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Titles start with U (115) Information
U2 and the Religious Impulse: Take Me Higher, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Scott Calhoun
The UAE after the Arab Spring: Strategy for Survival, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Khalifa Al-Suwaidi
UFOs, Conspiracy Theories and the New Age: Millennial Conspiracism, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: David G. Robertson
Ugliness: The Non-Beautiful in Art and Theory, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Andrei Pop ,Mechtild Widrich
The UK and EMEA Corporate Counsel Handbook, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Walter J Thomas BA, JD, LLM ,Robert Grimes B.Comm
The UK Constitution After Miller: Brexit and Beyond, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Mark Elliott ,Jack Williams ,Alison L Young
UK Merger Control, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Jonathan Parker ,Adrian Majumdar
Ukrainian Cinema: Belonging and Identity during the Soviet Thaw, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Joshua First
The Uncapturable: The Fleeting Art of Theatre, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Rubén Szuchmacher ,William Gregory
Un Chien Andalou: (Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dalí, 1929), Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Elza Adamowicz
Uncommon Grounds: New Media and Critical Practices in North Africa and the Middle East, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Anthony Downey
Uncontrollable Women: Radicals, Reformers and Revolutionaries, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Nan Sloane
Uncovering Anna Perenna: A Focused Study of Roman Myth and Culture, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Gwynaeth McIntyre ,Sarah McCallum
Understanding Adorno, Understanding Modernism, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Robin Truth Goodman
Understanding Affections in the Theology of Jonathan Edwards: “The High Exercises of Divine Love”, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Ryan Martin
Understanding Audiences and the Film Industry, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Roy Stafford ,Stacey Abbott Dr
Understanding Bakhtin, Understanding Modernism, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Philippe Birgy
Understanding Blanchot, Understanding Modernism, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Christopher Langlois
Understanding Derrida, Understanding Modernism, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Jean-Michel Rabaté
Understanding Experiences of First Generation University Students: Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Methodologies, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Amani Bell ,Lorri J. Santamaría
Understanding Kristeva, Understanding Modernism, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Maria Margaroni
Understanding Legislation: A Practical Guide to Statutory Interpretation, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: David Lowe ,Charlie Potter
Understanding Marx, Understanding Modernism, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Mark Steven
Understanding Media Semiotics: Second Edition, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Marcel Danesi
Understanding Music: Philosophy and Interpretation, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Roger Scruton
Understanding Nancy, Understanding Modernism, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Cosmin Toma
Understanding Nietzsche, Understanding Modernism, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Brian Pines ,Douglas Burnham
Understanding Nonverbal Communication: A Semiotic Guide, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Marcel Danesi
Understanding PISA’s Attractiveness: Critical Analyses in Comparative Policy Studies, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Florian Waldow,Gita Steiner-Khamsi
Understanding Records, Second Edition: A Field Guide to Recording Practice, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Jay Hodgson
Understanding Religion through Artificial Intelligence: Bonding and Belief, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Justin Lane
Understanding Schematic Learning at Two, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Julie Brierley ,Cathy Nutbrown
Understanding School Segregation: Patterns, Causes and Consequences of Spatial Inequalities in Education, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Xavier Bonal ,Cristián Bellei
Understanding Silence and Reticence
Understanding the Qur’an: Themes and Style, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Muhammad Haleem
Understanding the Rule of Law, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Geert Corstens
Under the Black Flag: At the Frontier of the New Jihad, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Sami Moubayed
Under The Shadow: Rage and Revolution in Modern Turkey, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Kaya Genç
Undoing Privilege: Unearned Advantage and Systemic Injustice in an Unequal World, Ed. Second edition
Author/Editor: Bob Pease
Unexpected Consequences of Compensation Law, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Prue Vines ,Arno Akkermans
Un/familiar Theology: Reconceiving Sex, Reproduction and Generativity, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Susannah Cornwall
Unfit for ­Purpose: When Human Evolution Collides with the Modern World, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Adam Hart
Unfit: Jewish Degeneration and Modernism, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Marilyn Reizbaum
Unforgiven, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Edward Buscombe
Unframed: Practices and politics of women’s contemporary painting, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Rosemary Betterton
Unhomely Empire: Whiteness and Belonging, c.1760–1830, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Onni Gust
A Unified Approach to Contract Interpretation, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Ryan Catterwell
Uniform: Clothing and Discipline in the Modern World, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Jane Tynan ,Lisa Godson
Uniformity of Customs Administration in the European Union, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Kathrin Limbach
Uniform Rules for European Contract Law?: A Critical Assessment, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Francisco de Elizalde
Unilateral Sanctions in International Law, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Surya P Subedi QC (Hon), OBE, DCL, DPhil (Oxford)
United in Diversity?: European Integration and Political Cultures, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Ekavi Athanassopoulou
The United Kingdom and the Federal Idea, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Robert Schütze ,Stephen Tierney
The United Nations in International History, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Amy L. Sayward
The United States and Jordan: Middle East Diplomacy during the Cold War, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Clea Hupp
The United States and the Nazi Holocaust: Race, refuge, and remembrance, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Barry Trachtenberg
United States Relations with China and Iran: Toward the Asian Century, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Osamah F. Khalil
Unity in Adversity: EU Citizenship, Social Justice and the Cautionary Tale of the UK, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Charlotte O’Brien
The Unity of Public Law?: Doctrinal, Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Mark Elliott ,Jason NE Varuhas ,Shona Stark
