Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles ( displaying 500 of 910 ) | Information |
1 and 2 Corinthians |
Author/Editor: Kim, Yung Suk
1 Chronicles |
Author/Editor: Klein, Ralph W
1 Corinthians |
Author/Editor: Conzelmann, Hans
1 Enoch |
Author/Editor: Nickelsburg, George W. E.; VanderKam, James C
1 Enoch 1 |
Author/Editor: Nickelsburg, George W. E
1 Enoch 2 |
Author/Editor: Nickelsburg, George W. E
1 Peter |
Author/Editor: Achtemeier, Paul J
2 Chronicles |
Author/Editor: Klein, Ralph W
2 Corinthians 8 and 9 |
Author/Editor: Betz, Hans Dieter
2 Maccabees |
Author/Editor: Doran, Robert
30-Day Journey with Dietrich Bonhoeffer |
Author/Editor: Mauldin, Joshua
30-Day Journey with Dorothy Day |
Author/Editor: Fannin, Coleman
30-Day Journey with Jane Austen |
Author/Editor: Duquette, Natasha
30-Day Journey with Martin Luther King Jr |
Author/Editor: Chism, Jonathan
30-Day Journey with St. Hildegard of Bingen |
Author/Editor: Sterringer, Shanon
4 Ezra and 2 Baruch |
Author/Editor: Henze, Matthias; Stone, Michael E
51% Christian |
Author/Editor: MARK STENBERG,Nadia Bolz-Weber,Joel Hodgson
Abraham in the Works of John Chrysostom |
Author/Editor: Tonias, Demetrios E
Abraham Our Father |
The Absence of God in Biblical Rape Narratives |
Author/Editor: Schulte, Leah Rediger
Abundance: Creating a Culture of Generosity |
Author/Editor: MICHAEL R. WARD
Acting for Others |
Author/Editor: Kusnierikova, Michaela
Activist Theology |
Author/Editor: Henderson-Espinoza, Robyn
Acts |
Author/Editor: Pervo, Richard I
Acts of the Apostles |
Author/Editor: Conzelmann, Hans
Acts of the Apostles |
Author/Editor: Allen, Ronald J
Addiction and Recovery: A Spiritual Pilgrimage |
Author/Editor: Martha Postlethwaite
The Aesthetics of Atheism: Theology and Imagination in Contemporary Culture |
Author/Editor: Kutter Callaway,Barry Taylor
"After Ten Years": Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Our Times |
Author/Editor: Victoria J. Barnett
The Age of the Sages |
Aging and Loving: Christian Love and Sexuality in Later Life |
Author/Editor: James M. Childs Jr.
Ain't I a Womanist, Too? |
Author/Editor: Coleman, Monica A.; Maparyan, Layli
All the Ways Our Dead Still Speak: A Funeral Director on Life, Death, and the Hereafter |
Author/Editor: CALEB WILDE
Althanasius and the Holy Spirit |
Author/Editor: Kevin Douglas Hill
Altogether Lovely: A Thematic and Intertextual Reading of the Song of Songs |
Amos |
Author/Editor: Paul, Shalom M
Anatomy of the New Testament |
Author/Editor: Spivey, Robert A
Anatomy of the New Testament, 8th Edition, Ed. 8 |
. . . And the Church Actually Changed |
Author/Editor: Standish, N. Graham
Angry Like Jesus |
Author/Editor: SARAH SUMNER
Anna B. Hoppe: Her Life and Hymnody |
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Joy Urtel
The Annnotated Luther |
Author/Editor: Hans J. Hillerbrand,Hans J. Hillerbrand,Kirsi I. Stjerna,Timothy J. Wengert
The Annotated Luther |
Author/Editor: Kirsi I. Stjerna,Hans J. Hillerbrand,Kirsi I. Stjerna,Timothy J. Wengert
The Annotated Luther |
Author/Editor: Timothy J. Wengert,Hans J. Hillerbrand,Kirsi I. Stjerna,Timothy J. Wengert
The Annotated Luther, Volume 3 |
Author/Editor: Paul W. Robinson,Hans J. Hillerbrand,Kirsi I. Stjerna,Timothy J. Wengert
The Annotated Luther, Volume 4 |
Author/Editor: Mary Jane Haemig,Hans J. Hillerbrand,Kirsi I. Stjerna,Timothy J. Wengert
The Annotated Luther, Volume 6 |
Author/Editor: Cameron, Euan
The Anointed Church |
Author/Editor: Gregory J. Liston
Anthology of African Christianity |
Author/Editor: Isabel Apawo Phiri ,Dietrich Werner ,Chammah Kaunda ,Kennedy Owino ,Edison Kalengyo ,Priscille Djomhue ,Kudzai Biri ,Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu ,James Am
Anticipating God's New Creation: Essays in Honor of Ted Peters |
Author/Editor: Carol Jacobson,Adam Pryor
Antiochene Theoria in the Writings of Theodore of Mopsuestia and Theodoret of Cyrus |
Author/Editor: Richard J. Perhai
Apocalypses in Context |
Author/Editor: Kelly J. Murphy,Justin Jeffcoat Schedtler
The Apocrypha |
Author/Editor: Gale A. Yee,Hugh R. Page Jr.,Matthew J. M. Coomber
An Apocryphal God |
Author/Editor: Mark McEntire
The Apostolicity of the Church: Study Document of the Lutheran-Roman Catholic Commission on Unity |
The Apostolic Tradition |
Author/Editor: Bradshaw, Paul F
The Art of Empire |
