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Titles start with B (479) | Information |
Babette’s Feast, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Julian Baggini
Babygirl, You’ve Got This!: Experiences of Black Girls and Women in the English Education System, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: April-Louise M. Pennant
Babylon Berlin, German Visual Spectacle, and Global Media Culture, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Hester Baer ,Jill Smith
Back to the Future, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Andrew Shail ,Robin Stoate
Bad Days In Basra: My Turbulent Time as Britain’s Man in Southern Iraq, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Hilary Synnott
Bad Girls, Dirty Bodies: Sex, Performance and Safe Femininity, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Gemma Commane
Badhai: Hijra-Khwaja Sira-Trans Performance across Borders in South Asia, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Adnan Hossain ,Claire Pamment ,Jeff Roy
Badiou and His Interlocutors: Lectures, Interviews and Responses, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: A.J. Bartlett ,Justin Clemens
Badiou and Indifferent Being: A Critical Introduction to Being and Event, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: William Watkin
Badiou and the German Tradition of Philosophy, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Jan Völker
Badiou, Poem and Subject, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Tom Betteridge
Badiou's Being and Event and the Mathematics of Set Theory, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Burhanuddin Baki
Baghdad and Isfahan: A Dialogue of Two Cities in an Age of Science ca. 750–1750, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Elaheh Kheirandish
The Baha’is of Iran, Transcaspia and the Caucasus: Letters of Russian Officers and Officials, Vol. 1, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Soli Shahvar ,Boris Morozov ,Gad Gilbar
The Baha’is of Iran, Transcaspia and The Caucasus: Reports and Correspondence of Russian Officials, Vol. 2, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Soli Shahvar ,Boris Morozov ,Gad Gilbar
The Balkans Beyond Nationalism and Identity: International Relations and Ideology, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Pavlos Hatzopoulos
Balthasar and Prayer, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Travis LaCouter
Balut: Fertilized Eggs and the Making of Culinary Capital in the Filipino Diaspora, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Margaret Magat
Bandwidths: Reading Across Media with Garrett Stewart, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: David LaRocca
Bangladesh: A Political History since Independence, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Ali Riaz
The Banham Lectures: Designing the Future, Ed. English edition |
Author/Editor: Jeremy Aynsley ,Harriet Atkinson ,Mary Banham
A Bank’s Duty of Care, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Danny Busch ,Cees van Dam
A BAPTISM OF JUDGMENT IN THE FIRE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: John’s Eschatological Proclamation in Matthew 3, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Daniel Wayne McManigal
Barack Obama: American Historian, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Steven Sarson
Barbara Kingsolver’s World: Nature, Art, and the Twenty-First Century, Ed. (Revised Edition, First edition) |
Author/Editor: Linda Wagner-Martin
Barbara Stanwyck, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Andrew Klevan
Barcode, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Jordan Frith
Bare Architecture: A Schizoanalysis, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Chris L. Smith
BARTH AND BONHOEFFER AS CONTRIBUTORS TO A POST-LIBERAL ECCLESIOLOGY: Essays of Hope for a Fallen and Complex World, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Tom Greggs,Robert W. Heimburger
Barth, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Paul T. Nimmo
Basic Documents on International Investment Protection, Ed. Second Edition |
Author/Editor: Martins Paparinskis
Basic Electrotechnology: For Marine Engineers, Vol. 6, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Christopher Lavers,Edmund Kraal ,Stanley Buyers
Basics Design: User Experience Design: A Practical Introduction, Ed. (Second Edition, Second Edition) |
Author/Editor: Gavin Allanwood ,Peter Beare
Basics Fashion Design: A Practical Guide to Sustainable Fashion, Ed. Second Edition |
Author/Editor: Alison Gwilt
Basque Cinema: A Cultural and Political History, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Rob Stone ,María Rodríguez
The Battle of Britain on Screen: ‘The Few’ in British Film and Television Drama, Ed. Second Edition |
Author/Editor: S. P. MacKenzie
The Battle of Maldon: War and Peace in Tenth-Century England, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Mark Atherton
The Battleship Potemkin: The Film Companion, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Richard Taylor
Battlestar Galactica: Investigating Flesh, Spirit and Steel, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Roz Kaveney ,Jennifer Stoy
Battling Eight Giants: Basic Income Now, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Guy Standing
Bauhaus Bodies: Gender, Sexuality, and Body Culture in Modernism’s Legendary Art School, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Otto ,Patrick Rössler
