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Titles start with M ( displaying 500 of 523 ) Information
Macbeth, Macbeth, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Ewan Fernie ,Simon Palfrey ,Tom Freston
Macedonia: The Political, Social, Economic and Cultural Foundations of a Balkan State, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Victor de Munck ,Ljupcho Risteski
Macedonio Fernández: Between Literature, Philosophy, and the Avant-Garde, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Federico Fridman
The Machine Anxieties of Steampunk: Contemporary Philosophy, Victorian Aesthetics, and the Future, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Kathe Albrecht
Machines Against Measures, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Irene Sotiropoulou
Madhuri DIXIT, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Nandana Bose
The Mad Max Effect: Road Warriors in International Exploitation Cinema, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: James Newton
Mad Men: Dream Come True TV, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Gary Edgerton
Madrid: The History, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Jules Stewart
Madvillainy, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Will Hagle
Mafia and Antimafia: The Inside Account of the Economic Transformation of Russia, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Umberto Santino ,John Dickie
Magic and Masculinity: Ritual Magic and Gender in the Early Modern Era, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Frances Timbers
Magic in Ancient Greece and Rome, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Lindsay C. Watson
magnet, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Eva Barbarossa
The Magnificent Ambersons, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: V. F. Perkins
Mahakavi K. V. Simon: The Milton of the East, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Varghese Mathai
Mahmoud Darwish: Literature and the Politics of Palestinian Identity, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Muna Eid
Mainstreaming Sex: The Sexualization of Western Culture, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Feona Attwood
Mainstreaming the Headscarf: Islamist Politics and Women in the Turkish Media, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Esra Özcan
Makarios: The Revolutionary Priest of Cyprus, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Demetris Assos
Make a Shield from Wisdom: Selected Verses from Nāṣir-i Khusraw’s Dīvān, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Annemarie Schimmel
Makhmalbaf at Large: The Making of a Rebel Filmmaker, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Hamid Dabashi,Mohsen Makhmalbaf
Making Data: Materializing Digital Information, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Ian Gwilt
Making Dinner: How American Home Cooks Produce and Make Meaning Out of the Evening Meal, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Roblyn Rawlins ,David Livert
Making Disability Modern: Design Histories, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Guffey ,Bess Williamson
Making Fascism in Sweden and the Netherlands: Myth-Creation and Respectability, 1931–40, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Nathaniël D. B. Kunkeler
Making Film and Television Histories: Australia and New Zealand, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: James Bennett ,Rebecca Beirne
Making Hip Hop Theatre: Beatbox and Elements, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Katie Beswick ,Conrad Murray
Making It Heard: A History of Brazilian Sound Art, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Rui Chaves ,Fernando Iazzetta
Making Media Theory: Thinking Critically with Technology, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Marcel O’Gorman
Making Milk: The Past, Present, and Future of Our Primary Food, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Mathilde Cohen ,Yoriko Otomo
Making Movies into Art: Picture Craft from the Magic Lantern to Early Hollywood, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Kaveh Askari
The Making of a Nazi Hero: The Murder and Myth of Horst Wessel, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Daniel Siemens ,David Burnett
The Making of Consumer Culture in Modern Britain, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Peter Gurney
The Making of Eurasia: Competition and Cooperation between China’s Belt and Road Initiative and Russia, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Moritz Pieper
The Making of Foreign Policy in Iraq: Political Factions and the Ruling Elite, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Zana Gulmohamad
The Making of Jordan: Tribes, Colonialism and the Modern State, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Yoav Alon
The Making of Martyrdom in Modern Twelver Shī‘īsm: From Protestors and Revolutionaries to Shrine Defenders, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Adel Hashemi
The Making of Modern Romanian Culture: Literacy and the Development of National Identity, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Alex Drace-Francis
The Making of the Arab-Israeli Conflict 1947-1951, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Ilan Pappé
The Making Of The German Post-War Economy: Political Communication and Public Reception of the Social Market Economy after World War II, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Christian Glossner
The Making of the Israeli Far-Right: Abba Ahimeir and Zionist Ideology, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Peter Bergamin
The Making of the Slovak People’s Party: Religion, Nationalism and the Culture War in Early 20th-Century Europe, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Thomas Lorman
Making Poetry Happen: Transforming the Poetry Classroom, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Sue Dymoke ,Myra Barrs ,Andrew Lambirth ,Anthony Wilson
Making Posters: From Concept to Design, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Scott Laserow ,Natalia Delgado
Making Reputations: Power, Persuasion and the Individual in Modern British Politics, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Richard Toye ,Julie Gottlieb
Making Revolution in Egypt: The April 6 Youth Movement in a Global Context, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Ali Sonay
Making Sense of Mind-Game Films: Narrative Complexity, Embodiment, and the Senses, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Simin Nina Littschwager
Making Sense of People and Place in Linguistic Landscapes, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Amiena Peck ,Christopher Stroud ,Quentin Williams
Making Taste Public: Ethnographies of Food and the Senses, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Carole Counihan ,Susanne Højlund
Making the Arctic City: The History and Future of Urbanism in the Circumpolar North, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Peter Hemmersam
Making the Black Atlantic: Britain and the African Diaspora, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: James Walvin
Making the Difference: Gender, Personhood and Theology, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Elaine L. Graham
Making the Modern Turkish Citizen: Vernacular Photography in the Early Republican Era, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Özge Calafato
Making the Monster: The Science Behind Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Kathryn Harkup
Making the New Europe: European Unity and the Second World War, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: M. L. Smith ,Peter Stirk
Making Ukraine Soviet: Literature and Cultural Politics under Lenin and Stalin, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Olena Palko
Malayan Classicism: From the Architecture of Empire to Asian Vernacular, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Soon-Tzu Speechley
Male and Female Violence in Popular Media, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Elisa Giomi ,Sveva Magaraggia
Mamma Mia! The Movie: Exploring a Cultural Phenomenon, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Louise FitzGerald ,Melanie Williams
Managing for Success: Spotting Danger Signals – And Fixing Problems before They Happen, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Morgen Witzel
Managing Heritage, Making Peace: History, Identity and Memory in Contemporary Kenya, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Annie Coombes ,Lotte Hughes ,Karega-Munene
