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Titles start with R ( displaying 500 of 737 ) | Information |
Rabbiner in der Provinz, New edition |
Author/Editor: Janusz Spyra
Raccontare e Inventare, New edition |
Author/Editor: Cecilia Winterhalter
The Race Question in Oceania, New edition |
Author/Editor: Hilary Howes
The Racial Horizon of Utopia, New edition |
Author/Editor: Edward K. Chan
Racialized Consciousness, New edition |
Author/Editor: Baudelaire UlysseUlysse
Racial Profiling in Deutschland?: Eine Untersuchung zu § 22 Absatz 1a Bundespolizeigesetz aus der Perspektive der Gleichheitsdogmatik und Kognitionswissenschaft, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Veronika Maria Apfl
Racial Reconciliation: Black Masculinity, Societal Indifference, and Church Socialization, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Steven Randolph Cureton
Raconter la Partition de l’Inde, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Anne Castaing
Radical Hospitality: Transforming Shelter, Home and Community: The Wellspring House Story, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Nancy Schwoyer,Rosemary Haughton,Kimberly French
Radicalism and indifference, New edition |
Author/Editor: Domonkos Sik
Radicalism and Terrorism in the 21st Century, New edition |
Author/Editor: Anna Sroka,Fanny Castro-Rial Garrone,Rubén Darío Torres Kumbrián
Radical Unions in Europe and the Future of Collective Interest Representation, New edition |
Author/Editor: Heather Connolly,Lefteris Kretsos,Craig Phelan
Raeume der Passion, New edition |
Author/Editor: Hans Aurenhammer,Daniela Bohde
Raeume der Romania, New edition |
Author/Editor: Corinne Fournier Kiss,Nadine Chariatte,Etna R. Krakenberger
Raeume schreiben: Literarische (Selbst)Verortung bei Tanja Dueckers, Jenny Erpenbeck und Judith Hermann, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Katrin Dautel
Raeumlich-konstruktive Stoerungen bei Grundschulkindern, 2Revised edition |
Author/Editor: Wibke Bein-Wierzbinski
Rage: Affect and Resistance in French and Francophone Culture and Thought, 1968–2020, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Jean Khalfa,Jasmine Cooper,Lili Owen Rowlands,Katie Pleming
Raggedy Men: Masculinity in the <i>Mad Max" Films, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Ezekiel Crago
Rainer Maria Rilke und Rudolf Bodlaender: Briefe in schwierigen Zeiten, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Erich Unglaub
Raising Resilient Children: Parents and Teachers Working in Partnership to Empower the Children in Our Lives, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Kelly Cleeve
Raising the Civil Dead, New edition |
Author/Editor: Heather Anderson
Raison(s) d’Etat(s) en Europe, New edition |
Author/Editor: Brigitte Krulic
Réalisme magique et Poétologie dans l’œuvre lyrique de Peter Huchel, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Maryse Jacob
Randromania im Fokus: Gesprochenes Galicisch, Portugiesisch und Rumaenisch, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Aurelia Merlan,Aurelia Merlan,Barbara Schäfer-Prieß
Randzonen des Willens, New edition |
Author/Editor: Thorsten Moos,Christoph Rehmann-Sutter,Christina Schües
Ranulf contra Geiger, New edition |
Author/Editor: Klaus Rodax
RAPEX als Instrument der marktueberwachungsbehoerdlichen Gefahrenabwehr, New edition |
Author/Editor: Alexander Pitzer
Rapports au genre en politique: Petits accommodements du quotidien, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Christine Guionnet,Bleuwen Lechaux
Rassendiskriminierung als Eingriff in das allgemeine Persoenlichkeitsrecht, New edition |
Author/Editor: Angela Streibel
Rassismus in Geschichte und Gegenwart, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ina Ulrike PaulPaul,Sylvia SchrautSchraut
Rassismus, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ulrich Praefke,Heidi Beutin,Wolfgang Beutin
Rassisten in Deutschland, New edition |
Author/Editor: Harry Waibel
Rating Agencies and the Fallout of the 2007–2008 Financial Crisis, New edition |
Author/Editor: Petra Lieven
Ratingagenturen in der Krise, New edition |
Author/Editor: Patrick Andrieu
Rational, Ethical and Spiritual Perspectives on Leadership: Selected Writings, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Peter Pruzan
Rationalitaet und Demokratie, New edition |
Rationalitaet und Formen des Irrationalen im deutschen Sprachraum, New edition |
Author/Editor: Gabriela Antunes,Sonia Goldblum,Noémie Pineau
The Rationality of the Christian Faith and the Rationality of Science: Understanding Stanley Jaki, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Paul Peter Rom
Raum als berufspaedagogische Dimension: Empirische Befunde und theoretische Ueberlegungen zu Interdependenzen zwischen Orten und Berufsbildungssystemen, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Marco Hjelm-Madsen
Raumbegehren, New edition |
Author/Editor: Eva Riedl
Raumentwuerfe – Studien zu Gedichten Ingeborg Bachmanns, New edition |
Author/Editor: Cettina Rapisarda
Raumformen in der Gegenwartsdramatik, New edition |
Author/Editor: Paul Martin Langner,Agata Mirecka
Raumgestaltung als paedagogische Aufgabe im Elementarbereich: Legitimationskritik und Prinzipienanalyse, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Stephanie Gebert
Raum: Interdisziplinaere Aspekte zum Verstaendnis von Raum und Raeumen, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Markus Mühling,Martin Rothgangel,Ulrich Beuttler
Raum-Kompositionen, New edition |
Author/Editor: Anja Burghardt
Raumordnung und Raumbegruendung in politischen Umbruchszeiten, New edition |
Author/Editor: Nikos Wallburger
Raumpoetik und Doppelgaengermotiv in E.T.A. Hoffmanns Roman «Die Elixiere des Teufels», Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Tünde Paksy
Raum und Realismus, New edition |
Author/Editor: Susanne Franke
Raum und Zeit im Kontext der Metapher, New edition |
Author/Editor: Kathleen Plötner
Raymond Aron and His Dialogues in an Age of Ideologies, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Nathan Orlando
Raymond Aron et l’Europe, New edition |
Author/Editor: Olivier de Lapparent
Raymond Aron, penseur de l’Europe et de la nation, New edition |
Author/Editor: Giulio De Ligio
Raymond de Becker (1912-1969), New edition |
Author/Editor: Olivier Dard,Etienne Deschamps,Geneviève Duchenne
Raza Struggle and the Movement for Ethnic Studies, New edition |
Author/Editor: Miguel ZavalaZavala
Raza y nación. Estereotipos nacionales extranjeros y peninsulares en España (1750-1833), Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Elena Fernández Fernández
Réception d’Edna O’Brien, Jennifer Johnston, et Nuala O’Faolain: Clubs de lecture et forums en ligne / France, Irlande, Royaume-Uni et États-Unis, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Jeanne-Marie Carton-Charon
Réception et Créativité, New edition |
Author/Editor: Julie Brock
Réception et Créativité, New edition |
Author/Editor: Julie Brock
Récit national et imaginaires identitaires au double prisme du « bilinguisme » et de la « migration », New edition |
Author/Editor: Josianne Veillette
Récits mythiques – Récits modernes, New edition |
Author/Editor: Emmanuelle Terrones
Réconciliation ou reconnaissance ?, New edition |
Author/Editor: Cyrille B. Koné
Reaching Athens, New edition |
Author/Editor: Margherita Laera
Reading Aloud Practices: Providing Joint Accessibility to Texts within an Unfamiliar Interface-Mediated Game Activity, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Karola Pitsch,Svenja Heuser
Reading Bonhoeffer in South Africa after the Transition to Democracy: Selected Essays, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Nico Koopman,Robert Vosloo
Reading Chaucer, New edition |
Author/Editor: Peter Brown
Reading Colour: George, Rilke, Kandinsky, Lasker-Schueler, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Rey Conquer
