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Titles ( displaying 500 of 1,019 ) Information
1 Clement: A Reader's Edition
Author/Editor: Theodore A. Bergren
Abortion and Unborn Human Life, Second Edition
Author/Editor: Lee, Patrick
The Academic Sermons (The Fathers of the Church, Mediaeval Continuation, Volume 11)
Author/Editor: Aquinas, Thomas
The Achievement of Hans Urs von Balthasar
Author/Editor: Levering, Matthew
Action and Character According to Aristotle
Author/Editor: Flannery SJ, Kevin L
Action and Conduct: Thomas Aquinas and the Theory of Action
Author/Editor: Stephen L. Brock ,Ralph McInerny
Acts of Faith and Imagination: Theological Patterns in Catholic Fiction
Aesthetic Revelation
Author/Editor: Bychkov, Oleg
After the Fall
Author/Editor: Bracher, Nathan
Against Eunomius
Author/Editor: St. Basil of Caesarea
Against Julian
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
Against Marcellus and On Ecclesiastical History
Author/Editor: Eusebius of Caesarea
Against Marcellus and on Ecclesiastical Theology
Against the Inveterate Obduracy of the Jews
Author/Editor: Peter the Venerable
The Age of Strict Construction
Author/Editor: Zavodnyik, Peter
The Age of the Gods
Author/Editor: Dawson, Christopher
Alexis de Tocqueville's journey in Ireland, July-August, 1835
Author/Editor: Tocqueville, Alexis de
Alfred Loisy and Modern Biblical Studies
Author/Editor: Morrow, Jeffrey L
Allen Tate
Author/Editor: Glass III, John V
All Great Art is Praise
Author/Editor: AIDAN NICHOLS
The Ambuiguity of Being: Bernard Lonergan and the Problems of the Supernatural
Author/Editor: Jonathan R. Heaps
Author/Editor: Ryan SJ, Patrick J
The American Constitution and Religion
Author/Editor: Regan, Richard J
The American Presence in Ulster
Author/Editor: Carroll, Francis M
America's Teilhard
Author/Editor: Sack, Susan Kassman
Analogies of Transcendence
Author/Editor: Fields, Stephen M
Analogy after Aquinas
Author/Editor: D'Ettore, Domenic
Anchoress and Abbess in Ninth-Century Saxony
Author/Editor: Frederick S. Paxton
Ancients and Moderns
Author/Editor: Ryan, John K
Author/Editor: Epiphanius of Cyprus
Andreas Capellanus, Scholasticism, and the Courtly Tradition
Author/Editor: Monson, Don A
Angels and Demons
Author/Editor: SERGE-THOMAS BONINO,Michael J. Miller,Matthew Levering,Thomas Joseph White
Anselm of Canterbury and the Desire for the Word
Author/Editor: Sweeney, Eileen C
Anselm's Pursuit of Joy: A Commentary on the Proslogion
Author/Editor: Gavin R. Ortlund
Answer Key & Commentary to Introduction to Classical & New Testament Greek: A Unified Approach
Author/Editor: MICHAEL BOLER
An Anthology of Old Spanish
Author/Editor: Fotitch, Tatiana
Anthony of Padua: Franciscan, Preacher, Teacher, Saint
Author/Editor: Valentin Strappazzon ,Michael F. Cusato
Anti-Apollinarian Writings
Author/Editor: St. Gregory of Nyssa
Anti-Judaism and Christian Orthodoxy
Author/Editor: Shepardson, Christine
Apologetical Works; Octavius
Author/Editor: Tertullian; Felix, Minucius
Author/Editor: John Chrysostom, Saint
Apology for Origen; On the Falsification of the Books of Origen
Author/Editor: Pamphilus; Rufinus
The Apostle Paul and His Letters: An Introduction
Author/Editor: JAMES B. PROTHRO ,Thomas D. Stegman
The Apostolic Fathers
Author/Editor: Apostolic Fathers, The; Walsh S.J., Gerald G
Apostolic Religious Life in America Today
Author/Editor: Gribble, Richard
Aquinas and Analogy
Author/Editor: McInerny, Ralph
Aquinas and Sartre
Author/Editor: Wang, Stephen
Aquinas and the Cry of Rachel
Author/Editor: John F. X. Knasas
Aquinas and the Theology of the Body
Author/Editor: Petri, Thomas
Aquinas on Emotion's Participation in Reason
Author/Editor: Kahm, Nicholas
Aquinas on Imitation of Nature: Source of Principles of Moral Action
Author/Editor: Wojciech Golubiewski ,Tianyue Wu
Aquinas on Prophecy: Wisdom and Charism in the Summa Theologiae
Author/Editor: Paul M. Rogers
Aquinas on the Divine Ideas as Exemplar Causes
Author/Editor: Doolan, Gregory T
Aquinas on Transubstantiation
Author/Editor: Hutter, Reinhard
Aquinas's Summa
Author/Editor: Torrell, Jean-Pierre
Aquinas the Augustinian
Author/Editor: Dauphinais, Michael; David, Barry; Levering, Matthew
The Aristotelian Tradition of Natural Kinds and Its Demise
Author/Editor: Umphrey, Stewart
Aristotle in Late Antiquity
Author/Editor: Schrenk, Lawrence P
The Art of Conjecture: Nicholas of Cusa on Knowledge
Author/Editor: Clyde Lee Miller
The Art of Preaching
Author/Editor: Wenzel, Siegfried
The Art of Preaching: A Theological and Practical Primer
Author/Editor: Daniel Cardó ,Timothy Gallagher
The Art of the Game of Chess
Author/Editor: RUY LÓPEZ
Ascetical Works
Author/Editor: Gregory of Nyssa, Saint
Ascetical Works
Author/Editor: Basil, Saint
Athanasius: A Theological Introduction
Author/Editor: Weinandy OFM Cap., Thomas G
At the Limits of Political Philosophy
Author/Editor: Schall, James V
Augustine in His Own Words
Author/Editor: Harmless, William
The Augustinian Person
Author/Editor: Burnell, Peter
Baptism of Desire and Christian Salvation
Author/Editor: Anthony R. Lusvardi