Managing Staff for Improved Performance, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Middlewood David,Abbott Ian
Manchuria: A Concise History, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Mark Gamsa
Manga in America: Transnational Book Publishing and the Domestication of Japanese Comics, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Casey Brienza
Manga, Murder, and Mystery: The Boy Detectives of Japan’s Lost Generation, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Tsugumi Okabe
A Man of Many Flags: Memoirs of a War Crimes Investigator, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: M Bassiouni
The Man Who Knew Too Much, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Murray Pomerance
The Man with the Movie Camera, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Graham Roberts
The Many Drafts of D. H. Lawrence: Creative Flux, Genetic Dialogism, and the Dilemma of Endings, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Elliott Morsia
The Many Faces of Slavery: New Perspectives on Slave Ownership and Experiences in the Americas, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Lawrence Aje ,Catherine Armstrong
The Many Futures of a Decision, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Jay Lampert
Many More Lives of the Batman, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Roberta Pearson ,Willam Uricchio ,Will Brooker
Many Parts: The Life and Travels of a Soldier, Engineer and Arbitrator in Africa and Beyond, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Desmond FitzGerald
Mapping Frontier Research in the Humanities, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Claus Emmeche ,David Pedersen ,Frederik Stjernfelt
Mapping Frontiers Across Medieval Islam: Geography, Translation, and the ʿAbbāsid Empire, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Travis Zadeh
Mapping the Holy Land: The Foundation of a Scientific Cartography of Palestine, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Haim Goren ,Jutta Faehndrich ,Bruno Schelhaas ,Petra Weigel
Mapplethorpe and the Flower: Radical Sexuality and the Limits of Control, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Derek Murray
March of The Moderates: Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, and the Rebirth of Progressive Politics, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Richard Carr
Margaret Thatcher, the Conservative Party and the Northern Ireland Conflict, 1975–1990, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Stephen Kelly
Marginality in Philosophy and Psychology: The Limits of Psychological Explanation, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: George Tudorie
Marilynne Robinson, Theologian of the Ordinary, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Andrew Cunning
Mario Bava: The Artisan as Italian Horror Auteur, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Leon Hunt
Marion and Theology, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Christina M. Gschwandtner
Maritime Cross-Border Insolvency under the UNCITRAL Model Law Regime: Commonwealth and US Perspectives, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Jingchen Xu
Maritime History and Identity: The Sea and Culture in the Modern World, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Duncan Redford
Maritime Organisation, Management and Liability: A Legal Analysis of New Challenges in the Maritime Industry, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Stephen Girvin ,Vibe Ulfbeck
Mark 13 and the Return of the Shepherd: The Narrative Logic of Zechariah in Mark, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Paul T. Sloan
MARK 15:39 AS A MARKAN THEOLOGY OF REVELATION: The Centurion’s Confession as Apocalyptic Unveiling, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Brian K. Gamel
Mark: An Introduction and Study Guide Shaping the Life and Legacy of Jesus, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Abraham Smith
Mark Antony and Popular Culture: Masculinity and the Construction of an Icon, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Rachael Kelly
Markesinis’s German Law of Torts: A Comparative Treatise, Ed. Fifth Edition
Author/Editor: John Bell ,André Janssen ,Basil S Markesinis QC, FBA, LLD, Drhc (mult.) With a Foreword by Professor Sir
Marketing and Advertising law in a Process of Harmonisation, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Ulf Bernitz ,Caroline Heide-Jørgensen
Marketing and Modernity, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Marianne Lien
Marketing Fashion Footwear: The Business of Shoes, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Fiona Armstrong-Gibbs ,Tamsin McLaren
Market Manipulation and Insider Trading: Regulatory Challenges in the United States of America, the European Union and the United Kingdom, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Ester Herlin-Karnell ,Nicholas Ryder
Market Power in EU Antitrust Law, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Luis Blanco ,Andrew Read
Mark Twain and Youth: Studies in His Life and Writings, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Kevin Donnell ,R. Rasmussen ,Hal Holbrook
Marnie, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Murray Pomerance
Marriage, Household, and Home in Modern Russia: From Peter the Great to Vladimir Putin, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Barbara Alpern Engel
Marriage, Law and Modernity: Global Histories, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Julia Moses
The Martha Graham Dance Company: House of the Pelvic Truth, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Blakeley White-McGuire
Martin Scorsese’s Divine Comedy: Movies and Religion, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Catherine O’Brien
Martin Scorsese’s Documentary Histories: Migrations, Movies, Music, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Mike Meneghetti
Martyrdom and Sacrifice in Islam: Theological, Political and Social Contexts, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Meir Hatina ,Meir Litvak
Marx and Engels’ Communist Manifesto, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Peter lamb
Marx and Russia: The fate of a doctrine, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: James D. White
Marxist Film Theory and Fight Club, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Anna Kornbluh
Marx’s Grundrisse: Bloomsbury Reader’s Guides, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Simon Choat
Mary Butts and British Neo-Romanticism: The Enchantment of Place, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Andrew Radford
Mary Butts
Necessary Contradictions and Feminist Reconstructions, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Joel Hawkes
Mary Kelly’s Concentric Pedagogy: Selected Writings, Ed. (First Edition, First edition)
Author/Editor: Juli Carson
Mary Midgley: An Introduction, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Gregory S. Mcelwain
Masculinities and Displacement in the Middle East: Syrian Refugees in Egypt, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Magdalena Suerbaum
Masculinity and Syrian Fiction: Gender, Society and the Female Gaze, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Lovisa Berg
The Masnavi of Rumi: A New English Translation with Persian Text and Explanatory Notes, Vol. Book Two, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Alan Williams
Mass Communications and Media Studies: An Introduction, Ed. Second Edition
Author/Editor: Peyton Paxson
Mass Intellectuality and Democratic Leadership in Higher Education, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Richard Hall ,Joss Winn
Mass Media, Consumerism and National Identity in Postwar Japan, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Martyn Smith
Mass-Observation: Text, Context and Analysis of the Pioneering Pamphlet and Movement, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Charles Madge ,Tom Harrisson ,Jennifer J. Purcell
Mass Producing European Cinema: Studiocanal and Its Works, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Christopher Meir
The Master and the Disciple: An Early Islamic Spiritual Dialogue, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: James W. Morris
MasterClass in English Education: Transforming Teaching and Learning, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Sue Brindley ,Bethan Marshall