Reading Comic Books Critically: How Japanese Comic Books Influence Taiwanese Students, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Fang-Tzu Hsu,Peter Lownds
Reading Contemporary TV Series: Aesthetics, Themes, and Reception, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Milosz Wojtyna,Barbara Miceli,Roksana Zgierska
Reading Green, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey S. Lamp
Reading (in) the Holocaust: Practices of Postmemory in Recent Polish Literature for Children and Young Adults., Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Malgorzata Wójcik-Dudek
Reading Medieval European Women Writers, New edition |
Author/Editor: Albrecht Classen
Reading Monuments: A Comparative Study of Monuments in Poznań and Strasbourg from the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Malgorzata Praczyk
Reading Nature’s Book, New edition |
Author/Editor: Fred Ablondi
Reading Scripture with Kierkegaard: Kierkegaard’s Upbuilding Hermeneutic of Scripture in the Discourses, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Kevin Storer
Readings in Italian Mannerism, 2Revised edition |
Author/Editor: Liana De Girolami Cheney
Readings in Italian Mannerism II: Architecture, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Liana De Girolami Cheney
Readings in Twenty-First-Century European Literatures, New edition |
Author/Editor: Michael Gratzke,Margaret-Anne Hutton,Claire Whitehead
Reading the Anglo-Saxon Self Through the Vercelli Book, New edition |
Author/Editor: Amity Reading
Reading Turkish Islamist Writers: Kısakuerek, Bulaç, Dilipak, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Konstantinos Gogos
Reading Voices, New edition |
Author/Editor: J. Andrew Foster
Read, Write, Rhyme Institute: Educators, Entertainers, and Entrepreneurs Engaging in Hip-Hop Discourse, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Crystal LaVoulle
Real and Imagined Women in British Romanticism, New edition |
Author/Editor: Gaura Shankar Narayan
Realidades e imágenes de la pobreza en la Atenas clásica: Una aproximación al fenómeno en la época de la democracia, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Aida Fernández Prieto
Realidades y desafíos de la tecnología aplicada a la traducción e interpretación, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Sara María Torres Outón,Ramón Méndez González
Realidades y símbolos en el monacato femenino del mundo hispánico, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Jesús Paniagua Pérez,María Asunción Sánchez Manzano,Jesús María Porro Gutiérrez,Daniele Arciello,Nuria María Rosa Salazar Simarro
Realism and Its Vicissitudes, New edition |
Author/Editor: Robert Harvey,Patrice Nganang
Realism and Revolution: Why (Some) Revolutionary States Go to War, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Paul Ewenstein
Author/Editor: Arkadiusz Jablonski,Jan Szymczyk
Realizing Greater Britain: The South African Constabulary and the Imperial Imposition of the Modern State, 1900−1914, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Scott C. Spencer
Realizing Nonviolent Resilience: Neoliberalism, Societal Trauma, and Marginalized Voice, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Jeremy A. Rinker,Jerry T. Lawler
The Real Meaning of our Work?, New edition |
Author/Editor: Anne Holdorph
Realsicherheiten des tuerkischen Mobiliarsachenrechts, New edition |
Author/Editor: Elvan Er
Reasonableness of Faith, New edition |
Author/Editor: Tony Kim
Reasoning Higher Education Change, New edition |
Author/Editor: Keiko Yokoyama
Re/Assembling the Pregnant and Parenting Teenager, New edition |
Author/Editor: Annelies Kamp,Majella McSharry
Rebellious Writing: Contesting Marginalisation in Edwardian Britain, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Lauren Alex O’Hagan
Rebellisch aus erkenntnistheoretischem Prinzip, New edition |
Author/Editor: David Kergel
The Rebirth of Hebrew Literature, New edition |
Author/Editor: Yigal Schwartz
The Rebirth of Utopia in 21st-Century Cinema: Cosmopolitan Hopes in the Films of Globalization, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Monica Martin
Re-Building a Nation-State: Iraq After Saddam (Post 2003), Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Ghalib Al-Abadi
Recalling the Celtic Tiger, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Eamon Maher,Eugene O'Brien,Brian Lucey
Recasting Moses, New edition |
Author/Editor: Finn Damgaard
Recent Advances in Digital Humanities: Romance Language Applications, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Madalina Chitez,Anca Dinu,Liviu Dinu,Mihnea Dobre
The Reception of German Theater in Greece: Establishing a Theatrical Locus Communis: The Royal Theater in Athens (1901-1906), Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Michalis Georgiou
The Reception of Subtitles for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Europe, New edition |
Author/Editor: Pablo Romero-Fresco
Receptive and Productive L2 Vocabularies, New edition |
Author/Editor: Malgorzata Krzeminska-Adamek
Rechenschwierigkeiten vorbeugen, New edition |
Author/Editor: Christina Ostertag
Recherche académique et innovation, New edition |
Author/Editor: Dimitri Uzunidis
Recherche et traduction, New edition |
Author/Editor: Florence Xiangyun Zhang,Keling Wei
Recherches récentes en FLE, New edition |
Author/Editor: Alain Kamber,Carine Skupien Dekens
Rechnen mit musikalischen Intervallen, Skalen und Stimmungen im historischen Kontext, New edition |
Author/Editor: Walter Bühler
Rechnungsabgrenzungsposten und steuerliche Gewinnermittlung, New edition |
Author/Editor: Michael Scheel
Rechnungslegung in wirtschaftlichen Krisenzeiten, New edition |
Author/Editor: Bastian Rausch
Rechnungslegungsinformationen zu Verbriefungen im Umfeld der Finanzmarktkrise, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sebastian Erb
Recht auf Beratung in der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung und in der Sozialen Pflegeversicherung, New edition |
Author/Editor: Thomas Schulz
Recht des Angeklagten auf Vertretung, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jennifer Pöschl
Rechte aus nichtigen Vertragsverhaeltnissen, New edition |
Author/Editor: Michael Stöber
Rechte und Pflichten des Minderheitsgesellschafters beim Kapitalschnitt in der GmbH, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Alexander Orlowski
Rechtfertigender Notstand zur Erhaltung von Arbeitsplaetzen?: Zur Notstandsfaehigkeit des Interesses an der Arbeit, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Florian Richter
«Recht, Gesetz und Freiheit» postmodern, New edition |
Author/Editor: Barbara Freier
Rechtliche Anforderungen an die Preistransparenz bei Vertragsschluss, New edition |
Author/Editor: Stefan PeintingerPeintinger
Rechtliche Einordnung von Internetwaehrungen im deutschen Rechtssystem am Beispiel von Bitcoin, New edition |
Author/Editor: Merih Erdem Kütük-Markendorf
Rechtliche Fragen bei der Transplantation von Vascularized Composite Allografts (VCA), New edition |
Author/Editor: Philip KlusenKlusen
Rechtliche Fragen der Dienstaufsichtsbeschwerde, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ingo Becker-Kavan
Rechtliche Funktionsbedingungen von Maerkten und Formen der Konfliktbeilegung in China und Europa, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jochen Glöckner,Reinhard Singer,Astrid Stadler,Xujun Gao
Rechtliche Grenzen der Spielervermittlung im Lizenzfußball, New edition |
Author/Editor: Louisa Leonhardt
Rechtliche Grenzen von Privatisierungen im Strafvollzug, New edition |
Author/Editor: Stephan Fehrentz
Rechtliche Grundlagen und normzweckadaequate Unternehmensbewertung bei Kapitalgesellschaften, New edition |
Author/Editor: Christina Schröter
Rechtliche Herausforderungen der Nanotechnologie im Arzneimittelrecht, New edition |
Author/Editor: Samantha Volkmann