The Basic Symbols of the American Political Tradition
Author/Editor: Kendall, Willmoore; Carey, George W
The Beautiful, The True and the Good
Author/Editor: Wood, Robert E
Beauty and the Good: Recovering the Classical Tradition from Plato to Duns Scotus
Author/Editor: Alice M. Ramos
Become Like the Angels
Author/Editor: Blosser, Benjamin P
Becoming God
Author/Editor: Hudson, Nancy J
Becoming What We Are: Classical and Christian Readings of Modernity
Author/Editor: Jude P. Dougherty ,Catherine Dougherty
Bede the Theologian: History, Rhetoric, and Spirituality
Author/Editor: JOHN P. BEQUETTE ,John C. Cavadini
Before Amoris Laetitia: The Sources of the Controversy
Author/Editor: Jarosław Kupczak ,GRZEGORZ IGNATIK
Before Truth
Author/Editor: Wilkins, Jeremy
Before Virtue
Author/Editor: Sanford, Jonathan J
Being and Predication
Author/Editor: McInerny, Ralph M
Being and the Cosmos
Author/Editor: Wood, Robert E
Being is Better Than Not Being: The Metaphysics of Goodness and Beauty in Aristotle
Being Unfolded: Edith Stein on the Meaning of Being
Author/Editor: Thomas Gricoski ,William Desmond
Be Opened! The Catholic Church and Deaf Culture
Author/Editor: Lana Portolano
Betting on Freedom: My Life in the Church
Between God and Man
Author/Editor: Innocent III, Pope; Gardiner, F. C
Between Human and Divine
Author/Editor: Reichardt, Mary
The Bible and Early Trinitarian Theology
Author/Editor: Beeley, Christopher A.; Weedman, Mark E
The Bible on the Question of Homosexuality
Author/Editor: Himbaza, Innocent
Biblical and Theological Foundation of the Family
Author/Editor: Atkinson, Joseph C
A Biblical Path to the Triune God: Jesus, Paul and the Revelation of the Trinity
Author/Editor: DENIS FARKASFALVY ,Bruce D. Marshall ,Thomas Esposito
Biomedicen and Beatitude: An Introduction to Catholic Bioethics, Second Edition
Author/Editor: Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco
Biomedicine and Beatitude
Author/Editor: Austriaco, Nicanor Pier Giorgio
Biomedicine and Beatitude: An Introduction to Catholic Bioethics, Second Edition
Author/Editor: Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco
The Bishop's Burden: Reforming the Catholic Church in Early Modern Italy
Author/Editor: Celeste McNamara
Black Catholic Studies Reader: History and Theology
Author/Editor: David J. Endres ,CARDINAL WILTON GREGORY
Black devil and iron angel
Author/Editor: Youngman, Paul A
Blessed Mary and the Monks of England: Benedictines and Cistercians, 1000–1215
Author/Editor: MATTHEW J. MILLS
Blessing the World
Author/Editor: Rivard, Derek A
Blood in the Fields: Óscar Romero, Catholic Social Teaching, and Land Reform
Boethius and Aquinas
Author/Editor: McInerny, Ralph
The Bonds of Love: St. Peter Damian's Theology of the Spiritual Life
Author/Editor: Gordon Mursell
Bonds of Wool
Author/Editor: Steven A. Schoenig
The Book of Acts
Author/Editor: Raith II, Charles
The Book of Divine Works
Author/Editor: St. Hildegard of Bingen
The Book of Pontiffs of the Church of Ravenna (Medieval Texts in Translation)
Author/Editor: Agnellus of Ravenna; Deliyannis, Deborah Mauskopf
Bound for Beatitude A Thomistic Study in Eschatology and Ethics
Author/Editor: Hütter, Reinhard
Bread from Heaven: An Introduction to the Theology of the Eucharist
Author/Editor: Bernhard Blankenhorn
Breaking the Mind
Author/Editor: Heal, Kristian S.; Kitchen, Robert A
A Bridge Across the Ocean
Author/Editor: Castagna, Luca
A Brief Life of Thomas Aquinas: The Theologian in His Context
Author/Editor: Jean-Pierre Torrell ,Benedict M. Guevin
A Brief Quadrivium
The Business Francis Means
Author/Editor: Schlag, Martin
By knowledge & by love
Author/Editor: Sherwin, Michael S
By Their Fruits
Author/Editor: Farmer, Ann
By Those Who Knew Them
Author/Editor: Hill, Harvey; Sardella, Louis-Pierre; Talar, C.J. T
The Byzantine Empire (Revised Edition)
Author/Editor: Browning, Robert
A Byzantine Monastic Office, A.D. 1105
Author/Editor: Anderson, Jeffrey C.; Parenti, Stefano
Cajetan on Sacred Doctrine
Author/Editor: Hieromonk Gregory Hrynkiw ,ANDREW HOFER
Called to Holiness
Author/Editor: Pietro Rossotti
Canon Law in the Age of Reforms (c. 1000 to c. 1150)
Author/Editor: Christof Rolker ,Robert Somerville
Canon Law, Religion, and Politics
Author/Editor: Blumenthal, Uta-Renate
Captives and Their Saviors in the Medieval Crown of Aragon
Author/Editor: Rodriguez, Jarbel
Cardinal Rafael Merry del Val: A Brief Biography
Author/Editor: Philippe Roy-Lysencourt ,Mary J. Gillman
Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum, Volume 8
Author/Editor: Brown, Virginia
Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum, Volume 9
Author/Editor: Brown, Virginia
Catechesis for the New Evangelization: Vatican II, John Paul II, and the Unity of Revelation and Experience
Author/Editor: Brian Pedraza
A Catechism For Business
Author/Editor: Abela, Andrew V
A Catechism for Business
Author/Editor: Abela, Andrew V.; Capizzi, Joseph E
A Catechism for Business: Tough Ethical Questions & Insights from Catholic Teaching, Third Edition
Author/Editor: Andrew V. Abela ,Joseph E. Capizzi