Author/Editor: Lee M. Jefferson,Robin M. Jensen
The Art of Living for A Technological Age |
Author/Editor: Ashley John Moyse
Ascent into Heaven in Luke-Acts |
Author/Editor: David K. Bryan,David W. Pao
Asia's Forgotten Christian Story: Church of the East Monastic Mission in Ninth???Century Asia |
Author/Editor: Steve Cochrane
Athanasius and His Legacy: Trinitarian-Incarnational Soteriology and Its Reception |
Author/Editor: Thomas G. Weinandy,Daniel A. Keating
Athanasius and the Holy Spirit: The Development of His Early Pneumatology |
Author/Editor: Kevin Douglas Hill
The Athlete Inside: The Transforming Power of Hope, Tenacity, and Faith |
Author/Editor: SUE REYNOLDS
Atlas of Christian History |
Author/Editor: Dowley, Tim
Atlas of the European Reformations |
Author/Editor: Tim Dowley,Nick Rowland
Atlas of World Religions |
Author/Editor: Dowley, Timothy
The Augsburg Confession in Parish Life and Faith |
Author/Editor: Wengert, Timothy J
August Crull and the Story of the Lutheran Hymn-Book 1912 |
Author/Editor: JON D. VIEKER
Augustine and the Mystery of the Church |
Author/Editor: Lee, Jason K
Augustine on War and Military Service |
Augustine's Theology of Preaching |
Author/Editor: Sanlon, Peter T
The Augustinian Alternative: Religious Skepticism and the Search for a Liberal Politics |
Author/Editor: Benjamin J. Wood
The Authors of the Deuteronomistic History |
Author/Editor: Peterson, Brian Neil
Bach Through the Year: The Church Music of Johann Sebastian Bach and Revised Common Lectionary |
Author/Editor: John S. Setterlund
Barcelona, Berlin, New York |
Author/Editor: Bonhoeffer, Dietrich; Green, Clifford J.; Stott, Douglas W
Becoming a Christian in Christendom |
Author/Editor: Jason A. Mahn
Becoming an Anti-Racist Church |
Author/Editor: Joseph Barndt
Becoming Like Creoles: Living and Leading at the Intersections of Injustice, Culture, and Religion |
Behind the Public Veil |
Author/Editor: Lewis V. Baldwin,Frye Gaillard
Being Deified |
Author/Editor: David Russell Mosley
Being Salvation |
Author/Editor: Brandon R. Peterson
Berlin |
Author/Editor: Best, Isabel; Bonhoeffer, Dietrich; Higgins, David
Between Apocalypse and Eschaton |
Author/Editor: Joseph S. Flipper
Between Magisterium and Marketplace |
Author/Editor: Saler, Robert C
Between the Sea and the Sky: Lived Religion on the Sea Shore |
Author/Editor: P. T. MATHEW
Beyond Apathy |
Author/Editor: Elisabeth T. Vasko
Beyond Church Walls |
Author/Editor: Rick Rouse
Beyond Shame: Creating a Healthy Sex Life on Your Own Terms |
The Bible |
Author/Editor: Sumney, Jerry L
Bible and Ethics in the Christian Life |
Author/Editor: Birch, Bruce C.; Lapsley, Jacqueline E.; Moe-Lobeda, Cynthia D
The Bible as Political Artifact: On The Feminist Study of the Hebrew Bible |
Author/Editor: Susanne Scholz
The Bible in Human Transformation |
Author/Editor: Wink, Walter
Biblical Interpretation in the Early Church |
Author/Editor: Michael Graves,GEORGE KALANTZIS
Big Questions, Worthy Dreams |
Author/Editor: Parks, Sharon Daloz
Bipolar Faith |
Author/Editor: Monica A. Coleman
Bitten by a Camel |
Author/Editor: Kent Dobson
Blessed Are the Peacemakers: Pacifism, Just War, and Peacebuilding |
Blessings for the Long Night: Poems and Meditations to Help You through Depression |
Bodies of Peace |
Author/Editor: Werntz, Myles
Body Parts: A Theological Anthropology |
Bonhoeffer: A Brief Overview of the Life and Writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer |
Author/Editor: JOHN W. MATTHEWS
The Bonhoeffer Reader |
Author/Editor: DeJonge, Michael P.; Green, Clifford J
Book of Harmony |
Author/Editor: Martin J. Lohrmann
The Book That Breathes New Life |
Author/Editor: Brueggemann, Walter
Breaking Bread, Breaking Beats |
Author/Editor: The CERCL Writing Collective
A Brief Introduction to Buddhism |
Author/Editor: Dowley, Tim
A Brief Introduction to Christianity |
Author/Editor: Dowley, Tim
A Brief Introduction to Hinduism |
Author/Editor: Dowley, Tim
A Brief Introduction to Islam |
Author/Editor: Dowley, Tim
A Brief Introduction to Jainism and Sikhism |
Author/Editor: Dowley, Tim
A Brief Introduction to Judaism |
Author/Editor: Dowley, Tim
Bugenhagen's Jonah: Biblical Interpretation As Public Theology |
Author/Editor: Martin J. Lohrmann
The Bush Still Burns: How Spirituality and Organizing Transformed a Pastor and Congregation |