MasterClass in Geography Education: Transforming Teaching and Learning, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Graham Butt
MasterClass in History Education: Transforming Teaching and Learning, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Christine Counsell ,Katharine Burn ,Arthur Chapman
MasterClass in Science Education: Transforming Teaching and Learning, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Keith S. Taber
Mastering Fear: Women, Emotions, and Contemporary Horror, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Rikke Schubart
Mastering Primary Art and Design, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Peter Gregory ,Claire March ,Suzy Tutchell
Mastering Primary Design and Technology, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Gill Hope
Mastering Primary English, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Wendy Jolliffe ,David Waugh
Mastering Primary Geography, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Anthony Barlow ,Sarah Whitehouse
Mastering Primary History, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Karin Doull ,Christopher Russell ,Alison Hales
Mastering Primary Languages, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Paula Ambrossi ,Darnelle Constant-Shepherd
Mastering Primary Music, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Ruth Atkinson
Mastering Primary Physical Education, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Kristy Howells ,Alison Carney ,Neil Castle ,Rich Little
Mastering Primary Religious Education, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Maria James ,Julian Stern
Mastering the Shakespeare Audition: A Quick Guide to Performance Success, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Donna Soto-Morettini
Mastering Type The essential guide to typography for print and digital design, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: DENISE BOSLER
Master of Deception: The Wartime Adventures of Peter Fleming, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Alan Ogden
Master of the Age: An Islamic Treatise on the Necessity of the Imamate, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Paul Walker
The Material Culture of Basketry: Practice, skill and embodied knowledge, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Stephanie Bunn ,Victoria Mitchell
The Material Culture of Tableware: Staffordshire Pottery and American Values, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Jeanne Zarucchi
Material Devotion in a South Indian Poetic WorldMaterial Devotion in a South Indian Poetic World, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Leah Comeau
Material Inventions: Applying Creative Arts Research, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Estelle Barrett ,Barbara Bolt
Materialist Media Theory: An Introduction, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Grant Bollmer
Materialist Phenomenology: A Philosophy of Perception, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Manuel DeLanda
The Materialities of Greek Tragedy: Objects and Affect in Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Mario Telò ,Melissa Mueller
Materializing Memories: Dispositifs, Generations, Amateurs, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Susan Aasman ,Andreas Fickers ,Joseph Wachelder
Materializing the Bible: Scripture, Sensation, Place, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: James S. Bielo
The Material Landscapes of Scotland’s Jewellery Craft, 1780–1914, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Sarah Laurenson
Material Literacy in Eighteenth-Century Britain: A Nation of Makers, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Serena Dyer ,Chloe Smith
Material Lives: Women Makers and Consumer Culture in the 18th Century, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Serena Dyer
Material Modernity: Innovations in Art, Design, and Architecture in the Weimar Republic, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Deborah Barnstone ,Maria Makela
Materials and Meaning in Architecture: Essays on the Bodily Experience of Buildings, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Nathaniel Coleman
Material Spirituality in Modernist Women’s Writing, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Anderson
Materials, Practices, and Politics of Shine in Modern Art and Popular Culture, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Antje Krause-Wahl ,Petra Löffler ,Änne Söll
Mathematics and Information in the Philosophy of Michel Serres, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Vera Bühlmann
Mathematics for Retail Buying, Ed. Eighth Edition
Author/Editor: Bette K. Tepper ,Marla Greene
Math Rock, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Jeff Gomez
Matisse’s Poets: Critical Performance in the Artist’s Book, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Kathryn Brown
The Matriarchs in Genesis Rabbah, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Katie J. Woolstenhulme
The Matrix, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Joshua Clover
The Matrix, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Joshua Clover
A Matter of Life and Death, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Ian Christie
Matter Transmission: Mediation in a Paleocyber Age, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Nicolás Salazar Sutil
Matthew and Mark Across Perspectives: Essays in Honour of Stephen C. Barton and William R. Telford, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Kristian A. Bendoraitis,Nijay K. Gupta
Matthew Flinders, Maritime Explorer of Australia, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Kenneth Morgan
Matthew Henry: The Bible, Prayer, and Piety: A Tercentenary Celebration, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Matthew A. Collins ,Paul Middleton
Matthew’s Account of the Massacre of the Innocents in Light of Its Reception History, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Sung J. Cho
Matthew’s Presentation of the Son of David: Davidic Tradition and Typology in the Gospel of Matthew, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: H. Zacharias
Matthew’s Theology of Fulfillment, Its Universality and Its Ethnicity: God’s New Israel as the Pioneer of God’s New Humanity, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Herman C. Waetjen
The Maturing of Monotheism: A Dialectical Path to Its Truth, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Garth Hallett
Maya Angelou: Adventurous Spirit From I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (1970) to Rainbow in the Cloud, The Wisdom and Spirit of Maya Angelou (2014), Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Linda Wagner-Martin
Möbian Nights: Reading Literature and Darkness, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Sandor Goodhart
The McCabe Reader, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Brian Davies ,Paul Kucharski
McCawley and Trethowan: The Chaos of Politics and the Integrity of Law: Volume 1: McCawley, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Ian Loveland
McCawley and Trethowan: The Chaos of Politics and the Integrity of Law: Volume 2: Trethowan, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Ian Loveland
The Meaning of Jesus’ Death: Reviewing the New Testament’s Interpretations, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Barry D. Smith
The Meaning of Life and Death: Ten Classic Thinkers on the Ultimate Question, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Michael Hauskeller
The Meaning of the Circus: The Communicative Experience of Cult, Art, and Awe, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Paul Bouissac
The Mecca Uprising: An Insider’s Account of Salafism and Insurrection in Saudi Arabia, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Nasir al-Huzaimi,David Commins
The Mechanics of Divine Foreknowledge and Providence: A Time-Ordering Account, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: T. Byerly
M, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Anton Kaes
M, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Anton Kaes
Media After Deleuze, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: David Savat ,Tauel Harper
Media and Gender Adaptation: Regendering, Critical Creation and the Fans, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Lucy Baker
Media and Politics in Latin America: Globalization,Democracy and Identity, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Carolina Matos