Universality in Islamic Thought: Rationalism, Science and Religious Belief, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Michael Morony
Universities in Crisis: Academic Professionalism in Uncertain Times, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Eric Lybeck ,Catherine O’Connell
The University of Cambridge: A New History, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: GR Evans
The University of Oxford: A New History, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: GR Evans
The Unknown 1930s: An alternative history of the British cinema, 1929–39, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Jeffrey Richards
The Unknown Lloyd George: A Statesman in Conflict, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Travis L. Crosby
The Unknown Tutankhamun, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Marianne Eaton-Krauss
An Unnatural History of Religions: Academia, Post-truth and the Quest for Scientific Knowledge, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Leonardo Ambasciano
Unnatural Theology: Religion, Art and Media after the Death of God, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Charlie Gere
Unpacking Normativity: Conceptual, Normative, and Descriptive Issues, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Kenneth Himma ,Miodrag Jovanović ,Bojan Spaić
The Unperceived Continuity of Isaiah, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: James H. Charlesworth
The Unpredictability of Gameplay, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Mark R. Johnson
Unreasoned Verdict: The Jury’s Out, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Louis Blom-Cooper
The Unseen Terror: The French Revolution in the Provinces, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Richard Ballard
Unstable Aesthetics: Game Engines and the Strangeness of Modding, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Eddie Lohmeyer
Unwrapping Tongan Barkcloth: Encounters, Creativity and Female Agency, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Fanny Veys
Uprisings in Eighteenth-Century Britain: Mediation and the Transformation of Political Culture, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Monika Barget
Uptown Saturday Night, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Patrick Rivers,Will Fulton
Urban and Visual Culture in Contemporary Iran: Non-visibility and the Politics of Everyday Presence, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Pedram Dibazar
Urban Design Thinking: A Conceptual Toolkit, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Kim Dovey
Urban Ecclesiology: Gospel of Mark, Familia Dei and a Filipino Community Facing Homelessness, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Pascal D. Bazzell
Urban Inequality: Theory, Evidence and Method in Johannesburg, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Owen Crankshaw
Urban Muslim Migrants in Istanbul: Identity and Trauma Among Balkan Immigrants, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Frances Trix
Urban Poverty in Bangladesh: Slum Communities, Migration and Social Integration, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Shahadat Hossain
Urban Poverty in Turkey: Development and Modernisation in Low-Income Communities, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Burcu Şentürk
Urban Redevelopment and Modernity in Liverpool and Manchester, 1918–39, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Charlotte Wildman
Urban Religious Events: Public Spirituality in Contested Spaces, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Paul Bramadat ,Mar Griera ,Julia Martínez-Ariño ,Marian Burchardt
Ur: The City of the Moon God, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Harriet Crawford
The US and Latin America: Eisenhower, Kennedy and Economic Diplomacy in the Cold War, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Bevan Sewell
Us Approaches to the Arab Uprisings: International Relations and Democracy Promotion, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Amentahru Wahlrab ,Michael McNeal
The Use and Abuse of the Bible: A Brief History of Biblical Interpretation, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Henry Wansbrough
The Use and Function of Scripture in 1 Maccabees, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Dongbin Choi
US Economic Aid in Egypt: Strategies for Democratisation and Reform in the Middle East, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Dina Jadallah
US-Egypt Diplomacy under Johnson: Nasser, Komer, and the Limits of Personal Diplomacy, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Gabriel Glickman
The Use of Force and Article 2 of the ECHR in Light of European Conflicts, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Hannah Russell
Use of the Third Person for Self-Reference by Jesus and Yahweh: A Study of Illeism in the Bible and Ancient Near Eastern Texts and Its Implications for Christology, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Roderick Elledge
User Modelling in Text Generation, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Cécile L. Paris
A User’s Guide to Data Protection: Law and Policy, Ed. Third edition
Author/Editor: Paul Lambert BA, LLB, LLM, TMA, CTMA, PhD Dr
A User’s Guide to Patents, Ed. Fifth edition
Author/Editor: Trevor Cook
The Uses of Literature in Modern Japan: Histories and Cultures of the Book, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Sari Kawana
Us Foreign Policy and the Gulf Wars: Decision-making and International Relations, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Ahmed Malik
US Foreign Policy in the Caucasus and Central Asia: Politics, Energy and Security, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Christoph Bluth
US History in 15 Foods, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: ANNA ZEIDE
Using and Conquering the Watery World in Greco-Roman Antiquity, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Georgia L. Irby
Using Digital Humanities in the Classroom, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Claire Battershill ,Shawna Ross
Using Film to Understand Childhood and Practice, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Sue Aitken
Using Graphic Novels in the English Language Arts Classroom, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: William Boerman-Cornell ,Jung Kim
Using Literature in English Language Education: Challenging Reading for 8–18 Year Olds, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Janice Bland
Using Non-Textual Sources: A Historian’s Guide, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Catherine Armstrong
Using Questions to Think: How to Develop Skills in Critical Understanding and Reasoning, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Nathan Eric Dickman
The US-Iran Relationship: The Impact of Political Identity on Foreign Policy, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Penelope Kinch
The US NATO Debate: From Libya to Ukraine, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Magnus Petersson
US Politics, Propaganda and the Afghan Mujahedeen: Domestic Politics and the Afghan War, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Jacqueline Fitzgibbon
The US, The UN and the Korean War: Communism in the Far East and the American Struggle for Hegemony in the Cold War, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Robert Barnes
Utopia and Its Discontents: Plato to Atwood, Ed. First published
Author/Editor: Sebastian Mitchell
Utopian Universities: A Global History of the New Campuses of the 1960s, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Jill Pellew ,Miles Taylor