By Bread Alone |
Author/Editor: McGinn, Sheila E.; Ngan, Lai Ling Elizabeth; Pilarski, Ahida Calderon
By the Rivers of Babylon |
Author/Editor: ROBERT P. HOCH
Called to Unity: For the Sake of Mission, Vol. 25 |
Author/Editor: John Gibaut ,Knud Jørgensen
Cancer is Funny |
Author/Editor: JASON MICHELI
Can Only One Religion Be True? |
Author/Editor: Stewart, Robert B
Caring Liturgies |
Author/Editor: Smith, Susan Marie
Carnal Knowledge of God |
Author/Editor: Rebecca M. M. Voelkel
Carrying Them with Us: Living through Pregnancy or Infant Loss |
Author/Editor: David M. Engelstad,Catherine A. Malotky
A Century of Catholic Mission: Roman Catholic Missiology 1910 to the Present, Vol. 15 |
Author/Editor: Stephen B. Bevans
The Challenge of History |
Author/Editor: Chalamet, Christophe
Changing Horizons |
Author/Editor: Fiorenza, Elisabeth Schussler
Charles W. Ore: An American Original |
Author/Editor: Irene Beethe
A Child Shall Lead Them |
Author/Editor: Burrow, Rufus
Chosen Nations |
Author/Editor: Littlefield, Christina L
Christ and Analogy |
Author/Editor: Johnson, Junius
Christ as Sacrament and Example: Luther's Theology of the Cross and its Relevance for South Asia |
Author/Editor: Jhakmak Neeraj Ekka
Christ Crucified in a Suffering World |
Author/Editor: Hieb, Nathan D
Christ Divided |
Author/Editor: Walker Grimes, Katie
Christian Doctrine and the Grammar of Difference |
Author/Editor: Janice McRandal
Christian Economic Ethics |
Author/Editor: Finn, Daniel K
Christian Ethics at the Boundary |
Author/Editor: Karen V. Guth
Christianity and Cultures: Shaping Christian Thinking in Context |
Author/Editor: David Emmanuel Singh ,Bernard C. Farr
Christianity in India: Conversion, Community Development, and Religious Freedom |
Author/Editor: Rebecca Samuel Shah,Joel Carpenter
Christianity Made in India |
Author/Editor: ROGER E. HEDLUND
Christian Social Teachings |
Author/Editor: Childs Jr., James M.; Forell, George W
Christian Theology in African Context: Essential Writings of Eshetu Abate |
Author/Editor: Samuel Yonas Deressa
Christian Thought in America |
Author/Editor: Hannah Schell,Daniel Ott
Christian Understandings of Christ |
Author/Editor: Jensen, David H
Christian Understandings of Creation |
Author/Editor: Edwards, Denis
Christian Understandings of Evil |
Author/Editor: Charlene P. E. Burns,Denis R. Janz
Christian Understandings of the Future |
Author/Editor: Amy Frykholm,Denis R. Janz
Christian Understandings of the Trinity |
Author/Editor: Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen,Denis R. Janz
Christ Is King |
Author/Editor: Joshua W. Jipp
Christ the Light |
Author/Editor: Whidden, David L
Christ the Miracle Worker in Early Christian Art |
Author/Editor: Jefferson, Lee M
Church and Empire |
Author/Editor: Maria E. Doerfler,George Kalantzis
Church Camp: Bad Skits, Cry Night, and How White Evangelicalism Betrayed a Generation |
Author/Editor: CARA MEREDITH
The Church in Act |
Author/Editor: Maxwell E. Johnson
A Church Undone |
Author/Editor: Mary M. Solberg
Citizenship in Heaven and on Earth |
Author/Editor: Alexander Massmann
Cleansed Lepers, Cleansed Hearts |
Author/Editor: Pamela Shellberg
Clothing |
Author/Editor: Jensen, David H
The Collected Sermons of Dietrich Bonhoeffer |
Author/Editor: Best, Isabel; Bonhoeffer, Dietrich
The Collected Sermons of Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: Dietrich Bonhoeffer,Victoria J. Barnett,Claudia D. Bergmann,Isabel Best,Lisa E. Dahill,Scott A. Moore,Mary C. Nebelsick,Anne Schmidt-Lange,Douglas W. Stott,Victoria J. Barnett
Colossians and Philemon |
Author/Editor: Lohse, Eduard
Coming Full Circle |
Author/Editor: Steven Charleston,Elaine A. Robinson
Communal Reading in the Time of Jesus: A Window into Early Christian Reading Practices |
Author/Editor: BRIAN J. WRIGHT
Comparative Religious Ethics |
Author/Editor: Gudorf, Christine E
Comparing Judaism and Christianity |
Author/Editor: E. P. Sanders
A Complicated Pregnancy: Whether Mary was a Virgin and Why It Matters |
Author/Editor: Kyle Roberts
Comprehending Christian Zionism |
Author/Editor: Gunner, Goran; Smith, Robert O
Confident Humility: Becoming Your Full Self without Becoming Full of Yourself |
Author/Editor: DAN KENT
Consider Leviathan |
Author/Editor: Doak, Brian R
Constructing Constructive Theology |
Author/Editor: Jason A. Wyman Jr.