Media and Public Shaming: Drawing the Boundaries of Disclosure, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Julian Petley
Media and Society, Ed. (6th Edition, First published)
Author/Editor: James Curran ,David Hesmondhalgh
Media and Water: Communication, Culture and Perception, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Joanne Garde-Hansen
Media, Diaspora and Conflict: Nationalism and Identity amongst Kurdish and Turkish Migrants in Europe, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Janroj Keles
The Media in Lebanon: Fragmentation and Conflict in the Middle East, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Nabil Dajani
Media Law and Policy in the Internet Age, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Doreen Weisenhaus ,Simon NM Young
Author/Editor: Nicholas A. Elder
Media Narratives in Popular Music, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Chris Anderton ,Martin James
Media Power and Global Television News: The Role of Al Jazeera English, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Saba Bebawi
Media, Propaganda and Politics in 20th-Century Japan, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Asahi Company ,Barak Kushner ,Funabashi Yoichi
Media, Revolution and Politics in Egypt: The Story of an Uprising, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Abdalla Hassan
Media Technologies and Posthuman Intimacy, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Jan Stasieńko
Mediated Interfaces: The Body in Social Media, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Katie Warfield ,Crystal Abidin ,Carolina Cambre
Mediated Messages: Periodicals, Exhibitions and the Shaping of Postmodern Architecture, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Véronique Patteeuw ,Léa-Catherine Szacka
Mediating Clinical Claims, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Tony Allen
Mediation Advocacy: Representing and Advising Clients in Mediation, Ed. Second Edition
Author/Editor: Stephen Walker MA (Oxon), FCIArb
Mediation Law and Civil Practice, Ed. 2nd edition
Author/Editor: Tony Allen
Mediatized Dramaturgy: The Evolution of Plays in the Media Age, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Seda Ilter
Medical Decision-Making on Behalf of Young Children: A Comparative Perspective, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Imogen Goold ,Cressida Auckland ,Jonathan Herring
Medical Negligence in Victorian Britain: The Crisis of Care under the English Poor Law, c. 1834–1900, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Kim Price
Medicine in First World War Europe: Soldiers, Medics, Pacifists, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Fiona Reid
Medicine, the Penal System and Sexual Crimes in England, 1919–1960s: Diagnosing Deviance, Ed. First editon
Author/Editor: Janet Weston
Medieval Afterlives in Contemporary Culture, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Gail Ashton
Medieval Literature on Display: Heritage and Culture in Modern Germany, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Alexandra Sterling-Hellenbrand
Medieval Women and War: Female Roles in the Old French Tradition, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Sophie Harwood
Meditation and Culture: The Interplay of Practice and Context, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Halvor Eifring
Mediterranean Diasporas: Politics and Ideas in the Long 19th Century, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Maurizio Isabella ,Konstantina Zanou
Mediterranean Frontiers: Borders, Conflict and Memory in a Transnational World, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Dimitar Bechev ,Kalypso Nicolaidis
Melancholic Joy: On Life Worth Living, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Brian Treanor
Melville’s Philosophies, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Branka Arsić ,K. L. Evans
Members Club: A user’s guide to the penis, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Piet Hoebeke
Memoirs of a Mission: The Ismaili Scholar, Statesman and Poet al-Muʾayyad fi’l-Dīn al-Shīrāzī, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Verena Klemm
Memorializing the Holocaust: Gender, Genocide and Collective Memory, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Janet Jacobs
Memory and Modern British Politics: Commemoration, Tradition, Legacy, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Matthew Roberts
Memory and the Built Environment in 20th-Century American Literature: A Reading and Analysis of Spatial Forms, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Alice Levick
Memory and the Jesus Tradition, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Alan Kirk
Memory Politics and the Russian Civil War: Reds versus Whites, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Marlene Laruelle ,Margarita Karnysheva
Menander: Epitrepontes: (The Arbitration), Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Alan H. Sommerstein
Menander: Samia, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Matthew Wright
Men in the Mirror: Men’s Fashion, Masculinity and Consumer Society, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Tim Edwards
Men of Order: Authoritarian Modernization Under Atatürk and Reza Shah, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Touraj Atabaki ,Erik J. Zürcher
Menswear, Ed. Second Edition
Author/Editor: John Hopkins
Menswear Revolution: The Transformation of Contemporary Men’s Fashion, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Jay Bowstead
Menswear Trends, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Aki Choklat
Mental Health Homicide and Society: Understanding Health Care Governance, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: David P Horton
Men Teaching Children 3–11: Dismantling Gender Barriers, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Burn ,Simon Pratt-Adams
Mentoring and Coaching in Early Childhood Education, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Michael Gasper ,Rosie Walker
Mentoring and Coaching in Education: A Guide to Coaching and Mentoring Teachers at Every Stage of Their Careers, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Lizana Oberholzer ,Derek Boyle
The Merchant of Venice: A Critical Reader, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Sarah Hatchuel ,Nathalie Vienne-Guerrin
The Merchant of Venice, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: M. Kaplan
Mercy and British Culture, 1760–1960, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: James Gregory
Mereology: A Philosophical Introduction, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Giorgio Lando
Mere Reading: The Poetics of Wonder in Modern American Novels, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Lee Mitchell
Meritocracy and the University: Selective Admission in England and the United States, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Anna Zimdars
The Merovingian Kingdoms and the Mediterranean World: Revisiting the Sources, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Stefan Esders ,Yitzhak Hen ,Pia Lucas ,Tamar Rotman
Meshes of the Afternoon, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: John Rhodes
Messianism among Jews and Christians: Biblical and Historical Studies, Ed. second edition
Author/Editor: William Horbury
Metadiscourse: Exploring interaction in writing, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Ken Hyland
The Metamorphoses of Myth in Fiction since 1960, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Kathryn Hume
The Metanarrative Hall of Mirrors: Reflex Action in Fiction and Film, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Garrett Stewart
Metanoia: A Speculative Ontology of Language, Thinking, and the Brain, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Armen Avanessian ,Anke Hennig ,Nils F. Schott ,Levi Bryant
Metaphilosophy of Law, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Paweł Banaś ,Adam Dyrda ,Tomasz Gizbert-Studnicki
Metaphor in Language and Culture across World Englishes, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Marcus Callies ,Marta Degani
The Metaphor of the Monster: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Understanding the Monstrous Other in Literature, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Keith Moser ,Karina Zelaya
Metaphysical Hermeneutics, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Jean Grondin
Metaphysics and Grammar
