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Titles start with J (46) Information
Author/Editor: Dibelius, Martin
James and Paul
Author/Editor: V. George Shillington
James in Postcolonial Perspective
Author/Editor: K. Jason Coker
Jeremiah 1
Author/Editor: Holladay, William L
Jeremiah 2
Author/Editor: Holladay, William L
Jerusalem and the One God
Author/Editor: Othmar Keel,Brent A. Strawn
Jesus' Abba
Author/Editor: John B. Cobb Jr.
Jesus and Temple
Author/Editor: Charlesworth, James H
Jesus and the Incarnation: Reflections of Christians from Islamic Contexts
Author/Editor: David Emmanuel Singh
Jesus Is Risen! Volume 1: The Lifework and Teaching of the Rev. Dr. Walter R. Bouman, ThD
Author/Editor: Walter R. Bouman,ANN M. HAUT
Jesus Is Risen! Volume 2: The Lifework and Teaching of the Rev. Dr. Walter R. Bouman, ThD
Author/Editor: ANN M. HAUT
Jesus Loves You and Evolution Is True
Author/Editor: Lief, Jason
Jesus of Korea
Author/Editor: Paul Hyoshin Kim,Daniel L. Migliore
Jesus' Sermon on the Mount
Author/Editor: Jack R. Lundbom
Jesus the Seer
Author/Editor: Witherington III, Ben
Jesus, the Word, and the Way of the Cross: An Engagement with Muslims, Buddhists, and Other Peoples of Faith
Author/Editor: Mark W. Thomsen
The Jewish Apocalyptic Tradition and the Shaping of New Testament Thought
Author/Editor: Benjamin E. Reynolds,Loren T. Stuckenbruck
Jewish-Christian Interpretation of the Pentateuch in the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies
Author/Editor: Carlson, Donald H
Jewish Interpretation of the Bible
Author/Editor: Zetterholm, Karin Hedner
Jewish Law from Jesus to the Mishnah
Author/Editor: E. P. Sanders
Jewish Literature between the Bible and the Mishnah
Author/Editor: Nickelsburg, George W. E
Jobs Lost, Faith Found: A Spiritual Resource for the Unemployed
Author/Editor: Mary C. Lindberg
Joel and Amos
Author/Editor: Wolff, Hans Walter
Johannes Bugenhagen
Author/Editor: Kurt K. Hendel
Johannine Ethics
Author/Editor: Skinner, Christopher W.; Brown, Sherri
The Johannine Letters
Author/Editor: Strecker, Georg
Author/Editor: Lewis, Karoline M
John 1
Author/Editor: Haenchen, Ernst
John 2
Author/Editor: Haenchen, Ernst
John's Use of Ezekiel
Author/Editor: Brian Neil Peterson
John's Use of Matthew
Author/Editor: James W. Barker
Jonathan Edwards and the Life of God
Author/Editor: W. Ross Hastings
Joshua and Judges
Author/Editor: Brenner, Athalya; Yee, Gale A
The Journey and Promise of African American Preaching
Author/Editor: Gilbert, Kenyatta R
Journeying in the Wilderness: Forming Faith in the 21st Century
Author/Editor: Terri Martinson Elton
A Journey through Christian Theology
Author/Editor: Anderson, William P.; Diesslin, Richard L
Joy and Human Flourishing
Author/Editor: Miroslav Volf,Justin E. Crisp,Jürgen Moltmann,Ν. T. Wright,Marianne Meye Thompson,Mary Clark Moschella,Charles Mathewes,Miroslav Volf
Joy Unspeakable: Contemplative Practices of the Black Church (2nd edition), Ed. 2
Author/Editor: BARBARA A. HOLMES
Jubilees: A Commentary in Two Volumes
Author/Editor: James C. VanderKam,Sidnie White Crawford
Jubilees: The Hermeneia Translation
Author/Editor: James C. VanderKam
Author/Editor: E. P. Sanders
Judgment According to Works in Romans
Author/Editor: McFadden, Kevin W
Author/Editor: Wills, Lawrence M
Julian of Norwich
Author/Editor: Ramirez, Janina
Justin against Marcion
Author/Editor: Andrew Hayes