The Contemplative Counselor |
Author/Editor: Nolasco Jr., Rolf R
Contemplative Witnessing: BIPOC-Centered Spiritual Direction |
Author/Editor: CINDY S. LEE
Contemporary Christologies |
Author/Editor: Schweitzer, Don
Contemporary Pentecostal Christianity: Interpretations from an African Context |
Author/Editor: J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu ,Allan Anderson ,Nimi Wariboko
Correlating Sobornost |
Author/Editor: Ashley John Moyse,Scott A. Kirkland,John C. McDowell
A Council for the Global Church |
Author/Editor: Massimo Faggioli
Couples in Conflict |
Author/Editor: Richardson, Ronald W
The Courage of Faith |
Author/Editor: Gaebler, Mary
Crazy Book: A Not-So-Stuffy Dictionary of Biblical Terms, Revised and Expanded Edition |
Author/Editor: Rolf A. Jacobson,Karl N. Jacobson,Hans H. Wiersma
Crazy Talk |
Author/Editor: Rolf A. Jacobson,Karl N. Jacobson,Marc D. Olson,Megan J. Thorvilson,Megan L. Torgerson,Hans H. Wiersma
The Creative Word |
Author/Editor: Brueggemann, Walter
Creativity as Sacrifice |
Author/Editor: James M. Watkins
Creator God, Evolving World |
Author/Editor: Crysdale, Cynthia; Ormerod, Neil
Crispina and Her Sisters: Women and Authority in Early Christianity |
The Critical Edition of Q |
Author/Editor: Robinson, James M
The Cross before Constantine |
Author/Editor: Bruce W. Longenecker
The Crosses of Pompeii |
Author/Editor: Bruce W. Longenecker
The Cross of Reality |
Author/Editor: H. Gaylon Barker
Cross Vision |
Author/Editor: Gregory A. Boyd
Cross Vision Study Guide |
Author/Editor: Boyd, Gregory A.; Godsey, Deacon
The Crucified God |
Author/Editor: Moltmann, Jurgen
The Crucifixion of the Warrior God |
Author/Editor: Gregory A. Boyd
The Cry of Tamar |
Author/Editor: Cooper-White, Pamela
The Cultural Life Setting of the Proverbs |
Author/Editor: John J. Pilch
Dangerous Sisters of the Hebrew Bible |
Author/Editor: Kalmanofsky, Amy
Daniel |
Author/Editor: Collins, John J
Dawnlight Breaks: The Hymn Texts and Translations of F. Samuel Janzow |
Author/Editor: David W. Rogner
Dear Church: A Love Letter from a Black Preacher to the Whitest Denomination in the US |
Author/Editor: LENNY DUNCAN
Dearly Beloved: Prince, Spirituality, and This Thing Called Life |
The Death of Race |
Author/Editor: Brian Bantum
Dem Dry Bones |
Author/Editor: Powery, Luke A
Deus providebit |
Author/Editor: Kim, Sung-Sup
Deutero-Isaiah |
Author/Editor: Baltzer, Klaus
Deviant Calvinism |
Author/Editor: Crisp, Oliver D
The Diaconal Church |
Author/Editor: Stephanie Dietrich ,Knud Jørgensen ,Kari Karsrud Korslien ,Kjell Nordstokke ,Martin Junge
Dialectical Theology and Jacques Ellul |
Author/Editor: Van Vleet, Jacob E
Diaspora Christianities |
Author/Editor: George, Sam
Diasporic Feminist Theology |
Author/Editor: Kang, Namsoon
The Didache |
Author/Editor: Niederwimmer, Kurt
Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the Ethical Self |
Author/Editor: Clark J. Elliston
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Follower of the Living Jesus - An Authentic Evangelical Appreciation |
Author/Editor: Michael T. Hayes,JOHN W. MATTHEWS,John W. Matthews
Dignity and Grace: Wisdom for Caregivers and Those Living with Dementia |
Author/Editor: Janet L. Ramsey
The Dionysian Gospel |
Author/Editor: Dennis R. MacDonald
The Dionysian Mystical Theology |
Author/Editor: Paul Rorem
The Disappearance of Eve and the Gender of Christ: Why Traditional Soteriology Requires a Trans* Savior |
Discipleship |
Author/Editor: Bonhoeffer, Dietrich
The Disciples' Prayer |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey B. Gibson
Discovering the Spiritual Wisdom of Trees |
Disputed Temple |
Author/Editor: Barker OFM, John Robert
Divine Eloquence and Human Transformation |
Author/Editor: Fulford, Ben
The Divine in Acts and in Ancient Historiography |
Author/Editor: Scott Shauf
Divine Simplicity: A Biblical and Trinitarian Account |
Author/Editor: JORDAN P. BARRETT
Divine Wrath and Salvation in Matthew |
Author/Editor: Anders Runesson
A Documentary History of Lutheranism, Volumes 1 and 2 |
Author/Editor: Lund, Eric; Grunquist, Mark
Documents and Images for the Study of the Gospels |
Author/Editor: Cartlidge, David R.; Dungan, David L
Dogmatic Aesthetics |
Author/Editor: Wright, Stephen John
Doing Justice |
Author/Editor: Jacobsen, Dennis A
Dominus Mortis |
Author/Editor: Luy, David J
Double Particularity |
Author/Editor: Daniel D. Lee
Douglas John Hall |
Author/Editor: Lott, David B.; Hall, Douglas John
Down in the Valley |
Author/Editor: Julius H. Bailey
A Dual Reception |
Author/Editor: Clayton L. L. Coombs
Early Christianity in Pompeian Light |
Author/Editor: Bruce Longenecker
Ecumenical, Academic, and Pastoral Work |
Author/Editor: Barnett, Victoria J.; Best, Isabel; Bonhoeffer, Dietrich
Ecumenical Adventure |
Author/Editor: West, Charles C
Effective Social Learning |