Author/Editor: William Charlton
metaphysics: an introduction, Ed. Second edition
Author/Editor: Jonathan Tallant
Metaphysics of Children’s Literature: Climbing Fuzzy Mountains, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Lisa Sainsbury
The Metaphysics of Market Power: The Zero-Sum Competition and Market Manipulation Approach, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: George Raitt
Metaphysics of Mystery: Revisiting the Question of Universality through Rahner and Schillebeeckx, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Marijn de Jong
Metaphysics of Nature and Failure in Kant’s Opus postumum, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Terrence Thomson
The Metaxas Myth: Dictatorship and Propaganda in Greece, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Marina Petrakis
Methodological Advances in Experimental Philosophy, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Eugen Fischer ,Mark Curtis
Methodology in the Use of the Old Testament in the New: Context and Criteria, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: David Allen ,Steve Smith
Methods in Buddhist Studies: Essays in Honor of Richard K. Payne, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Scott A. Mitchell ,Natalie Fisk Quli
The Methuen Drama Companion to Performance Art, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Bertie Ferdman ,Jovana Stokic
The Methuen Drama Guide to Contemporary South African Theatre, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Martin Middeke ,Peter Schnierer ,Greg Homann
The Methuen Drama Handbook of Interculturalism and Performance, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Daphne P. Lei ,Charlotte McIvor
The Methuen Drama Handbook of Theatre History and Historiography, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Claire Cochrane ,Jo Robinson
#MeToo and Literary Studies: Reading, Writing, and Teaching about Sexual Violence and Rape Culture, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Mary K. Holland ,Heather Hewett
Metropolis, Ed. 2nd Edition
Author/Editor: Thomas Elsaesser
Metropolitan Science: London Sites and Cultures of Knowledge and Practice, c. 1600–1800, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Rebekah Higgitt ,Jasmine Kilburn-Toppin ,Noah Moxham
Mexican Literature as World Literature, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Ignacio M. Sánchez Prado
Mexican Literature in Theory, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Ignacio M. Sánchez Prado
Meyerhold on Theatre, Ed. Fourth Edition
Author/Editor: Edward Braun ,Jonathan Pitches
Micah: An International Theological Commentary, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Mark S. Gignilliat
Michael Chekhov Technique in the Twenty-First Century: New Pathways, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Cass Fleming ,Tom Cornford
Michael of Ephesus: On Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics 10 with Themistius: On Virtue, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: James Wilberding ,Julia Trompeter ,Alberto Rigolio
Michael Slote Encountering Chinese Philosophy: A Cross-Cultural Approach to Ethics and Moral Philosophy, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Yong Huang
The Michelin Men: Driving an Empire, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Herbert Lottman
Michel Meyer’s Problematology: Questioning and Society, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Nick Turnbull
Michel Serres and the Crises of the Contemporary, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Rick Dolphijn
Mickey Rourke, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Keri Walsh
The Microeconomics Anti-Textbook: A Critical Thinker’s Guide — Second Edition, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Rod Hill ,Tony Myatt
The Microgenre: A Quick Look at Small Culture, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Molly C. O’Donnell ,Anne H. Stevens
Micromuseology: An Analysis of Small Independent Museums, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: fiona candlin
Mid-Century Modern Interiors: The Ideas that Shaped Interior Design in America, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Lucinda Kaukas Havenhand
Middle Eastern American Theatre: Communities, Cultures, and Artists, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Michael Malek Najjar
Middle Eastern Politics and Historical Memory: Martyrdom, Revolution, and Forging National Identities, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Jacob Lassner
The Middle East in 1958: Reimagining a Revolutionary Year, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Jeffrey G. Karam
The Middle East Peace Process and The Eu: Foreign Policy and Security Strategy in International Politics, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Taylan Kaya
The Middle East Water Question: Hydropolitics and the Global Economy, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Tony Allan
A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Language and Writing, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: R. S. White
MiFID II and Private Law: Enforcing EU Conduct of Business Rules, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Federico Della Negra
MiG ALLEY: The us Air Force in Korea1950–53, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Rhonda Blair
Migrant Women’s Voices: Talking About Life and Work in the UK Since 1945, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Linda McDowell
Migrant Workers’ Education in China: Changing Discourses and Practices, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Fusheng Jia
Migrating Shakespeare: First European Encounters, Routes and Networks, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Janet Clare ,Dominique Goy-Blanquet
Migrating to America: Transnational Social Networks and Regional Identity among Turkish Migrants, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Lisa Dicarlo
Migration and Disease in the Black Sea Region: Ottoman-Russian Relations in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Andrew Robarts
Migration and Mutation: New Perspectives on the Sonnet in Translation, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Carole Birkan-Berz ,Oriane Monthéard ,Erin Cunningham
Migration From North Africa and The Middle East: Skilled Migrants, Development and Globalisation, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Philippe Fargues ,Alessandra Venturini
Migration from Turkey to Sweden: Integration, Belonging and Transnational Community, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Bahar Başer ,Paul Levin
Migration, Modernity and Transnationalism in the Work of Joseph Conrad, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Kim Salmons ,Tania Zulli
Migration Narratives: Diverging Stories in Schools, Churches, and Civic Institutions, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Stanton Wortham ,Briana Nichols ,Katherine Clonan-Roy ,Catherine Rhodes
Émigré Cultures in Design and Architecture, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Alison J. Clarke ,Elana Shapira
Milan Kundera Known and Unknown: Multidimensional Analysis of His Selected Works, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Karen Kunes
The Militant Historian: The Concept of History in the Work of Alain Badiou, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Kerry Purcell
Military Intell igence in Cyprus: From the Great War to Middle East Crises, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Panagiotis Dimitrakis
Military Intervention and a Crisis of Democracy in Turkey: The Menderes Era and its Demise, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Mogens Pelt
Military Leadership and Counterinsurgency: The British Army and Small War Strategy since World War II, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Victoria Nolan
Military Transition in Early Modern Asia, 1400–1750: Cavalry, Guns, Governments and Ships, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Kaushik Roy
Milosevic: The People’s Tyrant, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Vidosav Stevanovic ,Trude Johansson ,Zlata Filipovic
Milton Nascimento and Lô Borges’s The Corner Club, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Jonathon Grasse
Mimesis and Atonement: René Girard and the Doctrine of Salvation, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Michael Kirwan ,Sheelah Treflé Hidden