A Catechism for Family Life
Author/Editor: Bartel, Sarah; Grabowski, John S
Author/Editor: Gorman, Michael; Sanford, Jonathan J
The Catholic and Manichaean Ways of Life
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
Catholic Dogmatic Theology: A Synthesis: Book 1, On the Trinitarian Mystery of God
Catholic Dogmatic Theology: A Synthesis: Book 2: On the Incarnation and Redemption
Catholic Dogmatic Theology: A Synthesis, Book 3: On the Church and the Sacraments
The Catholic Enlightenment: A Global Anthology
Author/Editor: Ulrich L. Lehner ,Shaun Blanchard
Catholicism and Liberal Democracy: Forgotten Roots and Future Prospects
Author/Editor: James Martin Carr ,Tracey Rowland
Catholic Labor Movements in Europe
Author/Editor: Misner, Paul
Catholic Modernism and the Irish "Avant-Garde:" The Achievement of Brian Coffey, Denis Devlin, and Thomas MacGreevey
A Catholic Spirituality for Business
Author/Editor: Schlag, Martin; Mele, Domenc
Catholic Witness in Health Care
Author/Editor: Travaline, John M.; Mitchell, Louise A
The Center is Jesus Christ Himself: Essays on Revelation, Salvation, and Evangelization in Honor of Robert P. Imbelli
Author/Editor: Andrew Meszaros ,Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan ,Bishop James Massa
Changing Unjust Laws Justly
Author/Editor: Harte, Colin
Charity and Religion in Medieval Europe
Author/Editor: Brodman, James William
Children of God in the World
Author/Editor: Paul O’Callaghan
Christ and Spirituality in St. Thomas Aquinas
Author/Editor: Torrell, Jean-Pierre
Christian and Pagan in the Roman Empire
Author/Editor: Sider, Robert
Christian faith & human understanding
Author/Editor: Sokolowski, Robert
Christian Instruction; Admonition and Grace; The Christian Combat; Faith, Hope and Charity
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
Christianity and European Culture (Selections from the Work of Christopher Dawson)
Author/Editor: Dawson, Christopher; Russello, Gerald J
The Christian Moses
Author/Editor: Philip Rousseau,Janet A. Timbie
A Christian Samurai
Author/Editor: Farge, William J
The Christian Structure of Politics: The De Regno of Thomas Aquinas
Author/Editor: William McCormick
The Christology of Erasmus: Christ, Humanity, and Peace
Author/Editor: Terence J. Martin
Christopher Dawson: A Cultural Mind in the Age of the Great War
Author/Editor: JOSEPH T. STUART
Christ Our Hope
Author/Editor: O'Callaghan, Paul
Christ the Educator
Author/Editor: Clement of Alexandria
The Chronicle of Andres
Author/Editor: Abbot William of Andres
The Chronicle of the Czechs
Author/Editor: Cosmas of Prague
Church and Communion: An Introduction to Ecumenical Theology, Second Edition
Author/Editor: Philip Goyret ,Joseph Thomas
The Church and the Land
Author/Editor: Bovée, David S.; Bovée, David S
The Church Confronts Modernity
Author/Editor: Tentler, Leslie Woodcock
The Church in Iraq
Author/Editor: Fernando Cardinal Filoni,Edward Condon
The Church in the Republic
Author/Editor: Parsons, Jotham
The Church of God in Jesus Christ: A Catholic Ecclesiology
Author/Editor: ROCH A. KERESZTY
Church, State, and Society
Author/Editor: Benestad, J. Brian
The Church, the Councils, and Reform
Author/Editor: Christianson, Gerald; Izbicki, Thomas M.; Bellitto, Christopher M
The City of God, Books I–VII
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
The City of God, Books VIII–XVI
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
The City of God, Books XVII–XXII
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
Civil Religion in Political Thought
Author/Editor: Weed, Ronald; Heyking, John von
The Civil War Diary of Rev. James Sheeran, C.Ss.R.
Author/Editor: JAMES SHEERAN,Patrick J. Hayes
The Cleansing of the Heart
Author/Editor: Lynch, Reginald
The Clerical Dilemma
Author/Editor: Cotts, John D
Colors and Textures of Roman North Africa: Essays in Memory of Maureen A. Tilley
Author/Editor: Elizabeth A. Clark ,Zachary B. Smith
Commentaries on Aristotle's On Sense and What Is Sensed and On Memory and Recollection (Thomas Aquinas in Translation)
Author/Editor: Aquinas, Saint Thomas
Commentary on Galatians
Author/Editor: Jerome; Cain, Andrew
Commentary on Genesis
Author/Editor: Didymus the Blind
Commentary on Matthew
Author/Editor: St. Hilary of Poiters
Commentary on Matthew
Author/Editor: Jerome, Saint
Commentary on Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist, Homilies 1–47
Author/Editor: John Chrysostom, Saint
Commentary on Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist, Homilies 48–88
Author/Editor: John Chrysostom, Saint
Commentary on the Apocalypse
Author/Editor: Oecumenius
Commentary on the Apocalypse
Author/Editor: Andrew of Caesarea
Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans
Author/Editor: Abelard, Peter
Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, Books 1-5
Author/Editor: Origen
Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, Books 6-10
Author/Editor: Origen
Commentary on the Gospel According to John, Books 13-32
Author/Editor: Origen
Commentary on the Gospel of John