Author/Editor: Nathan Loewen,Christopher Duncanson-Hales,G. Brooke Lester
Eight Theories of Justice: Perspectives from Philosophical and Theological Ethics |
Author/Editor: Karen Lebacqz ,Matthew J. Gaudet
Elders Rising: The Promise and Peril of Aging |
Author/Editor: Roland D. Martinson
Election of the Lesser Son |
Author/Editor: Wallace, David R
Embedded Grace |
Author/Editor: VanderSchel, Kevin M
Embodied Liturgy |
Author/Editor: Frank C. Senn
Embodied Words, Spoken Signs |
Author/Editor: Beaton, Rhodora E
The Embrace of Eros |
Author/Editor: Kamitsuka, Margaret D
Embracing God's Future without Forgetting the Past: A Conversation about Loss, Grief, and Nostalgia in Congregational Life |
Author/Editor: Michael K. Girlinghouse
Embracing Hopelessness |
Author/Editor: De La Torre, Miguel A
The Emergence of Islam |
Author/Editor: Reynolds, Gabriel Said
Empowering Couples |
Author/Editor: Bidwell, Duane R
Empowering Memory and Movement |
Author/Editor: Fiorenza, Elisabeth Schussler
Encountering Jesus |
Author/Editor: Bennema, Cornelis
Encountering Reality |
Author/Editor: Travis M. Stevick
Encountering the Jewish Future |
Author/Editor: Ellis, Marc H
Encounters with Jesus |
Author/Editor: Destro, Adriana; Pesce, Mauro
The End Is Not Yet: Standing Firm in Apocalyptic Times |
Author/Editor: John W. de Gruchy,Ashley John Moyse,Scott A. Kirkland
The End of Hope--The Beginning |
Author/Editor: McCarroll, Pamela R
The End of Theology |
Author/Editor: Jason S. Sexton,Paul Weston
Engage!: Tools for Ministry in the Community |
Author/Editor: Dana Horrell
Engaging Bonhoeffer |
Engaging Others, Knowing Ourselves: A Lutheran Calling in a Multi-Religious World |
Author/Editor: Carol Schersten LaHurd,Darrell Jodock,Kathryn Mary Lohre
Engaging the Passion |
Author/Editor: Oliver Larry Yarbrough
Engaging the Powers: 25th Anniversary Edition |
Author/Editor: WALTER WINK
Engaging the World: Christian Communities in Contemporary Global Societies, Vol. 21 |
Author/Editor: Afe Adogame ,Janice McLean ,Anderson Jeremiah
Enkindling Love |
Author/Editor: Gillian T. W. Ahlgren
The Entangled Trinity |
Author/Editor: Simmons, Ernest L
Environment, Economy, and Christian Ethics |
Author/Editor: Alistair Young
Eros and the Christ |
Author/Editor: Fredrickson, David E
Essays in Hindu Theology |
Author/Editor: Rambachan, Anantanand
The Essential Forde: Distinguishing Law and Gospel |
Author/Editor: GERHARD O. FORDE,Nicholas Hopman,Mark C. Mattes,Steven D. Paulson
Esther and the Politics of Negotiation |
Author/Editor: Hancock, Rebecca S
Ethics |
Author/Editor: Bonhoeffer, Dietrich
Ethics |
Author/Editor: De La Torre, Miguel A
The Ethics of Death |
Author/Editor: Steffen, Lloyd; Cooley, Dennis R
Ethics That Matters |
Author/Editor: Logan, James Samuel; Riggs, Marcia Y
Eucharistic Body |
Author/Editor: Frank C. Senn
Everyone Must Eat |
Author/Editor: Yackel-Juleen, Mark L
The Executed God |
Author/Editor: Taylor, Mark Lewis
Existing Before God |
Author/Editor: Paul R. Sponheim
Exodus and Deuteronomy |
Author/Editor: Brenner, Athalya; Yee, Gale A
Exodus and Resurrection |
Author/Editor: Andrew W. Nicol
Exploding Stars, Dead Dinosaurs, and Zombies: Youth Ministry in the Age of Science |
Author/Editor: ANDREW ROOT
Exploring Church History |
Author/Editor: Cooper, Derek
Exploring Practices of Ministry |
Author/Editor: Cooper-White, Pamela; Cooper-White, Michael
Exploring the Bible |
Exploring the Life and Calling |
Author/Editor: Black, Gary
Exploring Theology |
Author/Editor: Robinson, Elaine A
Extremist for Love |
Author/Editor: Burrow Jr., Rufus
Ezekiel 1 |
Author/Editor: Zimmerli, Walther
Ezekiel 2 |
Author/Editor: Zimmerli, Walther
Faith and Reason |
Author/Editor: Neil Ormerod
Faith in Action: A Handbook for Activists Advocates and Allies |
Author/Editor: Marques Armstrong,Sharon Betcher,Bethany Bradley,DeWayne Davis,Christopher Zumski Finke,Sonja Hagander,Jaylani Hussein,Jim Bear Jacobs,Nekima Levy-Pounds,Dee McIntosh,Kellie Rock,Javen Swanson
Faith in a Hidden God: Luther, Kierkegaard, and the Binding of Isaac |
Fat and Faithful: Learning to Love Our Bodies, Our Neighbors, and Ourselves |
Author/Editor: J. Nicole Morgan
The Fear of Islam |
Author/Editor: Todd H. Green
The Fear of Islam, Second Edition |
Author/Editor: Green, Todd H
Fierce |
Author/Editor: ALICE CONNOR
The Figure of Adam in Romans 5 and 1 Corinthians 15 |
Author/Editor: Legarreta-Castillo, Felipe deJesus
Film as Cultural Artifact |
Author/Editor: Mathew P. John,Robert K. Johnston
Finding God among Our Neighbors |
Author/Editor: Largen, Kristin Johnston
Finding God Among our Neighbors |
First Isaiah |
Author/Editor: Roberts, J. J. M
Florence Nightingale |
Author/Editor: McDonald, Lynn
Forensic Apocalyptic Theology |
Author/Editor: Shannon Nicole Smythe
The Forgotten Books of the Bible: Recovering the Five Scrolls for Today |
Author/Editor: Robert Williamson Jr.