Baz Luhrmann: World Directors, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Pam Cook
Beans: A History, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Ken Albala
BEARING SIN AS CHURCH COMMUNITY: Bonhoeffer’s Hamartiology, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Hyun Joo Kim
Beat Drama: Playwrights and Performances of the ‘Howl’ Generation, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Deborah R. Geis ,Enoch Brater ,Mark Taylor-Batty
The Beatles and Fandom: Sex, Death and Progressive Nostalgia, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Richard Mills
The Beatles and Humour: Mockers, Funny Papers, and Other Play, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Katie Kapurch ,Richard Mills ,Matthias Heyman
Author/Editor: Kenneth L. Campbell
The Beatles on Screen: From Pop Stars to Musicians, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Stephanie Fremaux
Beatson’s Mutiny: The Turbulent Career of a Victorian Soldier, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Richard Stevenson
Beauty and the End of Art: Wittgenstein, Plurality and Perception, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Sonia Sedivy
The Beauty of Holiness: Re-Reading Isaiah in the Light of the Psalms, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Joseph Blenkinsopp
Because This Land Is Who We Are: Indigenous Practices of Environmental Repossession, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Chantelle Richmond ,Brad Coombes ,Renee Louis
Beckett and Dialectics: Be it Something or Nothing, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Eva Ruda
Beckett, Lacan and the Mathematical Writing of the Real, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Arka Chattopadhyay
Beckett’s Creatures: Art of Failure after the Holocaust, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Joseph Anderton
Beckett’s Laboratory: Experiments in the Theatre Enclosure, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Corey Wakeling
Beckett’s Words: The Promise of Happiness in a Time of Mourning, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: David Kleinberg-Levin
Becoming a Bishop: A Theological Handbook of Episcopal Ministry, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Paul Avis
Becoming a Citizen: Linguistic Trials and Negotiations in the UK, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Kamran Khan
Becoming a Successful Graphic Designer, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Neil Leonard
Becoming A Successful Illustrator: Concept to Creation, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Derek Brazell ,Jo Davies
Becoming Atheist: Humanism and the Secular West, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Callum G. Brown
Becoming Beauvoir: A Life, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Kate Kirkpatrick
Becoming Carole Lombard: Stardom, Comedy, and Legacy, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Olympia Kiriakou
Becoming Human by Design, Ed. English edition |
Author/Editor: Tony Fry
BECOMING JOHN: The Making of a Passion Gospel, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Kari Syreeni
Becoming Noise Music: Style, Aesthetics and History, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Stephen Graham
Becoming Queer and Religious in Malaysia and Singapore, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Sharon A. Bong
Becoming Utopian: The Culture and Politics of Radical Transformation, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Tom Moylan ,Ruth Levitas ,Phillip E. Wegner
Becoming Visible in Iran: Women in Contemporary Iranian Society, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Mehri Honarbin-Holliday
Bed and Sofa: The Film Companion, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Julian Graffy
Before the Arts Council: Campaigns for State Funding of the Arts in Britain 1934–44, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Howard Webber
Before the Killing Fields: Witness to Cambodia and the Vietnam War, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Leslie Fielding
A Beginner’s Guide to Devising Theatre, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Jess Thorpe ,Tashi Gore
Beginnings: Interrogating Hauerwas, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Brian Brock,Stanley Hauerwas,Kevin Hargaden
Behind the Mask: Character and Society in Menander, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Angela M. Heap
Beholding: Situated Art and the Aesthetics of Reception, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Ken Wilder
Being Bionic: The World Of TV Cyborgs, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Bronwen Calvert
Being Gorgeous: Feminism, Sexuality and the Pleasures of the Visual, Ed. First |
Author/Editor: Jacki Willson
Being Posthuman: Ontologies of the Future, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Zahi Zalloua
Being There and the Evolution of a Screenplay: 3 Draft Scripts with Commentary, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Aaron Hunter
Beirut, Imagining the City: Space and Place in Lebanese Literature, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Ghenwa Hayek
Believing in Britain: The Spiritual Identity of ‘Britishness’, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Ian Bradley
Believing in Film: Christianity and Classic European Cinema, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Mark Fanu
