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Titles start with H (329) | Information |
Habermas and Literature: The Public Sphere and the Social Imaginary, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Geoff Boucher
Hadhramaut and its Diaspora: Yemeni Politics, Identity and Migration, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Noel Brehony
Hadrian’s Wall: Creating Division, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Matthew Symonds
Hafiz and His Contemporaries: Poetry, Performance and Patronage in Fourteenth-century Iran, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Dominic Brookshaw
Hafiz and the Religion of Love in Classical Persian Poetry: Iran and the Persianate World, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Leonard Lewisohn
Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi An Introduction and Study Guide: Return and Restoration, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Michael R. Stead
Hagiography and Religious Truth: Case Studies in the Abrahamic and Dharmic Traditions, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Rico G. Monge ,Kerry P. C. San Chirico ,Rachel J. Smith
The Hague Conferences and International Politics, 1898–1915, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Maartje Abbenhuis
The Hague Judgments Convention and Commonwealth Model Law: A Pragmatic Perspective, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Abubakri Yekini
Hague Law Interpreted: The Conduct of Hostilities under the Law of Armed Conflict, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Stuart Casey-Maslen ,Steven Haines with
Hair: An Illustrated History, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Susan J. Vincent
hair, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Scott Lowe
Haiti’s Literary Legacies: Romanticism and the Unthinkable Revolution, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Kir Kuiken,Deborah White
Half Sound, Half Philosophy: Aesthetics, Politics, and History of China’s Sound Art, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Jing Wang
Half-Time: The Glorious Summer of 1934, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Robert Winder
Hallmark: A Judge's Life at Oxford, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Oliver Popplewell
Hamlet: A Critical Reader, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Ann Thompson ,Neil Taylor
Hamlet: Language and Writing, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Dympna Callaghan
The Handbook of Design for Sustainability, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Stuart Walker ,Jacques Giard
The Handbook of Design Management, Ed. English edition |
Author/Editor: Rachel Cooper ,Sabine Junginger ,Thomas Lockwood ,Richard Buchanan ,Richard Boland ,Kyung-won Chung
The Handbook of Food and Anthropology, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Jakob A. Klein ,James L. Watson
The Handbook of Food Research, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Anne Murcott ,Warren Belasco ,Peter Jackson ,W. Sidney
The Handbook of Interior Architecture and Design, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Graeme Brooker ,Lois Weinthal
The Handbook of Textile Culture, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Janis Jefferies ,Diana Conroy ,Hazel Clark
The Handbook to the Bloomsbury Group, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Derek Ryan ,Stephen Ross
The Hand on the Shakespearean Stage: Gesture, Touch and the Spectacle of Dismemberment, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Farah Karim-Cooper
Hanif Kureishi, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Susan Alice Fischer
Hannah Arendt and Cosmopolitanism: State, Community, Worlds in Common, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Angela Taraborrelli
Hannah Arendt and Theology, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: John Kiess
Hannah Arendt and the Politics of Friendship, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Jon Nixon
Hannah Arendt on Educational Thinking and Practice in Dark Times: Education for a World in Crisis, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Wayne Veck ,Helen M. Gunter
Hannah Arendt’s Ambiguous Storytelling: Temporality, Judgment, and the Philosophy of History, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Marcin Moskalewicz
Hannah Arendt’s Ethics, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Deirdre Lauren Mahony
Hanna Schygulla, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Ulrike Sieglohr
Hans Jonas: Life, Technology and the Horizons of Responsibility, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Lewis Coyne
A Hard Day‘s Night, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Stephen Glynn
Harold Pinter: Stages, Networks, Collaborations, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Basil Chiasson ,Catriona Fallow ,Mark Taylor-Batty ,Enoch Brater
Harold Wilson and Europe: Pursuing Britain’s Membership of the European Communities, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Melissa Pine
Harrison Ford: Masculinity and Stardom in Hollywood, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Virginia Luzón-Aguado
hashtag, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Losh
The Hasmoneans and their Neighbors, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Kenneth Atkinson
Has Political Correctness Gone Mad?: Interrogating a Right-wing Conspiracy Theory, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Tony McKenna