Rechtliche Neugestaltung der gesellschaftlichen Rolle des Privatsektors: Nachhaltige und marktorientierte Loesungsansaetze fuer soziale und oekologische Probleme der Gegenwart am Beispiel vom sozialen Unternehmertum und Impact Investing, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Victoria Adouvi
Rechtliche Probleme bei Rabattvereinbarungen zwischen dem pharmazeutischen Unternehmer und den Vertriebsstufen, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Semra Sevim
Rechtliche Probleme des internationalen Kulturgueterschutzes, New edition |
Author/Editor: Kai Georg Krenz
Rechtliche Probleme von PIPE-Transaktionen, New edition |
Author/Editor: Franziska Neumann
Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen der Betriebsratsgruendung, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Florian Hauzenberger
Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen der Katastrophenbewaeltigung, New edition |
Author/Editor: Kristine Pohlmann
Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen der Nutzung oberflaechennaher Geothermie bei Großimmobilien, New edition |
Author/Editor: Christoph Berlin
Rechtlich-regulatorische Rahmenbedingungen fuer Wearables und Apps im Gesundheitswesen, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Moritz Christoph Heinrich
Recht nach dem Arabischen Fruehling, New edition |
Author/Editor: Bruno Menhofer,Dirk Otto
Rechtsbeistand und Prozesskostenhilfe in Verfahren zur Vollstreckung eines Europaeischen Haftbefehls: Unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der EU-Richtlinie 2016/1919 ueber Prozesskostenhilfe, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Lena Mitterhuber
Rechtsberatungsvertraege mit Aufsichtsratsmitgliedern, New edition |
Author/Editor: Matthias Wetzig
Rechtschutz gegen Individualsanktionen der Vereinten Nationen und der Europaeischen Union, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jan-Peter Wiepert
Rechtsetzung im Bereich der Wettbewerbsregeln der Europaeischen Union und des organisierten Fußballs, New edition |
Author/Editor: Helena Sophia Wirsing
Rechtsextremistischer Straßendiskurs in Deutschland, New edition |
Author/Editor: Lukasz Kumiega
Rechtsfaehige Wohnungseigentuemergemeinschaft und nichtrechtsfaehige Gemeinschaft der Wohnungseigentuemer, New edition |
Author/Editor: Henning Blaufuß
Rechtsfolgen einer nicht nach § 87 Abs. 1 AktG angemessenen Vorstandsverguetung, New edition |
Author/Editor: Florian Wirkes
Rechtsfolgen von sittenwidrigen Bedingungen in Verfuegungen von Todes wegen, New edition |
Author/Editor: Tobias Breitling
Rechtsformen der Staatsverwaltung – eine Dekonstruktion, New edition |
Author/Editor: Johannes von Zastrow
Rechtsfragen der Erbringung und Verguetung rettungsdienstlicher Leistungen, New edition |
Author/Editor: Oliver Esch
Rechtsfragen der Regulierung außerboerslicher derivativer Finanzinstrumente, New edition |
Author/Editor: Philipp Gergen
Rechtsfragen des Crowdfunding, New edition |
Author/Editor: Michael Josef Braun
Rechtsfragen des Netzanschlusses im Stromsektor nach § 17 EnWG, New edition |
Author/Editor: Julian Faasch
Rechtsfragen des Transferinvestments im Lizenzfußball, New edition |
Author/Editor: Philipp Wackerbeck
Rechtsfragen und Entwicklung des (beabsichtigten) Familienlebens in der EMRK, der EU-Grundrechtecharta und dem nationalen Recht am Maßstab des Art. 8 EMRK, New edition |
Author/Editor: Angela KoganKogan
Rechtsgeschaefte zwischen Gesellschaften und ihren Gesellschaftern in der externen Rechnungslegung nach HGB und IFRS unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung gesellschaftsrechtlicher Kapitalerhaltung, New edition |
Author/Editor: Frank Althoff
Rechtsgeschaeftliche Ausschuss- und Begrenzungsmoeglichkeiten der Aufrechnung und deren Grenzen, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Marius Meschede
Rechtsgrenzen ueberoertlicher Einzelhandelssteuerung, New edition |
Author/Editor: Kristina Meyer
Rechtsklugheit, New edition |
Author/Editor: Christian Nierhauve
Rechtskrafterstreckung im Personengesellschaftsrecht nach einem Passivprozess der Gesellschaft oder ihrer Gesellschafter, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Sergej Rast
Rechtslage, Zukunftsperspektiven und Regulierungsansaetze des Crowdinvestings in Deutschland, New edition |
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Fischer
Rechtsmissbrauch und Verwirkung bei Widerspruch gegen den Uebergang des Arbeitsverhaeltnisses nach § 613a BGB, New edition |
Author/Editor: Joel Philipp Hofmann
Rechtsnachfolge bei zwischenstaatlichen Organisationen, New edition |
Author/Editor: Tobias Nord
Rechtsnachfolge in die Kommanditistenhaftung, New edition |
Author/Editor: Christina Eschenfelder
Rechtsnachfolge in Familienunternehmen durch Bestimmungsvermaechtnis, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Levin von Borries
Rechtsnatur und Rechtswirkungen des Flaechennutzungsplans, New edition |
Author/Editor: Gerrit Krupp
Rechtsnatur und Wirkung so genannter «atypischer Beherrschungsvertraege», New edition |
Author/Editor: Thomas Müller
Rechtsphilosophie, New edition |
Author/Editor: Claudia B. Wöhle,Silvia Augeneder,Sabine Urnik
Rechtspraktikerliteratur und neuhochdeutsche Schriftsprache: Conrad Heydens Klagspiegel und Ulrich Tenglers Laienspiegel, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Barbara Aehnlich
Rechtsprobleme der nichtehelichen Lebensgemeinschaft in Deutschland sowie in Polen, New edition |
Author/Editor: Wioleta Woronowicz
Rechtsprobleme des fremdfinanzierten Immobilien- und Anteilserwerbs, New edition |
Author/Editor: Andrea Bergmann
Rechtsrahmen und Regulierung Privater Militaer- und Sicherheitsunternehmen unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung ihrer Einsatzmoeglichkeiten in UN-Friedensmissionen, New edition |
Author/Editor: Tina LintiLinti
Rechtsschutz bei ueberlangen steuerprozessualen Verfahren, New edition |
Author/Editor: Dominik WedelWedel
Rechtsschutz bei Verletzung von Verfahrensgrundrechten und bei Untaetigkeit der Gerichte, New edition |
Author/Editor: Vanessa Pickenpack
Rechtsschutzbeschraenkungen im Insolvenzeroeffnungsverfahren: Justizgewaehrungsanspruch und Rechtsschutzinteresse, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Stefan Smid,Darman Shahid
Rechtsschutz Dritter im Rahmen der telekommunikationsrechtlichen Marktregulierung, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Patrick Höckelmann
Rechtsschutz gegen die Richtlinien des Gemeinsamen Bundesausschusses, New edition |
Author/Editor: Janina Voß
Rechtsschutz im Arbeitnehmerbeteiligungsverfahren der «deutschen» Societas Europaea, New edition |
Author/Editor: Nils Maack
Rechtsschutz im Schiedsverfahrensrecht, New edition |
Author/Editor: Marcel C. Löhr
Rechtsschutz und Bestandsschutz bei fehlerhaften Kapitalmaßnahmen und Unternehmensvertraegen im Aktienrecht, New edition |
Author/Editor: Benny Wünschmann
Rechtsstaat durch Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit: Deutschland, Ukraine, Kasachstan, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Antje Himmelreich,Herbert Küpper
Rechtsstaatliche Regeltreue?, New edition |
Author/Editor: Susana Campos Nave
Rechtsstaatliches Defizit oder zulaessige Rechtsfortbildung?, New edition |
Author/Editor: Arne KarstenKarsten
Rechtstransfer in der Geschichte: Internationale Festschrift fuer Wilhelm Brauneder zum 75. Geburtstag, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Gábor Hamza,Milan Hlavacka,Kazuhiro Takii
Rechtstransfer, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jutta Mues
Rechtsvergleich ueber die Zulaessigkeit von Haftungsausschluessen, Haftungsbeschraenkungen und pauschaliertem Schadensersatz in einzelnen arabischen Rechtsordnungen, New edition |
Author/Editor: Gregor Nikolas Rutow
Rechtswahlbeschraenkungen zum Schutz des Schwaecheren, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sandra Kühn
Rechtswahlregelungen im Europaeischen Kollisionsrecht, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sandra Wandt