Belonging across the Bay of Bengal: Religious Rites, Colonial Migrations, National Rights, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Michael Laffan
The Beloved in Middle Eastern Literatures: The Culture of Love and Languishing, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Alireza Korangy ,Hanadi Al-Samman ,Michael Beard
Benchmark: A Life in the Law, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Oliver Popplewell
Beneficial Ownership in Tax Law and Tax Treaties, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Pablo A Hernández González-Barreda
Benjamin, Deleuze and the Baroque: The Early Modern Origins of Media Theory, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Noa Levin
Benjamin on Fashion, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Philipp Ekardt
Beowulf: Poem, Poet and Hero, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Heather O’Donoghue
Berber Government: The Kabyle Polity in Pre-colonial Algeria, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Hugh Roberts
The Berbers of Morocco: A History of Resistance, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Michael Peyron
Bergson: Thinking Beyond the Human Condition, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Keith Ansell-Pearson
Berlin Contemporary: Architecture and Politics after 1990, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Julia Walker
Berlin Rules: Europe and the German Way, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Paul Lever
Bernard Stiegler: Memories of the Future, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Bart Buseyne ,Georgios Tsagdis ,Paul Willemarck
Bertolt Brecht and the David Fragments (1919–1921): An Interdisciplinary Study, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: David J. Shepherd ,Nicholas E. Johnson
Bertolt Brecht’s Me-ti: Book of Interventions in the Flow of Things, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Bertolt Brecht ,Antony Tatlow,Tom Kuhn
Bertolt Brecht’s Refugee Conversations, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Bertolt Brecht ,Romy Fursland ,Tom Kuhn
Best Before: The Evolution and Future of Processed Food, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Nicola Temple
Best of British: Cinema and Society from 1930 to the Present, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Anthony Aldgate ,Jeffrey Richards
Best-Practice Approaches To: Internal Auditing, Ed. First Edition |
The Best Years of Our Lives, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Sarah Kozloff
Better Regulation in EU Contract Law: The Fitness Check and the New Deal for Consumers, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Esther van Schagen ,Stephen Weatherill
Between Air and Electricity: Microphones and Loudspeakers as Musical Instruments, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Cathy Eck
Between Congregation and Church: Denomination and Christian Life Together, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Barry Ensign-George
Between Discipline and a Hard Place: The Value of Contemporary Art, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Alana Jelinek
Between Humanist Philosophy and Apocalyptic Theology: The Twentieth Century Sojourn of Samuel Štefan Osuský, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Paul R. Hinlicky
Between Reality and Documentary: A Historical Representation of Gaza Refugees in Colonial, Humanitarian and Palestinian Documentary Film, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Shahd Abusalama
Between the Seas: Island Identities in the Baltic and Mediterranean Seas, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Deborah Paci
Between Two Empires: Ahmet Ağaoğlu and the New Turkey, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: A Shissler
Bewigged and Bewildered?: A Guide to Becoming a Barrister in England and Wales, Ed. Third edition |
Author/Editor: Adam Kramer ,Ian Higgins
Beyond Alternative Food Networks: Italy’s Solidarity Purchase Groups, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Cristina Grasseni
Beyond Bagpuss: A History of Smallfilms Animation Studio, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Chris Pallant
Beyond Brexit: Towards a British Constitution, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Vernon Bogdanor
Beyond Canon: Early Christianity and the Ethiopic Textual Tradition, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Meron T. Gebreananaye ,Logan Williams ,Francis Watson
Beyond Craft: An Anti-Handbook for Creative Writers, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Steve Westbrook ,James Ryan
Beyond Critique: Contemporary Art in Theory, Practice, and Instruction, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Pamela Fraser ,Roger Rothman
Beyond Design: The Synergy of Apparel Product Development, Ed. (Fourth Edition, Fourth Edition) |
Author/Editor: Deborah Vandermar ,Myrna B. Garner
Beyond Dixon of Dock Green: Early British Police Series, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Susan Sydney-Smith
Beyond Empire: The End of Britain’s Colonial Encounter, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: John T. Ducker
Beyond feminism and islamism: Gender and Equality in North Africa, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Doris Gray
Beyond Islam: A New Understanding of the Middle East, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Sami Zubaida