Author/Editor: Klaus-Peter Adam
Hate in Precarious Times: Mobilizing Anxiety from the Alt-Right to Brexit, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Neal Curtis
Hats, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Clair Hughes
Haunted Data: Affect, Transmedia, Weird Science, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Lisa Blackman
Haunted Histories and Troubled Pasts: Twenty-First-Century Screen Horror and the Historical Imagination, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Amanda Howell ,Stephanie Green
Haunted Soundtracks: Audiovisual Cultures of Memory, Landscape, and Sound, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: K. J. Donnelly ,Aimee Mollaghan
Hayao Miyazaki: Exploring the Early Work of Japan’s Greatest Animator, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Raz Greenberg
H.D. and Modernist Religious Imagination |
Author/Editor: Anderson Elizabeth
Head-On, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Daniela Berghahn
Health And Architecture: The History Of Spaces Of Healing And Care In The Pre-Modern Era, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Mohammad Gharipour
Health and Hedonism in Plato and Epicurus, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Kelly Arenson
Health and Medical Practice in Iran: Traditional Culture and Modern Medicine, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Agnes Loeffler
Healthcare Law and Ethics and the Challenges of Public Policy Making: Selected Essays, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Ian Kennedy
Healthy Eating: Your Questions Answered, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Barbara A. Brehm
Healthy Skin: Your Questions Answered, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Shayan Waseh
Healthy Technology Use: Your Questions Answered, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Bernadette H. Schell
Hearing Maskanda: Musical Epistemologies in South Africa, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Barbara Titus
Heat, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Nick James
The Hebrew Bible and History: Critical Readings, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Lester L. Grabbe
Hebrews: An Earth Bible Commentary: A City That Cannot Be Shaken, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey S. Lamp
Hebrews: An Introduction and Study Guide, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Patrick Gray ,Amy Peeler
Hebrew Wordplay and Septuagint Translation Technique in the Fourth Book of the Psalter, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth H. P. Backfish
Hegel and Resistance: History, Politics and Dialectics, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Bart Zantvoort ,Rebecca Comay
Hegel and the Problem of the History of Philosophy: The Logical Structure of Exemplarity, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Thomas Raysmith
Hegel, Logic and Speculation, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Paolo Bubbio ,Alessandro De Cesaris ,Maurizio Pagano ,Hager Weslati
Hegel on Possibility: Dialectics, Contradiction, and Modality, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Nahum Brown
Hegel’s Political Aesthetics: Art in Modern Society, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Stefan Bird-Pollan ,Vladimir Marchenkov
Heidegger and Dao: Things, Nothingness, Freedom, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Eric S. Nelson
Heidegger and the Emergence of the Question of Being, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Jesús Escudero ,Juan Betancur
Heidegger and the Problem of Phenomena, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Fredrik Westerlund
Heidegger, History and the Holocaust, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Mahon O’Brien
Heidegger’s Metaphysics: The Overturning of “Being and Time”, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Aengus Daly
Heidegger’s Politics of Enframing: Technology and Responsibility, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Javier Cardoza-Kon
Heidegger’s Style: On Philosophical Anthropology and Aesthetics, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Markus Weidler
Heine and Critical Theory, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Willi Goetschel
The Hejaz Railway and the Ottoman Empire: Modernity, Industrialisation and Ottoman Decline, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Murat Özyüksel
Helen Chadwick: Constructing Identities Between Art and Architecture, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Stephen Walker
Helen Frankenthaler: Painting History, Writing Painting, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Alison Rowley
Hellenistic Inter-state Political Ethics and the Emergence of the Jewish State, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Doron Mendels
Henri Bergson and Visual Culture: A Philosophy for a New Aesthetic, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Paul Atkinson
Henry Ayers: The Man who Became a Rock, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Jason Shute
Henry VIII's Military Revolution: The Armies of Sixteenth-Century Britain and Europe, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: James Raymond
Herbert Bayer, Graphic Designer: From the Bauhaus to Berlin, 1921–1938, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Patrick Rössler
Heritage, Culture and Rights: Challenging Legal Discourses, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Andrea Durbach ,Lucas Lixinski
