropakunde: Prvdentia Regnorvm Fvndamentvm, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Hauke Bartels,Thomas Menzel,Jan-Patrick Zeller
Einheitliche Corporate Governance-Grundsaetze fuer die Europaeische Aktiengesellschaft (SE), New edition
Author/Editor: Geng-Sook Leem
Einheitlicher europaeischer Werkbegriff und Herabsenkung der Anforderungen an die Gestaltungshoehe bei Werken der angewandten Kunst, New edition
Author/Editor: Kathrin-Lena Kriesel
Einheit und Vielfalt der Gegenwartsphilosophie, New edition
Author/Editor: Philipp Schmidt,Anja Weiberg
Ein Irrweg zur deutschen Einheit?, New edition
Author/Editor: Tetsuji Senoo
Ein Jahrhundert Roboter. Karel Čapeks «R.U.R.» (1920/21): Beitraege zum 13. Bohemicum Dresdense 02.07.2022, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Holger Kuße
Ein «juedisches» Maezenatentum fuer moderne franzoesische Kunst?, New edition
Author/Editor: Johanna Heinen
Einkommensbesteuerung in der insolventen Personengesellschaft, New edition
Author/Editor: Tina KießlingKießling
Ein Konzept zur Umsetzung der Ausgleichsfunktion bei der Bemessung des Schmerzensgeldes, New edition
Author/Editor: Mareike Keller
Einleitung in philosophische Vorlesungen, New edition
Author/Editor: Heiko Uecker
Ein «modernes» europaeisches Datenschutzrecht, New edition
Author/Editor: Clemens Comans
Ein neues Zuhause?, New edition
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Hahn
Ein Recht auf Vergessen im Internet, New edition
Author/Editor: Livia WagnerWagner
Einreisetourismus in Deutschland, New edition
Author/Editor: Verena Dexheimer
Einreise und Integration von Auslaendern in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Russischen Foederation, New edition
Author/Editor: Oxana Syuzyukina
Einschraenkungen der Leitungsmacht des Vorstands der Aktiengesellschaft durch Vertrag, New edition
Author/Editor: Marcel Heptner
Einstellungen zu Muttersprachen und Fremdsprachen, New edition
Author/Editor: Enisa Pliska
Einstweilige Verfuegungen und neue Arbeitskampfwirklichkeit, New edition
Author/Editor: Jan Christoph Löbig
Ein Tempel aus Lobgesang: Das dritte Kapitel des griechischen Danielbuches, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Georg Braulik,Simeon Gloger
Einwilligungs- und Genehmigungsmoeglichkeiten in den Korruptionsdelikten der §§ 299 und 331 ff. StGB, New edition
Author/Editor: Anja Stürzl
Einzig und allein, New edition
Author/Editor: Andrea Bugge
Einzugsermaechtigungsverfahren: Bankpraxis und juristische Einordnung, New edition
Author/Editor: Judith Osterried
Eisenbahnregulierung zwischen oeffentlichem Recht und Privatrecht, New edition
Author/Editor: Ludger Pflug
Ekstase im Kontext, New edition
Author/Editor: Christa Tuczay
El adverbio: aproximaciones sincrónicas, diacrónicas y variacionales, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Gerd Wotjak,Dolores García Padrón,José Juan Batista Rodríguez,Rafael García Pérez,Ariana Suárez Hernández
El adverbio francés y sus combinaciones, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Adelaida Hermoso Mellado-Damas
El aforismo hispánico en la encrucijada digital: debates y perspectivas, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Christian von Tschilschke,Paulo Antonio Gatica Cote
El almanaque literario: Aspectos editoriales y textuales de la producción en España, Italia y Portugal durante el siglo XVIII, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Claudia Lora Márquez
El aspecto verbal en el aula de español como lengua extranjera, New edition
Author/Editor: Emma García SanzGarcía Sanz
El cara a cara con el otro: la visión de lo ajeno a fines de la Edad Media y comienzos de la Edad Moderna a través del viaje, New edition
Author/Editor: Pedro Martínez García
El castellano y el catalán en contacto: Efectos sobre el vocabulario, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Maribel Serrano Zapata
El cine documental hispánico como contrapoder, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Jaime Céspedes,Jaime Céspedes
El cine documental histórico de Patricio Guzmán, Ed. 1New edition
El color del español en el siglo XVII: estudio lexicográfico y documental, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Alejandro Junquera Martínez
El columnismo lingueístico frente a la cambiante realidad de las lenguas, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Sabine Schwarze,Carmen Marimón Llorca
El criminal imaginado, New edition
Author/Editor: Cristina Míguez Cruz
El cuerpo del espectador / el cuerpo del lector (presencias reales del teatro y la literatura), Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Carlos Fernando Dimeo Álvarez,Tomasz Jerzy Brenet,Aneta Glowacka,Aleksandra Hasior,Anieszka Palion-Musiol
El debate historiográfico sobre el fin de la Historia de Francis Fukuyama, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Israel Sanmartín
El Decadentismo italiano en la literatura catalana, New edition
Author/Editor: Assumpta Camps
The Eldest Brother and New Testament Christology, New edition
Author/Editor: Harald AarbakkeAarbakke
El detective mutante: Las adaptaciones cinematográficas y televisivas de Pepe Carvalho, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Rubén Romero Santos
El diario literario: poética e historia, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Álvaro Luque Amo