BEYOND KANT AND NIETZSCHE: The Munich Defence of Christian Humanism, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Tracey Rowland
Beyond Nihilism: The Turn in Heidegger’s Thought from Nietzsche to Hölderlin, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Dominic Kelly
Beyond Ontological Blackness: An Essay on African American Religious and Cultural Criticism, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Victor Anderson
Beyond Our Lights and Shadows: Charism and Institution in the Church, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Judith A. Merkle
Beyond Religion in India and Pakistan: Gender and Caste, Borders and Boundaries, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Virinder S. Kalra ,Navtej K. Purewal
BEYOND SAFETY: Risk, Cosmopolitanism, and Neoliberal Contemporary Life, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Emily Johansen
Beyond South Asia: India’s Strategic Evolution and the Reintegration of the Subcontinent, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Neil Padukone
Beyond the Dunes: An Anthology of Modern Saudi Literature, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Mansour Al-Hazimi ,Ezzat Khattab Et Al. ,Salma Jayyusi
Beyond the Huddled Masses: American Immigration and The Treaty of Versailles, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Kristofer Allerfeldt
Beyond the Male Idol Factory, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Yunuen Mandujano-Salazar
Beyond the Monoplot: How to Write Unconventional Films (and Why We Should), Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Chris Neilan
Beyond the Mosque: Diverse Spaces of Muslim Worship, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Rizwan Mawani
Beyond the Republican Revival: Non-Domination, Positive Liberty and Sortition, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Eric Ghosh
Beyond the Willing Suspension of Disbelief: Poetic Faith from Coleridge to Tolkien, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Tomko Michael
Beyond Turkey’s Borders: Long-Distance Kemalism, State Politics and the Turkish Diaspora, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Banu Şenay
Beyond Unwanted Sound: Noise, Affect and Aesthetic Moralism, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Marie Thompson
The Biafran War: The Struggle for Modern Nigeria, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Michael Gould
Bible and Bedlam: Madness, Sanism, and New Testament Interpretation, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Louise J. Lawrence
The Bible and Global Tourism, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: James S. Bielo ,Lieke Wijnia
The Bible and the Qur’an: Biblical Figures in the Islamic Tradition, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: John Kaltner ,Younus Y. Mirza
The Bible, Centres and Margins: Dialogues between Postcolonial African and British Biblical Scholars, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Johanna Stiebert ,Musa W. Dube
The Bible, Gender, and Sexuality: Critical Readings, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Rhiannon Graybill,Lynn R. Huber
The Bible in Crime Fiction and Drama: Murderous Texts, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Caroline Blyth,Alison Jack
THE BIBLE IN PHOTOGRAPHY: Index, Icon, Tableau, Vision, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Sheona Beaumont
The Bible in Political Debate: What Does It Really Say?, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Frances Flannery ,Rodney A. Werline
The Bible in the American Short Story, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Lesleigh Cushing Stahlberg ,Peter S. Hawkins
The Bible on Television, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Helen K. Bond ,Edward Adams
Biblical Interpretation in Early Christian Gospels: Volume 4: The Gospel of John, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Thomas R. Hatina
Biblical Narratives, Archaeology and Historicity: Essays in Honour of Thomas L. Thompson, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Łukasz Niesiołowski-Spanò ,Emanuel Pfoh
Biblical Sterne: Rhetoric and Religion in the Shandyverse, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Ryan J. Stark
Biblical Terror: Why Law and Restoration in the Bible Depend Upon Fear, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Jeremiah W. Cataldo
Biblical Women and the Arts, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Diane Apostolos-Cappadona
Bicycle Thieves: [Ladri di biciclette], Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Robert S. C. Gordon
Big Data: Does Size Matter?, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Timandra Harkness
The Big Somewhere: Essays on James Ellroy’s Noir World, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Steven Powell
Biocultural Empire: New Histories of Imperial Lifeworlds, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Antoinette Burton ,Renisa Mawani ,Samantha Frost
Biofictions: Race, Genetics and the Contemporary Novel, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Josie Gill
Biomass, Capitalism, and Hegemony: A Rich and Powerful History, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Benoit Daviron
The Biopic and Beyond: Celebrities as Characters in Screen Media, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Melanie Piper