Hermeneutics After Ricoeur, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: John Arthos
Hermeneutics and Phenomenology: Figures and Themes, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Saulius Geniusas ,Paul Fairfield
Hermeneutics between History and Philosophy: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer: Volume I, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Hans-Georg Gadamer ,Pol Vandevelde ,Arun Iyer
A Hermeneutics of Religious Education, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: David Aldridge
The Hermeneutics of Suspicion: Cross-Cultural Encounters with India, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Dorothy M. Figueira
Hermias: On Plato Phaedrus 227A–245E, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Dirk Baltzly ,Michael Share
A Hermit’s Cookbook: Monks, Food and Fasting in the Middle Ages, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Andrew Jotischky
Author/Editor: Mitchell Lynette
Heroines, Heroes and Deity: Three Narratives of the Biblical Heroic Tradition, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Dolores G. Kamrada
Heroines without Heroes: Reconstructing Female and National Identities in European Cinema 1945–51, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Ulrike Sieglohr
The Hero of Budapest: The Triumph and Tragedy of Raoul Wallenberg, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Bengt Jangfeldt
Hershman and McFarlane: Children Act Handbook 2017/18, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Andrew McFarlane
Hershman & McFarlane Children Act Handbook: 2020/21, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: David Hershman ,Andrew McFarlane
The Hidden History of American Fashion: Rediscovering Twentieth-Century Women Designers, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Nancy Deihl
The Hidden History of the Smock Frock, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Alison Toplis
The Hidden War In Argentina: British and American Espionage in World War II, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Panagiotis Dimitrakis
Higher Education, Community Connections and Collaborations, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Sinéad Gormally ,Abigail Maguire ,Mike Seal
Higher Education in Austerity Europe, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Jon Nixon
Higher Education Research: The Developing Field, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Malcolm Tight
The Highest Good in the Nicomachean Ethics and the Bhagavad Gītā: Knowledge, Happiness, and Freedom, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Roopen Majithia
High Heel, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Summer Brennan
High Places: Cultural Geographies of Mountains, Ice and Science, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Denis Cosgrove ,Veronica Dora
Hilary Mantel: Contemporary Critical Perspectives, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Eileen Pollard ,Ginette Carpenter
The Hillary Effect: Perspectives on Clinton’s Legacy, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Ivy A.M. Cargile ,Denise Davis ,Jennifer Merolla ,Rachel VanSickle-Ward
Hindu and Muslim Mysticism, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: R. C. Zaehner
The Hindu Sufis of South Asia: Partition, Shrine Culture and the Sindhis in India, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Michel Boivin
Hindu Worldviews, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Jessica Frazier
Hip-Hop Architecture, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Sekou Cooke
Hippocrates Now: The ‘Father of Medicine’ in the Internet Age, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Helen King
Hipster Culture: Transnational and Intersectional Perspectives, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Heike Steinhoff
Hirohito’s War: The Pacific War, 1941–1945, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Francis Pike
A Historical Approach to Casuistry: Norms and Exceptions in a Comparative Perspective, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Carlo Ginzburg ,Lucio Biasiori
The Historical Contexts and Contemporary Uses of Mass Observation: 1930s to the Present, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Lucy D. Curzon ,Benjamin Jones
Historical Perspectives on Infant Care and Development, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Amanda Norman
Historical Understanding: Past, Present, and Future, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Zoltán Simon ,Lars Deile
Historic English Churches: A Guide to their Construction, Design and Features, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Geoffrey Sharpe
Historicism: A Travelling Concept, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Herman Paul ,Adriaan Veldhuizen
Historicizing Modernism: Ezra Pound’s Adams Cantos |
Author/Editor: David Ten Eyck
Historicizing Race, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Marius Turda ,Maria Sophia Quine
Histories on Screen: The Past and Present in Anglo-American Cinema and Television, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Sam Edwards,Michael Dolski,Faye Sayer
History and Contemporary Issues: Studies in Moral Theolog, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Charles E. Curran
The History and Ethics of Authenticity: Meaning, Freedom and Modernity, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Kyle Michael James Shuttleworth