Author/Editor: Aquinas, Thomas
Commentary on the Gospel of John
Author/Editor: Aquinas, Thomas
Commentary on the Gospel of John, Books 1-10
Author/Editor: Origen
Commentary on the Gospel of John, Chapters 6-12
Author/Editor: Aquinas, Thomas; Larcher, Fabian R; Weisheipl, James A
Commentary on the Lord’s Sermon on the Mount with Seventeen Related Sermons
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
Commentary on the Lord’s Sermon on the Mount with Seventeen Related Sermons
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
Commentary on the Psalms, Psalms 1-72
Author/Editor: Theodoret of Cyrus
Commentary on the Twelve Prophets
Author/Editor: Theodore of Mopsuestia; Hill, Robert C
Commentary on the Twelve Prophets, Volume 1
Author/Editor: Cyril of Alexandria, Saint
Commentary on the Twelve Prophets, Volume 2
Author/Editor: Cyril of Alexandria, Saint
Commentary on the Twelve Prophets, Volume 3
Author/Editor: Cyril of Alexandria
Commentary on Zechariah
Author/Editor: Didymus the Blind
The Common Good of Constitutional Democracy
Author/Editor: Rhonheimer, Martin; Murphy Jr., William F
The Common Legal Past of Europe, 1000–1800
Author/Editor: Bellomo, Manlio
Communicating Faith
Author/Editor: Sullivan, John
Communities of Informed Judgment
Author/Editor: Aquino, Frederick D
Community and Progress in Kant's Moral Philosophy
Author/Editor: Moran, Kate A
A Companion to Margaret More Roper Studies: Life Records, Essential Texts, and Critical Essays
Author/Editor: William Gentrup ,Elizabeth McCutcheon
The Complementarity of Women and Men: Philosophy, Theology, Psychology, and Art
Author/Editor: Paul C. Vitz
The Complete Short Stories, Volume 1
The Complete Works of Liudprand of Cremona (Medieval Texts in Translation)
Author/Editor: Liudprand of Cremona
The Concept of Ius and the Nature of Law in Thomas Aquinas
Author/Editor: Loïc-Marie Le Bot ,Petar Popović
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
Conflict and Negotiation in the Early Church: Letters from Late Antiquity, Translated from the Greek, Latin, and Syriac
Author/Editor: Bronwen Neil ,Pauline Allen
The Consensus of the Church and Papal Infallibility
Author/Editor: Costigan S.J., Richard F.; Costigan, Richard F
Constancy and the Ethics of Jane Austen's 'Mansfield Park'
Author/Editor: Tarpley, Joyce Kerr
A Constitutional History of the U.S. Supreme Court
Author/Editor: Regan, Richard
Constructing Antichrist
Author/Editor: Hughes, Kevin L
Contemporary Catholic Approaches to the People, State, and Land of Israel
Author/Editor: Gavin D’Costa ,Faydra L. Shapiro ,H. B. Pierbattista Pizzaballa
A Contemporary Introduction to Thomistic Metaphysics
Author/Editor: Michael Gorman
Contested Canonizations
Author/Editor: Finucane, Ronald C
Controversial Concordats
Author/Editor: Coppa, Frank J
Cooperation with Evil: Thomistic Tools of Analysis
Author/Editor: KEVIN L. FLANNERY
The Correspondence of Pope Julius I
Author/Editor: GLEN L. THOMPSON
Correspondence on Christology and Grace
Cosmas of Prague
Author/Editor: Wolverton, Lisa
A cosmopolitan hermit
Author/Editor: Schumacher, Bernard N
Counsels of Imperfection: Thinking Through Catholic Social Teaching
Author/Editor: EDWARD HADAS
The Count of Abranhos
Author/Editor: José Maria Eça de Queirós ,Robert M. Fedorchek
Crafting the Female Subject
Author/Editor: McKenna, Susan M
Criminal-Inquisitorial Trials in English Church Courts: From the Middle Ages to the Reformation
Author/Editor: Henry Ansgar Kelly
The Crisis of Western Education (The Works of Christopher Dawson)
Author/Editor: Dawson, Christopher
Cross and Creation: A Theological Introduction to Origen of Alexandria
Author/Editor: MARK E. THERRIEN
Author/Editor: Casarella, Peter J
Cusanus Today: Thinking with Nicholas of Cusa Between Philosophy and Theology
Author/Editor: Jean-Luc Marion ,David Albertson
Dark Passages of the Bible
Author/Editor: Ramage, Matthew J
Death, Judgement, Heaven, and Hell
Author/Editor: Condon, Edward; Pecknold, C.C
The Deeds of Louis the Fat
Author/Editor: Suger, Abbot of Saint Denis; Cusimano, Richard; Moorhead, John
The Deeds of Pope Innocent III
Author/Editor: Anonymous,James M. Powell
Deeds of the Saxons
Author/Editor: Widukind of Corvey
Defending the Faith
Author/Editor: William H. Marshner,C. J. T. Talar
Defending the Republic: Constitutional Monarchy in a Time of Crisis: Essays in Honor of George W. Carey
Author/Editor: Bruce P. Frohnen ,Kenneth L. Grasso
A Defense of Free Will Against Luther: Assertionis Lutheranae Confutatio, Article 36
A Defense of the Catholic Religion: The Necessity, Existence, and Limits of an Infallible Church
Deification in the Latin Patristic Tradition
Author/Editor: Jared Ortiz
Democracy and the Ethical Life
Author/Editor: Ryn, Claes G
Desiring the Beautiful
Author/Editor: Ivanovic, Filip
Destined for Liberty
Author/Editor: Kupczak O.P., Jaroslaw; Kupczak, Jarosław
The Development of Dogma: A Systematic Account
Author/Editor: Guy Mansini
The Devil and the Dolce Vita: Catholic Attempts to Save Italy's Soul, 1948-1974
Author/Editor: ROY DOMENICO