Biopolitics and the Philosophy of Death, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Paolo Palladino
The Biopolitics of Care in Second World War Britain, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Kimberly Mair
bird, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Erik Anderson
The Birds, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Camille Paglia
Birds in England, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Andy Brown ,Phil Grice
The Birth of a Nation, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Paul McEwan
Birth of a Nation: The Story of a Newspaper in Kenya, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Gerard Loughran
The Birth OF Breaking: Hip-Hop History from the Floor Up, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Serouj Aprahamian
The Birth of Cool: Style Narratives of the African Diaspora, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Carol Tulloch
The Birth of Tajikistan: National Identity and the Origins of the Republic, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Paul Bergne
The Birth of the English Kitchen, 1600–1850, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Sara Pennell
Birth of the Persian Empire: Volume I, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Vesta Curtis ,Sarah Stewart
Bite Me: Food in Popular Culture, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Fabio Parasecoli
Bizarre Ride II the Pharcyde, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Andrew Barker
Black Artists in British Art: A History Since the 1950s, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Eddie Chambers
A Black Arts Poetry Machine: Amiri Baraka and the Umbra Poets, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: David Grundy
Black Designers in American Fashion, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Way
blackface, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Ayanna Thompson
Black Flags of the Caribbean: How Trinidad Became an ISIS Hotspot, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Simon Cottee
Blackmail, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Tom Ryall
Black Narcissus, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Sarah Street
Blackness at the Intersection, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Kimberlé Crenshaw ,Kehinde Andrews ,Annabel Wilson
The Black Pacific: Anti-Colonial Struggles and Oceanic Connections, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Robbie Shilliam
Black Power and the American People: Culture and Identity in the Twentieth Century, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Rafael Torrubia
A Blackqueer Sexual Ethics: Embodiment, Possibility, and Living Archive, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Elyse Ambrose
Black Sea Politics: Political Culture and Civil Society in an Unstable Region, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Ayşe Güneş-Ayata ,Ayça Ergun ,Işil Çelimli
Blackstar Theory: The Last Works of David Bowie, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Leah Kardos
Blackstone and His Critics, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Anthony Page ,Wilfrid Prest
Black Transhuman Liberation Theology: Technology and Spirituality, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Philip Butler
Black Women and the Changing Television Landscape, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Lisa M. Anderson
Blade Runner, Ed. Second Edition |
Author/Editor: Scott Bukatman
Blanchot and the Outside of Literature, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: William S. Allen
Bliainiris Éireannach an Dlí Idirnáisiúnta The Irish Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 9, 2014, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Fiona de Londras ,Siobhán Ní Mhaolealaidh ,Fiona de Londras ,Siobhán Mullally
Bliainiris Éireannach an DlÍ Idirnáisiúnta The Irish Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 11–12, 2016 & 2017, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Fiona de Londras ,Siobhán Ní Mhaolealaidh ,Fiona de Londras ,Siobhán Mullally
Bliainiris Éireannach an Dlí Idirnáisiúnta The Irish Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 14, 2019, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Fiona de Londras ,Siobhán Ní Mhaolealaidh ,Fiona de Londras ,Siobhán Mullally
Bliainiris Éireannach an Dlí Idirnáisiúnta The Irish Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 13, 2018, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Fiona de Londras ,Siobhán Ní Mhaolealaidh ,Fiona de Londras ,Siobhán Mullally
Bliainiris Éireannach an Dlí Idirnáisiúnta The Irish Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 10, 2015, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Fiona de Londras ,Siobhán Ní Mhaolealaidh ,Fiona de Londras ,Siobhán Mullally
Blinded by Humanity: Inside the UN’s Humanitarian Operations, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Martin Barber
Blockbusters and the Ancient World: Allegory and Warfare in Contemporary Hollywood, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Chris Davies
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency:International Legal and Regulatory Challenges, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Dean Armstrong QC ,Dan Hyde ,Sam Thomas
Blogistan: The Internet and Politics in Iran, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Annabelle Sreberny ,Gholam Khiabany