History and Film: A Tale of Two Disciplines, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Eleftheria Thanouli
History and International Relations: From the Ancient World to the 21ST Century, Ed. 2nd Edition |
Author/Editor: Howard Malchow
History and Memory in the Abbasid Caliphate: Writing the Past in Medieval Arabic Literature, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Letizia Osti
The History and Politics of Free Movement within the European Union: European Borders of Justice, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Saila Heinikoski
The History and Theory of Environmental Scenography: Second Edition, Ed. Second Edition |
Author/Editor: Arnold Aronson
History as a Translation of the Past: Case Studies from the West, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Luigi Alonzi
History in Times of Unprecedented Change: A Theory for the 21st Century, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Zoltán Simon
The History of a Forgotten German Camp: Nazi Ideology and Genocide at Szmalcówka, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Tomasz Ceran
The History of Ancient Israel: A Guide for the Perplexed, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Philip R. Davies
The History of Animals: A Philosophy, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Oxana Timofeeva ,Slavoj Žižek
A History of Artists’ Film and Video in Britain, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: David Curtis
The History of Central Asia: The Age of Decline and Revival, Vol. 4, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Christoph Baumer
A History of Czechoslovakia Between the Wars: From Versailles to Hitler’s Invasion, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Patrick Crowhurst
A History of Education for the Many: From Colonization and Slavery to the Decline of US Imperialism, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Curry Malott
A History of Education in Modern Russia: Aims, Ways, Outcomes, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Wayne Dowler
A History of Environmentalism: Local Struggles, Global Histories, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Marco Armiero ,Lise Sedrez
A History of Experimental Film and Video: From the Canonical Avant-Garde to Contemporary British Practice, Ed. 2nd Edition |
Author/Editor: A. L. Rees
A History of Fascism in France: From the First World War to the National Front, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Chris Millington
The History of Fashion Journalism, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Kate Nelson Best
The History of German Literature on Film, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Christiane Schönfeld
The History of Italy, Ed. (Second Edition, First edition) |
Author/Editor: Charles L. Killinger III
The History of Japanese Psychology: Global Perspectives, 1875–1950, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Brian J. McVeigh
A History of Jews and Judaism in the Second Temple Period: The Maccabaean Revolt, Hasmonaean Rule, and Herod the Great (175–4 BCE), Vol. 3, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Lester L. Grabbe F.B.A.
A History of Light: The Idea of Photography, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Junko Theresa Mikuriya
A History of Pergamum: Beyond Hellenistic Kingship |
Author/Editor: Richard Evans
The History of Philosophical and Formal Logic: From Aristotle to Tarski, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Alex Malpass ,Marianna Marfori
A History of Private Policing in the United States, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Wilbur R. Miller
The History of Reason in the Age of Madness: Foucault’s Enlightenment and a Radical Critique of Psychiatry, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: John Iliopoulos
A History of Regulating Working Families: Strains, Stereotypes, Strategies and Solutions, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Nicole Busby ,Grace James
The History of Russian Literature on Film, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Marina Korneeva ,David Gillespie
The History of Saudi Arabia, Ed. (Third Edition, First edition) |
Author/Editor: Wayne H. Bowen
A History of Shiʿi Islam, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Farhad Daftary
A History of Stability and Change in Lebanon: Foreign Interventions and International Relations, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Joseph Bayeh
History of Technology: Special Issue: History of Technology in Latin America, Vol. Volume 34, 2019, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Ian Inkster ,David Pretel ,Helge Wendt
History of Technology: Volume 11, 1986, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Norman Smith
History of Technology: Volume 13, 1991, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Graham Hollister-Short ,Frank A.J.L. James
History of Technology: Volume 14, 1992, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Graham Hollister-Short ,Frank A.J.L. James
History of Technology: Volume 15, 1993, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Graham Hollister-Short ,Frank A.J.L. James
History of Technology: Volume 17, 1995, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Graham Hollister-Short ,Frank A.J.L. James
History of Technology: Volume 19, 1997, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Graham Hollister-Short
History of Technology: Volume 21, 1999, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Graham Hollister-Short