The Forgotten Jesuit of Catholic Modernism: George Tyrrell's Prophetic Theology |
The Forgotten Luther II: Reclaiming the Church's Public Witness |
Author/Editor: RYAN P. CUMMING
The Forgotten Luther: Reclaiming the Social-Economic Dimension of the Reformation |
Fortress Introduction to the Gospels, Second Edition |
Author/Editor: Powell, Mark Allan
Fortress Introduction to the Lutheran Confessions |
Author/Editor: Günther Gassmann ,Scott Hendrix
Foundational Theology |
Author/Editor: Neil Ormerod,Christiaan Jacobs-Vandegeer
The Four Gospels on Sunday |
Author/Editor: Lathrop, Gordon W
Fourth Ezra |
Author/Editor: Stone, Michael E
A Free Corrector |
Author/Editor: Joshua McNall
Freedom of Belief & Christian Mission, Vol. 28 |
Author/Editor: Hans Aage Gravaas ,Christof Sauer ,Tormod Engelsviken ,Maqsood Kamil ,Knud Jørgensen
From Despair to Faith |
Author/Editor: Barnett, Christopher B
Fruit for the Soul |
Author/Editor: Dennis Ngien,Robert Kolb
Fugitive Saints |
Author/Editor: Katie Walker Grimes
Fullness Received and Returned |
Author/Editor: Tan, Seng-Kong
Future Faith: Ten Challenges Reshaping Christianity in the 21st Century |
Author/Editor: Wesley Granberg-Michaelson,Soong-Chan Rah
Future of the Prophetic |
Author/Editor: Ellis, Marc H
The Future of the Word |
Author/Editor: Kriner, Tiffany Eberle
A Future without Walls: Confronting Our Divisions |
Author/Editor: T. Richard Snyder ,George Yancy
The Galapagos Islands |
Author/Editor: McLaren, Brian D
Galatians |
Author/Editor: Betz, Hans Dieter
A Generous Symphony |
Author/Editor: Christopher D. Denny
Gerhard O. Forde: A Life |
Author/Editor: Marianna Forde
Gift and Promise |
Author/Editor: Edward H. Schroeder,Ronald Neustadt,Stephen Hitchcock
The Gift of Love |
Author/Editor: Andrew Staron
The Gift of Theology |
Author/Editor: Rosemary P. Carbine,Hilda P. Koster
Give Me Children or I Shall Die |
Author/Editor: Koepf-Taylor, Laurel W
God Ahead of Us |
Author/Editor: O'Callaghan, Paul
God and Cosmology |
Author/Editor: Robert B. Stewart
God and Mediation: Retrospective Appraisal of Luther the Reformer |
Goddess and God in the World |
Author/Editor: Carol P. Christ,Judith Plaskow
The God of My Enemy: The Middle East and the Nature of God |
Author/Editor: Bernhard J.G. Reitsma
God So Enters into Relationships That . . |
Author/Editor: Fretheim, Terence E
God--The World's Future |
Author/Editor: Peters, Ted
GodThe World's Future: Systematic Theology for a New Era, Third Edition |
Author/Editor: Ted Peters
Good Grief: A Companion for Every Loss |
Author/Editor: Granger E. Westberg,Timothy Johnson
The Good Grief Devotional: 52 Weeks toward Hope |
Author/Editor: Brent D. Christianson
The Gospel of John and Christian Origins |
Author/Editor: Ashton, John
The Gospel on the Margins |
Author/Editor: Michael J. Kok
Gospel Patterns in Literature: Familiar Truths in Unexpected Places |
Author/Editor: Francis C. Rossow
The Gospel People Don't Want to Hear: How to Preach Challenging Messages so They're Heard |
Author/Editor: LISA CRESSMAN
The Gospels and Acts |
Author/Editor: Margaret Aymer,Cynthia Briggs Kittredge,David A. Sánchez
Grace in Auschwitz |
Author/Editor: Jean-Pierre Fortin
A Grief Received: What to Do When Loss Leaves You Empty-Handed |
Author/Editor: JL Gerhardt
Healing in the Gospel of Matthew |
Author/Editor: Wilson, Walter T
Healing the Schism |
Author/Editor: Jennifer M. Rosner
Heaven Opens |
Author/Editor: Sutton, Matthew Lewis
The Hebrew Bible: Feminist and Intersectional Perspectives |
Author/Editor: GALE A. YEE
Hebrews |
Author/Editor: Attridge, Harold W
Hebrews, the General Epistles, and Revelation |
Author/Editor: Margaret Aymer,Cynthia Briggs Kittredge,David A. Sánchez
Hemingway and Ho Chi Minh in Paris: The Art of Resistance |
Author/Editor: DAVID CROWE
Hezekiah and the Dialogue of Memory |
Author/Editor: Song-Mi Suzie Park
Hidden Criticism? |
Author/Editor: Heilig, Christoph
The Historical Writings |
Author/Editor: Mark A. Leuchter,David T. Lamb
The Historical Writings |
Author/Editor: Gale A. Yee,Hugh R. Page Jr.,Matthew J. M. Coomber
The Histories of the Latin American Church |
Author/Editor: Cruz, Joel M
The Histories of the Latin American Church |
Author/Editor: Cruz, Joel M
A History of Luther Seminary: 1869-2019 |
Author/Editor: Mark Granquist
History of New Testament Research, Vol. 3 |
Author/Editor: Baird, William
Holistic Mission: God???s Plan for God???s People, Vol. 5 |
Author/Editor: Brian Woolnough ,Wonsuk Ma
Holy Conversation |
Author/Editor: Linman, Jonathan
Holy Grounds: The Surprising Connection between Coffee and Faith—From Dancing Goats to Satan's Drink |
Author/Editor: Tim Schenck
The Holy One in Our Midst |
Author/Editor: James R. Gordon
Holy Rover |
Author/Editor: LORI ERICKSON
The Homebrewed Christianity Guide to Being Human |
Author/Editor: Alon Goshen-Gottstein
The Homebrewed Christianity Guide to Church History |
The Homebrewed Christianity Guide to God |
The Homebrewed Christianity Guide to Jesus |
Author/Editor: TRIPP FULLER
The Homebrewed Christianity Guide to the End Times |
