Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with M (55) | Information |
Making a Way Out of No Way: A Womanist Theology |
Author/Editor: Monica A. Coleman
Making Love Just |
Author/Editor: Ellison, Marvin M
Making Love with Scripture |
Author/Editor: JACOB D. MYERS
The Making of Modern English Theology |
Author/Editor: Inman, Daniel
Making Sense of Martin Luther |
Author/Editor: David J. Lose; Jean Sinclair
Mansions of the Heart |
Author/Editor: Ashbrook, R. Thomas
Many Forms of Madness |
Author/Editor: Rosemary Radford Ruether ,David Ruether
Many Monks across the Sea: Church of the East Monastic Mission in Ninth Century Asia |
Author/Editor: Steve Cochrane
Many Voices |
Author/Editor: Cooper-White, Pamela
Mapping Exile and Return |
Author/Editor: Weaver, Alain Epp
Maps and Meaning |
Author/Editor: Wiener, Nancy H.; Hirschmann, Jo
Mark |
Author/Editor: Collins, Adela Yarbro
Mark |
Author/Editor: Jacobsen, David Schnasa
Mark as Story |
Author/Editor: Rhoads, David; Dewey, Joanna; Michie, Donald
Marriage and Sexuality in Early Christianity |
Author/Editor: Hunter, David G
Martin Luther and the Called Life |
Author/Editor: Mark D. Tranvik
Martin Luther's Basic Theological Writings |
Author/Editor: Russell, William R.; Lull, Timothy F
Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses |
Author/Editor: Timothy J. Wengert
Martin Luther’s Table Talk |
Author/Editor: Martin Luther,Henry F. French
Martin Luther, the Bible, and the Jewish People |
Author/Editor: Schramm, Brooks; Stjerna, Kirsi I
Matthew |
Author/Editor: Wilkinson Duran, Nicole; Grimshaw, James P
Matthew |
Author/Editor: Allen Jr., O. Wesley
Matthew 1-7 |
Author/Editor: Luz, Ulrich
Matthew 21-28 |
Author/Editor: Luz, Ulrich
Matthew 8-20 |
Author/Editor: Luz, Ulrich
Mediating Faith |
Author/Editor: Schnekloth, Clint; Willimon, William H
Memories of Asaph |
Author/Editor: Karl N. Jacobson
Memory and Covenant:The Role of Israel's and God's Memory in Sustaining the Deuteronomic and Priestly Covenants |
Author/Editor: Ellman, Barat
The Message of Jesus |
Author/Editor: Stewart, Robert B
Micah |
Author/Editor: Hilers, Delbert R
Mighty Stories, Dangerous Rituals |
Author/Editor: Anderson, Herbert; Foley, Edward
Migration and Public Discourse in World Christianity |
Author/Editor: Adogame, Afe; Barreto, Raimundo; da Rosa, Wanderley Pereira
The Mindful Christian: Cultivating a Life of Intentionality, Openness, and Faith |
Author/Editor: IRENE KRAEGEL
Minding the Wealth Gap: Our Playbook to Close It Together |
Author/Editor: CLIFF GOINS IV
Mind the Gap |
Author/Editor: Matthias Henze
Minister's Prayer Book: An Order of Prayers and Readings, Revised Edition |
Author/Editor: Timothy J. Wengert,Mary Jane Haemig,Robb Harrell,Chris Halverson,John W. Doberstein
Ministry across Cultures: Sharing the Christian Faith in Asia |
Author/Editor: Warren R. Beattie
Ministry with Persons with Mental Illness and Their Families, Second Edition, Ed. 2 |
Ministry with Persons with Mental Illness and Their Families |
Author/Editor: Meller, William H.; Thurber, Steven D
Missa Est! |
Author/Editor: Eugene R. Schlesinger
The Missiological Implications of the Theology of Gerhard Forde |
Author/Editor: Mark Lewellyn Nygard
Mission as Accompaniment |
Author/Editor: Brian E. Konkol
The Mission of Demythologizing |
Author/Editor: David W. Congdon
Models of Atonement: Speaking about Salvation in a Scientific World |
Author/Editor: George L. Murphy
Moral Choice |
Author/Editor: Christie, Dolores L
Moral Formation and the Virtuous Life |
Author/Editor: Blowers, Paul M
Moral Issues and Christian Responses |
Author/Editor: Jung, L. Shannon; Jung, Patricia Beattie
Most Certainly True: Lutheran History at a Glance - 75 Stories About Lutherans Since 1517 |
Author/Editor: Mark Granquist
Mother, Creature, Kin: What We Learn from Nature's Mothers in a Time of Unraveling |
Author/Editor: Chelsea Steinauer-Scudder
Moving Beyond the Impasse |
Author/Editor: Ariarajah, S. Wesley
Muslims and the Gospel: Bridging the Gap |
Author/Editor: Roland E. Miller
My Flesh is Meat Indeed |
Author/Editor: Meredith J.C. Warren
The Mystery and Agency of God |
Author/Editor: Kirkpatrick, Frank G
The Mystery of God and Suffering: Lament, Trust, and Awe |
Author/Editor: Kenneth R. Overberg
My Struggle to Become Human |
Author/Editor: Wink, Walter