Blood Brothers, Ed. (GCSE Student Guide, First published) |
Author/Editor: Ros Merkin ,Jenny Stevens
Blood Ransom: Stories From the Front Line in the War Against Somali Piracy, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: John Boyle
The Bloomsbury Anthology of Transcendental Thought: From Antiquity to the Anthropocene, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: David LaRocca
The Bloomsbury Companion to Aesthetics, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Anna Ribeiro
The Bloomsbury Companion to Analytic Feminism, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Pieranna Garavaso
The Bloomsbury Companion to Analytic Philosophy, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Barry Daintonand ,Howard Robinson
The Bloomsbury Companion to Arendt, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Peter Gratton ,Peter Gratton
The Bloomsbury Companion to Berkeley, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Bertil Belfrage ,Richard Brook
The Bloomsbury Companion to Bertrand Russell, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Russell Wahl
The Bloomsbury Companion to Contemporary Philosophy of Medicine, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: James A. Marcum
The Bloomsbury Companion to Dance Studies, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Sherril Dodds
The Bloomsbury Companion to Epistemology, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Andrew Cullison
The Bloomsbury Companion to Heidegger, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: François Raffoul and ,Eric S. Nelson
The Bloomsbury Companion to Language Industry Studies, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Erik Angelone ,Maureen Ehrensberger-Dow ,Gary Massey
The Bloomsbury Companion to M. A. K. Halliday, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Jonathan J. Webster
The Bloomsbury Companion to Marx, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Jeff Diamanti ,Andrew Pendakis ,Imre Szeman
The Bloomsbury Companion to Metaphysics, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Neil A. Manson ,Robert W. Barnard
The Bloomsbury Companion to Modernist Literature, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Ulrika Maude ,Mark Nixon
The Bloomsbury Companion to Philosophy of Mind, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: James Garvey
The Bloomsbury Companion to Philosophy of Psychiatry, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Şerife Tekin ,Robyn Bluhm
The Bloomsbury Companion to Political Philosophy, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Andrew Fiala
The Bloomsbury Companion to Pragmatism, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Sami Pihlström
The Bloomsbury Companion to Robert Boyle, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Jan-Erik Jones
The Bloomsbury Companion to Stanley Kubrick, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Nathan Abrams,I. Q. Hunter
The Bloomsbury Companion to Stylistics, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Violeta Sotirova
The Bloomsbury Companion to the Philosophy of Consciousness, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Dale Jacquette
The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Utilitarianism, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: James E. Crimmins
The Bloomsbury Handbook of 21st-Century Feminist Theory, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Robin Goodman
The Bloomsbury Handbook of Bourdieu and Educational Research, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Garth Stahl ,Guanglun Mu ,Pere Ayling ,Elliot B. Weininger
The Bloomsbury Handbook of Context and Transformative Leadership in Higher Education, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Mary Drinkwater ,Patrick Deane
The Bloomsbury Handbook of Culture and Identity from Early Childhood to Early Adulthood: Perceptions and Implications, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Ruth Wills ,Marian Souza ,Jennifer Mata-McMahon ,Mukhlis Bakar ,Cornelia Roux
The Bloomsbury Handbook of Dance and Philosophy, Ed. First published |
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The Business Affairs of Mr Julius Caesar, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Charles Osborne,Anthony Phelan,Tom Kuhn,Charlotte Ryland,Bertolt Brecht
Business and Human Rights: The Obligations of the European Home States, Ed. First Edition |
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The Business of Beauty: Gender and the Body in Modern London, Ed. First edition |
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Busks, Basques and Brush-Braid: British dressmaking in the 18th and 19th centuries, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Pam Inder
“But Their Faces Were All Looking Up”: Author and Reader in the Protevangelium of James, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Eric M. Vanden Eykel
BY FAITH ALONE: The Medieval Church and Martin Luther, Ed. First edition |
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The Byzantine Dark Ages, Ed. First published |
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BYZANTINE SILK ON THE SILK ROADS: Journeys between East and West, Past and Present, Ed. First edition |
Byzantium in the Popular Imagination: The Modern Reception of the Byzantine Empire, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Markéta Kulhánková ,Przemysław Marciniak