The Homebrewed Christianity Guide to the Holy Spirit |
Author/Editor: Kim, Grace Ji-Sun
The Homebrewed Christianity Guide to the Old Testament: Israel's In-Your-Face, Holy God |
Home Is the Road: Wandering the Land, Shaping the Spirit |
Author/Editor: DIANE GLANCY
The Honeycomb Scroll |
Author/Editor: Gregory B. Graybill
Honoring the Body |
Author/Editor: Paulsell, Stephanie
Hope in Action |
Author/Editor: Rodenborn, Steven M
The Hope of Eternal Life: Lutherans and Catholics in Dialogue XI |
Author/Editor: Lowell G. Almen,Richard J. Sklba
Hoping Against Hope |
Author/Editor: John D. Caputo,Peter Rollins
Horror and Its Aftermath |
Author/Editor: Sally Stamper
Hosea |
Author/Editor: Wolff, Hans Walter
The House of David |
Author/Editor: Mahri Leonard-Fleckman
A House United: How the Church Can Save the World |
Author/Editor: Allen Hilton
How Christianity Came to China |
Author/Editor: Kathleen L. Lodwick
How God Acts |
Author/Editor: Edwards, Denis
How to Human: An Incomplete Manual for Living in a Messed-Up World |
Author/Editor: ALICE CONNOR
How to Think Theologically |
Author/Editor: Duke, James O.; Stone, Howard W
I Can Do No Other |
Author/Editor: Madsen, Anna M
Iesus Deus |
Author/Editor: Litwa, M. David
Ignatius of Antioch |
Author/Editor: Schoedel, William R
I Heart Francis |
Author/Editor: Donna Schaper
The Impassioned Life |
Author/Editor: Samuel M. Powell
The Imposing Preacher |
Author/Editor: Bond, Adam L
Incarnation |
Author/Editor: Niels Henrik Gregersen,Richard Bauckham,Gerald O’Collins,John Behr,Torstein Theodor Tollefsen,Jürgen Moltmann,Elizabeth A Johnson,Denis Edwards,Celia Deane-Drummond,Christopher Southgate,Holmes Rolston III,Stuart Kauffman,Dirk Evers,Robert John Russell,Jo
In Defense of Doctrine |
Author/Editor: Rhyne R. Putman
Inequality, Corruption and the Church: Challenges and Opportunities in the Global Church |
Author/Editor: Martin Allaby
Innovation within Tradition |
Author/Editor: Mary Frances McKenna
Insights from African American Interpretation |
Author/Editor: Mitzi J. Smith,MARK ALLAN POWELL
Insights from Archaeology |
Author/Editor: David A. Fiensy
Insights from Cultural Anthropology |
Author/Editor: Kuhn, Karl Allen
Insights from Filmmaking for Analyzing Biblcal Narrative |
Author/Editor: Gary Yamasaki,MARK ALLAN POWELL
Insights from Performance Criticism |
Author/Editor: Peter S. Perry,MARK ALLAN POWELL
Insights from Reading the Bible with the Poor |
Author/Editor: Hall, Crystal L
Inspired Imperfection: How the Bible's Problems Enhance Its Divine Authority |
Author/Editor: GREGORY A. BOYD
Intercultural Church |
Author/Editor: Marzouk, Safwat
Interpreting Abraham |
Author/Editor: Beach, Bradley; Powell, Matthew
The Interpreting Angel Motif in Prophetic and Apocalyptic Literature |
Author/Editor: Melvin, David P
Interpreting Bonhoeffer |
Author/Editor: Carter, Guy C.; Green, Clifford J
Interreligious Learning and Teaching |
Author/Editor: Largen, Kristin Johnston
Intersectional Theology: An Introductory Guide |
In the Context of Unity: A History of the Development of Lutheran Book of Worship |
Author/Editor: Ralph W. Quere
In the Midst of Chaos |
Author/Editor: Miller-McLemore, Bonnie J
Into the Far Country |
Author/Editor: Scott A. Kirkland,D. Stephen Long
Introduction to Christian Liturgy |
Author/Editor: Senn, Frank C
Introduction to the Hebrew Bible |
Author/Editor: Collins, John J
Introduction to the Hebrew Bible, Third Edition: Prophecy, Ed. 3 |
Author/Editor: JOHN J. COLLINS
Introduction to the Hebrew Bible, Third Edition: The Deuteronomistic History, Ed. 3 |
Author/Editor: JOHN J. COLLINS
Introduction to the Hebrew Bible, Third Edition: The Torah/Pentateuch, Ed. 3 |
Author/Editor: JOHN J. COLLINS
Introduction to the Hebrew Bible, Third Edition: The Writings, Ed. 3 |
Author/Editor: JOHN J. COLLINS
Introduction to the History of Christianity in the United States |
Author/Editor: Nancy Koester
Introduction to the History of Christianity: Third Edition, Ed. 3 |
Author/Editor: TIM DOWLEY
Introduction to World Religions: Third Edition, Ed. 3 |
Author/Editor: Tim Dowley,Christopher Partridge
Irenaeus |
Author/Editor: Foster, Paul
IRL: Finding Realness, Meaning, and Belonging in Our Digital Lives |
Author/Editor: CHRIS STEDMAN
Isaiah Old and New |
Author/Editor: Ben Witherington III
Is God Christian? |
Author/Editor: D. PREMAN NILES
Islam |
Author/Editor: John Kaltner
Israel's Last Prophet |
Author/Editor: David L. Turner
Israel's Poetry of Resistance |
Author/Editor: Page Jr., Hugh R
Is That Poop on My Arm? |
Author/Editor: Lind-Ayres, Justin
I Walk with Angels: The Life and Work of James Engel |
Author/Editor: Carl R. Ziebell
James |
Author/Editor: Dibelius, Martin
James and Paul |
Author/Editor: V. George Shillington
James in Postcolonial Perspective |
Author/Editor: K. Jason Coker
Jeremiah |
Jeremiah 1 |
Author/Editor: Holladay, William L
Jeremiah 2 |
Author/Editor: Holladay, William L
Jerusalem and the One God |
Author/Editor: Othmar Keel,Brent A. Strawn
Jesus' Abba |
Author/Editor: John B. Cobb Jr.