El diccionario académico en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX: evolución y revolución. <I>DRAE" 1869, 1884 y 1899, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: M.ª Ángeles Blanco Izquierdo,Gloria Clavería Nadal
El discurso como herramienta de control social, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Javier de Santiago Guervós,Teresa Fernández-Ulloa,Miguel Soler Gallo
El discurso de instituciones, empresas y viajeros, New edition
Author/Editor: Helene Balslev Clausen,Carmen Cortés Zaborras,Åse Johnsen
El discurso de los pediatras en las redes sociales, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Giovanna Mapelli
El discurso femenino: memoria, imagen, perspectivas, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Giovanna Minardi
Author/Editor: Carmen González Gómez
E-Learning and Education for Sustainability, New edition
Author/Editor: Ulisses Miranda Azeiteiro,Walter Leal Filho,Sandra S. Caeiro
E-learning in English Medium Instruction (EMI): Academic language for university students, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Ana Maria Piquer-Píriz
eLearning & Mediaevistik, New edition
Author/Editor: Hiram Kümper
Elecciones Latinoamericanas: Selección y Cambio de Voto, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Richard Nadeau,Eric Bélanger,Michael S. Lewis-Beck,Mathieu Turgeon,François Gélineau,María Celeste Ratto
Electoral Geography, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Igor Okunev
Electric Worlds / Mondes électriques, New edition
Author/Editor: Alain Beltran,Léonard Laborie,Pierre Lanthier,Stéphanie Le Gallic
Electronic Communication, New edition
Author/Editor: Sami Zlitni,Fabien Liénard
Electronic Signatures in International Contracts, New edition
Author/Editor: Carolina Monica Laborde
Elegiac Eyes, New edition
Author/Editor: Stacie Raucci
Elektromobilitaet, 3Revised edition
Author/Editor: Mehmet Yay
Elektromobilitaet: Soziologische Perspektiven einer automobilen (R)Evolution, New edition
Author/Editor: Thomas Meyer
Elektronische Praesenzkontrolle – ueberholte Technik oder neue Chance fuer junge Straftaeter?, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Cornelia Tomasulo
Elemente einer Poetik der Neofantastik. Die Erzaehlungen von Julio Cortázar, New edition
Author/Editor: Jaime Alazraki,Max Wimmer
Elements of Hermeneutic Pragmatics, New edition
Author/Editor: Tahir Wood
Elements of Second and Foreign Languages Teaching to Indigenous Learners of Canada: Theories, Strategies and Practices, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Pierre Demers
El español académico en L2 y LE: Perspectivas desde la educación bilinguee, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Francisco Lorenzo,Virginia de Alba Quiñones,Olga Cruz Moya
El Español como Lengua de Herencia: retos educativos y perspectivas internacionales, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Marta García García
El español de Granada.: Estudio sociolingueístico, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: María de la Mercedes Soto Melgar,Anna Zholobova
El español del reino de Granada en sus documentos (1492–1833), New edition
Author/Editor: Miguel Calderón Campos
El español del siglo XVIII, New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Teresa Garcia Godoy
El español de Valencia. Estudio sociolingueístico, New edition
Author/Editor: José Ramón Gómez Molina
El español y su sintaxis, 4Revised edition
Author/Editor: Silvia Burunat,Ángel L. Estévez,Aleksín H. Ortega
El espíritu o la mecánica: La enseñanza mutua y la culturalidad del orden de la enseñanza (Prusia, Dinamarca/Schleswig-Holstein, España, 1800–1870), Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Marcelo Caruso
El Estatuto Biológico Y Ontológico Del Embrión Humano, New edition
Author/Editor: Francisco Juan Güell
El estilo como problema traductológico. Análisis comparativo de los recursos estilísticos en las versiones españolas de los relatos de Bruno Schulz, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Załęska,Barbara Galant
El exilio en la poesía de Tomás Segovia y Angelina Muñiz Huberman, New edition
Author/Editor: Eduardo Tasis Moratinos
El festival «Grito de Mujer» como plaza pública de activismo poético: Arte y comunidad en diálogo, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Eleni Stagkouraki
El fin de la naturaleza: Fallo y propósito en la especulación. Antropología de la naturaleza en la periferia, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Claudio Canaparo
El futuro en español: Tiempo, conocimiento, interacción, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Susana Rodríguez Rosique
El género policial en Cuba: Novela policial revolucionaria, neopolicial y teleseries, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Carlos Uxó
El Guaraní Correntino, New edition
Author/Editor: Leonardo Cerno
El Hamlet de Moratín (1798): El Neoclasicismo frente al mito: Sexo y género en la tragedia shakespeariana, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: María José Marín Pérez
El hombre que amaba los sueños, New edition
Author/Editor: Ángel Esteban
El Héroe del Oeste en "Las Crónicas de Narnia", New edition
Author/Editor: Martin Simonson,Raul Montero Gilete