Mimesis and Sacrifice: Applying Girard’s Mimetic Theory Across the Disciplines, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Marcia Pally
Mimesis in the Johannine Literature: A Study in Johannine Ethics, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Cornelis Bennema
Mimetic Theory and Film, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Paolo Diego Bubbio ,Chris Fleming
The Mimiambs of Herodas: Translated into an English ‘Choliambic’ Metre with Literary-Historical Introductions and Notes, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Anna Rist
Mindfulness, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Martin Heidegger ,Parvis Emad ,Thomas Kalary
Minding Creation: Theological Panpsychism and the Doctrine of Creation, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Joanna Leidenhag
The Mind of Mithraists: Historical and Cognitive Studies in the Roman Cult of Mithras, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Luther H. Martin
Mind Style and Cognitive Grammar: Language and Worldview in Speculative Fiction, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Louise Nuttall
Ming Dynasty Tales: A Guided Reader, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Victor H. Mair ,Zhenjun Zhang
Minimalism and Affect in American Literature, 1970–2020, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Oliver Haslam
The Minimum Dwelling Revisited: CIAM’s Practical Utopia (1928–31), Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Aristotle Kallis
Ministry of Darkness: How Sergei Uvarov Created Conservative Modern Russia, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Lesley Chamberlain
Minorities in Wartime: National and Racial Groupings in Europe, North America and Australia during the Two World Wars, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Panikos Panayi
Minority Jurisprudence in Islam: Muslim Communities in the West, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Susanne Olsson
Mirror, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Natasha Synessios
A Mirror for England: British Movies from Austerity to Affluence, Ed. Second Edition
Author/Editor: Raymond Durgnat ,Kevin Gough-Yates
Mirrors and Mirroring: From Antiquity to The Early Modern Period, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Maria Gerolemou ,Lilia Diamantopoulou
Mirror Thinking: How Role Models Make Us Human, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Fiona Murden
Misanthropy: The Critique of Humanity, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Andrew Gibson
Miscommunications: Errors, Mistakes, Media, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Maria Korolkova ,Timothy Barker
“Misfits” in Fin-de-Siècle France and Italy: Anatomies of Difference, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Susan A. Ashley
Misleading Silence, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Elise Bant ,Jeannie Paterson
Mission Accomplished?: The Crisis of International Intervention, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Simon enkins
Missionaries in Persia: Cultural Diversity and Competing Norms in Global Catholicism, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Christian Windler
The Missionary and the Maharajas: Cecil Tyndale-Biscoe and the Making of Modern Kashmir, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Haugh Tyndale-Biscoe
A Mission to the Medieval Middle East: The Travels of Bertrandon de la Broquière to Jerusalem and Constantinople, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Bertrandon Broquière ,Thomas Johnes ,Morris Rossabi
Mistress Ethics: On the Virtues of Sexual Kindness, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Victoria Brooks
Mixed Metaphors: Their Use and Abuse, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Karen Sullivan
Mixed Methods Research: Research Methods, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: DONNA M. MERTENS
MOBILITY AND ARMENIAN BELONGING IN CONTEMPORARY TURKEY: Migratory Routes and the Meaning of the Local, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Salim Öztürk
The Model as Performance: Staging Space in Theatre and Architecture, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Thea Brejzek ,Lawrence Wallen
Modern American Drama: Playwriting 2000–2009: Voices, Documents, New Interpretations, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Julia Listengarten,Cindy Rosenthal,Brenda Murphy,Julia Listengarten
Modern American Drama: Playwriting in the 1930s: Voices, Documents, New Interpretations, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Brenda Murphy,Julia Listengarten,Anne Fletcher
Modern American Drama: Playwriting in the 1940s: Voices, Documents, New Interpretations, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Brenda Murphy,Julia Listengarten,Felicia Hardison Londré
Modern American Drama: Playwriting in the 1950s: Voices, Documents, New Interpretations, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Brenda Murphy,Julia Listengarten,Susan C. W. Abbotson
Modern American Drama: Playwriting in the 1960s: Voices, Documents, New Interpretations, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Mike Sell ,Brenda Murphy ,Julia Listengarten
Modern American Drama: Playwriting in the 1980s: Voices, Documents, New Interpretations, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Brenda Murphy,Julia Listengarten,Sandra G. Shannon
Modern American Drama: Playwriting in the 1990s: Voices, Documents, New Interpretations, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Cheryl Black,Sharon Friedman,Brenda Murphy,Julia Listengarten
Modern Architecture and the Sacred: Religious Legacies and Spiritual Renewal, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Ross Anderson ,Maximilian Sternberg
Modern Art at the Berlin Wall: Demarcating Culture in the Cold War Germanys, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Claudia Mesch
Modern Asian Design, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: D. J. Huppatz
Modern Christian Theology, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Christopher Simpson
Modern Dutch Studies, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: M. J. Wintle ,Paul Vincent
The Modern Embroidery Movement, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Cynthia Fowler
Modern Fashion Traditions: Negotiating Tradition and Modernity through Fashion, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: M. Jansen ,Jennifer Craik
Modern Hinduism in Text and Context, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Lavanya Vemsani
A Modern History of European Cities: 1815 to the Present, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Rosemary Wakeman
The Modern History of Jordan, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Kamal Salibi
A Modern History of Russian Childhood: From the Late Imperial Period to the Collapse of the Soviet Union, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Elizabeth White
A Modern History of the Balkans: Nationalism and Identity in Southeast Europe, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Thanos Veremis
A Modern History of the Ismailis: Continuity and Change in a Muslim Community, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Farhad Daftary
A Modern History of the Kurds, Ed. (Fourth Edition, First published)
Author/Editor: David McDowall
Modern in the Making: MoMA and the Modern Experiment, 1929–1949, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Austin Porter ,Sandra Zalman
Modernism and Its Environments, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Michael Rubenstein ,Justin Neuman
Modernism and Its Media, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Chris Forster
Modernism and the Law, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Robert Spoo
Modernism at the Microphone: Radio, Propaganda, and Literary Aesthetics During World War II, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Melissa Dinsman
Modernism between Benjamin and Goethe, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Matthew Charles
Modernism: Evolution of an Idea, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Sean Latham ,Gayle Rogers
Modernism in a Global Context, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Peter J. Kalliney
Modernism in Scandinavia: Art, Architecture and Design, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Charlotte Ashby
Modernism in Trieste: The Habsburg Mediterranean and the Literary Invention of Europe, 1870–1945, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Salvatore Pappalardo
