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Titles start with D (38) Information
Dangerous Sisters of the Hebrew Bible
Author/Editor: Kalmanofsky, Amy
Author/Editor: Collins, John J
Dawnlight Breaks: The Hymn Texts and Translations of F. Samuel Janzow
Author/Editor: David W. Rogner
Dear Church: A Love Letter from a Black Preacher to the Whitest Denomination in the US
Author/Editor: LENNY DUNCAN
Dearly Beloved: Prince, Spirituality, and This Thing Called Life
The Death of Race
Author/Editor: Brian Bantum
Dem Dry Bones
Author/Editor: Powery, Luke A
Deus providebit
Author/Editor: Kim, Sung-Sup
Author/Editor: Baltzer, Klaus
Deviant Calvinism
Author/Editor: Crisp, Oliver D
The Diaconal Church
Author/Editor: Stephanie Dietrich ,Knud Jørgensen ,Kari Karsrud Korslien ,Kjell Nordstokke ,Martin Junge
Dialectical Theology and Jacques Ellul
Author/Editor: Van Vleet, Jacob E
Diaspora Christianities
Author/Editor: George, Sam
Diasporic Feminist Theology
Author/Editor: Kang, Namsoon
The Didache
Author/Editor: Niederwimmer, Kurt
Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the Ethical Self
Author/Editor: Clark J. Elliston
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Follower of the Living Jesus - An Authentic Evangelical Appreciation
Author/Editor: Michael T. Hayes,JOHN W. MATTHEWS,John W. Matthews
Dignity and Grace: Wisdom for Caregivers and Those Living with Dementia
Author/Editor: Janet L. Ramsey
The Dionysian Gospel
Author/Editor: Dennis R. MacDonald
The Dionysian Mystical Theology
Author/Editor: Paul Rorem
The Disappearance of Eve and the Gender of Christ: Why Traditional Soteriology Requires a Trans* Savior
Author/Editor: Bonhoeffer, Dietrich
The Disciples' Prayer
Author/Editor: Jeffrey B. Gibson
Discovering the Spiritual Wisdom of Trees
Disputed Temple
Author/Editor: Barker OFM, John Robert
Divine Eloquence and Human Transformation
Author/Editor: Fulford, Ben
The Divine in Acts and in Ancient Historiography
Author/Editor: Scott Shauf
Divine Simplicity: A Biblical and Trinitarian Account
Author/Editor: JORDAN P. BARRETT
Divine Wrath and Salvation in Matthew
Author/Editor: Anders Runesson
A Documentary History of Lutheranism, Volumes 1 and 2
Author/Editor: Lund, Eric; Grunquist, Mark
Documents and Images for the Study of the Gospels
Author/Editor: Cartlidge, David R.; Dungan, David L
Dogmatic Aesthetics
Author/Editor: Wright, Stephen John
Doing Justice
Author/Editor: Jacobsen, Dennis A
Dominus Mortis
Author/Editor: Luy, David J
Double Particularity
Author/Editor: Daniel D. Lee
Douglas John Hall
Author/Editor: Lott, David B.; Hall, Douglas John
Down in the Valley
Author/Editor: Julius H. Bailey
A Dual Reception
Author/Editor: Clayton L. L. Coombs