El humorismo en sus géneros, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Dolores Thion Soriano-Mollá,Alicia Silvestre Miralles
El <I>ethos" del republicanismo cosmopolita: Perspectivas euroamericanas sobre Kant, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: José Luis Villacañas,Nuria Sánchez Madrid,Julia Muñoz
El imaginario Patagonia, New edition
Author/Editor: Claudio Canaparo
Eliminating Empty Categories, New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Kosta,Diego Gabriel Krivochen
El impacto de la traducción automática en la traducción profesional en España: tendencias, retos y aspectos socioprofesionales. El proyecto DITAPE., Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Gerd Wotjak,Dolores García Padrón,Gerd Wotjak,José Juan Batista Rodríguez,Diana González Pastor
El <i>Nuevo chico diccionario judeo-español–francés" de Šelomó Yisrael Šereślí (Jerusalén, 1898-1899): Edición anotada, estudio preliminar e índices, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Fernández Martín,Aitor García Moreno,Cristóbal José Álvarez López
Elisabeth von Thueringen und die neue Froemmigkeit in Europa, New edition
Author/Editor: C. Bertelsmeier-Kierst
Elites and Politics in Central and Eastern Europe (1848–1918), New edition
Author/Editor: Judit Pál,Vlad Popovici
Elites in the New Democracies, New edition
Author/Editor: Matevž Tomšic
The Elites of the Media versus the Elites of Politics in Poland, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Zbigniew Oniszczuk,Dagmara Gluszek-Szafraniec,Miroslawa Wielopolska-Szymura
Elizabeth Gaskell and the Art of the Short Story, New edition
Author/Editor: Francesco Marroni,Renzo D'Agnillo,Massimo Verzella
El judío como monstruo en el Centinela contra judíos, de Fray Francisco de Torrejoncillo (1674-1676): edición del texto y comentario crítico, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Jake Levin
El juramento ante Dios, y lealtad contra el amor, New edition
Author/Editor: Jaime Cruz-Ortiz
El Lazarillo de Tormes y sus continuadores, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Alfredo Rodríguez López-Vázquez,Arturo Rodríguez López-Abadía
El legado literario de Castilla y León desde la Edad Media al Romanticismo, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: María Luzdivina Cuesta Torre
El lenguaje jurídico y administrativo en el ámbito de la extranjería, New edition
Author/Editor: Mercedes Eurrutia Cavero
El libro, de lo material a lo simbólico, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Margarita Rigal Aragón,Fernando Fernando González Moreno,Alejandro Jaquero Esparcia
Ellipse et fragment, New edition
Author/Editor: Pascale Hadermann,Michel Pierrard,Audrey Roig,Dan van Raemdonck
El Lunfardo, New edition
Author/Editor: Janka Wunderlich
El léxico bilinguee del futuro profesorado: Análisis y pautas para estudios de disponibilidad léxica, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Inmaculada Clotilde Santos Díaz
El léxico cotidiano en América a través de las Relaciones Geográficas de Indias, New edition
Author/Editor: Eva Bravo Garcia,M. Teresa Caceres-Lorenzo
El léxico español en el «Waaren-Lexicon in zwoelf Sprachen» de Ph. A. Nemnich, New edition
Author/Editor: Ewa Stala
El léxico especializado en el español contemporáneo (1884-1936), Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Miguel Ángel Puche Lorenzo,Antoni Nomdedeu-Rull
El mar. - Imágenes y escrituras, New edition
Author/Editor: Inmaculada Illanes Ortega,Mercedes Travieso Ganaza
Eléments de sémantique du coréen: Textes recueillis, révisés et annotés par Jean-Claude Anscombre (CNRS-LT2D Cergy-Pontoise), Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Seung-Un Choi
El Metaverso y la virtualidad cultural: literatura, traducción y aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras: Reflexiones e investigación, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Angela Schrott,Laura Ramírez Sainz,Rebeca Cristina López-González
El mundo Ingaramo, New edition
Author/Editor: Claudio Canaparo
El mundo según Jorge Semprún: Introducción al universo literario sempruniano, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Rita Rodríguez Varela
«El mundo sigue» de Fernando Fernán-Gómez, New edition
Author/Editor: Ralf Junkerjürgen,Cristina Alonso-Villa
El Objeto Digital Aurático (ODA): Gestión, archivo y conservación de la cultura contemporánea digital, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Elena Battaner Moro,Juan Alonso Lopez-Iniesta
The Eloquence of Ghosts: Giorgio Manganelli and the Afterlife of the Avant-Garde, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Florian Mussgnug
The Eloquence of Ghosts, New edition
Author/Editor: Florian Mussgnug
El otro descubrimiento: El exilio intelectual español de 1939 y su vocación americana, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Antolín Sánchez Cuervo
El papel del oyente en la construcción de la conversación espontánea de estudiantes italianos en su interlengua y en su lengua materna, New edition
Author/Editor: Consuelo Pascual Escagedo
El patrimonio documental en las relaciones entre Gran Bretaña e Irlanda y la Península Ibérica a lo largo de los siglos, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Mónica Amenedo-Costa
El patrimonio urbano del sur de La Habana, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Yaneli Leal del Ojo de la Cruz