Rechtswissenschaftliche Fragen an das neue Praeventionsgesetz, New edition |
Author/Editor: Indra Spiecker gen. Döhmann,Astrid Wallrabenstein
Recht und Rechtssprache in Korea und Deutschland, New edition |
Author/Editor: Young-Ju Youn
Recht und Wirtschaft in Stadt und Land Law and Economics in Urban and Rural Environment: Neunter Rechtshistorikertag im Ostseeraum 9th Conference in Legal History in the Baltic Sea Area 16.-20. Mai 2018 in Tallinn, Sagadi und Tartu, Estland 16-20 May 2018 |
Author/Editor: Marju Luts-Sootak,Frank L. Schäfer
Reclaiming Divine Wrath, New edition |
Author/Editor: Stephen Butler Murray
Reclaiming the Secret of Love: Feminism, Imagination and Sexual Difference, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Katherine Zappone,Anne Louise Gilligan
Recognition and Enforcement of Annulled Foreign Arbitral Awards, New edition |
Author/Editor: Claudia Alfons
A Reconciled Community of Suffering Disciples, New edition |
Author/Editor: Frank-Ole Thoresen
Reconciliation in Bloodlands, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jacek Kurczewski
Reconciling Law and Legal Theory: A Translation of al-Tilmisānī’s <i>Miftah al-Wusul", Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Mohammad S. Alrahawan
The Reconfiguration of a Latecomer Innovation System, New edition |
Author/Editor: Dirk Johann
Reconfiguring the Modern American Lyric, New edition |
Author/Editor: Anthony Caleshu
Reconnaissance et éducation identitaire: Compétences identitaires et gouvernance scolaire, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Nicolas Cuneen
Reconsidering Early Bilingualism, New edition |
Author/Editor: Marcin Opacki
Reconstructing Jewish Identity in Pre- and Post-Holocaust Literature and Culture, New edition |
Author/Editor: Lucyna Aleksandrowicz-Pedich,Malgorzata Pakier
Reconstructing Memory, New edition |
Author/Editor: Piotr Forecki
Reconstructing Wonder, New edition |
Author/Editor: Timothy Weatherstone
The Reconstruction of Sense in the Foreign Language Classroom, New edition |
Author/Editor: Bernd Tesch
Reconstruction of the Nu as an Ethnic Group in Northern Myanmar: The Yearning of a People, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: He Lin
Reconstruire la ville par les mots: Berlin et la critique architecturale après 1945, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Éléonore Muhidine
Reconstruire l’Europe avec Jean-Marc Ferry: Perspectives d’un État cosmopolitique, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Emery- Pamphile MBADU MBADU
Recording English, Researching English, Transforming English, New edition |
Author/Editor: Gaby Waxenberger,Hans Sauer
Recovering a Late-Antique Edition of Pliny’s <i>Natural History", Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Paul T. Keyser
Recursos prosódicos en la marcación discursiva, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Sara Quintero Ramírez,Reynaldo Radillo Enríquez
Redeemed at Countless Cost, New edition |
Author/Editor: Stewart A. Dippel
Redefining Citizenship in Australia, Canada, and Aotearoa New Zealand, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Jatinder Mann
(Re)defining gender in early modern English drama: Power, sexualities and ideologies in text and performance, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Laura Martínez-García,María José Álvarez-Faedo
Redefining the Fringes in Celtic Studies: Essays in Literature and Culture, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Aleksander Bednarski,Robert Looby
The Redefinition of the EU Presence in Latin America and the Caribbean, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Gian Luca Gardini
Redefinitions of Irish Identity, New edition |
Author/Editor: Irene Gilsenan Nordin,Carmen Zamorano Llena
Redemptive or Grotesque Nationalism, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni,James Muzondidya
Author/Editor: Andrea Rodeghiero
Redesigning Life, New edition |
Author/Editor: Nathan Van Camp
Reduktion des Ehrenschutzes durch hoechstrichterliche Rechtsprechung?, New edition |
Author/Editor: Frank Füglein
Reel Schools, New edition |
Author/Editor: Josephine May
Reescribir la violencia, New edition |
Author/Editor: Virginia Capote Díaz
The Reference of Natural Kind Terms, New edition |
Author/Editor: Luis Fernández Moreno
Refigurations of Freedom: An Analysis of the Idea of Freedom in Contemporary American Young Adult Dystopian Fiction, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Robert Gadowski
Refined Consequentialism: The Moral Theory of Richard A. McCormick, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Patrick Andrew Tully
Reflecting on the British World: Essays in Honour of Carl Bridge, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Jatinder Mann,Bart Zielinski
Reflection Between the Drafts, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: L. Lennie Irvin
A Reflection of Man and Culture in Language and Literature, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Mária Matiová,Martin Navrátil
Reflections about Contemporary Management, New edition |
Author/Editor: Mateusz LewandowskiLewandowski,Barbara KozuchKozuch,Lukasz SulkowskiSulkowski
Reflections on Judaism and Christianity in Antiquity, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Dan Jaffé,Yaakov Teppler,Rivkah Nir
Reflections on Syntax: Lectures in General Linguistics, Syntax, and Child Language Acquisition, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Joseph Galasso
Reflections on the Veracruz son jarocho: Images, Politics and Selected Themes of a Mexican Music and Dance Tradition, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Randall Kohl
The Reflective Translator, New edition |
Author/Editor: Joanna Albin
Reflejos de la ciudad, New edition |
Author/Editor: Eugenia Popeanga
Reflets de la construction européenne, New edition |
Author/Editor: Bertrand Vayssière
Reflets de soi au miroir de l’autre: Les représentations croisées. Europe/Chine du vingtième siècle à nos jours, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Costantino Maeder,Jean-Yves Heurtebise
Reflexionen ueber Entfremdungserscheinungen in Christa Wolfs «Medea. Stimmen», New edition |
Author/Editor: Yildiz Aydin
Reflexiones glotopolíticas desde y hacia América y Europa, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Jose Del Valle,Elvira Narvaja de Arnoux,Lidia Becker
Reflexions about a Cultural and Social Phenomenon: Identity, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Jana Popovicsová
Reflexionskompetenz in der Fremdsprachenlehrer*innenbildung: Theorien – Konzepte – Empirie, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Mark Bechtel,Tom Rudolph
Reflexion und Wirkung der juristischen Taetigkeit im Werk E. T. A. Hoffmanns, New edition |
Author/Editor: Bernd Hesse
Reflexive Freizeitpaedagogik: Eine systematische Annaeherung unter erziehungswissenschaftlicher Perspektive, mit besonderem Fokus auf die Freizeitbildung, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Gerd-Bodo von Carlsburg,Martina Möller
Reflexive Writing and the Negotiation of Spanish Modernity, New edition |
Author/Editor: Arthur J. HughesHughes
Reflexivitaet im tschechisch-deutschen Sprachvergleich, New edition |
Author/Editor: Roland Wagner
Reformation und Humanismus, New edition |
Author/Editor: Wilhelm Schwendemann
Reformation Worlds, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sean A. Otto,Thomas P. Power
Reformbedarf im Spruchverfahren, New edition |
Author/Editor: Philipp Loosen
Reform der existenzvernichtenden Vorstandshaftung, New edition |
Author/Editor: Isabelle KilianKilian
Reform der Leasingbilanzierung nach IAS/IFRS, New edition |
Author/Editor: Elke Mayer
Re-forming the Nation in Literature and Film - Entwuerfe zur Nation in Literatur und Film, New edition |
Author/Editor: Julian Ernest Preece
Reformmodelle in der Berufsorientierung, New edition |