History of Technology: Volume 2, 1977, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: A. Hall ,Norman Smith
History of Technology: Volume 23, 2011, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Ian Inkster
History of Technology: Volume 27, 2006, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Ian Inkster
History of Technology: Volume 30, 2011, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Ian Inkster
History of Technology: Volume 4, 1979, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: A. Hall ,Normal Smith
History of Technology: Volume 5, 1980, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: A. Hall ,Normal Smith
History of Technology: Volume 6, 1981, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: A. Hall ,Norman Smith
History of Technology: Volume 7, 1982, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: A. Hall ,Normal Smith
History of Technology: Volume 8, 1983, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Norman Smith
History of Technology: Volume 9, 1984, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Norman Smith
History of Technology: Volume Twenty, 1998, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Graham Hollister-Short
History of Technology: Volume Twenty-nine, 2009, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Ian Inkster
History of the Caucasus: At the Crossroads of Empires, Vol. 1, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Christoph Baumer
The History of the Communist Party in Cyprus: Colonialism, Class and the Cypriot Left, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Yiannos Katsourides ,Robert Fine
A History of the European Restorations: Governments, States and Monarchy, Vol. One, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Michael Broers ,Ambrogio A. Caiani ,Stephen Bann ,Gaynor Johnson ,Munro Price
A History of the European Restorations: Volume Two Culture, Society and Religion, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Michael Broers ,Ambrogio A. Caiani ,Stephen Bann
The History of the European Union: Constructing Utopia, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Giuliano Amato ,Enzo Moavero-Milanesi ,Gianfranco Pasquino ,Lucrezia Reichlin
A History of the Great Influenza Pandemics: Death, Panic and Hysteria, 1830-1920, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Mark Honigsbaum
A HISTORY OF THE HASMONEAN STATE: Josephus and Beyond, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Kenneth Atkinson
A History of the Hungarian Constitution: Law, Government and Political Culture in Central Europe, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Ferenc Hörcher ,Thomas Lorman
A History of the Jews and Judaism in the Second Temple Period: The Jews under the Roman Shadow (4 BCE–150 CE), Vol. 4, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Lester L. Grabbe
The History of the Provincial Press in England, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Rachel Matthews
A History of the Royal Navy: Empire and Imperialism, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Daniel Spence
A History of the Royal Navy: The Napoleonic Wars, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Martin Robson
A History of the Royal Navy: The Seven Years War, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Martin Robson
A History of the Royal Navy: World War I, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Mike Farquharson-Roberts
A History of the Royal Navy: World War I, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Duncan Redford
A History of the Tajiks: Iranians of the East, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Richard Foltz
The History of United States Cultural Diplomacy: 1770 to the Present Day, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Michael L. Krenn
A History of Water: Series III, Volume 1: Water and Urbanization, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Terje Tvedt ,Terje Oestigaard
A History of Water: Volume 3: Water and Food From Hunter-Gatherers to Global Production in Africa, Ed. Third Edition |
Author/Editor: Terje Tvedt ,Terje Oestigaard
A History of Water: Water, Geopolitics and the New World Order, Vol. 3, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Terje Tvedt ,Graham Chapman ,Roar Hagen
A History of Western Philosophy of Education in Antiquity, Ed. (VOLUME 1, First edition) |
Author/Editor: Avi I. Mintz
History, Politics and the Bible from the Iron Age to the Media Age: Essays in Honour of Keith W. Whitelam, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Jim West ,James Crossley
History, the White House and the Kremlin: Statesmen as Historians, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Michael Fry
Hitchcock and The Cinema of Sensations: Embodied Film Theory and Cinematic Reception, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Paul Elliott
Hitchcock: Suspense, Humour and Tone, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Susan Smith
Hitler and Czechoslovakia in World War II: Domination and Retaliation, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Patrick Crowhurst
Hitler's Crusade: Bolshevism and the Myth of the International Jewish Conspiracy, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Lorna Waddington
Hitler’s ‘National Community’: Society and Culture in Nazi Germany, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Lisa Pine
HÉLÈNE CIXOUS’S POETICS OF VOICE: Echo–Subjectivity–Diffraction, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Birgit M. Kaiser