El pensamiento basura, New edition
Author/Editor: Claudio CanaparoCanaparo
El pensamiento basura: Transitoriedad, materia, viaje y mundo periférico, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Claudio Canaparo
El pensamiento cinematográfico de Gilles Deleuze en dos films de David Lynch, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Marta Romero López
El populismo como discurso en Venezuela y en España (1999-2018): Estudio de textos de Hugo Chávez y Pablo Iglesias, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Gerd Wotjak,Ricardo Connett
El problema ontológico de los personajes: Estudio de la narrativa breve de Miguel de Unamuno, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Katarzyna Parys
El repertorio de los Personajes de Pereda, New edition
Author/Editor: Ronald J. Quirk
El santoral del Missale Mixtum Pampilonense, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Pablo Erdozain Castiella
«Els catalans a l’Àfrica» – Die Rolle des Spanisch-Marokkanischen Kriegs von 1859/60 im katalanischen Identitaetsdiskurs des 19. Jahrhunderts, New edition
Author/Editor: Ina Kühne
El significado procedimental: construcciones seriales, marcadores del discurso, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Eugenia Sainz González
Elsinor no Finis Terrae: Estudos transversais sobre teatro galego, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Carlos-Caetano Biscainho-Fernandes
El teatro de Emilio Carballido, New edition
Author/Editor: Daniel Vazquez Tourino
El Teatro Español Universitario: espacios de libertad durante el franquismo, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Javier Huerta Calvo
Elterliche Sorge im deutschen und im polnischen Recht mit dem Schwerpunkt der Rechtslage bei nicht miteinander verheirateten Eltern, New edition
Author/Editor: Magdalena Dittmann
El Theatro de los dioses: Herencia clásica y nuevas mitografías en el campo cultural hispánico, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Claudio Castro Filho,Simon Kroll
El tratamiento teórico-conceptual de las construcciones con verbos funcionales en la tradición lingueística alemana y española, New edition
Author/Editor: María Egido Vicente
El tricentenario de la muerte de Lope de Vega a través de la prensa de 1935, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: María Álvarez Álvarez
El título del poema y sus efectos sobre el texto lírico iberoamericano: Homenaje al profesor Georges Guentert en su 80 cumpleaños, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Itziar López Guil,Dayron Carrillo Morell
The Elusive Celt: Perceptions of Traditional Irish Music Communities in Europe, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Rina Schiller,Dan Farrelly
The Elusive Macrostructure of the Apocalypse of John, New edition
Author/Editor: Roman Mach
El uso del pretérito imperfecto de indicativo en el español coloquial, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Carolin Kohl
El viajero ausente: Jurisprudencia y cultura material en la peregrinación islámica delegada (al-ḥaŷŷ bi-l-niyāba), Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Sergio Carro Martín
El vocabulario de la medicina en el español del siglo XVIII, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Josefa Gomez de Enterria Sanchez
El Western fantástico de Stephen King, New edition
Author/Editor: Martin Simonson,Raúl Montero Gilete
The Emancipation of the Soul, New edition
Author/Editor: Philipp Kneis
Emanzipatorische Aufbrueche: Ehe-Romane von deutschen und malischen Autorinnen, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Issa Diabaté
The Embedding Apparatus, New edition
Author/Editor: Aimé-Jules Bizimana
Embedding Mediation in Society, New edition
Author/Editor: Sergey A. Manichev,Alexander Redlich
Embodied Books: Experiencing the Health Humanities through Artists’ Books, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Vaccarella,Kimberly Myers,Darian Goldin Stahl
Embodied Fantasies: From Awe to Artifice, New edition
Author/Editor: Suzanne Anker,Sabine Flach
Embodied Peacebuilding, New edition
Author/Editor: Leah Robinson
An Embodied Religion: Materialities and Devotion in Medieval Europe, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: João Luís Fontes,Diana Martins,Catarina Fernandes Barreira,Mário Farelo
Embodiment and Representation: Approaches from European, Asian, African and Ancient American Cultures, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Kerstin Störl
The Embodiment of Authority, New edition
Author/Editor: Taina Riikonen,Marjaana Virtanen
Embodying Masculinities, New edition
Author/Editor: Josep M. Armengol
Embodying Migrants, New edition
Author/Editor: Francesco Ricatti
Embodying Pragmatism, New edition
Author/Editor: Wojciech Malecki
Embodying the Feminine in the Dances of the World’s Religions, New edition
Author/Editor: Angela M. Yarber
Embosi-English Dictionary, New edition
Embracing Democracy, New edition
Author/Editor: Donald L. Wallace
E. McKnight Kauffer: An Artist in Design, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: James King
The Emergence of Developmental States from a New Institutionalist Perspective, New edition
Author/Editor: Manuel Stark
The Emergence of Patterns in Second Language Writing, New edition
Author/Editor: Susy Macqueen
