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Titles start with R (52) Information
Racial Purity and Dangerous Bodies
Author/Editor: Rima Vesely-Flad
Radical Discipelship
Author/Editor: Jennifer M. McBride
Radical Discipleship: A Liturgical Politics of the Gospel
Author/Editor: Jennifer M. McBride
Radical Friendship
Author/Editor: Ryan Andrew Newson
Radical Theology
Author/Editor: Ingolf U. Dalferth
The Rape of Eve
Author/Editor: Celene Lillie
Reading Richard Dawkins
Author/Editor: Keogh, Gary
Reading Scripture as a Political Act
Author/Editor: Matthew A. Tapie,Daniel Wade McClain,Stephen E. Fowl
Reading the Bible for All the Wrong Reasons
Author/Editor: Pregeant, Russell
Reading the Bible in an Age of Crisis
Author/Editor: Bruce Worthington
Reading the Bible with Richard Hooker
Author/Editor: Daniel Eppley
Reading Theologically
Author/Editor: Barreto, Eric D
Recalling Our Own Stories
Author/Editor: Wimberly, Edward P
Receiving the Day
Author/Editor: Bass, Dorothy C
Recent Developments in Trinitarian Theology
Author/Editor: Chalamet, Christophe; Vial, Marc
Reclaiming Participation
Author/Editor: Anderson, Cynthia Peters
Recognizing the Gift
Author/Editor: Daniel A. Rober
Reconstructing Theology
Author/Editor: Bateman, Terence
Redeeming a Prison Society
Author/Editor: Levad, Amy
Redeeming Fear
Author/Editor: Whitehead, Jason C
Red State Christians: Understanding the Voters Who Elected Donald Trump
Author/Editor: ANGELA DENKER
Refocusing My Family
Author/Editor: Amber Cantorna
Reformation & Resilience: Lutheran Higher Education for Planetary Citizenship
Author/Editor: Ernest Simmons,Erin Hemme Froslie
The Reformations of Medicine: Early Modern Beginnings and Contemporary Possibilities
Reframing Trauma: A Psychospiritual Theory and Theology
Reinhold Niebuhr in the 1960s: Christian Realism for a Secular Age
Author/Editor: RONALD H. STONE
Rejected Prophets
Author/Editor: McWhirter, Jocelyn
Religion in The Handmaid's Tale
Author/Editor: Tennant, Collete
Remembering the Reformation
Author/Editor: Declan Marmion,Salvador Ryan,Gesa E. Thiessen
The Renewed Homiletic
Author/Editor: Allen Jr., O. Wesley
Repentance at Qumran
Author/Editor: Mark A. Jason
Resilient Reformer
Author/Editor: Timothy F. Lull,Derek R. Nelson
Resisting Structural Evil
Author/Editor: Moe-Lobeda, Cynthia D
Resurrection as Anti-Imperial Gospel
Author/Editor: Pillar, Edward
The Resurrection of Jesus
Author/Editor: Stewart, Robert B
Rethinking Early Christian Identity
Author/Editor: Maia Kotrosits
Rethinking Faith
Author/Editor: Poling, James Newton
Re-Visioning the Church
Author/Editor: Ormerod, Neil
Revives My Soul Again: The Spirituality of Martin Luther King Jr.
Reviving Christian Humanism
Author/Editor: Browning, Don S
Reviving Old Scratch
Author/Editor: Richard Beck
Reviving the Congregation
Author/Editor: Foss, Michael W
The Rhetoric of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark
The Riddles of the Fourth Gospel
Author/Editor: Anderson, Paul N
Author/Editor: Daughrity, Dyron B
The Role of the Bishop: Changing Models for a Global Church
Author/Editor: Maria Elizabeth Erling,Kirsi Irmeli Stjerna
The Role of the Synagogue in the Aims of Jesus
Author/Editor: Ryan, Jordan J
Roman Imperial Texts
Author/Editor: Reasoner, Mark
Author/Editor: Jewett, Robert
Rooted and Renewing: Imagining the Church's Future in Light of Its New Testament Origins
Author/Editor: Troy M. Troftgruben
Rules for 21st-Century Radicals
Author/Editor: Ashley Sr., Willard W. C
Rupturing Eschatology
Author/Editor: Trozzo, Eric J