Holding The Line: The Naval Air Campaign In Korea, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Thomas Mckelvey Cleaver
Holland House: A History of London’s Most Celebrated Salon, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Linda Kelly
Hollywood Abroad: Audiences and Cultural Exchange, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Richard Maltby ,Melvyn Stokes
Hollywood and the Americanization of Britain: From the 1920S to the Present, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Mark Glancy
Hollywood and the Baby Boom: A Social History, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: James Russell ,Jim Whalley
Hollywood and the Nazis on the Eve of War: The Case of The Mortal Storm, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Alexis Pogorelskin
hollywood catwalk: Exploring Costume and Transformation in American Film, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Tamar McDonald
The Hollywood Family Film: A History, from Shirley Temple to Harry Potter, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Noel Brown
Hollywood Genres and Postwar America: Masculinity, Family and Nation in Popular Movies and Film Noir, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Mike Chopra-Gant
Hollywood Heroines: Women in Film Noir and the Female Gothic Film, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Helen Hanson
Hollywood in the New Millennium, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Tino Balio
Hollywood Online: Internet Movie Marketing Before and After The Blair Witch Project, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Ian London
Hollywood: Politics and Society, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Mark Wheeler
The Hollywood Renaissance: Revisiting American Cinema’s Most Celebrated Era, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Peter Krämer ,Yannis Tzioumakis
Hollywood Riots: Violent Crowds and Progressive Politics in American Film, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Doug Dibbern
Hollywood’s New Radicalism: War, Globalisation and the Movies from Reagan to George W. Bush, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Ben Dickenson
Hollywood Soundscapes: Film Sound Style, Craft and Production in the Classical Era, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Helen Hanson
Hollywood Spectatorship: Changing Perceptions of Cinema Audiences, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Melvyn Stokes ,Richard Maltby
The Holocaust and Australia: Refugees, Rejection, and Memory, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Paul R. Bartrop
The Holocaust: Country by Country, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Paul R. Bartrop ,Eve E. Grimm
Holocaust History and the Readings of Ka-Tzetnik, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Annette F. Timm
Holocaust Perpetrators of the German Police Battalions: The Mass Murder of Jewish Civilians, 1940–1942, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Ian Rich
Holocaust Remembrance between the National and the Transnational: The Stockholm International Forum and the First Decade of the International Task Force, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Larissa Allwork
Holocaust Representations in History: An Introduction, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Daniel H. Magilow ,Lisa Silverman
Holocaust Representations in History: An Introduction: Second Edition, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Daniel H. Magilow ,Lisa Silverman
The Holocaust Sites of Europe: An Historical Guide, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Martin Winstone
The Holy Bible, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: David Evans
HOLY LIVING: The Christian Tradition for Today, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Rowan Williams
The Holy Roman Empire and The Ottomans: From Global Imperial Power to Absolutist States, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Mehmet Birdal
Holy Terror: Jesus in the Infancy Gospel of Thomas, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: J.R.C. Cousland
Home Cooking in the Global Village: Caribbean Food from Buccaneers to Ecotourists, Ed. English Edition |
Author/Editor: Richard Wilk
Homelands and Diasporas: Greeks, Jews and Their Migrations, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Minna Rozen
Home Movies: The American Family in Contemporary Hollywood, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Claire Jenkins
The Homeric Battle of the Frogs and Mice, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Joel P. Christensen ,Erik Robinson
A Homeric Catalogue of Shapes: The Iliad and Odyssey Seen Differently, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Charlayn Solms
Homer’s Iliad and the Trojan War: Dialogues on Tradition, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Jan Haywood ,Naoíse Sweeney
Home Screens: Public Housing in Global Film and Television, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Lorrie Palmer
Homes in Crisis Capitalism: Gender, Work and Revolution, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Marnie Holborow
Homogenic, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Emily Mackay
Homosexuality and Literature: 1890-1930, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey Meyers
Homosexuality on the Small Screen: Television and Gay Identity in Britain, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Sebastian Buckle