Emergence of the Caribbean Empire: Politics and Labour in Trinidad and Tobago, 1918–1976, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Jerome Teelucksingh
The Emergence of the Social Economy in Public Policy / L’émergence de l’Économie sociale dans les politiques publiques, New edition
Author/Editor: CIRIEC
Emergencia de nuevos géneros textuales y terminología en la historia de los lenguajes de especialidad, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Gerda Hassler,Jenny Brumme,Natalia Terrón Vinagre
Emergency Noises, New edition
Author/Editor: Irene Noy
Emerging from out of the Margins, New edition
Author/Editor: Fredericke White
Emerging Issues in European Economic Diplomacy, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Andreas Papastamou
Emerging South Asian Women Writers, New edition
Author/Editor: Feroza Jussawalla,Deborah Fillerup Weagel
Emerging Technologies: Theories, Futures, Provocations, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Steve Jones,Nicholas Bowman
Emerging Trends in Asset Recovery, New edition
Author/Editor: Gretta Fenner-Zinkernagel,Charles Monteith,Pedro Gomes Pereira
Emil Kautzsch (1841–1910), New edition
Author/Editor: Andreas FreyeFreye
Eminent Lives in Twentieth-Century Science and Religion, 2Revised edition
Author/Editor: Nicolaas A. Rupke
Emissaries of Justice: Courageous Searchers for Missing Persons, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Hugo G. Walter
The Emmett Till Trauma in US Fiction: Psychological Realism, Magic Realism, and the Spectral, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Martín Fernández Fernández
E-Mobility and Related Clean Technologies from an Empirical Corporate Finance Perspective, New edition
Author/Editor: Christian Babl
Emotionale Dichte und abstrakte Schoenheit, New edition
Author/Editor: Leslie Leon
Emotionalitaet und Wertung im Diskurs, New edition
Author/Editor: Dorota Miller
Emotion and identity in second language learning, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Theo Harden,Arnd Witte,Ana Canales,Susana Leralta
Emotionen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Koerper und Kultur, New edition
Author/Editor: Petra Folkersma
Emotionen, New edition
Author/Editor: Frank Thomas GrubGrub,Dessislava Stoeva-HolmStoeva-Holm
Emotionen und Selbstreflexionen in den Romanen von Giovanni Arpino, New edition
Author/Editor: Lea Akkermann
Emotions of Amazement in Old English Hagiography: Ælfric’s approach to Wonder, Awe and the Sublime, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Francisco Javier Minaya Gómez
Empathie und Perspektive: «Character Engagement» im Spielfilm, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Matthias Bauer,Qian Zhang
The Empire. Between dispute and nostalgia, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Emanuel Plopeanu,Gabriel Stelian Manea,Metin Omer
Empires connectés ?, New edition
Author/Editor: Sylvie Crogiez-Petrequin,Anna Heller
Empirical Analysis of Participation Patterns in Microfinancial Markets, New edition
Author/Editor: Mirko Bendig
Empirical Methods in Language Studies, New edition
Author/Editor: Krzysztof Kosecki,Janusz Badio
Empirical Perspectives on CLIL Classroom Discourse, New edition
Author/Editor: Christiane Dalton-Puffer,Ute Smit
Empirical Wonder, New edition
Author/Editor: Riccardo Capoferro
Empirische Analyse lernfeldbasierter Unterrichtskonzeptionen in der Metalltechnik, New edition
Author/Editor: Marcus Dengler
Empirische Untersuchungen zu Deutschunterricht und Migration, New edition
Author/Editor: Sebastian Susteck
Empirische Untersuchung ueber den Einfluss des technischen Fortschritts auf die Verteilung der Loehne in Deutschland unter Beruecksichtigung der Tarifbindung: Eine Analyse der Lohnungleichheit in Deutschland zwischen 1996 und 2017, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Sabrina Spies
Employee Stock Options, Payout Policy, and Stock Returns, New edition
Author/Editor: Wojciech Grabowski
Empowered Women: Nigerian Society, Education, and Empowerment, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Dolapo Adeniji-Neill
Empowering Educational Leaders: How to thrive in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Sabiha Dulay
Empowering Education: Research, Theory And Practice, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Sakir Cinkir
Empowering Teachers Across Cultures- Enfoques críticos- Perspectives croisées, New edition
Author/Editor: Anne-Marie de Mejía,Christine Hélot
Empraktische Vernunft, New edition
Author/Editor: Volker Caysa
Empresses of Late Byzantium: Foreign Brides, Mediators and Pious Women, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Petra Melichar
Emptio-Venditio, New edition
Author/Editor: Daniele Mattiangeli
Enacting Nature, New edition
Author/Editor: Birgit Däwes,Marc Maufort
«En Babia» de José Isaac de Diego Padró, New edition
Author/Editor: Alberto Ameal-Perez
The Enchanted Figtree, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Beatrice Guenther,Marco Micone
The Enclosure of an Open Mystery, New edition
Author/Editor: Stephen McInerney
Encompassing Passing: Identities in the Making, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Michaela Mudure
Encounters with Isaiah Berlin, New edition
Author/Editor: Andrzej Walicki
An Encyclopedia of American Culture, New edition