Dialogue against the Jews
Author/Editor: Alfonsi, Petrus; Resnick, Irven M
Author/Editor: Gregory the Great, Saint; Zimmermann, Odo John
Dialogue with Trypho (Selections from the Fathers of the Church, Volume 3)
Author/Editor: Justin Martyr, Saint; Slusser, Michael
The Differentiation of Authority
Author/Editor: Greenaway, James
Disciplinary, Moral, and Ascetical Works
Author/Editor: Tertullian
Discourse on the State and Grandeurs of Jesus: The Ineffable Union of the Diety with Humanity
Discourses against Judaizing Christians
Author/Editor: John Chrysostom, Saint
The Discovery of Being and Thomas Aquinas: Philosophical and Theological Perspectives
The Diversity of Religions: a Christian perspective
Author/Editor: J. A. DINOIA
Divided Friends
Author/Editor: Portier, William L
The Divine Institutes, Books I–VII
Author/Editor: Lactantius
Dogma and Ecumenism: Vatican II and Karl Barth's 'Ad Limina Apostolorum'
Author/Editor: Matthew Levering ,Bruce L. McCormack ,Thomas Joseph White
Dogmatic and Polemical Works
Author/Editor: Jerome, Saint
Don Álvaro, or, The Force of Fate
Author/Editor: Saavedra, Ángel de; Rivas, Angel de Saavedra duque de
Don Álvaro, or, The Force of Fate
Author/Editor: Saavedra, Ángel de; Rivas, Angel de Saavedra duque de
Do Not Reisist the Spirit's Call
Author/Editor: Torre, Michael D
Drama in English From the Middle Ages to the Early Twentieth Century
Author/Editor: Christopher J. Wheatley
The Dry Wood
Author/Editor: Caryll Houselander ,BONNIE LANDER JOHNSON ,JULIA MESZAROS
Duns Scotus on the Will and Morality
Author/Editor: Duns Scotus, John; Frank, William A.; Wolter, Allan Bernard
Duns Scotus on Time and Existence
Author/Editor: Duns Scotus, John
Dynamic Transcendentals
Author/Editor: Ramos, Alice M
Early Christian Biographies
Author/Editor: Pontius; Paulinus; Possidius
The Early Christian Book (CUA Studies in Early Christianity)
Author/Editor: Klingshirn, William E.; Safran, Linda
Early Greek Philosophy
Author/Editor: McCoy, Joe
The Early Heidegger and Medieval Philosophy
Author/Editor: McGrath, S. J
Early Syriac Theology
Author/Editor: Beggiani, Chorbishop Seely Joseph
Eastern Catholic Theology in Action: Essays in Liturgy, Ecclesiology, and Ecumenism
Author/Editor: Andrew J. Summerson ,Cyril Kennedy ,Yury P. Avvakumov
Ecclesial Exegesis: A Synthesis of Ancient and Modern Approaches to Scripture
Author/Editor: GREGORY VALL
Ecclesiastical History, Books 1–5
Author/Editor: Eusebius Pamphili
Ecclesiastical History, Books 6–10
Author/Editor: Eusebius Pamphili
Author/Editor: Guy Mansini
Edmund Husserl and the Phenomenological Tradition
Author/Editor: Sokolowski, Robert
Eighty-three Different Questions
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
The Emergence of German Idealism
Author/Editor: Baur, Michael; Dahlstrom, Daniel O
<em>Verbum Domini</em> and the Complementarity of Exegesis and Theology
Author/Editor: Fr. Scott Carl
The End of the House of Alard
Enquiries into Religion and Culture (The Works of Christopher Dawson)
Author/Editor: Dawson, Christopher
Author/Editor: Theodoret of Cyrus; Ettlinger, Gerard H
Erasmus's Life of Origen
Author/Editor: THOMAS P. SCHECK,Richard L. DeMolen
Eschatology: Death and the Eternal Life (Second Edition)
Author/Editor: Joseph Ratzinger ,Michael Waldstein ,Aidan Nichols ,Joseph Ratzinger ,Peter Casarella
Espana Pontifica: Papal Letters to Spain 1198-1303
Author/Editor: Peter Linehan
Eternal Life and Human Happiness in Heaven: Philosophical Problems, Thomistic Solutions
Author/Editor: Christopher M. Brown
Ethical Excellence: Philosophers, Psychologists, and Real-Life Exemplars Show Us How to Achieve It
Author/Editor: HEIDI M. GIEBEL
Ethics, Nationalism, and Just War
Author/Editor: Syse, Henrik; Reichberg, Gregory M
The Ethics of Organ Transplantation
Author/Editor: Jensen, Steven J
Ethics of Procreation and the Defense of Human Life
Author/Editor: Rhonheimer, Martin; Murphy, William F
The Ethics of St. Thomas Aquinas
Author/Editor: Elders, Leo
The Ethos of Drama
Author/Editor: King, Robert L
Etienne Gilson: An Intellectual and Political Biography
Author/Editor: Florian Michel ,James G. Colber
The Eucharistic Vision of Laudato Si: Praise, Conversion, and Integral Ecology
Author/Editor: Lucas Briola
The Eucharist in Modern Philosophy
Author/Editor: Xavier Tilliette ,Jonathan Martin Ciraulo ,Cyril O’Regan
Europe (c.1400-1458)
Author/Editor: Piccolomini, Aeneas Silvius
Eusebius of Emesa
Author/Editor: Winn, Robert E
An Evangelical Adrift: The Making of John Henry Newman's Theology
Author/Editor: Geertjan Zuijdwegt
Every Catholic An Apostle
Author/Editor: Portier, William L
Exegetical Epistles
Exegetical Epistles, Volume 2
Exegetic Homilies
Author/Editor: Basil, Saint
Experience, Reason, and God
Author/Editor: Long, Eugene Thomas
The Experiment of Faith: Pope Benedict XVI on Living the Theological Virtues in a Secular Age
Author/Editor: Matthew J. Ramage
Exploring the Literary Contexts of Patristic Biblical Exegesis
Author/Editor: Miriam De Cock ,Elizabeth Klein
Exposition of the Apocalypse
Author/Editor: Tyconius of Carthage, Tyconius