Honey Steel’s Gold, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: John Encarnação
Hong Kong: Appointment with China, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Steve Tsang
Hong Kong Cinema: The Extra Dimensions, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Stephen Teo
Hope and Kinship in Contemporary Fiction: Moods and Modes of Temporality and Belonging, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Gero Bauer
Hopeful Pedagogies in Higher Education, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Mike Seal
Hope: The Politics of Optimism, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Simon Wortham
Hope, Utopia and Creativity in Higher Education: Pedagogical Tactics for Alternative Futures, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Craig A. Hammond
Horace, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Paul Miller ,Richard Stoneman
Horizons of Ancestral Inheritance: Commentary on the Levi, Qahat, and Amram Qumran Aramaic Traditions, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Andrew B. Perrin
The Horn of Africa: State, Politics and International Relations, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Peter Woodward
Horror Fiction in the Global South: Cultures, Narratives and Representations, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Ritwick Bhattacharjee ,Saikat Ghosh
Hosea: A Textual Commentary, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Mayer I. Gruber
Household Medicine in Seventeenth-Century England, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Anne Stobart
House of Fashion: Haute Couture and the Modern Interior, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Jess Berry
Howard Barker’s Theatre: Wrestling with Catastrophe, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: James Reynolds ,Andy W. Smith
How Empire Shaped Us, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Antoinette Burton ,Dane Kennedy
How Europe Made the Modern World: Creating the Great Divergence, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Jonathan Daly
How Is Architecture Political?: Engaging Chantal Mouffe, Ed. First edition |
How language shapes relationships in professional sports teams: Power and solidarity dynamics in a New Zealand rugby team, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Kieran File
How People Talk About Politics: Brexit and Beyond, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Stephen Coleman
How Stage Playwrights Saved the British Cinema, 1930–1956: The Well-Made Screenplay, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: David Cottis
How the New Education Establishment Betrayed the World’s Poorest Children: Broken Promises, Broken Schools, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Joanna Härmä
How The West Was Lost, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Alexander Boot ,Theodore Dalrymple Dr
How to Be a Failure and Still Live Well: A Philosophy, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Beverley Clack
How to Be an Existentialist or How to Get Real, Get a Grip and Stop Making Excuses, Ed. Anniversary Edition |
Author/Editor: Gary Cox
How to Be a Woman Online: Surviving Abuse and Harassment, and How to Fight Back, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Nina Jankowicz
How to be Good: or How to Be Moral and Virtuous in a Wicked World, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Gary Cox
How to Lose the Information War: Russia, Fake News, and the Future of Conflict, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Nina Jankowicz
How to Make the Body: Difference, Identity, and Embodiment, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Jennifer L. Creech ,Thomas O. Haakenson
How to Read a Dress: A Guide to Changing Fashion from the 16th to the 21st Century, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Lydia Edwards
How to read a dress: A Guide to Changing Fashion from the 16th to the 20th Century, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Lydia Edwards
How to Read a Suit: A Guide to Changing Men’s Fashion from the 17th to the 20th Century, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Lydia Edwards
How to Read Like a Writer: 10 Lessons to Elevate Your Reading and Writing Practice, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Erin M. Pushman
How To Sleep: The art, biology and culture of unconsciousness, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Matthew Fuller
How to Teach a Play: Essential Exercises for Popular Plays, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Miriam M. Chirico ,Kelly Younger
How to Think About The Climate Crisis: A philosophical guide to saner ways of living, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Graham Parkes
How to Win Every Argument: The Use and Abuse of LogicSecond Edition, Ed. second edition |
Author/Editor: Madsen Pirie
How to Win The Future of Law with Artificial Intelligence |
Author/Editor: Isabella Barbara Tisenhusen
HOW WE BECAME POST-LIBERAL: The Rise and Fall of Toleration, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Russell Blackford
HSE and Environment Agency Prosecution: The New Climate, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Charlotte Waters ,Mike Appleby ,Louise Smail
Hugh Trevor-Roper The Secret World: Behind the Curtain of British Intelligence in World War II and the Cold War, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Michael Howard Sir ,Edward Harrison