Author/Editor: Marek Golebiowski
Endangered Languages, Knowledge Systems and Belief Systems, New edition
Author/Editor: David Hirsh
The End of Journalism, New edition
Author/Editor: Alec Charles,Gavin Stewart
The End of Journalism- Version 2.0, New edition
Author/Editor: Alec Charles
Enduring Negativity, New edition
Author/Editor: Charlotte Baker
Enduring Presence: William Hogarth’s British and European Afterlives: Book 1: Aesthetic, Visual and Performative Cultures, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Caroline Patey,Cynthia E. Roman,Georges Letissier
Enduring Presence: William Hogarth’s British and European Afterlives: Book 2: Image into Word, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Caroline Patey,Georges Letissier,Cynthia E. Roman
Endzeiten: Wie G.W.F. Hegel, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Heinrich Mann, Bertolt Brecht, Herbert Marcuse, Heiner Mueller und Christa Wolf ihr nahes Ende lebten, bevor sie auf dem Dorotheenstaedtischen Friedhof von Berlin begraben wurden: Was der Tod mit ihrem Wer
Author/Editor: Karl Heinz Götze
«Æeneas i Carthago» von Joseph Martin Kraus, New edition
Author/Editor: Jens Dufner
Energetisches Regionalisieren, New edition
Author/Editor: Fabian Faller
Energie als Menschenrecht, New edition
Author/Editor: Dennis-N. Warman
Energiediskurs, New edition
Author/Editor: Nicole Rosenberger,Ulla Kleinberger
Energietransformation, dezentrale Erzeugungsprobleme und Finanzierung der Solarindustrie, New edition
Author/Editor: Dirk Schiereck,Paschen von Flotow,Julian Trillig
Energieversorgungssicherheit im Europarecht mittels der Foerderung erneuerbarer Energien und der Interkonnektion der Netze, New edition
Author/Editor: Lucas Noura Guimaraes
Energising Directed Motivational Currents through Learners’ Agency, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Arkadiusz Pietluch
Energy and the Environmental Challenge: Lessons from the European Union and Australia, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Pascaline Winand,Lillian Wylie,Pascaline Winand
Energy Arbitration and Judicial Dispute Settlement: Proceedings of the 4th Athens Conference on European Energy Law, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jochen Mohr,Antonis Metaxas
Energy Economics, New edition
Author/Editor: Abdulkadir Develi,Selahattin Kaynak
« En Espagne » d'Henri de Régnier, New edition
Author/Editor: Carlota Vicens-Pujol
Enfants eurasiens d’Indochine aux vents de la décolonisation, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Yves Denéchère
En femenino plural: Escritoras sicilianas en el entorno literario insular italiano contemporáneo, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: José García Fernández
En feo libro non feo saber, New edition
Author/Editor: Katrin Hedwig
Author/Editor: Gerd Wotjak,Yeray González Plasencia,Itziar Molina Sangüesa
Enforcement of Patents on Geographically Divisible Inventions, New edition
Author/Editor: Agnieszka Kupzok
#Engagement. Literarische Potentiale nach den Wenden: Band 1, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Gudrun Heidemann,Joanna Jablkowska,Elzbieta Tomasi-Kapral
#Engagement. Literarische Potentiale nach den Wenden: Band 2, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Elzbieta Kapral,Joanna Jablkowska,Gudrun Heidemann
Engaging Islam from a Christian Perspective, New edition
Author/Editor: Bonnie Evans-Hills,Michael Rusk
Engaging with Diversity, New edition
Author/Editor: Stéphan Gervais,Mary-Anne Poutanen,Raffaele Iacovino
Englisch lernen mit portablen elektronischen Woerterbuechern, New edition
Author/Editor: Jan Philipp Kassel,Bärbel Diehr,Ralf Gießler
Englischunterricht auf der Primarstufe, New edition
Author/Editor: Markus Kötter,Jutta Rymarczyk
English and French Online Comments: A Text Linguistic Comparison of Popular Science Magazines, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: John Marcus Sommer
English and German Nationalist and Anti-Semitic Discourse, 1871-1945, New edition
Author/Editor: Geraldine Horan,Felicity Rash,Daniel Wildman
English as a Lingua Franca and Intercultural Communication, New edition
Author/Editor: Ignacio Guillén-Galve,Ignacio Vázquez-Orta
English as a Lingua Franca in Cross-cultural Immigration Domains, New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Grazia Guido
Englishes in Africa, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Mayowa Akinlotan
English(es) in Post-Independence Namibia: An Investigation of Variety Status and Its Implications for English Language Teaching, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Helene Steigertahl
English in Kenya or Kenyan English?, New edition
Author/Editor: Natalia Budohoska
English in Malaysia, New edition
Author/Editor: Hajar Abdul Rahim,Shakila Abdul Manan
English in the Chinese Foreign Language Classroom, New edition
Author/Editor: Danping Wang
English ‘Joyful’ Vocabulary – Semantic Developments, New edition
Author/Editor: Angelina Zysko
English language contact-induced features in the language of medicine, New edition
Author/Editor: Csilla Keresztes
English Language Education Policies and Practices in the Mediterranean Countries and Beyond, New edition
Author/Editor: Yasemin Bayyurt,Nicos C. Sifakis
English Language Education to Pupils with General Intellectual Giftedness, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Eva Reid