The Exposition of the Fyrst Epistle of Seynt Ihon and An Exposicion yppon the V. VI. VII. Chapters of Mathew
An Exposition of the On the Hebdomads of Boethius (Thomas Aquinas in Translation)
Author/Editor: Aquinas, Saint Thomas
The Eyes of Faith
Author/Editor: Rush, Ormond
Faith and Reason through Christian History: A Theological Essay
Author/Editor: Grant Kaplan
Faith and the Sacraments: A Commentary on The International Theological Commission's <em>The Reciprocity of Faith and Sacraments in the Sacramental Economy</em>: With Official Revised English Translation
Author/Editor: Thomas G. Weinandy
Faith, Force and Fiction in Medieval Baptismal Debates
Author/Editor: Colish, Marcia L
Faithful Fictions: The Catholic Novel in British Literature
Author/Editor: Thomas Woodman
Faithful Interpretations: Truth and Islam in Catholic Theology of Religions
Faithfully Seeking Understanding
Author/Editor: Kuhn, Johannes
The Falling Snow and Other Stories
Author/Editor: José Maria Eça de Queirós ,Robert M. Fedorchek ,Maria Filomena Mónica
The Family as Basic Social Unit: Living Out Catholic Social Teaching
Author/Editor: Kevin Schemenauer ,John S. Grabowski
The Fantasy of J.R.R. Tolkien: Mythopeia and the Recovery of Creation
Author/Editor: Robert J. Dobie ,Bradley J. Birzer
Far Too Easily Pleased: A Theology of Play, Contemplation, and Festivity
Author/Editor: James V. Schall
The Fathers of the Church in Christian Theology
Author/Editor: Fedou
Festal Letters 1-12
Author/Editor: Cyril of Alexandria, St.; O'Keefe, John J
Festal Letters 1-30
Author/Editor: Cyril of Alexandria, St. Cyril of Alexandria; O'Keefe, John J
Series Title: Fathers of the Church : A New Translation
Festal Letters 1-30
Festal Letters 13-30
Author/Editor: Cyril of Alexandria, St
Final Causality in Nature and Human Affairs
Author/Editor: Hassing, Richard F
First among Abbots
Author/Editor: Dachowski, Elizabeth
The First Apology, The Second Apology, Dialogue with Trypho, Exhortation to the Greeks, Discourse to the Greeks, The Monarchy or The Rule of God
Author/Editor: Justin Martyr, Saint; Falls, Thomas B
The Fittingness of the Incarnation: Essays in Analytic Thomistic Philosophy and Theology
Forgotten Paths
Author/Editor: Del Bello, Davide
Form and Being
Author/Editor: Dewan O.P., Lawrence; Dewan, Lawrence
Four Anti-Pelagian Writings
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
Francois Mauriac on Race, War, Politics and Religion
Freedom and Necessity
Author/Editor: Bonner, Gerald
Freedom and the Human Person
Author/Editor: Velkley, Richard
Freedom Made Manifest
Author/Editor: Fritz, Peter Joseph
Free Markets with Solidarity and Sustainability
Author/Editor: Schlag, Martin; Mercado, Juan A
Free Markets with Sustainability and Solidarity
Author/Editor: Schlag, Martin; Mercado, Juan A
From Human Dignity to Natural Law: An Introduction
Author/Editor: Richard Berquist ,Steven J. Jensen
From Kant and Royce to Heidegger
Author/Editor: Sherover, Charles
From Puella to Plautus: An Introduction to Latin Language and Thought, Volume 1
Author/Editor: Tamara Trykar-Lu
From the Alien to the Alone: A Study of Soul in Plotinus
Author/Editor: Gary M. Gurtler
From the Nature of the Mind to Personal Dignity
Author/Editor: Franck, Juan F
From the Trinity: The Coming of God in Revelation and Theology
Author/Editor: PIERO CODA ,Peter J. Casarella ,William Neu
The Fullness of Divine Worship
Author/Editor: Lang, Uwe Michael
Fundamental Theology
Author/Editor: Mansini OSB, Guy
Funeral Orations
Author/Editor: Gregory Nazianzen, Saint; Ambrose, Saint
Fyodor Dostoevsky, Walker Percy, and the Age of Suicide
Author/Editor: Desmond, John F
Galbert of Bruges and the Historiography of Medieval Flanders
Author/Editor: Rider, Jeff; Murray, Alan V
The Garden of God
Author/Editor: Benedict XVI, Pope
General Principles of Sacramental Theology
Author/Editor: Roger W. Nutt
Genesis in Late Antique Poetry
Author/Editor: Andrew Faulkner ,Cillian O’Hogan ,Jeffrey Wickes
Gift and Communion
Author/Editor: Kupczak, Jaroslaw
A Gift of Presence
Author/Editor: Tück, Jan Heiner; Marshall, Bruce D
Glaphyra on the Pentateuch, Volume 1
Author/Editor: St. Cyril of Alexandria
Glaphyra on the Pentateuch, Volume 2
Author/Editor: Alexandria, St. Cyril of
The Glorious Revolution and the Continuity of Law
Author/Editor: Kay, Richard S
Author/Editor: Koller, Christian; Brandle, Fabian
God and Caesar
Author/Editor: Pell, George; Casey, M. A
God and Evolution
Author/Editor: Zycinski, Jozef; Życiński, Józef
God and Gods in the Deuteronomistic History
Author/Editor: Corrine Carvalho ,John L. McLaughlin
A Godly Humanism
Author/Editor: George, Francis E
The Godly Image: Christian Satisfaction in Aquinas
Author/Editor: Romanus Cessario
God's Gift of the Universe: An Introduction to Creation Theology
God's Love through the Spirit
Author/Editor: Loyer, Kenneth M
The Gods of Revolution
Author/Editor: Dawson, Christopher
God's Scribe
Author/Editor: Rider, Jeff
Good and Evil Actions
Author/Editor: Jensen, Steven J
Grace and Freedom in a Secular Age: Contingency, Vulnerability, and Hospitality