Modernism, Science, and Technology, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Mark S. Morrisson
Modernism, Sex, and Gender, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Celia Marshik ,Allison Pease
Modernism’s Print Cultures, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Faye Hammill ,Mark Hussey
Modernism, War, and Violence, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Marina MacKay
Modernist Aesthetics in Transition: Visual Culture of the Weimar Republic and Nazi Germany, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Deborah Barnstone ,Donna Brett
Modernist Crisis and the Pedagogy of Form: Woolf, Delany, and Coetzee at the Limits of Fiction, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Matthew Cheney
Modernist Lives: Biography and Autobiography at Leonard and Virginia Woolf’s Hogarth Press, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Claire Battershill
Modernist Magazines and the Social Ideal, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Tim Satterthwaite
Modernists and the Theatre: The Drama of W.B. Yeats, Ezra Pound, D.H. Lawrence, James Joyce, T.S. Eliot and Virginia Woolf, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: James Moran
Modernist Wastes: Recovery, Re-Use and the Autobiographic in Elsa von-Freytag-Lorighoven and Djuna Barnes, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Caroline Knighton
Modernist Work: Labor, Aesthetics, and the Work of Art, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: John Attridge ,Helen Rydstrand
Modernity and the Political Fix, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Andrew Gibson
Modernity, Domesticity and Temporality in Russia: Time at Home, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Rebecca Friedman
The Modernity of Ancient Sculpture: Greek Sculpture and Modern Art From Winckelmann to Picasso, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Prettejohn
The Modern Lovers, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Sean L. Maloney
Modern Records, Maverick Methods: Technology and Process in Popular Music Record Production 1978–2000, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Samantha Bennett
Modern Religious Architecture in Germany, Ireland and Beyond: Influence, Process and Afterlife since 1945, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Kathleen James-Chakraborty ,Lisa Godson
Modern South Africa in World History, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Rob Skinner
The Modern Spain Sourcebook: A Cultural History From 1600 To The Present, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Aurora G. Morcillo ,María Gómez ,Paula Cruz-Fernández ,José Morcillo-Gómez
Modern Studies in Property Law: Volume 10, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Ben McFarlane ,Sinéad Agnew
Modern Studies in Property Law: Volume 9, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Heather Conway ,Robin Hickey
Modern Theatre in Russia: Tradition Building and Transmission Processes, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Stefan Aquilina
Modern Tragedy, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: James Moran
The Modern Venus: Dress, Underwear and Accessories in the Late 18th-Century Atlantic World, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Gernerd
The Modes of Modern Writing: Metaphor, Metonymy, and the Typology of Modern Literature, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: David Lodge
Modest Fashion: Styling Bodies, Mediating Faith, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Reina Lewis
Moldova: A History, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Rebecca Haynes
Molla Nasreddin: Polemics, Caricatures & Satire, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Slavs,Tatars
Monarchies and Nations: Globalisation and Identity in the Arab States of the Gulf, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Paul Dresch ,James Piscatori
Monarchy and Modernity in Egypt: Politics, Islam and Neo-Colonialism between the Wars, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: James Whidden
The Monetary History of Iran: From the Safavids to the Qajars, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Rudi Matthee ,Willem Floor ,Patrick Clawson
Money and Magic in Early Modern Drama, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: David Hawkes
Mongolia: A Political History of the Land and Its People, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Michael Dillon
Monks, Money, and Morality: The Balancing Act of Contemporary Buddhism, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Christoph Brumann ,Saskia Abrahms-Kavunenko ,Beata świtek
The Monks of Kublai Khan: Emperor of China: Medieval Travels from China Through Central Asia to Persia and Beyond, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Rabban Sawma ,David Morgan ,Sir Wallis Budge
Monochrome: Darkness and Light in Contemporary Art, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Craig Staff
Monotheism and Yahweh’s Appropriation of Baal, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: James S. Anderson
Monsters and Monstrosity in Jewish History: From the Middle Ages to Modernity, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Iris Idelson-Shein ,Christian Wiese
Monstrosity: The Human Monster in Visual Culture, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Alexa Wright
Montenegro: A Modern History, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Kenneth Morrison
Montenegro and Serbia: A Velvet Divorce?, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Kenneth Morrison ,Vesko Garčević
The Monuments of Syria: A Guide, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Ross Burns
Monuments, Power and Poverty in India: From Ashoka to the Raj, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: AS Bhalla
Moon Pix: 33 1/3, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Donna Kozloskie
The Moral and Market Economies of Bread: Regulation and Reform in Vienna, 1775–1885, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Jonas M. Albrecht
Moral Crisis in the Ottoman Empire: Society, Politics, and Gender during WWI, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Çiğdem Oğuz
Morality and Ethics at War: Bridging the Gaps between the Soldier and the State, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Deane-Peter Baker
Moral Matters: A Philosophy of Homecoming, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Mark Dooley
Moral Principles
The Moral Worlds of Contemporary Realism, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Mary K. Holland
More Than Communion: Imagining an Eschatological Ecclesiology, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Scott MacDougall
More-Than-Human Literacies in Early Childhood, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Abigail Hackett
More Wordcrime: Solving Crime with Linguistics, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: John Olsson
Mormon Identities in Transition, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Douglas J. Davies
Mormonism: A Guide for the Perplexed, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Robert L. Millet ,Shon D. Hopkin
Moroccan Dreams: Oriental Myth, Colonial Legacy, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Claudio Minca ,Lauren Wagner
Mortality and Music: Popular Music and the Awareness of Death, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Christopher Partridge
Mortal Thought: Hölderlin and Philosophy, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: JAMES LUCHTE
The Mosques of Colonial South Asia: A Social and Legal History of Muslim Worship, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Sana Haroon
The Most Beautiful Job in the World: Lifting the Veil on the Fashion Industry, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Giulia Mensitieri ,Natasha Lehrer
Mother of the BBC: Mother of the BBCMabel Constanduros and the development of popular entertainment on the BBC, 1925–57, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Jennifer J. Purcell
Mothers, Criminal Insanity and the Asylum in Victorian England: Cure, Redemption and Rehabilitation, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Alison C. Pedley
Motion Graphics: Principles and Practices from the Ground Up, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Ian Crook ,Peter Beare
Motion Illustration: How to Use Animation Techniques to Make Illustrations Move, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Adam Osgood