Hugh Trevor-Roper: The Wartime Journals, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Richard Davenport-Hines
The Human as the Other: Towards an Inclusive Philosophical Anthropology, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Matthew Rukgaber
The Human: Bare Life and Ways of Life, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: John Lechte
Human Dignity in the Judaeo-Christian Tradition: Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican and Protestant Perspectives, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: John Loughlin
Humanities, Provocateur: Towards a Contemporary Political Aesthetics, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Brinda Bose
The Humanity of Private Law: Part I: Explanation, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Nicholas J McBride
The Humanity of Private Law: Part II: Evaluation, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Nicholas J McBride
Humankind and Humanity in the Philosophy of the Enlightenment: From Locke to Kant, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Stefanie Buchenau ,Stefanie Buchenau
Human Rights and Judicial Review in Australia and Canada: The Newest Despotism?, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Janina Boughey
Human Rights Between Law and Politics: The Margin of Appreciation in Post-National Contexts, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Petr Agha
Human Rights Commitments of Islamic States: Sharia, Treaties and Consensus, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Paul McDonough
Human Rights Encounter Legal Pluralism: Normative and Empirical Approaches, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Giselle Corradi ,Eva Brems ,Mark Goodale
Human Rights Imperialists: The Extraterritorial Application of the European Convention on Human Rights, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Conall Mallory
Human Rights in Russia: Citizens and the State from Perestroika to Putin, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Mary McAuley
Human Rights in the Twenty-First Century: A Dialogue, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Austregésilo Athayde ,Daisaku Ikeda ,Richard L. Gage
Human Rights in the UK and the Influence of Foreign Jurisprudence, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Hélène Tyrrell
Human Rights Responsibilities in the Digital Age: States, Companies and Individuals, Ed. Edited by |
Author/Editor: Jonathan Andrew ,Frédéric Bernard
Human Security and Human Rights under International Law: The Protections Offered to Persons Confronting Structural Vulnerability, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Dorothy Estrada-Tanck
Human Subjectivity ‘in Christ’ in Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Theology: Integrating Simplicity and Wisdom, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Jacob Phillips
Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Law and Practice, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Philippa Southwell ,Michelle Brewer ,Ben Douglas-Jones QC ,Paramjit Ahluwalia ,Christine Beddoe ,Steven Bird ,Lindsay Cundall ,Felicity Gerry QC ,Bernie
Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Law and Practice, Ed. Second Edition |
Author/Editor: Philippa Southwell ,Michelle L Brewer Judge ,Ben Douglas-Jones QC ,Paramjit Ahluwalia ,Christine Beddoe ,Steven Bird ,Pam Bowen CBE ,Phil Brewer ,Lindsay Cundall ,Emma Fitzsimons
Hume’s Natural Philosophy and Philosophy of Physical Science, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Matias Slavov
Hume’s Reception in Early America Expanded Edition, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Mark G. Spencer
Humiliation in International Relations: A Pathology of Contemporary International Systems, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Bertrand Badie ,Jeff Lewis
Humming, Ed. First published |
Author/Editor: Suk-Jun Kim
Humor in Global Contemporary Art, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Mette Gieskes ,Gregory H. Williams
The Hungarian Avant-Garde and Socialism: The Art of the Second Public Sphere, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Katalin Cseh-Varga
Hungarian Women’s Activism in the Wake of the First World War: From Rights to Revanche, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Judith Szapor
Hunger, Poetry and the Oxford Movement: The Tractarian Social Vision, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Lesa Scholl
Hunting the Dark Knight: Twenty-First Century Batman, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Will Brooker
Husserl’s Ethics and Practical Intentionality, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Susi Ferrarello
The Hybrid Age: International Security in the Era of Hybrid Warfare, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Brin Najžer
The Hymns of Zoroaster: A New Translation of the Most Ancient Sacred Texts of Iran, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: M L West
Hyperbolic Realism: A Wild Reading of Pynchon’s and Bolaño’s Late Maximalist Fiction, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Samir Sellami
The Hypercontemporary Novel in Portugal: Fictional Aesthetics and Memory after Postmodernism, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Paulo Medeiros ,Ana Arnaut
Hyperdrawing: Beyond the Lines of Contemporary Art, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Phil Sawdon ,Russell Marshall
hyphen, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Pardis Mahdavi