Author/Editor: Lothar Beinke
Reformueberlegungen zum deutschen Schleusungsstrafrecht: Ein Rechtsvergleich zum U.S.-amerikanischen Recht, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Philip Adrian Ullrich
Reframing Realities through Translation, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Ali Almanna,Juan José Martínez Sierra
Reframing Reformulation: A Theoretical-Experimental Approach: Evidence from the Spanish Discourse Marker "o sea", Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Shima Salameh Jiménez
Reframing the European Other: Identity and Belonging in Contemporary French and German Cinema, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Fiona Handyside,Danielle Hipkins,Mariana Liz,Catherine Wheatley,Kamil Zapaśnik
Reframing the History of Family and Kinship: From the Alps towards Europe, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jon Mathieu,Dionigi Albera,Luigi Lorenzetti
Refugees, Migration, and Conflicts in South Asia: Rethinking Lives, Politics, and Policy, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Debasish Nandy,Sajal Roy
Refusal to License- Intellectual Property Rights as Abuse of Dominance, New edition |
Author/Editor: Claudia Schmidt
Refusing to be Forgotten: Southern Conservatism and the Political Thought of M. E. Bradford, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Marcin Gajek,Bohdan Szklarski
Regard historique sur la diplomatie féminine en Autriche et en France, New edition |
Author/Editor: Julie Anne Demel
Regards croisés sur la banlieue, New edition |
Author/Editor: Juliet Carpenter,Christina Horvath
Regards croisés sur les transhumanismes, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Emilie Gaillard,Amandine Cayol
Regards français sur le conflit nord-irlandais, New edition |
Author/Editor: Karine Deslandes
Regards lexiculturels sur la traduction juridique, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Nadine Rentel,Jorge Valdenebro Sánchez,Nejmeddine Khalfallah,Fu'ad Al-Qaisi
Regards sur le cosmopolitisme européen, New edition |
Author/Editor: Muriel Rouyer,Catherine de Wrangel,Emmanuelle Bousquet,Stefania Cubeddu
Regards sur le jeu en didactique des langues et des cultures: Penser, concevoir, évaluer, former, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Haydée Silva
Regards sur les « spectateurs », New edition |
Author/Editor: Klaus-Dieter Ertler,Alexis Lévrier,Michaela Fischer
Regards éthiques sur l’Union européenne, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ignace Berten,Gabriel Fragnière,Philippe D. Grosjean,Peter Knauer
Regelfolgen, Regelschaffen, Regelaendern: Die Herausforderung fuer Auto-Nomie und Universalismus durch Ludwig Wittgenstein, Martin Heidegger und Carl Schmitt, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Manuela Massa,James Thompson,Stefan Knauß,Matthias Kaufmann
Regeln und kein Ende, New edition |
Author/Editor: Demeter Michael Ikonomu
Regeneration, Citizenship, and Justice in the American City since the 1970s, New edition |
Author/Editor: Aneta Dybska
Regesten der Urkunden der Herrschaft Luebbenau im Brandenburgischen Landeshauptarchiv: Bearbeitet von Susanne Wittern, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Mario Glauert,Susanne Wittern
Regimelegitimitaet und regionale Kooperation im Golf-Kooperationsrat (Gulf Cooperation Council), New edition |
Author/Editor: Leonie Holthaus
Regional Differences in Women Entrepreneurship, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Esra Sena Türko
Regional Discourses on Society and History: Shaping the Caribbean, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Jerome Teelucksingh,Shane Pantin
Regionale Energiewende, New edition |
Author/Editor: Kathrin Müller
Regionale Erzeugnisse aus Deutschland: Rahmenbedingungen und Perspektiven aus wirtschaftlicher und rechtlicher Sicht, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Friedrich-Philipp Becker
Regionale Felder der Elektromobilitaet, New edition |
Author/Editor: Friedemann Koll
Regionale Unterschiede der politischen Kultur in Deutschland und Europa, New edition |
Author/Editor: Christoph Schneider
Regionale wirtschaftliche Integration und die Europaeische Union, New edition |
Author/Editor: Tobias Wagner
Regional Histories and Historical Regions, New edition |
Author/Editor: Marta Grzechnik
Author/Editor: Haktan SEVINÇ
Regional Integration and Social Cohesion, New edition |
Author/Editor: Candice Moore
Regionalitaet in Johann Jakob Bodmers Uebersetzungen von Miltons «Paradise Lost»: Von der diatopischen zur diastratischen Profilierung, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Peter Seibert,Ayako Miyajima
The Regional Trade Agreements in the Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus: Is multilateralization of regionalism possible?, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Seljan Verdiyeva
Regulating Social Media in China, New edition |
Author/Editor: Bei Guo
Regulation of Cloud Services under US and EU Antitrust, Competition and Privacy Laws, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sára Gabriella Hoffman
Regulatory Discourses in Education, New edition |
Author/Editor: Tony Brown,Dennis Atkinson,Janice England
Regulierung als Erscheinungsform der Gewaehrleistungsverwaltung, New edition |
Author/Editor: Inkook Kay
Regulierung anwaltlicher Parteivertreter in internationalen Schiedsverfahren, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sven Hasenstab
Regulierung des Hochfrequenzhandels in US- und EU-Aktienmaerkten, New edition |
Author/Editor: Pierre Zickert
Regulierung des Lobbyismus, New edition |
Author/Editor: Marcel MichaelisMichaelis
Regulierungsbedarf grenzueberschreitender Betriebsuebergaenge, New edition |
Author/Editor: Michaela Felisiak
Regulierungseffekte von kollektivem Rechtsschutz auf dem Kapitalmarkt, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Rajib Matin
Regulierungsoptionen fuer Related Party Transactions, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Gülsah Civelek
Regulierung und zivilrechtliche Verantwortlichkeit von Ratingagenturen, New edition |
Author/Editor: Moritz Schuler
The Rehabilitation and Ethnic Vetting of the Polish Population in the Voivodship of Gdańsk after World War II, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: George Szenderowicz,Sylwia Bykowska
Rehumanizing the Language Curriculum, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Megan M. Echevarría
Reichsdramaturgie, New edition |
Author/Editor: Gunter Reiß
Reimaginar la piel: Voces y corporalidades travestidas en la literatura iberoamericana contemporánea, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Assia Mohssine,Juan de Dios Torralbo Caballero,Assia Mohssine,Daniel Rodrigues
The Reimagined Community: A Postnationalist Kaleidoscope of European Cinema, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Olle Sjögren
Reimagineering the Nation, New edition |
Author/Editor: Aleksandra Ålund,Carl-Ulrik Schierup,Anders Neergaard
(Re)imagining African Independence, New edition |
Author/Editor: Maria do Carmo Piçarra,Teresa Castro
Re-Imagining and Re-Placing New York and Istanbul: Exploring the Heterotopic and Third Spaces in Paul Auster's and Orhan Pamuk’s City Novels, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Hatice Bay
The Reimagining Ireland Reader, New edition |
Author/Editor: Eamon Maher
Reimagining Irish Studies for the Twenty-First Century, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Eamon Maher,Eugene O'Brien
Reimagining Kenyan Cinema, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Charles Kebaya,Christopher Joseph Odhiambo
Reimagining the Family: Lesbian Mothering in Contemporary French Literature, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Robert Payne
Reimagining the Jews of Ireland: Historiography, Identity and Representation, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Eamon Maher,Zuleika Rodgers,Natalie Wynn