Author/Editor: Philip J. Rossi
Grace for Grace
Author/Editor: Hwang, Alexander Y.; Matz, Brian J.; Casiday, Augustine
Grace, Predestination, and the Permission of Sin: A Thomistic Analysis
Author/Editor: Taylor Patrick O’Neill
Gratian's Tractatus de penitentia
Author/Editor: Larson, Atria A
Gratian the Theologian
Author/Editor: John C. Wei
Group Identity and Religious Individuality in Late Antiquity
Author/Editor: Rebillard, Eric; Rupke, Jorg
A Guide to Formation Advising for Seminarians
Author/Editor: Deacon Edward J. McCormack ,RONALD D. WITHERUP
A Guide to Formation Advising for Seminary Faculty: Accompaniment, Participation, and Evaluation
Author/Editor: Deacon Edward J. McCormack ,RONALD D. WITHERUP
A Guide to John Henry Newman: His Life and Thought
Author/Editor: JUAN R. VÉLEZ
Guide to the Catholic Sisterhoods in the United States, Fifth Edition
Author/Editor: McCarthy C.S.V., Thomas P.; McCarthy, Thomas P
Guiding to a Blessed End
Author/Editor: Constantinou, Eugenia Scarvelis
Habits and Holiness: Ethics, Theology, and Biopsychology
Hagar's Vocation
Author/Editor: Long, L. James
Handbook for Curates
Author/Editor: Guido of Monte Rochen
Handbook of Catholic Social Thought
Author/Editor: Martin Schlag,Peter K.A. Cardinal Turkson
Happiness and Wisdom
Author/Editor: Topping, Ryan N. S
The Happy Life; Answer to Skeptics; Divine Providence and the Problem of Evil; Soliloquies
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
Heidegger's Question of Being
Author/Editor: Zaborowski, Holger
Heirs and Ancestors
Author/Editor: Ryan, John K
Hell and the Mercy of God
Author/Editor: ADRIAN J. REIMERS
Heresy in the Heartland: The Controversy at The University of Dayton, 1960-67
Author/Editor: MARY JUDE BROWN
The Hero's Place
Author/Editor: Kelly, Molly Robinson
Hexameron, Paradise, and Cain and Abel
Author/Editor: Ambrose, Saint
The Hibernensis: Book 1: A Study and Edition
Author/Editor: Roy Flechner
The Hibernensis: Book 2: Translation, Commentary, and Indexes
Author/Editor: Roy Flechner
Hispanic Philosophy in the Age of Discovery
Author/Editor: White, Kevin
The Historical Dimensions of Irish Catholicism
Author/Editor: Larkin, Emmet J
The History of Byzantine and Eastern Canon Law to 1500
Author/Editor: Hartmann, Wilfried
History of Christian Philosophy in the Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Gilson, Etienne
The History of Courts and Procedure in Medieval Canon Law
Author/Editor: Wilfried Hartmann,Kenneth Pennington
The History of Medieval Canon Law in the Classical Period, 1140-1234
Author/Editor: Hartmann, Wilfried; Pennington, Kenneth
History of the Church
Author/Editor: Rufinus of Aquileia
Hockey Priest: Father David Bauer and the Spirit of the Canadian Game
Author/Editor: Matt Hoven
The Holy Mass
Author/Editor: Mike Aquilina ,THOMAS G. WEINANDY
The Holy See and the Emergence of the Modern Middle East: Benedict XV’s Diplomacy in Greater Syria (1914–1922)
Author/Editor: Agnes de Dreuzy
The Homilies of Saint Jerome, Volume 1 (1–59 on the Psalms)
Author/Editor: Jerome, Saint
The Homilies of Saint Jerome, Volume 2
Author/Editor: Jerome, Saint
Homilies on Genesis, 1–17
Author/Editor: John Chrysostom, Saint
Homilies on Genesis 18–45
Author/Editor: John Chrysostom, Saint
Homilies on Genesis 46–67
Author/Editor: John Chrysostom, Saint
Homilies on Genesis and Exodus
Author/Editor: Origen
Homilies on Isaiah / Origen
Homilies on Jeremiah and 1 Kings 28
Author/Editor: Origen
Homilies on Joshua
Author/Editor: Origen; White, Cynthia
Homilies on Judges
Author/Editor: Origen; Dively Lauro, Elizabeth Ann
Homilies on Leviticus, 1-16
Author/Editor: Origen
Homilies on Luke
Author/Editor: Origen; Lienhard, Joseph T
Homilies on Psalms, 36-38
Homilies on the Psalms: Codex Monacensis Graecus 314
Author/Editor: Muller, Wolfgang
Human Action in Thomas Aquinas, John Duns Scotus, and William of Ockham
Author/Editor: Osborne Jr., Thomas M
Humanae Vitae, 50 Years Later
Author/Editor: Notare, Theresa
Humanae vitae, a generation later
Author/Editor: Smith, Janet E
Human Embryos, Human Beings
Author/Editor: Condic, Samuel B.; Condic, Maureen L
The Humanities in the Age of Technology
Author/Editor: Morón Arroyo, Ciriaco; Morón Arroyo, Ciriaco
Human Nature, Ritual, and History
Author/Editor: Cua, Antonio S
The Human Person
Author/Editor: Jensen, Steven J
The Humble Story of Don Quixote
Author/Editor: Bandera, Cesáreo
The Hymns on Faith
Author/Editor: St. Ephrem the Syrian
Iberian Fathers, Volume 1
Author/Editor: Martin of Braga; Paschasius of Dumium; Leander of Seville
Iberian Fathers, Volume 2
Author/Editor: Braulio of Saragossa; Fructuosus of Braga
Iberian Fathers, Volume 3
Author/Editor: Pacian of Barcelona; Orosius of Braga
Icon of the Kingdom of God: An Orthodox Ecclesiology
The Ideal Bishop
Author/Editor: MICHAEL G. SIRILLA,J. Augustine Di Noia,Matthew Levering,Thomas Joseph White
Idleness Working
Author/Editor: Sadlek, Gregory M
Idling the Engine
Author/Editor: Sharkey, E. Joseph
If Adam Had Not Sinned: The Reason for the Incarnation from Anselm to Scotus