English Lexicography from British Tradition to World Englishes, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Heming Yong
English Loan Translations in Polish, New edition
Author/Editor: Alicja Witalisz
English Nationalism and Euroscepticism, New edition
Author/Editor: Ben Wellings
English Past and Present, New edition
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Viereck
The English Protestant Churches since 1770, New edition
Author/Editor: Kenneth Hylson-Smith
English Quasi-Numeral Classifiers, New edition
Author/Editor: Xu Zhang
English suffixes, New edition
Author/Editor: Ives Trevian
English Translations of Shen Congwen’s Stories, New edition
Author/Editor: Minhui Xu
The English Utopia, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Antonis Balasopoulos,Raffaella Baccolini,Antonis Balasopoulos,Joachim Fischer,Michael G. Kelly,Tom Moylan,Phillip E. Wegner,A.L. Morton
English versus Slavic, New edition
Author/Editor: Ewa Konieczna,Robert Kieltyka
Enhancing self-directed Vocabulary Learning: Research and Practice, New edition
Author/Editor: Jing Wu
Enhancing Teaching Practice in Higher Education: International Perspectives on Academic Teaching and Learning, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Beatrix Kress,Holger Kusse
Enhancing the Effectiveness of the EU Public Procurement Framework: Case studies of Lithuania and Germany, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Asta Gerhardt
The Enigmatic Tsar and His Empire: Russia under Alexander I. 1801–1825, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Jan Kusber,Alexander Kaplunovskiy,Benjamin Conrad
Enjeu cartésien et philosophies du corps, New edition
Author/Editor: Paolo Gomarasca
Enjeux et défis du numérique pour l’enseignement universitaire / Chancen und Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung in der Hochschullehre, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Patricia Münchow,Nadine Rentel
Enjeux identitaires en mutation, New edition
Author/Editor: John Tolan,Hassen El Annabi,Benaouda Lebdai,Franck Laurent
Enkulturation durch sozialen Kompetenzerwerb- Enculturation by Acquiring of Social Competences, New edition
Author/Editor: Gerd-Bodo von Carlsburg
En la estela del Quijote, New edition
Author/Editor: Marta Fernández Alcaide,Elena Leal Abad,Álvaro S. Octavio de Toledo y Huerta
The Enlightened Physician, New edition
Author/Editor: Geoffrey Wall
Enlightened Reactions, New edition
Author/Editor: Traci S. O'Brien
Enlightened Rule, New edition
Author/Editor: Paul Maylam
Enlivening Faith: Music, Spirituality and Christian Theology, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: June Boyce-Tillman,Stephen Roberts,Jane Erricker
En marge des grands: le football en Belgique et en Suisse, New edition
Author/Editor: Thomas Busset
Enotradulengua: Géneros y tipos textuales en el sector del vino, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Miguel Ibáñez Rodríguez
ENOTRADULENGUA: Vino, lengua y traducción, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Miguel Miguel Ibáñez Rodríguez
Enregisterment, New edition
Author/Editor: Lieselotte Anderwald,Jarich Hoekstra
Ensayo sobre el lenguaje ritual, New edition
Author/Editor: Vito Bongiorno
Ensayos sobre la cultura popular, New edition
Author/Editor: Fernando Barreiro García
Ensayos sobre vino y literatura, historia, identidad, patrimonio II: <I>El vino" / <I>mueve la primavera"…, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Marcella Trambaioli,Elisa Borsari
Enseñanza-aprendizaje del léxico de los negocios, New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Mercedes Eurrutia Cavero
Enseñar deleitando / Plaire et instruire, New edition
Author/Editor: Constance Carta,Sarah Finici,Dora Mancheva
Enseñar lenguas extranjeras después de la COVID-19: Análisis y propuestas metodológicas, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Adrián José Acosta Jiménez,Avelino Corral Esteban,Yolanda García Hernández
Enseignement du français : les apports de la recherche en linguistique, New edition
Author/Editor: Mathieu Avanzi,Virginie Conti,Gilles Corminboeuf,Frédéric Gachet
Enseignements à distance: Des arts savants, le génie d’un métier, l’instruction en valeurs : anthropologies d’une organisation éducative, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Olivier Marty
Enseigner et apprendre les langues au XXIe siècle: Méthodes alternatives et nouveaux dispositifs d'accompagnement, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Sabina Gola,Michel Pierrard,Evie Tops,Dan Van Raemdonck
Enseigner la littérature au début du XXIe siècle, New edition
Author/Editor: Christophe Ronveaux,Soumya El Harmassi,Sonya Florey,Noël Cordonier
Enseigner le Français en contexte migratoire : ingénieries, littératie, inclusion, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Cécile Bruley,Lucile Cadet
Enseigner les « classiques » aujourd’hui, New edition
Author/Editor: Isabelle de Peretti,Béatrice Ferrier
Enseigner les langues-cultures à l’ère de la complexité / Teaching Language and Culture in an Era of Complexity, New edition
Author/Editor: Joëlle Aden,Trevor Grimshaw,Hermine Penz
Enseigner une discipline dans une autre langue : méthodologie et pratiques professionnelles, 2Revised edition