Re-Imagining the Limits of the Human, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Patrycja Austin,Elzbieta Rokosz-Piejko
Reinforcing Governance, New edition |
Author/Editor: Julia Affolderbach,Travis Du Bry,Olga L. Gonzalez,Constanza Parra
The Re-Institutionalization of Higher Education in the Western Balkans, New edition |
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Reinventing Martial Arts in the 21st Century: Eastern Stimulus, Western Response, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: George Jennings
Re-Inventing Traditions, New edition |
Author/Editor: Joris Corin Heyder,Christine Seidel
Reisefuehrer - Sprach- und Kulturmittlung im Tourismus / Le guide turistiche - mediazione linguistica e culturale in ambito turistico, New edition |
Author/Editor: Tania BaumannBaumann
Reisen durch die Paedagogik und Bildung: Transepochale Forschung in der Erziehungswissenschaft, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: David Paulus,Patrick Gollub
Reisen, Erzaehlungen und Erinnerungen von fuenf Maraini-Frauen: Eine transgenerationale Familientopografie, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Daria Rizzello
Reisen in der deutschen Literatur: Realitaet und Phantasie, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Berta Raposo,Christian Prado-Wohlwend
Reisen zum Ich, New edition |
Author/Editor: Monika Hohbein- Deegen
Reisetagebuch 1940/41 – Die Grand Tour des Jurastudenten Heinrich Schuett: In 80 Tagen von Berlin via Rom zum Bosporus und zurueck, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Jürgen Plöhn
Reiseziel Italien, New edition |
Author/Editor: Alessandra Lombardi,Lucia Mor,Nikola Roßbach
Rekonstruktionen interkultureller Kompetenz, New edition |
Author/Editor: Nadine Stahlberg
Relaciones entre las literaturas ibéricas y las literaturas extranjeras, New edition |
Author/Editor: Luis Pegenaute,Enric Gallén,Francisco Lafarga
Relaciones intelectuales entre Nicolai Hartmann y José Ortega y Gasset en los años 1906-1914, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Dorota Leszczyna
Relatar la catástrofe en el Siglo de Oro: Entre noticia y narración, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Gennaro Schiano
Related Party Transactions auf dem Pruefstand, New edition |
Author/Editor: Tobias RothRoth
Related Party Transactions im Lichte der Aktionaersrechterichtlinie – Die Auswirkungen der Aktionaersrechterichtlinie auf das deutsche Aktien(konzern)recht, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Dorothee Thérèse Barg
Related Party Transactions, New edition |
Author/Editor: Victor KleneKlene
Relating through Prayer: Identity Formation in Early Christianity, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Maria Louise Munkholt Christensen
The Relational Company, New edition |
Author/Editor: Josep Lozano
The Relational Gaze on a Changing Society, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Paolo Terenzi,Elisabetta Carrà
Relationality in Education of Morality, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Andrej Rajský,Marek Wiesenganger
Relational Ministry, New edition |
Author/Editor: Catherine Gibson
Relational Reason, Morals and Sociality, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Elzbieta Halas,Aleksander Manterys
The Relational Theology of James E. Loder, New edition |
Author/Editor: Kenneth E. Kovacs
The Relational Theory Of Society: Archerian Studies vol. 2, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Jan Burzynski,Krzysztof Wielecki,Klaudia Sledzinska
Relation du poème à son temps : interrogations contemporaines, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jacqueline Michel,Annette Shahar
The Relationship between Human Development, Exports and Foreign Direct Investments in Emerging Europe, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jan Jakub Michalek,Michal Brzozowski,Andrzej Cieslik
The Relationship between Literature and Science in John Banville’s Scientific Tetralogy, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sidia Fiorato
The Relationship between Mariology and Ecclesiology in the Theological Thinking of John Paul II, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ngah Andrew Kushu-Solii
Relation without Relation: Intercultural Theology as Decolonizing Mission Practice, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Mariano Delgado,Hyuk Cho
Relativsatzeinleitungen in der Nuernberger Stadtsprache aus dem 16. Jahrhundert: Eine historisch-soziolinguistische Analyse, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Mariko Morisawa
Relatos decimonónicos sobre el tiempo de Enrique III de Castilla, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Montserrat Ribao Pereira
Relatos de la conversación coloquial: «Decir» y discurso directo, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Margarita Natalia Borreguero Zuloaga,Elisa Benavent Payá
Religioese Bildung als Weg, New edition |
Author/Editor: Peter Graf
Religioese Frueherziehung in Judentum, Islam und Christentum, New edition |
Author/Editor: Kathrin Klausing,Erna Zonne
Religioese Reformvorstellungen als Krisensymptom?, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jörn Meyers
Religion and American Politics: Domestic and International Contexts, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Marcin Grabowski,Paulina Napierała
Religion and Development, New edition |
Author/Editor: Tomas Sundnes Drønen
Religion and foreign affairs: Interreligious dialogue, diplomacy and peace-building, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Mario Torres Jarrin
Religion and Identity in Germany Today, New edition |
Author/Editor: Julian Ernest Preece,Frank Finlay,Sinéad Crowe
Religion and Popular Culture, 2Revised edition |
Author/Editor: Adam Possamai
Religion and Power in Spinoza: Essays on the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Jörg Rudolf Zimmer,Josep Olesti
Religion and Racism: Exploring the Paradox—Can You Be a Christian and a Racist?, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Theron N. Ford,Blanche Jackson Glimps
Religion and Science Fiction, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Timothy Jenkins
Religion and Secularism in the European Union, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jan Nelis,Caroline Sägesser,Jean-Philippe Schreiber
Religion, Economics, and Politics in FATA-KP: The Enduring Challenges of Merged Tribal Districts in Northwestern Pakistan, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Tahir I. Shad,Syed Hussain Shaheed Soherwordi
Religion: Eine Projektion menschlicher Sehnsuechte, ein Produkt menschlichen Denkens, eine Illusion?, New edition |
Author/Editor: Balthasar Rengga AdoRengga Ado
Religion, Ethics, and History in the French Long Seventeenth Century - La Religion, la morale, et l’histoire à l’âge classique, New edition |
Author/Editor: William Brooks,Rainer Zaiser
Religion, Ethics and Public Education- Religion, Ethik und oeffentliche Bildung- Religia, etyka i edukacja publiczna, New edition |
Author/Editor: Dariusz Aleksandrowicz
Religion im Zeitalter der Globalisierung, New edition |
Author/Editor: Mizrap Polat
Religion in multikulturellen und multireligioesen Staaten Ostasiens, New edition |
Author/Editor: Karl-Fritz Daiber
Religion in postsaekularer Gesellschaft, New edition |
Author/Editor: Franz Gmainer-Pranzl,Sigrid Rettenbacher
Religion, Interreligious Learning and Education: Edited and revised by L. Philip Barnes, King’s College London, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Karlo Meyer
Religion in the Public Sphere in Central and Eastern Europe, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Zdzislaw Mach,Emilia Moddelmog-Anweiler
Religion, Law, and the Present Water Crisis, New edition |
Author/Editor: Richard A. Hughes
Religion – Macht – Freiheit, New edition |
Author/Editor: Thomas Brose
Religion, New edition |
Author/Editor: H. Sidky