Jesus and Temple |
Author/Editor: Charlesworth, James H
Jesus and the Incarnation: Reflections of Christians from Islamic Contexts |
Author/Editor: David Emmanuel Singh
Jesus Is Risen! Volume 1: The Lifework and Teaching of the Rev. Dr. Walter R. Bouman, ThD |
Author/Editor: Walter R. Bouman,ANN M. HAUT
Jesus Is Risen! Volume 2: The Lifework and Teaching of the Rev. Dr. Walter R. Bouman, ThD |
Author/Editor: ANN M. HAUT
Jesus Loves You and Evolution Is True |
Author/Editor: Lief, Jason
Jesus of Korea |
Author/Editor: Paul Hyoshin Kim,Daniel L. Migliore
Jesus' Sermon on the Mount |
Author/Editor: Jack R. Lundbom
Jesus the Seer |
Author/Editor: Witherington III, Ben
Jesus, the Word, and the Way of the Cross: An Engagement with Muslims, Buddhists, and Other Peoples of Faith |
Author/Editor: Mark W. Thomsen
The Jewish Apocalyptic Tradition and the Shaping of New Testament Thought |
Author/Editor: Benjamin E. Reynolds,Loren T. Stuckenbruck
Jewish-Christian Interpretation of the Pentateuch in the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies |
Author/Editor: Carlson, Donald H
Jewish Interpretation of the Bible |
Author/Editor: Zetterholm, Karin Hedner
Jewish Law from Jesus to the Mishnah |
Author/Editor: E. P. Sanders
Jewish Literature between the Bible and the Mishnah |
Author/Editor: Nickelsburg, George W. E
Jobs Lost, Faith Found: A Spiritual Resource for the Unemployed |
Author/Editor: Mary C. Lindberg
Joel and Amos |
Author/Editor: Wolff, Hans Walter
Johannes Bugenhagen |
Author/Editor: Kurt K. Hendel
Johannine Ethics |
Author/Editor: Skinner, Christopher W.; Brown, Sherri
The Johannine Letters |
Author/Editor: Strecker, Georg
John |
Author/Editor: Lewis, Karoline M
John 1 |
Author/Editor: Haenchen, Ernst
John 2 |
Author/Editor: Haenchen, Ernst
John's Use of Ezekiel |
Author/Editor: Brian Neil Peterson
John's Use of Matthew |
Author/Editor: James W. Barker
Jonathan Edwards and the Life of God |
Author/Editor: W. Ross Hastings
Joshua and Judges |
Author/Editor: Brenner, Athalya; Yee, Gale A
The Journey and Promise of African American Preaching |
Author/Editor: Gilbert, Kenyatta R
Journeying in the Wilderness: Forming Faith in the 21st Century |
Author/Editor: Terri Martinson Elton
A Journey through Christian Theology |
Author/Editor: Anderson, William P.; Diesslin, Richard L
Joy and Human Flourishing |
Author/Editor: Miroslav Volf,Justin E. Crisp,Jürgen Moltmann,Ν. T. Wright,Marianne Meye Thompson,Mary Clark Moschella,Charles Mathewes,Miroslav Volf
Joy Unspeakable: Contemplative Practices of the Black Church (2nd edition), Ed. 2 |
Author/Editor: BARBARA A. HOLMES
Jubilees: A Commentary in Two Volumes |
Author/Editor: James C. VanderKam,Sidnie White Crawford
Jubilees: The Hermeneia Translation |
Author/Editor: James C. VanderKam
Judaism |
Author/Editor: E. P. Sanders
Judgment According to Works in Romans |
Author/Editor: McFadden, Kevin W
Judith |
Author/Editor: Wills, Lawrence M
Julian of Norwich |
Author/Editor: Ramirez, Janina
Justin against Marcion |
Author/Editor: Andrew Hayes
Keeping Faith in Congress: Why Persistence, Compassion, and Teamwork Will Save Our Democracy |
Author/Editor: Lois Capps,Nancy Pelosi
Kenotic Ecclesiology |
Author/Editor: John C. McDowell,Scott A. Kirkland,Ashley John Moyse,Rowan Williams
Keys to Bonhoeffer's Haus |
Author/Editor: Fabrycky, Laura M
Kierkegaard: A Brief Overview of the Life and Writings of Soren Kierkegaard |
The Last Blues Preacher |
Author/Editor: Mills, Zach
Lasting Hope |
Law and Theology: Classic Questions and Contemporary Perspectives |
A Lay Preacher's Guide: How to Craft a Faithful Sermon |
Author/Editor: KAROLINE M. LEWIS
Leading with the Sermon: Preaching as Leadership |
Leading with the Spirit: A Handbook on Leadership and Management for Clergy |
Author/Editor: Thomas Ries,Bruce Corrie
Learning Interreligiously: In the Text, in the World |
The Letters and Legacy of Paul |
Author/Editor: Margaret Aymer,Cynthia Briggs Kittredge,David A. Sánchez
Letters and Papers from Prison |
Author/Editor: Bonhoeffer, Dietrich
Let the Children Come |
Author/Editor: Miller-McLemore, Bonnie J
Let Us Sing: Improve Your Skills, Improve Your Choir - A Brief Guide for the New or Untrained Choir Director |
Author/Editor: Wayne Moore
Lex Crucis |
Author/Editor: William P. Loewe
Liberating Luther: A Lutheran Theology from Latin America |
Liberating Youth from Adolescence |
Author/Editor: Myers, Jeremy P
Life Together |
Author/Editor: Bonhoeffer, Dietrich
Life Unsettled |
Author/Editor: Driver, Cory
Light from Light |
Author/Editor: Judith L. Corey
Like Fire in the Bones |
Author/Editor: Brueggemann, Walter; Miller, Patrick D
The Limits of Forgiveness |
Author/Editor: Maria Mayo
Limping But Blessed |
Author/Editor: Jason Jones
Liquid Scripture |
Author/Editor: Siker, Jeffrey S
Little Prayer Book, 1522, and A Simple Way to Pray, 1535 |
Author/Editor: Haemig, Mary Jane; Lund, Eric
Liturgical Reform after Vatican II |
Author/Editor: Nicholas E. Denysenko