Author/Editor: Anemone Geiger-Jaillet,Gérald Schlemminger,Christine Le Pape Racine
Enseigner une matière scolaire dans une langue étrangère: Des théories aux pratiques, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Rita Carol
Enshrining the Sacred: Microarchitecture in Ritual Spaces, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Ilia M. Rodov
Entdeckungen und Utopien, New edition
Author/Editor: Kathrin Sartingen,Verena Bauer
Enteignung und Mediation, New edition
Author/Editor: Markus Kühnl
Enteignung von Kirchengebaeuden, New edition
Author/Editor: Eva-Maria Kremer
Enteignung zugunsten privatisierter Flughaefen, New edition
Author/Editor: Ajsa Jagst
Entering the Frame: Cinema and History in the Films of Yervant Gianikian and Angela Ricci Lucchi, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Robert Lumley
Entfuehrungen deutscher Staatsangehoeriger im Ausland, New edition
Author/Editor: Alexa Buckler
Entgeltdiskriminierung in Frauenberufen?, New edition
Author/Editor: Anna Maria Jordan
Entgeltflexibilisierung zur Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung, New edition
Author/Editor: Christoph Römer
Entgeltgleichheit zwischen Maennern und Frauen im franzoesischen Arbeitsrecht, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Miriam Engler
Entkoppelte Gesellschaft – Ostdeutschland seit 1989/90: Band 1: Anschluss, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Yana Milev
Entkoppelte Gesellschaft – Ostdeutschland seit 1989/90: Band 3: Exil, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Yana Milev
Entkoppelte Gesellschaft – Ostdeutschland seit 1989/90: Band 5: Zeugnisse Teil I: Fotografie, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Yana Milev,Philipp Beckert,Marcel Noack
Entkoppelte Gesellschaft – Ostdeutschland seit 1989/90: Band 2: Umbau, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Yana Milev
Entkoppelte Gesellschaft – Ostdeutschland seit 1989/90: Band 6: Zeugnisse Teil II: Film, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Yana Milev,Philipp Beckert,Michael Meyen,Marcel Noack
Entkoppelte Gesellschaft – Ostdeutschland seit 1989/90: Band 4: Tatbestaende, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Yana Milev,Franz Schultheis
Entlehnungen im slowenischen Basiswortschatz - ein gebrauchsbasierter Ansatz, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Emmerich Kelih
Entlehnung oder Codeswitching?, New edition
Author/Editor: Sebastian Knospe
En torno a ‘haber’, New edition
Author/Editor: Carlota de Benito Moreno,Álvaro S. Octavio de Toledo y Huerta
Entre archéologie et histoire : dialogues sur divers peuples de l’Italie préromaine, New edition
Author/Editor: Michel Aberson,Maria Cristina Biella,Massimiliano Di Fazio,Manuela Wullschleger
Entre archéologie et épigraphie, New edition
Author/Editor: Florence Bertholet,Christophe Schmidt Heidenreich
Entre belgitude et postmodernité, New edition
Author/Editor: Marc Quaghebeur,Judyta Zbierska-Moscicka
Entre conventions collectives et salaire minimum, New edition
Author/Editor: Christine Aquatias
Entre droit et morale : la finalité de la peine, New edition
Author/Editor: Annette Sousa Costa
Entre el autoritarismo y la democracia, New edition
Author/Editor: Ágata Cristina Cáceres Sztorc
Entre el cuarto oscuro y la utopía <I>queer": Sexualidades no normativas en el teatro español contemporáneo, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Claudio Castro Filho,Paola Bellomi
Entre el interés y la benevolencia, New edition
Author/Editor: Juan Andrés Mercado
Entre el léxico y la sintaxis: las fases de los eventos, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: María Martínez-Atienza de Dios
Entre escritura e imagen II, New edition
Author/Editor: Anne-Marie Reboul,Lourdes Carriedo Lopez
Entre escritura e imagen, New edition
Author/Editor: Lourdes Carriedo Lopez,María Dolores Picazo,Maria Luisa Guerrero Alonso
Entre liberté et contrainte dans la recherche linguistique, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Katarzyna Wołowska,Paulina Mazurkiewicz,Janusz Bień,Katarzyna Wołowska
Entre linguistique et anthropologie, New edition
Author/Editor: Danielle Londei,Laura Santone
Entre linguistique et littérature, New edition
Author/Editor: Marisa Verna,Joelle Tamine
Entre mélancolie et connaissance: Réception créatrice de Proust en Italie, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Hugues Azérad,Marion Schmid,Roberta Capotorti
The Entrenchment of the «unus alterum» Pattern, New edition
Author/Editor: Mikolaj Nkollo
Entrepreneuriat et innovation, New edition
Author/Editor: Sophie Boutillier
Entrepreneurship and Social Mobility: Two Cosmopolitan Lives in Renaissance Genoa, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Bruno Grancelli
Entre privé et public: Perspectives linguistiques sur la question des limites, Ed. 1New edition
Author/Editor: Daniela Pietrini
Entrer en guerre, 1914-1918 : des Balkans au monde, New edition
Author/Editor: Catherine Horel,Robert Frank
Entrevistas con creadoras del cine español contemporáneo: Millones de cosas por hacer, Ed. New edition
Author/Editor: Annette Scholz,Marta Álvarez,Mar Binimelis Adell,Elena Ortega Oroz,Uta Felten
Entscheidungsfaktoren in der oeffentlichen Verwaltung am Beispiel der Windenergie im Landkreis Aurich, New edition
Author/Editor: Frank Puchert