Religion, Politics and Cults in East Africa, New edition |
Author/Editor: Emmanuel K. Twesigye
Religion Revealed, New edition |
Author/Editor: John R. Elford
Religions in World- and Global History, New edition |
Author/Editor: Hans-Heinrich Nolte
Religions tolérées et religions interdites dans l'empire Romain: La réglementation institutionnelle et juridique des cultes étrangers par Rome des origines à la christianisation de l’Empire, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Adalberto Giovannini
Religion und/als Hysterie in den Romanen "Soeur Philomène" und "Madame Gervaisais" der Brueder Goncourt, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Saba Bahamdain
Religion und Politik, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jörg Dierken,Dirk Evers
Religion und Religionen bei Karl Barth und Joseph Ratzinger, New edition |
Author/Editor: Michael MüllerMüller
Religion und Religionskultur, New edition |
Author/Editor: Edmund Weber
Religion und Sprache- Religion and Language, New edition |
Author/Editor: Marietta Calderón Tichy,Georg Marko
Religious and Secular Theater in Golden Age Spain, New edition |
Author/Editor: Susan Paun de García,Donald R. Larson
Religious Authority and the Arts, New edition |
Author/Editor: Liam Francis Gearon
Religious Discourse, Social Cohesion and Conflict, New edition |
Author/Editor: Frans Wijsen
Religious Education and Freedom of Religion and Belief, New edition |
Author/Editor: Stephen Parker,Rob Freathy,Leslie J. Francis
The Religious Experience in the Book of Psalms, New edition |
Author/Editor: Shamai Gelander
Religious Experience: North and South, New edition |
Author/Editor: René Gothóni
Religious Liberty in the Educational System of the United States: From the 1980s to the Present, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Iwona Zamkowska
Religious Peacebuilding in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Roger Alfani
Religious Studies, New edition |
Author/Editor: Adrián Slavkovský
Religious Toleration in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age: An Anthology of Literary, Theological, and Philosophical Texts, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Albrecht Classen
Relire Madeleine Bourdouxhe, New edition |
Author/Editor: Cécile Kovacshasy,Christiane Solte-Gresser
Remaking Patients—Space Politics Under the Conflict Between Chinese and Western Medicine (1832-1985), Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Nianqun Yang
Re-Making the Italians, New edition |
Author/Editor: Gala Rebane
Remediation: Crossing Discursive Boundaries: Central European Perspective, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Bogumila Suwara,Mariusz Pisarski
Remembering the Germans in Ghana, New edition |
Author/Editor: Dennis Laumann
Remembering Viet Nam: Gustav Hasford, Ron Kovic, Tim O’Brien and the Fabrication of American Cultural Memory, New edition |
Author/Editor: Regula Fuchs
The Remnants of Modernity, New edition |
Author/Editor: Przemyslaw Czaplinski
Remnants of Wehrmacht Soldiers: Burial and Commemoration Practices of German Soldiers of the Second World War in Russia and Europe, 1941 – 2023, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Machteld Venken,Nina Janz
Remote and Hybrid Working: Variants, Determinants, Outcomes, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Alev Özer Torgalöz,Sevgin Batuk
Remote Interpreting in Healthcare Settings, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Esther de Boe
Renaissance Craftsmen and Humanistic Scholars, New edition |
Author/Editor: Thomas Horst,Marília dos Santos Lopes,Henrique Leitão
Renaissance Now!, New edition |
Author/Editor: Brendan Dooley
Renaissance Studies, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jennifer H. Finkel,Michael D. Morford,Dena M. Woodall
Růžena Zátková: Un’artista dimenticata, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Marina Giorgini
Rencontre: Le nouvel humanisme de Wajdi Mouawad, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Simonetta Valenti
Rendre la guerre possible, New edition |
Author/Editor: Christophe Wasinski
Renewable Energy Law in Europe, New edition |
Author/Editor: Franz Jürgen Säcker,Lydia Scholz,Thea Sveen
Renewal and Resistance, New edition |
Author/Editor: Paul Collins
Renewing Democratic Deliberation in Europe, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jean De Munck,Claude Didry,Isabelle Ferreras,Annette Jobert
René Maran’s «Batouala», New edition |
Author/Editor: Susan Allen
René Schickele and Alsace, New edition |
Author/Editor: Aine McGillicuddy
Repenser les stratégies nucléaires: Continuités et ruptures. Un hommage à Lucien Poirier, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Thomas Meszaros
Repercusiones internacionales sobre la Guerra Civil y el franquismo: Memorias empuñadas desde la periferia literaria, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Luz Celestino Souto Larios,Anthony Nuchols
Re-Place, New edition |
Author/Editor: Lisa FitzGerald
Reporting Human Rights, New edition |
Author/Editor: Susana Sampaio-Dias
Repraesentationen des Ethischen, New edition |
Author/Editor: Kalina Kupczynska,Artur Pelka
Repraesentationsweisen des Anthropozaen in Literatur und Medien: Representations of the Anthropocene in Literature and Media, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Gabriele Dürbeck,Jonas Nesselhauf
Author/Editor: Barbara Fraticelli
Representações e perceções das variedades portuguesas no mundo lusófono, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Rafael Arnold,Jannis Harjus,Benjamin Meisnitzer
Representation of Artificial Intelligence in the Arts, Vol. 1: Androids, Golems, and Prometheus, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Fabian Banga
The Representation of Dance in Australian Novels, New edition |
Author/Editor: Melinda Jewell
Representations of German Identity, New edition |
Author/Editor: Deborah Ascher Barnstone,Thomas O. Haakenson
Representations of Muslim Women in German Popular Culture, 1990–2015, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Lauren Selfe
Representations of Otherness in Romanian Philological Studies, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Roxana Grunwald,Silvia Florea,Eric Gilder,Diana Florea
Representations of Palestine in Egyptian Cinema: Politics of (In)visibility, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Claire Begbie
The Representations of the Spanish Civil War in European Children’s Literature (1975-2008), New edition |
Author/Editor: Blanca Ana Roig Rechou,Veljka Ruzicka Kenfel
Representations of War in Films and Novels, New edition |
Author/Editor: Richard Mason,Jaroslaw Suchoples
Representations of Women in Theocritus’s Idylls, New edition |
Author/Editor: Marilyn Likosky
Representing Chinese-Caucasian Romance in Twentieth-Century Anglophone Literature, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Shu Zeng
Representing Repulsion, New edition |
Author/Editor: Katie Jones
Représentation sémantico-conceptuelle et réalisation linguistique, New edition |
Author/Editor: Abdelhadi Bellachhab
Représenter le patronat européen, New edition |
Author/Editor: Hélène Michel
Représenter le pouvoir, New edition |
Author/Editor: Marie-Madeleine Castellani,Fiona McIntosh-Verjabédian
The Republic and the Riots, New edition |
Author/Editor: Matthew Moran
Republican Solipsist: The Life and Times of Joseph McGarrity, 1874–1940, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Eamon Maher,Seán Creagh
The Republic of Ireland – Economic and Social Ecology in a Layered Perspective, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Andrea Jende
Re-Reading Education Policy and Practice in Small States, New edition |
Author/Editor: Tavis D. JulesJules,Patrick ResslerRessler
Re-Reading Margery Kempe in the 21 st Century, New edition |
Author/Editor: Valentina Castagna
Rereading Monika Maron, New edition |
Author/Editor: Deidre Byrnes