Author/Editor: Justus H. Hunter
Ignatius of Loyola and Thomas Aquinas: A Jesuit Ressourcement
Author/Editor: Justin M. Anderson ,Matthew Levering ,Aaron Pidel
The Illusion of History
Author/Editor: Russ, Andrew R
The Illusions of Doctor Faustino
Author/Editor: Valera, Juan
Imago Dei
Author/Editor: Howard, Thomas Albert
An Immigrant Bishop: John England's Adaptation of Irish Catholicism to American Republicanism, Second Edition
Author/Editor: PATRICK W. CAREY
The Immortality of the Soul; The Magnitude of the Soul; On Music; The Advantage of Believing; On Faith in Things Unseen
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
The Impact of Aristotelianism on Modern Philosophy
Author/Editor: Pozzo, Riccardo
The Incarnate Lord
Author/Editor: White, Thomas Josepth
The Indissolubility of Marriage and the Council of Trent
Author/Editor: Brugger, E. Christian
Ingrained Habits
Author/Editor: O'Donnell, Mary Ellen
Inquiry about the Monks in Egypt
In Reasonable Hope: Philosophical Reflections on Ultimate Meaning
Author/Editor: Patrick Masterson
In Search of Schopenhauer's Cat
Author/Editor: Marcin, Raymond B
Inspiration and Interpretation
Author/Editor: Farkasfalvy, Denis
The Inspiration and Truth of Scripture: Testing the Ratzinger Paradigm
Author/Editor: AARON PIDEL
Intellectual Appetite
Author/Editor: Griffiths, Paul J
The Intellectual Life
Author/Editor: A. G. Serlillanges ,Mary Ryan ,James V. Schall
Intelligibility of Nature: A William A. Wallace Reader
Author/Editor: John P. Hittinger ,Michael W. Tkacz ,Daniel C. Wagner
Author/Editor: Dougherty, Jude P
Intestine Enemies
Author/Editor: Robert Emmett Curran
In the School of the Word: Biblical Interpretation from the New to the Old Testament
Author/Editor: Carlos Granados ,Luis Sánchez-Navarro ,Kristin Towle ,Kevin Zilverberg
The Intimate Strangeness of Being
Author/Editor: Desmond, William
Into God: An Annotated Translation of Saint Bonaventure's Itinerarium Mentis in Deum
Author/Editor: Regis J. Armstrong
Intrepid Lover of Perfect Grace
Author/Editor: Hwang, Alexander Y
Introducation to Mariology
Author/Editor: Manfred Hauke ,RICHARD CHONAK
Introduction to Classical and New Testament Greek: A Unified Approach
Author/Editor: MICHAEL BOLER
Introduction to Mariology
Author/Editor: Manfred Hauke ,RICHARD CHONAK
Introduction to Moral Theology (Catholic Moral Thought, Volume 1)
Author/Editor: Cessario O.P., Romanus; Cessario, Romanus
An Introduction to Personalism
Author/Editor: Burgos, Juan Manuel
Introduction to Sacramental Theology: Signs of Christ in the Flesh
Author/Editor: JOSÉ GRANADOS ,Michael J. Miller ,David W. Fagerberg
Introduction to Scholastic Theology
Author/Editor: Leinsle, Ulrich G
Introduction to the Mystery of the Church
Author/Editor: de La Soujeole OP, Benoit-Dominique
An Introduction to the Study of Medieval Latin Versification
Author/Editor: Norberg, Dag; Ziolkowski, Jan
An Introduction to Vatican II as an Ongoing Theological Event
Author/Editor: Matthew Levering
An Introductory New Testament Greek Course, Revised Edition
Author/Editor: Gignac SJ, Francis T
Investigating Vatican II
Author/Editor: Wicks, Jared
Irish-American Autobiography
Author/Editor: James Silas Rogers
Irish Nationalists in Boston
Author/Editor: Murray, Damien
The Irreducibility of the Human Person: A Catholic Synthesis
Author/Editor: MARK K. SPENCER
Jacques Maritain
Author/Editor: Dougherty, Jude P
Jansenism: An International Anthology
Author/Editor: Shaun Blanchard ,Richard T. Yoder
Jesuit Colleges and Universities in the United States: A History
Author/Editor: Michael T. Rizzi
The Jesuits and Italian Universities, 1548-1773
Author/Editor: Paul F. Grendler
Jesus Becoming Jesus
Author/Editor: Weinandy, Thomas; Cavadini, John C
Jesus Becoming Jesus, Volume 2: A Theological Interpretation of the Gospel of John: Prologue and the Book of Signs
Author/Editor: Thomas G. Weinandy
Jesus Becoming Jesus, Volume 3: A Theological Interpretation of the Gospel of St. John: The Book of Glory and the Passion and Resurrection Narratives
Author/Editor: Thomas G. Weinandy
Jesus, Interpreted
Author/Editor: Matthew J. Ramage
Jesus the Mediator
Author/Editor: Brownsberger, William
Jewish Resistance Against the Nazis
Author/Editor: Henry, Patrick
Jewish Temple Theology and the Mystery of the Cross: Atonement and the Two Goats of Yom Kippur
Author/Editor: Richard J. Barry IV
Jews and Christians in Medieval Castile
Author/Editor: Irish, Maya Soifer
John Chrysostom, Theologian of the Eucharist
Author/Editor: KENNETH J. HOWELL
John Duns Scotus 1265-1965
Author/Editor: Ryan, John K
John Henry Newman and the Development of Doctrine: Encountering Change, Looking for Continuity
John Henry Newman on Truth and its Counterfeits: A Guide for Our Times
Author/Editor: Reinhard Hütter
John Paul II on the Vulnerable
Author/Editor: Tranzillo, Jeffrey
John Tracey Ellis: An American Church Reformer
Author/Editor: Thomas J. Shelley
Journeys in Church History
Author/Editor: Minnich, Nelson
Juanita la Larga
Author/Editor: Valera, Juan
The Judgment of the Nations
Author/Editor: Dawson, Christopher