Motivation Ethics, Ed. First edition
Mountain Dialogues from Antiquity to Modernity, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Dawn Hollis ,Jason König
Mountain Mandalas: Shugendō in Kyushu, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Allan G. Grapard
Mountbatten: Apprentice War Lord, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Adrian Smith
Mountbatten, Cold War and Empire, 1945–79, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Adrian Smith
Mount of Knowledge, Sword of Eloquence: Collected Poems of an Ismaili Muslim Scholar in Fatimid Egypt, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Mohamad Adra ,Kutub Kassam
Mourning Freud, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Madelon Sprengnether
Movement as Meaning in Experimental Cinema: The Musical Poetry of Motion Pictures Revisited, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Daniel Barnett
Movement Directors in Contemporary Theatre: Conversations on Craft, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Ayse Tashkiran
Movie Mutations: The Changing Face of World Cinephilia, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Jonathan Rosenbaum ,Adrian Martin
Movies with Meaning: Existentialism Through Film, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Daniel Shaw
The Moving Body (Le Corps Poétique): Teaching Creative Theatre, Ed. Third edition
Author/Editor: Jacques Lecoq
The Moving City: Processions, Passages and Promenades in Ancient Rome, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Ida Östenberg ,Simon Malmberg ,Jonas Bjørnebye
The Moving Image Workshop: Introducing Animation, Motion Graphics and Visual Effects in 45 Practical Projects, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Heather D. Freeman
Moving Objects: A Cultural History of Emotive Design, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Damon Taylor
Moving Towards Transition: Commoning Mobility for a Low-Carbon Future, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Peter Adey ,Tim Cresswell ,Jane Yeonjae Lee ,Anna Nikolaeva ,André Nóvoa ,Cristina Temenos
Moving with the Magdalen: Late Medieval Art and Devotion in the Alps, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Joanne W. Anderson
Mubarak Al-Sabah: The Foundation of Kuwait, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: John King ,Souad Al-Sabah ,Laila Asser
Much Ado About Nothing: A Critical Reader, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Deborah Cartmell ,Peter J. Smith
Much Ado About Nothing, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Indira Ghose
Mud, Sweat and Beers: A Cultural History of Sport and Alcohol, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Tony Collins ,Wray Vamplew
Mugabe: A Life of Power and Violence, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Stephen Chan
Muhammad and Jesus: A Comparison o the Prophets and Their Teachings, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: William E. Phipps
Multi-Camera Cinematography and Production: Camera, Lighting, and Other Production Aspects for Multiple Camera Image Capture, Ed. (FIRST EDITION, First edition)
Multi-Dimensional Analysis: Research Methods and Current Issues, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Tony Berber Sardinha ,Marcia Veirano Pinto
Multilevel Constitutionalism for Multilevel Governance of Public Goods: Methodology Problems in International Law, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Ernst Ulrich Petersmann
Multilingual Environments in the Great War, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Julian Walker ,Christophe Declercq
Multilingualism: Understanding linguistic diversity, Ed. (Second Edition, First edition)
Author/Editor: JOHN EDWARDS
Multilingual Literature as World Literature, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Jane Hiddleston ,Wen-chin Ouyang
Multilingual Memories: Monuments, Museums and the Linguistic Landscape, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Robert Blackwood ,John Macalister
Multiliteracy Play: Designs and Desires in the Second Language Classroom, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Chantelle Warner
A Multimodal Language Faculty: A Cognitive Framework for Human Communication, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Neil Cohn ,Joost Schilperoord
Multisensory Living in Ancient Rome: Power and Space in Roman Houses, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Hannah Platts
The Mummy on Screen: Orientalism and Monstrosity in Horror Cinema, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Basil Glynn
The Munich Crisis of 1938: Political Turmoil on the Brink of the Second World War, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Piotr M. Majewski ,Translated by Maya Latynski
Murder Ballads, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Santi Elijah Holley
The Murderous History of Bible Translations: Power, Conflict and the Quest for Meaning, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Harry Freedman
Musaddiq and the Struggle for Power in Iran, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Homa Katouzian
Museums and Wealth: The Politics of Contemporary Art Collections, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Nizan Shaked
Museums of World Religions: Displaying the Divine, Shaping Cultures, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Charles D. Orzech
Musical Bows of Southern Africa, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Sazi Dlamini
Musical Nationalism, Despotism and Scholarly Interventions in Greek Popular Music, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Nikos Ordoulidis
Musicals at the Margins: Genre, Boundaries, Canons, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Julie Lobalzo Wright ,Martha Shearer
Musical Theatre: A History, Ed. Second edition
Author/Editor: John Kenrick
The Musical Theatre Composer as Dramatist: A Handbook for Collaboration, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Rebecca Warner
Musical Theatre Script and Song Analysis Through the Ages, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: James Olm
Musical Theatre Song: A Comprehensive Course in Selection, Preparation, and Presentation for the Modern Performer, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Stephen Purdy ,Hunter Foster
Music and Conflict Transformation: Harmonies and Dissonances in Geopolitics, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Olivier Olivier
Music and Musicians in the Medieval Islamicate World: A Social History, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Lisa Nielson
Music and the road: Essays on the interplay of music and the popular culture of the American road, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Gordon E. Slethaug
Music, Art and Performance from Liszt to Riot Grrrl: The Musicalization of Art, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Diane V. Silverthorne
Music as Multimodal Discourse, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: C. S. Lyndon,McKerrell Simon
Music, City and the Roma under Communism, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Anna G. Piotrowska
Music City Melbourne: Urban Culture, History and Policy, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Shane Homan ,Seamus O’Hanlon ,Catherine Strong ,John Tebbutt
Music Composition in the 21st Century: A Practical Guide for the New Common Practice, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Robert Carl
Music Entrepreneurship, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Allan Dumbreck ,Gayle McPherson
Music Fundamentals for Musical Theatre, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Christine Riley
Musician in the Museum: Display and Power in Neoliberal Popular Culture, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Charles Fairchild
Music, Memory and Memoir, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Robert Edgar ,Fraser Mann ,Helen Pleasance
Music with Stanley Cavell in Mind, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: David LaRocca
The Muslim Brotherhood and State Repression in Egypt: A History of Secrecy and Militancy in an Islamist Organization, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Ahmed Abou El Zalaf
Muslim-Christian Engagement in the Twentieth Century: The Principles of Interfaith Dialogue and the Work of Isma‘il al-Faruqi, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Charles Fletcher