Re-rising Japan, New edition |
Author/Editor: Hidekazu Sakai,Yoichiro Sato
Re-Sakralisierung des oeffentlichen Raums in Suedosteuropa nach der Wende 1989?, New edition |
Author/Editor: Alojz Ivanisevic
Research and teaching at the intersection: Navigating the territory of grammar and writing in the context of metalinguistic activity, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Anna Camps,Xavier Fontich
Researchers Remember: Research as an Arena of Memory Among Descendants of Holocaust Survivors, a Collected Volume of Academic Autobiographies, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Judith Tydor Baumel-Schwartz,Shmuel Refael
Researching Discourse in Business Genres, New edition |
Author/Editor: Sylvain Dieltjens,Paul Gillaerts,Priscilla Heynderickx,Geert Jacobs,Elizabeth de Groot
Researching ELT: Classroom Methodology and Beyond, New edition |
Author/Editor: Dincay Köksal
Researching Intertextual Reading, New edition |
Author/Editor: Stephen Bax
Researching Language and the Law, New edition |
Author/Editor: Davide Simone Giannoni,Celina Frade
Researching Learning and Learners in Genre-based Academic Writing Instruction, New edition |
Author/Editor: Wei Wang,Maurizio Gotti
Researching Literacy in a Foreign Language among Primary School Learners- Forschung zum Schrifterwerb in der Fremdsprache bei Grundschuelern, New edition |
Author/Editor: Bärbel Diehr,Jutta Rymarczyk
Researching Mobile Learning, New edition |
Author/Editor: Giasemi Vavoula,Norbert Pachler,Agnes Kukulska-Hulme
Researching Online Foreign Language Interaction and Exchange, New edition |
Author/Editor: Melinda Dooly,Robert O'Dowd
Researching the Changing Profession of Public Relations, New edition |
Author/Editor: Aydemir Okay,Valérie Carayol,Ralph Trench
Researching the Writing Center, New edition |
Author/Editor: Rebecca Day Babcock,Terese Thonus
Research in Second Language Education, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ismail Güleç,Bekir Ince,Alpaslan Okur
Research Methods and Techniques in Public Relations and Advertising, New edition |
Author/Editor: Emine Sahin,Bayram Aydin
Research on Business, New edition |
Author/Editor: Hasan Arslan,Mehmet Ali Icbay,Rasim Yilmaz,Günther Löschnigg
Research on Cultural Studies, New edition |
Author/Editor: Mehmet Ali Icbay,Hasan Arslan,Francesco Sidoti
Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, New edition |
Author/Editor: Hasan Arslan,Mehmet Ali Içbay,Christian Ruggiero
Research on Optimal Consumption Rate and Steady Economic Growth in China, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Zhao Xincheng
Research on Social Studies, New edition |
Author/Editor: Hasan Arslan,Mehmet Ali Icbay,Frederic Jacobs
Research on the Ethnic Relationship and Ethnic Culture Changes in the West of the Tibetan–Yi Corridor, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Gao Zhiying
Research on the Fertility Culture of the Dai Ethnic Group in China, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Shan Guo
A Research Outline of the Tang–Song Social Transformation, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Lin Wenxun
Research Perspectives in Language and Education, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: David Hirsh
Research Perspectives on Teaching and Learning English in Turkey, New edition |
Author/Editor: Yasemin Bayyurt,Yesim Bektas Cetinkaya
Resilience and Success, New edition |
Author/Editor: Kabba E. Colley,Binta M. Colley
Resilient Universities, New edition |
Author/Editor: Jan Erik Karlsen,Rosalind Pritchard
Resilienz, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ulf Hahne,Harald Kegler
Resilienz und Stressempfinden bei Fernstudierenden, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Carolin Paul
Resistance and Emancipation, New edition |
Author/Editor: Ben Bollig,Arturo Casas
Resistance in the Deceleration Lane, New edition |
Author/Editor: Marzena Kubisz
Resisting the Power of Mea Culpa: A Story of Twentieth-Century Ireland, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Gerard Rodgers
Resolution of Conflict of Interest in Chinese Civil Court Hearings, New edition |
Author/Editor: Yunfeng GeGe
«Resolviendo», New edition |
Author/Editor: Cristina García-Alfonso
Resource Rich Muslim Countries and Islamic Institutional Reforms, New edition |
Author/Editor: Liza Mydin,Hossein Askari,Abbas Mirakhor
Resozialisation von Jugendlichen in oeffentlichen Einrichtungen, New edition |
Author/Editor: Janine Truniger
Respectable Professionals: The Origins of the Liberal Professions in Nineteenth-Century Spain, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Raquel Sánchez,David Martínez-Vilches
Respect, Defense, and Self-Identity, New edition |
Author/Editor: Phillip Chong Ho Shon
Responsible Economics, New edition |
Author/Editor: Hendrik Opdebeeck
«Res publica» Redefined?, New edition |
Author/Editor: Miia Ijäs
Ressourcenorientierte Erfolgsfaktoren des Turnaround-Managements, New edition |
Author/Editor: Hasan Sürgit
Ressources minérales et transitions: Trajectoires politiques du sous-sol français au 21ème siècle, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Sébastien Chailleux,Sylvain Le Berre,Yann Gunzburger
Ressources, patrimoine, territoires et développement durable, New edition |
Author/Editor: Muriel Maillefert,Olivier Petit,Sandrine Rousseau
Restoring Dignity in Rural and Urban Madagascar, New edition |
Author/Editor: Marianne Skjortnes
Restrukturierungsvereinbarungen mit Distressed Hedge Funds: Eine aktienrechtliche Analyse, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Jan-Philipp Heinzmann
The Resurrection of the «Spectre», New edition |
Author/Editor: Sercan Hamza BaglamaBaglama
Retail Marketing Communication and the Consumer Behaviour of Selected Generations, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Tomáš Fašiang,Daniela Kollárová,Alena Kusá
(Re)telling Old Stories, New edition |
Author/Editor: Dominic Glynn
Retelling the Law, New edition |
Author/Editor: Bartosz Adamczewski
Rethinking Black German Studies: Approaches, Interventions and Histories, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Tiffany Florvil,Vanessa Plumly
Rethinking Development Strategies in Africa, New edition |
Author/Editor: Johnson W. Makoba
Rethinking East-Central Europe: family systems and co-residence in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, New edition |
Author/Editor: Mikolaj Szoltysek
Rethinking European Union In A Changing World: Politics, Economics And Issues, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Ömer UGUR
Rethinking ‘Identities’, New edition |
Author/Editor: Lucille Cairns,Santiago Fouz-Hernandez
Rethinking Intercultural Competence: Theoretical Challenges and Practical Issues, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Theo Harden,Arnd Witte
Rethinking Learning Networks, New edition |
Author/Editor: Annelies Kamp
Rethinking Multimodal Literacy in Theory and Practice, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Elena Domínguez Romero,Jelena Bobkina,Svetlana Stefanova Radoulska,Carmen Herrero
Rethinking Orient, New edition |
Author/Editor: Adam Bednarczyk,Magdalena Kubarek,Maciej Szatkowski
Re-thinking Posthumanism across the Global South: An Introduction, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Bapin Mallick,Nikhilesh Dhar
Rethinking the Academy: Beyond Eurocentrism in Higher Education, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Augie Fleras
Re-thinking the Angelic Doctor: W. Norris Clarke and the Concept of Person in Thomas Aquinas, Ed. 1New edition |
Author/Editor: Aloysius N. Ezeoba
Rethinking the Australian Dilemma: Economics and Foreign Policy, 1942-1957, Ed. New edition |
Author/Editor: Bill Apter
Re-thinking the Day of YHWH and Restoration of Fortunes in the Prophet Zephaniah, New edition |
Author/Editor: Michael Udoekpo
Rethinking the Human Person, New edition |
Author/Editor: Nahal Jafroudi